Tuberculosis (TB) TB is a disease caused by germs called bacteria that most often affect the lungs. You can be infected with TB when you breathe in the germs. You are at a higher risk to get TB if you have a weak immune system. This system can be weakened by poor diet, illness, medicines or other causes. Signs There are two types of TB infection, latent or active. Latent infection is when you may have no signs of TB. The bacteria are in your body, but they are not active. Active TB is when people have signs of the bacteria, such as: Cough that lasts more than 3 weeks or won t go away Fever Weight loss or loss of appetite Feeling weak and tired Chest pain Night sweats Testing A skin test will be done to see if you are infected. A positive test means that you have been infected. If your test is positive, your doctor may also use a blood test, a chest x-ray and sputum tests to see if you have TB. Your family members and others living with you will also be skin tested. A negative test often means that you are not infected. The skin test may not react if you have a weak immune system. Your doctor may check for TB if your skin test is negative, but you still have signs. 1
결핵 (TB) 결핵이란주로폐를침범하는박테리아균이그원인입니다. 이균을숨으로들이마시면결핵에걸릴수있습니다. 면역체계가약한사람은결핵에걸릴위험이더높습니다. 면역체계는부실한영양섭취, 질환, 약물사용, 또는그밖의원인으로약화될수있습니다. 증상 결핵감염유형은잠복성과활동성두가지가있습니다. 잠복성감염은결핵의증상이없을수있습니다. 몸에박테리아가있지만활동성은아닙니다. 활동성결핵은다음과같은박테리아증상이있습니다. 3 주이상지속되며떨어지지않는기침 발열 체중감소또는식욕상실 무력감및피곤 가슴통증 밤에식은땀 검사방법 피부반응검사를통해감염여부를확인할수있습니다. 검사결과가양성이면감염되었다는의미입니다. 검사결과가양성이면의사가혈액검사, 흉부엑스레이와가래검사를통해결핵검사를할것입니다. 가족이나기타함께사는사람들도피부반응검사를받아야합니다. 검사결과가음성이면감염되지않았다는의미입니다. 면역체계가약하면피부반응검사에서반응이나타나지않을수도있습니다. 피부반응검사결과가음성이더라도증상이있으면결핵검사를할것입니다. Tuberculosis (TB). Korean. 1
Your Care If you have a positive skin test or have TB, you will be started on medicines. Take your medicines as directed. You may need more than one type of medicine for TB. Some bacteria are resistant to some antibiotics. You need to take all of your medicines and not stop taking them, even if you feel better. You may have to take your medicines for 6 to 24 months. Stopping medicines early can cause the spread of TB to others. To protect others who do not have TB, cover your mouth when you cough, sneeze or laugh. Then, wash your hands. Always wash your hands before and after meals. To keep your body strong, eat 3 meals and drink 6 to 8 glasses of fluid each day. Go to all doctor appointments. If you are sick enough that you need to be in the hospital: You may be on respiratory isolation. This prevents others from getting TB. You will be isolated until you have been on TB medicines for 2 to 3 weeks or until your sputum is not infected. Anyone who comes into your room will wear a mask. The door to your room will be closed. You will need to wear a mask when you are out of your room. Call your doctor right away if you: Have a worse cough. Cough up blood. Have trouble breathing. 2
관리방법 피부반응검사결과양성이거나결핵이걸린것이확인되면, 약을복용하기시작합니다. 의사의지시대로약을복용한다. 결핵치료용으로한가지이상의약을복용해야할수도있다. 일부박테리아는일부항생제에대해내성이있다. 따라서처방된모든약을복용해야하며, 상태가좋아지더라도복용을중단하지말아야한다. 약복용기간은 6 개월에서 24 개월까지될수있다. 약복용을조기에중단하면타인에게결핵이전파될수있다. 결핵에감염되지않은타인을보호하기위해기침이나재채기를하거나웃을때는입을가린다. 입을가린다음에는손을씻어야한다. 식사전후에는항상손을씻는다. 몸의건강상태를유지하기위해세끼를잘챙겨먹이고매일 6-8 잔의음료를마시게한다. 의사의정기진찰을받는다. 아파서병원에입원해야된다면 : 호흡격리를해야할필요가있다. 이렇게해야만다른사람들이결핵에감염되는것을예방할수있다. 결핵약복용을시작한후 2-3 주동안또는가래검사결과더이상병균이발견되지않을때까지격리수용되기도한다. 환자가있는방을들어오는사람은마스크를써야한다. 병실문은닫아둔다. 환자역시병실을나올때는반드시마스크를써야한다. 아래와같은경우즉시의사와상담하십시오. 기침이악화된다. 기침할때피가나온다. 숨쉬기가거북하다. Tuberculosis (TB). Korean. 2
Lose weight even when you are eating a good diet. Have fevers or night sweats. Have brown urine or gray stools. Have yellow skin or yellow eyes. Talk to your doctor or nurse if you have any questions or concerns. 2006 1/2012 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. Wexner Medical Center at The Ohio State University, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. 3
음식을잘먹어도체중이감소한다. 열이있거나밤에식은땀이난다. 소변색깔이갈색이거나변색깔이회색이된다. 피부나눈의색깔이노래진다. 질문또는우려사항이있을경우의사나간호사와상담하십시오. 2006 1/2012 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. Wexner Medical Center at The Ohio State University, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. Tuberculosis (TB). Korean. 3