The MFDS will be responsible for inspection of imported fisheries and sanitary management tasks, which had been implemented by the MIFAFF, and it will

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Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 편 5. 오비맥주 카스 카스 후레쉬 테이블 맥주는 천연식품이다 편 처음 스타일 그대로, 부탁 케어~ Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 지속적인 모발 관리로 끝까지 스타일이 유지되도록 독보적이다! 근데 그거 아세요? 맥주도 인공첨가물이

274 한국문화 73


187, Osongsaengmyeong 2-ro, Osong-eup, Cheongwon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do Republic of Korea, 363 700 Tel: +82 43 719 2230 Fax: +82 43 719 2200 E mail: June 24, 2013

The MFDS will be responsible for inspection of imported fisheries and sanitary management tasks, which had been implemented by the MIFAFF, and it will maintain the criteria and standards for the existing "The frozen edible fish head and frozen edible fish intestines", as circulated on 23 March 2009 (Notification G-SPS-N-KOR-320) based on the WTO/SPS Agreement. The important points of the notification are as follows: The scope of species and parts of frozen fish head for human consumption has been expanded

(Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) (Merluccius australis) 와다랑어류로대상어종을확대하였고, 식용부위범위는 머리를가슴지느러미와배지느러미부위가붙어있는상태로절단한 제품과식용가능한모든어종 ( 복어류제외 ) 의머리중가식부를분리한 제품 ( 목살, 턱살, 볼살 ) 으로냉동한수산물까지포함하고있습니다. The species of frozen fish head approved as fit for human consumption (currently only cod(gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) is approved as fit for human consumption) has been expanded to Southern hake(merluccius australis) and tuna, and the parts that can be consumed as food includes frozen cut head with pectoral and ventral fin attached, and frozen edible parts around the head (neck, lower jaw and cheek) removed from any edible species(excluding puffer). Newly established Sanitary management criteria for frozen intestines of fish for human consumption

식용가능한어류의알 ( 복어알은제외 ), 창난, 이리 ( 곤이 ), 오징어난포선등내장제품에대하여도안전관리기준이설정되었습니다. Sanitary management criteria have been established for visceral by-products such as edible fish roe(except blowfish eggs), pollack entrails, hard roe, and nidamental gland of squid. 이에따라우리부에서는 WTO/SPS 협정의동등성원칙에따라국내에서생산되는상기제품에대해적용함과동시에우리나라에수출하는국가의동제품에대한원료등의구비요건확인등수입관리에관한세부적인절차및방법을마련하여이에적합한냉동식용어류머리및냉동식용어류내장을수입할계획입니다. In this regard, the MFDS plans to establish specific procedures and methods to manage imports, such as confirming whether the necessary requirements are met for the above products to be exported to the Republic of Korea, and applying in the same manner for the above products, which are produced domestically, to permit the importation of frozen edible fish head and frozen edible fish intestines in accordance with the equivalence principle of WTO/SPS Agreement.

우리나라에수출하는상기제품의구체적인원료등의구비요건확인방법은다음과같습니다. The procedures for confirming that the above products to be exported to the Republic of Korea meet the necessary requirements, are as follows: 해당수출국정부가대한민국에수출하는냉동식용어류머리및냉동식용어류내장에대해서는세계관세기구 (WCO) 의통일상품명및부호체계에관한국제협약상식용 ( 냉동식용어류머리 : HS 0303호, 냉동식용어류내장 : HS0303호 0306호 0307호 ) 으로인정하고, 수출가공업체리스트 ( 별지서식 1) 를우리측에제출하여야하며, 우리나라에수출하는냉동식용어류머리및냉동식용어류내장은매건당위생증명서 ( 별지서식 2) 를첨부하여야합니다. Regarding the frozen fish head and intestines for human consumption which have been imported into Korea, the Government of the exporting country should approve these products as 'fit for human consumption' (Frozen edible fish head: HS 0303, Frozen edible intestines: HS 0303, HS 0306, HS 0307) according to Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System of World Customs Organization (WCO) and submit

a list of processing establishments that plans to export to Korea (Attachment 1). A health certificate (Attachment 2) should be attached for every case of frozen edible fish head and edible intestines exported to the Republic of Korea. 아울러우리측정부가수출국의냉동식용어류머리및냉동식용어류내장가공시설에대한현지사전위생상태확인에따른위생평가결과에따라수입이허용되며, 우리정부점검관이귀국가공시설에대한현지점검시적극적인협조를부탁드립니다. In this case, importation will be permitted depending on the results of a sanitation assessment carried out by our government by way of conducting on-site sanitary inspection of the frozen edible fish head processing establishment and fishery by-products processing establishments in the exporting country. In this regard, we ask for your kind cooperation when our government inspectors perform on-site inspection on your processing establishment.

양국간수산물교역이원활히이루어질수있도록협조하여주실것을다시한번부탁하오며, 상기사항에대한귀국정부의조치사항을조속히이행해주실것을희망합니다. In order to facilitate bilateral trade of fishery products, we ask for your kind cooperation to ensure that the above measures are implemented as soon as possible by your Government. 만일동사항에대한추가질의사항이있으면아래로연락주시기 바랍니다. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 연락관 : 이심종 Contact: Sim-Jong, Lee Deputy Director E-mail : 전화번호, 팩스번호 : 043-719-2230, 043-719-2200 Telephone Number: 043-719-2230 Fax Number: 043-719-2200 감사합니다. Thank you. SooDoo Lee Director Foreign Inspection Division Ministry for Food and Drug Safety

별지제 1 호서식 냉동식용어류머리등가공시설명단 수출국가등록번호등록시설명등록시설주소 제품명 처리형태포함 비고

별지제 2 호서식 수출국정부기관명 < Please fill in with name of the certifying service > SANITARY(HEALTH) CERTIFICATE( 위생증명서 ) Serial No( 발행번호 ) : Name and Address of Consignor : ( 선적자성명및주소 ) Name and Address of Consignee : ( 수하인성명및주소 ) Description of Goods(HS Code) : ( 제품명 /HS 코드 ) Weight Declared : ( 신고수량 ) Number and Type of Packages : ( 포장개수및형태 ) Container No. : Seal No. : ( 콘테이너번호 ) ( 봉인번호 ) Name, Address and Approval No. of the Establishment Approved : ( 등록공장명칭, 주소및등록번호 ) Place of Dispatch(Port) : Place of Destination(Port) : ( 선적지항구 ) ( 도착지항구 ) Means of Conveyance : Date of Dispatch : ( 운송수단 ) ( 선적일자 ) Date(Period) of Production : [ 생산일자 ( 기간 )] This is to certify that( 이증명서는다음사항을증명한다 ) : 1. The above fishery products were produced and/or processed by the establishment which < Please fill in with name of the certifying service > notified t0 the Republic of Korea. [ 상기의수산물은 < 수출국정부기관 > 에서대한민국으로통보한가공시설에서생산되었음 ] 2. The products were produced, packed, stored and transported under supervision of < Please fill in with name of the certifying service > in compliance with the food safety criteria of the Republic of Korea. [ 본제품은 < 수출국정부기관 > 의관리하에대한민국의식품안전에관한요건충족토록생산 포장 저장및운송되었음 ] 3. The products are classified as HS code 03 and are fit for human consumption. [ 본제품 은 HS코드 03류로분류되고식용에적합함 ] Date of Issue( 발행일자 ) : Stamp : SIGNATURE Chief of Branch < Please fill in with name of the certifying service >