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1 Journal of the Korean Chemical Society 2005, Vol. 49, No. 6 Printed in the Republic of Korea 고등학교과학동아리활동에서수준별선택실험모형의적용효과 y*á Á š w š w w w yw ( ) The Effects of Differentiated Experiments Used in Extracurricular Science Activity in High School Meehwa Choi*, Byungyul Choi, and Byungsoon Choi Yeouido Highschool, Seoul , Korea Samil Girls Highschool, Ulsan , Korea Department of Chemistry Education, Korea National University of Education, Chungbuk , Korea (Received December 14, 2004). 7 k k x x wš, w k e z k x w w. š w 1w w w w, m m x wš x k x w. w, z y w k x x m x x w k w z ùk û, p k w.» w w» x» w z. š x w k x w ƒ š, m x x k x x yw ùkû. : z y, k x x, k ABSTRACT. This study analyzed the effects of differentiated experiments adapted to the differentiated and selective 7th curriculum on the development of inquiry ability. And this study studied the perception of students on differentiated experiments. For this study, differentiated inquiry activities on chemical reaction were developed and applied to the experimental group of 10th grade science circle students while the conventional extracurricular science activity lessons were applied to the control group. According to the results, it was found that the students treated with alternative differentiated experiments emphasizing social interactions got higher scores than those with conventional experiments in the test of inquiry ability and learning motivation. The difference was remarkable for the students at transitional and formal operational level, especially in the experimental planning ability. It seems that this ability comes from interactions in the selection process of experiments. And it also showed that students prefer an alternative differentiated experiments to the conventional experiments according to the survey of recognition on the alternative differentiated experiments. Keywords: Social Interaction, Differentiated Eexperiments, Inquiry Ability 591
2 592 yá Á x š 7 wš p y mw š w ƒe w t wš, w kw w k wš. x z w xw» w ƒ w z y w x š. 1 w w w, w y mw. 2 z w, ƒ w w w w w -w y, w -w y m w w z š w. 3 ù x x š w m w w ù y w y» w». ƒ w, w w w w ƒ». 4 x y w ù ü ww xkƒ w y» j. x y ù z y ù. ü ù š v y š y w w z» w». š v y ù w w w, w y wš ù». 5 y w y w ÿ y. z y w wk x m x wk z, p š y w y 6 y w ÿ z ƒ wš. w, w w w šw w w ƒ w w w 7, w w w w w w k w. w k w w e w š, p yw x w š j k xy wš. w kw x w yw x j ƒ 8 w x w w ƒ j, w x w, š z w x w m ƒ v w. w v w, w w xw k w k x x wš, w k e z k x w w. 20» q l ƒ z, y ù p w š ƒw. ù x w wì mw š ƒ q. w, z w w z y mw z ù. z Vygotsky» š, w ü z ü y mw. 9 Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
3 (zone of proximal development, ZPD), z y mw œ y» ü w. w w yw ƒ w ƒ k. w 10 ww w, w w w. ƒ w w w, w w ƒ w k sƒw» w ¾ š w w. 11 š w ƒ š w w» ù w y mw w š w. ü y z x x x j, w y x d ü w w. Vygotsky 12 ü y x jš» y k š w, š» z y y ü ü y š w. ü y š» w ü» w w. ü z y mw w z» w ƒ. w, w mw w w t w ù k w w. w w k w z w w š š y w. Connelly 13 k w w, w w 14 š š w š, Gallagher k y l z wš w 15 w. Boyd,,, ƒ, ƒ sww x ù» ü w m k š w, Willson Koran 16 w w 2005, Vol. 49, No. 6 š w w y k x x z 593 k wš w ùƒ» w w Ÿ w y w. w k w w» k w w» š w k, ƒ, x, x w,, w, w, e w y e. ƒƒ ww v w k k š. SAPA(Science: A Process Approach) 17 k, 8» k ƒ, x w 5 mw k ù š. «½» k d 18 SAPA j k ù š. w,,, d,,» k w w ƒ, m, y, w, y mw k w w. wk ƒ x. p, w x ƒ k w j p., x w w x w» w x w w ùe. x w ù w» w y, ƒ w» w. x w v 19. Falk x x w w ù ù, w y y w» x w mw w» ƒ š š w. w w» ƒ š x k x, z» ƒ x x š w. k x w w w w» w x wš, ww w wš tw x xk f. x y x w m x w. x w xk. Simpson Anderson, 20 š Collete Chiappetta 21 x
4 594 yá Á mw» w y x, k x, û x, x,» x, x ƒ w. y x x, x ƒ j m x š ew. k x w ƒ š w k wš w» w x f. w x û x k x w w» w, x y x j 22 š. Schwab w ww w, ww»» w y w x x xk w. ƒ xk x w,, w xw wš w w ƒ w w ƒ û x,, x x w w x xk,, x š xw, w, xkƒ. w Schwab w x xw x y ùk üš., k x xk w ƒ w» w. 23 Pella y w x y» x ƒ w (Table 1). Pella x xk I II» x ww. ƒ ƒ wš w x wš ww, x xk III w. w w w, x xk IVù V w. w k wš w k wš w ww w, x xk Vƒ ƒ z. Pella k w w 24 x w. Herron 1960 CHEM Study, BSCS, PSSC w sw x wš k x ƒ xk w (Table 2). Herron x x Schwabƒ w x 0 x wš, Pellaƒ w x x šw xw. x y k ƒ w. Table 2, ƒ w 0 x xk ü ƒ,, š w. 1 x xk, ƒ ù w. 2 x xk ƒ š, w ƒ x wš x» ew. 3 x xk w Table 1. Category of experimental class by Pella Category of class Process of experiment Problem recognition Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Student Hypothesis establishment Teacher Teacher Teacher Student Student Planning of experiment Teacher Teacher Student Student Student Execution of experiment Student Student Student Student Student Data collection Student Student Student Student Student Conclusion Teacher Student Student Student Student Table 2. Category of experimental class by Herron Category of class Process factor Problem recognition Presentation Presentation Presentation Open Method Presentation Presentation Open Open Solution Presentation Open Open Open Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
5 ƒ w,» ƒ. 3 x x k w wš ƒ, x, x w ww w. w Herron x š w x ùküš. w ƒ š Schwab, Pella, Herron xii x w,, š k x x w. Schwab 1w Pella xiiixk, Herron 1 x xk w, ¾, w š w š q». p x x,» x x w, w š w w» w w. š Schwab 2w, Pella x xk, Herron 2 xk w, ¾ š kw w w w š w w š». 2005, Vol. 49, No. 6 w š w w š, w ü š k e z w š w., k w w x w, w w. x mw k w w w, ƒ kw x w yw x x w ƒ š w. 8, w ü x, w ww ù y x yw. k w k w z, w y k w w e w k t wš, w š w w y k x x z 595 k wš. š yw x w x, w 26 w k w x k z. k k w e wù š w. k w e, z y. y w w e š. p z y ü, w z ƒ». w z y w» w «š w. x w z 27 w 28-30, w w w e w w ù w, y w w w š w. w z y w x, z. w z y z» w w k w, w w» z. w w 31 z y ù, x» š w. 32 w w, z y w k w w ù x k w z j w e., w, w r w., w w x ƒ w x ew. w w w» w, w w wš, w m ƒ x kw kw. k x x» w.
6 596 yá Á, z m, x w š, y s ƒ w,,, z w š w 1w w p y w w 60 w w. m x ü w š w sƒ k w, š GALT w w š, ƒ w k sƒ w w k d w. ƒ 4~5 w w w, w w m m x x x wš, x z y w k x x x w.,,, t w 4ƒ x, ƒƒ x 100, ü x w. k x x k x x 4 x w,, š 3 w. 4 x,,, t 4, ü w 6 7 œm w yw š, š w sƒ x, wywz w yw, w œ, l šw., Pella x II, Herron 1 w w x x, ƒ 3 12 y w. w x mw ö û, mw q wš ƒ» w x., Pella x II, Herron 1 w w d, d» x x, ƒ 3 12 y w. š, Pella x III, Herron 2 w w x x, 3 2, 1 1, 7 w. š š kw w x ww x w x ewš l y ƒ w y. x ü Table 3-6. k x, l mw x w,» x», x, w ü w z k x w w. š m mw x x k, wwš t w w x w. tƒ kw wš, š y w xw. Fig. 1 ùkþ. Table 3. Experiments on concentration dependency of reaction rates Level Topic Contents Reaction of Magnesium and Hydrochloric Acid Compare reactivity by the size of balloon Elementary Level Reaction of Sodium Thiosulfate and Hydrochloric Acid Measure the time until the mark on the bottom is completely blocked Reaction of Potassium Iodate and Sodium Bisulfite Measure the time for color change after the addition of starch Reaction of Magnesium and Hydrochloric Acid Measure the volume of gas collected per unit time Midium Level Reaction of Calcium Carbonate and Hydrochloric Acid Measure the mass change per unit time Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide Measure the volume of foam formed per unit time Advanced Level Reaction of Potassium Iodate and Sodium Bisulfite Design a clock to measure 25 seconds (after discussion on the experimental design) Materials Not Suggested Design experiment by group Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
7 š w w y k x x z 597 Table 4. Experiments on temperature dependency of reaction rates Level Topic Contents Elementary Level Midium Level Advanced Level Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide Compare the time until the ballon reaches the surface Reaction of Oxalic Acid and Postassium PermanganteMeasure the time for color change Melting of Foaming Tablet Compare the degree of foam formation Reaction of Magnesium and Hydrochloric Acid Measure the volume of gas collected in syringe per unit time Reaction of Calcium Carbonate and Hydrochloric Acid Measure the change of mass per unit time Reaction of Marble and Hydrochloric Acid Measure the volume of gas collected per unit time Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide Materials Not Suggested Design experiment by group Design experiment by groupe Table 5. Experiments on catalyst dependency of reaction rates Level Topic Contents Elementary Level Combustion of Sugar Cube Decomposition of Potassium Chlorate Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide Midium Level Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide Advanced Level Materials Not Suggested Compare the combustion properties of sugar cube and the sugar cube with additives Determine the role of additive and compare the reactions Compare the rate of foam formation when additives are added Measure the volume of gas per unit time when catalyst is added Measure the change of mass per unit time Measure the volume of foam formed per unit time Design experiment by group Table 6. Experiments on surface area dependency of reaction rates Level Topic Contents Elementary Level Midium Level Advanced Level Ignition of Flour Ignition of Iron Mesh Cooking of Potato Observe the ignition of flour off from bandage Compare the ignition of iron piece and iron meshes Compare the cooking time for potatoes of different sizes Reaction of Magnesium and Hydrochloric Acid Measure the volume of gas produced per unit time depending on the size of magnesium Reaction of Calcium Carbonate and Hydrochloric Acid Measure the change of mass per unit time Reaction of Chalk and Hydrochloric Acid Measure the volume of gas collected in syringe per unit time Ignition Property of Bottle of Methanol and the Bottle Sprayed with Methanol Materials Not Suggested Design experiment by group Design experiment by group k x x k l x š ƒ ù kw x w xw w. w x w ƒ w m w š, ƒ x w. š w ù k ü w m mw w w w. w ƒ ù w k w ¾ w. m x w x ü ü w» w, x ü w w w m. k sƒ k sƒ 20 w, 5 x w, k ƒ (2 w), k (6 w), k w(2 w), w (8 w), 2005, Vol. 49, No. 6
8 598 yá Á (2 w). ƒ 6 l k, (Cronbach s a) w w k x 32 z y w w k x w y w. k sƒ ƒ w 1 w 20 w š, k fp w ey SPSS 10.0 m v t- w. k x x k w e z k x x k w e z» w m x x w m z y w k x x w x x z k k w w w. k, x ù, x z x s³ m s³ m (p<0.05). x m w k w ùkû (Table 7). k w k (6 w) w, k w x m s³ 17.7, x s³ 16.7 x û ù. ù x z, s³ ƒ ƒ p<0.05. k x w ƒ m w j ùkû (Table 8). w x m s³ ƒ 17.0, x s³ ƒ 17.4 x. x z, m s³ 18.9, x s³ 21.3, x ùkû ù m., w x m w ƒ ùkù (Table 9). Table 8 Table 9 l, k ƒ ùkû ù, w w ƒ ùkù. k ùkù, x k ù x w m. p x w w y k w w e. k x x z k x x w» w m x w., Table 7. Results of the test of inquiry ability by group Category n M a SD t p Pretest Posttest a 20, *p<0.05. Control Experimental Control Experimental * Table 8. Results of the test of inquiry ability in planning by group Category n M a SD t p Pretest Posttest a 6, *p<0.05. Control Experimental Control Experimental * Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
9 š w w y k x x z 599 Table 9. Results of the test of inquiry ability in data analysis by group Category n M a SD t p Pretest Posttest a 8. Control Experimental Control Experimental Table 10. Results of the test of inquiry ability of students at concrete operational stage Category n M a SD t p Pretest Posttest a 20. Control Experimental Control Experimental Table 11. Results of the test of inquiry ability of students at transitional operational stage Category n M a SD t p Pretest Posttest a 20, *p<0.05. Control Experimental Control Experimental *» w w x z k Table 10 w. x s³ w ƒƒ ƒ, x z ƒƒ ƒ ùkû.,» w y mw k x m x w z ùkü w.» w x w x 32 ƒ w, w ƒ w z ƒ j w.,» w x z k Table 11 w. Table 11 l x s³ ƒ ƒ ƒ ù, x z s³ ƒƒ ƒ ùkù. w,» w w m x w y w k x x m w x kw m wš x ƒw k» w. š x» w w x z k Table 12 w. Table 12, x s³ ƒƒ ƒ ù, x z s³ ƒƒ ƒ ùkù., x» w w m x k x k w z š w.,» w k x x z ù,» x» w k x x z. l» w x w ù,» x» w š y w x 2005, Vol. 49, No. 6
10 600 yá Á Table 12. Results of the test of inquiry ability of students at formal operational stage Category n M a SD t p Pretest Posttest a 20, *p<0.05. Control Experimental Control Experimental * Table 13. Perception of experimental group students about differentiated experiments by cognitive stage unit; % Scale00 Very positive Stage Positive Normal Negative Very negative Total Concrete (n=6) Transitonal (n=12) Formal (n=12) Average w k w ƒw. p» w ƒ z š w, z y z» w w k w 31 ew., w m x»z ƒ» w k x š y w»z ƒ» q. w, z y w «27 w ƒ w w. x w z w 28-30, w w y w w w z šwš ù, w w z». ƒ ƒ w z w e j wù w ƒ w w. k x x w w z y w k x x w w» w x w w w. w 32 w, 20 w. w w Table 13 ùkü. Table 13, kx x w ù ww,» w 75.0%,» w 77.1%, x» w 75.0% ùkû.»ù x» w w» w ƒ ƒ š š w. kx x z ƒ» w ƒ ùkù. z ƒ w ƒ š ƒ. x s³ ƒw w 25.0%, ƒw w 50.7% w, w w ƒ ƒ 1.8% 0.3% ù., w» x w y x ƒw wì m»ƒ x k x» yw. x» z y ù 32 e w. Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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