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Getting started with Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover

Contents English..........................................3 繁體中文......................................... 11 한국어.......................................... 19 27 2

Know your product 4 5 Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover 1 2 6 7 8 3 Getting started with Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover 9 10 1. Protective cover 2. ipad holder 3. Keyboard 4. Function keys 5. Status light 6. On/Off switch 7. Bluetooth connect button 8. Documentation 9. Micro-USB charging cable 10. Cleaning cloth English 3

Set up your product 1. Turn on the Keyboard Cover: Bluetooth discovery starts automatically and continues for 15 minutes. The Status light blinks blue. If the Status light briefly turns red, charge the batteries. For more information, see Charge the batteries. 2. Make sure your ipad s Bluetooth feature is on. Select Settings > Bluetooth > On. 3. Select Logitech Ultrathin KB cover on the ipad s Devices menu. 4. If your ipad requests a PIN, enter the code using the Keyboard Cover and not your ipad s virtual keyboard. After the Bluetooth connection is made, the Status light briefly turns blue, and then it turns off. 5. Place the ipad on the Keyboard Cover. 4 English

Charge the batteries Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover USB 1. Plug the Micro-USB Charging cable into the Keyboard Cover and a USB port on a computer. The Status light blinks green. 2. Charge the batteries until the Status light turns solid green. Battery information: A fully charged battery provides about 6 months of power when the Keyboard Cover is used about two hours a day. Charge the batteries when the Status light briefly turns red after the Keyboard Cover turns on. When not in use, turn off the Keyboard Cover to conserve battery power. The Keyboard Cover enters sleep mode if powered on and not used. Press any key to wake. English 5

Visit Product Central There s more information and support online for your product. Take a moment to visit Product Central to learn more about your new Keyboard Cover. Browse online articles for setup help, usage tips, or information about additional features. Connect with other users in our Community Forums to get advice, ask questions, and share solutions. At Product Central, you ll find a wide selection of content: Tutorials Troubleshooting Support community Software downloads Online documentation Warranty information Spare parts (when available) Go to ultrathinkeyboardcover 6 English

Use your product 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Product features 1. Home Displays the ipad Home screen. Function keys To use, press and hold the Fn key, and then press a key listed below. 2. Fn + 1 = Search Launches the ipad search function. 3. Fn + 2 = Switch language Switches the keyboard language. 4. Fn + 3 = Virtual keyboard Shows/ hides the virtual keyboard. 5. Fn + 4 = Select left Selects text on the left, word by word. 6. Fn + 5 = Select right Selects text on the right, word by word. 7. Fn + 6 = Cut 8. Fn + 7 = Copy 9. Fn + 8 = Paste 10. Fn + 9 = Play/Pause 11. Fn + 0 = Mute 12. Fn + dash = Volume down 13. Fn + plus = Volume up 14. Fn + delete = Lock screen Locks or unlocks the ipad screen. Status light indications Light Description Blinking green The battery is charging. Green The battery is charged (more than 5%). Red Battery power is low (less than 5%). Charge the batteries. Blinking blue Fast: Keyboard Case is in discovery mode. Slow: Keyboard Case is trying to reconnect to your Apple device. Solid blue Bluetooth pairing is successful. English 7

Storing the ipad for travel Connecting to a different ipad 1. Lift the ipad from the Keyboard Cover. 2. Rotate the ipad, with the screen side down, so the Home button is on the right. 3. Place the ipad on to the Keyboard Cover. A magnetic clip holds the ipad in position. 1. Make sure the Keyboard Cover is turned on. 2. Check that your ipad s Bluetooth feature is on. Select Settings > Bluetooth > On. 3. Press the Bluetooth Connect Button. The Keyboard Cover is discoverable for 3 min. 4. Select Logitech Ultrathin KB cover on the ipad s Devices menu. 5. If your ipad requests a PIN, enter the code using the Keyboard Cover and not your ipad s virtual keyboard. After the Bluetooth connection is made, the Status light briefly turns blue, and then it turns off. 6. Place the new ipad on the Keyboard Cover. 8 English

Troubleshooting The Keyboard Cover does not work Press any key to wake the Keyboard Cover from sleep mode. Turn the Keyboard Cover Off and than back On. Recharge the internal batteries. For more information, refer to Charge the batteries. Re-establish the Bluetooth connection between the Keyboard Cover and ipad: Verify that ipad s Bluetooth feature is turned on. Choose Logitech Ultrathin KB cover from the Devices menu on your ipad. The Status light briefly turns blue after the Bluetooth connection is made. Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover English 9

Battery disposal at product end of life 1 2 3 1. Pry off top cover of keyboard with screwdriver. 2. Detach battery from circuit board and remove battery. 3. Dispose of your product and its battery according to local laws. 10 English

認識產品 4 5 Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover 1 2 6 7 8 3 Getting started with Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover 9 10 1. 保護蓋 2. ipad 固定插槽 3. 鍵盤 4. 功能鍵 5. 狀態指示燈 6. 開啟 / 關閉開關 7. 藍牙連線按鈕 8. 說明文件 9. 微型 USB 充電連接線 10. 清潔布 繁體中文 11

設定產品 1. 開啟鍵盤保護殼電源 : 藍牙探索功能會自動啟動並持續 15 分鐘 狀態指示燈閃爍藍燈 如果狀態指示燈短暫亮起紅燈, 請為電池充電 如需詳細資訊, 請參閱 電池充電 2. 確定 ipad 的藍牙功能已開啟 選取 設定 > 藍牙 > 開啟 3. 選取 ipad 裝置 功能表中的 羅技超薄鍵盤保護殼 4. 如果您的 ipad 要求 PIN 碼, 請使用鍵盤保護殼輸入代碼, 不要使用 ipad 的虛擬鍵盤 建立藍牙連線後, 狀態指示燈會短暫亮起藍燈後熄滅 5. 將 ipad 放置在鍵盤保護殼上 12 繁體中文

電池充電 Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover USB 1. 將微型 USB 充電連接線插入到鍵盤保護殼與電腦上的 USB 連接埠 狀態指示燈閃爍綠燈 2. 為電池充電直到狀態指示燈恆亮綠燈 電池資訊 : 充飽的電池在每天使用兩小時鍵盤保護殼的情況下, 電力可持續使用約 6 個月 當開啟鍵盤保護殼電源狀態指示燈短暫亮起紅燈時, 請為電池充電 當不使用鍵盤保護殼時, 請關閉電源以節省電池電力 鍵盤保護殼電源開啟後若未使用, 會進入睡眠模式 按下任意鍵即可喚醒 繁體中文 13

造訪產品中心您的產品還有更多產品相關資訊與支援 請抽空造訪 產品中心, 深入瞭解您的新鍵盤保護殼 請瀏覽線上文章, 瞭解設定說明 使用秘訣, 或是其他功能的相關資訊 您還可以和 社群論壇 中的其他使用者保持聯繫以獲得建議 提出問題, 以及分享解決方案 產品中心 提供各式各樣的精采內容: 教學課程 疑難排解 支援社群 軟體下載 線上文件 保固資訊 備用零件 ( 如有提供時 ) 請瀏覽 ultrathinkeyboardcover 14 繁體中文

使用產品 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 產品功能 1. 首頁顯示 ipad 首頁畫面 功能鍵若要使用, 請按住 Fn 鍵, 然後按下下列任一按鍵 2. Fn + 1 = 搜尋啟動 ipad 搜尋功能 3. Fn + 2 = 切換語言切換鍵盤語言 4. Fn + 3 = 虛擬鍵盤顯示 / 隱藏虛擬鍵盤 5. Fn + 4 = 選取左側逐字選取左側的文字 6. Fn + 5 = 選取右側逐字選取右側的文字 7. Fn + 6 = 剪下 8. Fn + 7 = 複製 9. Fn + 8 = 貼上 10. Fn + 9 = 播放 / 暫停 11. Fn + 0 = 靜音 12. Fn + 破折號 = 音量減小 13. Fn + 加號 = 音量增大 14. Fn + delete = 鎖定螢幕鎖定或解除鎖定 ipad 螢幕 狀態指示燈 燈號 說明 閃爍綠燈 電池正在充電中 綠燈 電池已充電 ( 高於 5%) 紅燈 電池電力不足 ( 低於 5%) 請為電池充電 閃爍藍燈 快速 : 鍵盤保護殼處於探索模式 慢速 : 鍵盤保護殼正嘗試重新連接 Apple 裝置 藍色恆亮 藍牙配對成功 繁體中文 15

存放 ipad 以便外出時攜帶 連接另一台 ipad 1. 將 ipad 從鍵盤保護殼上拿起 2. 旋轉 ipad 使其螢幕朝下且 首頁 按鈕位於右方 3. 將 ipad 放置在鍵盤保護殼上 磁力夾扣會將 ipad 固定在定位上 1. 確定鍵盤保護殼電源已開啟 2. 檢查 ipad 的藍牙功能是否已開啟 選取 設定 > 藍牙 > 開啟 3. 按下 藍牙連線 按鈕 鍵盤保護殼會處於可偵測狀態 3 分鐘 4. 選取 ipad 裝置 功能表中的 羅技超薄鍵盤保護殼 5. 如果您的 ipad 要求 PIN 碼, 請使用鍵盤保護殼輸入代碼, 不要使用 ipad 的虛擬鍵盤 建立藍牙連線後, 狀態指示燈會短暫亮起藍燈後熄滅 6. 將新的 ipad 放置在鍵盤保護殼上 16 繁體中文

疑難排解鍵盤保護殼無法正常運作 按任意鍵將鍵盤保護殼從睡眠模式喚醒 關閉再開啟鍵盤保護殼電源 為內部電池充電 如需詳細資訊, 請參閱 電池充電 Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover 重新建立鍵盤保護殼與 ipad 之間的藍牙連線 : 確認 ipad 的藍牙功能已開啟 選擇 ipad 裝置 功能表中的 羅技超薄鍵盤保護殼 建立藍牙連線後, 狀態指示燈會短暫亮起藍燈 繁體中文 17

產品使用壽命告終時的電池棄置指南 1 2 3 1. 使用螺絲起子撬開鍵盤上蓋 2. 從電路板上取下電池 3. 依照當地法令棄置產品及電池 18 繁體中文

제품설명 4 5 Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover 1 2 6 7 8 3 Getting started with Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover 9 10 1. 보호커버 2. ipad 홀더 3. 키보드 4. 기능키 5. 상태표시등 6. 켜기 / 끄기스위치 7. Bluetooth 연결버튼 8. 설명서 9. 마이크로 USB 충전케이블 10. 청소용천 한국어 19

제품설정 1. 키보드커버를켭니다. Bluetooth 검색이자동으로시작되어 15분간계속됩니다. 상태표시등이파란색으로깜빡입니다. 상태표시등이빨간색으로잠시켜지면배터리를충전합니다. 자세한내용은 배터리충전 을참조하십시오. 2. ipad의 Bluetooth 기능이켜져있어야합니다. 설정 > Bluetooth > 켬을선택합니다. 3. ipad의장치메뉴에서 로지텍울트라씬 KB 커버 를선택합니다. 4. ipad에 PIN을입력하라는메시지가나타나면 ipad의가상키보드를사용하지말고키보드커버를사용하여코드를입력합니다. Bluetooth가연결되면상태표시등이파란색으로잠시켜졌다가꺼집니다. 5. ipad를키보드커버에장착합니다. 20 한국어

배터리충전 Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover USB 1. 마이크로 USB 충전케이블을키보드커버에연결하고 USB 포트를컴퓨터에연결합니다. 상태표시등이녹색으로깜빡입니다. 2. 상태표시등이녹색으로계속켜질때까지배터리를충전합니다. 배터리정보 : 배터리를완전히충전하면키보드커버를하루두시간정도사용할경우 6개월간사용할수있습니다. 키보드커버를켰을때상태표시등에빨간색불이잠시켜지면배터리를충전합니다. 사용하지않을때는키보드커버를꺼서전원을절약합니다. 키보드커버가켜진상태로사용되지않는경우슬립모드로전환됩니다. 아무키나누르면작동됩니다. 한국어 21

Product Central 방문온라인상에서제품에대한추가정보와지원을확인할수있습니다. Product Central 에는새로운키보드커버에관한자세한내용이나와있습니다. 설정도움말, 사용팁또는추가기능에관한정보를온라인을통해찾아볼수있습니다. 커뮤니티포럼에서다른사용자들과교류하면서질문과조언을교환하고솔루션을공유할수있습니다. Product Central에서는다음과같은폭넓은내용을선택할수있습니다. 사용지침 문제해결 지원커뮤니티 소프트웨어다운로드 온라인문서 보증정보 예비부품 ( 해당되는경우 ) 참조 : ultrathinkeyboardcover 22 한국어

제품사용 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 제품기능 1. 홈 ipad 홈화면을표시합니다. 기능키키를사용하려면 Fn 키를누른채아래나열된키를누릅니다. 2. Fn + 1 = 검색 ipad 검색기능을실행합니다. 3. Fn + 2 = 언어전환키보드언어를전환합니다. 4. Fn + 3 = 가상키보드가상키보드를표시하거나숨깁니다. 5. Fn + 4 = 왼쪽선택왼쪽에있는텍스트를한단어씩선택합니다. 6. Fn + 5 = 오른쪽선택오른쪽에있는텍스트를한단어씩선택합니다. 7. Fn + 6 = 잘라내기 8. Fn + 7 = 복사 9. Fn + 8 = 붙여넣기 10. Fn + 9 = 재생 / 일시중지 11. Fn + 0 = 음소거 12. Fn + 대시 = 볼륨줄이기 13. Fn + 더하기 = 볼륨높이기 14. Fn + delete = 화면잠금 ipad 화면을잠그거나해제합니다. 상태표시등 표시등 설명 녹색으로깜빡임 배터리가충전중입니다. 녹색 배터리가충전되었습니다 (5% 이상 ). 빨간색 배터리전원이부족합니다 (5% 미만 ). 배터리를충전하십시오. 파란색으로깜빡임 빠름 : 키보드케이스가검색모드입니다. 느림 : 키보드케이스가 Apple 장치연결을시도하고있습니다. 파란색으로유지 Bluetooth 페어링이성공적으로완료되었습니다. 한국어 23

이동시 ipad 보관 다른 ipad 에연결 1. ipad 를키보드커버에서들어올립니다. 2. ipad 를돌려화면을옆으로뉘어서홈버튼이오른쪽으로오게합니다. 3. ipad 를키보드커버에장착합니다. 자석클립이 ipad 를제위치에잡아줍니다. 1. 키보드커버가켜져있어야합니다. 2. ipad 의 Bluetooth 기능이켜져있는지확인합니다. 설정 > Bluetooth > 켬을선택합니다. 3. Bluetooth 연결버튼을누릅니다. 키보드커버가 3 분동안검색가능합니다. 4. ipad 의장치메뉴에서 로지텍울트라씬 KB 커버 를선택합니다. 5. ipad 에 PIN 을입력하라는메시지가나타나면 ipad 의가상키보드를사용하지말고키보드커버를사용하여코드를입력합니다. Bluetooth 가연결되면상태표시등이파란색으로잠시켜졌다가꺼집니다. 6. 새 ipad 를키보드커버에장착합니다. 24 한국어

문제해결키보드커버가작동하지않음 슬립모드에서는아무키나누르면키보드커버가작동됩니다. 키보드커버를끈다음다시켭니다. 내장배터리를충전합니다. 자세한내용은 배터리충전 을참조하십시오. 키보드커버와 ipad 사이의 Bluetooth 연결을다시설정 : Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover ipad의 Bluetooth 기능이켜져있는지확인합니다. ipad의장치메뉴에서 로지텍울트라씬 KB 커버 를선택합니다. Bluetooth 연결이설정된후상태표시등이파란색으로잠시켜집니다. 한국어 25

수명이다한배터리폐기 1 2 3 1. 드라이버로키보드의위커버를엽니다. 2. 회로기판에서배터리를분리하여빼냅니다. 3. 해당지역의법규에따라제품과배터리를폐기합니다. 26 한국어 27 2012 Logitech. All rights reserved. Logitech, the Logitech logo, and other Logitech marks are owned by Logitech and may be registered. Apple and ipad are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Logitech assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this manual. Information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 620-004108.005