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Find and circle the words. 1 : 머리 : 눈 : 코 : 입 : 이 : 목 : 어깨 : 귀 : 팔 : 손 : 다리 : 발 She shakes her head. Close your eyes. We smell with our nose. Open you



Unit Five: Conversation Three.

Unit1 4-5형식 동사 정리 of를 수반할 수 있는 동사: ask, require 등 ex ask: He asked me the way. He asked the way of me. 4 형식 동사 4형식 문형: S + V + I.O + D.O (V: 수여동사) 4형식


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A n s w e r s & E x p l a n a t i o n s 3-2

Answers & Explanations 6 Super Smart Animals Words & Phrases Test 01 (t)ransform (d)istinguish (e)motion 02 include hide boredom 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 on purpose back and forth 01 02 p. 9 03 04 05 06 07 100 08 09 find out according to 10 on purpose back and forth Conversation Test 01 Who, taller 02 03 04 (C)(D)(B)(A) 05 06 07 08 09 which animals do you think are smarter 10 pp. 12~13 01 ATom Brad B Brad Tom who tall 02 AEric B 03 A B Which river do you think is longer 04 AJenny (C) (D) (B) (A) [05~06] A B A B 05 You re kidding. 06 surprised 07 A B A 2

A [08~10] 08 09 Which do you think A or B 10 01 Mike as as 02 to what to wear 03 how to do what do to important more 04 as as bigger big 05 as as as cute as cute as smaller small what to eat to where puts where to put 06 what to wear how to play 07 howto whereto Grammar Test pp. 15~16 01 02 03 How to do is more important than what to do. 04 05 06 07 how to solve this problem where to stay 08 09 10 08 Susan Mike Kate to whywhyto why what 09 A B 7 30 tell when to get up 3

10 as as cheap Alex Alex [04~07] Pepperberg Alex 50 150 Alex 04 as as 05 Alex Reading Test pp. 20~22 01 in 02 03 04 Alex was as smart as a five-year-old child 05 06 was shown 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 [01~03] AlexIrene Pepperberg 1976 Pepperberg Alex Alex Alex Alex 01 02 03 Alex Irene Pepperberg Irene Pepperberg Alex Irene Pepperberg Alex 06 Alex Alex 07 Alex Alex Alex 50 150 Alex [08~10] Alex Alex Kathy Alex Alex Alex 08 Alex Kathy Alex 09 mirror 4

10 Alex 11 Alex [12~14] death emotions Alex 2007 9 6 31 Pepperberg Alex Alex Alex bird brain 12 Pepperberg Alex 13 Alex 30 Alex bird brain Alex Alex 14 Alex 01 02 03 04 05 dogs are smarter 06 07 08 as old as 09 10 11 12 13 What color? 14 15 16 17 18 The Nile is longer than the Mississippi.The Mississippi is shorter than the Nile. The Mercury City Tower is as tall as the Global Financial Building.The Global Financial Building is as tall as the Mercury City Tower. 19 The smart phone is as expensive as the computer. The computer is as expensive as the smart phone. higher You are kidding me. 01 pp. 23~25 20 Which do you think is 02 03 A B A B 04 A B A 5

[05~06] Yes No A B A BJenny A B A 05 Jenny Jenny 06 Jenny Jenny 07 how to how to solve the problem 08 Mary 15Tom 15 Tom Mary as as as old as 09 what to do 10 Eric Andy Jenny when stopping when to stop the smarter smarter as longer as as long as what to eating what to eat [11~12] AlexIrene Pepperberg Alex Alex Pepperberg Alex 11 smart not smart 12 [13~14] 150 Alex Alex Alex Kathy Alex Alex Alex 13 What color? 14 Alex (grey) [15~17] Alex 2007 9 6 31 Pepperberg Alex Alex Alex bird brain Alex 15 Alex 6

16 4 2000 1990 since 17 Alex Alex bird brain Alex bird brain bird brain 18 as as 19 as as 20 A B A B Which do you think isa or B A B 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 how to use 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 refer to somebody who is not smart 22 23 24 25 pp. 26~29 01 emotion 02 -ly fast final finally rude rudely bright brightly quiet quietly 03 John be tired of on purpose 04 (D) (B) (A) (C) 05 Brad Tom [06~07] Brad Tom Brad Brad Tom Brad Tom 06 hobbies memories 07 7

08 A B A B AEric B A B A B A You can say that again. 09 A B A the longer the longest 10 James James as as studies as hard as the other 11 howto 12 as as 13 Paul what to The question is what to do now. 14 howto [15~16] Pepperberg Alex 50 150 Alex 15 Alex as smart as 16 Alex Alex Alex Alex Alex [17~19] Alex Alex Alex Kathy Alex Alex Alex Alex 17 18 Alex 19 [20~22] Alex 2007 9 6 31 Pepperberg Alex Alex 8

Alex bird brain Alex 20 Mary As as 21 refer to who someone 22 Pepperberg Alex [23~25] Alex Alex Alex 3 Alex Alex Alex 23 same different 24 25 Alex Alex Alex Alex 01 Which food do you think is more delicious p. 30 Which sport do you think is more exciting, baseball or soccer? 02 Mina is as old as Jake. Jake is as old as Mina. Mina is as heavy as Jake. Jake is as heavy as Mina. Mina is not as tall as Jake. Mina is shorter than Jake. / Jake is taller than Mina. 03 where to go how to fix it 01 A B A B Which do you think A or B? 02 Jake Jake Jake Jake Jake Jake Jake Jake as as Jake not as as than 03 where to go how to fix it 9

7 Let s Go to the Movies Words & Phrases Test 01 adventure remove tradition 02 culture contain essential 03 04 05 06 07 by 08 German 09 10 lost martial 01 02 03 p. 33 04 05 06 07 be impressed by by mistake 08 09 sold out take A to BA B 10 lost and found martial arts Conversation Test 01 02 03 any other 04 sold out 05 (D) (A)(C)(B) 06 07 can I get two tickets 08 09 10 pp. 36~37 01 A B get 02 A5 30 B 03 A B Are there any other ~? 04 A3 30 B 5 sold out 05 (D) (A) (C) (B) 06 A B A B That s OK. 10

[07~09] A B A5 30 B5 30 8 A 5 30 B A B A 07 Can I get ~ tickets for 08 5 30 8 but 09 5 30 8 10 1 2 3 0 Grammar Test 01 02 03 Greg didn t clean his room, which made his mother angry. pp. 39~40 04 Jenny didn t invite Sam to her birthday party, which disappointed him. 05 writing singing which 06 07 wear wearing 08 The boy running after a dog is my brother. 09 10 wearing which 01 many dogs run run many dogs 02 The woman stand The woman standing 03 Greg which 04 Jenny Sam which 05 The girl writing the students singing which 06 Mother Teresa which who which 07 the boy wear the boy wearing 08 The boy run run the boy running 09 11

Tom Kate girl wear worn wearing who which who which who which sleep two cats sleep sleep sleeping 10 A B A B 1 the woman wearing which [01~03] 01 take A to BA B take a look 02 without 03 [04~05] 04 05 Reading Test pp. 44~46 01 02 have having 03 04 05 06 07 pursuing 08 09 10 11 12 13 tradition 14 Because kung fu has a long tradition in China. 15 [06~10] Ali Ali 3 12

06 07 solving, helping, pursuing and helping pursuing children are 08 by mistake to to 09 Ali 10 [11~15] 11 tiny grand 12 which 13 tradition 14 15 pp. 47~49 01 02 03 04 Are there any other restaurants 05 06 07 08 09 My best friend Sujin moved to Busan yesterday, which made me sad. 10 11 If you ve never seen an Indian movie 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I know that man reading a newspaper on a bench. The girl wearing a red hat looked excited. 19 which made her angry 20 Can I get tickets we are sold out for that time 01 Greece Greek 02 scene 13

03 A B A A 04 A B [05~06] A B Are there any other ~? A B A5 30 B 5 30 8 A 5 30 B A B A 05 8 8 5 30 06 07 Jenny TV which 08 09 It which 10 Susan Tom Sam the book which that who which that Tom was late for school which that which the boy run running The woman talks talking [11~12] Lagaan 11 have never 12 Lagaan [13~15] Lagaan 14

13 14 15 take A to BA B find out [16~17] Ali Ali 3 16 Susan Watching 17 18 19 which make 20 A B A6 B Can I get tickets ~? be sold out 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 (B)(D)(A)(C) 08 09 10 which 11 12 13 I listen to music every night, which makes me feel relaxed. 14 15 children 16 17 18 19 not, but 20 21 22 23 24 25 01 pp. 50~53 02 innocent 15

03 04 A3 30 B A 5 30 05 A B A B 06 1 2 3 0 2 07 A (B) (D) (A) (C) 08 A B A B A B A B A B 09 A5 30 B A movies playing 10 Mary Mary which 11 Jenny wearing the girl That man 16

12 Mike have been to gone been Let s takes take The boy play played playing know why are there why there are 13 which 14 Wright John [15~16] who which 15 16 solving, pursuing and help helping [17~20] 17 Have you ever seen an Indian movie? 18 However 19 A B not A but B 20 21 Lagaan [22~25] Lagaan 22 23 which 24 17

25 01 crying at the toy store 02 playing with a girl Jack practiced hard to win the race. p. 54 And it makes us nervous. 01 02 Jack John which 03 A B3 30 A B A B Can I get two tickets ~? sold out Are there any other The project must be finished by tomorrow. John won the first prize in the cooking contest. And it led him to victory. And it was good news for his family. Jack practiced hard to win the race, which led him to victory. The project must be finished by tomorrow, which makes us nervous. John won the first prize in the cooking contest, which was good news for his family. 03 Can I get two tickets sold out for that time are there any other movies 18

8 Follow the Clues Words & Phrases Test p. 57 Conversation Test pp. 60~61 01 02 did you hear about the speaking contest 03 04 05 06 07 08 I m sure there are going to be 09 10 01 robber sand footprints 02 03 04 05 06 07 unhealthy able 08 09 lead to as well 10 detective genius 01 02 un- dis- 03 04 05 06 miss 07 08 Mary look like far from 09 lead to as well 10 01 A Amy B A B 02 A B A Did you hear about 03 A B 04 A John B 05 (C) (A) (D) (B) Steve Clark 06 AJane, Ann Brown B TV 19

[07~10] AAndy B A B A B A B 8 07 08 I m sure (that) 09 10 02 had 03 David musthave shouldhave 04 musthave 05 Jane Tom musthave exercising exercised / had have had already gone had already gone / seen had seen 06 Jane Tom Tom 07 musthave Grammar Test 01 02 03 should must 04 must have stayed up late 05 06 07 08 09 10 heard must pp. 63~64 01 had 08 Jane John have met 09 Sandy Cathy John 20

Jenny David John John played tennis after he had finished his homework. 10 AJenny B A 1 B A Have you heard about ~? musthave 1 shouldhave Reading Test 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 had seen 08 09 a limping man (with a bag), the ghost 10 11 to walk walk walking 12 13 [01~02] pp. 68~70 Henry Kent Genius Kent Genius Kent Springfield Kent Genius Kent 01 far from as 02 Henry [03~06] Genius Genius Otto Johnson Kent Otto Kent Jennifer Mack Otto Kent Jennifer Jennifer Mack 200 03 200 Jennifer Mack disappeared 04 05 Otto Kent 06 Genius Otto Jennifer Mack Jennifer Mack Jennifer Mack Jennifer Mack [07~09] Kent 21

Otto Kent Genius Kent 07 had seen 10 Kent 11 12 How come How come Why 13 Kent Genius, Otto David 08 Genius Kent 09 Otto Otto [10~13] Otto Kent Otto David Slade Kent David David Otto Kent Jennifer Mack Otto Genius pp. 71~73 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 had bought 10 11 12 (A) had happened (B) was shaking 13 she had seen a limping man leave the gold store 14 15 16 she had tied a heavy board 17 18 must have studied a lot The boy must have broken the window. 19 John had already left I had given to her 20 I m sure you ll do better next time. Did you hear about the new mall 01 legal il- legal illegal 02 robber 03 A B A 22

A 04 A B [05~06] A AAndy B A B A B A B 8 05 06 8 07 Tom Tom 08 Henry musthave 09 had 10 Anna Eric have seen had seen [11~12] Genius Genius Otto Johnson Kent Otto Kent Jennifer Mack Otto 11 She Jennifer Mack 12 (A) had (B) Otto [13~14] (C) Kent (A) Otto (B) Kent 13 had seen see 23

14 (C) Otto Kent (A) [15~17] Otto (B) Genius David Slade David Slade Jennifer Mack David had Kate 20 A B A B I m sure ~. Did you hear about ~? 15 although 16 had 17 18 musthave 100 19 John John Kate Kate Kate John 01 02 03 04 (D)(A)(B)(C) 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 had been 12 13 Tom had gone to England 14 15 16 was happening had happened 17 18 19 20 21 clue 22 23 24 25 01 pp. 74~77 02 case 24

03 limp 04 (D) (A) (B) (C) 05 Morning News Maple 30 121 [06~07] borrowed took stole AAndy B A B A B 06 07 That 08 AAnn Brown BTV A B A B A B A B 09 A B A B shouldhave must have prepared 10 musthave see seen 11 had 12 Tom David Tom musthave 13 Tom 25

had gone 14 James Ann [15~17] must have known each other before known Henry Kent Genius Kent Genius Kent Springfield Kent Genius Kent Genius Genius Otto Johnson Kent 15 He Otto 16 17 Genius Kent [18~20] Jennifer Mack Otto Kent Jennifer Jennifer Mack 200 Kent Otto 18 musthave must have seen 19 Otto 20 Otto Kent Jennifer Mack Jennifer Mack Otto [21~23] Genius David Slade David Slade Jennifer Mack David 21 clue 22 David Slade Jennifer Mack Slade Jennifer Mack 23 (A) (B) 26

[24~25] Otto Kent Otto 24 Otto 25 Otto Otto Kent Kent Kent 01 it is very cold outside I m sure she had a fight with her friend. 02 had, made a cake had, wrapped a gift had, written a birthday card 03 must have rained last night must have lost the game must have left it on the bus 01 p. 78 I m sure ~. I m sure 02 Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam James Sam Alex Sam had 03 Tom musthave 27

9 Jobs: Old and New sing singer work worker report reporter art artist teach teacher Words & Phrases Test 01 trade dynasty 02 lawyer judge 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 familiar with government official 01 p. 81 09 John depending on serve as: 10 be familiar with government official 02 03 -er 04 05 06 07 Jack make money make a decision 08 -er -ist Conversation Test 01 need, need 02 03 04 doing joining 05 06 (B) (A) (D) (C) 07 playing 08 what do I need to do to become a vet like you 09 10 01 A B need to pp. 84~85 02 A B look forward to 03 A B 28

[04~05] need to should A B 04 look forward to to 05 06 (B) (A) (D) (C) Andy 10 65 10 20 5 [07~09] A Andy B Mary A B A B A B 07 look forward to to 08 What do I need to do ~ 09 Andy Grammar Test pp. 87~88 01 02 03 are is 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 29

01 People be are 02 many of the 03 One be are is 10 many of the thinks think 04 5 help ask to 05 A B a lot of cars be was were 06 each a park be was ago 07 J is helping his mom do the dishes. 08 Peter everybody love loves are is snow were was most of the enjoys enjoy some of the 09 Jenny help Reading Test 01 were 02 03 04 was 05 communicating (to) communicate 06 07 08 09 was were 10 11 trial 12 was were 13 14 15 [01~03] pp. 92~94 01 four social classes Many of the people be be were 02 depending on: in order to: 03 30

[04~05] 04 One be was 05 help to [06~07] 06 07 [08~11] 08 they local government officials 09 Another popular job be was a lot of trials be were 10 be familiar with 11 trial [12~15] 12 who skilled doctors be was were 13 once 14 However 15 Then they took a national exam. pp. 95~97 01 director 02 03 04 05 06 07 (to) do 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 is to be a teacher is being a teacher To be an artist is Being an artist is 19 helping the boy (to) plant a tree 20 I m looking forward to seeing the Eiffel Tower. What do I need to do to become a writer 31

01 -er -or 02 professional 03 AKate B Paul A B Paul Kate 04 A B A [05~06] A B Tim A B 05 Tim movie director 06 What do I need to do ~? 07 John help to 08 Many of the people be was were 09 one be is a lot of people be are 10 Mary to to practice to help see, hear have, make 11 [12~14] 12 (A) Another popular job be was (B) studying (C) help make 32

13 a lot of trials, many lawyers be were 14 [15~17] be familiar with 15 16 skilled doctors who that that who 17 18 The most popular job be is to to to be is 19 helpto 20 AJenny B A B look forward to What do I need to ~ 01 inventor 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 (D) (C) (A) (B) 10 11 12 13 is, knows 14 helping, (to) do 15 16 17 was 18 19 20 21 Lawyers helped judges make the right decisions during trials 22 23 24 25 pp. 98~101 01 Thomas Edison invent -or 02 interpreter 03 praise 04 judges, decisions trials 33

[05~06] AAndy B Mary A B A B A B 05 look forward to to 06 Andy 07 What do I need to do ~? 08 A B A B A 3 B A B A B How was ~? 09 (D) Ben (C) Amy, (A) (B) 10 One 3 try tries 11 askto helpto 12 Jane Peter help to 13 Each Nobody 14 A B helpto [15~16] 15 Many of the people be were 16 34

[17~19] 17 One be was 18 19 [20~23] 20 unnecessary needed 21 help 22 Another popular job for the Jungin class ~ 23 [24~25] 24 (A) skilled doctors be were (B) Once (C) punished 25 01 what do I need to do need to read lots of books 02 What are you looking forward to doing, having a party with my friends What are you looking forward to doing, I m looking forward to visiting my uncle in New York. 03 her mom (to) clean the house his father (to) wash the car p. 102 35

01 1. 2. A B A B need to 02 A B A B look forward to 03 Jenny James help help to 10 Imagine the Future Words & Phrases Test 01 electricity submarine 02 ocean space land 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 off 10 not, anymore field trip p. 105 01 02 Neil Armstrong 03 04 Susan 05 A B 06 07 3 leave for 08 Chris by oneself be in love with: 09 take of turn off 10 not ~ anymore field trip 36

Conversation Test 01 02 03 were 04 shouldn t 05 worn 06 (A)(C)(D)(B) 07 08 If we had wings, we could fly to school. 09 10 pp. 108~109 01 A B What would you do if I would 02 A B A shouldhave 03 A B if be were 04 A B shouldn thave [07~09] A B 8 10 Jenny A B 8 A B A B A 07 08 09 shouldn thave 10 A Susan B A B shouldn thave should have 05 A B shouldhave wear 06 (A) (C) 9 55 (D) 10 (B) Grammar Test pp. 111~112 01 02 03 strong stronger 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 better painted 37

01 02 if be were 03 Jack than any other 04 David Park playing 05 The library is bigger than all the other buildings in town. 06 If 07 than any other 08 Maroon 5 Mary singing sung loving loved parking parked inviting invited 09 10 A B than any other better Reading Test 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 faster 08 09 were 10 connecting connected 11 12 13 14 15 [01~03] pp. 116~118 Jules Verne 1800 01 also 02 foresee 38

03 Verne [04~05] 2(1870) Nemo Nautilus Nautilus 04 2 Nautilus 05 which [06~07] 06 07 than any other fast faster [08~11] Fritz Napoleon Smith 8 Smith telephote Telephote 08 by oneself 09 if be were 10 connected 11 His wife left for France eight days before [12~15] (1865) Verne Columbiad Neil Armstrong 1969 Apollo 11 Verne 12 1 10 48 40 12 named 13 take off 14 what 15 Neil Armstrong Apollo 11 Columbiad pp. 119~121 01 02 take 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 higher than 11 12 13 faster than any other ocean animal they had ever seen 14 15 (A) were (B) inventions (C) connected 16 17 18 heavier than any other backpack backpack more popular than any other 19 I had enough money, I could buy a smart phone I had a key, I could open the door 20 I should not have watered them so often. What would you do if you had no classes 39

01 govern -ment 02 1 take off 03 A Amy B A B What would you do if you Iwould 04 A B 7 30 7 40 A B [05~07] A B 8 10 Jenny A B 8 A B A B A 05 We shouldn t have stopped for a sandwich. 06 07 Jenny 08 Picasso 09 A Jim B be were 10 = than any other 11 Jules Verne 1800 1870 Alexander Bell Jules Verne [12~14] Alexander Bell 2(1870) Nemo Nautilus Nautilus 40

12 Nautilus 13 than any other 14 Nautilus Nautilus Nautilus Nautilus Nautilus [15~17] Nautilus 2889(1889) Verne telephote Fritz Napoleon Smith 8 Smith telephote Telephote 18 A B than any other 19 If 20 A B A B TV should nothave What would you do if you 15 (A) if be were (B) One of the (C) connected 16 left for left from 17 telephote 2889 Verne telephote Smith Smith telephote Smith pp. 122~125 01 02 land 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 played basketball well 13 14 had, could 15 16 was, powered by, which 17 18 19 20 21 22 named 23 24 25 41

01 foresee 02 land 03 Kevin by oneself 04 A B A should have 05 (B) Sandy (C) (D) (A) [06~07] A B 7 10 A B 06 shouldn thave shouldhave 07 7 10 6 50 08 A B 9 55 A 10 B shouldhave 09 Hello Paris Bill Jones known 10 11 made waiting 12 if 42

13 Jack Jim Dan than any other the smartest smarter 14 If 15 Jules Verne 1800 [16~19] Verne 2(1870) Nemo Nautilus Nautilus 16 which 17 (Another ship) One ship had seen ~ 18 Nautilus 19 Nemo Nautilus Nautilus Nautilus Nautilus Nautilus The Nautilus was fully powered ~. [20~21] Fritz Napoleon Smith 8 Smith telephote Telephote! 20 Smith If she were here, I wouldn t be lonely. 21 leave for by oneself: [22~24] (1865) Verne Columbiad Neil Armstrong 1969 Apollo 11 Verne 22 named 23 24 Verne Columbiad Verne Columbiad Apollo 11 Apollo 11 Columbiad 25 12 1 10 48 40 43

Columbiad 37! 38! 39! 40! Columbiad 02 = = than any other 03 If p. 126 01 shouldn t have ordered so much 02 lighter than any other bag in my store cheaper than any other restaurant in Seoul 03 If I had magic powers, I would fly in the sky. If I were the richest person in the world, I would build a house with an amusement park in the backyard. 01 Tom Kate Kate Kate Tom shouldn thave 44

SPECIAL Lesson Goodbye, Middle School 10 both A and BA B thanks to: Words & Phrases Test p. 128 01 (p)ull (h)ang (p)romise 02 nervous creative strange 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 both, and Thanks to 01 02 Tom 03 04 05 06 Tom 07 08 enter: 09 have a laugh: do one s best: Reading Test pp. 132~134 01 02 and 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 thanks to 11 12 13 14 special something something special 15 [01~02] 3 01 02 both A and B: A B 03 look terribly terrible 45

[04~05] 04 Although 05 let go: 06 [07~08] 07 Jim it 08 creative [09~11] 11 [12~15] 12 I boring fun 13 Peter to 14 -thing 15 09 (A) taste delicious (B) (The boy) be is (C) to spend It 10 thanks to: 46

1 01 02 1 pp.136~139 01 02 03 04 05 06 (B) (D) (A) (C) 07 08 09 10 11 12 where 13 (A) that (B) when (C) that 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 as fast as 24 I haven t decided what to sing for the singing competition yet. Do you know the man talking to my sister next to the tree? 25 He played the guitar late at night, which made me angry. Tom cooked for me, which surprised me. 03 by mistake by accident 04 A B ATom Brad B Brad A B 4 AEric B A B A B 05 A B A B A B 06 (B) (D) (A) (C) 07 A3 30 2 B 3 30 [08~09] A B A 47

BJenny A B A B A B 08 You re kidding. 09 Jenny 10 Jane of 11 Eric danced The girl dancing 12 A B where to [13~15] Alex Irene Pepperberg 1976 Pepperberg Alex Alex Alex Alex 13 (A) what (A) that (B) when (C) that 14 it 15 Alex Alex [16~17] Alex bird brain Alex 16 Since 17 bird brain Alex 18 48

[19~20] Ali Ali 3 19 innocent guilty 20 [21~22] 21 be wondered wonder because of because impress be impressed that which 22 23 as as 24 whatto the man 25 Tom which 2 pp.140~143 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 (A) another (B) other (C) lives 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 how to use operate 24 know the boy dancing in front of many people which was very unusual 25 Tom said he had seen a man swim swimming in the river the previous day. He must have known that my translation was far from perfect. 01 ordinary extraordinary 02 49

03 be tired of 04 05 A B 06 (D) (C) (B) (A) 07 AMain B A B A B A B [08~09] A10 B Jenny Jenny Jenny Jenny 08 Jenny 09 Jenny Jenny 10 (how to swim) 11 50

as as faster fast carried carrying had arrived arrived, already left had already left whom who 12 musthave 13 Alex (C) (A) (B) Alex Alex [14~15] Alex Alex Pepperberg Alex 50 150 Alex Alex 14 as as 15 including know knows knew know howto distinguish to distinguish Alex Alex [16~17] showing shown 16 (A) another(b) other (C) life lives 17 [18~20] Lagaan 18 wondering wondered because of because understand understanding bored boring 19 20 51

21 Henry Kent Genius Kent Genius Kent Springfield Kent Genius Kent Kent ordinary 22 David Slade David Slade Jennifer Mack David That s why 23 A B howto 24 the boy 25 Tom musthave 1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 (D) (A)(C)(B) 08 09 vet 10 11 12 13 made 14 were not, could 15 have seen had seen 16 17 class 18 (A) was (B) communicate (C) that 19 20 21 22 23 must have studied should have paid swimming. smoking. the MVP this year. letter written in English. pp.144~147 24 One of my friends is good at Exercise helped him quit 25 I knew the player selected as Yesterday I got the 01 02 (judge) 03 un- dis- 04 Ron be familiar with leave for depend o 05 A B TV A TV TV 06 A B A B A B 52

A B A B 07 (D) (A) Paul (C) (B) [08~10] AAndy B Mary A B A B A B 08 What do I need to do ~? 09 vet 10 Andy Andy Mary Andy 11 12 than any other well better 13 a movie 14 If [15~16] Kent Otto Kent Genius Kent 15 musthave 16 Otto 53

[17~19] Otto Otto Genius Kent 17 class 18 (A) One be was (B) help to (C) (the language) that what 19 [20~21] Jules Verne 1800 22 3 3 23 A B A A B A must have should have 24 one of help 25 MVP MVP 20 videophone such as 21 Jules Verne 54

2 (C) pp.148~151 01 02 03 04 05 06 (A)(C) (B)(D) 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 (A) were (B) were (C) become 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 I m looking forward to going skiing. I would buy my own house. 24 It was more thrilling than any other ride we had ever ridden. It was more interesting than any other movie I had ever seen. 25 He bought a camera made in Japan. The book covered with dust is my novel. 01 -er 2 02 03 foresee 04 (B) (D) 07 A B A B A B A B A B [08~09] A B 7 50Jenny A B 8 A B A B A 05 AAndy B I can t wait to I m looking forward to-ing 06 (A) 3 08 09 Jenny 55

10 Tom look forward to to to see seeing 11 a lot of people are 12 [13~15] 13 (A) four social classes (B) Many of the people (C) had to 14 Depending on 15 [16~17] (1865) Verne Columbiad Neil Armstrong 1969 Apollo 11 Verne 16 Columbiad 17 take off land [18~19] Fritz Napoleon Smith 8 Smith telephote Telephote 18 wouldn t 19 John Peter thought [20~22] 56

20 Although 21 (A) (B) (C) 22 23 look forward to +-ing 24 than any other 25 01 A : Which animals do you think are more intelligent, parrots or dolphins? 01 B : I think parrots are more intelligent. 01 A : Which soccer player do you think is better, Messi or Ronaldo? 01 B : I think Ronaldo is better. 02 Alex was as smart as a five-year-old child 02 He said, Wanna go back, or he gave the wrong answer on purpose. pp.152~153 01 A B A B AMessi Ronaldo B Ronaldo Which do you think ~ A or B? 02 Alex as as Alex Lesson 6 57

Lesson 7 pp.154~155 Lesson 8 pp.156~157 01 Can I get, For which showing?, Here you are. 01 Can I get, For which showing?, I m afraid we re sold out for that time., Are there any other movies 02 historical be impressed known 01 which 01 01 A 2 B A3 30 B A A 3 B A6 B A6 B 4 A3 B Can I get ~ tickets? Are there any other ~? 01 did you hear about the new smart phone, I saw an ad about it on TV. 01 did you hear about the singing contest, I saw a poster about it. 01 did you hear about the new math teacher, I saw him on the school website. 02 Otto 200 Jennifer Mack 01 had disappeared had seen 01 A B A BTV A B A B Did you hear about ~? 02 Kent Otto 02 historical impress well known for which 58

Lesson 9 pp.158~159 Lesson 10 pp.160~161 01 do I need to do, read many books 01 do I need to do, need to listen to a lot of music 01 do I need to do, need to practice every day 02 It is likely to be a popular job for the Jungin class. 01 It is a lawyer. 01 They helped the officials make the right decisions during trials by interpreting the law and determining the penalties. 01 What would you do if you were, I would become 01 What would you do if you had, I would 01 What would you do if you were, I would 02 the Nautilus, a giant electric submarine the Columbiad, a spaceship It (was fully powered by electricity and) traveled the world s oceans. It took people to the moon. 01 A B A B A B What do I need to do to ~? 02 01 A B A B A100 B A B 02 59

1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 pp.162~163 01 WLook, Eric. It s raining. MYou re kidding. It was completely sunny when I left home. WLook out the window. It s raining a lot now. MOh, you re right. Eric Eric 02 WWelcome to Hollywood Theater. May I help you? MYes, can I get two tickets for Star Wars at 3:30? WI m afraid we re all sold out for that time, but we have tickets for 5:00. MThat s too late. Are there any other movies showing at 3:30? WHow about Superman? It starts at 3:10. M3:10? Um, we still have 10 minutes. OK. We ll watch it. Two tickets, please. 3 302 5 3 30 3 10 3 10 10 2 3 30 3 10 03 WI have to find a topic for my science project. MWhy don t you write about smart animals? WWhich animals do you think are smarter, dogs or pigs? MOf course, dogs are smarter. WWhat would you do if you were very tall? MI would become a fashion model. WLook. It s snowing outside. MThat s hard to believe. It s not surprising to see snow in December. WWhich do you think is taller, the Empire State Building or the Chrysler Building? MI m not sure, but I think it s the Empire State Building. 12 That s hard to believe. 04 WYubin, let s have Italian food for dinner. MSure. How about pizza? WHmm, I ate pizza yesterday. Is there any other Italian food you like? MI love spaghetti, too. Let s have spaghetti. WOK, that sounds good. 05 WOh, no. I think I lost my wallet. I can t find it. MWhere do you think you left it? WI remember I took it out to pay for dinner. That was the last time I used it. MYou re always losing something. I think you need to be more careful. 60

careless 06 MAmy, did you hear about the new smart phone? WYeah. I read about it in a magazine. MI m going to ask my dad to get it for my birthday. WWow! That ll be a great present! Amy 07 MMom, I finally know what I want to be in the future. WThat s great! What do you want to be? MA movie director. But Mom, what do I need to do to become a good movie director? WYou need to read a lot of books. Reading is good for your imagination. 08 WYubin, I hear you re taking a family trip to Thailand this winter. MYes. I m looking forward to riding an elephant. W: Have fun. Show me pictures when you get back. MOK. I will. 09 MAre we late? WYes, we are. The movie starts at 7:30, and it s 7:40 now. MSee? We should have taken the subway. WI m sorry I didn t listen to you. We shouldn t have taken the bus. 7 30 7 40 10 WHello, can I get three tickets for Spider-Man? MAre you all adults? WOh, no. One is a child. M Do you have a membership card? WYes. Here it is. MThen, you can get 20% discount WThank you. 3 20% 2 1 25 20% 20 11 MHello, can I get two tickets for Kung Fu Panda? WI m sorry, but this is the information desk. MOh, I thought I could buy tickets here, too. WNo, I m sorry. The ticket office is over there. 2 61

12 MMina, do you have a pet? WNo, but I really want a dog. MWhat would you do if you had one? WI would name him Scott and play with him every day. MLook at this white dog. It s so cute. WYes, it looks very young. MThis weekend, I ll come here with my parents and buy it. WWill you? That s great. Scott 13 MWhich do you think is higher, Mt. Jiri or Mt. Seorak? WI think Mt. Seorak is higher. Am I right? MNo. Mt. Jiri is much higher than Mt. Seorak. WI see. Then, Mt. Halla is the highest in our country. Is Mt. Jiri the next? MAbsolutely. WAnd Mt. Seorak is the third? MYou re right. WI got it. 14 WLast class, we learned about how smart pigs can be. Today, I want to talk about elephants. You may just think elephants are big animals, but they re very smart. Elephants have great memories. According to a study, elephants can remember the place where they hid food after many years. 15 WDid you hear about the new laptop computer? MYeah. I saw an ad about it on TV. WI m thinking of buying it, but I m afraid it s too heavy for me to carry. MYou re right. Its strong point is a big screen, but it means the laptop is big. Why don t we go to a store? You can try lifting it yourself. WThat s a good idea. Let s go right away! TV 16 WWhat time is it now? MIt s ten to nine. WWe only have ten minutes before the bus leaves. I don t think we can make it. MOh, no. We should have left earlier. 8 50 10 62

8 50 10 9 17 WYou saw an ad about a new smart phone on TV this morning. At school, your friend asks if you heard about the new smart phone. MCan you watch TV with your smart phone? WOf course. See? I often watch TV with it. MDid you hear about the new TV? WYes, I saw an ad about it in a newspaper. MDid you watch TV yesterday? WNo, I didn t. I had to do my homework. MDid you hear about the new smart phone? WYes, I saw an ad about it on TV this morning. MDo you have a smart phone? WYes, this is a brand-new one. I bought it last week. TV TV TV TV TV TV 18 MI have a question, Aunt Mary. WWhat is it? MWell, what do I need to do to become a vet like you? WHmm. Let s see. First, you need to love animals and be kind to them. MThat s easy. I ve always tried to be nice to animals. What else do I need to do? WYou also need to learn how animals think and act by observing them. MI can start by observing my dog first! Thank you for your advice. Mary 19 WYou and your friend have been playing chess for two hours. You re bored, and you want to play a different game. What will you say to your friend? 20 MWow, I didn t know you were so good at playing the piano, Sojin. WOh, thanks, Paul. Do you play the piano, too? MA little. What do I need to do to play the piano like you? WYou just need to practice playing the piano every day. Paul 63

2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 pp.164~165 01 MHere, Yuna. This is for you. WWhat is it, Dad? Is it my birthday gift? MYes, it is. It s a new phone. WReally? You re kidding. You said it was too expensive. MIt is. But I thought you needed it. WThank you, Dad! I love you! 02 WWhich river do you think is longer, the Nile or the Mississippi? MI m not sure, but I think it s the Nile. WRight. The Nile is the longest river in the world. 03 MThe bus is not moving at all. Do you think we can get to the movie theater on time? WWe left early, so I m sure we ll get there on time. MWhat time is it now? WIt s 2:40. We still have 30 minutes. MOK. I don t want to miss the movie. 2 40 30 2 40 30 3 10 04 WI can t believe we re going to high school next March. MI know. Time just flies. I can t wait to start high school. WWhat are you looking forward to doing in high school, Hojin? MI m looking forward to joining the school basketball team. 3 05 MMom, we re meeting Uncle Jerry at the restaurant at 6:00, right? WYes, but there are so many cars today. MI m sure we re going to be late. WLet s call Uncle Jerry and tell him we re going to be late. Jerry 6 Jerry Jerry 06 WHi, can I get a waffle with bananas, please? MI m afraid we don t have any more bananas. WAre there any other fruit toppings? MYes, we have strawberries and kiwis. WOK. I ll have strawberries. 64

07 MThanks for calling Seoul Theater. Please press 1 for information about the movies that are playing right now. Press 2 if you d like to buy tickets over the phone. If you d like to get information about how to get here, press 3. For any other information, press 0. 1 2 3 0 2 08 MLook. It s raining. WOh, no! I don t have an umbrella. MMe, either. We should have listened to the weather forecast. WYou re right. Shall we run? There s no other way. MI don t want to get my clothes wet. WMe, either. What should we do? 09 WJohn, did you hear about the dancing contest? MNo, I didn t. Where did you hear about it? WI saw a poster about it. Let s enter the contest together! MOK. When is it? WNext Sunday. We have only a week MYou re right. We have exactly seven days, including today. Are you free today? Let s start practicing from today. WOK. No problem! John 1 7 10 WOh, no. I think I lost my watch. I can t find it. MDo you think you left it in the library this morning? WI think so. MDon t worry. I m sure you ll find it. WCan you go with me to the library? MNo problem. Let s go! 11 WHojin, did you hear about the English speaking contest? MYes, I did. I read about it in the school newspaper. WWhy don t you enter the contest? MI don t think I m good enough at English to enter the contest. WCome on. You re the best student in my class. I m sure you can win the prize and learn many things if you join it. MReally? OK. I ll give it a try. 12 MHello, can I get two tickets for X-Men? WFor which showing? 65

MFor 5:30. WI m afraid we re all sold out for 5:30, but we have tickets for 8 o clock. MThat s too late for me. Are there any other movies playing at 5:30? WWe actually have a couple of other movies playing at that time, Spider-Man and Batman. MOh, that s great. WWhich one would you like to see? MBatman sounds good. 2 5 30 5 30 8 5 30 8 13 MAmy, do you have a sister? WNo, I m an only child, but I really want one. MWhat would you do if you had a sister? WI would go shopping with her. Amy 14 MWhat time is it now, Mina? WIt s five to ten. MWe have only 5 minutes. The train will leave soon. WI don t think we can make it. MOh, no. We should have left earlier. WYou re right. I m sorry about getting up late. 9 55 5 9 55 5 10 15 WWhat would you do if you had a time machine that could take you back to the past? In this movie, a scientist is sad because the girl he s deeply in love with dies. So he invents a time machine and travels back into the past. His goal is to save her life. Will he be able to save her? See the movie and find out! 16 WOne minute, Hajun. I can t run anymore. MBut it s already ten to eight, Jenny. It s still a few more blocks to school. WI know, but I don t think the school bus will leave without us. MThe teacher said that the bus would leave exactly at 8:00. You don t want to miss the field trip, do you? WOf course not. If we had wings, we could fly to school. MOh, come on. We don t have time to talk about that. WAnyway, it s all because of you. We shouldn t have stopped for a sandwich. MBut you said you were hungry, too. WThat s true. Well, let s just run. 7 50Jenny 8 66

17 WDad, what do I need to do to become a writer like you? MHmm. Let s see. First, you need to read lots of books. WThat s easy. I always read books. MYou also need to practice writing every day. WI see. That s why keeping a diary is important! MThat s right. It s the easiest and hardest way at the same time. 18 MI became a middle school student three years ago. I was both happy and nervous about making new friends, having different teachers for each class, and studying new things. And it was strange to wear a school uniform for the first time. I looked terrible! My mother bought me a uniform that was too big for me. But now, it became a precious memory and makes me smile. I can t believe that time has flown so fast! 3 19 WI have to find a topic for my science project. Do you have any ideas, Hajun? MWhy don t you write about smart animals? I just read a very interesting book about them. WWhat did it say? MThe book says pigs are smarter than dogs. WReally? That s really interesting. So what was the title of the book you read? MIt s The World of Smart Animals. It s in the library. WI see. I ll borrow the book right away. 20 MWow, I didn t know you were so good at speaking Spanish, Kate. WThanks, Paul. Do you speak Spanish, too? MNo, but I want to. What do I need to do to speak Spanish like you? WYou need to take Spanish lessons. Kate Paul 67

3 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 pp.166~167 01 MJane, did you hear about the new book written by Ann Brown? WYeah. I saw an ad about it on TV. MI m going to ask my mom to get it for my Christmas gift. WWow! That ll be a great present! Jane Ann Brown TV 02 WHey, Andy. Did you hear about the new ghost house at the amusement park? MYeah, I saw an ad about it in the newspaper. WDoesn t it look scary? MYeah, it does. And it s going to open on Halloween. WI know. That s this Saturday. Do you want to go to the amusement park then? MYeah, but I m sure there are going to be a lot of people. WThen why don t we leave early in the morning? MGood idea. Let s meet at 8:00 at the subway station. Andy 8 03 WWhat do you want to be in the future? MI want to be a movie director. WDid you hear about the new movie? MYes, I saw an ad about it on TV. WWhat would you do if you were a movie director? MI would make a science fiction movie. WMay I help you? MYes. Can I get two tickets for Transformers at 7:20? WWhich food do you think is more delicious, bulgogi or galbi? MI think galbi is more delicious. TV 7 20 2 04 WYubin, let s play chess. MI m sorry, but I don t know how to play. WAre there any other games you want to play? MLet s play a card game. WOK. That sounds fun. 05 MKate, do you have a pet? WNo, but I really want a cat. MWhat would you do if you had one? WI would name her Cathy and play with her every day. 68

Kate, Cathy Kate 06 WBen, what are you looking forward to doing this winter vacation? MI m looking forward to painting all day. What about you, Amy? WI m looking forward to taking dance lessons. MOh, right. You want to become a professional dancer. Ben Amy 07 MWho do you think sings better, Yuna or Mina? WI think Mina sings better. MHere, Sumi. This is your birthday present. WReally? It s a brand-new phone! You re kidding. You said it was too expensive. MCan I get two tickets for Harry Potter at 3:30? WI m afraid we re all sold out for that time. MWhat would you do if you had magic powers? WI would fly in the sky. MDid you hear about the surprise concert today? WI m sure you ll like the food there. 3 30 2 08 WWelcome to Greenwood Theater. May I help you? MYes, can I get two tickets for Star Wars at 3:30? WI m afraid we re all sold out for that time. MThen, do you have any tickets for the 5:30 showing? WI m sorry. All the tickets for Star Wars are sold out today. How about Spider-Man instead? It s as popular as Star Wars. I m sure you ll enjoy it. MOK. Then, two tickets for Spider -Man at 5:20, please. WHere you are. 3 30 2 5 30 5 20 2 09 WI hear you re taking a trip to Europe. MYes. I m looking forward to seeing the wellknown sites, like the Eiffel Tower, London Bridge and the snowy mountains in Switzerland with my own eyes. WYou look very excited! MYes, I like traveling a lot. That s why I want to be a tour guide. WThat sounds great! I m sure you can be a great tour guide. 69

10 WWhich river do you think is longer, the Yellow River or the Congo River? MI m not sure, but I think it s the Yellow River. WYou re right. Then which river do you think is longest, the Nile, the Amazon, or the Mississippi? MIsn t it the Amazon? WNo. The Nile is the longest river in the world. 11 WWe ve asked 1,000 teenagers what kind of job they d like to have in the future. 55% said they wanted to be a professional such as a teacher, a lawyer, or a doctor. 20% said they wanted to be a government official, and only 10% wanted to have their own businesses, and another 10% said they d like to have various other jobs. 5% said they didn t know what they wanted to be and needed to find out. 55% 20% 10% 10% 5% 15% 10% 12 M I just read an interesting book about animals for the science report I m writing. WAnimals? What did it say? MWell, which animals do you think are faster, crocodiles or hippos? W I think crocodiles are faster. MWrong. Hippos are faster. WReally? That s very interesting. So what was the title of the book you read? MIt s Fast Animals. I bought it last week at the bookstore. WI like reading about animals. Can I borrow your book? MSure. 13 MGood morning and welcome to the Morning News. The top news story is last night s robbery at the Maple Phone Store. Someone took 30 brand new smart phones. Police looked at the video from the store cameras. They re sure the robber is tall and has long hair and sideburns. If you have any information about the robber, please call the police at 121. Morning News 30 70

121 14 MJules Verne was a writer who foresaw the future through his books. In the 1800s, he wrote about air, underwater, and even space travel. He also wrote about modern inventions such as the videophone. Do you want to know what the future he imagined looked like? Then start to explore the world of his books! Jules Verne 1800 Jules Verne 15 WOne minute, Jihun. I can t run anymore. MBut the movie starts at 7:00, and we only have ten minutes left. WIt s all because of you. We shouldn t have stopped for a waffle. MBut you said you were hungry, too. WYou re right. Well, let s just run. 7 10 7 10 6 50 16 WDid you hear about the new French restaurant downtown? MYeah, I saw an ad about it in the newspaper. WWhy don t we go there? I m looking forward to having French food. MDo you want to go there tomorrow? WI m sorry, but I can t. You know I m busy on weekdays. MYeah, then let s go on Saturday evening. WGood. How about 6 p.m.? Let s meet at the subway station. MOK. See you then. 6 6 17 MSandy, what would you do if you were very rich? WI don t know. Maybe I d travel all around the world. MBut what about school? WWell, I could travel during vacations. Sandy 18 WIt s April. Your friend tells you it s snowing outside. You can t believe it. What will you say to your friend? 4 You re kidding. 19 WHojin, did you hear about the speaking contest? MNo, I didn t. Where did you hear about it? WFrom the school newspaper. Let s enter the contest together! MOK. When is the contest? 71

20 WMinsu, you are so good at writing songs. What do I need to do to write songs like you? MHmm, I think you need to listen to a lot of songs WThat s easy. I always listen to many songs. And what else do I need to do? MYou also need to practice writing every day. 72