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@ Lesson 4 (Object) (Class) (Instance) (Method) (Constructor) Memory 1 UML 1

@ & 1 (Real World) (Software World)

@ &.. () ()

@ & 2 (Real World) (Software World) OOA/ Modeling Abstraction Instantiation

@ & 3 (Real World) (Software World) OOA/ Modeling Abstraction Instantiation class Account{ double money; getmoney(){} deposit(){} withdraw(){} } Account acc= new Account()

@ & 4 Real World (Software World) Abstraction Instantiation class Account{ double balance; getbalance(){} deposit(double a){} withdraw(double b){} }

@ 1.. Behavior Attribute

@ 2 Class Member field Method (Constructor) Method A Method B Field (data) Method (data)

@ Class Class [ classmodifier ] class ClassName //header { // body /* field */ } /* method */ classmodifier : public, friend, final, abstract

@ (1)

@ (2)


@ Instantiation Heap Account acc1=new Account(); Account acc2=new Account(); Account acc1=new Account(); Static Class Stack Reference variable Account acc1=new Account(); Instance Heap () ( ) acc3 acc2 acc1 (,)

@ Instantiation 2 Static Stack Heap Class car3 car2 car1 Car car1=new Car(); Car car2=new Car(); Car car3=new Car();

@ Method 200 argument return logic public int coffee( int money ) { //logic if( money>=1000 ) return 5; // 5 else if( money>=800 ) return 4; // 4 else - - - ; } int cups = vendingmachine.coffee( 800 ); 200 cups : 4

@ static & non static static method member method static field member field method field method method Class Heap (static) memory Heap Heap Stack

@ 3,

@ 4 : Car :,, :,, public class Car { /** * */ private int speed = 0; /** * -90 90 0 */ private int direction = 0; /** * Car default */ public Car(){} //constructor /** * 5Km/hr */ public void speedup() { speed+=5; }

@ 5 : Car :,, :,, /** 5Km/hr */ public void speeddown() { speed-=5; } /** * (Km/hr) * @return int */ public int curspeed(){ return speed; } /** *. * @param dir */ public void turndirect(int dir) { direction+=dir; } /** * (0:, -90, 90 ) * @return int */ public int curdirect(){ return speed; } }

@ javadoc javadoc use private ClassName.java /** *. * @param dir */ public void turndirect(int dir) { direction+=dir; } /** * (0:, -90, 90 ) * @return int */ public int curdirect(){ return speed; }

@ JVM 1 JVM Pc Register Frame Register Optop Register Vars Register Method Area (Static,Class) Heap Literal Pool Native Method Stack

@ JVM 2 Static(Class, Method) Stack Heap instance ClassLoad Account Static Variable field,methods AccountMain Static Variable field,methods Heap Literal Pool Methods byte code Main Thread Thread

@ JVM 3 Static Stack Heap Static, Class static, () ( ) acc3 acc2 acc1 (,) Stack reference, referencing Heap

@ reference pointer Static Stack () Heap a2 a1 Account a1=new Account(); Account a2=new Account();

@ 1 public class Accounts { private double money=500; // public Accounts ( double money ){ // this.money=money;} public double getmoney(){ // return money;} public void withdraw(double amount){ // if((amount>0)&&(money-amount>=0)){ money-=amount;}} public void deposit(double amount){ // if(amount>0){ money+=amount;}} }

@ 2 public class AccountMain { public static void main( String[] args) { Accounts acc1=new Accounts(1000); // acc1.deposit(3000); // acc1.deposit(2000); // acc1.withdraw(500);// System.out.println(acc1.getMoney());// } }

@ 3

@ Stack Heap Field money=0 money=0 Field money=0 money=500 acc1 0xa12 public class Account{ private double money=500; public Account(double money){ this.money=money;} ConstructorField 0xa12 money=0 money=1000 Reference Variable money=0 money=1000

@ JVM 4 frame 0xa12 Stack Heap Stack Heap amount acc1 this 0xa12 money= 1000+amount acc1 0xa12 money=4000 Accounts acc1=new Accounts(1000); acc1.deposit(3000); method stack amount, this, frame

@ Garbage Collection Static Stack Heap Static Stack Heap ( ) ( ) a4 a3 a2 a4 a1 a1 a2=null; // a2 Garbage Collection a3=null; //a3 Garbage Collection

@ Type Type Primitive Object, Reference Wrap Wraper class Student stu3 stu2 stu1

@ Airplane,, 1

@ Airplane,, 2

@ Airplane,, 3

@ Airplane,, 4

@ Airplane,, 5

@ Airplane,, 6

@ Airplane,, 7

@ Airplane,, 8

@ Airplane,, 9

@ Airplane,, 10

@ Airplane,, 11

@ Computor Systems Computer MotherBoard Monitor Body KeyBoard/Mouse VGACard CPU SoundCard

@ 1

@ 2

@ 3 public class ComputerMain { public static void main(string[] args) { Computer com=new Computer(); System.out.println(" : "+com.name); System.out.println(" : "+com.monitor.size); System.out.println("CPU : "+com.motherboard.cpu.speed); System.out.println (" : "+com.motherboard.soundcard.company); System.out.println("VGA : "+com.motherboard.vgacard.color); } }

@ Array

@ Array 0 1 2 3 4 indexes elements num stu

@ Array Declaration/Define stus nums ss a stu num

@ Array Initialization stus nums ss a stu num

@ Array- 1

@ Array-

@ Array-

@ Array- 1

@ Array-

@ Array-

@ Array-

@ Array- 5

@,, (,)