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10 제 1 장연구개발과제의개요
16 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( )
17 제 2 장국내외기술개발현황
18 제 3 장종보존을위한동결및해동조건의최적화
20 μ
21 μ μ μ
26 Survival rate (%) %S.W.+DMSO 100%S.W.+DMSO DMSO concentration (%) Survival rate (%) S.W. S.W.+5%DMSO Seawater concentration (%)
28 sorbitol sucrose s orbitol+5%dmso s ucros e+5%dmso Survival rate (%) Concentration (M)
31 Survival(%) Survival(%) % 5% 10% 15% Temperature ( )
32 LN Survival(%) DMSO Concentration(%)
33 Suvival(%) /min 1 /min 2 /min 4 /min Survival(%) Temperature( )
34 Survival(%) LN Cooling rate( /min)
35 Survival(%) Survival(%) /min 1 /min 0.5 /min TIME(min)
38 Survival(%) LN Time(min)
41 Survival rate(%) Time(day s)
44 μ
52 35 30 prefreezing prefreezing- LN SURVIVAL(%) PREFREEZING TEMPERATURE( )
55 40 35 prefreezing prefreezing- LN 30 SURVIVAL(%) PREFREEZING TEMPERATURE( )
56 μ
62 100 prefreezing prefreezing- LN 80 SURVIVAL(%) PREFREEZING TEMPERATURE( )
67 80 prefreezing prefreezing- LN 60 SURVIVAL(%) PREFREEZING TEMPERATURE( )
68 제 4 장원종묘와동결보존종묘의비교생물학적실험
69 Temperature( ) DO( mg /l) Salinity( ) Nov Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Month
75 Blade length (Cm) pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Month Blade width (Cm) pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Month
77 350 Blade length (Cm) pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Month 25 Blade width (Cm) pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Month
80 18 16 Blade length(cm) pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Month Blade width(cm) pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Month 25 Upper stipe length (Cm) pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Month
82 55 Total length (mm) pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations Mar. Apr. May Jun. July Month Branch number pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations Mar. Apr. May Jun. July Month
84 55 50 Total length (mm) pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations Mar. Apr. May Jun. July Month Branch number pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations Mar. Apr. May Jun. July Month
87 30 Blade length (Cm) pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Month 2.5 Blade width (mm) pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Month
90 Total blade length (mm) pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations Mar. Apr. May Jun. July Month Branch number pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations Mar. Apr. May Jun. July Month
96 λ λ
102 pre-cry opres ervations pos t-cry opres ervations Unit(g/100g) Mois ture protein Lipid As h Compos ition Unit(mg/100g) pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations Taur Asp Thr Ser Asn Glu Sarc Pro Gly Ala aaba Val Cys Met cysth Ile Leu Tyr b-ala Phe Amm Hylys Lys Arg Amino Acids Unit(mg/100g) Asp Thr Ser Glu pro Gly Ala Met Ile Leu Tyr Phe His Lys Amm Arg Amino Acids pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations
104 Unit(g/100g) Moisture protein Crude fat Ash Composition pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations Unit(mg/100g) pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations Taur Asp Thr Ser Asn Glu Sarc Pro Gly Ala aaba Val Cys Met cysth Ile Leu Tyr b-ala Phe Amm Hylys Lys Amino Acids Unit(mg/100g) Asp Thr Ser Glu pro Gly Ala Val Met Ile Leu Tyr Phe His Lys Amm Arg Amino Acids pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations
106 Unit(g/100g) Moisture protein Crude fat Ash Composition pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations Unit(mg/100g) Taur Asp Thr Ser Asn Glu Sarc Pro Gly Ala aaba Val Cys Met cysth Ile Leu Tyr b-ala Phe Amm Hylys Orn Lys Amino Acids pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations pre-cry opres ervations pos t-cry opres ervations Unit(mg/100g) Asp Thr Ser Glu pro Gly Ala Met Ile Leu Tyr Phe His Lys Amm Arg Amino Acids
108 Unit(g/100g) Moisture protein Crude fat Ash Composition pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations Unit(mg/100g) pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations Taur Asp Thr Ser Asn Glu Sarc Pro Gly Ala aaba Val Cys Met cysth Ile Leu Tyr b-ala Phe Amm Hylys Lys Amino Acids Unit(mg/100g) Asp Thr Ser Glu pro Gly Ala Val Met Ile Leu Tyr Phe His Lys Amm Arg Amino Acids pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations
110 Uint(g/100g) Moisture protein Crude fat Ash Composition pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations Unit(mg/100g) Taur Asp Hypro Thr Ser Asn Glu Sarc Pro Ala Val Met cysth Ile Leu Tyr b-ala Phe gaba Ethan Amm Amino Acids pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations Unit(mg/100g) Asp Thr Ser Glu pro Gly Ala Val Met Ile Leu Tyr Phe His Lys Amm Arg Amino Acids pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations
112 pre-cry opres ervations pos t-cry opres ervations Unit(g/100g) Mois ture Protein Lipid As h Compos ition Unit(mg/100g) pre-cry opres ervations pos t-cry opres ervations 0 Taur Asp Thr Ser Asn Glu Sarc Pro Gly Ala aaba Val Cys Met cysth Amino Acids Ile Leu Tyr b-ala Phe gaba Amm Hylys Lys Unit(mg/100g) pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations 0 Asp Thr Ser Glu pro Gly Ala Val Met Ile Leu Tyr Phe His Lys Amm Arg Amino Acids
114 pre-cry opres ervations pos t-cry opres ervations Unit(g/100g) Mois ture Protein Lipid As h Compos ition Unit(mg/100g) pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations 0 Taur Asp Hypro Thr Ser Asn Glu Sarc Pro Gly Ala Val Ile Leu Tyr b-ala Phe gaba Amm His Arg Amino Acids Unit(mg/100g) pre-cryopreservations post-cryopreservations 0 Asp Thr Ser Glu pro Gly Ala Val Met Ile Leu Tyr Phe His Lys Amm Arg Amino Acids
115 제 5 장해조류의종보존을위한동결및해동공정에서의 열특성연구
116 1) 마이크로슬라이스부 디지털신호 5) 신호발생기 (PC) 동기신호 2) 단면영상촬영장치 (CCD 카메라 ) 단면화상신호 3) 영상기억장치 (LD) ) 차원영상구축장치 (W/S) 영상 DATA 6) 모니터 관찰 관찰자
117 Δ
125 Temperature ( ) On set piont Maximum point Cease point Cooling rate ( /min) Temperature ( ) On set point Maximum point Cease point Cooling rate ( /min) Temperature ( ) On set point Maximum point Cease point Cooling rate ( /min)
127 Temperature Difference ( ) Temperature difference Freezing time Freezing time (min) Cooling rate ( /min) Temperature Difference ( ) Temperature difference Freezing time Freezing time (min) Cooling rate ( /min) Temperature Difference ( ) Temperature difference Freezing time Freezing time (min) Cooling rate ( /min)
128 200 Freezing Latent heat, L(J/g) U. pinnatifida P. seriata S.fulvellum
133 20000 Entrophy, S (J/mole K) Porphyra seriata Undaria pinnatifida Sargassum fulvellum Cooling rate, V f ( /min) 5e+6 Entalphy,H (J/mole) 4e+6 3e+6 2e+6 1e+6 Porphyra seriata Undaria pinnatifida Sargassum fulvellum Cooling rate, V f ( /min) Free energy, F (J/mole) F=60.424T Cooling rate Regression Temperature, T ( )
134 Free energy, F ( J/mole) F=60.503T Temperature, T ( ) Cooling rate Regression Free energy, F (J/mole) F=60.540T Cooling rate Regression Temperature, T ( ) Free energy, F (J/mole) F=60.424T Temperature, T ( )
136 10 5 Temperature ( ) On set point Maximum point Cease point Thawing rate ( /min) 10 5 Temperature ( ) On set point Maximum point Cease point Thawing rate ( /min) 10 5 Temperature ( ) On set point Maximum point Cease point Thawing rate ( /min)
138 32 45 Temperature Difference ( ) Temperature difference Thawing time Thawing Time (min) Thawing rate ( /min) Temperature Difference( ) Temperature difference Thawing time Thawing Time (min) Thawing rate ( /min) Temperature Difference ( ) Temperature difference Thawing time Thawing Time (min) Thawing rate ( /min)
139 200 Thawing Latent heat, L(J/g) U. pinnatifida P. seriata S. fulvellum
144 Enthalpy, H(J/mole) Porphyra seriata Undaria pinnatifida Sargassum fulvellum Thawing rate, vt( /min) Entropy, s(j/mole K) Porphra seriata Undaria pinnatifida Sargassum fulvellum Thawing rate, vt( /min) Free energy, F(J/mole) Porphyra seriata Undaria pinnatifida Sargassum fulvellum Thawing rate, vt ( /min)
145 제 6 장목표달성도및관련분야에의기여도
148 제 7 장연구개발결과의활용계획
154 제 8 장참고문헌
164 Appendix
165 30 20 Temperature( ) Time(min)
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