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Sigmoidoscopy Sigmoidoscopy is a test used to check the rectum and lower part of the large intestine called the sigmoid colon. Your doctor will use a lighted, flexible tube called an endoscope to look at the inside of your rectum and colon. You will need two Fleet enemas to empty your colon before the test. Arrive on time for your test. Plan a stay of 1 to 2 hours to allow time to get you ready for the test and time to recover after the test. The test itself takes about 15 minutes and no medicine or sedation is usually needed. Large Intestine (colon To Prepare You will need to buy two Fleet enemas from a pharmacy. Ask your doctor if you should take your medicines the morning of the test. Anus Rectum Three hours before your test Do not eat solid foods or drink milk products. Do not drink red or purple liquids. Drink clear liquids only until after the test, such as: 1

결장경검사 결장경검사란항문과 S 상결장이라고부르는대장의끝부분을검사하는데사용되는검사입니다. 의사는내시경이라고부르는조명기구가부착되고유연한튜브로이용하여직장과결장안을드려다볼것입니다. 검사받기전에결장을비우기위하여두개의 Fleet 관장약이필요합니다. 검사받는날제시간에도착하십시오. 검사준비하고검사후회복하는시간까지합쳐서약 1~2 시간정도병원에있을것으로예상하십시오. 검사자체는약 15 분걸리며일반적으로약이나진정제가필요없습니다. 검사전준비 항문 직장 대장 ( 결장 ) 약국에가서 Fleet 관장약 2 개를구입해야한다. 검사받는날아침에평소복용하는약들을먹어야하는지의사에게물어본다. 검사받기 3 시간전 일반음식을먹거나유제품을마시지않는다. 빨간색또는보라색음료는마시지않는다. 검사가끝난후아래와같은투명음료만마신다 : Sigmoidoscopy. Korean. 1

Water Clear broth or bouillon Clear fruit juices without pulp such as apple, white grape and lemonade Clear drinks such as lemon-lime soda, Kool-aid or sport drinks Decaeinated coee or tea without milk or nondairy creamer Jello or popsicles Start the first enema. 1. Shake the bottle. 2. Remove the orange plastic cover on the tip of the bottle. 3. Lie on your left side with your right knee bent and your arms relaxed. 4. Gently put the bottle tip into your rectum. Push as if you are having a bowel movement. This will relax the muscles so the tip goes in easier. 5. Stop pushing and take slow, deep breaths. 6. Squeeze the bottle until most of the liquid is in your rectum. 7. Remove the tip from your rectum. Lie on your left side and squeeze your buttocks to hold the liquid in your rectum. 8. You will have a strong urge to have a bowel movement in about 5 minutes. Hold the liquid in as long as you can. 9. Use the toilet. 10. Wash your hands with soap and water. Start the second enema 1 hour later. 2

물 투명한국물이나부이용 과육이들어있지않은순수한과일주스 ( 사과, 백포도, 레모네이드등 ) 레몬-라임소다, 쿨에이드, 또는스포츠드링크와같은투명한음료수 밀크나비낙농크리머가들어가지않은커피나차 젤로나팝시클 첫번째관장시작 1. 병을잘흔든다. 2. 병끝에붙은오렌지색플라스틱커버를제거한다. 3. 오른쪽무릎을구부리고두팔은편안히한상태로왼쪽을아래로눕는다. 4. 병끝을직장안으로천천히넣는다. 마치대변을보는것같이힘을준다. 이렇게하면항문주변의근육이이완되어병끝이좀더쉽게들어간다. 5. 힘을빼고숨을천천히그리고크게들이마신다. 6. 병을꼭눌러안에들어있는액체를직장안에모두쏟아넣는다. 7. 직장에서병끝을뺀다. 직장에들어간액체가흘러나오지않도록몸을왼쪽으로누워항문을조인다. 8. 약 5 분후에대변을보고싶은강한욕구를느끼게될것입니다. 참을수있을때까지액체를직장안에넣어둔다. 9. 화장실로가서대변을본다. 10. 손을비누와물로씻는다. 1 시간후에두번째관장시작 Sigmoidoscopy. Korean. 2

During the Test The sta will ask you about: Your medicines including prescription and over the counter medicines, herbals, vitamins and other supplements Allergies to medicines, foods or latex Other health conditions and past surgeries If you are pregnant, or think you may be pregnant, tell the sta. You will wear a hospital gown and lie on your left side. You may be asked to pull your knees up towards your chest. The tube is gently put into your rectum and slowly moved into your colon. You may feel an urge to move your bowels. Breathe deeply and slowly through your mouth to help you relax. Small pus of air are used to expand the colon so that the rectum and sigmoid colon can be seen. After the rectum and colon are checked, the tube is carefully removed. After the Test You may feel some pressure or cramping for a short time from the air that was put into your colon. This feeling will go away as you pass gas or air that was put in your colon during the test. You will be checked by a nurse for a short time after your test and your blood pressure will be recorded. You will be given discharge instructions before you leave. You can return to your normal diet and activities. 3

검사중 의료진이물어보는질문들 : 처방약과비처방약, 한약, 비타민, 기타보조제를포함하여현재섭취하고있는약들 어떤약품, 음식또는라텍스에알레르기여부 다른건장문제및과거에수술여부 현재임신중이거나임신을했을지도모르면, 의료진에게말한다. 병원가운을입고왼쪽을아래로눕는다. 가슴쪽으로두무릎을구부리라고할것이다. 튜브가부드럽게항문으로삽입되어결장안으로천천히들어간다. 대변을보고싶은욕구를느낄수있다. 마음을편하기갖기위하여입으로천천히심호흡을한다. 결장을확장시켜항문과 S 상결장을보기위하여약간의공기를집어넣는다. 항문과결장을검사한후투브를조심스럽게뺀다. 검사후 결장으로들어간공기때문에잠시약간의압력이나경련을느낄수있다. 검사중에들어간가스나공기가장을통과하면서이런느낌은없어질것이다. 검사후간호사가잠시들려확인한후혈압을잴것이다. 병원을나오기전에퇴원후관리방법을알려줄것이다. 다시일상식사나활동으로돌아갈수있다. Sigmoidoscopy. Korean. 3

Test results are sent to your doctor. Your doctor will share the results with you. If you have any problems after the test such as bleeding or pain, call your doctor right away. Talk to your doctor or nurse if you have any questions or concerns. 2005 9/2011 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. 4

검사결과는의사에게보낸다. 의사가결과를환자에게알려줄것이다. 검사후출혈이나통증등문제가있으면의사에게즉시연락하십시오. 질문이나문제가있으면의사나간호사와상담하십시오. 2005 9/2011 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. Sigmoidoscopy. Korean. 4