4. Video Signal Overview 임홍열 Agenda 1. Digital Component Video Background 2. 480i and 525i Video systems 3. 576i and 625i Video systems 4. 720i and 750i Video systems 5. 1080i and 1125i Video Systems 6. Computer Video Timing 2/2
1. Digital Component Video Background In digital component video, the video signals are in digital form. (YCbCr or RGB) Being encoded to composite NTSC, PAL, or SECAM only when it is necessary for broadcasting or recording purposes. The EBU became interested in a standard for digital component video due to difficulties of exchanging video material between the 625i PAL and SECAM systems. 3/2 1. Digital Component Video Background 480i,, 625i 등 PAL 디스플레이해상도의분류에서축약한이름으로숫자 625 는세로해상도의 625 줄을가리키며 i 는 interlaced( 비월주사 ) 를가리킴. 아날로그방송시스템에서사용되는컬러인코딩방식으로주로 625 라인 /50Hz/ 초당 25 프레임의텔레비전시스템을가리킴 NTSC (National Television System Committee) 한국, 일본, 미국등에서널리사용하는아날로그텔레비전방식주로 525 라인 /60Hz/ 초당 29.97 프레임의텔레비전시스템을가리킴 SECAM(Sequential color with memory) 첫번째유럽컬러텔레비전표준으로 625개또는819개의주사선이있으며매초 25번완전한영향을만듦. 4/2
1. Digital Component Video Background Component e t Video - 루미넌스, 크로미넌스, 각색상등비디오신호를구성하는각요소를독립된채널로전송하는비디오전송방식. - 주로사용되는 RGB 방식은 R( 적 ), G( 록 ), B( 청 )3 색상이며, 이들을각각독립된채널로전송. - 채널이나대역을많이차지하는반면에인코딩과디코딩등의채널조합 / 분리과정이필요없어화질이우수. Composite Video - 빨강, 청색, 녹색비디오정보와동기및오디오신호가 함께혼합되어있는비디오신호 - NTSC 컬러 TV 방식에서사용. 5/2 2. 480i and 525i Video Systems Interlaced Analog Component Video - Referred to as 480i - comprised of three signal RGB or YPbPr - Usually 29.97Hz frame rate for easier compatibility with (M)NTSC Interlaced Analog Composite Video - (M) NTSC and (M) PAL are analog composite video signal. - carry all timing and color information within a single signal. - 525 total line per frame, referred to as 525-line systems. Horizontal blanking 화면을형성하는과정에서한라인의주사가끝날때마다주사점이오른쪽에서왼쪽으로이동하는기간 Vertical blanking 한필드가끝날때마다화면바닥에서맨위로이동하는기간 ( 이기간동안화상정보는삭제됨 ) 6/2
2. 480i and 525i Video Systems Progressive Analog Component Video - Referred to as 480p - Usually 59.94Hz frame rate for easier compatibility with (M)NTSC Interlaced Digital Component Video - BT.601 and SMPTE 267M specify the representation for 480-line digital RGB or YCbCr interlaced video signal - Referred to as 480i BT.601 스튜디오용디지털텔레비전의부호화파라메터를정의하며 525라인과 625라인시스템공용의컴포넌트 SMPTE 영화텔레비전기술자협회 (SMPTE) 에서표준으로정한영상관계기기의규격 7/2 1. 480i and 525i Video Systems Progressive Digital Component Video - BT.1358 and SMPTE 293M - Referred to as 480p SIF and QSIF - SIF is defined to have an active resolution of 352 x 240. - QSIF is defined to have an active resolution of 320 x 240. SIF(Source Input Format) 디지털영상의저장과전달을허용하기위해개발된비디오포맷으로초당 25프레임을지원 8/2
2. 576i and 625i Video Systems Interlaced Analog Component Video - Referred to as 576i - Usually 25Hz frame rate for easier compatibility with PAL timing - For the 25Hz frame rate, each scan line time(h) is 64us. Interlaced Analog Composite Video - carry all timing and color information within a single signal. - Using 625 total lines per frame, referred to as 625-line systems. Progressive Analog Component Video - Referred to as 576p - frame rate is usually 50Hz for compatibility with PAL timing. - For the 50Hz frame rate, each scan line time(h) is 32us. 9/2 3. 576i and 625i Video Systems Interlaced Digital Component Video - BT.610 specifies the representation for 576i digital RGB or YCbCr interlaced video signal. - Referred to as 571i. Progressive Digital Component Video - BT.1358 specifies the representation for 576i - referred to as 576p 10/2
4. 720i and 750i Video Systems Progressive Analog Component Video - Referred to as 720p. - Usually 59.94Hz frame rate to simplify the generation of (M)NTSC video. - For the 59.94Hz frame rate, each scan line time(h) is 22.24us. Progressive Digital Component Video - SMPTE 269M specifies the representation for 720i digital RGB or YCbCr progressive signals - Referred to as 720p 11/2 5. 1080i and 1125i Video Systems Interlaced Analog Component Video - Referred to as 1080i - Frame rate is usually 25 or 29.97 Hz to simplify the generation of (B,D,G,H,I) PAL or (M) NTSC video. - For the 25Hz frame rate, each scan line time is about 35.56us. - For the 29.97Hz 97Hz frame rate, each scan line time is about 29.66us. Progressive Analog Component Video - Referred to as 1080p - Frame rate is usually 50 or 59.94Hz to simplify the generation of (B,D,G,H,I) PAL or (M)NTSC video. - For the 50Hz frame rate, each scan line time is about 17.78us. - For the 59.94Hz frame rate, each scan line time is about 14.83us. 12/2
5. 1080i and 1125i Video Systems Interlaced Digital Component Video - ITU-R BT.709 and SMPTE 274M specify the digital component format for 1080i digital RGB and YCbCr interlaced signal. - Referred to as 1080i Progressive Digital Component Video - ITU-R BT.709 and SMPTE 274M specify the digital component format for 1080i digital RGB and YCbCr progressive signal. - Referred to as 1080p 13/2 6. Computer Video Timing Video Electronics Standards Association defines the timing for progressive analog RGB signal Common active resolution 640x400400 VGA 640x480 VGA 854x480 SVGA 800x600 SVGA 1024x768 XGA 1280x768 XGA 1280x1024 SXGA 1600x12001200 UXGA 14/2
5. Analog Video Interface 임홍열 Agenda 1. Introduction 2. S-Video Interface 3. SCART Interface 4. SDTV RDB Interface 5. HDTV RGB Interface 6. SDTV YPbPr Interface 7. HDTV YPbPr Interface 8. VGA Interface 16/2
1. Introduction For years, attempts have been made to support s- video, but, until recently, it has been largely limited to S-VHS VCRs and high-end television. Width the introduction of DVD players, digital settop boxes, and DTV, there has been renewed interest in providing high-quality video to the consumer market. Using analog RGB or YPbPr video eliminates NTSC/PAL encoding and decoding di artifacts. As a result, picture is shaper and has less noise. More color bandwidth is also available. 17/2 2. S-Video Interface The television then has to separate these Y and C video signal in order to display the picture. But, the problem is that the Y/C separation process is never perfect. (in chapter 9) 7-pin / 4-pin s-video connector 18/2
2. S-Video Interface This connector keeps the intensity (Y) and color video signal separate, eliminating the Y/C separation process in the TV. As a result, the picture is sharper and has less noise. VBI(vertical blanking interval) information is present on the Y video signal. VBI(vertical blanking interval) 텔레비전등의영향표시장치에서다음스크린필드를찾기위해스크린의첫번째라인으로돌아가는동안잠시전자총의발사를멈추는기간 19/2 2. S-Video Interface A 16:9 TV detects the DC offset and expands the 4:3 image to fill the screen, restoring the correct aspect ratio of the program. Some systems also use an offset of 2.3V to indicate the program is latterboxed. The IEC 60933-5 standard specifies the s-video connector, including signal level. latterbox 와이드스크린영화등을가로, 세로비율 (aspect ratio) 그대로 TV 에서보는방식 20/2
2. SCART Interface Most consumer video components in Europe support one or two 21-pin SCART connectors (also known as Peritel and Euroconnector). This connection allows analog RGB video or s-video, composite video, and analog stereo using a single cable VBI information is present on the composite, Y, and RGB video signals. The IEC 60933-1 and 60933-2 standards specify the basic SCART connector, including signal levels. 21/2 2. SCART Interface 22/2
3. SDTV RGB Interface Some SDTV consumer video equipment supports an analog RGB video interface. VBI information may be present on the RGB video signals. Three separate RCA phono connectors or BNC connector are used. RCA connector 매우낮은장파또는 MHz 주파수범위에서동축케이블용도로만들어진하나의플러그와잭 BNC connector 고주파용동축커넥터중의하나로신뢰성이높고임 피던스특성이규정되있음 23/2. 3. SDTV RGB Interface The three signals must be coincident with respect to each other within ±5ns. After the blanking pedestal is added, the RGB data is clamped by a blanking signal. 1/0.45 gamma used Nominal active video amplitude is 714mV 진폭의전압치와 IRE( 비디오신호의크기 ) 의관계 100IRE = 714mV Pedestal level 수평귀선기간의무신호부분신호강도로영상신호가없는레벨의것. 이전압을직류기준값으로서 0IRE이라고부른다. 100% 밝기에서백색의신호강도는 100IRE이다.(TV전압단위 :140IRE = 1V) 24/2
3. SDTV RGB Interface Source/Receiver impedance of 75Ω R G B range is 0~518 (10bit) SDTV 10-bit R G B Values Video Level 7.5 IRE Blanking Pedestal white 800 Black 282 Blank 240 Sync 16 White:100 IRE, Blank:0 IRE 25/2 3. SDTV RGB Interface 0 IRE Blanking Pedestal RGB range is 0~548 (10bit) SDTV 10-bit R G B Values Video Level 0 IRE Blanking Pedestal white 800 Black 252 Blank 252 Sync 16 White:100 IRE, Blank:0 IRE 26/2
4. HDTV RGB Interface Source/Receiver impedance of 75Ω Three RCA/BNC separate connectors are used VBI information maybe present on the RGB Sync information may be present on RGB channel 1/0.45 gamma used Normal active video amplitude is 700mV and has no blanking pedestal RGB has nominal range of 0~548 (10-bit) RGB data is clamped by a blanking signal 27/2 4. HDTV RGB Interface RGB range is 0~548 (10bit ) HDTV 10-bit R G B Values Video Level 0 IRE Blanking Pedestal white 800 Sync-high 488 Black 252 Blank 252 Sync 16 White:100 IRE, Blank:0 IRE 28/2
5. SDTV YPbPr Interface Some SDTV consumer video equipment supports and analog YPbPr video interface. VBI information may be present on the Y signal. The three signals must be coincident with respect to each other within ± 5ns. Source/Receiver impedance of 75Ω. 1/0.45 gamma a specified. ed YPbPr 아날로그시스템을위해디자인된색공간 ( 수학적으로 YCbCr 과동일 ) Y : 루마 ( 밝기차이 ) 정보를전달 Pb : 파랑과루마의차이를전달 Pr : 빨강과루마의차이전달 29/2 5. SDTV YPbPr Interface 10-bit YCbCr to YPbPr equation Y = 0.625(Y 64) Pb = 0.612(Cb 512) Pr = 0.612(Cr 512) Y range : 0 ~ 548 (10bit) Pb Pr range : 0 ± 274 (10bit) YPbPr data is clamped ca by blanking signal. Video Level Y PbPr White 800 512 Black 252 512 Blank 252 512 sync 16 276 SDTV 10-bit YPbPr Values 30/2
5. SDTV YPbPr Interface 31/2 5. HDTV YPbPr Interface The three signals must be coincident with respect to each other within ± 5ns. Source/Receiver impedance of 75Ω. The three signals must be coincident with respect to each other within ± 5ns. 1/0.45 gamma specified. Pb band Pr amplitue have eapea peak topeak 700mV. DC offset up to ±1V. YPbPr data is clamped by a blanking signal 32/2
5. HDTV YPbPr Interface 10-bit YCbCr to YPbPr equation Y = 0.625(Y 64) Pb = 0.612(Cb 512) Pr = 0.612(Cr 512) Y range : 0 ~ 548 (10bit) PbPr range : 0 ± 274 (10bit) Video Level Y PbPr White 800 512 Sync-high 488 748 Black 252 512 Blank 252 512 sync 16 276 HDTV 10-bit YPbPr Values 33/2 5. HDTV YPbPr Interface 34/2
6. VGA Interface 15-pin VGA connector used by computer equipment to transfer analog RGB signals. Analog RGB signals do not contain sync information and have no blanking pedestal. 35/2