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1 w CAD/CAM wz 13«1y pp » 조선형강디지털가상공장구축및활용 w *, **, ½ ***, kx***, ½ ****, ***** Constructions and Applications of Digital Virtual Factory for Section-steel Shop in Shipbuilding Company Sang Dong Han*, Jong Gye Shin**, Yu Suk Kim***, Tae Hyuk Yoon***, Gun Yeon Kim**** and Sang Do Noh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ey words : Shipbuilding, Section-steel Shop, Digital Virtual Factory 1. w» wš, e w, t», t w, w, t w š, y jš, w t w w q š. CASA/SME Next Generation Manufacturing w, wz 10» l w l w» wwš,, l ƒ y w w t, œ ***** z, œ ( ) w **** z, w w œw * *** ³ w w œw *****w z, ³ w w œw *****, z, ³ w œ w l œw - nš : : x yw, z k w ƒ, œ, y wš, t œ ¾ y w x xw w [1]. p,» w mw w q PLM(Product Life-cycle Management)» w, PLM t,»z l t,, q, s»¾ t v j e» ü/ mw x (engineering collaboration), š» y t w [2]. PLM w w l ƒ (digital virtual manufacturing). l ƒ l, w w mw ful wš, 3 CAD, w» (IT) y w t, œ,, œ w ƒ z ww wš z t xwš w». mw» ³, z ù,» l y ƒ w 27

2 28 w,, ½, kx, ½, w, ³ z, w ù, w y y ƒvw w z w û y w [2]. l ƒ» w, ƒ e/œ, œ z, œ ƒ e(layout),, ƒ OLP(Off- Line Programming) w,,, ƒ w w y ww, mw t j w [2-4]. wœ ƒ e/œ 75% œ, œ x w 50%, š œ 20%» z ƒ š š, p w š w wš» v» š [6]. w l ƒ w Ÿ [3] œ w sƒ y w ³ [7] k w, z [8] l jl w. ƒ DMU(Digital Mock-up), ƒ œ (virtual factory), ƒ (virtual operation) w ƒ t (virtual prototyping) x w l ƒ», y w j z», w v w w,» w z z d v [6,8]. NIST-AMRF CIM d l ƒ œ w, ü w x œ w l ƒ œ, y w w., CIM wù NIST-AMRF d w l ƒ œ w, IDEF(Integration DEFinition) IDEF0, IDEF3 w w œ v, w š, 3 CAD ƒ mw l ƒ œ w. l ƒ œ y w» œ w y w, ƒ jk, w sww n k w m ww ƒ w. w KBSI A0WIN ProSim, š IBM/Dassault System CATIA Delmia IGRIP vp w. 2. NIST-AMRF CIM d NIST-AMRF NIST(National Institute of Standard and Technology) w, AMRF(Advanced Manufacturing Research Facility), ful m l w w vp t wš. Fig. 1 NIST-AMRF wš CIM(Computer- Integrated Manufacturing) d. [9] (modular) w m y w, ful l y w d zwš m w. l w, l n w ful ƒ m p j, y. ƒ ƒ y mw rw (mailbox)» w, ƒ. Fig. 1. The NIST-AMRF CIM architecture. NIST mw m l w ww, p ³ j» e(batch) w [8]. NIST Fig. 1, l, m l, z l,

3 x l ƒ œ y 29 l œ wš m w, œ z l w, m l d,» ª t» w., œ z (cell), (workstation), (machine), w (control) mw w š,, ƒœ, ƒœ, t z t v w l w. w l m w, k ƒ x y, t w. œ (shop) œ wš, v. l w vp ƒwš w, mw l ù œ l wš t ù š w [8]. 3. l ƒ œ x œ œ 3.1 l ƒ œ w l ƒ œ Fig. 2.» l ƒ w wš, w w w z, y z, š 3 CAD w z w z, l ƒ œ v xw» w» l w.» l ƒ l, d l, œ, œ ü w.» l z xw(as-is) œ w, xw œ, k (to-be) œ w. œ, NIST-AMRF CIM d» œ (shop), (cell), (workstation), (control) w w, œ w w d ww. d z» l w w d mw w w œ w 3 CAD ww. 3 CAD, w w» w (kinematics) w ƒ w, xw œ w l ƒ œ w. (to-be) œ wz, ù œ xw l ƒ œ w, mw l ƒ œ w y., œ l ƒ œ w ƒ w üš w w, x ƒ w l wü. Fig. 2. Construction procedure of digital virtual factory. 3.2 x œ (web), (angle bar) x w ü w x œ ww. x œ v w ƒ x ƒ w œ ww, j w z, wš, mw w xk w. Fig. 3 œ. x œ, xw œ w w š. l ƒ œ y w y e, w w k ³ w.

4 30 w,, ½, kx, ½, 3.3 x œ œ IDEF0 IDEF3 w x œ œ ww. Fig. 4 IDEF3 w xw œ. ƒ š w (build-up) wš, šw ¾ v w w. xw œ w z, l ƒ œ y w mwš w œ w w w. k(marking) (labeling), š (cutting) œ ww y w ww. Fig. 5 xw œ y z œ w. xw œ ƒ š e ƒ Fig. 3. Machines and facilities of the section-steel Shop. Fig. 5. Concepts of as-is and to-be process. Fig. 4. As-is process of section-steel shop.

5 x l ƒ œ y 31 œ l šw wwù, y ƒ, ƒœ ƒœ l ful š, ful mw, d, k,, š w. 4. x œ d x œ d NIST- AMRF CIM k ww. NIST- AMRF CIM ³ e ww, p y w g w w w» ww. x œ, œ œ,,, ƒ d ù, ƒ d w w, l ƒ œ» y w. 4.1 œ œ d sww., œ x œ, œ w. 4.2 x œ w œ Fig. 4 IDEF3 w w (cutting cell), (bending cell), w, Fig. 6~8 IDEF3 w ƒ ü w. œ w œ w ƒ w ww. 4.3 f sww sww w. w w, ƒ w w ww. Table 1 Table 2. Table 1. Machines and their function of workstation level Machine Feed cross conveyor Feed in disk roller Measuring device Labeling device Cutting robot Discharging device Discharging disk roller Discharging cross conveyor Control room Measuring device ¾ #p # o # pe/# p # # # ql #r # q# p #p #rq Cell Table 2. Information of cutting robot w Arm ¼ KG 600 mm~750 mm 6 Û170 o 150 o, 80 o 125 o, 140 o Û180 o Û135 o Û200 o 4.4 œ w w, t ù w. ƒ Fig. 6. Process flow of cutting cell. Fig. 7. Process flow of bending cell. Fig. 8. Process flow of Pre-processing cell. Fig. 9. Example of cell control code.

6 32 w,, ½, kx, ½, Fig. 10. Example of Robot kinematics code. œ w ƒw. w ƒƒ w ƒw œ w. Fig CAD ƒ ùkü. 5.1 ƒƒ w f, w w. Fig. 12 x 3 CAD, ƒ. w œ x g, g,» w x g, w. Fig. 9 g, Fig. 10» w x g. 5. l ƒ œ d w mw œ,,, x œ ƒ w d mw 3 CAD ƒ ww. 3 CAD ƒ d š w w wš,» g,» w w Fig D CAD and simulation model of workstation level. 5.2» w x g œ w g w, g ƒ ƒ, œ œ. Fig. 13 x œ œ w» w xw. Fig D CAD and simulation model of control level. Fig. 11. Construct 3-D CAD and simulation model. 5.3,, ƒ xw ewš w œ w» w x g w ww. Fig. 14 w x.

7 x l ƒ œ y 33 Fig D CAD and simulation model of Cell level. 5.4 œ œ ƒƒ œ w g ƒ mw l ƒ œ, w y. Fig. 15 x œ. Fig. 16. Direct interface between digital virtual factory and cell controller. Fig D CAD and simulation model of Shop level. 5.5 l ƒ œ» l ƒ œ y w ³ y w wš m ww l ƒ œ w j», x w w š w w. w mwš w y( ³ x, ) g w w,. œ» q lr Delmia API MS Visual BASIC w w. lr v Delmia IGRIP vp mw w, w rmc q ww t w w» w v w tag point w. mw w w g l ƒ œ, mƒ ƒ w z y w. Fig. 16 x» lr», Fig. 17 w œ. Fig. 17. Automatic generation of robot operations. 6. x l ƒ œ y z l ƒ œ y w, x œ» œ k,, w ww y ³, w ƒ jk, w sww n k w m ww. l ƒ œ y w. 6.1 ƒy, l x l ƒ œ œ w 3 CAD ƒ m w ƒyƒ ƒ w. mw ³ y œ,»k e w mƒ ful.

8 34 w,, ½, kx, ½, 6.2 l w x ù y l v k z w ù w, üš ww, l ƒ œ y w ful ƒ wš, ù, jk d w, w. w ƒ x ww m ƒ, w x mw ƒ m ƒ w. y w ƒ w, j w. 6.3» l ƒ œ l ƒ œ w t, œ w ù, l ƒ œ wš w v w ƒ w., x œ w w x» w, ƒ v w v w ù, CIM d» lr, x w y l ƒ œ, y w ƒ w, yw š d ww. 6.4 l k y CIM d» w l y w, œ,, œ w mw l w t,, t, œ m,,» l y w. mw z w w w ƒ w. 7. w l ƒ» w w, NIST- AMRF CIM d IDEF0, IDEF3 w œ, œ w, mw z l ƒ œ w w. w l ƒ œ y w ³ y w, ƒ jk, w sww n k w m ww, w y w wù ù w, w y w mƒ ƒ w l ƒ œ» l r, w. w» l ƒ œ y w» w, w w l ƒ œ z š w» v w ƒ, y x w q k, yw w ƒ. w l ƒ œ y w w v w. m IT» š ƒƒe l m w œ w. Ì. š x 1. Jordan, J. and Michel, F., Next Generation Manufacturing (NGM), CASA/SME Blue Book, ,, w, x, CAD, l ƒ PLM, v, Ÿ, x, ½ y,,, me l» w sƒ, w CAD/CAM wz, 10«, 3y, pp , , y, wx, ƒ» (I) -, IE Interface, 14«, 2y, pp , ,, œ l» mw w, w œ wz, 11«, 6y, pp , Brown, D. H. Associates, Inc., 1999, Providing its Worth ; Digital Manufacturing's ROI, dhbrown.com 7., ³, k w, w CAD/

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