2012 년도기초과학연구소 대학중점연구소심포지엄 마이크로파센서를이용한 혈당측정연구 일시 : 2012 년 3 월 20 일 ( 화 ) 14:00~17:30 장소 : 서강대학교과학관 1010 호 주최 : 서강대학교기초과학연구소
Contents Program of Symposium 2 Non-invasive in vitro sensing of D-glucose in pig-blood 이기진교수 ( 서강대물리학과 ) 3 Thermal reduction effect on Curie temperature of LiNbO3 ferroelectrics Karapetyan Karen 연구원 (Istitute of Radiophysics and Electronics, National Academy of Science) 4 Noninvasive in vitro measurement of pig-blood D-glucose by using a microwave cavity sensor 김승완박사 ( 서강대바이오융합기술협동과정 ) 5 MEMO 6 1
Program 14:00 개회사 이정하교수 ( 기초과학연구소소장 ) 기초과학연구소우수연구발표 14:10-14:50 이기진교수 ( 서강대물리학과 ) Non-invasive in vitro sensing of D-glucose in pig-blood 15:00-15:30 Karapetyan Karen 연구원 (Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, National Academy of Science) Thermal reduction effect on Curie temperature of LiNbO 3 ferroelectrics 15:40 16:00 Coffee Break 16:00-16:50 김승완박사 ( 서강대바이오융합기술협동과정 ) Noninvasive in vitro measurement of pig-blood D-glucose by using a microwave cavity sensor 17:00-17:30 질의응답 17:30 폐회사 이정하교수 ( 기초과학연구소소장 ) 2
Non-invasive in vitro sensing of d-glucose in pig blood Kiejin Lee Department of Physics, Sogang University Abstract We have developed an electromagnetic resonant spiral sensor and have measured the glycemia in pig blood and the concentration of d-glucose in aqueous solution by using a realtime electromagnetic interaction phenomenon between the microwave sensor and the liquid. We could determine the concentration of glucose with a minimal resolution of 5 mg/dl in the 100 600 mg/dl concentration range at operating frequencies of about 7.65 GHz (for the glucose aqueous solution) and 7.77 GHz (for the pig blood sample). The change in the glucose concentration brings the changes of the microwave reflection coefficient due to the electromagnetic interaction between the resonator and the glucose solution. The in vitro results show the measured signal-to-noise ratio of about 34 db, and the minimum detectible signal level of about 0.022 db/(mg/dl). Our proposed system provides a unique approach for non-invasive and non-contact glucose monitoring, and it may serve as a bloodless glucometer. 3
Thermal reduction effect on Curie temperature of LiNbO 3 ferroelectrics Karen G. Karapetyan Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, National Academy of Science Abstract Dielectric properties of LiNbO3 crystals have been investigated at 1 khz and 1 MHz frequencies in the temperature range 30 1200 _C both before and after annealing in the vacuum. The ferroelectric transition temperature was 1170 _C for nonannealed samples, and notably decreases after the reduction. Depending on the annealing time, the maximum of dielectric constant value for reduced crystals was observed at various temperatures down to 670 _C; the reduction of the Curie temperature was accompanied by the transition broadening. Two possible mechanisms of transition temperature decrease, due to the formation of deep energy states and to the origination of the lattice strain are considered. 4
Noninvasive in vitro measurement of pig-blood D-glucose by using a microwave cavity sensor Seungwan Kim Department of Physics and Basic Science Institute for Cell Damage Control Abstract We have developed an electromagnetic microwave cavity sensor based on the resonant frequency shift for real time measurement of the glycemia in pig blood. We could determine the concentration of D-glucose in pig blood in the range of 150 550 mg/dl at the resonance frequency near 4.75 GHz with a bandwidth of 300 MHz. The change in the D-glucose concentration in blood brings microwave reflection coefficient S11 changes of about 6.26 db and resonance frequency shifts of about 11.25 MHz due to the electromagnetic interaction between the cavity resonator and the blood filled plastic tube inserted into the cavity. This proposed system provides a unique approach for real time noninvasive and contactless glucose monitoring. 5
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