Call for Papers JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL DESIGN AND ENGINEERING Print ISSN 2288-4300 Online ISSN 2288-5048 Journal of Computational Design and Engineering(JCDE) is a new peer-reviewed international journal that aims to provide academia and industry with a venue for rapid publication of research papers reporting innovative computational methods and applications to achieve a major breakthrough, practical improvements, and bold new research directions within a wide range of design and engineering. JCDE welcomes and acknowledges high quality original research papers from all disciplines. Topics of interest but are not limited to: Field specific issues in mechanical, aerospace, shipbuilding, industrial, architectural, plant, and civil engineering as well as industrial design Geometric modeling and processing, solid and heterogeneous modeling, computational geometry, features, and virtual prototyping Computer graphics, virtual and augmented reality, and scientific visualization Human modeling and engineering, user interaction and experience, HCI, HMI, human-vehicle interaction(hvi), cognitive engineering, and human factors and ergonomics with computers Knowledge-based engineering, intelligent CAD, AI and machine learning in design, and ontology Product data exchange and management, PDM/PLM/CPC, PDX/PDQ, interoperability, data mining, and database issue Design theory and methodology, sustainable design and engineering, concurrent engineering, and collaborative engineering Digital/virtual manufacturing, rapid prototyping and tooling, and CNC machining Computer aided inspection, geometric and engineering tolerancing, and reverse engineering Finite element analysis, optimization, meshes and discretization, and virtual engineering Bio-CAD, Nano-CAD, and medical applications Industrial design, aesthetic design, new media, and design education Survey and benchmark reports Editor-in-Chief Kunwoo Lee, Seoul National University, Korea Dates of publishing Deadline for consideration in any issue is three months prior to the publication date: January issues: Oct. 1 April issues: Jan. 1 July issues: Apr. 1 October issues: Jul. 1 (The first issue will be published on January 2014.) Submission All aspects of the submission and notification process will be handled electronically. Please see Guide for Authors on the website. Author benefits Rapid review and publication Gaheon academic award will be given to the best paper published in this journal every year. Contact E-mail:, URL:
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2014년도 한국CAD/CAM학회 학술발표회 ❶ Hotel(컨벤션센터:학술발표회 개최장소) ❷~❻ 콘도 ❾ 센터프라자 (풍경마루:식사장소) 2층 3층 1. 휘닉스볼룸 (세션, 기조연설, 축사, 총회 시상식) 2. 다이아몬드 (세션) 3. 에메랄드 (세션) 4. 루비 (세션) 5. 휘닉스볼룸 앞 로비 (등록처 및 기기전시) 1. 오팔 (가헌학술상, 학생우수논문상) 2. 토파즈 (세션) ① ② ③ 휘닉스볼룸 (2F) 한국 CAD/CAM 18 루비 (2F) 에메랄드 (2F) 다이아몬드(2F) 토파즈(3F)