전통의맛을세심하고세련되게표현한한식당, 羅宴. 禮와格을갖추어차려낸최고의한식정찬을선보입니다. 전국에서가장훌륭한제철식재료를수급하여정통조리법을바탕으로현대적으로재해석한라연에서한식의정수를경험해보시기바랍니다. Expressing traditional Korean cuisine through delicate refinement, La Yeon serves elegant Korean Haute Cuisine with the spirit of propriety and dignity. Using the highest quality local and seasonal ingredients, La Yeon interprets traditional cooking methods into contemporary taste. La Yeon invites you to experience the quintessence of Korean cuisine.
원산지쌀ː 국내산, 쇠고기ː국내산한우, 닭고기ː국내산, 도미ː국내산, 광어ː국내산, 낙지ː국내산, 김치ː국내산배추, 국내산고춧가루 닭고기, 쇠고기, 돼지고기, 난류 ( 가금류 ), 우유, 메밀, 땅콩, 호두, 대두, 밀, 고등어, 게, 새우, 오징어, 조개류 ( 굴, 전복, 홍합포함 ), 복숭아, 토마토, 아황산염등은알러지를유발할수있으며그외알러지가있는고객께서는미리말씀해주시기바랍니다. Chicken, Beef, Pork, Eggs, Milk, Buckwheat, Peanuts, Walnuts, Soybeans, Wheat, Mackerel, Crab, Shrimp, Squid, Shellfish(including Oyster, Abalone, and Mussel), Peach, Tomato, and Sulfites can cause allergic symptoms. Please let us know in advance if you have any food allergies or dietary issues.
어울림 술 SOMMELIER S RECOMMENDATIONS 3 Glasses of Korean Liquor \ 55,000 오미로제, Omy Rose (150ml) 사시통음주, Sa Si Tong Eum Ju (30ml) 땅콩햅쌀막걸리, Freshly Harvested Rice and Peanut Makgeolli (100ml) 3 Glasses of Wine \ 65,000 (W) Silverado Vineburg Vineyard Chardonnay, Carneros, USA 2014 (125ml) (R) Marques de Murrieta Reserva, Rioja, Spain 2011 (125ml) (S) Honey Wine, Korea 2011 (60ml) 4 Glasses of Wine \ 90,000 (W) R de Rieussec, Bordeaux, France 2014 (125ml) (W) Silverado Vineburg Vineyard Chardonnay, Carneros, USA 2014 (125ml) (R) Marques de Murrieta Reserva, Rioja, Spain 2011 (125ml) (S) Honey Wine, Korea 2011 (60ml)
YEON THE FEAST 주전부리 Appetizing Nibbles 연 宴 환영음식 Welcome Dish 키조개냉채 Chilled Pen Shell Salad with Yuzu Garlic Sauce 삼합죽 Abalone, Sea Cucumber and Beef Porridge 금태양념찜 Steamed Red Mullet with Red Pepper Seasoning Juice 닭불고기 Char-grilled Marinated Chicken in Soy Sauce 또는 or 국내산한우요리 _ 등심구이, 석쇠불고기, 갈비찜중선택 ( 40,000 추가 ) Char-grilled Korean Beef Sirloin with Pickled Onion and Seasonal Vegetables or Thin Char-grilled Slices of Korean Beef Marinated in Soy Sauce with Pickled Onion and Seasonal Vegetables or Braised Korean Beef Short Ribs in Sweet Soy Sauce with Chestnut and Date (All beef dishes above 40,000 extra) 진지 _ 전복비빔솥밥, 육회비빔밥, 제철솥밥중선택 Hot Pot Rice with Vegetables and Abalone or Mixed Rice with Vegetables and Korean Beef Tartare or Seasonal Hot Pot Rice 연두부빙과 Silken Bean Curd Ice Cream with Red Ginseng Rice Pudding 차와다과 Korean Tea and Refreshments \ 160,000 궁중신선로추가주문가능합니다. ( 60,000 extra) Royal Hot Pot can be added at an extra charge of 60,000 한우쇠고기, 닭고기, 낙지, 광어, 도미, 쌀, 연두부 ( 콩 ), 배보쌈김치 ( 배추 ), 나박김치 ( 배추, 고춧가루 ), 동치미 ( 배추 ), 더덕김치 ( 배추, 고춧가루 ) 는국내산을사용합니다. 상기금액은 10% 의봉사료와 10% 의세금이포함된금액입니다. 10% Service charge and 10% tax has been added. 식재료는수급에따라변경될수있습니다. Ingredients may change according to availability.
어울림 술 SOMMELIER S RECOMMENDATIONS 4 Glasses of Korean Liquor \ 65,000 오미로제, Omy Rose (150ml) 사시통음주, Sa Si Tong Eum Ju (30ml) 땅콩햅쌀막걸리, Freshly Harvested Rice and Peanut Makgeolli (100ml) 원매프리미엄, Wonmae Premium (60ml) 3 Glasses of Wine \ 85,000 (W) Silverado Vineburg Vineyard Chardonnay, Carneros, USA 2014 (125ml) (R) Domaine Philippe Charlopin Parizot, Marsannay, France 2014 (125ml) (R) Marques de Murrieta Reserva, Rioja, Spain 2011 (125ml) 4 Glasses of Wine \ 95,000 (W) Silverado Vineburg Vineyard Chardonnay, Carneros, USA 2014 (125ml) (R) Domaine Philippe Charlopin Parizot, Marsannay, France 2014 (125ml) (R) Marques de Murrieta Reserva, Rioja, Spain 2011 (125ml) (S) Honey Wine, Korea 2011 (60ml)
SHILLA 주전부리 Appetizing Nibbles 환영음식 Welcome Dish 구절판 Platter of Nine Delicacies Sauteed Vegetables, Korean Beef and Mushrooms with Wheat Crepes 신라新羅 왕우럭조개냉채 Chilled Keen s Gaper Salad with Wild Greens Sauce 육전 Pan-fried Korean Beef Slices Coated with Flour and Egg 어만두 Sea Bream Fillet Dumplings 신선로 Royal Hot Pot Traditional Korean Hot Pot with Pan-fried Seasonal Fish, Beef Slices and Vegetables in Korean Beef Broth 국내산한우요리 _ 등심구이, 석쇠불고기, 갈비찜중선택 Char-grilled Korean Beef Sirloin with Pickled Onion and Seasonal Vegetables or Thin Char-grilled Slices of Korean Beef Marinated in Soy Sauce with Pickled Onion and Seasonal Vegetables or Braised Korean Beef Short Ribs in Sweet Soy Sauce with Chestnut and Date 진지 _ 전복비빔솥밥, 육회비빔밥, 제철솥밥, 냉면중선택 Hot Pot Rice with Vegetables and Abalone or Mixed Rice with Vegetables and Korean Beef Tartare or Seasonal Hot Pot Rice or Chilled Buckwheat Noodles with Korean Beef Broth 연두부빙과 Silken Bean Curd Ice Cream with Red Ginseng Rice Pudding 차와다과 Korean Tea and Refreshments \ 250,000 한우쇠고기, 닭고기, 낙지, 광어, 도미, 쌀, 연두부 ( 콩 ), 배보쌈김치 ( 배추 ), 나박김치 ( 배추, 고춧가루 ), 동치미 ( 배추 ), 더덕김치 ( 배추, 고춧가루 ) 는국내산을사용합니다. 상기금액은 10% 의봉사료와 10% 의세금이포함된금액입니다. 10% Service charge and 10% tax has been added. 식재료는수급에따라변경될수있습니다. Ingredients may change according to availability.