Hyundai Sungwoo Solite Contents & Intro EXPANDING. 02 03 OUR. STAR. 현대성우쏠라이트는 세계 시장을 향해 매일매일 혁신합니다. 1979년 회사 창립 이후 하루하루 새로운 생각과 도전으로 달려온 현대성우쏠라이트. 그 자랑스러운 얼굴들이 모여 대한민국을 넘어 세계 자동차 산업의 정상을 향해 나아갑니다. 창조 정신과 시장 혁신을 선도하는 글로벌 리더 를 향해 현대성우쏠라이트의 새로운 확장이 시작됩니다. Hyundai Sungwoo Solite has been making innovative improvements towards the global market everyday. Hyundai Sungwoo Solite has maintained excellent technical skills in the industry with new ideas and challenges since its establishment in 1979. Our excellent and esteemed staff members have joined to lead the company to take us to the pinnacle of the global auto parts market, beyond Korea. Our new trail in the world to become a global leader that takes lead in innovating the market with creative mind has begun. CONTENTS 02 Contents & Intro 04 CEO Message 06 Vision & Philosophy 08 Company Milestone 12 Automotive Batteries 14 Industrial Batteries 16 Manufacturing Process 18 Research & Quality 20 Partners & Networks 22 Company Organization 23 Outro
CEO Message 04 05 CEO MESSAGE 삶을이롭게하는기술과제품으로고객감동을실현합니다 We are able to attain and deliver high levels of customer satisfaction with technologies and products that bring benefits to our lives Hyundai Sungwoo Solite AGM (Absorbent Glass Mat) 95 Series Battery 보이지않기에더세심하게, 느낄수없기에 내일을향해한발먼저도전합니다 감동과혁신으로고객을이롭게합니다 청춘정신으로함께성장하겠습니다 더안전하게, 현대성우쏠라이트는보이지않는노력과기술혁신으로최고의품질을추구하며고객의삶을더욱이롭고행복하게이끌것입니다. Endless pursuit for detail and safety, even of the unseen. Following its motto, Hyundai Sungwoo Solite always strives to accomplish the best quality with its intangible efforts and innovative technical skills to improve the customers lives and make them happy. 주요수출국 Exporting Countries 개국 83Countries 현대성우쏠라이트는창사이래자동차산업의주요부품을생산하며고객감동의제품개발과생산을통해파트너에게는신뢰를고객에게는만족을드려왔습니다. 이제현대성우쏠라이트는세계수준의기술과품질로국내자동차부품산업의대명사가되었습니다. 현대성우쏠라이트는글로벌시대에발맞추어해외네트워크의구축과혁신을통해국내를넘어세계시장으로성장하고있습니다. 시장을따라가는대신시장을이끌어온현대성우쏠라이트의역사는이제글로벌리더를향한도전의또다른이름이되고있습니다. We are always one step ahead on all challenges Hyundai Sungwoo Solite has been satisfying our customers and building faith with our partners through developing and manufacturing excellent products while supplying the primary auto parts since its establishment. We have become the representative of Korea s autocomponent industry with our world-class technologies and quality. Hyundai Sungwoo Solite has been thriving in the global market as well as the domestic market by establishing an overseas network and maintaining its innovative spirit while keeping up with the global era. The history of Hyundai Sungwoo Solite as an active leader in the market has inspired us to challenge for becoming a global leader. 현대성우쏠라이트는외적성장이아닌내실을통해내일을준비합니다. 무한경쟁시대를맞아날로다양해지는고객의요구와다각적인외부환경의변화에맞서현재에안주하기보다는새로운것을익히고거침없이도전하며삶의가치를창조하는혁신과창의의길을걸어왔습니다. 보이지않기에더세심하게, 느낄수없기에더안전하게 보이지않는노력과기술혁신으로최고의품질을추구하며고객의삶을더욱이롭고행복하게이끌고있습니다. 삶의토대와기초가되는가치가살아숨쉬는현대성우쏠라이트만의특별한기술과제품은고객감동을실현합니다. 현대성우쏠라이트는부단히성장하며, 남보다앞선미래경쟁력으로세계시장의변화에먼저대응하겠습니다. We inspire our customers and improve their lives with innovation Hyundai Sungwoo Solite lays the groundwork for the future with a sustainable approach rather than pursuing tangible performance. We have been briskly challenging ourselves to attain new skills and creating a new value of our lives rather than being complacent with the present in order to deal with the multilateral environment and diversified demands from customers in such a competitive era. Endless pursuit for detail and safety, even of the unseen., we always strive to accomplish the best quality with our intangible efforts and innovative technical skills in order to improve our customers lives and make them happy. Hyundai Sungwoo Solite s special 현대성우쏠라이트는환경과사회를생각하는지속가능경영을추구합니다. 노사간의상생경영, 사회와환경을고려한윤리경영으로사회적책임을다해왔습니다. 이처럼인간존중의가치를실현하며, 사회와함께나누며지속가능한미래를준비하는마음가짐은현대성우쏠라이트의청춘정신이며, 미래를향해열린드넓은시야입니다. 더불어현대성우쏠라이트의임직원모두는분야별독자적경쟁우위를지닌전문화된기업만이고객, 회사, 국가를위하는길이라는일념으로최선을다할것을약속합니다. We will be evolving based on our youthful spirit Hyundai Sungwoo Solite pursues sustainable management while taking our environment and society into consideration. We have been assuming all responsibilities for our society by practicing the cooperation between workers and management, and ethical management. Having the mindset showing respect for people, sharing our value with our society and making efforts to create sustainable future, demonstrates Hyundai Sungwoo Solite s youthful spirit as well as its broad perspective for the future. In addition, all of our employees promise to make strong commitments with a focused mind to cultivate a specialized and highly competitive company and allow it to pave the way for our country, customers and company. EXPANDING OUR GLOBAL MARKET PROSPERING WITH CUSTOMERS technology and products, presenting value for our lives, inspires our customers. Hyundai Sungwoo Solite promises to proactively deal with the changes in the global market by making consistent efforts to strengthen its competitiveness to thrive in the future. Hyundai Sungwoo Solite Co., Ltd. Chairman Chung Mong-yong 현대성우쏠라이트주식회사회장정몽용
Vision & Philosophy 06 07 VISION & PHILOSOPHY 도전, 존중, 감동, 현대성우쏠라이트의살아있는정신입니다 Challenge, respect, inspiration embody the living spirit of Hyundai Sungwoo Solite 현대성우쏠라이트의미래는고객을향하고있습니다. 혁신과변화를두려워하지않는도전주의, 자율과책임속에형성된인간존중을바탕으로고객감동이라는목표를향해임직원모두가함께나아갑니다. 세계적인자동차산업체로서의기반을확고히다져온현대성우쏠라이트는인간존중과도전정신으로우리삶에꼭필요한세계정상의자동차부품전문기업으로거듭나고있습니다. 이익을따지기보다우리삶에꼭필요한기술인지를고민하고, 단한명의 현대성우쏠라이트는끊임없는도전정신과인재경영으로고객감동을실현합니다. 인간과환경을이롭게하는혁신적인기술을개발하고, 그러한기술과제품을통해행복과번영의새로운가치를창조합니다. 눈에보이지는않지만삶의토대와기초가 현대성우쏠라이트는함께하는내일을생각합니다. 자동차산업에없어서는안되는새로운기술과우리의생활에편리함, 안전을제공하기위해끊임없이개척하고연구하며우리삶의아름다운진화를추구합니다. 생활을보다윤택하게, 기술을더욱가치있게 Hyundai Sungwoo Solite s future is moving towards embracing our customers and their interests. All of our employees make progress towards our goal, attaining greater customer satisfaction, based on the respect for people derived from the sense of responsibility and spontaneous will and challenging spirit that never allows us to become afraid of unfamiliarity, change and innovation. 고객까지도만족하고감동할수있도록완벽한제품과서비스를위해최선을다합니다. Hyundai Sungwoo Solite has been solidifying its base as a global automobile manufacturer and also becoming a world-leading company specialized in automobile components, which are essential for our lives, based on its respect for people and its challenging spirit. First and foremost, we aim to verify that some technologies that we plan to develop, are essential for our lives and to do our best to realize perfect products and services that please every single customer, rather than counting potential profits. MISSION 되는단단한가치들이현대성우쏠라이트의기술과제품에담겨있습니다. Hyundai Sungwoo Solite aims to achieve customer satisfaction through its challenging spirit and talent-focused management. We create new values to help realize happy and flourishing societies by developing innovative technologies and products from which people and their surroundings can benefit. Hyundai Sungwoo Solite s products and technologies represent our firm values, which are considered to be the foundation of people s lives despite being intangible. PHILOSOPHY 만드는일, 현대성우쏠라이트가앞장서겠습니다. Hyundai Sungwoo Solite always wishes for our future together with people, as we aim for harmonized evolution in our lives by constantly pioneering and researching new technologies to offer safety and comfortability to people. Hyundai Sungwoo Solite takes the lead for enriching our lives and making technologies become more valuable. VISION 인간존중 Respect for mankind 자율과책임 Autonomy & Responsibilities 품질과신뢰 Qualities & Trust 신기술산사업개척 Pioneering New Technologies & New Business 혁신과변화 Innovation & Changes Challenging Sprit 新가치창조 New Value Creation Customer Satisfaction 원칙과투명 Principles & Transparency 도전주의 Challenging Spirit Be the One Automotive Company 고객감동 Customer Satisfaction
Company Milestone 08 09 COMPANY MILESTONE 땀과열정의시간들이이제세계적인배터리브랜드로비상합니다 Our efforts are now paying off as we make our brand into a global battery brand 현대성우쏠라이트의역사는곧세계배터리브랜드의역사입니다. 창립이래지금까지고성능배터리개발이라는외길을걸어온현대성우쏠라이트는강력한시동능력과최장수명등을갖춘최고의배터리를선보이며전세계배터리시장에서독보적인위치를차지하고있습니다. The history of Hyundai Sungwoo Solite reflects the history of global battery brands. Hyundai Sungwoo Solite has been focusing on developing high-performance batteries since its establishment, and has attained an exclusive place in the global battery market by releasing the best batteries with the longest length of life and strongest driving power. 1979 ~ 1999 2000 ~ 2009 2010 ~ 2016 1979. 02 경원산업 설립 Establishment of Kyungwon industry Co., Ltd. 1981. 02 현대자동차납품및순정품지정 Designated as supplier Hyundai Motor Company 1982. 06 자동차용납축전지 KS표시인증획득 Obtained KS mark certification for automobile lead-acid batteries 1987. 11 1천만불수출탑수상 Received the $10 million export tower award 1992. 08 중앙기술연구소설립 Establishment of a central technology research center 1993. 11 전기차용축전지공동개발 (Ovonics 社기술제휴 ) Joint development of battery for electric car (technology alliance with Ovonics) 1993. 12 연간 500만대생산시설확장 Expansion of the manufacturing facility to the annual capacity of 5 million units 1994. 11 ISO 9001 인증획득 Obtained ISO 9001 certification 1994. 12 밀폐고정형납축전지 UL마크인증획득 Obtained UL mark certification for the maintenance free fixed type lead-acid battery 1995. 10 기술연구소준공 Construction of the technology research center 1996. 05 밀폐고정형납축전지 KS표시인증 Obtained KS mark certification for the maintenance free fixed type lead-acid battery 1997. 11 경주공장준공 Construction of Gyeongju manufacturing plant 1999. 01 HQS 9002 인증획득 ( 현대자동차 ) Obtained HQS 9002 certification (Hyundai Motor Company) 2000. 01 현대에너셀 로상호변경 Changed company name to Hyundai Enercell Co., Ltd. 2000. 10 QS 9000 인증획득 Obtained QS 9000 certification 2001. 05 지게차 (Traction) 용납축전지조립및양산 Assembly and mass production of lead-acid battery for forklifts (traction) 2003. 10 ISO/TS 16949 품질시스템인증획득 Obtained ISO/TS 16949 quality system certification ISO 14001 환경시스템인증획득 Obtained ISO 14001 environmental system certification 2005. 03 방산용 NI-MH 전지개발완료 Development of NI-MH batteries for the defense industry 2007. 10 NATO 품질시스템 TUV 인증획득 Acquisition of TUV certification for the NATO quality system 2008. 07 현대 / 기아 1차협력업체품질평가 4.5STAR 획득 Achieved 4.5 stars as a ties one supplier for Hyundai Motor Company / Kia Motors 2009. 01 성우오토모티브 로피합병 Merged with Sungwoo Automotive Co., Ltd. 2010. 01 경주공장환경표지인증서획득 Gyeongju plant receives Korea eco-label 2012. 04 연간 660만대생산시설확장 Expansion of the manufacturing facility to an annual capacity of 6.6 million units 2013. 05 현대성우오토모티브코리아 로상호변경 Changed company name to Hyundai Sungwoo Automotive Korea Co., Ltd. 2014. 03 2014년한국을빛낸창조경영대상 ( 지속가능경영부문수상 ) Grand prize in creative management that brought honors to Korea in 2014 (Won in the sustainable management division) 2014. 06 쏠라이트배터리, 한국능률협회 The Proud 고객가치최우수상품 선정 Solite battery was selected as Korea s most admired companies The proud, most outstanding product in value evaluation by customers by the Korea management association 2015. 03 연간 730만대생산시설확장 Expansion of the manufacturing facility to an annual capacity of 7.3 million units 2015. 05 현대성우쏠라이트 로상호변경 Changed company name to Hyundai Sungwoo Solite Co., Ltd. 2015. 07 쏠라이트배터리, 한국능률협회 The Proud 고객가치최우수상품 2년연속선정 Solite battery has been selected as one of Korea s most admired companies The proud, most outstanding product in value evaluation by customers by the Korea management association for two consecutive years 2016. 07 쏠라이트배터리, 한국능률협회 The Proud 고객가치최우수상품 3년연속선정 Solite battery has been selected as one of Korea s most admired companies The proud, most outstanding product in value evaluation by customers by the Korea management association for three consecutive years Expanding our history
EXPANDING OUR STAR W I T H BAT T E RY B U S I N E SS 좋은 배터리의 표준으로 우리 곁에 함께해온 현대성우쏠라이트. 강력한 시동, 뛰어난 내구성, 장시간 주행도 견딜 수 있는 파워로 완성된 대한 민국 명품 배터리입니다. 세계 수준의 생산라인을 매일매일 엄격하게 관리하고 보다 나은 기술 혁신으로 세계 정상을 향해 나아갑니다. Hyundai Sungwoo Solite has stood by the people by supplying excellent batteries. Korean high-end batteries have become completed with strong driving power, excellent durability and capability of prolonged operation. We conduct thorough management processes with our production lines that are equal to global standards, and are driving towards the pinnacle of the global market with innovative technologies.
Hyundai Sungwoo Solite Automotive Batteries AUTOMOTIVE BATTERIES 자동차 배터리의 표준을 만들어갑니다 We have been becoming the standard-bearer of automotive batteries 강력한 시동 능력, 뛰어난 내구성, 장시간의 주행도 견딜 수 있는 파워. 현대성우쏠라이트는 좋은 배터리의 조건을 충족시키며 배터리 업계의 표준으로 자리매김하고 있습니다. CMF BATTERIES Strong driving power, excellent durability, capability of prolonged operation. Hyundai Sungwoo Solite fulfills all the necessary conditions to make the best batteries, and has been solidifying its place to establish a standard of batteries in the industry. 초저항의 PE 격리판을 사용한 쏠라이트의 CMF 배터리는 어떠한 혹한 지역에서도 강력한 시동 능력을 발휘합니다. The CMF battery can exert its strong driving power in any condition even in a severely cold region as the hyper-resistant PE separator is used for the battery. BATTERIES FOR IMPORTED CARS 특수 Pb-Sn-Ca 합금을 적용한 강력한 무보수 성능 실현 제품입니다. This battery does not require maintenance work and a special Pb-SnCa alloy is applied to it. BATTERIES FOR TAXIS 고온 내구력을 향상시키고 수명을 획기적으로 연장한 제품입니다. Its lifespan is considerably extended as the high-temperature durability has been improved. Passenger automotive batteries - AGM batteries - Batteries for imported cars AGM BATTERIES 흡수성 유리섬유 격리판 배터리로 내구력이 2.5배 향상되었습니다. This battery is a separator battery made of absorptive glass fiber. Its durability has been improved by 2.5 times more than the previous model. EFB BATTERIES - CMF batteries - Batteries for taxis 충전 성능과 싸이클 수명을 보강해 ISG(또는 Stop & GO) 시스템이 적 용된 차량에 장착됩니다. This has the reinforced charge acceptance and cycle lifespan and is mounted on vehicles with an ISG (or Stop&Go) system. LARGE CMF BATTERIES Commercial automotive batteries - Large CMF batteries - PT batteries 탁월한 무보수 성능을 자랑하는 경제적인 배터리입니다. This is an economical battery that features no need for maintenance. PT BATTERIES 트럭, 건설 장비의 특성에 맞게 진동과 충격에 최적화된 배터리입니다. The battery is sturdy against high-level vibrations and impacts experienced in trucks and construction equipment. 12 13
Industrial Batteries 14 15 INDUSTRIAL BATTERIES 쏠라이트의브랜드파워는산업전반으로확장되고있습니다 The brand power of Solite has been thriving throughout the entire industry 쏠라이트라는이름은자동차에만국한되지않습니다. 현대성우쏠라이트는농기계, 선박, 산업장비등으로브랜드파워를확장하며국내외산업발전에단단한힘을보태고있습니다. INDUSTRIAL BATTERIES 국내외산업환경의한편에, 쏠라이트의이름이자리하고있습니다. 쏠라이트는멈추지않는산업환경의최첨단장비에보수가필요하지않은밀폐형배터리를제공합니다. 쏠라이트산업용배터리는고품질과오랜수명을보장합니다. The brand name, Solite is not only confined to the automotive business. Hyundai Sungwoo Solite has been expanding its realm to include agricultural machinery, equipment for ships, and industrial machinery and providing strong support to industrial development, domestically and overseas. The brand name, Solite, has earned its place in domestic and overseas industries. Solite supplies enclosed batteries, designed for the latest industrial machinery, without requiring any maintenance. Solite industrial battery guarantees its high quality and long lifespan. AGRICULTURAL BATTERIES 농업에도최첨단기술이적용되고있는지금, 쏠라이트또한국내외의과학영농에힘을보태고있습니다. 강력한시동능력을자랑하는쏠라이트농업용배터리는비포장도로등어떠한주행여건에서도수명이단축되지않으며자기방전을최소화하여오랫동안안전하게농기계를사용할수있도록도와줍니다. Industrial batteries - 산업용무보수밀폐형배터리 Close type maintenance free batteries for industrial use - 전동차용배터리 Batteries for electric vehicles - SLX Series - SLD Series Agricultural batteries Marine batteries Solite provides strong support to domestic and overseas scientific agriculture as cutting-edge technologies have been applied to the agricultural industry. Solite agricultural battery features its strong driving power, and its lifespan is not shortened regardless of the driving conditions such as unpaved roads. Moreover, we minimized the probability of self-discharge to ensure long and safe use. MARINE BATTERIES 거친파도도쏠라이트배터리를막을수는없습니다. 쏠라이트선박용배터리는바다위에서도거칠것없는파워를자랑합니다. 배터리의기본이라할강력한시동능력은물론, 해수에의한부식으로부터안전합니다. 특수합금을사용해저장성능을향상시켰으며, 운항대기로인한자기방전을최소화한제품으로오랜배터리수명을자랑합니다. No matter how severe the wave is, it cannot disrupt Solite battery. Solite marine battery boasts of its robust power on the sea. It comes along with strong driving performance, the necessity of batteries, and is also safe from being corroded by seawater. Its storage performance has been strengthened by applying alloy, and its long lifespan is one of its features along with the minimized probability of self-discharge during standby status at a port.
Manufacturing Process 16 17 MANUFACTURING PROCESS 세계최고수준의배터리생산라인, 쏠라이트의자부심입니다 The world s best production line is bolstered by Solite s confidence 더좋은배터리를위한현대성우쏠라이트의욕심은 PLATE PASTING LINE - PASTER 끝이없습니다. 끊임없는도전정신과창의적인생각을바탕으로혁신적인기술을개발하고, 엄격한품질테스트과정을거쳐최상의제품만을생산합니다. 개선된 Steel Belt 형도포기로서 Orifice Plate 개선을통해정확한중량도포와깨끗한 Masking 이가능합니다. The advanced steel-belt applicator has improved the Orifice Plate and allows it to conduct accurate weight application and clean masking. Hyundai Sungwoo Solite s desire for the best- ASSEMBLY LINE - STRAP WELDER quality battery never ends. We develop innovative technologies based on our creative ideas and challenging spirit while manufacturing the best products through thorough quality testing. 기존인터셀용접기와차별화된유압 서보조정형용접기로정확한 Gripping 및용접이가능하여제품품질향상에크게기여합니다. This is a welder with a function for hydraulic servo valve control, and is differentiated from the existing intercell welder. It makes it possible to perform accurate gripping and welding, which results in improving the quality of the products to a large extent. ASSEMBLY LINE - COVER SEALING 일반커버링기와달리 4 점측정식써머커플온도보정기능으로보다정확한온도로사출물을용융접합시킬수있으며, QCD (Quick Change Die System) 를적용하여기종교체시간을단축하였습니다. Unlike general covering machines, this equipment has 4-point thermocouple temperature controller, which enables it to perform fusion bonding at an accurate temperature as needed; and it shortens the time for replacement of models by applying QCD (Quick Change Die System) ASSEMBLY LINE - ACID FILLING 빠른액주입시간과정확한황산주입이가능한 Indicator 레벨감지기능및 Suction 기능이추가된황산주입기를사용하고있습니다. Key facilities This indicator has a capability of performing quick liquid injection and accurate sulfuric acid injection, employing a sulfuric acid injector with level-detection and suction functions. Category Roll Mill 7-Roll Strap Welder Covering Machine Model & Spec. 7-Roll Hy d & Servo Type QCD & Servo Type
Research & Quality 18 19 RESEARCH & QUALITY 쏠라이트의기술혁신은현재진행형입니다 Solite s innovation in technologies is still ongoing 24건의배터리분야기술특허라는결과를낳은현대성우쏠라이트의기술혁신은오늘도계속되고있습니다. 더욱안전한자동차생활을구현하고, 친환경기술개발과신재생에너지로분야를확대해배터리산업의미래를준비하고있습니다. Hyundai Sungwoo Solite s innovation in technologies, resulting in 24 patented technologies related to batteries, still continues today. We develop eco-friendly technologies that create safer driving environments and lay the groundwork for the future battery industry by expanding its business to renewable energy. 신소재개발 DEVELOPMENT OF NEW MATERIALS 내부식성향상을위한특수합금기술개발 수명극대화를위한고밀도활물질이용률향상연구 시동및수명향상첨가제개발 제품안정성을위한제품설계기술개발 Development of special alloy for improving the corrosion resistance Conducting research on improving the use of high-density active materials for maximizing lifespan Development of additives for improving operation and lifespan Development of design techniques for the stability of the products 신제품개발 DEVELOPMENT OF NEW PRODUCT 제품군다양화및품질개선을통한경쟁력강화 고성능경량화제품개발 산업용장수명전지개발 Enhanced competitiveness through quality improvement and diversification Development of high-performance and light-weight products Development of industrial battery with prolonged lifespan Quality certification and awards KS C 8504 인증 KS C 8518 인증 ISO 14001 인증 ISO/TS 16949 인증 생산기술개발 PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY 제품설계, 최적화된공정 / 라인설계개발 제조 Cost 절감및생산성향상을위한생산시스템구축 Development and design of the optimized process and lines, and product design Establishment of the production system for improving productivity and reducing manufacturing costs 품질테스트 QUALITY TESTING 환경표지인증 OHSAS 18001 인증 고객가치최우수상품인증 고객가치최우수상품인증 각공장단계별품질테스트실시 MS testing : 내후성시험, 복합환경시험, 진동시험, 합성연분석, 점도측정, 함수율측정 Implementation of phased quality testing in each plant MS testing : weatherproof testing, testing for complex environments, vibration testing, analysis on synthetic fuel, viscometric measurement, moisture content measurement
Partners & Networks 20 21 PARTNERS & NETWORKS 현대성우쏠라이트의미래는세계를향합니다 Hyundai Sungwoo Solite is heading towards the future 현대성우쏠라이트는신기술과신제품에대한 적극적인관심과투자를바탕으로, 국내뿐만아니라세계시장에서도내실있는브랜드파워를키워가고있습니다. 자동차시장의다변화에맞서글로벌파트너를확대하고, 우리의기술과경쟁력을전파하고있습니다. North America Europe Hyundai Sungwoo Solite has been building up its stable brand power in the global market with its active interest and investment in new technologies and products, promoting our technologies and competitiveness in response to the diversification in the automobile market. South America Africa Middle East Asia 국내고객사 Internal Partners 4 개사 Companies 주요고객사 Major Partners Oceania 해외고객사 Global Partners 27 개사 Companies 전세계수출국 Exporting Countries 83 개국 Countries
Hyundai Sungwoo Solite 22 23 Company Organization COMPANY ORGANIZATION 현대성우쏠라이트는 최고의 인력들이 최상의 시너지를 만들어 내고 있습니다 Hyundai Sungwoo Solite creates an excellent synergy effect through our excellent staff EXPANDING OUR STAR 시장을 향한 도전, 내일을 향한 혁신, 현대성우쏠라이트가 매일매일 진화하는 이유입니다. 회사 창립 이후 한결같이 고객 만족과 고객 중심의 가치를 향해 달려왔습니다. 현대성우쏠라이트 Hyundai Sungwoo Solite 고객과 함께 성장하며 고객과 함께 미래를 열어가는 기업, 현대성우쏠라이트가 보다 광활하게 보다 빠르게 세계를 향해 나아갑니다. 세계정상의 현대성우쏠라이트를 대표이사 C.E.O. 완성하기 위한 경계 없는 도전이 세계 무대로 펼쳐집니다. 업무총괄 Challenge for the market, Innovation of the future, these are the reasons why Hyundai Sungwoo Solite has been evolving day by day. Since its foundation, we have been endeavoring to achieve as much customer-centered value and customer satisfaction as ever. Hyundai Sungwoo Solite is a company that evolves and moves toward the future with its customers. We actively and broadly advance ourselves further toward the global stage. Our challenge that knows no boundaries has unfolded on the world stage for the perfection of Hyundai Sungwoo Solite to elevate itself to the top of the world. Business 본사 Head office 경주공장 영업총괄본부 Sales Gyeongju plant 공장장 Plant manager 부공장장 Assistant plant manager 재정본부 Department of finance 기획관리, 구매본부 Department of planning & procurement IT본부 연구본부 생산본부 Department of information technology Department of research & development Department of production Contact Information www.hdswsolite.co.kr 서울시 강남구 봉은사로 609 현대성우홀딩스빌딩 Tel : 02-2189-5300 / Fax : 02-2189-5200 재 정 기 획 관 리 구 매 IT 기 술 영 업 지 원 중 부 영 업 소 동 부 영 업 소 서 부 영 업 소 국 내 영 업 해 외 영 업 관 리 재 정 구 매 생 산 관 리 생 산 생 산 기 술 품 질 보 증 연 축 전 지 Hyundai Sungwoo Holdings Bldg., #609, Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel : 82-2-2189-5300 / Fax : 82-2-2189-5200 COPYRIGHT 2016 HYUNDAI SUNGWOO SOLITE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.