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기존의감압밸브방식 폐압회수터빈설치방식 To Process (H/P Steam) To Process (H/P Steam) Boiler Pressure Reduction Valve To Process (L/P Steam) Boiler Steam Turbine G Generator To Process (L/P Steam) 고압의증기를생산후용도에맞게감압밸브를이용하여압력조정 고압의증기를터빈을통해사용처에필요압력으로조정

Enthalpy (kcal/kg) 750 710 30ata 10ata 300 750 710 Enthalpy (kcal/kg) 30ata 300 200 10ata 200 670 670 630 0.95 630 0.95 590 590 550 1.3 1.9 Entropy (kcal/kg-c) 1.3 1.6 1.9 Entropy (kcal/kg-c)

Pressure Reduction Valve High Pressure Steam Low Pressure Steam Temp. 300 Pres. 30 kg/cm 2 ~g Enthalpy 715.74 Kcal/kg Exergy 268.05 Kcal/kg Flowrate 30 t/h Temp. 274 Pres. 10 kg/cm 2 ~g Enthalpy 715.74 Kcal/kg Exergy 236.68 Kcal/kg Flowrate 30 t/h

Pressure Reduction Valve High Pressure Steam Low Pressure Steam Temp. 300 Pres. 30 kg/cm 2 ~g Enthalpy 715.74 Kcal/kg Exergy 268.05 Kcal/kg Flowrate 30 t/h Temp. 179.8 Pres. 10 kg/cm 2 ~g Enthalpy 663.22 Kcal/kg Exergy 212.92 Kcal/kg Flowrate 30 t/h


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Made In EXERGY Eng. EXERGY Turbine 250 ~ 2,500kW 회전속도 14,400 RPM 터빈운전조건 현장조건에따른맞춤설계 감속기어 감속비 4 : 1, helical gears 베어링 Babbit on steel journal Coupling Flexible transmission tube coupling 윤활시스템 밀폐압력윤활방식 - Main oil pump, - Motor driven Standby pump 설치 Skid mounted Governor Digital governor

전력생산사용에따른전력구매비용절감 3 년이내의투자회수가능 전력생산및사용에따른 GHG 배출감축 감축사업등록을통한온실가스크래딧확보

1 50 ~ 2,500 kw 범위의넓고유연한주문생산제한된주문생산 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 소형터빈으로고속에서최고효율구현 효율 50 ~ 65 % 최상급의 SS 재질사용으로스팀유로의부식억제, 최상의수명성능유지 정교한최신공기역학적인 blade 가공및주문에대한최적화 강도와안전도를최대화한회전체로정밀하며단일부품 일체형 gearbox 로 Turbine Bearing 2 개제거, Steam Seal 1 개제거 공장조립 - 축정렬된단일 Skid, 기초및토목공사불필요, 경량으로인력운반가능 최신의디지털 PLC 제어, 기동및운전용이, 기존 DCS 와쉽게연계, Web- Monitoring 정비성우수, 부품최소화, 표준공구사용가능, 조립시간 4 시간 소형터빈으로저속설계 = 저효율 효율 35 ~ 45 % 저합금탄소강등의사용으로정시중의부식우려, 취성재질로낮은수명성능 낡은원호 blade 가공및부품조립방식, 직선노즐, 저효율, 주문최적화곤란 Blade 삽입형으로정밀도가떨어지며 rotor 가 100 개이상의부품으로구성 분리형 Gearbox 로 turbine Bearing 2 개, Steam Seal 2 개소요로무겁고넓은공간, 고가 현장설치및축정렬필요, 크고무거우며중장비운반, 현장기초공사필요 낡은유압기계제어, 원격감시어려움 중정비시소요기간 3 일이상소요, 중장비필요, 특수공구필요

Blade 와 Rotor 의일체형가공모습 터빈과기어박스

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구 분 전단 감압터빈 후단 비 고 Pr Kg/cm 2 a 31.81 17.41 Temp 332.8 271.0 - Aux 공급증기 15kg/cm 2 a 기준 과열도도 96.6 81.4 엔탈피 Kcal/kg 732.38 711.6 - 감압터빈설치로 S/C Heating Steam 유량 S/C Outlet 증기유량 ton/hr 24.61 24.61 0.68T/HR 증가

주터빈 운전부하 운전시간운전율감압터빈출력 전력생산량 주터빈감발량 순전력생산량 년간전력추가생산량 추가이익금액 MW hr/y % kw kw kw kwh won/y 350 67 535 109 426 1,477,619 149,520,301 263 5,177 27 225 40 185 258,591 26,166,838 175 6 158 29 129 40,070 4,054,681

2008 2004

Maim Steam Line Maim Steam Header (Air Pre Heater) (Air Cooler Condenser) F.D.Fan Demi. Storage Tank Make Up Water

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현장 고객 증기조건 ( 압력 ) (kg/cm 2 -g) 입구 출구 유량 (T/HR) 용량 (kw) 준공일 금호석유화학온산수지공장엑서지자체공사 12.5 6 30 635 2008.03.30 한전서부발전 평택화력발전소 엑서지자체 ESCO 공사 22 14 20.3 600 2008.10.02 안강소각로 ( 경주 ) 거림소각로 ( 부산 ) 에너지솔루션 8.0-0.9 8.5 900 2008.07.30 테크윈 9-0.8 13.2 1,200 2009.01.31 제 10-0779692 호 증기감압계통폐압회수용전력생산설비를구비한발전플랜트 전력기반 발전폐압회수용폐압터빈국산화개발 ( 당사연구주관기관, 연구비약 16 억원 ) 충청남도금산군추부면신평리 1005-1 (2008 년 7 월준공 )

No. Client Power kw Inlet conditions Outlet conditions Flow Commissioning Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 McDowell & Co., Nasik 110 KW 7.0 kg/cm²g/sat. 0.5 kg/cm²g 2.0 TPH April 1999 McDowell & Co., Baramati 110 KW 7.0 kg/cm²g/sat. 0.5 kg/cm²g 2.0 TPH May 1999 McDowell & Co., Hatidah 75 KW 7.0 kg/cm²g/sat. 0.5 kg/cm²g 1.8 TPH June 1999 McDowell & Co., Bangalore 75 KW 8.0 kg/cm²g/sat. 1.8 kg/cm²g 1.8 TPH March 2000 McDowell & Co., Goa 75 KW 8.0 kg/cm²g/sat. 1.8 kg/cm²g 1.8 TPH April 2000 McDowell & Co, Alwar 75 KW 8.0 kg/cm²g/sat. 1.8 kg/cm²g 1.8 TPH May 2000 Zenith Chemicals, Mumbai 110 KW 28.0 kg/cm²g/sat. 10.0 kg/cm²g 5.5 TPH Dec. 2001 Penguin Distilleries, Goa 300 KW 14.0 kg/cm²g/sat. 2.0 kg/cm²g 6.5 TPH March 2001 Penguin Distilleries, Goa 250 KW 14.0 kg/cm²g/sat. 2.0 kg/cm²g 5.5 TPH May 2001 10 Karnataka Breweries & Distilleries, Bangalore 110 KW 8.5 kg/cm²g/sat. 2.5 kg/cm²g 3.0 TPH April 2001 11 Sylwester Textiles, Mumbai 110 KW 16.5 kg/cm²g/sat 5.0 kg/cm²g 4.0 TPH Aug. 2001 12 Khemani Distilleries Ltd, Daman 315 KW 9.5 kg/cm²g/sat. 3.0 kg/cm²g 9.0 TPH Nov. 2001 13 J J Enterprises, Mysore 250 KW 9.0 kg/cm²g/sat. 1.5 kg/cm²g 5.0 TPH Under Execution 14 Amrut Distilleries, Bangalore 110 KW 9.5 kg/cm²g/sat. 2.0 kg/cm²g 2.5 TPH Sept. 2001

16 17 Sri Satya Winery & Distillery Pvt.Ltd., Hyderabad Maharashtra Distilleries Ltd, Aurgangabad 200 KW 9.0 kg/cm²g/sat. 2.0 kg/cm²g 4.5 TPH April 2002 345 KW 9.0 kg/cm²g/sat. 2.0 kg/cm²g 10 TPH May 2002 18 Gwalior Distillers Ltd. 400 KW 8.0 kg/cm²g/sat. 3.5/1.0kg/cm²g 10.5 TPH Sept 2003 19 Akshara apers,satyamangalam, Tamil Nadu 1800 KVA 32.0kg/cm²g/350º C 3.5kg/cm²g/0.1ata 10.5 TPH Aug.2002 20 Veekay Prints, Surat 250 KW 21.0kg/cm²g/Sat. 3.5 kg/cm²g 6.0 TPH Jan.2003 22 23 RPC Paper Mills Pvt. Ltd., Punnalur, Kerala Shriram Trading & Manufacturing Co., Kolhapur 100 KW 9.5 kg/cm²g/sat. 3.0 kg/cm²g 4.0 TPH March 2003 90 KVA 11.0kg/cm²g/Sat. 2.0 kg/cm²g 2.5 TPH Jan 2003 24 Allied Domecq, New Delhi 200 KW 9.5 kg/cm²g/sat. 2.0 kg/cm²g 5.5 TPH Sept. 2002 25 27 Synthite Industrial Chemicals Limited, Kerala Lime Chemicals, Himachal Pradesh 200 KW 21.0kg/cm²g/Sat. 7.0 kg/cm²g 6.0 TPH Nov.2002 230 KW 9.5 kg/cm²g/sat. 3.0 kg/cm²g 9.0 TPH Dec.2002

28 Marico Industries Ltd., Jalgaon 75 KW 11.5 kg/cm²g/sat. 4.5 kg/cm²g 2.3 TPH Jan.2002 29 Inventa Chemicals Ltd., A.P 330 KVA 21.0 kg/cm²g/330ºc 9.0/3.0 kg/cm²g 1.0/5.0TP H Mar.2003 30 Finolex Industries Ltd., Ratnagiri 350 KW 17.0 kg/cm²g/226ºc 4.0 kg/cm²g 8.0 TPH Sept 2005 31 Fresenius Kabi India Pvt. Ltd, Pune 350 KW 42.0 kg/cm²g/310ºc 8.5 kg/cm²g 7.0 TPH Under execution 32 Jagajit Industries, Bulandshar,U.P. 160 KW 9.5 kg/cm²g/sat. 1.5 kg/cm²g 3.5 TPH Jan 2005 33 Jaimurthy Minerals and Chemicals Ltd.,H.P. 160 KW 7.0 kg/cm²g/sat. 2.0 kg/cm²g 6.0 TPH April 2003 35 Mother Dairy, Ahmedabad 160 KW 13.0 kg/cm²g/sat. 3.4 kg/cm²g 5.0 TPH Aug. 2005 36 Apar Industries, Ankleshwar 90 KW 13.0 kg/cm²g/sat. 3.5 kg/cm²g 3.0 TPH Feb 2004 3/8 Golden Distileries, Chennai 500 KVA 21.0 kg/cm²g/sat. 2.0 kg/cm²g 6.4 TPH Mar 2005 39 Gemini Distilleries, Hyderabad 250 KVA 21.0 kg/cm²g/sat. 2.0 kg/cm²g 4.0 TPH July 2005 40 Kamal Wineries, Hyderabad 200 KVA 15.0 kg/cm²g/sat. 2.0 kg/cm²g 4.0 TPH June 2005 41 Ruchi Soya, Indore 300 KW 15.0 kg/cm²g/sat. 3.5 kg/cm²g 4.0 TPH Sept 2003 42 Morvi Vegetables, Gujarat 200 KW 16.0 kg/cm²g/sat. 3.25 kg/cm²g 4.5 TPH Under execution

44 KBK Ltd., Pune 160 KVA 13.5 kg/cm²g/sat. 1.8 kg/cm²g 6.0 TPH Under execution 46 Dynamic Systems, Kolhapur 160 KVA 13.5 kg/cm²g/sat. 1.8 kg/cm²g 2.7 TPH Under execution 47 Gill Chemicals 160 KW 8bar/sat 3bar/sat 9 TPH Jan 2005 48 Cadbury India Ltd., Induri 132 KW 21 kg/cm²g/sat 9.5 kg/cm²g/sat 6.5 TPH Aug 2003 50 IFB Agro, Kolkatta 250 KW 9.5 kg/cm²g/sat 3.0/0.5 kg/cm²g/sat 7.5 TPH Oct 2004 51 Kesar Petro Products Ltd., Ratnagiri 90 KW 15.5 kg/cm²g/sat 3 kg/cm²g/sat 2.5 TPH Under execution 53 Silvo Lical Chemicals Ltd.,Mahad 132 KW 17 kg/cm²g/sat 3.5 kg/cm²g/sat 4 TPH Under execution 54 Jalan Dyeing & spinning Ltd, Mumbai 315 KW 21 kg/cm²g/sat 3.0 kg/cm²g/sat 6 TPH Under execution 55 MALCO,Mettur 1200 KW 25 kg/cm²g/430ºc 13 kg/cm²g 34 TPH Sept 2004

57 Godrej Industries Ltd., Ankleshwar 300 KVA 27 kg/cm²g/320ºc 12 kg/cm²g 8 TPH Jan 2005 58 Vindhyanchal Distilleries Ltd.,Bhopal 400 KVA 8.5 kg/cm²g/sat. 1.2 kg/cm²g 7.5 TPH Feb 2005 59 Shree Sulphuric P. Ltd. Ankleshwar 750 KVA 5 kg/cm²g/180ºc 0.1 ata 5 TPH Dec 2004 60 McDowell, Shertala 75KW 8.5kg/cm²g/Sat. 3.5 kg/cm²g 2.5TPH Jun 2005 61 Maa Sitala Rice Mills, West Bengala 250KVA 16 kg/cm²g/sat. 1.0 kg/cm²g 3.6TPH Sept 2005 62 Birbhaum Agro Products (P) Ltd, West Bengala 250KVA 16 kg/cm²g/sat. 1.0 kg/cm²g 3.4TPH April 2005 63 LactoChem Pvt. Ltd. Tamil Nadu 320KVA 21 kg/cm²g/sat. 3 kg/cm²g 5.0TPH Aug 2005 64 Malladi Drugs Ltd. Tamil Nadu 200KW 23 kg/cm²g/sat. 9.0/2.5 kg/cm²g 4.75TPH Under execution 65 Sri Ganesh Sponge Ltd. Orissa 1050KVA 28 kg/cm²g/sat. 0.5 kg/cm²g 11.5TPH Under execution 66 M. K. Shah Exports Pvt. Ltd. Assam 625KVA 28 kg/cm²g/sat. 8/0.5 kg/cm²g 8.2TPH Feb 2005 67 AEN Plantations Ltd. Sri Lanka 400KVA 20 kg/cm²g/sat. 3.3 kg/cm²g 6.75TPH Under execution 70 Coastal Agro Pvt. Ltd. Tanuku, AP 250KW 17.5 kg/cm²g/sat. 7 kg/cm²g 10TPh Sept 2005

71 Metrochem Industries Ltd 1000KVA 44 kg/cm²g/sat. 17 kg/cm²g 10TPH Under execution 72 Sarat Exports, West Bengala 90KW 9.5 kg/cm²g/sat. 1.5 kg/cm²g 2.5TPH Dec 2004 73 Hikel Ltd. 250KW 9.5 kg/cm²g/sat. 3.4 kg/cm²g 9TPH Sept 2005 74 Swastidipa Rice Mills Pvt. Ltd. 200KVA 13.5 kg/cm²g/sat. 1.5 kg/cm²g 3.8TPH Under execution 75 NRC Ltd. Mumbai 110KW 30 kg/cm²g/380ºc 3.5 kg/cm²g 3.5TPH Under execution 76 Karan Distilleries 250KW 15 kg/cm²g/sat. 1.2 kg/cm²g 4.5TPH Under execution 77 Siddarth Soya Products Pvt. Ltd. Indore 180KW 15 kg/cm²g/sat. 3.5 kg/cm²g 6TPH Under execution 78 Akshara papers, Tamil Nadu 400KW 31 kg/cm²g/sat. 3.5 kg/cm²g 6TPH Under execution 79 DSG Papers Pvt. Ltd. Patiala 2000KVA 48 kg/cm²g/480ºc 2.5 kg/cm²g 14.5TPH Under execution 80 Aruna Straw Boards 500 KW 21 kg/cm²g/sat. 3 kg/cm²g 15TPh 81 MGM 160 KW 10 kg/cm²g/sat. 1 kg/cm²g 4TPh 82 Midas Golden 300 KW 17 kg/cm²g/sat. 1.5 kg/cm²g 6TPh 83 Chemtech Processors 160 KW 17 kg/cm²g/sat. 3.0 kg/cm²g 6TPh

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대표이사 설립년도 자본금 종업원수 업종, 업태 공학박사박명호 1999 년 4.5 억 25 명 엔지니어링용역외 본사 : 경기도안양시동안구관양동 1454-7 대하빌딩공장 : 충청남도금산군추부면신평리 1005-1 번지 에너지진단에너지진단 최적화설계최적화설계 에너지절감사업에너지절감사업 기후변화대응기후변화대응 에너지진단부열, 전기, 시스템온실가스진단 컨설팅부최적화운전방안시뮬레이션 무전극램프팀폐압터빈팀 히트펌프팀 기술연구소소속기후변화팀 최다연구수행 2,000 여회진단경력보유 진단 1 종기관 에너지최적화관련국제공동연구수행등 ESCO 팀 ESCO 기관 정책연구 기업용역수행

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