, Yard Bottom Slamming, Slamming,, 10-8 Probability Level Bottom Slamming., Bottom Slamming,, Evaluation, Allowable Criteria, Ballast Reduction, Botto

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005 년도한국해양과학기술협의회공동학술대회 Bottom Slamming,,,, ( The Study of the Direct Structural Strength Calculation against the Bottom Slamming Load for the Forward Bottom Structural Area Seog-Jin OH, In-Seong SEO, Sang-Yong SOHN, Man-Soo KIM, YM LEE Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd. Bottom Slamming Wagner,, Bottom Slamming, Slamming, 10-8 Probability Level Bottom Slamming Bottom Slamming,,,, Bottom Slamming, Bottom Slamming Keywords : Bottom Slamming(,, 1. Ballast, (Pitching, Bottom Slamming Bottom Slamming IACS UR S13(1994 July Oil Taner Bul Carrier (LNGC, LPGC, Bul Carrier & Containership Bottom Slamming, E-mail : sjoh@dsme.co.r Tel : 055-680-7618 Korean Chem. Eng. Res., Vol. 43, No., April, 005

, Yard Bottom Slamming, Slamming,, 10-8 Probability Level Bottom Slamming., Bottom Slamming,, Evaluation, Allowable Criteria, Ballast Reduction, Bottom Slamming No.1 & Cargo Hold,.,, Bottom Slamming, Bottom Slamming / 1 DNV Bottom Slamming 60, P = f C C 1, = design level factor 1 Bb f = form or slopanglefactor = = tgβ 0.15d β = bottom transverse slope angle B d = breadth of bottom measuredat 0.15d abovebaseline d = design miminumdraught forward x C1 = function( Fn, L, CB, L v Fn = Froude number = gl x = distance from FP to crosssection considered c1 c Psl = T BF L x BB 0.56 150 L ( N / m DNV Design Bottom Slamming Pressure Fig. 1.1 Bottom Slamming, Fig. 1 The assumed variation in design slamming pressure

IACS JTP Common Rule LR Equivalent Bottom Slamming (Head of water h s, Patch Area ABS Bottom Slamming Fig.3 & 4 h h max max = 130F ( m = 130Fe 0.705 0.015( L 180 169 < L 180 m ( m L > 180 m, TBF 0. F = 5.95 10.5( L T = minimum draft forward, BF T BF between 0.01L and 0.045 L e = base of natural logarithm,.7183 Fig. 3 Distribution of Bottom Slamming Pressure along Section Girth LR Bottom Slamming Fig. 4 Distribution of Bottom Slamming Pressure along the Ship Bottom Fig. LR s Pressure Heads 3 ABS Bottom Slamming Bottom Slamming,, Nominal Bottom Slamming Pressure 4 JBP Common Rule GL Bottom Slamming F.P. Ballast Draft Bottom Slamming, Ballast Water Reduction 1+ crw PSL = 1984(1.3 0.00L c1 csl c A ( for L > 150m ( N / m P = i[ υ0 M Vi Eni ] E f ( N / m si +, P = equivalent = 1.05 bottom slamming pressure for section =.b * / d + α 40 i 0 b * = half width of flat of bottom at the ith ship station d = 1/10 of the section draft at the heavy ballast condition 0 α = a constant i Fig. 5 Distribution of c SL. Bottom Slamming Bottom Slamming Slamming

Table 1. L BP B D T B C B VLCC 30.0 58.0 31.0 7.6 0.84 C.O.T(1 64.0 48.0 3.7 6.5 0.836 C.O.T( 38.0 43.0 1.0 5.5 0.83 C.O.T(3 19.0 3. 19.8 5.3 0.853 PC 191.0 3. 18.0 5. 0.80 Bul 79.0 45.0 4.3 5.3 0.841 LPGC 17.0 9. 18. 4.8 0.779 LNGC 77. 43.4 6.0 6.5 0.773 Table 1 Table. Slamming Pressure (1 Pressure (KN/m 1000.00 800.00 600.00 400.00 00.00 0.00 LR DNV GL Ship Length(Location Table VLCC Bottom Slamming LR, DNV, GL, LR DNV Ballast Water Reduction LR Table 3 C.O.T( Bottom Slamming, LR DNV Ballast Reduction, Table 3. Slamming Pressure ( Ballast Draft,, Bottom Slamming Table 4. Slamming Pressure (3 Slamming Pressure 100 1000 800 600 400 00 0 VLCC C.O.T(1 LR DNV GL C.O.T( C.O.T(3 Table 4 Bottom Slamming Ballast Water Reduction Area(, PC LPGC, Duct, GL ABS Bottom Slamming Table 5, C.O.T(3 Table 5. ABS Slamming Pressure(C.O.T(3 Pressure (KN/m 450.00 400.00 350.00 300.00 50.00 00.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 PC Bul LPGC LNGC 1000.00 LR DNV GL 0.00 140 147 154 161 168 175 18 189 196 03 10 17 4 30 37 Ship Length(Location Pressure (KN/m 800.00 600.00 400.00 00.00 Envelop Curve Table 6. 0.00 Ship Length(Location Bottom Slamming Ballast Draft, Ship Length, Breadth, Speed, Longitudinal Distribution Curve Factor, Area Factor, Ballast Water Reduction Factor Table 6. Pea Slamming Pressure(C.O.T(3 Pressure(KN/m 700.00 600.00 500.00 400.00 300.00 00.00 100.00 0.00 Ship Length(Location

.3 Bottom Scantling Bottom Shell Plate Plastic Theory Slamming, Secondary Member (Longitudinal Elastic Theory Scantling 1 DNV Bottom Plate & Longitudinal Req t DNV Plate Thicness Plastic Deformation Theory, s/100, Plate Thicness 0.9 Plate Field Nominal Stress 310 N/mm [5] 0.9 a r s t = f 1 P sl + t ( mm Bottom Slamming Area Secondary Member Slamming 1/, Yield Stress(35f 1 N/mm 0.15 l sp sl w 3 Z = ( cm f 1, Shear Area Shear Factor 0.63 110f 1 N/mm, (l-s End Triangular Load ( spsl A 0.03 ( l s sp sl = 10 ht ( cm f S + 1 LR Bottom Plate & Longitudinal Req t LR Bottom Shell Plate Thicness Slamming (Water Head, Corrosion Margin 5% t = 0.003 sf h ( mm s Secondary Member(Stiffener LR dw = 55 t w dwtw s 0.00033 hs sc( S 100 000 6 Z 6.8 10 hs s (17.5ls (0.01s + d _ ( A1 τ + α 10 _ P A 0.84A w 1 1 1.0 w ( cm s 3 c( S ( cm 000 3 GL Bottom Plate & Longitudinal Req t GL, Plate Thicness Secondary Member t = 0.9 f a P t ( mm W = 0.155 A = 0.08 P P SL SL SL + a l a ( l 0.5 a K ( cm ( cm 4 ABS Bottom Plate & Longitudinal Req t(taner ABS Bottom Slamming Plate Thicness Secondary Member 1 / t = 0.73 s ( 3 u Psi / f ( mm 1000 u Psi s l SM = ( cm 3 f b Scantling IACS JTP/JBP Common Rule Plastic Theory Stiffener Section Modulus, Stiffener, 5 JTP/JBP Common Rule Plastic Plate Secondary Member Sectional, Yield Stress.4 Bottom Scantling Scantling Table 1 Bottom Slamming 3

Table 7. Plate Thicness (Unit=mm, Material H3 DNV LR GL ABS VLCC 1.5.0 0.5.0 x=30m C.O.T(1 19.5* 19.5* 1.0 0.5 x=51m C.O.T( 1.5* 1.5*.0 1.5 x=3m PC 1.0* 0.5* 0.0 0.5 X=17m Bul 1.5*.0* 3.0.5 X=5m LPGC 0.5 0.5 19.5 1.0 X=150m LNGC 3.5 x=35m * : Ballast Reduction Scantling Table 7 Bottom Slamming (0.L~0.1L Bottom Shell Plate LNGC Mild Steel Bottom Shell Plate Bottom Slamming Minimum Ballast Draft Long. Spacing Table 8. VLCC Bottom Longitudinals (Unit=mm, Material H3 Web_D Web_th FLG_D FLG_t DNV 580 1 180 0 x=90m LR 580 13 00 0 x=90m GL 550 1 180 0 x=90m ABS 600 13 180 0 x=30m Table 9. C.O.T(1 Bottom Longitudinals Web_D Web_th FLG_D FLG_t DNV 50 1 180 18 x=40m LR 540 1 180 18 x=40m GL 550 1 180 18 x=40m ABS 550 1 180 18 x=51m Table 8 9 VLCC Suez Max C.O.T Bottom Longitudinal VLCC Ballast Reduction, C.O.T(1 Ballast Reduction Maximum Frame Spacing, Long. Spacing Frame Spacing Frame Spacing, Actual.5 Bottom Floor Girder Scantling Bottom Slamming Floor Girder Scantling Frame Spacing, D/B Depth Floor Girder, Bottom Slamming, Maximum Frame & Girder Spacing, D/B Minimum Height(Min. 650mm, (Min. 6.0mm, Bottom Slamming F.P 0.5L, Maximum Frame Spacing Floor Girder Scantling, JTP/JBP Common Rule Bottom Slamming 3. 3.1, Bottom Slamming Bottom Floor Girder Fig. 6 No.1 Cargo Hold No. Cargo hold Fig. 6 Bottom Slamming

Fore Body (Flat Bottom Area Bottom Slamming Fig. 7 Cargo Hold Model, Bottom Slamming Table 10 Table 10. Bottom Slamming Direction Longi. Dir. Trans. Dir. Vertical Dir. FE Model Range Aft Bhd of No. C/H ~ Forward Bhd Full Breadth(Load Asymmetric Case Bottom ~ No.3 Stringer Bottom Slamming Aframax Taner, D/H Bul Carrier LPG Carrier Bottom Slamming Fig. 7 Cargo Hold COT( 3. 1 DNV, Bottom Slamming Pt.3 Ch.1, Sec.1, Bottom Slamming, Secondary Member Scantling, Bottom Slamming Impact Local Plate Field, Table 11. Table 11. DNV Load Mean Bottom Slamming Load applied(0.5 P SL. Load Between the supports of the Area structure considered[m ]. Allowable Equivalent 35f 1 Stress Shear 110f 1 LRS Bottom Slamming (Bottom Grillage Analysis, Bottom Slamming Fig 8 Patch Area (Shear Stress, Shear Yield Stress 95%( 18/ N/mm A < S A > S Bul LPGC Fig. 7 Fig. 8 Patch Area for Bottom Slamming Load 3 GL,, Floor Girder Arrangement Rule,,

DNV, Secondary Member Scantling Table 1. GL Load Mean Bottom Slamming Load applied(0.5 P SL Load Area Between the supports of the structure considered. Allowable Equivalent 35f 1 Stress Shear 110f 1 4 ABS, Bottom Slamming Bul Carrier, Taner No.1& Cargo Hold Bottom Slamming, Fig. 9, (Equivalent Stress Yield Strength Fig. 9 Distribution of Slamming Pressure Load 3. 3 Fig. 7 Table 13 Bottom Slamming Maximum, Table 13. Slamming COT( Bul LPGC LPGC DNV 904.88* 847.7* 1093.75 796.33* LR 943.0* 893.4* 1068.58 838.95* GL 939.18 968.61 801.77 801.77 ABS 657.78 714.4 717.48 604.93 x=0.0 x=6.1 x=149.6 x=144.0 * : Ballast Reduction Pressure, Fig.9 Web Section Bottom Floor COT(* Bul* LPGC Fig. 9 Table 14. Floor COT( Bul LPGC(Duct DNV 14.5 A * 18.5 A * 15.0 AH LR 13.5 A * 13.5 A * 15.0 AH GL 15.0 A 1.0 A 1.0 AH ABS.0 A 30.0 AH 16.0 AH Actual* 15.0 A 8.0 AH 15.0 AH * : Ballast Reduction Pressure Actual* : Bottom Slamming, ABS Cargo & External Sea Pressure Scantling LPG Carrier Duct Keel Actual Plate Thicness Ballast Reduction Bottom Slamming Bottom Slamming, Bottom Slamming, Bottom Slamming Loaded Area, Total Level Scantling ABS, (Grillage System,

,, Ballast Water Load Reduction Bottom Slamming Ballast Sea Going, Taners, June 004, IACS [7] JBP-IACS Common Rules for Bul Carriers April 005, IACS [8] Green Water,,, 004 [9] 38,000 m3 LPG/NH3/VCM Carrier Cargo Hold,, 004 4. Slamming Bottom Plate, Secondary Member. Factor, Bottom Slamming, Bottom Slamming, Bottom Slamming Factor, Bottom Slamming,, IACS JTP/JBP Common Rule Bottom Slamming Bottom Floor Girder [ ] [1] Rule for Classification of SHIPS, January 004 version, DNV [] Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships July 004 version, LR [3] Rules for Building and Classing, STEEL VESSEL 004 version, ABS [4] Rules for Classification and Construction Ship Technology, 004 Edition, GL [5] DNV Hull Structural Rules Development Bacground Motives, DNV, 1996 [6] common Structural Rules for Double Hull Oil