DialogBox Web 1 Dialog Box Web 1 MFC ActiveX ControlWizard workspace 2 insert, ID 3 class 4 CDialogCtrl Class 5 classwizard OnCreate Create 6 ActiveX OCX 7 html 1 MFC ActiveX ControlWizard workspace New ActiveX ControlWizard,
DialogBox Web 2 ControlWizard Finish workspace project workspace class view tab 2 insert, ID
DialogBox Web 3, Dialog Box Dialog Insert Resource Insert Resource Dialog Dialog property ID, check, border dialog frame, more styles tab visible, control, extended styles static edge control 3 class class classwizard
DialogBox Web 4 OK name ( ex: CSasDlg) OK 4 CSas1121Ctrl Class class CXXXCtrl (ex: CSas1121) class 5 classwizard OnCreate Create classwizard OnCreate
DialogBox Web 5 OnCreate ID, Dialog exe Dialog exe class build error ocx OCX Tools menu ActiveX control Test Container container edit menu Insert New Control control
DialogBox Web 6 ActiveX control control web MFC DLL visual studio,, ocx rebuild project setting project settings general tab
DialogBox Web 7 Microsoft Foundation Classes Use MFC in a static Library project rebuild 6 ActiveX OCX 7 html, web <html> <head> <title>sascontrol</title> </head>
DialogBox Web 8 <body> <OBJECT ID="SasControl" CLASSID="CLSID:FD6EDA06-8C02-11D3-9C91-0080ADB88C04" HEIGHT=520 WIDTH=760> </OBJECT> </body> </html> html CLSID Class Identifier, COM GUID( Globally Unique Identifier : 16 ) CLSID window regedit, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT ActiveX control
DialogBox Web 9 control clsid CLSID visual studio workspace file view Source files odl (//Class information for **) uuid clip board html web control, computer computer
DialogBox Web 10 web page control control control IobjectSafety control IE 40 SDC CabSign400 1 SPC(Software Publisher Certificate) 2 3 4
DialogBox Web 11 1 SPC(Software Publisher Certificate) SPC CabSign400 DOS CabSign400 setreg SETREG 1 TRUE MAKECERT MAKECERT n CN=stone sv testpvk testcer testpvk (private key) testcer Create private key password OK Enter Private Key Password password SPC CERT2SPC
DialogBox Web 12 CERT2SPC testcer testspc SPC 2 INF INF ; Sample INF file for Sas1121ocx [version] ; version signature (same for both NT and Win95) do not remove signature= "$CHICAGO$" AdvancedINF=20 [AddCode] Sas1121ocx=Sas1121ocx ;needed OCX [Sas1121ocx] file-win32-x86=thiscab FileVersion=1,0,0,1 RegisterServer=yes ;end of INF file inf [version] [AddCode] control [Sas1121ocx] file-win32-x86 x86, thiscab INF FileVersion ocx
DialogBox Web 13 RegisterServer yes INF CABARC CABARC -s 6144 n Sas1121cab Sas1121ocx Sas1121inf ocx inf cab s 6144 (6144 6K byte), n 3 cab SINGCODE SIGNCODE -spc testspc -v testpvk -n Sas1121 Sas1121cab 1 spc pvk Sas1121cab Sas1121 n 4 html
DialogBox Web 14 <html> <head><title> " "</title></head> <body> <center> <OBJECT ID="Sas1027" HEIGHT=500 WIDTH=600 CLASSID="CLSID:FD6EDA06-8C02-11D3-9C91-0080ADB88C04" CODEBASE="http://chunmayeungnamackr/~j3130466/Sas1027cab#version=1,0,0,1"> </OBJECT> </center> </body> </html> CODEBASE URL computer control : Microsoft Visual C++ 60 ATL COM programming Visual C++ programming Bible : ver6x