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May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 감사합니다. 그리고 고맙습니다. 목차 From Editor 당신에게 소중한 사람은 누구인가요? Guidance 우리 아이 좋은 점 칭찬하기 고맙다고 말해주세요 Homeschool [TIP] Famil

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4 What s the Date Today? What s the date today? How do you spell adobo? Congratulations! It s April 23. What s the date today? How do you spell adobo? It s a-d-o-b-o. Congratulations! Today is Parents Day. Oh, thank you.

4 What s the Date Today? parents good cook Filipino Philippines spell What s the date today? It s What a good son! What Whata How do you spell adobo? abodo I want to try that. want to to try Congratulations! congratulations congratulations congratulation Yuna: What s the date today? Tim: It s May 7. Yuna: Oh! Tomorrow is Parents day. What are you going to do for your parents? Tim: I m going to clean the house. Minu: Wow. What a good son! I m going to write a thank-you card. Yuna: That s a good idea. How about you, Junho? Junho: Hmm. I m going to cook adobofor my mom. Minu: Adobo? What is that? Junho: It s a Filipino food. My mom is from the Philippines. She loves it. Yuna: How do you spell adobo? Junho: It s a-d-o-b-o. I m going to make chicken adobo. Yuna: That sounds great. I want to try that. Tim: Good luck, Junho. Junho: Congratulations! Today is ParentsDay. Mom: Oh, thank you, Junho. I love you. What s the date today? It s April 23. Today is Children s Day in Turkey. Congratulations! How do you spell children? It s c-h-i-l-d-r-e-n. 50

Yuna: What s the date today? Tim: It s May 7. Yuna: How do you spell adobo? Junho: It s a-d-o-b-o. Junho: Congratulations! Today is Parents Day. Mom: Oh, thank you, Junho. : What s the date today? : It s May 9. : Tomorrow is Mr. Monkey s birthday. Let s have a party for him. Can you help me, please? : Of course. : This is a pinata. We can use it at his birthday party. : That s a good idea. Let s put some chocolates and cookies in it. : Okay. : Happy birthday! : Thank you. : This is for you. It s a pinata. : How do you spell pinata? : P-i-n-a-t-a. : Wow! Thank you. : You re welcome. Yuna: Wait, what s the date today? Tim: It s July 28. Yuna: Oh, today is Tree Planting Day in Australia. Tim: Really? Yuna: I read about it in a book. All students plant trees together at their school. January February March April May June July August September October November December Lucy: Look at this invitation! Priya invited me to a special party this Saturday. Tim: Wow! Congratulations! Lucy: I m going to wear hanbok. Tim: A hanbok? How do you spell it? Lucy: H-a-n-b-o-k. Tim: Oh, I see. Lesson 4 51

4 What s the Date Today? What s the date today? It s. When is the book festival? It s November 28. How do you spell It s. Congratulations! When Is Children s Day? anjuyar January iaplr April yrbuerfa February amy May carhm March ejnu June January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December When is Children s Day? Children s Day? It s in May, May 5. Woo hoo! Congratulations! Congratulations! How do you spell children? Children? C-h-i-l-d-r-e-n. C-h-i-l-d-r-e-n. lujy July bocoter October guastu August Nberovem November erebsmtpbe Congratulations! A: How do you spell July? B: It s J-u-l-y. A: Congratulations! September cerdeemb December 52

Sun 4 11 18 25 2012 November Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 What s the date today? It s. When was the Thanksgiving Day? was. Octoberpartyhouseworedresseschocolateshappy Happy Halloween! It s 31. Today is Halloween. We had a Halloween at Tim s. My friends and I special. We walked from house to house. Our bags were full of. It was a Halloween. A: What s the date today? B: It s April 5. It s Tree Planting Day. B: It s May 8. It s Parent s day. B: It s December 25. It s Christmas. B: It s May 5. It s Children s day. It s October 31. It s Halloween. How do you spell Halloween? It s May 15. It s Teacher s Day. How do you spell teacher? It s January 1. It s New Year s Day. How do you spell New Year? It s April 21. It s Science Day. How do you spell science? Dear Sujin Hi! Yesterday was Thanksgiving Day. It is on the fourth Thursday of November. My family got together and ate delicious food. We took some Thanksgiving pictures, too. Do you want to see them? Visit my website and you can see them. Love Mike Lesson 4 53

4 What s the Date Today? Dear Mike How s it going? I m in China with my family. Today is Jungchujeol in China. It s August 15 in the lunar calendar. Chinese people visit their parents on this special day, and they eat Moon cake. It looks like a full moon. Tomorrow we re going to visit Beijing. Take care! Love Sujin bowed, lunar, ate, January, exciting, parensts Happy New Year! It is 1 in the calendar. Today is Lunar New Year s Day. In the morning, I tteokguk. And I to my. My parents gave me some money. At night, we played yunnori together. It was. 54

To my parents It s May 8. Thank you for your love. I love you, Mom and Dad. I m going to be a good son. Congratulations! Happy Parents Day! From your son Lesson 4 Korean people wears slippers in the house whereas American people wears shoes in the house. Korean people use spoon when they are eating however Indian people eat with their hands. 55

4 What s the Date Today? Children s Day Halloween Day Christmas New Year s Day Independence Movement Day (Samiljeol) Tree Planting Day Parent s Day Memorial Day Independence Day Thanksgiving Day Lucy: What s the date today? Minu: It s May 7. Lucy: Tomorrow is Parents Day Minu: What do you going to do for your parents? Lucy: I m going to buy some carnations for my parents. Minu: Me, too. When did people first give them to their parents? Lucy: In 1910, Anna Jarvis loved her mom very much. But her mom died. She wore white carnations to show love and thanks. Carnations stand for Love and Thanks. Minu: Oh, I see. Lucy: After parents die, children buy white carnations. Red carnations are for living parents. Minu: I didn t know that. Let s go and buy some carnations this afternoon. Lucy: OK. 56

Mother s Day Father s Day Japan Vietnam The second Sunday of May The third Sunday of June March 8 July 7 first second third fourth fifth Mexico May 10 The third Sunday of June Italy Australia The second Sunday of May The second Sunday of May March 19 The first Sunday of September What s the date today? It s May 8th. How do you spell it? H-A-L-L- O-W-E-E-N D-A-Y. T.W. Lesson 4 57

4 What s the Date Today? A: What s the date today? B: It s April 23. A: Oh, today is Children s Day in Turkey. B: Is it? Congratulations! Q: When is the Children s Day in Turkey? A: What s the date today? B: It s September 23. A: Oh, Lucy is coming back to Korea tomorrow. B: Really? Tomorrow is Chusoek in the lunar calendar. Q: When is Chuseok in Korea? A: What s the date today? B: It is January first in the lunar calendar. Today is Lunar New Year s Day. A: What do Koreans do on New Year s Day? B: We eat tteokguk and we bow to our parents. A: Oh, I see. 58

Tim: Hello? Lucy: Hi, Tim. This is Lucy. Tim:Hi, Lucy! Tim: We re going to have a pizza. Would you like to to my? Lucy: I would love to. When is it? Tim: It s. Lucy: What time? Tim: At. Lucy: Great! Thank you for me. Lesson 4 A: What s the date today? B: It s May 20. A: Today is Tim s birthday. A: Let s make a pinata for him. B: Pinata? How do you spell pinata? A: P-i-n-a-t-a. B: Oh, I see. A: When is Children s Day, Jisu? B: It s May 5. A: How do you spell children? B: C-h-i-l-d-r-e-n. When is Teacher s Day? A: It s May 15. B: How do you spell May? A: M-a-y. B: Great! 59

Vietnam Mexico Italy Australia parents bow carnation mothers Day Fathers Day March 8 May 10 The second Sunday of May The third July 7 Sunday of March 19 June The second Sunday of May The first Sunday of September September Chrismas C ngr tulation! A: What s the date today? B: It s Monday. It s April 23. That s great. It s June. It s cloudy. A: What are you going to do for your parents? B: Today is Parent s Day. I m going to clean the house. My mom is from the Philippines. They have a festival for children. We can use it at his birthday party. I m in China with my family. Today is Jungchujeol in China. It s in the lunar calendar. Today is January 1 in the lunar calendar. In the morning, I ate tteokguk. And I bowed to my parents. At night, we played yunnori together. It was exciting. 60