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Seizures Seizures are sudden, uncontrolled changes in brain activity. They are a sign that there is a problem in the brain. Most seizures cause a loss of awareness and shaking of the body. Sometimes, they cause staring spells. Most seizures last less than a few minutes and the person may be confused after the seizure. A person who has repeated seizures may have a disease called epilepsy. Causes of Seizures It is not always known why a person has seizures. Causes may include: Epilepsy Brain injury or tumors Infections Alcohol or drug use Low sodium or blood sugar levels Kidney or liver failure Alzheimer s disease Lack of oxygen during birth or a medical condition present at birth Signs of Seizures Some people feel a warning sign before the seizure called an aura. This may be a headache, changes in vision, hearing noises, or smelling a scent such as smoke. During a seizure there may be: Uncontrollable body motions such as body stiffening, jerking or facial muscle movements 1

발작 발작이란급작스러운그리고통제가안된뇌활동의변화입니다. 발작은뇌에문제가있다는신호입니다. 발작이생기면대부분의식을잃게되고몸을부들부들떱니다. 때로는눈에초점을잃기도합니다. 발작은대부분의경우몇분정도지속되며발작후에환자는혼동을경험합니다. 발작을자주하는사람은간질병이라고부르는질환이있기때문일수있습니다. 발작의원인 발작의원인을항상규명되는것은아닙니다. 다음과원인이있습니다 : 간질병 뇌에부상또는종양 감염 술이나약물사용 저염식또는저혈당 신장이나간부전증 알츠하이머병 출생시산소부족또는출생시의료상태 발작경고증상어떤사람들은발작이오기전에소위아우라 (AURA) 라고부르는경고증상을느낍니다. 두통이나시각에변화를경험하거나, 소음이들리거나, 연기냄새를맡습니다. 발작증상 : 몸이경직되거나, 몸경련또는얼굴근육경련등제어할수없는몸움직임 Seizures. Korean. 1

Staring spells Problems breathing Drooling Loss of bowel or bladder control Loss of consciousness, loss of memory or confusion Call 911 right away if the person has never had a seizure before or if the seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes. Try to write down what happens during the seizure. Include the date, time, how long it lasted, and signs such as body motions. The person may be very tired and confused after the seizure. Treatment Treatment is based on the cause of the seizure: If this is the first time the person has had a seizure, the doctor will ask about signs and check to see if there is a medical condition that caused it. Blood tests and other tests such as computerized tomography (CT) scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), electroencephalogram (EEG) or lumbar puncture may be done. A seizure caused by a high fever or a certain medicine is treated by removing the cause. For a person with epilepsy, a seizure may be a sign that his or her medicine may need changed. Most seizures can be managed with medicine. If medicine does not decrease the person s seizures, surgery may be an option. 2

초점잃은눈 호흡곤란 침흘림 대소변이통제가안됨 의식상실, 기억상실또는정신혼동 환자가과거에발작이전혀없었다거나발작이 5 분이상지속되면 911 로즉시연락하십시오. 가능하다면발작중증세를기록하십시오. 아울러, 발작날짜와시간, 지속시간, 그리고몸경련등증상들도기록하십시오. 발작후환자는매우피곤해보이거나혼란스러워보일것입니다. 치료치료는발작의원인에따라다릅니다 : 환자가처음경험하는발작이라면, 의사는그증상이어떠했는지물어보고혹시의료적인문제가있는가검사할것입니다. 혈액검사를비롯하여컴퓨터단층촬영 (CT), 자기공명영상 (MRI), 뇌파검사 (EEG), 또는요추검사를할것입니다. 높은열때문에또는어떤약때문에생기는발작은단순히그원인을제거하고고칩니다. 간질이있는사람이발작을할때는복용약을바꿀필요가있다는징조일수있습니다. 대부분의발작은약으로관리가가능합니다. 약을먹어도발작이줄어들지않으면수술이선택이될수있습니다. Seizures. Korean. 2

Safety Concerns A person with epilepsy should always wear a medical alert necklace or bracelet. Some people need to wear helmets to prevent head injuries. If the person has uncontrolled seizures, he or she cannot drive. A person with controlled seizures may be able to get a restricted license to drive under certain conditions. Talk to the doctor for more information. A person with uncontrolled seizures should avoid activities where a seizure could cause serious injury. Examples include climbing, biking and swimming alone. Talk to the doctor or nurse if you have any questions or concerns or for information about support groups. 2005 2/2011 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. 3

안전문제 간질이있는사람은항상의료경고목걸이또는팔찌를착용하고다녀야합니다. 어떤사람들은머리부상을예방하기위하여헬멧을착용해야되는경우도있습니다. 발작할때통제가안되는사람은차량운전을해서는안됩니다. 발작할때통제가되는사람은제한된운전면허로지정된조건에서만운전을할수있습니다. 더자세한정보는의사와상의하시기바랍니다. 발작할때통제가안되는사람은발작시심각한부상을초래할수있는활동을피해야합니다. 혼자서등산, 자전거타기, 또는수영이그예입니다. 질문이나걱정이있거나, 지원그룹에관한정보가필요하면, 의사또는간호사에게문의하십시오. 2005 2/2011 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. Seizures. Korean. 3