1 Passion for Life 01 ⑴ celebrate ⑵ inform 02 officials / p passion = enthusiasm 06 (1) ~ = be good at (2) ~ = be done wi

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1 Passion for Life 01 ⑴ celebrate ⑵ inform 02 officials / 3 03 5 04 4 05 4 06 2 p.08 05. passion = enthusiasm 06 (1) ~ = be good at (2) ~ = be done with (3) ~ = come up to (4) = as a result 07 (1) ~ = be interested in (2) = give up (3), = in public (4) ~ = toward 01 invite invitation, celebrate celebration, inform informatrion 02 officials(, ). Kelly /.... /. / /.. 03 give up. 04 = graduation ceremony cheered = marathon = are preparing = remove 05 writer. competitor athlete creator 1 How was she able to speak English so well 2 2 p.10~11 01 ~? how How was she/he able to ~?. 02 Have you heard of ~? Have you been told about ~?. writer, developer 06 be proud of = ~, one of ~ = ~ 01 preparation 02 experimentation 03 get / get 04 why / Why 05 (e)nthusiasm 06 ⑴ good ⑵ done ⑶ up ⑷ result 07 ⑴ interested ⑵ give ⑶ public ⑷ toward pp.8~12 p.09 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T Listen & Speak 1 Listen p.12 p.14~15 01. prepare, preparation 02 -. congratulate, congratulation, experiment, experimentation 03.. get better,, get worse 04.. that s why =,.. Why not? =?,. 1. How, able, runner / ran, every 2. able, basketball / short, practiced 3. How, able, speak, well / learned, watching 4. How, become, reporter / practiced, public Listen & Speak 1-A 1. How, able / think, invented, first, true / really / Whenever, experimented / why, admire 2. How, final, players / could, only after / playing tennis / started, seven Listen & Speak 2 Listen 1. Have, winner, contest / haven t / winner, own 2. heard, guitar player / taught 2 정답및해설

3. heard, dance / watched, times 4. heard, photographer / haven t, pictures, take / takes, street Listen & Speak 2-A 1. Have, heard, cartoon / interested, drawing cartoons / want to be, join / know, interested, drawing 2. heard / what / stands, into, making, case / What, after, finish / done, pencil, planning, desk Real-Life Zone Have, skier / Who, he / skier, medal / great / was, accident, twenties / become / accident, several, get, especially, skiing / Skiing, are good / why, respected Wrap Up heard, fire / heard, was, nearby, hurt / one, saved, were / How, save / knocked, tell, leave / amazing the boy. 06. 07 ( ) Who, ( ) How. 08 (D). 09. 10. 11 who/ that. which/that which/that who/that why where pp.8~12 p.19 시험대비기본평가 p.16 01 1 02 4 03 3 01 (A) How, (B) When. 02 No, what is D.I.Y.? D.I.Y. D.I.Y. Have you heard of D.I.Y.?. 03 (B) (C) (A). 01 2 02 1 03 2 04 3 05 3 06 1 07 3 08 4 09 4 10 5 11 3 p.17~18 01 How was Thomas Edison able 02 why 03 c that s not true 04 I heard that she taught herself to play. 05 I m really into it 06 I m done 07 (A) knocked (B) leave 01 ~? How was+ +able to ~?. 02 ~. That s why ~. 03 Edison. 04 ~ teach oneself to ~. 05 ~ be into. 06 ~ be done with. 07 He knocked on every door to tell people to leave the building. (A) knocked, (B) leave. 01. 02 Whenever. 03 Edison.. 04 Have you heard about ~?. 05 cartoon writer cartoon club 1 ⑴ too ⑵ so ⑶ old enough 2 ⑴ not to ⑵ not to ⑶ never to p.20~21 3

시험대비기본평가 p.22 01 4 02 2, 5 03 ⑴ to wear ⑵ to object ⑶ come 04 ⑴ She was disappointed not to be chosen. 01 5 02 4 03 3 04 ⑴ to go ⑵ too ⑶ not to ⑷ never to 05 1, 2 06 4 07 ⑴ sailing sail ⑵ too so ⑶ enough believe enough to believe ⑷ to never never to ⑸ to pursue not not to pursue 08 I am so shy that I can t sing in front of many people. 09 3 10 2 11 5 12 ⑴ The cellphone was so expensive that I couldn t buy it. ⑵ The ice is so thin that it can t bear your weight. ⑶ The rope was so long that it can reach the ground. ⑷ She is so healthy that she can travel. 13 1 14 4 15 ⑴ too fast to avoid colliding ⑵ not to cause 16 5 17 2 18 My sister went to Japan to open a restaurant, 19 3 ⑵ It was so long ago that I can t remember. ⑶ She was always too busy to listen. ⑷ She was kind enough to buy us a meal. 01 too+ / +to : ~ [ ~ ] Is it too late to cancel my order?. 02 to to not never. 03 too... to = so... that+ +can t[couldn t]+ 04 (1) to to not never. (2)~(4) too... to = so... that+ +can t[couldn t]+ : ~ [ ~ ], enough to = so... that+ +can[could]+ : ~ not to study Japanese. p.23~25 01 too... to ~ ~, ~. 02 Anne asked me not to wait for her. She studied hard not to fail the math exam. The teacher warned us not to use our cell phone in class. The doctor told me not to smoke. 03 ~ so... that can... enough to 04 (1), (2) too... to ~ : ~, ~ (3), (4) to to not never. 05 too... to = so... that+ +can t[couldn t]+ : ~ [ ~ ] 06 to not never to to. 07 (1) too+ / +to : ~ [ ~ ] (2) too... to = so... that+ +can t[couldn t]+ (3) enough+to : ~ (4), (5) to to not never. 08 too... to so... that+ +can t[couldn t] +. 09 to not never to to. 10 too+ / +to : ~ [ ~ ] 11 not to so as not to in order not to. 12 too... to = so... that+ +can t[couldn t]+ : ~ [ ~ ], enough to = so... that+ +can[could]+ : ~ too to enough to so... that to. 13 to not never to to. 14 too... to : ~ [ ~ ], to not never to to. 15 (1) too... to, avoid colliding. (2) not to cause. 16 asked to to not never. 17 10 My brother is too young 4 정답및해설

to eat food by himself.. 18 to not never to to. 19 too... to so... that+ +can t[couldn t] +. ⑵ The car is so old that I can t drive it. ⑶ A boy under 15 is so young that he can t watch the movie. ⑷ The film was so interesting that I could watch it again. pp.8~12 p.26~27 01 ⑴ This computer is so slow that I[we] can t surf the web. ⑵ Boris was so nervous that he couldn t give a speech. ⑶ The woman was so kind that she helped[could help] the old lady. ⑷ The cable is so long that it can reach the socket. ⑸ Your computer is so slow that I can t use it. 02 ⑴ This TV is too big to carry on my own. ⑵ Susie was too slow to catch up with Mike. ⑶ The bag is so small that I can t put the books in it. 03 해석 : (1) 나는그에게가라고말하지않았다. (2) 나는그에게가지말라고말했다. 차이 : (1) 번문장은동사 tell을부정하는문장이고 (2) 번문장은부정사 to go를부정하는문장이다. 04 ⑴ (a) The fried chicken is too spicy to eat. (b) The fried chicken is so spicy that I can t eat it ⑵ (a) The questions are too difficult to answer. (b) The questions are so difficult that I can t answer them. ⑶ (a) He is strong enough to lift a car. (b) He is so strong that he can lift a car. ⑷ (a) The print was clear enough to read. (b) The print was so clear that I could read it. 05 not to use 06 ⑴ I run too slowly to finish the race within the limited amount of time given. ⑵ This coat is too big to fit you. ⑶ The text is too long to read. ⑷ The man is strong enough to move the rock. ⑸ She is wise enough to make a good decision. ⑹ The dress is beautiful enough to wear at the party. 07 ⑴ not to make a noise ⑵ not to run 08 ⑴ too young to ⑵ too weak to ⑶ good enough to ⑷ smart enough 09 ⑴ Henry was so busy that he couldn t answer the phone. 01 (1)~(5) too... to = so... that+ +can t[couldn t]+, enough to = so... that+ +can[could]+. (5) too... to enough to so... that to. 02 too... to = so... that+ +can t[couldn t]+ : ~ [ ~ ] 03 to not never to. 04 too... to = so... that+ +can t[couldn t]+, enough to = so... that+ +can[could]+. too... to enough to so... that to. 05 not to use. to not never to. 06 too... to = so... that+ +can t[couldn t]+ : ~ [ ~ ], enough to = so... that+ +can[could]+ : ~ 07 to not to. 08 too... to enough to. not good enough to ~: ~ [ ] 09 too... to = so... that+ +can t[couldn t]+, enough to = so... that+ +can[could]+. too... to enough to so... that to. 확인문제 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 F 확인문제 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 F p.28 p.29 5

p.30~31 01 Last 02 more than 03 no more, coming 04 prepare for, closing ceremony 05 There comes another 06 something wrong 07 Still, kept going 08 stopped their preparations 09 All eyes were on 10 celebration musicm, cheered 11 Go for it 12 with a tape 13 Finally, ran through, fell to 14 His name 15 was from 16 came up to 17 happened to 18 during a practice run 19 got worse 20 Why not 21 far behind 22 representing Afghanistan 23 no way 24 at war, isn t it 25 have been 26 That s why 27 was sad for, back then 28 Were, running 29 started running 30 lots of 31 won a marathon 32 As a result 33 How 34 myself, to be from 35 not to give up 36 to win 37 it was enough p.32~33 1 The Last Runner 2 The last runner finished the race more than an hour before. 3 There will be no more runners coming, the officials decided. 4 They removed the tape at the finish line and started to prepare for the closing ceremony for the 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics in the United States. 5 Someone shouted, Look! There comes another runner! 6 A runner was just entering the stadium, but there was something wrong with his legs. 7 Still, he kept going toward the finish line. 8 The band and the volunteers stopped their preparations for the closing ceremony. 9 All eyes were on the runner. 10 Suddenly, the band started playing celebration music, and the volunteers cheered. 11 Go! Go! Go for it! 12 Two volunteers ran to the finish line with a tape. 13 Finally, the runner ran through the tape and then fell to the ground. 14 His name was Abdul Baser Wasiqi. 15 He was from Afghanistan. 16 Reporters came up to Wasiqi and started asking him questions. 17 Reporter: What happened to you? 18 Wasiqi: I injured my leg during a practice run. 19 The injury got worse during the race, but I couldn t give up. 20 Reporter: Why not? 21 You knew that you were too far behind to win a medal. 22 Wasiqi: I am the onlya athlete here representing Afghanistan. 23 There was no way I could give up. 24 Reporter: Afghanistan is still at war, isn t it? 25 Wasiqi: Yes, we have been at war for 16 years. 26 That s why we were not able to send athletes to the Barcelona Olympics four years ago. 27 I was sad for my country back then when I could see no Afghan athletes in the opening ceremony. 28 Reporter: Were you running marathons then? 29 Wasiqi: No. I started running after Barcelona. 30 I ran in lots of races. 31 Finally I won a marathon in Germany. 32 As a result, I was able to come to Atlanta. 33 Reporter: How do you feel now? 34 Wasiqi: I am proud of myself and proud to be from Afghanistan. 35 For me and my country, it was important not to give up. 36 I didn t come here to win. 37 For me, it was enough to be here and to finish the race. p.34~37 01 4 02 who[that] are 03 Because the last runner finished the race more than an hour before. 04 2, 5 05 because why 06 the race a practice run 또는 Wasiqi injured his leg The injury got worse 07 2, 3 08 All of a sudden / All at once / On a sudden 09 4 10 representing 11 of 6 정답및해설

12 2, 5 13 (A) interviewee (B) giving up 14 it was important not to give up 15 1 16 4 17 1 18 5 19 1 20 2 21 3 22 the other another 23 All eyes were on the runner. 01 prepare for: ~, for: ~ 02 coming +be (who[that] are). 03. 04, : happen to ~(< >, ),,, : happen to+ ( ~ ) 05 4, why. That s why ~: ~, why. That s because ~: ~. 06 Wasiqi,. 07 Wasiqi., :,,,,,, 08 Suddenly = All of a sudden, All at once, On a sudden: 09 Wasiqi. 10 athlete. 11 ask of. 12 (B), :,, :, : 13 (A) interviewee:, (B) Wasiqi. 14 to to not. 15 : ( ), It:, = To be present at the party was good enough.,,, : 16 :, ( ),, : ( ) ( )( ), ( ) [ ]( ),, ( ) 17 Wasiqi,. consideration:, alas: ( ) 18 Wasiqi. There was something wrong with his legs. No. The band started playing celebration music, and the volunteers cheered. Go! Go! Go for it! He fell to the ground. 19 As a result., ~ [ ] 20 Wasiqi. After the Barcelona Olympics. He was proud of himself and proud to be from Afghanistan. It was important not to give up. No. 21 preparation for: ~, through: ~, ~ 22 another. the other: 23 All eyes were on ~: ~ (~ ) 01 (A) last (B) removed (C) closing 02 over 03 There will be no more runners coming 04 going 05 Go for it 또는 Way to go 06 to prepare preparing 07 isn t it 08 you were so far behind that you couldn t win a medal 09 at war 10 (A) give up (B) representing Afghanistan 11 At last, In the end, Eventually 중에서쓰면된다. 12 pride, pride 13 (A) many (B) Germany 14 (A) giving up (B) to win pp.8~12 p.38~39 01 (A) last. last:, latest:, (B) removed. install:, (C) closing. 02 more than = over: ~ 03 no more: ~ 04 keep ~ing: ~ 05 Go for it!:,!,!,!, Way to go!:,! = Come on! = Go! = Stick it out!, : Cheer up!(!) 06 stop+to : ~, stop+~ing: ~ [ ]. 7

, stop+. 07 be, be. 08 too ~ to = so ~ that can t: ~ 09 16, 4 12. at war: 10 Wasiqi,. 11 finally = at last = in the end = eventually: 12 be proud of = take pride in: ~, proud pride. 13 Wasiqi,.. 14 Wasiqi,.,.. sufficient: 01 3 02 5 03 1 04 3 05 Have you heard of the winner of the singing contest? 06 How was she able to speak English so well? 07 3 08 5 09 3 10 Many people are good at skiing. Not many people are good at skiing. 11 1, 5 12 5 13 5 14 2 15 5 16 I read a book quietly not to disturb my p.41~45 classmates. 17 3 18 They tried hard so as not to fail the entrance exam. 19 3 20 ⑴ We were too late to catch the last train. ⑵ We were so late that we couldn t catch the last train. 21 4 22 The man was so tired that he couldn t play tennis. 23 4 24 ⑴ I was too tired to focus on the test. ⑵ The presenter was too nervous to eat dinner. ⑶ The evidence is detailed enough to support his argument. 25 The cellphone was so expensive that I couldn t buy it. 26 Afghanistan is still at war 27 5 28 racing 29 2 30 3 31 I am so shy that I can t sing in front of many people. 32 ⑴ 강점 : 노래부르는것을좋아하고목소리가좋다. 약점 : 수줍어하고불안해한다. ⑵ 너무수줍어해서많은사람들앞에서노래를부를수없다. ⑶ 콘테스트도중에불안해하지않기위해서먼저학급친구들앞에서노래부르기를연습할것이다. 01 come up to ~ = ~,, give up = 02 prepare preparation. 03. 04 join,. 05 ~? Have you heard of ~?. 06 ~? How was she able to ~?. 07 that s why. 08 20 = He was in a car accident in his early twenties, He hurt his legs. 09. 10 Skiing is not easy. Many people are good at skiing.. 11 Have you heard ~?, Have you been told ~?, Do you know ~?, Are you aware of/that ~?. 12.. 13,. 14. 15 Some people told her not to become a professional. I read the newspaper every morning in order not to get behind the times. The teacher asked us not 8 정답및해설

to make any sound during the class. I hurried so as not to be late for the meeting. 16 to not never to. 17 too... to = so... that+ +can t[couldn t]+ : ~ [ ~ ], enough to = so... that+ +can[could]+ : ~ too... to enough to so... that to. 18 so as to ~ not to. 19 too... to = so... that+ +can t[couldn t]+ : ~ [ ~ ] 20 too... to = so... that+ +can t[couldn t]+ : ~ [ ~ ] 21 ask to not never. 22 so... that+ +can t[couldn t]+ : ~ [ ~ ] 23 The students promised not to make any noise again.. 24 too... to = so... that+ +can t[couldn t]+ : ~ [ ~ ], enough to = so... that+ +can[could]+ : ~ 25 too... to = so... that+ +can t[couldn t]+ : ~ [ ~ ]. too... to enough to so... that to. 26 at war: 27 Wasiqi 4. 28 finish racing. 29 ( ),.,, ( ) [ ], 30 However., [ ],, 31 too ~ to = so ~ that can t: ~ 32 (1) Strength: love singing, good voice, Weakness: shy, nervous, (2) I am too shy to sing in front of many people. (3) Not to be nervous during the contest, I will practice singing in front of my class first. 01 (a)dmire 02 1 03 4 04 4 05 3 06 4 07 5 08 4 09 3 10 4 11 4 12 3 13 1 14 2 15 ⑴ I m so sick that I can t go out to eat. ⑵ She is so old that she can do what she wants. 16 1 17 4 18 Why couldn t you give up? 19 That s why we were not able to send athletes to the Barcelona Olympics four years ago. 20 4 21 me myself 22 4 23 (A) kilometer (B) given (C) running 24 In order that I may not fall behind the other runners p.46~49 01. author, writer, admire, respect 02? - represent,,, reduce, take, realize 03. be proud of = /. be good at =, 04 preparation removed public famous. officials 05 How was he able to ~?. Could you tell me ~?. 06 (A) ~? Have you heard of ~?. (B), get better. 07 the boy Eui Hyun Sin. 08 be into ~ be interested in. 09 D.I.Y.. D.I.Y. buying. buying making 10 D.I.Y., D.I.Y.. 11 too... to = so... that+ +can t[couldn t]+ : ~ [ ~ ] 12, The old man took a deep breath not to be upset.. 13 that couldn t. 9

14 Not to be nervous during the contest, I will practice singing in front of my class first. The player practiced hard to be proud of himself, not to win a gold medal. I was taught from the cradle never to cry. For me and my country, it was important not to give up. 15 (1) too... to = so... that+ +can t [couldn t]+ : ~ [ ~ ] (2) enough to = so... that+ +can[could]+ : ~ 16 with: [ ] ~, ~, All eyes were on ~: ~ (~ ) 17 Wasiqi, Wasiqi.,,,,, 18 Why not??. 19 why. 20.,.. 21 me. 22 Wasiqi,. 23 (A) kilometer. (B) given. (C) practice running. 24 to in order that ~ may., in order that ~ may not 01 invented 02 Whenever 03 Maybe that s why so many people admire him. 04 ⑴ We are too busy to go out for a walk. ⑵ Jin is so late that he can t take the 9 o clock train. ⑶ The apples are ripe enough to be picked. ⑷ This stadium is so large that it can hold 1,000 people. ⑸ Ellen exercises every day not to gain weight. ⑹ The girl listened carefully in class not to miss a word. p.50~51 05 ⑴ Andrew promised me never to be late for the meeting again. ⑵ In order not to forget certain events with my dog, I always take pictures with her. ⑶ I will practice running every morning so as not to fall behind the other runners. ⑷ I was too busy to go to bed before midnight. ⑸ No wonder my grade was too low for me to pass the exam. 06 There comes another runner! 07 (A) something wrong (B) closing ceremony 08 run through 09 (A) during (B) behind (C) for 10 reason 01 Thomas Edison invented. 02 (B) ~ whenever. 03 ~ = that s why ~ 04 (1), (2) too... to = so... that+ +can t [couldn t]+ : ~ [ ~ ] (3), (4) enough to = so... that+ +can[could]+ : ~ (5), (6) to not never to. 05 (1)~(3) not never to. to so as to in order to to to. (4), (5) too... to = so... that+ +can t[couldn t]+ : ~ [ ~ ] 06 there, another runner comes. 07 Wasiqi. 08 Wasiqi. 09 (A) during. while+ +, (B) behind. ahead:, (C) for. during+, for+ 10 That s why = For that reason 10 정답및해설

모범답안 01 marathon, finished, closing, ran through, representing 02 (A) dangerous enough (B) not to be 03 ( A) 5 kilometer marathon (B) a lot of time to exercise (C) too slowly (D) within the limited amount of time given (E) running faster every morning 01 finish, stadium, finally, fall to the ground 01 transportation 02 2 03 ⑴ war ⑵ stadium ⑶ celebration ⑷ cheered 04 1 05 2 06 before 07 3 08 5 09 Not, good at 10 3 11 2 12 4 13 5 14 3 15 too difficult for me to solve 16 ⑴ Sally wore warm clothes not to catch a cold. ⑵ People should stay quiet in public places not to disturb others. ⑶ Amy was too sick to play with her friends. 17 3 18 preparations 19 2 20 Afghan 21 2 22 (A) send athletes (B) opening 23 running 24 officials 25 5 p.52 p.53~56 01 -. invite, invitation, transport, transportation 02 passion. 03 (1) at war (2) stadium (3) celebration (4) cheer 04. in public, 05 ~? How was he/she able to ~?. 06.. before. 07 Hyeon Chung one of the final four players (4 ). 08 (E). 09 ~. Not many people ~., be good at. 10 Eui Hyun Sin. Eui Hyun Sin 2018 Paralympics. Eui Hyun Sin. Skiing. 11 No, one man saved ten people who were in the building. (B). 12 Sora.... 13 too... to = so... that+ +can t[couldn t]+. too... to enough to so... that to. 14 to not never to I told him never to tell a lie again.. 15 too... to : ~ [ ~ ] 16 (1), (2) to not never to. (3) too... to : ~ [ ~ ] 17 The song is too difficult to sing. The question was easy enough to answer. You must remember not to make a loud noise. She is intelligent enough not to miss a trick. 18 prepare,. 19 Wasiqi,. give in to: ~, exhausted:,, 20 Afghan: (, ) 21 Why couldn t you give up? Wasiqi. 22,. 23 give up running. 24 official: ( ) [ ],, 25 Wasiqi. When most runners finished racing, and the officials started to prepare for the closing ceremony. Yes. No. For his country. 11

2 Teens Worries 01 ⑴ (d)etest ⑵ (n)ervous 02 4 03 3 04 5 05 5 06 2 p.60 04. be asked out. go out of ~ 05 (1) be worried about ~ = ~ (2) end up ing = ~ (3) for now =, (4) in style = 06 (1) = take time (2) ~ have a hard time ing (3) without ing = ~ (4) get together = 01. decide, determine, hate, detest, afraid,, nervous 02 proved ( ). (.). agree 1 5 2 2 p.62~63,. asked. disagreed. (proved) /. liked/hated 01,. 02. 03... - latest C.. 04 a couple of,, end up ~ guy ( ), (informal) p.64 hate in style, 05 determine. 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 F 06. get started /. get better p.66~67 Listen & Speak 1 Listen 1. listening, helps, relax / agree pp.8~12 p.61 01 management 02 proof 03 for / for 04 out / out 05 ⑴ about ⑵ end ⑶ now ⑷ style 06 ⑴ taking ⑵ having ⑶ without ⑷ together 01. manage management 02 -. relax, relaxation, prove, proof, 03. for a long time. be ready for ~ 2. reading, helpful / learn, from 3. festival, fun 4. teacher, strict, agree / don t, strict Listen & Speak 1 A 1. told, use, for, day, enough / agree, with / doing, need, for / get, talk / for 2. just, about, project / decided, do / not, visit, wants, experiment / with / with, experiment, interesting Listen & Speak 2 Listen 1. have, match, nervous / worry, sure, play 2. nervous, speech / do, worry 3. worried, friends, school / sure, make, friends 12 정답및해설

Listen & Speak 2 A 1. worried, wrong / upset / Why, do / wore, without / sorry, understand 2. having, learning / had, asked, teacher / What / advised, use, vocabulary, sure Real-Life Zone project, taking / agree, One, people, doing / That s, team / know, know, get, to / doesn t, started, like, part / what, do / to, why, doing, Then, you ll, if, wants / try / sure, better, talk, project Wrap Up matter, look / ready, finals, desk, study, up, something / management, easy / agree, should / Number, have, Then, down, much, you, finish / try / that, with 시험대비기본평가 p.68 01 1 02 4 03 5. 05 (C). 06, Emily.. 07 agree. 08 (A) ~ = get + to, (B) = get started 09. 10 ( ) Is something wrong?. (B) What. 11 without without. 12 I m sure ~. 01 I agree with her.. 02 Tell her you re sorry.. I m sure ~.. 03 (C). (B) (A). 01 I m sure you ll play very well. 02 agree 03 I m having a hard time learning new English words. 04 vocabulary 05 against for 06 job 07 I m sure he ll do better after you talk to him. pp.8~12 p.71 01 ~. I m sure ~.. p.69~70 01 1 02 5 03 2 04 2 05 3 06 3 07 agree 08 3 09 3 10 3 11 5 12 5 01. 02 I had the same problem.. 03. 04 02, agree. 03 ~ have a hard time ing. 04 vocabulary. 05 work against. work for. 06 do one s part = do one s job. 07 ~ I m sure +. = he ll do better, = after you talk to him 13

1 ⑴ watching ⑵ Listening 2 ⑴ if[whether] ⑵ if[whether] ⑶ whether p.72~73 ⑷ Not feeling good about it, he wrote a letter to her. ⑸ Disappointed with the result, she walked out of her room. 15 5 16 2, 3 17 She advises Sohui to ask Hayeon if[whether] there is something wrong. 시험대비기본평가 p.74 01 1 02 ⑴ walking ⑵ Not knowing ⑶ if ⑷ whether 03 5 04 ⑴ Looking at me, she smiled brightly. ⑵ While walking home from work, I found this great bakery. ⑶ We need to find out if the rumor is true. 01 + + + ( ). 02 (1) + + walking. (2) not never. (3). if. (4) or not whether. 03 know ~ ( ) if. 04 (1) looking + +. (2) while. (3) ~ ( ) if. 01 3 02 4 03 1 04 ⑴ if ⑵ whether ⑶ whether ⑷ Neglecting ⑸ talking ⑹ Not getting 05 5 06 3 07 1 08 5 09 Being 10 2 11 2 12 ⑴ I was ⑵ he was 13 4 14 ⑴ We don t know if Mark will succeed. ⑵ Whether I believe you or not is not important now. ⑶ Riding a bike, he always wears his helmet. p.75~77 01 Mike was standing outside the house, waiting for her. 02 ~ ( ) if[whether]. I just wanted to know if[whether] everything was all right. 03 ~ ( ) if whether. + + Finishing. 04 (1) ~ ( ) if. (2) ~ ( ) whether. (3) or not whether. (4) + +, (5) when. (6) not never. 05 + +.,. 06 (A) ~ ( ) if whether, (B) or not whether. 07 thinking.. 08 if whether. 09 Because I was lonely, I decided to make some friends., Because I was Being. 10 ~ ( ) if whether if or not. Justine asks, got. 11.,, 12 +be being. 13 ~ ( ) if or not. 14 정답및해설

14 (1) if know succeeds will succeed. (2) If Whether. (3) Ridden Riding. (4) not never. (5) Being Disappointing Disappointed.. 15 As[Because] he wanted to get good grades, he decided to study hard. As[Because] he wanted Wanting. 16 if. if whether. if to. if whether. 17 if[whether] if[whether]+ +. pp.8~12 p.78~79 01 ⑴ Being so upset, he went out without saying anything. ⑵ Cancelling the order, you will lose your money. ⑶ Being tired of a lot of homework, I won t give up. ⑷ Not feeling good, I stayed in bed all morning. ⑸ It being fine, I will start tomorrow. 02 ⑴ He couldn t tell if she was laughing or crying. ⑵ I m not sure if he explained everything about your compensation. 03 ⑴ Taking this train, you ll get to Busan at 1 p.m. ⑵ Being busy, Amy is always willing to help me. ⑶ I wonder if he lives near here. ⑷ I am not sure if he still remembers me. 04 ⑴ Whether he will continue to be successful in future is open to doubt. ⑵ Some friends asked me whether or not I had an accident. ⑶ I was debating in my mind whether to go or not. 05 ⑴ if[whether] she can make friends ⑵ if[whether] he can play ⑶ whether she can do 06 ⑴ Doing check-in ⑵ having a talk ⑶ Coming out 07 ⑴ Being sick, he stayed home all day long. As he was sick, he stayed home all day long. ⑵ Don t look at your phone, walking on the street. Don t look at your phone when[as] you walk on the street. ⑶ Can I ask if[whether] you have the ticket? ⑷ I wonder if[whether] he can pass the exam. 08 ⑴ Written in haste, this book has a lot of mistakes. ⑵ There being no train left, he had to stay at a hotel. 01 + + ( +-ing). (1), (2) (3) (4) not never. (5). ( ) 02 ~ ( ) if. if if+ +. 03 (1), (2). (3), (4) if. 04 (1) If Whether. (2) or not if whether. (3) whether to if if whether. 05 (1), (2) if whether. (3) about whether. 06 (1) = When he did (2) = as she had (3) = when he came. 07 (1), (2) + + ( +-ing). (3), (4) ~ ( ) if[whether]. if+ +. 08 (1) Writing Written. (2). ( ) 확인문제 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 F p.80 15

확인문제 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 F p.81 p.82~83 01 Should 02 has 03 what do you do 04 Here are some things 05 her best friend, has changed, is avoiding 06 don t you 07 What about 08 I feel 09 turns around, walks away from 10 to hear that 11 why she does that 12 I ve done anything wrong 13 feels like 14 should, if, something wrong 15 still, with 16 thinking, just because 17 new sneakers 18 What 19 didn t you, couple of 20 in style 21 in these 22 wearing, cooler, more popular 23 because you re you 25 a great guy 26 to prove it 27 was asked out 28 to hurt his feelings 29 advice 30 asked me out 31 for now, go out with 32 focus on 33 should 34 Why don t you 35 I m afraid 36 If you don t tell, end up hurting 37 you re right 38 Thanks for p.84~85 1 What Should I Do? 2 Everyone has worries. 3 When you have things you worry about, what do you do? 4 Here are some things that three teenagers worry about. 5 Sohui thought Hayeon was her best friend, but now, Sohui feels that Hayeon has changed and she is avoiding her. 6 Sohui: (To her older sister) You know my friend Hayeon, don t you? 7 Sister: Yeah. Why? What about her? 8 Sohui: I feel she s avoiding me. 9 When I see her at school, she turns around and walks away from me. 10 Sister: I m sorry to hear that. 11 Do you have any idea why she does that? 12 Sohui: No. I don t think I ve done anything wrong. 13 It just feels like she doesn t like me anymore. 14 Sister: Maybe you should just ask her if there is something wrong. 15 Sohui: Maybe I should. I still want to be friends with her. 16 Daeho, thinking that new things will make him more popular, often wants new things just because his friends have them. 17 Daeho: Seongjin, look at my new sneakers. 18 What do you think? 19 Seongjin: They re nice, but didn t you just buy new sneakers a couple of months ago? 20 Daeho: Yeah, but they re no longer in style. 21 I look cooler in these, right? 22 Seongjin: Daeho, wearing the latest fashion doesn t make you cooler or more popular. 23 People like you because you re you, not because of your clothes. 24 Daeho: Yeah? 25 Seongjin: Listen, you re a great guy. 26 You don t need new sneakers to prove it. 27 Recently, Minkyeong was asked out by a boy in her class. 28 She wants to say no but does not want to hurt his feelings. 29 Minkyeong: I need your advice. 30 A boy in my class asked me out. 31 I like him, but for now I don t want to go out with him. 32 I need to focus on my studies. 33 What should I do? 34 Counselor: Why don t you tell him why you can t go? 35 Minkyeong: I m afraid I might hurt his feelings. 36 Counselor: If you don t tell him soon, he will misunderstand your feelings, and you may end up hurting him even more. 37 Minkyeong: Maybe you re right. 38 Thanks for the advice. 01 in 02 2, 5 03 you re a great guy 04 How[What] about 05 3 06 about 07 4 08 5 09 3 10 2 11 new sneakers 12 4 13 4 14 Recently, a boy in Minkyeong s[her] class asked Minkyeong out. p.86~89 16 정답및해설

15 2 16 new things 17 3 18 People like you because you re you, not because of your clothes. 19 4 20 1, 4 21 4 01 in style,, in: ~ [ / ] 02 (A), :,,, : 03. 04 Why don t you ~?= How[What] about ~ing?: ~? 05,!!. 06 worry about: ~ 07,. routine: ( ) 08 ~ :, : 09 :,,, 10,. 11. 12 trendy: ( ), ( ),,.,,,, 13 for now:,,, focus on: ~,. 14 ask somebody out: ~ 15 (B) : ( ), : ( ) [ ], ( ), ( ) 16. 17 these new sneakers in. 18 of. 19 that.. 20, : ( ),., :, 21,,,.. I mean it.:. That s enough.:!,! Every dog has his day.:. ignore: pp.8~12 p.90~91 01 hurting 02 Unless you 03 (A) out (B) hurting his feelings 04 as[because] he thinks that new things will make him more popular 05 because your clothes because of your clothes 06 (A) his friends (B) in style 07 (A) What (B) latest (C) clothes 08 (my) new sneakers 09 No, he doesn t. 10 why she does that 11 thinks doesn t think, something anything 12 (A) has changed (B) is avoiding (C) wrong 01 end up ~ing: ~ 02 If ~ not = Unless 03,. turned ~ down: ~ 04, as because. 05 because+, because of+ ( ), because of your clothes. 06,. 07 (A) think What. (B) latest. last:, latest: [ ], (C) clothes. cloths:,, clothes:, 08 ( ). 09.. 10 ( + + ). 11. something anything. 12 :. :? 17

p.93~98 01 5 02 1 03 3 04 2 05 when doing my homework, I need to use it for a long time 06 I m sure you ll make a lot of friends there. 07 3 08 4 09 5 10 d: Ask him why he s not doing his part. 11 (A) for (B) up (C) for 12 5 13 2 14 2 15 1 16 5 17 if[whether] she would give up 18 ⑴ As she listened to music ⑵ because[as] he was 19 3 20 e, g 21 4 22 3 23 2 24 I feel she s avoiding me. When I see her at school, she turns around and walks away from me. 25 2, 3, 5 / 1, 4 26 5 27 3 28 2 29 2, 5 30 Because for now she needs to focus on her studies. 31 ( A) grow taller (B) shortest 32 as[because] they have lots of protein and calcium 33 ⑴ 달걀, 우유, 그리고콩과같은음식을먹어야한다. ⑵ 매일밤적어도 8시간을자야한다. 01 popular. 02 counselor,. 03 ask A for help = A, be ready for ~ = ~ 04 part,,. 05 when I do my homework when doing my homework. 06. I m sure ~. 07 I agree., Same here., You can say that again., So do I., Me, too.. 08 Everybody on the team. 09. 10 why he s not doing his part.. 11 (A) be ready for ~: ~ (B) end up ing : ~ (C) be helpful for ~: ~ 12 each each+. 13. 14,. 15 if whether. 16 Having made. *make a name for oneself: *arrogant: [ ] 17 if whether will would. 18 (1) (2). 19 if ~, ~. 20 ate eating Knowing not Not knowing Seeing Seen Being It being that if[whether] 21 + + ( +-ing). 22 Many people wonder if he will resign before the election. if. 23 Not having enough money, I cannot buy the smartphone. = Because I don t have enough money, I cannot buy the smartphone. 24. 25,,, : [ ]( ), ( )..,.,, : ~ ( ) 26,,. Because she feels Hayeon is avoiding her. Yes. No. She advises Sohui to ask Hayeon if there is something wrong. 27 they. new 18 정답및해설

sneakers. 28,.?. 29 thoughtful = considerate:,,,,,.,,,, 30. 31 (A) Hena. (B). 32, as because. 33 (1) I suggest you eat foods like eggs, milk, and beans. (2) You should sleep at least eight hours every night. 01 (p)roject 02 5 03 4 04 4 05 3 06 4 07 1 08 4 09 5 10 4 11 2 12 3 13 ⑴ My concern is whether or not they are alive. 14 1 ⑵ I ll check if he will see this painting. ⑶ Winning the game, Ben is very happy. ⑷ Properly conducted, this business is not a public danger. 15 ⑴ Feeling tired, he took a warm bath. ⑵ I make delicious food, dreaming to be a cook. ⑶ It being raining, 75 people were waiting for her. 16 if[whether] Minji was[will be] late 17 4 18 no more[longer] 19 1, 4, 5 20 3 21 out of in 22 3 23 (A) he s he (B) his clothes 24 Why don t you tell him why you can t go? 25 won t don t 26 2 27 2, 5 28 2, 5 p.99~103 01. strict, rigid, project, task 02. / ask+ +out = 03. in style /? end up ing ~ 04. snap. sneakers. strict. mistake. teenager 05.?. 06 (A) = without asking. (B). = I m sure she ll understand.. 07. 08 You can say that again... So do I.. 09. I m sure that will be helpful for you. 10 Emily.. 11 decide + +. 12.... 13 (1) whether or not if or not. (2) if. (3) Win Winning. (4) being conducted. 14 ~ ( ) if whether. 15 (1) + + ( +-ing). (2) with a dream dreaming. (3). 19

16 if whether if[whether]+ +. 17 These foods, having lots of protein and calcium, can help you grow taller. Mason listened to the music, taking a shower. When serving in the army, he felt a strong tie with his colleagues. Being disappointed, I kept writing and now I m a writer. colleague: 18 not ~ anymore = no more = no longer 19,, : ( ),, : ( ) ( ) 20,,.,,,,, 21, out of style in style. out of style:, in style, 22, :,,, : 23 ( ),. 24 Why don t you ~?: ~? 25, won t don t. 26. 27 ~ if whether.? 28 swimming, jumping rope, or playing basketball. play tug-of-war: 01 has 02 get 03 Ask him why he s not doing his part. 04 ⑴ Because[As, Since] I was interested in soccer, I joined a soccer club. ⑵ Emily opened her birthday present, as she smiled happily. ⑶ Hearing about the accident, she was shocked. ⑷ It being cold tomorrow, I won t go there. 05 ⑴ He can t decide whether to buy it. ⑵ I don t know if she will come tomorrow. ⑶ Jane watched a baseball game on TV, having dinner. ⑷ Putting eggs on the bread, Yena made the sandwiches more delicious. p.104~105 06 don t you 07 학교에서소희가그녀 ( 하연이 ) 를볼때그녀는돌아서서 소희로부터멀리걸어가는것 08 (A) worried (B) advises 09 a couple of months ago 10 needs doesn t need 11 ( A) new (B) more popular (C) because of (D) because 01 ~. Everyone has to. 02 (B) ~ to get. 03 ~. Ask him why ~.. 04 (1). (2). as. (3). (4).. 05 (1) whether to if to. (2) if. (3) had having. (4) Put Putting. 06, don t. 07 When I see her at school, she turns around and walks away from me. 08,. 09 a couple of:,,, 10. 11 :.. :. 모범답안 01 ⑴ if[whether] listening to music helps you relax ⑵ if[whether] reading history comic books is helpful ⑶ if[whether] our P.E. teacher is too strict p.106 20 정답및해설

⑷ if[whether] our school festival will be a lot of fun 02 ( A) grow taller (B) being the shortest (C) eggs, milk, and beans (D) eight hours 11 (1) + + ( +-ing). (2). (3) ~ ( ) if[whether]. (4). 01 (d)isagree 02 4 03 ⑴ agree ⑵ avoid ⑶ relax ⑷ worry 04 1 05 3 06 4 07 2 08 3 09 4 10 3 11 ⑴ Hearing the news, he dropped down on the floor from shock. ⑵ After talking to my dad, I felt much better. ⑶ I am not sure if[whether] you remember me. ⑷ Leaving the house, you should check if you turned off the stove. p.107~110 01. avoid, face, agree, disagree 02 13 19 teenager. 03 (1). (agree) (2). avoid (3). relax (4). worry 04. ~, ~ = have difficulty/a hard time/ trouble/a difficult time -ing 05.. 06 (D). 07.... 08. end up ing. 09 write down how much ~ + +. do how much time you need ~. 10 Emily Emily. 21

3 Healthy Living, a Happy Life 01 5 02 4 03 3 04 ⑴ dry ⑵ irregular 05 4 06 5 01 advantage,. p.114 02? - effects /. - arrived. - 02. on time. focus on 03. suitably = properly 04. arrive arrival, late arrival 05. healthy, unhealthy, direct, indirect 06 (1). produce (2). properly (3) Sue. role (4). skin 07 (1) = sunlight (2) = keep a journal (3),, = grade (4), = keep in mind avoid. - bone. - effects. - calcium 03.. put on /. put ~ out ~ 04. avoid, face, wet, dry, regular, irregular 05. direct ( ) 06,. fortunately. make a world of difference p.116~117 1 4 2 5 01,,. 02.. mood,. outdoors? peak, 01 for / for 02 on / on 03 (p)roperly 04 arrival 05 indirect 06 ⑴ produces ⑵ properly ⑶ role ⑷ skin 07 ⑴ sunlight ⑵ journal ⑶ grade ⑷ mind 01. be good for ~. for ~ pp.8~12 p.115 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F Listen & Speak 1 Listen 1. can, stay / Well, important, breakfast 2. What, do, grades / important 3. think, writ, journal p.118 p.120~121 22 정답및해설

4. write down, spend, on / think Listen & Speak 1 A 1. What, do, weekend / played, decided, exercise, for / you, important, regularly / Right, about, with 2. late / took, bus / think, leave, earlier / too, won t / arrive, on Listen & Speak 2 1. too / should, brought, one 2. cold / have 3. missed / have, earlier 4. Look, should, put on / right Listen & Speak 2 A 1. how, movie / enjoy, was / What, about / knew, have, before / sorry, like 2. still, minutes, before, top, down, and, snack / brought, brought / okay, share / keep, mind, some, time Real-Life Zone look, energy / because, got, last / usually, enough / know, important, night s, always, up, surfing, playing, phone / sometimes, me / After, regret, morning, have, earlier / different / climbed, dad, tired, home, sleep, after / Outdoor, are, way, get Wrap Up blanket, wet, checked / rwash / put, sun / Why, wash / blanket, way, keep, clean / know, remember / important, remember, regularly 시험대비기본평가 p.122 01 1 02 5 03 4 01 Why not?. 09 5 10 I should have brought some snacks. 11 1 12 3 01 too,. 02 It s important to exercise regularly. 03 weekday. 04. 05 (D). 06 Ben. 07. 08 I shouldn t have read about it before seeing it.. 09.. 10 should bring should have brought. 11 (B) share. (C), keep in mind. 12. 02. 03 (C) (A),. (B). 01 I should have worn a jacket. 02 (B) - (C) - (A) 03 exercise 04 It s important to exercise regularly. 05 playing 06 I shouldn t have read about it before seeing it. 07 I m sorry 08 good bad pp.8~12 p.125 01 3 02 4 03 2 04 3 05 4 06 3 07 1 08 4 p.123~124 01 should have+. 23

02 (B) (C) TV, (A). 03 exercise. 04 ~ It s important to ~. 05 How about ing?. 06 should have+. before seeing. 07 I am sorry. 08 What was bad about it?. p.129~131 01 2 02 1 03 4 04 5 05 3, 5 06 3 07 4 08 2 09 1 10 1, 4 11 ⑴ The higher I went up, the fresher the air was. ⑵ The more you walk, the more tired you will get. 12 2 13 ⑴ This red dress looks the prettier of the two. ⑵ The more water we use, the drier our well will become. ⑶ The more stress I get, the more emotional I become. 14 5 15 3 16 ⑴ why that ⑵ who that[which] ⑶ July 26 on July 26 17 ⑴ The spicier, the more ⑵ The more, the more ⑶ when ⑷ where ⑸ whom 18 2 19 1 1 ⑴ longer ⑵ less 2 ⑴ that ⑵ It ⑶ whom p.126~127 01 the + + ~, the + + : ~ The hotter it gets, the harder it is to work. 02 which that[who] where that[when] much more wise wiser 03 the + + ~, the + + : ~ 시험대비기본평가 p.128 01 4 02 3 03 2 04 ⑴ It is you that I love. ⑵ It is calcium that builds strong bones and teeth. ⑶ The more I exercise, the stronger I get. ⑷ The more, the better. 01 It ~ that It is/was ~ that..., It is/was that, that,, ( / ). that. 02 the + + ~, the + + : ~ 03 It was John who[that] loved her. that who. 04 (1), (2) It is/was ( ) that.... (3), (4) the + + ~, the + + ~,. As+ + + ~, + +. 04 It ~ that... that who. 05 the + + ~, the + + = As+ + + ~, + + : ~ 06 an apple which that. 07 the + + ~, the + + : ~ 08 < > that. 09 the + + ~, the + + : ~ 10 It ~ that that which. 11 the + + ~, the + + = As+ + + ~, + + : ~ (2).,.. 12 It:, that : It ~ 24 정답및해설

that. 13 (1) the of the two the+. (2), (3) the + + ~, the + + : ~ 14 That It, It ~ that.... make makes 15 ugly uglier more safe safer good and good better and better nicer the nicer 16 (1) why that. (2) a good breakfast who that[which]. (3) on. 17 (1), (2) the + + ~, the + + : ~ (3), (4) ( / ), when( ) where( ). (5) that whom. 18 the movie It was the movie that[which].... 19 the gloomier. 01 ⑴ The higher a bird flies, the farther it can see. ⑵ The more they have, the more they want. p.132~133 pp.8~12 02 ⑴ The more stress I get, the more emotional I become. ⑵ Ryan thinks the more slowly he eats, the fuller he gets. ⑶ The younger you are, the easier it is to learn. ⑷ This country is the better of the two. ⑸ It was Hamin that[who] played basketball with Eric last Saturday. ⑹ It is on Saturdays that[when] there are lots of weddings. ⑺ It was in Hangang Park that[where] Ms. Jones was at 2 p.m. last Saturday. ⑻ It was Amy s house that[which] James visited last Friday. 03 ⑴ It was Jenny s family that[who] went to the beach last summer. ⑵ It was to the beach that[where] Jenny s family went last summer. ⑶ It was last summer that[when] Jenny s family went to the beach. 04 ⑴ The more I like her, the more I miss her. ⑵ The earlier you leave, the earlier you will arrive there. ⑶ The harder you study for the exam, the better you will do. ⑷ The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you will make. 05 ⑴ It was Anna who bought the dress on the Internet last Sunday. ⑵ Anna did buy the dress on the Internet last Sunday. ⑶ It was the dress which Anna bought on the Internet last Sunday. ⑷ It was on the Internet where Anna bought the dress last Sunday. ⑸ It was last Sunday when Anna bought the dress on the Internet. 06 ⑴ the healthier you will feel ⑵ the harder doing outdoor activities is ⑶ the more dangerous you will be 07 ⑴ The more you study, the smarter you will become. ⑵ The less money you spend, the more money you will have in your account. ⑶ It was five years ago that[when] Mr. Smith moved to our apartment. ⑷ It was at the Italian restaurant that[where] I learned this recipe. ⑸ It was his book that[which] Jack lost at the market. 01 the + + ~, the + + : ~ 02 (1)~(3) the + + ~, the + + : ~ (4) the of the two the+. (5) Hamin that who. (6) on Saturdays that when. (7) which Hangang Park. in Hangang Park that where. (8) Amy s house that which.. 03 It was that, that who, where, when. 04 ( 1),. 25

.. (2),... (3), (4) the + + ~, the + + = As+ + + ~, + + : ~ 05 It was that, that. that that who, which, where, when. It is[was] ~ that... did. 06 the + + ~, the + + : ~ 07 (1), (2) the + + ~, the + + : ~ (3)~(5) It was that, that. that when, where, which. 확인문제 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 F 확인문제 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 F 01 Sunshine 02 out in the sun 03 Not much 04 too busy, to spend, outdoors 05 plays an important role 06 stay healthy 07 feels happier 08 the body s happy hormone 09 The more sun, the more, happy hormone 10 goes up 11 fight everyday stress 12 calming effect, what you are doing 13 Moreover, a good night s sleep 14 not just 15 also, build strong bones 16 As you all know 17 for the body to use p.134 p.135 p.136~137 18 when sunlight shines 19 to go outside 20 As you can see, enjoy its benefits safely 21 getting direct sunlight, to benefit from it 22 Try to go out into, get sunshine on 23 for just a few minutes every day 24 to protect your face and neck 25 a little sunshine, make a world of difference p.138~139 1 Enjoy the Sunshine 2 How much time do you spend every day out in the sun? 3 Not much, right? 4 Most people are too busy at school or at work to spend much time outdoors. 5 However, the sun plays an important role in your health. 6 It helps you stay healthy. 7 Everyone feels happier when the sun shines. 8 This is because of serotonin, the body s happy hormone. 9 The more sun you get, the more happy hormone the brain produces. 10 When your serotonin level goes up, you feel happier and stronger. 11 This helps you fight everyday stress. 12 Serotonin also has a calming effect, helping you focus better on what you are doing. 13 Moreover, serotonin helps you get a good night s sleep because it helps the brain produce a sleep hormone. 14 Sunshine does not just make you feel and sleep better. 15 It also helps build strong bones. 16 As you all know, it is calcium that builds strong bones and teeth. 17 However, for the body to use calcium properly, it needs vitamin D. 18 Interestingly, the skin creates vitamin D when sunlight shines on it. 19 The easiest way to make strong bones is to go outside and enjoy the sun. 20 As you can see, sunshine has many benefits, but how can you enjoy its benefits safely? 21 Fortunately, getting direct sunlight on your skin for 10 to 20 minutes a day is enough to benefit from it. 26 정답및해설

22 Try to go out into the sun between classes or during lunch breaks and get sunshine on your arms and hands. 23 A walk in the sun, for just a few minutes every day, is good for both your mind and your body. 24 However, avoid the sun during peak summer hours, between 11 and 3, and use sunscreen to protect your face and neck. 25 Enjoy the sun safely and see how a little sunshine can make a world of difference in your health and your mood.. spare time:,, make a difference:,,, 06 sunscreen = sunblock:, 07 it ~ that : it that, it be is was. 08, :,, :, : 09, D D 01 5 02 (A) Most (B) outdoors (C) healthy 03 part 04 spend can t spend 05 2 06 sunscreen 또는 sunblock 07 it is calcium that builds strong bones and teeth 08 3 09 5 10 Vitamin D 11 3 12 4 13 4 14 1, 4 15 serotonin 16 3 17 (A) serotonin (B) sleep hormone 18 Sunshine helps build strong bones as well as makes you feel and sleep better. 19 1, 4 20 the body 21 As you can see 22 1 23 and it helps you focus better on what you are 24 4 doing p.140~143 01 However.,,,,, 02 (A) Most. almost:, most: ( ), (B) outdoor: [ ] ( ) [ ], outdoors: [ ] ( ), (C) stay, healthy. 03 play a role = play a part:, 04. spend can t spend. too ~ to = so ~ that cannot...( ~ ), Almost all the people = Most people, outdoors = outside a building or in the open air 05,,. 10 D. 11 for+ : ~, in the sun: 12 However.. 13 : ( ) ( )( ), lunch breaks:, ( ), (~ ) [ ]( ), ( ) ( ), ( ) ( ) 14, :,,, : 15. 16,. 17,. get a good night s sleep = have a good night s sleep: 18,, not just[only] A but also B = B as well as A(A B ). 19,, : It is[was] ~ that..., so ~ that...: ~ ( ), 20. 21 as: ~, ~ ( ) 22, 10 20,. 23 helping 27

. 24,. benefit: ;, p.144~145 pp.8~12 01 Most people are so busy at school or at work that they cannot spend much time outdoors. 02 the sun 03 (A) health (B) healthy 04 As you get more sun, the brain produces more happy hormone. 05 helping you focus better on what you are doing 06 (A) the brain (B) happy hormone 07 ⑴ It[Sunshine] makes you feel better. ⑵ It[Sunshine] makes you sleep better. ⑶ It[Sunshine] helps build strong bones. 08 Therefore However 09 the skin 10 (A) vitamin D (B) sunlight (C) enjoy the sun 11 does not make does not just[only/merely/ simply] make 12 (A) during (B) protect (C) a world of 13 10 to 20 01 too ~ to : so ~ that cannot...( ~ ) 02 [ ]. 03 ( ). play a role(part) in = have an effect on 04 the ~, the : ~, As the. 05 on. focus on: ~, 06,.. be in the sun: 07 (1). (2). (3). 08, D However But. 09. 10 D. D,. 11. does not just[only/ merely/simply] make. 12 (A) during. during+, for+, (B) protect. prevent:,, protect:, (C) a world of. a world of:,, a number of+ : 13 10 20. p.147~151 01 1 02 4 03 5 04 4 05 It s important to arrive at school on time. 06 I shouldn t have read about it 07 5 08 (A) boring (B) like 09 5 10 3 11 2 12 5 13 1 14 ⑴ It was Tina that[who] bought a camera at the shop yesterday. ⑵ Tina did buy a camera at the shop yesterday. ⑶ It was a camera that[which] Tina bought at the shop yesterday. ⑷ It was at the shop that[where] Tina bought a camera yesterday. ⑸ It was yesterday that[when] Tina bought a camera at the shop. 15 3 16 4 17 ⑴ The healthier, the healthier ⑵ the more, the sadder ⑶ darker and darker ⑷ where ⑸ which 18 It was, that[where] 19 4 20 5 21 1, 2 22 1 23 for 10 to 20 minutes a day 24 between 25 2 26 As you get more sunlight, you feel happier and stronger. 27 wash your hands 28 5 29 good breakfast 01. be decision. 02 skin. 28 정답및해설

03. = on time /. = put on 04? stay healthy =, stay = ~ 05 ~ It s important to ~. 06 ~ shouldn t[should not] have+. 07. 08 (A). (B). 09. before seeing. 10. 11 It is[was] ~ that... that who, which, where, when. 12 the + + ~, the + + : ~ 13 of the two the. The higher the top of a mountain, the better the view. The more I got to know her, the more I liked her. The angrier she got, the more loudly she yelled. The older David gets, the wiser he becomes. 14 It is[was] that, that. that who, which, where, when. It is[was] ~ that... do/does/did. 15 It was my uncle that[who] bought this smartphone for me on my birthday. It is Brian that[who] broke the door. It is the new car that my son wants to buy. It was on the day that[when] I met her. 16 the + + ~, the + + : ~ 17 (1), (2) the + + ~, the + + : ~ (3) and. (4)~(5) It is[was] ~ that... that who, which, when, where. 18 It is[was] ~ that... It is[was] that, that. that where. 19 Moreover. Moreover,, [ ], 20,. have nothing to do with: ~ 21, :,, :, : 22, D, D,,,!. 23 10 to 20 minutes: 10 20 24 between A and B: A B 25 10 20. on what ground:,, Yes. Between classes or during lunch breaks. During peak summer hours, between 11 and 3. By using sunscreen. 26 the ~, the : ~, As the. 27. catch[take, get, have] a cold: 28. 29. 01 irregularly 02 3 03 4 04 5 05 3 06 2 07 1 08 1 09 5 10 ⑴ It is the whole thing that[which] we are pretty much unsure about. ⑵ It was with her friends that[who, whom] she went to the movies last Sunday. ⑶ It was yesterday that[when] a friend of mine bought a luxurious car. p.152~155 29

11 4 12 3, 5 13 ⑴ The more careful we are, the fewer mistakes we make. ⑵ It is sunscreen that you should put on before you go out. 14 2 15 Everyone feels happier when the sun shines. 16 3 17 3 18 4 19 safe safely 20 (A) peak summer hours 21 5 22 3 23 sunscreen umbrella 24 4 01. wet, dry, regularly, irregularly 02. / make a world of difference 03. surf the Internet /. play an important role 04 effect flight grade journal, regret 05 reach. 06 ~ should have+. 07 30. 08 stay up late: 09 should have+. 10 It is[was] that, that. 11 The redder the apples are, the sweeter they taste. 12 The higher I went up, the foggier it became. Of the two boys, Simon is the taller. Buying new furniture may prove too costly.. He played basketball at the playground. last Friday that when. 13 (1) the + + ~, the + + : ~ (2) It is[was] that, that. 14 This.. 15. 16,. beneficial:, 17 : ~, ~ ( ),. [ as ~ as... ] ~, ( as ~ as..., as, as ), ( ), ( ), [ ] ~, ~ ( ) 18 D. 19 enjoy,. 20 11 3. 21. 22. book report:, article: ( ),, review: ( ) [ ],, travel essay: 23. sunscreen 24. p.156~157 01 4, How was yesterday different? 02 I finally got a good night s sleep last night 03 Outdoor 04 ⑴ I think the older Sue gets, the wiser she becomes. ⑵ The fewer the words, the better the prayer. ⑶ It was in the library that he lent me the book yesterday. ⑷ It was last year that[when] my family traveled to Busan. ⑸ It was because she lost her mother that the girl was confused. 05 It, she is waiting for in the rain 06 (A) up (B) calming (C) helping 07 (A) everyday stress (B) serotonin level 08 sunlight 30 정답및해설