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1 w CAD/CAM wz 15«4y pp w y» *, ¼ ** A Synthetic Enviornment Based Engagement Simulation Model Sang Chul Park* and Kil Young Seong** ABSTRACT Weapon systems for future war require operating various war scenarios that are getting complex. Similarly, modeling and simulation technique is getting attention to acquire more effective weapon systems. Several S/W tools exist for simulating small scale engagements which depict a kind of war. However, it is very hard to model combat objects more systematic, and reuse them. To overcome these difficulties, this paper presents a modeling methodology for simulating small scale engagement using the DEVS-formalism. In this paper, we systematically classified and defined combat objects, likewise, explain a framework for a small scale combat simulation. Key words : Modeling and Simulation(M&S), Discrete Event System Specification(DEVS), Engagement 1. ƒ w, n y w œm p w» ( ), q, š š wš. w, m» y p j, z, mw ywš [1].» wš w ù wš.» z»(acquisition cycle),,, xsƒ, e,, š z 7 n (Fig. 1).» šƒ w» z» z š w w w.» z» z w» w Modeling & Simulation(M&S)» š, M&S» z * z, w lœw **, w z, w œw - nš : : : z ¾ sww w n, w,, œw [2]. ³ (few to few engagement) w š, ³. ³ w vp w. Bohemian Interactive Australia VBS2(Virtual Battle Space 2)ƒ, S/W x ù», ù r w» œw ƒ w y w. n Modification(MOD) w y wš w. Gwenda Fong, Amy L. Alexander COTS(Commercial Off The Shelf) w MOD wš w wš [3-5]. ù w (source code) w COTS w w ù w w» [3]. w» š w j p œw ù n 271
2 272, ¼ ƒ w. w, n œw w n. ³ w z wš w. z w n w w.» r Timed- FSA(Finite State Automata), DEVS(Discrete EVent Specification), Petri-Net, Event Graph š Activity Cycle Diagram, w v w ù w ü». DEVS w y ˆ s k w DEVS w w [6]. y w zv DEVS w w [7]. w» w» DEVS w œ z q w [8]. p y w w ƒ ƒ ü, p w w ƒ š. DEVS» w l y l w UML DEVS w w x [9]. ½ DEVS w w l w w. l w x w [10]. w y» w» w w w ƒƒ» w.»w w w» w, DEVS w w y w š w. w n yw» w w ƒ w DEVS w wš ³ w v w n w w. z. 2 wš, 3 ³ v j w. 4. Fig. 1.» z». 2. ww» w n ƒ. n w (Physical Object) š, (Logical Object) š y ww š (Fig. 2). n A n Bƒ w w q w ¾ w ù ƒ w. w w Fig. 2. w.
3 w y» 273 w š n A, B w w š. w, ww. w» w w t n ƒ y w» y (, ú, ƒ ) n e w w. w, š ƒ w n q w» w œ ƒw. œ z z w n w. w w š w ³ w œ y œ z ƒ v w. š w w y Fig. 3. Fig. 3. w» w. n ( ) ù w w e w w ww. n FMS l w ƒ w w [11]. n š (inherent attributes) y p (operational attributes) ù. Fig. 4, š Core Part wš, y p Shell Part š ù» w. n Core Part x, ü p». w Shell Part y ù n ù ³e. w Core Part w, x ƒ š Shell Part w. n Core Part Shell Part ù n Core Part. y Shell Part w (Core Part) w. n A, Bƒ w w w w j ƒ ƒ v w. w y n e š w t w Recognizer š y n œ ƒw œ z w Referee ù. w (differential equation) (continuous) ü ƒ v ƒ. nw Aƒ nw B (missile) w š ƒ w, œ z w Referee ƒ» p y ƒ w q w š, y š nw š w continuous q w. Fig. 4. n Core Part Shell Part [9]. Timed-FSA(Finite State Automata) Hierarchy ww DEVS formalism w w v w
4 274, ¼ w v j wš. Timed-FSA k p w l» w x. DEVS formalism» l w v w wš x xyw Timed-FSA ùkü atomic model atomic model w coupled model. Atomic model M [12,13]. M = < X, S, Y, δ int,, λ, t a > y w Core Part Shell Part ù w, Shell Part DEVS atomic model txw atomic model t y x w. n A Bƒ w y w w ù w w w w. n A B nw ƒ w t xw. X: input events set; S: sequential states set; Y: output events set; δ int : S S: internal transition function; : Q * X S: external transition function Q = {(s, e) s S, 0 e t a (s): total state of M; λ : S Y: output function; t a : S Real: time advance function. Atomic model 7 δ int,, λ š t aƒ characteristic function atomic model w k w. Q k p w w. w atomic model txw d tx w coupled model DN. EIC coupled ü atomic w. EOC atomic w. IC atomic w [12,13]. Fig. 5. n Shell Part Core Part. DN = <X, Y, M, EIC, EOC, IC, SELECT> X: input events set; Y: output events set; M: set of all component models in DEVS; EIC DN.IN*M.IN: external input coupling relation; EOC M.OUT*DN.OUT: external output coupling relation; IC M.OUT*M.IN: internal coupling relation; SELECT: 2 M -Ø M: tie-breaking selector 3.. n š p (x, y sw w»k ) Core Part txwš Shell Part DEVS atomic model tx. n logic sww Shell Part n š w p sww Core Part Fig. 5 w. Shell Part w logic r, w Search k w Found š fire p w œ k Engage w. š w, w Search k Dead k š logic. w logic sww Shell Part n x, ü, q,
5 w y» 275 ƒ Core Part w ƒ xy ww. wr, n» ù» ƒ n. š w p (y, ü )» Core Part Shell Part w ù w ƒ w. X = {found, win, lose Y = {fire, recognition S = {Search, Engage, Dead δ int (Search) = Search δ int (Engage) = Engage (Search) = Engage (Engage, win) = Search (Engage, lose) = Dead λ(search) = recognition λ(engage) = fire n mw š œ z ü w w output function mw w š w w y w š w w. n external input n k w e. Fig. 6 ww w interaction w» w DEVS atomic model ùkü. j ƒ ù w. w Recognizer, š y n œ ( fire ) ƒw œ z w Referee ù w. Recognizer e ú, x, y w p ƒ w w found w. Referee ƒ n w e,», y n w œ z w win lose w. (1) Recognizer atomic model X = {recognition i, 0<i<n n=the number of combat object Y = {found i, 0 < i < n n = the number of combat object S = {Idle, Compute δ int (Compute) = Idle (Idle) = Compute λ(compute) = found (2) Referee atomic model X={fire i, 0 < i < n n = the number of combat object Y={win i, lose i, 0 < i < n n = the number of combat object S = {Idle, Compute δ int (Compute) = Idle (Idle) = Compute λ(compute) = win λ(compute) = lose Fig. 7 Combat Object i, j Fig. 6. DEVS Atomic model. Fig. 7. DEVS coupled model.
6 276, ¼ Recognizer Referee coupled model ùkü. n A, B ƒ w Recognizer ü Recognizer w found w.» w w q Refereeƒ w ƒ win, lose w. X = {ModelIn Y = {ModelOut M = {Combat_Object i, Combat_Object j, Recognizer, Referee EIC = {(MODEL.IN X Combat Object A.IN), (MODEL.IN X Combat Object B.IN) EOC = {(Combat Object A.OUT X MODEL.OUT), (Combat Object B.OUT X MODEL.OUT) IC = { (Combat Object i.out Recognizer.IN), (Combat Object j.out Recognizer.IN), (Combat Object i.out Referee.IN), (Combat Object j.out Referee.IN), (Recognizer.OUT Combat Object i.in), (Recognizer.OUT Combat Object j.in), (Referee.OUT Combat Object i.in), (Referee.OUT Combat Object j.in), w v j w n j g [14]. k p ShellPart j ü p x k ã. w, p j k p Referee Recognizer w. Logical Object Referee Recognizer p CorePart j ƒ ƒ ƒ n x eù œ, ü w q ù k œ w. Core part Shell part w n ShellPart, CorePart j ƒƒ n j š w w. w, ShellPart CorePartj w lr w ƒ š v w ù k y w., Logical Object Recognizer ƒ Combat Object ShellPart::GetPosition() w w CorePart::m_vCurPosition z wš ƒ n ƒ w w q w. q w Referee w q. (1) n Core part Shell part j class CorePart { //Member variable double Position double m_darmor; // double m_dattackpower; // œ //Method void double m_dcurstrength; //x ü m_vcurposition; //x e(3 t) UpdateAttribute(void); // k update GetStrength(void); //Shell part ü Positino GetPosition(void); //Shell part x e void SetStrength(double dstrength); void class ShellPart { State list <State> SetPosition(Position dstrength); m_curstate; // x k m_lststateset; // k w list <ExEvent> m_lstexevents; // p w list <InEvent> m_lstinevents; //ü p w FireExternalEvent(ExEvent event); // p FireInternalEvent(InEvent event); //ü p (2) j class Referee { ExEvent CalcResult(InEvent event); // q class Recognizer { ExEvent CalcVisible(InEvent event); //k 4.» z» z w» w M&S» š
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