Pacemaker A pacemaker is a small device that helps control your heart rate by: Speeding up the heart rate when it is too slow Slowing down the heart rate when it is too fast Helping the rhythm of the heart beat regularly this is if you have a pacemaker combined with a defibrillator, also called an ICD A pacemaker is placed in the chest during surgery. Wires called leads are put into the heart muscle. The device with the battery is placed under your skin, below your shoulder. When it is time for you to go home after surgery, an adult family member or friend needs to take you home. It is not safe for you to drive or leave alone. Have an adult stay with you at home for the first day after your surgery. Pacemaker Arrive on time for your appointment. The surgery will take 1 to 2 hours. Collar bone Heart Pacemaker Wire Right Atrium Right Ventricle Superior Vena Cava Left Atrium Left Ventricle 1
맥박조정기 맥박조정기는심장박동을조정해주는작은장치입니다 : 심장박동이너무느리면빠르게해준다 너무빠르면심장박동을늦춰준다 불규칙한심장박동을규칙적으로뛰게해준다 맥박조정기와세동제거기 (ICD) 를함께부착했을경우 맥박조정기는수술을통하여가슴속에집어넣는장치입니다. 리드 (lead) 라고부르는와이어가심장근육과연결됩니다. 건전지가들어있는장치는어깨밑피부속으로들어갑니다. 수술후에는성인가족이나친구가환자를집으로데리고가야합니다. 검사후환자가혼자운전하는것은안전하지않습니다. 수술후첫날은성인이함께집에서보살피도록하십시오. 맥박조정기 쇄골 심장 우심방 조정기와이어 진료예약에맞춰도착하십시오. 수술은 1~2 시간걸립니다. 우심실 상대정맥 좌심방 좌심실 Pacemaker. Korean. 1
To Prepare Talk to your doctor if you take blood thinners or have diabetes. Do not eat or drink anything, including water, after midnight before your surgery. Ask your doctor if you should take your medicines the morning of your surgery. If so, take with sips of water only. During Surgery You will wear a hospital gown. An IV (intravenous) is put in a vein in your arm. Medicines to make you sleepy are given through the IV. Your neck or chest is cleaned. Men may have their chest hair clipped. The skin is numbed. The wire leads are put into a vein and guided into your heart using an x-ray. The wire leads are placed in your heart muscle. The other end of each wire is connected to the pacemaker. The pacemaker is placed in a small space under your skin. The incisions are closed with stitches under the skin that will dissolve. You may have narrow pieces of tape across the incisions called steri-strips. These hold the skin layer together during healing. These will loosen and fall o in about 10 days. If the tape is not used, special glue may be used to close the incisions. After Surgery In the Hospital An ice pack may be put on the sites. 2
검사전준비 혈액응고방지제를복용하거나당뇨가있는환자는의사와상담한다. 수술전자정이후에는물을포함하여아무것도먹거나마시지않는다. 수술받는날아침에평소복용하는약들을먹어야하는지의사에게물어본다. 괜찮다고하면약간의물만으로삼킨다. 수술중 병원가운을입는다. IV( 정맥주사 ) 를팔뚝정맥을통해놓는다. IV 를통하여졸리게하는약을주입한다. 목과가슴을닦는다. 남자의경우가슴털을면도할필요가있다. 피부가마비된다. 엑스레이를이용하여와이어리드를정맥안으로넣어심장으로유도한다. 와이어리드가심장근육과연결된다. 각와이어의반대쪽은맥박조정기와연결된다. 맥박조정기는피부밑에작은공간안에들어간다. 절개부분은나중에녹는실로봉한다. 스테리스트립이라고불리는폭이좁은테이프를절개부분에가로로부착할수있다. 이테이프는상처가아무는동안피부층을고정시켜준다. 이테이프는약 10 일후저절로떨어진다. 테이프를사용하지않는경우특수접착제로절개부분을봉한다. 수술후 병원에서 아이스팩을부위에댄다. Pacemaker. Korean. 2
Your blood pressure, heart rate and incisions will be checked often. The head of your bed is raised. Do not lift your arm over your head on the same side where your pacemaker is placed. If you have discomfort, ask your nurse for pain medicine. You will have a chest x-ray to check your lungs and the pacemaker. Antibiotics are given in your IV to prevent infection. A nurse will explain how your pacemaker works, answer any questions and explain pacemaker checks. You will not be able to feel your pacemaker working. You will be able to see and feel the outline of the pacemaker through your skin. Do not rub the pacemaker site. At Home Schedule an appointment with your doctor for follow-up care. Talk to your doctor about activity limits. Your doctor may tell you to: Limit the movement of your arm on the side of the pacemaker. Not lift this arm above your head. Not push, pull or lift anything heavier than 10 pounds or 4 kilograms. Ask your doctor when you can drive or go back to work. Do not take a tub bath or shower for the first 6 days after surgery. The incisions must stay clean and dry. You may take a sponge bath, but do not get the incisions wet. You may shower on the 7th day, but cover the incisions to keep them dry. Use plastic wrap or a plastic bag to cover the sites. Use tape to seal the edges of the plastic to your skin to keep the sites dry. After the shower, remove the plastic and tape. Gently pat the incisions dry with a clean towel. f f Days 8 to 10 after surgery, the sites must be covered with the plastic wrap and tape during a shower. Pat dry after the shower with a clean towel. 3
혈압과심장박동그리고수술자국을자주확인한다. 침대머리를높인다. 맥박조정기를넣은쪽팔을머리위로올리지않도록한다. 불편하면진통제를달라고요청한다. 폐와심장박동기를검사하기위하여흉곽엑스레이를찍는다. 감염을예방하기위하여 IV 를통하여항생제를투입한다. 맥박조정기가어떻게동작하는지간호사가설명해주고, 질문에답하고, 맥박조정기검사절차를설명해준다. 환자는맥박조정기의동작을느끼지못한다. 피부를통하여맥박조정기윤곽을눈으로보고만질수있다. 맥박조정기가있는부위를문지르지않도록한다. 집에서 후속검사를위하여의사와예약을한다. 어떠한활동을자제해야하는지의사에게물어본다. 의사가다음과같은지시를할수있다. Pacemaker. Korean. 3 맥박조정기가있는쪽팔을심하게움직이지않도록한다. 팔을머리위로올리지않는다. 10파운드 (4킬로그램) 이상되는물건을밀거나, 당기거나, 들어올리지않는다. 언제일을다시나가도되는지의사에게물어본다. 수술후처음 6 일은목욕이나샤워를삼간다. 절개부분은항상청결하고건조하게유지되어야한다. 스폰지목욕은할수있지만절개부분이젖지않도록조심한다. f f 7일째되는날샤워를해도되지만절개부분은가리고젖지않도록한다. 랩이나비닐백으로부위를덮는다. 비닐로부위를덮은다음가장자리를테이프로붙여물이안들어가도록한다. 샤워후비닐과테이프를제거한다. 깨끗한수건으로절개부위에물기를살살찍어말린다. 8~10일후, 샤워할때반드시랩이나테이프로부위를덮도록한다. 샤워후깨끗한수건으로부위의물기를찍어말린다.
f f Do not get the sites soaking wet for 14 days after surgery. That means no tub baths, swimming or using a hot tub during that time. Do not use lotion or powder on the incisions. Other Information Tell all of your health care providers, including your dentist, that you have a pacemaker. Carry the ID card your doctor gave you. This card has information about your pacemaker. Stay away from large magnets, such as those used for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tests. Avoid leaning into a car engine or doing welding. When turned on, do not place cell phones or ipods in shirt pockets over the pacemaker. Use cell phones on the opposite ear of where your pacemaker is placed. If you strap an ipod to your arm, use the arm opposite the pacemaker. It is safe to use household appliances like microwave ovens, computers, toasters, hairdryers and heating pads. You can safely pass through security at airports. Be sure to have your pacemaker ID card with you. Call your doctor right away if you have: A temperature over 100.5 degrees F or 38 degrees C Redness, swelling or drainage around your incisions Swelling of your feet or ankles Tenderness around your pacemaker that gets worse Stitches that come apart 4
수술 14일후에도부위를물에담그지않는다. 즉, 욕조목욕이나수영을삼가야한다. 절개부위에로션이나파우더가닿지않도록한다. 그밖에다른정보 치과의사및그밖에다른모든의료제공자들에게자신이맥박조정기를차고있다고알려준다. 의사가준 ID 카드를갖고다닌다. 이카드에는환자가부착한맥박조정기에관한정보가적혀있다. MRI 검사에서사용하는것과같은대형자석근처에가지않는다. 자동차엔진에기대지말고용접작업을피한다. 맥박조정기가켜있는상태에서휴대전화나 ipod 를장치위에놓지않는다. 휴대전화를사용할때는맥박조정기의반대쪽귀에댄다. ipod 를팔뚝에감을때는, 맥박조정기반대쪽팔에감는다. 전자레인지, 컴퓨터, 토스터, 헤어드라이어, 히팅패드와같은가전기를사용해도안전하다. 공항보안검색대는안전하게통과할수있다. 맥박조정기 ID 카드를항상갖고다니도록한다. 다음과같은경우의사에게즉시연락하십시오 : 화씨 100.5 도 ( 섭씨 38 도 ) 이상의체온 수술후절개부위가빨갛거나, 붓거나, 배액이흘러나온다 발이나발목이붓는다 맥박조정기주위피부가만지면따끔거리는정도가더심해진다 꿰맨부분이벌어졌다 Pacemaker. Korean. 4
Chills A cough Weakness or feel tired Skin that is itchy, swollen or has a rash Sadness Signs you had before the pacemaker was implanted Call 911 right away if: You feel faint or are too dizzy to stand. You have chest pain. Your bandages become soaked in blood. You have trouble breathing. Talk to your doctor or nurse if you have any questions or concerns. 2005 1/2011 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. 5
오한 기침 힘이없고쉽게피로하다 피부가가렵고, 부었거나발진이생겼다 슬프다 맥박조정기를이식하기전경험했던증상 아래와같은경우 911에즉시전화 : 현기증이나고너무어지러워서서있을수없다. 가슴에통증. 붕대가피로푹젖었다. 숨쉬기가힘들다. 질문이나문제가있으면의사나간호사와상담하십시오. 2005 1/2011 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. Pacemaker. Korean. 5