04 05 Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel GI 용융아연도금강판은냉간압연된제품을용융아연욕조에담궈아연피막을입힌제품으로, 자기희생방식의특성을갖는아연의영향으로뛰어난내식성을가지며그외도장성, 가공성의특징을가지고있습니다 년국내최초연속도금라인의설치이후, 현재

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Making lives better with steel 철이표현하는새로운세계 - 아름다운완성, 동국제강 1954 년설립된동국제강은지난 60 여년간우리나라철강업계를대표하는선두주자로그이름을널리알려왔습니다. 냉간압연강판생산을시작으로아연도금강판, 갈바륨강판, 컬러강판, 고기능성강판에이르기까지지속적인기술개발과신제품생산으로첨단기술력을인정받은동국제강은표면처리신설비의증설및 PL-TCM 의준공을통해세계적표면처리강판전문기업으로자리매김하고있습니다. 단단한강철로아름다운세상을만드는일에앞장서는한편참된신뢰를바탕으로한正道경영으로국가경제발전에기여하는동국제강! 지속적인경영혁신을통해기업의가치를높이고세계최고의고기능철강전문기업으로도약하고있습니다. A new world represented by steel Beautiful Finish, DONGKUK STEEL Established in 1954, DONGKUK STEEL has taken the lead in Korea s steel industry, producing cold rolled steel, galvanized steel, Galvalume (GL) steel, prepainted steel, and high performance steel for over 60 years. Its technological progress and constant R&D have resulted in the introduction of a multitude of new and high-quality products. Today, the company is primed to become a world leader in the field of surface treatment, having recently completed the construction of new facilities and the Pickling Line and Tandem Cold Mill (PL- TCM). With its belief in open and ethical management, it is contributing to the growth of the national economy while helping to create a more beautiful world. In the future, DONGKUK STEEL will continue heightening its enterprise value through continuous management innovations that will turn it into the world s best steel company. Contents GI Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel 05p EGI Electrolytic Galvanized Steel 17p Unilume Aluminum-Zinc Alloy Coated Steel 29p Galvalume Pipe 36p

04 05 Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel GI 용융아연도금강판은냉간압연된제품을용융아연욕조에담궈아연피막을입힌제품으로, 자기희생방식의특성을갖는아연의영향으로뛰어난내식성을가지며그외도장성, 가공성의특징을가지고있습니다. 1972 년국내최초연속도금라인의설치이후, 현재 4 개 Line 의설비를보유하고있는동국제강은건축자재를비롯하여가전제품등에널리공급하며탁월한기술력을인정받고있습니다. Hot-dipped galvanized steel sheets are processed by dipping cold-rolled products into a hot-dip galvanized pot and then plating them with zinc. The zinc s sacrificial anodes, result in excellent paintability and workability and extraordinary corrosion resistance. In 1972, DONGKUK STEEL became the first Korean company to install a continuous galvanizing line; currently, we have four line in Korea. These products are widely used in home appliances and building interiors and exteriors.

06 07 Continuous hot-dip Galvanizing Corrosion Resistance 내식성 연속아연도금 동국제강의아연도금강판은국내최신의설비에서연속아연도금방식으로생산됩니다. 국내최초로도금제품을생산한동국제강만의 Know-How 와기술력으로건축자재에서자동차, 가전제품에이르기까지산업전분야에서탁월한품질의제품, 원하는도금량을선택하여생산할수있습니다. The galvanized steel plate of DONGKUK STEEL is produced by a continuous hot-dip galvanizing method in the state-of-the-art facilities. Its own know-how and technical capabilities that produced the galvanized products first in our country allows the selection of coating mass and production of outstanding quality products in all fields of industries from architectural materials to automobile and home appliance. - 용융아연도금강판은아연자체의내식성과아연의효과적인희생양극작용으로소지철 (Fe) 을보호하는특성을지니고있습니다. - 크롬피막후처리 (Chromate) : 3가크롬화합물에의한탈수축합반응및수소결합에의한망상화된피막으로아연도금층을보호하므로내식성을더욱향상시킬수있습니다. 특히, 크롬피막은수용성인크롬 6가에의한자기수복효과 (Self Healing Effect) 와불용성인크롬 3가에의한장벽효과 (Barrier Effect) 로서내식성에기여합니다. - 유 / 무기계수지처리 : 가공성, 내식성, Foam 부착성등다양한기능을가지는유 / 무기계수지로용도와목적에부합되는차별화제품생산이가능합니다. - The hot-dip galvanized steel plate is characterized to protect the Fe by the corrosion resistance of zinc itself and the effective sacrificial anode behavior of zinc. - Chromate : Protects the galvanized layer with meshed film by dehydration condensation reaction and hydrogen bonding by trivalent chromium compound to further improve the corrosion resistance. In particular, the chrome film contributes to corrosion resistance thanks to the self-healing effect by hexavalent chrome which is soluble, and a barrier effect by trivalent chrome which is insoluble. - Organic / Inorganic resin treatment : Able to produce differentiated products suitable for applications and purposes with organic/inorganic resin that has multiple functions such as formability, corrosion resistance, foam adhesion, etc. Workability 가공성 제품특성에맞는선별된원자재투입, 연속소둔라인을통한균일한열처리도금후평탄도조정등을통해매우우수한가공성의제품이생산됩니다. With raw materials deemed suitable for the characteristics of product and adjustment of flatness after uniform heat treatment with the continuous annealing line, the product with excellent formability is produced. 재질 Type 일반용 CQ 가공용 DQ 심가공용 DDQ 경도 Hardness 50 ~ 60 45 ~ 55 30 ~ 40 항복점 Yield point (kg/mm 2 ) 25 ~ 35 ~ 30 12 ~ 30 인장강도 Tensile strength (kg/mm 2 ) 35 ~ 45 30 ~ 40 28 ~ 33 연신율 Elongation (%) 30 ~ 38 34 ~ 42 40 ~ 48

08 09 SPEC Select Process SPEC 결정프로세스 Surface Treatment & Coating Thickness 표면처리 & 도금부착량 표면처리 Surface Treatment 표면처리 Surface treatment 특징 Characteristics 용도 Applications 유광 Zero Spangle (Minimized) 아연응고시결정성장을억제시켜결정립이미세함 표면이균일 Fine crystal grain as zinc solidification inhibits crystal growth Uniform surface 가구및사무기기 / 가전제품내외판 / 건축자재 Furniture & office machine / home appliance internal or external plate / architectural materials 8 선택완료 ( 레퍼런스저장 ) Completion of select (reference storage) 1 적용규격선택 (KS, JIS, ASTM) Select application standard (KS, JIS, ASTM) 2 두께 / 폭선택 Select thickness/width 무광 Extra Smooth 합금화 Galvannealed Zero Spangle 표면에 Skin Pass 실시 표면이미려하고도장성우수 Carry out skin pass on zero spangle surface Smooth surface and excellent paintability 철과아연의합금화처리로용접성과도장성을극대화 Maximization of weldability and paintability by Fe and Zn alloying 가전부품도장강판 (PCM) 소재 Home appliance Pre-Coated Metal(PCM) material 자동차내 외판, 가전제품 Internal / external plate of automobile, home appliance 7 도유처리선택 Select oiling 6 화성처리선택 ( 수지타입 ) Select chemical treatment (resin type) SPEC Select Process 5 크로메이트처리여부선택 Select chromate treatment * 수요가별선택사항들을조합하여생산투입후레퍼런스저장 * 수요가별레퍼런스관리를통해생산이력이있는제품에대해동일품질의제품생산가능 * Reference storage after production input by combining the selection items by demand price. * Possible to produce the product with the same quality for the product that has the production history through reference management by demand price. 4 표면처리선택 Select surface treatment 3 도금량선택 Select coating amount 화성처리 도유처리 Surface Treatment Oiling 도금부착량 / 도금두께 Coating Thickness 단위 (Unit) : g/m 2 부착량 Coating Mass 크롬산처리 Chromated 앙면 3 점법 3-points on both sides 앙면 1 점법 1-point on both sides 무도유 Non oiled 구분 Type 표시기호 Marking 최소부착량 Minimum coating 최소부착량 Minimum coating 유기피복 NON Cr 도유 Oiled (Heavy / Light) 비합금화 Non-alloying Z08, Z10, Z12, Z, Z, Z22, Z25, Z27, Z35, Z45 80, 100, 1, 0, 0, 2, 250, 270, 350, 450 68, 85, 102, 153, 170, 7, 213, 234, 298, 383 갈바크린 Galva clean 합금화 Alloying F06, F08, F10, F12 60, 80, 100, 1 51, 68, 85, 102

10 11 Standard Specification 기준규격 재질규격 Classification 두께허용차 Thickness Tolerances 단위 (Unit) : mm 재질규격 Classification 일반재 Commercial quality KS D 3506 JIS G 3302 ASTM A 653 EN 10142, 10147 SGCC SGCC CS DX51D 표시두께 Thickness T < 0.25 W < 630 ± 0.04 630 W < 1,000 ± 0.04 폭 Width 1,000 W < 1,250 ± 0.04 1,250 W < 1,600-1,600 W - 경가공용 (1 종 ) Lock forming quality SGCD1 SGCD1 CS DX51D 0.25 T < 0.40 0.40 T < 0.60 ± 0.05 ± 0.06 ± 0.05 ± 0.06 ± 0.05 ± 0.06 ± 0.06 ± 0.07 - ± 0.08 가공용 (2 종 ) Drawing quality 심가공용 (3 종 ) Deep drawing quality 비시효초심가공용 Structural quality 구조용 Structural quality SGCD2 SGCD2 FS DX52D SGCD3 SGCD3 DDS DX53D SGC 340~570 SGC 340~570 EDDS GRADE 230~550 S2~ S550 0.60 T < 0.80 0.80 T < 1.00 0.10 T < 1.25 1.25 T < 1.60 1.60 T < 2.00 2.00 T < 2.50 2.50 T < 3.15 3.15 T ± 0.07 ± 0.07 ± 0.08 ± 0.09 ± 0.11 ± 0.13 ± 0.15 ± 0.17 ± 0.07 ± 0.07 ± 0.08 ± 0.10 ± 0.12 ± 0.14 ± 0.16 ± 0. ± 0.07 ± 0.08 ± 0.09 ± 0.11 ± 0.13 ± 0.15 ± 0.17 ± 0. ± 0.07 ± 0.09 ± 0.10 ± 0.12 ± 0.14 ± 0.16 ± 0. ± 0.21 ± 0.08 ± 0.10 ± 0.12 ± 0.14 ± 0.16 ± 0. ± 0.21 - * 냉연원판을사용한경우에한함 * Only when using the cold rolling disk 기계적성질 규격구분 Classification KS D 3506 / JIS G 3302 ASTM Mechanical Property 재질 Type SGCC SGCD1 SGCD2 SGCD3 SGC340 SGC400 SGC440 SGC490 SGC570 CS Type A CS Type B CS Type C FS Type A FS Type B DDS EDDS Gr230(Gr-A) Gr255(Gr-B) Gr275(Gr-C) Gr340 C1(Gr-D) Gr340 C3(Gr-F) Gr550(Gr-E) 항복점 Yield Point (N/mm 2) 245 295 335 365 560 170/380 5/380 170/410 170/310 170/310 140/240 105/170 230 255 275 340 340 550 인장강도 Tensile Strength (N/mm 2) 270 270 270 340 400 440 490 570 310 360 380 450 480 570 0.25 ~0.40 16 연신율 Elongation(%) 호칭두께 Thickness (mm) 0.40 ~0.60 34 36 38 16 0.60 ~1.0 36 38 40 16 15 26 26 32 40 16 12 12 1.0 ~1.6 37 39 41 16 1.6 ~2.5 38 40 42 16 2.5 ~Over 16 시험편 Test Piece No.5 Cut In Rolling Direction Cu shall not exceed 0.50% on heat analysis 폭 길이허용차 평탄도 직각도 Width & Length Tolerances 폭허용차 Width Tolerances 냉연원판을사용한경우 When using the cold rolling disk W 1,500 0, +7 Flatness Out of square Tolerances W > 1,500 0, +10 길이허용차 Length Tolerances 냉연원판을사용한경우 When using the cold rolling disk 0, +15 단위 (Unit) : mm 폭 Width 만곡 Wave 외곡 Edge wave 중곡 Center Wave W < 1,000 1,000 W < 1,250 1,600 > W 1,250 W 1,600 압연방향 Roll Direction 폭 Width 12 이하 (Less than 12) 15 이하 (Less than 15) 15 이하 (Less than 15) 이하 (Less than ) A 8 이하 (Less than 8) 9 이하 (Less than 9) 10 이하 (Less than 10) 13 이하 (Less than 13) 단위 (Unit) : mm 6 이하 (Less than 6) 8 이하 (Less than 8) 8 이하 (Less than 8) 9 이하 (Less than 9) 직각도는그림의 A/W 100(%) 로표시하며, 1% 를초과하여서는안된다. The squareness is expressed as A/W 100(%). It should not exceed 1%.

Specification & Available size range 12 13 다양한규격과치수로합리적선택이가능합니다 기준포장 Standard Packing Our various specification and size range allows rational selection possible 코일형 Coils 규격및생산가능치수 Specification & Available size range 사양 Specification 생산능력 Production Capacity 9,000 ton/year 재질 Steel grade CQ, LFQ, DQ, DDQ, EDDQ, Gr-A, B, C, D, E 두께 Thickness 0.23 ~ 2.9 mm 양면도금두께 Coating thickness-both side 80 ~ 600 g/m 2 폭 Width 600 ~ 1,600 mm 코일내경 I.D of Coil 508 / 610 mm 길이 Length 600 ~ 5,000 mm 코일외경 O.D of Coil 2,300 mm (Max) Horizontal Type (General Package) Vertical Type 단중 Unit coil weight 35 ton (Max) 생산제품 Main product GI, GA, G/L 시트형 Sheets 마킹 Marking 종이스티커는각포장의옆에부착하며해당주문번호, 목적지, 규격, 크기, 순중량, 포장번호등을표시합니다. 동국제강은고객이요구하는여러마킹을적용하여고객에게최대의만족감을제공합니다. A paper sticker is affixed on the side of each package, which shows its corresponding order number, destination, specifications, size, net weight and package number. Of course, DONGKUK STEEL will apply other marking required by customers, to their complete satisfaction. Tag Marking - 내수 Domestic 1. 강종 2. 치수 3. 검사번호 4. 수요처 5. 제품코드 6. 무게 1. Steel type 2. Dimension 3. Inspection No. 4. Client 5. Product code 6. Weight - 수출 Export 1. P/O 2. Destination 3. SPEC 4. SPEC 5. Size 6. N.Wt 7. M/O No. 8. PKG. NO Made in KOREA Standard Packing / Marking

GI Production Process 14 15 GI Production Process Cautions for Handling GI 주문시유의사항 주문시에는다음사항에유의하여주시기바랍니다. 주문규격 : 1. 재질 2. 두께 3. 폭 4. 길이 주문요건 : 1. 도금부착량 2. 표면처리방식 3. 마감처리방식 4. 코일내경 / 코일포장단위중량 주문량 사용용도 포장및마킹형식 납기 공장검사이외의검사조건 기타고려사항 취급시주의사항 보관및취급주의사항 - 백청방지 : 제품의보관은건조한실내에서 Skid에적재해야합니다. 습기가많은곳에오랫동안보관하거나옥외보관으로인해비를맞을경우에는백청현상이발생할수있습니다. 우기시옥외보관된제품은덮개를씌워비를맞지않게하시고, 수시로환기시켜백청발생을예방하십시오. - 장기보관 : 아연도강판은장기보관 (3개월이상 ) 시시효경화가발생할수있습니다. 이로인해 Press 및성형작업시금형의파손이나성형불량이발생할수있습니다. 부적절한보관및취급으로인한손실은당사의보증범위를벗어날수있으므로이점양지바랍니다. 운송시주의사항 - 운송중비를맞지않도록복포하여운송하십시오. - 급정거나급발진시체인, 와이어, 조임쇠등으로인하여제품이손상되지않도록제품상차시완충용고무판, 앵글등으로덧대어보호하십시오. - 상하차시지게차나기중기로인한찍힘, 충격등으로인한제품손상등에주의바랍니다. - 고객들은제품하차시운송중의비침투, 찍힘, 좌골등이없는지확인하시기바랍니다. 사용시주의사항 - 탈지시에는중성이나약알카리탈지제를사용하시고, 세척후즉시건조시키시기바랍니다. ( 강알카리탈지제는아연도금층에손상을주고내식성을감소시킵니다 ) - 포장해체시보호장구착용으로상해발생에주의를기울여주십시오. Cautions for Ordering When you place an order, please pay attention to the following: Order spec. : 1. Material 2. Thickness 3. Width 4. Length Requirement : 1. Coating mass 2. Surface treatment method 3. Finishing method 4. Coil inner diameter/coil package unit weight Quantity Purpose Packing & Marking type Delivery Inspection condition except for factory inspection Others 공정용어 Process Terminology 구분 Type 입측권출 Pay Off Reel 입축절단기 Double Cut Shear 용접기 Welder 입측저장설비 Entry Looper 전처리설비 Pre-Treatment 연속열처리설비 Furnace 용융도금설비 Pot & Air Knife 냉각타워 Cooling Tower 수냉탱크 Quench Tank 주요기능 Main Function 연속작업을위해 Coil 을풀어주는장치 Releasing the coil for continuous work 두 Coil 을용접하기위해절단하는장치 Cutting to weld two coils 연속작업을위해선행 Coil 과후행 Coil 을연결시켜주는장치 Connecting the leading coil and the following coil for continuous work 입측의코일저장설비 Storing the entry coil 압연유및기타불순물제거설비 Removing rolled oil and other impurities 열처리로 Strip 의재질특성조절 Adjusting the material characteristics of a strip by heat treatment Jet Air Knife 로도금도금량조절 Adjusting coating mass by jet air knife Strip 냉각 Strip cooling Strip 을수냉시키는설비 A tank for strip cooling 구분 Type 조질압연설비 Skin Pass Mill 오일처리 Oiler 레벨러 T/Leveller # 1, 2 표면처리 Roll Coater # 1, 2 건조로 Oven 출측저장설비 Exit Looper 제품검사실 Inspection Room 출측절단기 Exit Shear 출측권취 Tension Reel 주요기능 Main Function 표면의 Spangle Control Controlling the spangle on the surface Oil treatment 로방청성부여 Granting anti-rust by oil treatment Strip 의형상교정 Correcting the shape of the strip Chromate, Non-Cr 수지, Galva-clean 수지등후처리로기능성부여 Grating function by post-treatment such as Chromate, Non-Cr resin, Galva-clean resin, etc. 표면처리된 Chemical 을경화시키는설비 Hardening the chemicals after surface treatment 출측의코일저장설비 Storage equipment for coil on exit 제품의외관및물성등을검사하는공간 Inspecting the appearance and properties of a product Coil 을요구단중으로절단 Cutting the coil by the required unit coil weight Coil 을요구단중으로권취 Reeling the coil by the required unit coil weight Cautions for Handling Storage and Handling - Rust-proof : The products should be loaded on the skid in a dry room. If stored in a humid place for a prolonged period or wet by rain due to outdoor storage, rust may form. For rainy seasons, products stored outside should be covered with vinyl to protect rom rain and need to ventilate frequently to prevent rust formation. - Long term storage : The galvanized steel sheet may occur hardening in case of long term storage (more than 3 months). This may cause damage or defect of the molding in case of press and molding work. The loss of product by improper storage or handling may be out of our warranty range. Cautions for Transportation - When transporting, the product should be covered to protect from rain. - To avoid damage of the product from the chain, wire, fastener in case of a sudden stop or start, add a rubber sheet for buffing and angle when loading to protect the product. - Pay attention to damage of the product by crushing or impact by forklift or crane when loading/unloading. - Customers need to check the penetration of rain, crushing or breakage during transportation when loading/unloading. Precautions - When degreasing, use neutral or weak alkali degreasing agent and dry immediately after washing. (Strong alkali degreasing agent may damage the galvanizing layer and reduce corrosion resistance) - When unpacking, wear protective equipment to avoid injuries. Cautions for Handling GI

16 17 Electrolytic Galvanized Steel EGI 전기아연도금강판은전류및전해액에의해아연피복을입혀내식성을높인제품으로, 도금부착량이적고균일하며, 도금시열적영향을받지않아소재의기계적성질을그대로유지하므로가공성, 내식성, 도장성, 용접성등이월등히우수합니다. Electro-Galvanized Steel Sheet/Coil is a product, which has an enhanced corrosion-resistant characteristic through an electrolytic galvanizing process to Cold Rolled Steel. Unlike Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel, it has less amount of zinc coated but retains corrosion resistance due to its evenness of the coating; and since the coating process does not involve any heat, it preserves the base metals properties of superior formability, paintability and weldability.

19 EGI 는모든가공및도료에적합한최고의품질을보장합니다 The EGI s top quality guarantees its ability in any processing and painting Workability Paintability 가공성 용융아연도금강판과는달리외부로부터의열적영향을받지않으므로소재의기계적성질을그대로유지되며, 박리현상이일어나지않아어떤형태의성형가공및 Press 가공에도품질변화가없습니다. Unlike Hot-Dipped Galvanized Steel, the base metal of the Electro-Galvanized Steel is less affected by the heat and therefore, it is able to retain its formability. 도장성 원판표면에아연이균일하게부착되어표면상태가균일하고우수한도료밀착성을갖고있어어떠한도료에도적합합니다. Free from any spangles and pin-holes, the Electro-Galvanized Steel has a flawless surface that is most ideal for any type of painting. (Additional surface treatments are available for further enhancement of paintability.) 표시두께 Thickness mm(in) 강종 Type of Steel 처리 Treatment 인장강도 Tensile Strength kg/mm 2 (psi) 신장율 Elongation %, min 에릭슨값 Erichsen Value mm(in) 원뿔컵값 Conical Cup Value mm(in) 0.8 Cold-rolled Sheet - 32 (45,500) 38.1 10.59 (0.4169) 37.9 (1.49) (0.0315) EG Sheet Phosphate 33 (46,900) 39.0 10.90 (0.4291) 37.0 (1.46) 1.0 Cold-rolled Sheet - 33 (46,900) 40.0 10.95 (0.4311) 45.7 (1.80) (0.0394) EG Sheet Phosphate 34 (48,400) 40.5 11.30 (0.4449) 45.1 (1.78) 1.2 Cold-rolled Sheet - 33 (46,900) 40.4 11.24 (0.04425) 46.0 (1.81) (0.0472) EG Sheet Phosphate 34 (48,400) 40.7 11.95 (0.4705) 45.5 (1.79) * 원뿔컵직경은두께 0.8mm (0.0315 in) 의강판인경우 50mm (1.97 in) 이고, 두께 1.0mm (0.0394 in) 와두께 1.2mm (0.0472 in) 의상업적품질을갖춘강판인경우 60mm (2.3622 in) 입니다. * Conical cup diameter is 50mm (1.97 in) for sheets 0.8mm 0.0315 thick and 60mm (2.3622 in) for sheets 1.0mm (0.0394 in) and 1.2mm (0.0472 in) thick, commercial quality.

21 아연의전기적밀착이 EGI 의놀라운내식성을가져옵니다 Electrolytic coating of zinc has an ultimate result in corrosion resistance Corrosion Resistance Weldability 내식성 용접성 아연이소지금속에전기적으로밀착되어치밀하고균일하게도금되므로뛰어난내식성을가집니다. 아연의부착량이적고균일하게도금되어도금강판중가장용접이용이하며, 또한전극봉의마모가적습니다. The EGI s evenly coated zinc enhances its resistance to any type of corrosion. (Additional surface treatments are available for further enhancement of corrosion resistance.) Among all coated steel, the EGI has the highest weldability due to minimum amount of zinc being coated. Red rust generation in salt spray test (Nacl, ) Time(HR) 500 450 400 350 300 250 0 US coating (AFP) Phosphate with chromate Spot Welding 조건 강종 Type of Steel Cold-rolled Sheet EG Sheet without Chemical Treatment Phosphate EG Sheet Chromate EG Sheet Spot Welding Condition 압력 Pressure kg(lb) 150~0 (331~441) 0~300 (441~561) 2~300 (485~561) 0~300 (441~561) 통전시간 Current Time cycle 용접전류 Welding Current ka 8~10 8.0~9.0 8~10 8.0~10.0 8~11 9.0~12.0 8~11 8.0~11.0 인장강도 Tensile Strength kg(lb) 530 (1,168) 6 (1,367) 510 (1,124) 550 (1,213) * 시험샘플은두께 0.8mm(0.0315 in) 이고, 표면아연도금 30g/m 2 (0.1 oz/ft) 의상업적품질을갖춘것을사용했습니다. * Test samples are 0.8mm(0.0315 in) in thickness, with 30g/m 2 (0.1 oz/ft) of zinc coating per surface, commercial quality. 150 100 50 Chromate Oil No treatment * 시험테스트는동국제강연구소에서실시했습니다. * 도금량은각면당그램단위입니다. * The test is conducted by DONGKUK STEEL laboratory * Coating weight is gram per side 2 4 6 μm Coating thickness 10 30 40 50 g/m 2 Coating weight Seam Welding 조건 화성처리 Chemical Treatment Phosphate EG Sheet Chromate EG Sheet Seam Welding Condition 표시두께 Thickness mm(in) 전극 Tip 폭 Width of Electrode tip w, mm(in) 0.8(0.0315) 4.5(0.1772) 1.2(0.0472) 5.5(0.2165) 1.6(0.0630) 6.5(0.2559) 0.8(0.0315) 4.5(0.1772) 1.2(0.0472) 5.5(0.2165) 1.6(0.0630) 6.5(0.2559) 압력 Pressure kg(lb) 300~500 (661~1,102) 450~600 (992~1,323) 500~650 (1,102~1,433) 0~400 (441~882) 300~400 (661~882) 400~500 (882~1,102) 주기 Time cycle (on-off) 전류 Current ka 3-2 15~ 속도 Speed m/min. (ft/min) 1.5~2.0 (4,921~6,562) 4-2-1 17~ 1.7(5,577) 5-1~2 ~22 1.3(4,265) 3-2 14~ 1.5~2.0 (4,921~6,562) 4-2~3 16~21 1.6(5,249) 4-5~2 ~22 1.5(4,921) * 아연도금중량은표면당 g/m 2 (0.07 oz/ft 2 ) 이고, 상업적품질을갖춘것을사용했습니다. * The weight of zinc coating is g/m 2 (0.07 oz/ft 2 ) per surface, commercial quality.

22 23 다양한 EGI 의후처리, 용도에따라선택할수있습니다 There are various surface treatment available for your requirement Surface Treatments/Code Zinc Coating Mass 후처리 아연의부착량 크롬산처리 인산염처리 지문방지제처리 오일처리 Chromated Phosphated Anti-finger print(afp) Oiled * 용도에따라도금부착량조절, 크롬산처리, 인산염처리, 내지문, 크롬프리, Oil처리등제품선택이가능합니다. * You can select from coating weigth control, chromated, phosphated, anti-finger print, chrome-free, oiling, accordingly to your usage. 아연의표준부착량 ( 한쪽면 ) Standard coating mass (one side) g/m 2 아연의최소부착량 ( 한쪽면 ) g/m 2 Minimum coating mass(one side) g/m 2 같은두께의도금의경우 In case of coating of same thickness 다른두께의도금의경우 In case of coating of different thickness 부착량표시기호 Coating mass symbol 10 8.5 8 E08 17 16 E16 30 25.5 24 E24 40 34 32 E32 50 42.5 40 E40 후처리코드 코드 Symbol MX MO PX PO CX CO PCX PCO PCF CFA ICA 내용 Treatment 무처리 DRY (Zinc) 무처리 + OIL (Zinc + Oil) 인산염 DRY (Phosphate) 인산염 + OIL (Phosphate + Oil) 크롬 DRY (Chromate) 크롬 + OIL (Chromate + Oil) 인산염 + 크롬린스 DRY (Phosphate + Chromaterinse + Dry) 인산염 + 크롬린스 + OIL (Phosphate + Chromaterinse + Oil) 인산염 + 크롬프리 DRY (Phosphate + Chrome free + Dry) 크롬프리 AFP (Chrome free AFP) 전도성 AFP (Conductivity AFP) 오일처리 (Oil) 0.5-3 g/m 2 편면 (Single side) 크롬 (Chromate) 2-5 mg/m 2 편면 (Single side) 인산염 (Phosphate) 1.5-2.0 g/m 2 편면 (Single side) AFP 0.8-1.5 μm 편면 (Single side)

Specification & Available size range / Standard Packing 24 25 다양한규격과치수로합리적선택이가능합니다 Our various specification and size range allows rational selection possible Chromium-free AFP 규격및생산가능치수 Specification & Available size range 크롬프리 AFP 제품 Chromium-free AFP Products 사양 Specification 생산 Gauge Production Gauge 생산능력 Production Capacity 4,000 ton/year 두께 Thickness 0.3 mm (0.012 in) to 2.0 mm (0.078 in) 폭 Width 600 mm (23.62 in) to 1,350 mm (53.14 in) 길이 Length 400 mm (15.75 in) to 5,000 mm (196.85 in) 도금중량 Coating Weights both side coating 6-100g/m 2 (0.0196-0.328 oz/ft 2 ) 코일내경 I.D of Coil 508 mm (Mi) 항목 Item 스트립게이지 Strip Gauge [MM] 내경 [MM] Inner Diameter [I.D.] Coil 단중 [TON] Coil Wt [TON] CS DS DDS 폭 width 입측 input side 출측 output side 입측 input side 출측 output side 0.3 ~ 1.6 0.6 ~ 1.6 0.6 ~ 1.6 600 ~ 1,350 470 ~ 5 508 0 ~ 22.5 0 ~ 22.5 코일외경 O.D of Coil 중량 Coil wt 2,040 mm (Max) 22.5 M/T (Max) 제품구성도 Product Structure 두께 / 폭 Thickness and Width 상업용강재 Commercial Steel 표준폭 Standard Width mm(in) 0.3 (0.012) 0.4 (0.016) 0.45 (0.0) 표준두께 Standard Thickness, mm(in) 0.5 (0.2) 0.6 (0.024) 0.7 (0.028) 0.8 (0.031) 1 (0.039) 1.2 (0.047) 1.4 (0.055) 1.6 (0.063) 일반사용을위한상업용품질 Commercial Quality for General use 762(30) 914(36) 1,000(39.37) 1,219(48) 1,250(49.21) 제품특징 Product Features 6 가크롬대체물질적용 Application of hexavalent chromium alternative material 기준포장 Standard Packing - 안정적물질인 3가크롬을주성분으로개발 (Etching제, 환원제, 평활제등을첨가 ) : Cr(Ⅵ)-Free, Non-toxic Chromate - 우수한내식성 : 기존제품대비동등수준의내식성확보 - Develop trivalent chromium, a stable material, as the main component (Add etching agent, reducing agent, level agent, etc.) : Cr(Ⅵ)-free, non-toxic chromate - Superior corrosion resistance : secure same corrosion resistance level of existing products 친환경제품 Environment-friendly products - 환경오염방지및인체무해한친환경제품 - 유럽및선진국의환경규제에대한적극대응 - Environment-friendly products harmless to humans and environmental pollution preventive - Actively corresponds to environmental regulations of Europe and other leading countries 용도 Application Coil Sheets 가전부문, 가구, 산업기계, 기타부문 Home Appliance, furniture, industrial machinery, and others Chromium-free AFP

EGI Production Process 26 27 EGI Production Process Cautions for Handling EGI 취급시주의사항 1. 제품의적재, 보관시는반드시받침대 (SKID) 가있는상태로하십시오. - 제품이중량물이므로울퉁불퉁한바닥에직접닿으면찍힘등의불량이발생합니다. 2. 제품의운송시에는차량바닥에고무패드를깔고제품과제품사이에완충고무판등을삽입시키고, 우천시에는반드시복포를하여야합니다. - 미세한진동에도 Abrasion-mark( 양면흑점 ) 의발생우려가있습니다. 3. 제품의물침투, 결로현상방지를위하여실내에보관하시고, 부득이실외보관시는복포를반드시하여야합니다. - 겹쳐진판사이로물이스며들어가방치되면 Rust 가발생합니다. 4. 제품취급시 Scratch 및오염에특별한주의를기울여주십시오. - 도금층이얇고, 미려하여미세한외부충격에도외관이손상될수있습니다. 5. 제품의외관이중요시되는제품은가급적수지처리 (AFP) 제품을사용하십시오. - 취급시발생가능한 Scratch, 오염의방지는타후처리제품보다외관보호성이우수합니다. Cautions for Handling 1. Always load or store products on a skid. - Damage such as dent could occur if the coil is stored on uneven surface without being placed on a skid. 2. Make sure the truck beds are padded with rubber pad during the transportation and covered with canvas when raining. - A slightest vibration can cause abrasion-marks on the coil. 3. Always store the coils indoor to prevent sweating which could result in rusting. When outdoor storage is unavoidable, make sure to cover the coils with canvas. - When the moisture permeates through the coils, it can cause rust during the storage. 4. Be careful of scratch and other contamination when handling the coils. - Due to the thinness of its coating, a slight impact may cause surface damage. 5. It is most ideal to use AFP treated when the surface condition is critical. - Because, compare to other surface treatments, AFP has the strongest protection against any surface damages or contaminations. Cautions for Handling EGI

28 29 Aluminum-Zinc Alloy Coated Steel Unilume 갈바륨은알루미늄과아연의비율을가장이상적으로배합한알루미늄ㆍ아연도금강판입니다. 도금조성은중량비율 5 의알루미늄 ( 표면용적비율은 80%) 과 43.4% 의아연, 1.6% 의실리콘으로되어있어, 알루미늄이갖는장기내식성과내열성, 그리고아연이지닌 Galvanic Behavior 효과가그특성을가장잘발휘하도록되어있습니다. 즉, 알루미늄도금강판과아연도강판의양쪽특성을이상적으로결합시킨제품입니다. Unilume steel is the result of an ideal alloy of aluminum and zinc. It consists of aluminum (5 in weight ratio but 80% in surface volume ratio), zinc(43.4% in weight), and silicone (1.6% in weight ratio) so it has both aluminum-unique corrosion-resistance and heat resistance and zinc-unique "galvanic behavior".

30 31 Durability 염수분무시험결과 (3,0Hr 시험 ) Salt Spray Test (3,0Hr Test) 내구성 습윤상시험 구분 Type 갈바륨강판 Unilume Humidity Test 부착량 Coating wt 150g/m 2 시험편 Specimen 도금두께 Thickness 40μ ( 양면 Both) 결과 Result 35,300 Hr 경과후에도적청발생없음 No red oxidation rust after 35,300 Hr run 갈바륨강판 Unilume 150g/m 2 옥외폭로시험 (13 년간시험 ) 아연도강판 Galvanized 275g/m 2 Outdoors Exposure Test (For 13 Years) Al 도금강판 Al-coated 150g/m 2 Al 도금강판 Al-coated 300g/m 2 Galvanized Unilume 아연도강판 Galvanized 275g/m 2 40μ ( 양면 Both) 6,000 Hr 이전에적청발생 Red oxidation rust before 6,000 Hr run * 시험조건 : 상대습도 100% 49±1 분위기에노출후표면변화조사 * Condition : Exposed surface change under relative humidity 100% 60 구분 Type 적청 (%) Red rust 22 일후 22 Cycle 외관 External appearance 적청 (%) Red rust 75 일후 75 Cycle 외관 External appearance 적청 (%) Red rust 116 일후 116 Cycle 외관 External appearance 아연도강판 Galvanized Al 도금강판 Al-coated 갈바륨강판 Unilume 1 0 0 절단면에적청발생 Red rust at cut section 절단면에적청흔적 Traces of red rust at cut section 표면 Bright Bright surface 100-100 - 10 0 절단면에적청발생 Red rust at cut section 표면 Dark Dark surface 0 절단면과 Bends 부에적청발생 Rust at cut section & Bends 절단면에적청발생 Red rust at cut section 해안근접지역 Coastal area Kure Beach, North Carolina, U.S.A 25m from the sea shore 공업도시지역 Industrial area Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, U.S.A * 시편 : 갈바륨강판 ( 부착량 150g/m 2 ) / 아연도강판 ( 부착량 275g/m 2 ) * Specimen : Unilume (Coating 150g/m 2 ) / Galvanized (Coating 275g/m 2 ) 전원지역 Rural area Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.A * 시험조건 : 연기상 55 분위기에 22 시간노출후 2 시간건조 1 Cycle * Condition : Water-vapor box 55 environment, 2 Hr-dry after exposing of 22 hours (1 Cycle) G/L 염수분무시험 Salt Spray Test GI 구분 Type 시험편부착량 Coating wt 적청발생시작시간 Number of hours before visible red rust 갈바륨강판 Unilume 150g/m 2 40μ ( 양면 Both) 5,500 Hr 아연도강판 Galvanized 275g/m 2 40μ ( 양면 Both) 300 Hr 경공업지대에서의 년경과한 G/L 지붕 G/L roof years at light industrial area 25 년경과한 G/L 지붕과 GI ROOF VENT 비교 25 years compare with G/L roof and GI roof vent * 시험방법 : ASTM B117-73 에준함 * Condition : Conforming to ASTM B117-73 m 해변에서 10 년후 (10 years at 25m beach) Cut Edge 내식성 (17 년공업지역 ) SST (Salt Spray Test) G/L 0Hr 24Hr 48Hr 72Hr Galvanized 4% AI-Zn 7% AI-Zn SST (Salt Spray Test) STS 409L 0Hr 24Hr 48Hr 72Hr 갈바륨강판 Unilume 아연도강판 Galvanized Al 도금강판 1 Al-coated 1 Al 도금강판 2 Al-coated 2 Edge Condition-17 years industrial area 5 AI-Zn

32 33 Heat-Resistance Weldability 내열성 용접성 갈바륨강판의내열성은아연도강판보다훨씬우수하며 Al 도금강판과거의비슷한특성을갖습니다. Spot Welding 조건 Spot Welding Condition Heat-resistance of Unilume is far superior to that of galvanized, and almost equal to characteristics of Al-coated steel. 아연도강판 : 고온에서사용시추천온도는 230 이하이며 250 에서는변색됩니다. 갈바륨강판 : 315 에서장시간사용해도변색되지않습니다. 또한단속적으로는 370 까지사용가능합니다. Galvanized : Recommendable temperature ; 230 & under, Discoloration at 250 Unilume : No discoloration even for durable use at 315 고온에서의부식저항성비교 Al-coated Unilume Comparison of corrosion resistance at high 표시두께 Thickness 가압력 Pressure (kg) 냉각시간 Cooling time (Cycle=1/60 sec.) 전류 Current (KA) 용접전류 Welding current 통전시간 Current time 유지시간 Maintenance time 전극 TIP 지름 Electrode Tip Diameter (mm) 0.4 100 4 5.0 10 30 4.5 0.5 150 4 5.4 10 30 5.0 0.6 0 4 5.7 10 30 5.0 0.8 0 4 7.0 10 30 5.0 1.0 250 6 8.0 14 40 6.35 1.1 250 6 8.2 14 40 6.35 1.5 300 6 9.0 14 40 6.35 * 범례 : 1 차동전전류 ; 4KA, 통전시간 ; 8 CYCLE, SQUEEZE TIME ; 40 CYCLE( 시간 : CYCLE) * Legend : 1 differential current; 4KA, Current time; 8 cycles, Squeeze time; 40 cycles (time: cycle) Seam Welding 조건 표시두께 Thickness 전극면경 Electrode portion:(mm) Seam Welding condition 전극두께 Electrode thickness 가압력 Pressure (kg) 전류 Current (A) Welding time 1/60 sec 용접속도 Welding 가열냉각 speed Heating Cooling (mm/min) 0.4 12.7R 9.53 300 14,500 2 2 1,500 0.6 12.7R 9.53 400 16,000 3 2 1,500 0.8 6.35R 12.7 450 21,500 4 2 1,500 1.2 6.35R 12.7 500 22,000 4 2 1,500 * 연속전류보다단속전류를사용하는것이좋습니다. * Intermittent current is recommended rather than continuous current. 온도 590 ~700 범위에서시험결과 Test result in range of 590 ~700 온도 425 ~540 범위에서시험결과 Test result in range of 425 ~540 Workability 분석 Analysis 480 ~ 540 온도범위에서갈바륨강판 < Al도금강판 590 ~ 650 온도범위에서갈바륨강판 = Al도금강판 700 이상의온도범위에서갈바륨강판 > Al도금강판 Temperature range 480 ~ 540 Unilume < Al-coated Temperature range 590 ~ 650 Unilume = Al-coated Temperature range 700 & Over Unilume > Al-coated 가공성 아연도강판과동일한성형및가공성을가지며, 특히가공을받는부분의금형층에발생하는미세균열이갈바륨강판에서는극히적어가공부위의내구성이우수합니다. Unilume has the same characteristics with galvanized steel sheet in workability & formability, and especially, micro crack at forming section is much less than galvanized steel sheet. Therefore, Unilume has excellent durability at forming section. 도금층의밀착성 Adhesion of coating layer CQ 기준 (CQ criteria) 굴곡가공 Bending OT 굴곡 OT-Bending 도금박리없음 No Peel Off 잠금성형 Lock-forming 양호 Good 도금박리없음 No Peel Off 충격시험 Impact Test 양호 Good 도금박리없음 No Peel Off

34 Production Availability 35 Heat-Reflexibility Production Availability 갈바륨강판의생산사양 열반사성 갈바륨강판의열반사성은아연도강판보다약 2 배정도우수하여도장하지않은채로지붕재및벽체로사용하여에너지절약효과를얻고있습니다. 생산가능규격 Size Availability 두께 Thickness 0.3 ~ 2.5 mm 도금부착량 Coating Weight Al Zn 합금도금호칭부착량 Al Zn Alloy Coating Weight 도금두께 Coating Thickness Unilume's heat reflexibility almost doubles that of galvanized steel so it has an energy saving effect if it is used in roofing and panelling without painting. 폭 Width 길이 Length 600 ~ 1,600 mm 600 ~ 5,000 mm 90g/m 2 100g/m 2 24μ 26μ 열전도비교 Comparison of heat transmission 소재 Material 열전달 Heat-transmission (h/watt/m 2 ) 단중 Unit coil weight 코일내경 I.D of Coil 35 ton (Max) 508 / 610 mm 1g/m 2 150g/m 2 0g/m 2 32μ 40μ 52μ Al 도금강판 Al-coated : 300g/m 2 40 갈바륨강판 Unilume : 150g/m 2 65 아연도강판 Galvanized : 275g/m 2 1 아스베스토스시멘트 Asbestos cement 150 EPA Min. CT 5 Al-Zn AC 5 Al-Zn 표면처리 Surface Treatment 크롬산처리 지문방지제처리 ( 갈바크린 ) 오일링 착색수지갈바륨강판 ( 크린륨 ) 윤활 크롬프리 Chromated Anti Finger Printed Oiled Cleanlume Lubricant Unilume Cr-Free Unilume Production Process Paintability 도장성 아연도강판은일정기간 Weathering 또는전처리하여도장하지만갈바륨강판은도금층과페인트와의접착력이우수하여간판및일반용의경우 Weathering 이나전처리없이도장이가능합니다. Unilume can be painted without pre-treatment or weathering when used for signboard or general purpose, due to its superior adhesive strength between zinc layer and paint, unlike galvanized steel which requires weathering or pre-treatment. Unilume Production Process

36 37 신뢰할수있는탁월한품질로국내농업용파이프시장에새로운지평을펼쳐갑니다 We will spread a new horizon in the agricultural pipe market with reliable and excellent quality Galvalume Pipe Corrosion Resistance 내식성 갈바륨파이프는용접부의녹이주변부로확산이잘되지않습니다. 농업용파이프는용접부에서직선형태로가장먼저부식이발생되어주변부로확산되는특성을가지고있으며, 기존의아연도금파이프가갈바륨파이프보다붉은녹이 3 배이상빠르게확산됩니다. The galvalume pipe does not allow the rust of the welding area to spread to the surrounding area. The agricultural pipe is characterized to be the occurrence of corrosion in the linear type at the welding area first and spread to the surrounding area. The existing galvanized pipe spreads the red rust faster 3 times to the galvalume pipe. A B 갈바륨파이프 우수한품질특성으로일본은 1999 년부터농업용파이프생산량의 70% 이상이기존아연도금파이프에서갈바륨파이프로대체되었습니다. 알루미늄 (5) 과아연의고내식합금도금강판으로아연도금강판보다 3 배이상의월등히우수한내구성을가지고있습니다. 단일금속보다더강한합금특성과농업용파이프소재용특수수지코팅처리가되어있기때문입니다. 1976 년도미국에서처음개발되어연간 900 만톤이상안정적으로생산되며, 국내에서는동국제강이최초로 1986 년상업생산하였고, 현재 4 개업체에서생산을하고있습니다 With excellent quality properties, Japan substituted more than 70% of agricultural pipe production with galvalume pipe from the existing galvanized pipe since 1999. Galvalume pipe is high endurable alloying steel sheet with aluminum (5) and zinc which has considerably outstanding durabiilty 3 times than galvanized steel sheet. In addition, it had stronger alloying properties than single metal and special coating processing for agricultural pipe material. Galvalume pipe was developed first in USA in 1976 and produced stably more than 9 million ton annually and in Korea, DONGKUK STEEL started a commercial production in 1986 and now 4 manufacturers are producing it. C D 분야 Examples 농업 Agriculture 건축 Architecture 자동차 Automobile 일반산업 General industry 사용예 Application 비닐하우스, 축사, 사일로, 농산물저장창고, 건조기 Vinyl greenhouse, cattle shed, silo, agricultural storage warehouse, dryer 건축물지붕및외벽, 조립식주택골조 ( 탁월한내구성으로도장하지않고지붕, 벽체로사용되는유일한도금강판 ) Roof and exterior wall of Architecture building, frame of assembly housing (The only coating steel sheet with excellent durability, used for roof and wall side without painting) 머플러, 연료탱크, 배기파이프, 트럭하부몸체에어크리너커버 Muffler, fuel tank, exhaust pipe, body air cleaner cover under truck 하수도용대형파형강관, 온수기, 열교환기, 건조기, 폐기물소각기, 보일러, 덕트 Large wave steel pipe for sewage, water heater, heat exchanger, dryer, waste incinerator, boiler, duct A B C D 갈바륨파이프 Galvalume Pipe 아연도금파이프 Galvanized Pipe 갈바륨파이프 Galvalume Pipe 하우스설치파이프용접부붉은녹 ( 아연도금파이프 ) Red rust at welding area of pipe for house installation (Galvanized pipe) 아연도금파이프 Galvanized Pipe 하우스설치파이프용접부붉은녹의주변부확산 ( 아연도금파이프 ) Spread of red rust at welding area of pipe for house installation to the surrounding area (Galvanized pipe) 파이프비용접부염수내식성 (500 시간 ) Corrosion resistance for salt water of pipe at non-welding area (500 hrs) 파이프용접부염수내식성 (500 시간 ) Corrosion resistance for salt water of pipe at welding area (500 hrs)

38 39 Durability High Strength 내구성 비료나농약은석회질과같은알카리성도있지만주로산성이많으며, 효과가뛰어난약품에는유황과같은성분이함유되어강한산성을띄는경우가종종있습니다. 이처럼비료나농약살포로비닐하우스안은산성이나알카리성을띄는습기가많은부식환경이조성되어수년내에붉은녹이발생되는경우도있습니다. 갈바륨파이프는산성에강한알루미늄이다량함유되어있고특수수지코팅피막은알카리성에잘견디는특성을가지고있어비닐하우스안의부식환경에적합합니다. The fertilizer and agricultural chemicals contain alkali components such as lime but mainly acid components and often the effective chemicals contain sulfate which is a strong acid. Likewise, due to the use of fertilizer and agricultural chemicals, in the vinyl greenhouse, the corrosive environment with acid and alkali components and humidity is formed and thus within several years, there is a possibility that red rust is generated. The galvalume pipe contains lots of acid-resistant aluminum and the special polyester coating film has excellent durability for alkali, which is suitable for the corrosive environment in the vinyl greenhouse. 내산성, 내알카리및기타약품성시험결과사진및시험조건 Photos of result of acid-resistance and alkalil-resistance tests and other chemical tests and test conditions 도금강판약품성시험 Chemical test for galvanized steel sheet 도금강판약품성시험결과 Result of chemical test for galvanized steel sheet 고강도 붉은녹의가장큰문제는비닐의찢어짐이지만, 적설이나강풍시비닐하우스붕괴원인이될수도있습니다. The most major problem of red rust is a tear but in case of snow or strong wind, it may cause the vinyl greenhouse to collapse. 붉은녹발생에따른파이프의기계적성질변화 파이프부위 Pipe Area 용접부 Welding area 전체 All 붉은녹발생면적 Red Rust Area 2 50% 100% 2 50% 굽힘응력저하율 Bending Stress Reduction 변화없음 No change 변화없음 No change 변화없음 No change 0. 저하 0. 2.0% 저하 0. Change of mechanical property of pipe by occurrence of red rust 비고 Remarks 시험용샘플파이프 - 붉은녹발생면적만큼도금층을화학적으로부식제거 - Fe 반응억제재사용으로소재철두께변화없음 파이프두께에서도금층두께비율 - 1 ~ 1. 수준 (1.6t 파이프편면 ) 90 밴딩하여정상파이프와굽힘응력비교 Sample pipe for test - Remove the coating layer by chemical corrosion as much as the area of red rust occurrence - No change of steel thickness using the inhibitor of Fe reaction Thickness ratio of coating layer in pipe thickness - 1 ~ 1. level (1.6t pipe single side) Compare the bending stress with normal pipe by 90 bending NaOH NaOH * 붉은녹은도금층이소실되어철이드러나발생되며, 초기의붉은녹은파이프두께변화가크지않아강도에는거의영향을주지않습니다. * The red rust occurs by loss of coating layer and the exposure of Fe, and the initial red rust does not affect the strength as it has little change in thickness. Hcl Hcl 파이프의두께감소에따른기계적성질변화 Change of mechanical property by reduction of thickness of pipe 갈바륨 Galvalume Hcl 파이프약품성시험 Chemical test for pipe 갈바륨파이프 Galvalume Pipe 아연도금 Galvanized NaOH 갈바륨 Galvalume 파이프약품성시험결과 (Hcl, 30분 ) Result of chemical test for pipe (Hcl, 30 minutes) 갈바륨파이프 Galvalume Pipe Hcl 아연도금파이프 Galvanized Pipe 파이프약품성시험결과 (NaOH, 30분 ) Result of chemical test for pipe (NaOH, 30 minutes) 아연도금 Galvanized 평균두께감소율 Reduction of Average Thickness 10% 30% 굽힘응력저하율 Bending Stress Reduction 7% 저하 7% 16% 저하 16% 42% 저하 42% 비고 Remarks 시험용샘플파이프 - 강산으로강제부식시켜무게감소량측정 - 국부적불균일부식현상발생 90 밴딩하여정상파이프와굽힘응력비교 Sample pipe for test - Measure the reduction of weight by the forced corrosion with strong acid - Uneven corrosion occurs locally Compare the bending stress with normal pipe by 90 bending * 시간이지나면서붉은녹은주변부로확산되며, 외곽층의녹이탈락되면서파이프의두께가얇아지며, 국부적으로두께가크게줄어들경우, 적설이나강풍으로이부위에응력이집중되어비닐하우스가붕괴될수도있습니다. * Over time, the red rust is spread to the surrounding area and as the rust of the outer section peels off, the pipe s thickness becomes thinner and the thickness is greatly reduced locally. In case of snow or strong wind, the stress will be concentrated to this area which may cause the vinyl greenhouse to collapse. 굽힘시험 Bending Test Hcl NaOH NaOH 아연도금파이프 Galvanized Pipe 갈바륨파이프 Galvalume Pipe 아연도금파이프 Galvanized Pipe