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3D 프린팅과산업혁명 4.0 3D Printing & Fourth Industrial Revolution 한국폴리텍 II 대학산업디자인과최성권

The four stages of the industrial revolution Source: DFKI 2011, Bosch

Nine Technologies Are Transforming Industrial Production Autonomous Robots Simulation Big Data and Analytics Augmented Reality Industry 4.0 Horizontal and Vertical System Integration Additive Manufacturing The Industrial Internet of Things Cloud Computing Cybersecurity Source: BCG

3D Printing Issue Makers 3D Printing is next revolution in manufacturing 3D printing has the potential to revolutionize the way we Make almost everything STATE OF THE UNION ENHANCED PRESENTATION, FEBRUARY 12. 2013

Future growth > Market opportunity and forecast 2020 년 Growth to Quadrupling in 5 years : $21.2B 출처 : Wohlers Associates, Inc / Wohlers Report 2015. p127.

What is 3D Printing? * ASTM(American Society for Testing and Materials) International F42 committee / * RP: Rapid Prototyping > AM: Additive Manufacturing / 3D Printing

What is 3D Printing? 3D CAD Modeling 3D Printing Prototype or End Product

Timeline of 3D Printing Machine Development Made in Space Massivit

The Ten Principles of 3D Printing 광중합방식 (PP : Photo Vat Polymerization) 레이저, UV 광원의빛을플라스틱소재에조사중합반응을유도하여선택적으로고형화시키는방식 SLA, DLP 재료분사방식 (MJ : Material Jetting) 액체형태의소재를프린팅헤드의노즐을통해분사한후자외선동시경화시켜형상을조형하는방식 PolyJet, MJM 재료압출방식 (ME : Material Extrusion) 고온가열한재료를노즐을통해일정압력으로연속적으로밀어내며형상을만드는방식 FDM, FFF 분말적층용융방식 (PBF : Powder Bed Fusion) 분말형태의재료위에레이저와같은고에너지를선택적으로조사하여소결을통해형상을만드는방식 SLS, DMLS 접착제분사방식 (BJ : Binder Jetting) 분말형태의재료위에액체형태의접착제와잉크를분사하여형상을적층해가는방법 3DP 고에너지직접조사 (DED : Direct Energy Deposition) 레이저, 전자빔과같은고에너지를이용분말재료를녹여적층하여형상을만드는방식 EBM, LMD * 시트적층방식 (SL : Sheet Lamination) : 얇은필름형태의재료를열, 접착제등으로붙여가며적층시킴

AM(Additive Manufacturing) Systems Liquid-based systems SLA SLA : Stereo Lithography Apparatus

AM(Additive Manufacturing) Systems Liquid-based systems DLP DLP : Digital Light Processing Source: www.3dprintingindustry.com

AM(Additive Manufacturing) Systems Liquid-based systems PolyJet PolyJet : Photopolymer Jetting Source: www.stratasys.com

AM(Additive Manufacturing) Systems Solid-based systems FDM FDM : Fused Deposition Modeling Source: www.stratasys.com

AM(Additive Manufacturing) Systems Powder-based systems SLS SLS : Selective Laser Sintering Source: www.stratasys.com

AM(Additive Manufacturing) Systems Powder based systems BJ / 3DP BJ : Binder Jetting 3DP : 3-Dimentional Printing Source: www.3dsystems.com

AM(Additive Manufacturing) Systems Hybrid-Powder based systems DMLS DLMS : Direct Metal Laser Sintering Source: www.solidconcepts.com

Gold Metal 3D Printer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i09ujruaryk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnzcsrp17pi

AM(Additive Manufacturing) Systems Powder based systems EBM EBM : Electronic Beam Melting Source: www.3dprintingindustry.com

AM(Additive Manufacturing) Systems Hybrid-Powder based systems LMD LMD : Laser Metal Deposition LDT : Laser Deposition Technology Source: www.trumpf.com

Parts for final products / Direct Part Production 66% growth to $1.75B 출처 : Wohlers Associates, Inc / Wohlers Report 2015. p185.

AM System Hardware Types Box type Robot type Hybrid type Conveyor type 가장보편적인타입의 3D 프린터로내부에구동메커니즘이감춰진상태로비교적조용함 로봇팔에용융압출과같은노즐을달아적층하는방식이대표적이다. 정밀도는떨어지나로봇팔의작업역안에서는큰부피의파트제작이가능함 기존 CNC 로대표되는다축가공기와같은공작기계에 3D 프린터툴이추가된형태이다. 향후로봇과연동하거나표면마감까지가능한방식임 컨베이어타입형태의 3D 프린터로연속적인 3D 프린팅이가능한타입이다. 향후로봇기술과융합한산업생산라인에시공가능한타입임

LSA Bot 2 ultra-fast additive manufacturing Technology / automated assembly lines

Materials & AM Systems 1 2 3 Liquid-based systems Solid-based systems Powder-based systems SLA : Stereo Lithography Apparatus DLP : Digital Light Processing PolyJet : Photopolymer Jetting Technology FDM : Fused Deposition Modeling FFF : Fused Deposition Modeling SLS : Selective Laser Sintering 3DP : 3D Dimensional Printing

Printable Materials > 약 300 여가지의재료 Stainless Steel, Bronze, Titanium Ti64, 18K Gold, Silver Plastic Metal Rubber Silicon Paper Wax ABS,PLA, Epoxy, PC, Nylon, PEEK, PC, Etc. Wood Cement Polymer Ceramic composite Glass Sand Sugar Salt Moon Rock Chocolate Food Meat Human tissue Bio Ink

The current breakdown of the materials market >Source : IDTechEx

제조기술의변화 > 금형과無금형의공존 FM:Formative Manufacturing SM:Subtractive Manufacturing AM: Additive Manufacturing * ASTM(American Society for Testing and Materials) International F42 committee * RP: Rapid Prototyping > AM: Additive Manufacturing / 3D Printing

The Ten Principles of 3D Printing 10 PRINCIPLES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 복잡한물건제작자유 Manufacturing complexity is free 다양성의자유 Variety is free 조립불필요 No assembly required 리드타임제로 Zero lead time 디자인의영역제한없음 Unlimited design space 기술없이누구나생산가능 Zero skill manufacturing 소형, 휴대가능생산방식 Compact, portable manufacturing 낭비되는부산물적음 Less waste by-product 소재에무한한음영가능 Infinite shades of materials 정확한물리적복제 Precise physical replication

Potential Economic Impact by 2025 Toys, accessories, jewelry, footwear, ceramics, and simple apparel > high customization value for consumers. >Source : McKinsey Global Institute analysis. 2013.

3D Printing application in Gartner hype cycle >Source : www.idtechex.com > IDTechEx > IDTechEx has pinpointed the current status of existing and emerging 3D printing application on the hype curve.

Customized Design Designed for humans

Mass Production to Mass Customization Before : Mass Production Pushed Out One Way Customers Pulled After : Mass Customization Interactive Dialogue Customers

Mass Production to Mass Customization

Bespoke Innovations 3D Printing for Prosthetics / Scott Summit

Personalization Design -Personal fit based on 3d scan -CMF : Color, Material, Finishing -Overall shape and design of the object -Name/Text inserting Source: Hearing aid shells printed in biocompatible material on an Asiga machine Source: envisiontec>hearing Aid Source: http://www.conceptlaser.com

Personalization Design Haier unveils world's first 3D printed air conditioner, sold immediately onsite for $6400 2015 Appliance & Electronics World Expo world's first 3D printed air conditioner www.3ders.org


NORMAL Custom-fit 3D Printed earphones Earphones that don't fall out.

Aoyama Optical France x Unistudio We ddd 3D Printing eyewear

Luxexcel Printoptical Technology 3D Printing eyewear

SOLS Mass Customized 3D Printed Footwear

IRIS VAN HERPEN + Materialise Voltage Show in Paris 2013

Sustainable Design

3D Systems 3D-Printed Lounger Chair / Janne Kyttanen 2.5kg >1.5m> 100 kg

Large single SLA part No assembly required Optimized structure No material waste Design freedom Complexity is free

Dirkvanderkooij 3D-Printed Flow Dining Chair by Vander Kooij

Dirkvanderkooij 3D-Printed the bubble-shaped Soap Cabinet

JORISLAARMALAB 3D-Printed Aluminum Gradient Chair

STUDIO ILIO Hot Wire Extensions / Design by Sungil Choi

STUDIO ILIO Hot Wire Extensions / Design by Sungil Choi

Optimized Design - Topological optimization - Light weight structure - Fewer energy - Fewer materials - Less assembly - Carbon Footprint - Fewer parts etc.

Topological optimization Piece manufactured with traditional methods 3D printing of complex individually designed pieces Conventionally designed and produced cast steel nacelle hinge bracket for an Airbus A320. source: EADS material consumption by 75%, CO2 emissions by 40%

Empire Cycles World's First 3D-Printed Titanium Bike Frame

Empire Cycles World's First 3D-Printed Titanium Bike Frame The components of the seatpost bracket were printed together on one build platform

APWorks World's First 3D-Printed Electric Motorcycle / Light Rider 35 kg Electric drive 80 km/h 0 45 km/h in 3 s 60 exchangeable battery

The Path of Disruption - Jewelry - Clothing - Shoes - Food - Housing - Medical supplies - Furniture - Construction

DigitalHands DLP(Digital Light Processing) using 3D Printed Parts

DigitalHands DLP(Digital Light Processing) using 3D Printed Parts Goddess Dream Pendant & Necklace, 18K Gold, Silver Series, JOO,EUN-OK, 2009.

Tethon 3D 3D Printed Ceramic Parts DigitalHands / Porcelite Ceramic Resin for SLA 3D Printing

Tethon 3D 3D Printed Ceramic Parts

Figulo 3D Printed Ceramic Parts Tiles Cups Kitchen Production Equipment : Inkjet 3D Printing / Materials : Alumina silica glazed Tableware * http://www.figulo.com/tableware.html * * http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0yp128rhxc * http://www.3ders.org/articles/20131205-3d-systems-buys-3d-printed-ceramics-provider-figulo.html * http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9st1xp3kjy * https://www.digitalforming.com/blog

3D Printed Textiles Cumputational Design

Cumputational Design


Nervous System 3D Printed Fashion Jewelry / Cnidaria Ring

Nervous System 3D Printed Fashion Jewelry / florescence engagement ring

Computational Design Source: www.joshharker.com Source: www.stratasys.com

Computational Design Digital Grotesque Source: 'Digital Grotesque, Michael hansmeryer, Benjamin dilleburger www.michael-hansmeyer.com

Kinematics Dress by Nervous System 3D Printing Fashion

Prototype The Final Product


SLA(Stereolithography) using 3D Printed Parts

DigitalHands DWS(Digital Wax Systems) / Material SLA - DL 380 / Design by Sungkwon Choi

3Dvarius Making of the first 3D printed violin - 3Dvarius - N 1 named Pauline / Design by Laurent Bernadac / 2013.

3Dvarius Making of the first 3D printed violin - 3Dvarius - N 1 named Pauline / Design by Laurent Bernadac

NIKE 3D-Printed Sports Bag for Brazil (2014)

adidas World's First 3D Printed Running Shoe Midsole / 2015.

New Balance + Nervous System 3D Printed Running Shoe Midsole / 2015.

Speed Volume 240 배이상 2m 이상

Carbon3D CLIP : Continuous Liquid Interface Production Carbon3D Printer

newpro3d Making of the first 3D printed violin - 3Dvarius - N 1 named Pauline / Design by Laurent Bernadac

Supersized 3D Printer stratasys-backs-massivits-supersized-3d-printer-development-with-investment-1 >Printing dimensions: 1.5m x 1.2m x 1.8m >Low energy consumption LED UV curing lamps >Productivity: up to 35cm / 1ft of object growth per hour (z-axis) >Low material consumption due to support-less printing

Supersized 3D Printer Galatea the Ultra fast very large 3D Printer large Lion statues for the opening of the Grand Lyon Stadium

3D 프린팅콘텐츠의변화그룹화 Enhanced Design Custom Design Computational Design Beyond traditional Manufacturing process Integration of features [fewer parts, fewer materials, less assembly etc.] Complex structure One off, unique product Adapted a specific client s needs / preferences Algorithm based design Generative software Input > output Parametric values Versatility Macedonia Tray. FOC. Nike Debuts 3D-Printed Hearing aid www.nervous.com Vapor Laser Talon Cleat 2008 Michael Hansmeyer

1. Democratization of Distribution & Sales Changes in business environment 2. Democratization of Funding 3. Democratization of Production

비즈니스환경변화 > 유통 / 판매의민주화 Democratization of Distribution & Sales Source: http://www.shapeways.com/ Source: https://digitalstore.makerbot.com Source: http://i.materialise.com/ Source: https://grabcad.com/

비즈니스환경변화 > 유통 / 판매의민주화 Democratization of Distribution & Sales Total number of files uploaded : 385,116 Average files uploaded per user : 3.69 Platforms Files Files User Users GrabCad shapeways thingiverse 123D sculpteo jeopoluy cgtrader 108,663 28% 20.632 20% 91,489 52% 12.327 32% 68,505 70% 16,385 47% 65,326 87% 31,974 78% 32,002 95% 15,486 93% 12,241 98% 5,997 98% 1,789 99% 133 99% Downloads and CAD Files (2008~2013) : 40.7 million Categories : miniature, art, jewellery, design, household, gadget, games

비즈니스환경변화 > 자금조달의민주화 Democratization of Funding Source: https://www.kickstarter.com Source: https://www.indiegogo.com Source: https://tumblbug.com Source: https://www.wadiz.kr

자금조달의민주화 > Crowd Funding Democratization of Funding OLO3D / OLO > The First Ever Smartphone 3D Printer DLP : Digital Light Processing http://www.olo3d.net

비즈니스환경변화 > 제조의민주화 Democratization of Production 3D Printer Arduino & Rasberry Pi

비즈니스환경변화 > 제조의민주화 Democratization of Production FFF : Fused Filament Fabrication Circuit-Board 3D Printer http://www.3ders.org/articles/20150210-voltera-v-one-prints-circuit-board-prototypes-in-minutes-launches-on-kickstarter.htmlvoltera V-One: Canadian startup company

IoT(Internet of Things) Waelice : interactive modular lamp from NoDesign / Nodesign s Organic and Interactive 3D Printed Wall Lamps

비즈니스환경변화 > 제조의민주화 Democratization of Production Supersized 3D Printer stratasys-backs-massivits-supersized-3d-printerdevelopment-with-investment-1 >Printing dimensions: 1.5m x 1.2m x 1.8m >Low energy consumption LED UV curing lamps >Productivity: up to 35cm / 1ft of object growth per hour (z-axis) >Low material consumption due to support-less printing

비즈니스환경변화 > 제조의민주화 Democratization of Production large Lion statues for the opening of the Grand Lyon Stadium Supersized 3D Printer Galatea the Ultra fast very large 3D Printer

Generation familiar to creating Digital Contents

3D Hubs Full Map of Global 3D Printer Distribution www.3dhubs.com Connecting you to 20,000 to Local 3D printers

From Mass Production to Production by The Masses 대량생산에서대중생산으로 Production by The Masses Prosumer (Producer + Consumer)


AM Supply Chain & Benefits A traditional supply chain Products are mass produced (Made in China) Manufactured goods are pushed out and distributed through warehouse network to customers Long lead time High transport costs Large carbon footprint A 3D Printing supply chain Customization production Pulled by end customer demand Locally printed and distributed Short lead time Low transport costs Low carbon footprint Source: www.joneslanglasalle.eu

3D 프린팅관련직업의탄생 Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker > 팹랩의창시자닐거센펠트 새로운직업은예전방식의공장에서는결코생겨나지않을것 > 구글이선정한최고의미래학자토마스프레이 1. 3D 프린터소재전문가 2. 3D 프린터비용산정전문가 3. 3D 프린터잉크개발자 4. 3D 프린팅패션디자이너 5. 3D 음식프린터요리사 6. 신체장기에이전트 7. 3D 비주얼상상가 > 미국우주연구지원기관 X 프라이즈재단회장 오늘날세상을바꾸는사람들은개개인이며, 가장훌륭한미래의열쇠는모두갖고있다

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