OCS (R2) 의기능과활용 Oracle Collaboration Suite 오치영, 한국오라클제품지원실 Page 1 1
Table of Contents Components of OCS R2 (9.0.4.x) 이시간에소개될 component들 OCS R2 patchset 1 ( Using Oracle WebMail and email Server Using Oracle Files and ifs Using Oracle Wireless Architecture 에대한설명 OAS, SSO, OCS Page 2 2
OCS R2 Components Files and ifs (Internet File System) Portal Web Calendar and Calendar Server WebMail and email Server (= Unified Messaging) Wireless UltraSearch VoiceMail & Fax Web Conferencing (= Real Time Collaboration, imeeting) WebMail and email Server WebMail 및 email Server 를사용하다보면, UM 또는 Unified Messaging 이라는단어가나옵니다. 이것은 WebMail 과 email Server Product 를통칭한다고보시면됩니다. Web Conferencing 이 product 또한 RTC (=Real Time Collaboration), 또는 imeeting 으로도불리었으나같은 Product 를뜻합니다. Page 3 3
OCS Release 2 Components Middle Tier Host Servers ifs 9.0.4.x: $ORACLE_HOME/ifs email Server 9.0.4.x: $ORACLE_HOME/oes Wireless Server 9.0.3.x: $ORACLE_HOME/wireless Calendar Server 9.0.4.x: $ORACLE_HOME/ocal Web Clients Files 9.0.4.x: $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_iFS_files WebMail 9.0.4.x $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_UM $ORACLE_HOME/um WebCalendar: $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/ocas Portal $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal ias WebCache OHS OC4J Servers 각 component 들과그 directory 들입니다. Web Clients 각 component 마다 web browser 를통하여 access 할수있는 web client 가있습니다. 예를들어, Files 의경우 ifs 에서관리되는 files 들을 web browser 에서 access 할수있게해줍니다. Page 4 4
OCS Release 2 Components Infrastructure Tier Host ias as Oracle Single Sign On Server OiD Oracle Server for Infrastructure DB Database Characterset is UTF8 Schemas ods* schema for OiD orasso schema for Oracle SSO portal* schema for Portal wireless schema for Wireless Oracle Server (RAC) for Info. Storage Database Characterset is UTF8 Schemas es_mail schema for OES Ifssys schema for ifs Page 5 5
OCS R2 Patch Set 1 ( Fixes for the bug found in OCS Patch#3564610 Updates and Enhancements of all components New Features Supports Oracle 10g ( as Information Storage Supports OAS 10g ( as Infrastructure Supports Portal only For more detailed info: see Readme of the Patchset Oracle Server patchset (RAC) for Info. Storage Patch#3501955 OCS R2, OCS R2 and 처음 OCS R2 가 release 되었을때는그 version 이 이었습니다. 그러나얼마후 으로다시 release 되었습니다. 그러므로처음 install 하실때는 version 을 install 하시게되며그위에 patchset 을씌우면됩니다. Page 6 6
이시간에소개될 Component 들 OCS Release 2 (9.0.4.x) OES (Oracle email Server) Oracle WebMail ifs (Internet File System) Oracle Files Wireless Page 7 7
Using OCS in Web Browsers Certified Web Browsers Microsoft Internet Explorer (6.0 SP1 with latest patches is strongly recommended) Mozilla 1.1+ Netscape 7.x Certified OSs Microsoft Windows (2000 above is strongly recommended) Linux and Solaris Mac OS 9 and X For More detailed info. http://metalink.oracle.com > Certify & Availability > View Certifications by Product > Collaboration Suite Page 8 8
Using Oracle email Using Oracle WebMail and email Server Page 9 9
FS based Versus DB based email Server Files System based email Server Each email msgs are copied to each IMAP folder Extremely inefficient Resources: Requires Tremendous Disk and Memory space, Network Bandwidth, CPU time Management: more email server hosts and management resources are required Database based email Server: OES Only 1 or 2 copy of msg are stored in database Each entries in IMAP folder just points to the msg email msg that is not referenced any more is garbage- collected like GC concept of Java VM. Fast Searching using Oracle Text (formerly, intermedia Text in 8i). Page 10 10
email Server schema es_mail user in mail storage database es_instance table: stores msg_id, folder_id es_folder table: email folder es_header table: RFC 822 message header es_body table: Entire RFC 822 message in BLOB column Example Attachment 포함 4MB 크기의 email message 를 internal user 2 만명에게보낸경우기본적으로 File System Based email Server 4MB 의 msg 가 2 만개의 folder 로 copy 됨. Oracle email Server: 수 MB 미만의공간소요 es_header table 에 row 1 es_body table 에 row 1 es_instance table 에 20,000 rows 가추가됨. Page 11 11
Oracle WebMail & email 의장점 Oracle WebMail Web browser 만으로기존의 email client software 수준의 email service 이용 Search: Oracle Text 사용 Mailling Lists 관리 주소록 (Address Book) Message Filter 관리 기타 Intranet 뿐만이아닌 extranet 에서도사용 Unicode 활용 Oracle email Server 적은비용의 hardware resource 사용및높은성능 다음의 resource 정도만으로도매우만족스런성능. (CPU x 4 + RAM 16MB) x 4 or 6 Linux hosts Page 12 12
Protocols Supported in OES email Manipulation of messages: IMAP4: Internet Message Access Protocol POP3: Post Office Protocol Sending messages SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Newsgroup NNTP: Network News Transport Protocol, new in 9.0.4 Page 13 13
OES Processes Listener Oracle Net Services Listener configured for OES Protocol Servers IMAP, POP SMTP_IN, SMTP_OUT NNTP_IN, NNTP_OUT Other background processes GC (Garbage Collector, = Housekeeper) List Server (Public Mailing Lists Management and Others) WebMail: J2EE application in OC4J_UM OC4J component: UMClientApp.ear ias WebCache OHS OC4J Mail Storage es_mail schema in Oracle RDBMS (RAC) Page 14 14
Oracle WebMail and email Demo Certified email Clients Microsoft Outlook Mozilla 1.1+ Messenger in Netscape 7.x Oracle WebMail 과기존의 email Client 를이용하여 Oracle email Server 를사용하는 demo 를 Internet 과 Oracle Korea Magazine 에서보실수있습니다. Oracle Korea Magazine 2004 년겨울호 page 99 http://www.oracle.com/kr/magazine/archive/23winter/index. html?devel3_1.html Page 15 15
Using Oracle ifs Using Oracle Files and ifs (Internet Files System) Content Management Page 16 16
Architecture of ifs and Files Office Documents File Network Cloud Internet File System End-User Single Sign-On Internet Searchable Index Database Page 17 17
Using ifs on Web browser Graphics and Text should not be placed outside of this outer guide line Projection and video recording systems will crop the outer edges of the slides Explorer Web Browser Page 18 18
Viewing Text in Document Preview Icon in Actions column is shown if the file format is supported by Oracle Text Preview Icon Page 19 19
Using ifs in Explorer WebDAV FTP Page 20 20
FTP NFS Using ifs in Unix Clients Unix UID Files User Mapping Trusted Client List Supports NIS User Authentication Page 21 21
Synchronizing Files and Directories within FileSync Oracle FileSync ifs client that synchronize ifs with local file system Java GUI Applications Page 22 22
ifs versus other File System Supports Multiple Protocols Within Centralized One Files Storage Supports various Clients Oracle Database Files are stored as BLOB, managed within RDBMS Oracle Text Indexed and Searched using Oracle Text See ifs Tablespaces for more info. EM Website Fully configured and controlled in EM Website See Configuring ifs for more info Oracle Single Sign On Page 23 23
Tablespaces of ifs 1. Tablespace for Meta data Meta data for documents, info. about user and groups, etc 2. Tablespace for LOB data of documents 1. Non-Indexed data 1. Not indexed by Oracle Text, such as.zip files 2. Indexed data Indexed by Oracle Text, such as text, word processor files 3. InterMedia data Indexed by InterMedia, such as image, audio, video files. 3. Tablespaces for Oracle Text Oracle Text Index, Oracle Text Keymap, Oracle Text Data Page 24 24
Initial Setup Configuration of ifs ifs CA (Configuration Assistant) $O_H/ifs/files/bin/ifsca Site Admin user Configuration Done in EM Website Stored in ifs schema Monitoring Subscriber Setup Quata Subscriber Admin info. Page 25 25
Tablespaces in ifs CA Page 26 26
Starting and Stoping of ifs Files Storage Listener DB Instance ifs ifsctl [start stop] EM Website Page 27 27
Using ifs in Oracle Files End-users Only for the first time to set Files Specific Password: http://<host>.<domain>:<port>/files/app/protocolaccess After setting Files Specific Password: /files/app SSO username and password Subscriber Administrator /files/app SSO username and password Additional Tabs are shown as subscriber administrator Site Administrator /files/app/adminlogin ifs username and password Only Site Administration Tab will be shown Page 28 28
Why two passwords per a user? SSO Password for Protocols uses password encryption WebDAV Files-Specific Password for Clear Text Protocols FTP Page 29 29
Protocols Supported in ifs Protocols HTTP(S): http://www.w3.org/protocols/ WebDAV: http://www.webdav.org/ NetBIOS SMB (Server Message Block) Clear Text Protocols FTP: File Transfer Protocol AFP: AppleTalk Filing Protocol NFS: Network File System NTFS: NT Files System Standards Unicode: http://www.unicode.org/ Page 30 30
Using Oracle Wireless Page 31 31
Oracle Wireless Releases Wireless OAS (Oracle Application Server) 10g Patchset is scheduled for June 18 th 2004 (can be changed later) Wireless 9.0.3.x OCS (Oracle Collaboration Suite) OCS patchset; patch#3564610 Not shipped within ias 9.0.3.x Wireless 9.0.2.x ias (Oracle 9i Application Server) 9.0.2.x ias patchset; patch#3038037 Wireless Patchset; patch#3174514 Desupport is scheduled for end of June 2005 Wireless 9.0.4.x 여러 component 중 Portal과 wireless를사용하고자하신다면 OCS R2가아닌 OAS (Oracle Application Server) 10g 9.0.4.x를사용하시게될것입니다. 9.0.4.x version의 Portal, Wireless, Infrastructure가 OAS 10g 9.0.4.x에있기때문입니다. OCS R2에는 Wireless 9.0.3.x가있으며 Wireless 9.0.2.x는 ias 9.0.2.x에들어있습니다. Wireless 9.0.2.x 이미 Wireless 를사용하고있는고객들은모두 Wireless 9.0.2.x 를사용하고있는데, 위와같이 ias patchset, wireless patchset 을씌우시면됩니다. 2005 년 7 월부터는더이상의 ias 9.0.2.x patch 가나오지않을예정입니다. Page 32 32
Architecture of Wireless Mobile Device Mobile Wireless Network Internet Wireless Server (Portal To Go) Desktop Client Network Cloud Single Sign-On Wireless Server Transforms each page from Application Server to supported form of web browser of each devices Oracle Single Sign On through Wireless Server Application Server Portal-To-Go Oracle Wireless 의핵심은 Portal-To-Go 라는이름을가진부분에있습니다. Wireless 를사용하다보면 Portal-To-Go 또는 PTG 와같은용어가자주나오는데여기서는 Wireless Server 라고간단히부르겠습니다. Desktop client and mobile client 그림의왼편을보시면 Mobile client 과 Desktop client 두가지가있습니다. 기존의 Desktop client 에서실행되는 web browser 들의기능은 mobile client 에있는 web browser 의기능에비하자면모든기능을거의다가지고있다 ( 전체집합 ) 고이야기할수가있겠습니다. 그러나, Mobile client 의있는 web browser 는 memory size 는여러가지제한때문에기능이선택되어구현되어있다고할수있죠. 그중에 cookie 와같은큰차이가있습니다. Oracle SSO(Single-Sign On) 은 cookie 를이용합니다. Desktop client 의 web browser 에서는 cookie 가되지만 Mobile client 에서는안되는경우가있고이에따라 Desktop client 에서는 Oracle SSO 가가능하지만 mobile client 에서는불가한경우도있을수있습니다. Wireless Server Wireless Server 에서는 application server 에서오는 page 들을각 mobile client 의 web browser 가받아들일수있는형태로바꾸어 (transform) 줍니다. 아울러 URL encoding 및 caching 과같은방법을이용하여 mobile client 와 session 을유지하면서 application server 에서의 Oracle SSO 를대행하여줍니다. Page 33 33
Mobile Devices of Wireless Wireless PDA Wireless Cell Phone Once Application is deployed Various type of devices can access the application via wireless server in Oracle Wireless Mobile Device Mobile Internet Wireless Network Wireless Option Application Server Laptop Client Desktop Client Network Cloud Oracle Wireless는하나의 application을이기종의 mobile device들에서사용할수있도록하여주는 server software입니다. mobile client에대한 device profile과 transformer 설정이끝나면다양한이기종의 mobile client들이 Oracle Wireless를이용하여하나의 application을사용하게됩니다. Page 34 34
Logical Devices Tab Define each Profiles /webtool/login.uix > Service Designer Tab > Logical Devices Mobile 이 page 는각 mobile client 에대한 device profile 을설정하는 page 로, 좀더자세히말씀드리자면위의그림처럼각 mobile client 에서실행되는 web browser 의 User-Agent 와그 client device 에서가능한, 예를들어 screen 폭, 높이, 문자열출력시가능한열과행의수, cookie 사용가능여부, color 사용가능여부, 가능하면몇 bit color 까지되는지, 음성수신이가능한지, image 는보여줄수있는지, 가능하면어떠한 image 가되는지등 device 에대한정보를입력하여 Oracle Wireless 가 mobile client 를판별하고각 client device 에맞게 page 를바꾸어 (transform) 보내줄수있도록합니다. Page 35 35
Transformers Tab Define Transformers /webtool/login.uix > Service Designer Tab > Transformers Device Profile 에서각 client device 에대한정보를입력한다면 Transformer page 에서는 content 를 device 에맞게바꾸어 (transform) 주는방법을기술합니다. XML Stylesheet 와 Java class 두가지로구현이가능하며, 많은경우 XSL 을사용하게될것입니다. Page 36 36
Developing Wireless App Mobile Network Cloud Application Developer Wireless Server J2EE Coding Application Server Deployment Device Profile 과 Transformer 가작성되면또는기존의있는 Device Profile 과 Transformer 로충분하다면, developer 는 wireless application 을작성하는데노력을집중하면됩니다. Wireless application 구현에는여러가지방법이있으나가장많이사용되는방법은위와같이.jsp code 에서 <Simple tag 를사용하는것입니다. Wireless application 의특성상화면에많은것을넣을수가없고과감하게단순한 interface 를추구할필요가있습니다. 그래서기존의 web application 을재사용하는것보다훨씬단순한 application 을위와같이제작하게될수도있습니다. Page 37 37
Developing Wireless App End-User Application Server Mobile Network Cloud Laptop Client Wireless Option Application Application Development Desktop Client J2EE Coding Device Profile 과 Transformer 가각 mobile client 에대해적용되어어느 device 를사용하던지일관되게사용할수있게되기시작하면 programmer 는실질적으로각 device 에대해일일이 testing 을하지않고작성하는새로운 application 에대하여노력을집중할수있게됩니다. Page 38 38
Testing and Using Wireless App Mobile Once Device Profile and Transformer is defined End-User Programmer usually tests using PC web browser first Then tests on browser of target device Application Developer Desktop Client Programmer 는우선자신이주로사용하는환경에서예를들어위와같이 Desktop 에서 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 으로 testing 을하면서 design 한대로동작하는지보면서이것이다른 mobile client 에서도동작할것이라고예상할수있게됩니다. End-user 들은굳이자기가주로사용하던 device 가아니더라도다른 device 에서도같은 application 을 access 할수있습니다. Page 39 39
For More Detailed Info. #1 Download of Base Release OCS http://technet.oracle.com/software Download of Patchsets or patches Current latest patchset: OCS patchset http://metalink.oracle.com > Click Patches menu Documentations Manual: http://technet.oracle.com/documentation Technical Support http://metalink.oracle.com > Push Advanced search button Page 40 40
For More Detailed Info. #2 Mobile Center http://otn.oracle.com/tech/wireless/index.html Portal http://portalstudio.oracle.com/ Communities http://otn.oracle.com/community/index.html Portal Portal Development Kit Articles Page 41 41
General OAS Architecture Enterprise Manager End-User Internet Cloud Web Cache Oracle HTTP Listener OC4J J2EE App Web Content Page 42 42
Architecture of Middle Tier Web Cache Network Cloud Oracle HTTP Listener OC4J J2EE App Server Process Single Sign-On SSL Lock Real Application Searchable Index Cluster Database Page 43 43
Architecture of Infrastructure Single Sign-On LDAP Server Laptop Client or Desktop Client runs cookie-enabled web browser Network Cloud Oracle HTTP Server 1. shows SSO login and logout page 2. Set or reset OSSO Cookie Database Directory Data of SSO Users Managed in Database Page 44 44
Architecture of Oracle SSO End-User Network Cloud Middle Tier App 1. Checks OSSO Cookie 2. Redirects to OSS Server if client does not have OSSO cookie Single Sign-On Oracle SSO Server 1. User Authentication 2. Set OSSO Cookie Page 45 45
Standards Conformance Specifications J2EE 1.3.1 Unicode, UTF8 Protocols HTTP HTML, CSS For More detailed info. http://www.w3.org/ http://www.ietf.org/rfc.html Analysis Certified Package Page 46 46