한국인터넷문화의특성과발전방안연구 정책연구 온라인평판시스템의순기능제고방안

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1 한국인터넷문화의특성과발전방안연구 정책연구 온라인평판시스템의순기능제고방안


3 1.,..,...,,.,,,


5 / / :

6 (Centralized Reputation Systems) (Distributed Reputation Systems) 52 3 (Reputation Computation Engines) in (Metablog)

7 : (robustness)

8 (1) (2) OLS : (3) : : OLS : (1) OLS : (2) in in

9 ( ) in / (2009 ) 147

10 Consumer Reports WebWatch 153

11 9 1 (reputation),,.,,,, ,...,.,,

12 10.,., , 4.. 5,

13 11.. ( ( (digital footprint).,,.. (visibility),.,. (race). (reputation capital),...,.. 3 (feedback),,

14 12 (Resnick et al., 2000).. (recommendation system)...,.,.. (ebay)....,... (transaction)...,

15 13. DHT(Distributed Hash Table),. 1 4,.,,.,,.,,,,. 1

16 14..,.,...,,, ID.,,, ID. 5,,. (agenda setting) (opinion construction).,..

17 15 (believability) (trustworthy) (expertise) (Castelfranchi and Tan, 2002)., (Fogg, 1999)..,, (Fogg and Tseng, 1999).,.,. 2,...

18 16.??,,,,..,,,,. 2 6.

19 ,.,. /..,, (Robustness),.


21 (reputation),,.,,,,.... 1) (Rao, 1994)., (field) ) (, 2005: 194).

22 20.,. (Becker, 2008).,..,,. (information cost). /.,. (herd behavior)..,,. (snow-ball effect).. (winner-takes-all)

23 1 21.,. (trickle-down),,.,.....,,.,,.,..,..., (popularity).

24 , 4. 5,..

25 (Guide Michelin).,

26 (social prestige) ( )......,,,,,.,,.

27 ( ( (digital footprint).,,.. (visibility),. 2. (reputation capital),.. (cultural

28 26 capital). (conversion),. ( ),...,. (race). (Zabala et al., 2005),. (2005: 70) (prosopographie).,,,,,,.,,.. (2005: 324),.

29 ,.. (1998) , 18...,. ( ) ( ).,. 2). 2)..

30 /....,,..,.....,,.. ( ). (packagers of content),,.

31 2 29..,.. 19.,., (Citation Index),. 3., (Resnick et al. 2000, Dellarocas, 2003). 2 1,.,,,.

32 : Yahoo! Developer Network (

33 (ranking),. (item),,, (Wikipedia ). (ordinal numbers).,., (query-dependent method) (query-independent method).. PageRank TrustRank 3) HITS(Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search) (link analysis). 2. /.. ( FAQ IP )? (PageRank)? (TrustRank).

34 32. mixup.. ( RSS,.., ,657 5,617,608 24,113,288, 4,261 66,647. ( (Kartoo). Google, Yahoo, Bing, Exalead, and Kartoo,,... (-)..,, (

35 , (Proportionate Quota & Systematic Sampling) , (face to face interview). 1,232 95% ±2.8% ( ) (%) 1,

36 34 ( ) (%) / , %, %. 62.7% 46.7%. 20~40, %.,., 3.2%. 2 2 (N=908) (N=324)

37 2 35 (N=908) (N=324) / ,,,. ( =1, =0).,,. 50..

38 36 (Omnivore) (tolerant) (proxy variable). TV,,,. 5 0,,, 1,.,,.. 10 =1, =0 Z-score. Z-score ( ).,, PDA/,, PMP, MP3, Dvix, TV, /. 2 3 TV (N=1,232) 1) / 2) / / 3) / 4) / / 5) 6) / 7) 8) / / 9) 10) / 11) / / ~ (5 ) 1-3 =0 ( ) 4-5 =1 ( ) 0-1

39 2 37 TV (N=1,232) (N=1,232) (N=1,232) 1) / 2) /R&B 3) / 4) / 5) / 6) 7) / 8) 9) / 10) 1) / 2) / 3) / 4) / 5) / 6) SF/ 7) 8) 9) 10) ( ) 1) / 2) / / 3) 4) / 5) 6) / 7) 8) / / ~ (5 ) 1-3 =0 ( ) 4-5 =1 ( ) ~ (5 ) 1-3 =0 ( ) 4-5 =1 ( ) ~ (5 ) 1-3 =0 ( ) 4-5 =1 ( ) 0~ ~ ~ ~

40 / / / / / / / ,,,,, 5, 2 2.

41 ( )

42 40 3. :, (1) 1 B ( ) ( =1) * *** _ _ _ _ R * p<0.5, ** p<0.01, *** p< ,. TV,, (+)..

43 (2) 2 B ( ) ( =1) -.452* *** *** TV.159** *** ** * p<0.5, ** p<0.01, *** p< ,,. TV,,. 2 7 OLS : (3) 3 B ( ) * ** *** _ _ _ _

44 42 3 B TV.165** *** ** R 2 = ,,.. TV,, : B S.E, Exp(B) ( =0) ( ) _ *** _ _ ** _ ** TV * ** * Cox Snell R-.101 Nagelkerke R-.135 * p<0.5, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001

45 2 43..,,. TV : B S.E, Exp(B) ( =0) ( ) ** *** _ _ _ _ TV ** * ** Cox Snell R-.111 Nagelkerke R-.150 * p<0.5, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001 ( < ), (-), (+), (+). TV,,.

46 OLS : (1) B ( ) ( =1) ** *** ** * *** TV 0.239* ** *** R * p<0.5, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001 t 6%.,,. TV. (+)....

47 OLS : (2) B t ( ) ( =1) -.956* * * _.472** _.788*** _.544** _ 1.199*** *** TV ** *** R * p<0.5, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001

48 46 3,.,.,,,. 3,,,, ,..

49 3 47., (active digital footprint) (passive digital footprint).,.,, (Wikipedia). 4) (feedback),, (Resnick et al., 2000).. (recommendation system),.. (Dellarocas, 2003)...,.,,,. 4)

50 ,.. Esfandiari Chandeasekharan(2001). (exploratory protocol) (query protocol). Carter (2002) 5,,,,,.,. Sabater & Sierra(2005) (information source).,,, 4.

51 3 49,.. Resnick(2000).,. Resnick (Shadow of the Future). Resnick. Dellarocas(2003).,.,..,,,,.

52 50 2., (Jøsang et al., 2009). 1. (Centralized Reputation Systems) (transaction)... (ebay) (Amazon).,, (peer).,.

53 : Jøsang et al. (2009) 3 1 A B,.,,.,.. (ebay) (Feedback Forum), (Expert Sites), (Epinions), (BizRate), (Amazon) (Product Review Site), (Slashdot), (Kuro5hin) (Discussion Fora), (Google) (Web Page Ranking System), (Supplier Reputation Systems),

54 52 (Scientometrics). 2. (Distributed Reputation Systems),. DHT(Distributed Hash Table),.,..,... (Napster) P2P.

55 : Jøsang et al. (2009) (content-driven reputation system). Adler Alfaro(2006), (Reputation Computation Engines).,.

56 54,. (rating)..., (Bayesian Systems). (beta probability density functions)..., (Discrete Trust Models). (discrete verbal statements).. (very trustworthy), (trustworthy), (untrustworthy), (very untrustworthy)., (Belief Models)., 1,. A B D, C D. 2 (path) A B D A C D, A D B A, C A. A D., (Fuzzy Models).,

57 3 55. A (True=1), (False=0). A ).., (Flow Models).. (PageRank).... A B, C, D 3 B A 1/3. (Random Sufer). A A, A. (Damping Factor) α, B α*1/3.,..,,,,. 5) (Grade of Membership).

58 56,,,, , (rating)..., (bias). Resnick & Zeckhauser(2002) 0.6%, 1.6%..., (unfair ratings), 2. (endogenous discounting of

59 3 57 unfair ratings), (exogenous discounting of unfair ratings)., (change of identities). (identities) (pseudonyms)..., (quality variations over time)...., (discrimination).,..., (ballot box stuffing).....

60 58 2.,. Jøsang (2009)., (accuracy for long-term performance).. (entity)., (weighting toward current behaviour)..,,., (robustness against attacks)..,.., (smoothness).,. 5

61 3 59 in,,,,,,., in in , in DB 1, in

62 60 in,,.,. in ,. in 3 1. in,,,,. 3 1 in , ( ), + 50%,,, ( ) 50% +5~ , 200 ( 1 ) in in.,, 2.

63 in 5 50% 30 60% 70 65% % ,300 75% 1,700 2,300 3,000 80% 4, in in,. in, Q&A. in. in,,,,.,. in,.,,.

64 62 in,.,.. in. Q&A, ,. in., in,,.

65 3 63 in. in 1.,.,.. 1,500,.. (Arbitration Committee).,. in..,.. 2. (Daum)

66 64,,,, ,. PD. TV IP, /.,,,,

67 3 65,,,,,,, ID IP ,,,. IP 1. ID,. ID. ID. ID , 20,., ~18 ( ) 10 (ID ) 21, ,170, 10 1, ~ ,.

68 66 3. (Metablog).. Meta( ) Blog( ). RSS(Really Simple Syndication) Atom..,.,,,,.. (Daum View) ( ,. (View On).,,.,,.

69 , 40.

70 ) 7.,,,, IT,,, ~3... (Allblog) ( ' '.. ( )... 6) view. view, view,.

71 ,. 3 5,,

72 70,.. (Blogkorea) ( RSS RSS. 3 6,.,..

73 3 71,...,,. RSS,, 3.,.,. RSS....,,,,,,,,,,.,,. 3, 6.,.,

74 72, , U (RevU) ( ,,.,.,,.

75 ( ). 1 1,... 1, 2, 3

76 (Mixsh) ( RSS...,. 3 8

77 3 75., mixup. mixup 5. 5 mixup,. ( 30 ),,,. ID mixup mixup. mixup., mixup.,.,... mixup..

78 in.,.,.,.,,. in. in.,.,..

79 3 77,.... in.....,,. RSS,, (blogroll),,, ( ), (Pagerank),,.,..

80 78,. TV,...

81 ,, (information asymmetry).,,.... (twin consumer)...,..

82 80. (information overload)..,..,.,,.,,.,.... (collaborative filtering) (contents-based filtering)...,,

83 (buzz marketing), (viral marketing).,.,, (, 2006). (word of mouth) word of mouse, (electronic word of mouth)...,.,,.,,,

84 82,,..,, 41.2% (14.1%) (, 2008) , 18.4, 9, 6.5 (, 2007)., (face to face) (web-based) (well known) (anonymous) (strong tie) (weak tie) (spoken word) (written word),,, (, ),, : (2006)

85 4 83,,,..,,.,,. 1 7)., ), (, 2006).

86 84 (, 2002), (, 2008).. (, 2008).. Pavlou Gefen(2004) (perceived effectiveness of the feedback mechanism).,,. (2005),. Bickert Schindler(2001),,,.,,.. (2004),,,. (2008),,,

87 4 85,,,.,,,.,..,,, (auction site), (Zhou et al., 2008). (asymmetric information),..,

88 86.,, (Resnick et al., 2006).... (Zhou et al, 2008; Resnick et al., 2006; Dellarocas, 2003; 2006)., (Resnick et al., 2006).... Zhou (2008)., (shilling), Id. (setup costs) (opportunity costs)

89 4 87.,.,..,. -,., ID, ID.,., (Resnick et al., 2006).,,.,., (Bayesian calculation).., Korsgaard Jensen (2009) (logical components)., (feedback repository).., (reputation calculation).., (identity management).

90 88 IP,., (interception mechanism). (legacy system). Marti Garcia-Molina (2006), P2P (functionality),. (peer). ( ), (expected reliability) ( ), ( ) (information gathering) (scoring and ranking) (response) identity scheme good vs. bad behavior incentives information sources quantity vs quality punishment information integrity stranger policy time-dependence : Marti and Garcia-Molina(2006).,, (anonymity), (spoof-resistant), (unforgeable).,. (personal experience),

91 4 89 (external trusted sources), (trusted peers), (global history). (credibility). (trade-off).,... (trustworthiness). 2,. (social network),.., (strangers).. (continuum)...

92 90.. (quality) (quantity).. (time),. ( ), (1 10 ).. P2P (speed), (quality), (quantity) ,., C2C B2C.,. (marketplace model)

93 4 91.,,. /,. 4 1 /, (, 2009)., ( 4 1 ). 1,

94 92....,,. 3,. 4 2, ( 4 2

95 4 93 ).,.,,,. Level 1 Level 7, 1.,.,, ,,, (, 2009)

96 94,,.,...,,..,,.,,.....

97 4 95.,,..,....,.,..,...

98 96,.,..,,,., 3....,., ( ) (3 ),..,.

99 4 97 3,..,. C C C, ,,. C., ,.,..

100 98.. 1( ), 0( ), -1( )..., 1, 1. (shilling) (Zhou et al, 2008). (net reputation scores) (%).,,.. 0, 30. ID, 0. ID (Zhou et al, 2008).

101 ,,.,..... (, 2009). Yellow Star

102 100 Silver Shooting Star 12. (Resnick et al., 2006). 50%..,. 1%, 2% ,, DVD,,,... (rating) (review)... I

103 4 101 Hate it I Love it 5 ( 4 4 ).,.,

104 102,. 4 5,..,.,, (, 2009). 4 5

105 ,.., ,,,.,. 4 6

106 (Wikipedia). ' ' (Wiki philosophy).,,,.. (prior qualification) , Watch Page Discussion Page, Edit Page, History Page,. 4 7

107 4 105.,. Jimmy Wales 10...,, IP. (personal battleground). (correctness), (completeness), (impartiality) (Korsgaard and Jensen, 2009).., (user interface). (collaborative authoring system), (reputation system) (opt in)..,

108 106.,...,., (reputation value).,.. (trust).,..,. (Dondio et al., 2006; Adler et al., 2007). Dondio (2006) (revision history).,,, (content based evaluation). Adler (2007)

109 4 107.,. 4 (web-based recommendation system)... (collaborative filtering), (contents-based filtering), (hybrid filtering) (, 2009).,. 1. (collaborative filtering),.,. (behavioral approach)

110 108 (Laudon and Traver, 2007)., (let the data speak for itself). MIT, Firefly. (,, 2009)., (, 2008).,,.,. (word-of-mouth) (,, 2008)., (,, 2009).,, (sparsity). (scalability).

111 (contents-based filtering). (, 2008)., (user preference profile).,.. (, 2008)..,..,.

112 110 (, 2009)..,,.... 5, (heuristic).,. 2.0,.,,,

113 (signal) (incentive) (Dellarocas, 2003).,.,,.,,.,,., (source) (Sabater and Sierra, 2005).,,.,...,.,,

114 112.,..,.,.,,,,.,.,.,.,, (user-friendly interface).,.,...

115 ,.,.

116 ,...,, 10 1 (SK, 2009),.,,.

117 5 115 (filtering process).,..,.,.,.,???,,? (cognitive authority)?.,

118 ,,, (Johnson and Kaye, 1998; Self, 1996).,.. (agenda setting) (opinion construction).,.. (believability)

119 5 117 (trustworthy) (expertise) (Castelfranchi and Tan, 2002)., (Fogg, 1999)..,,., (Belkin, 2000).,.,,, (label)..,. 2.,..

120 118. (Bunn, 1993).,, (Fogg and Tseng, 1999).,.,. 5 1,,,,,,,. 5 1,,,..,..

121 ,,,,,,,..,,,,. 3.? (Dellarocas, 2003)..

122 120, (Lin, 2001).., (Plant, 2004)..,,,,,,,,.,. (externality),.,,. (compression),,.,,,

123 (Nie and Ebring, 2000).,.,. (, 2008).,,, (Durwin, 1997)..,,,,,..

124 122,. (, 2008)...., (Johnson and Kaye, 1998).,.,., (blind faith) (blind skepticism) (Tyler and Cook, 1984).,.

125 5 123, , (Multidimensional Scaling Method) (Focus Group Analysis).,,,,,,, (Neuman, 2000)..,,.,,, (Quintana et al, 2001).

126 124, (, 2007).,. (filtering mechanism),,.,,.,..,.,, (Corritore et al., 2003).,,.,

127 5 125,. 5 2,,,,,,,,, 5 2..,, (, 2007).,,..

128 126,.,., (Nass and Moon, 2000)., (source) (media), (message),.,.

129 ,,,,,.,,,.,,.,,.. (Ba, 2001;,, 2007)..

130 128.?. 5 1,... (iterative)....??,,,,..,,,,.

131 ,,,...,,

132 130,,,..,,,.,....,..,..

133 5 131,,., (incredulity error) (correct rejection) (Rodman, 2003)...????,,.,

134 132. (cognitive authority system). (Wilson, 1983).,. (misinformation) (disinformation),,

135 5 133,,, (Simon, 2001)... (1),. (2). (3),. (4). (5).,.,,,.

136 134,,., ,.,,.,.. 2.

137 5 135.,. (downstream filtering) (upstream filtering) (Beniger, 1996).,. 5 4.,,,...,,..,

138 ,, (upstream) (downstream) (multiple media) 3...

139 5 137,.,. (Lessig, 1999). 5,.,. (Giddens, 1990; Shapiro, 1999).,.. 5-1,,, 4.

140 138,.,. (upstream filtering)..,..,.,. (Walters, 2001). 3.,,

141 (Sztompka, 1999).,... (public goods).. (Jenson, 2003).....

142 140., (inter-subjective).... (reputation system board)...,...

143 5 141,.,,. (unitary system).

144 142 6 : 1,.. (2009: 111).. (Koehn, 2003),,,.... (trustee).,,...

145 6 143.,..,.,,., (customization)... (trustor)..

146 ,... (AdWords),.,.,,... (Hargittai, 2008)....

147 6 145 (popularity).....,. 2,... /... 1.,,,,.,.

148 146,,,,, %,,,.,..,

149 (2009 ) : ( (PPC).. (SEM: Search Engine Optimization).

150 148,. (crawler) /,...,.,.. NHN (PageRank).. 2. (collaborative filtering)..

151 6 149,, (clickstream).,,,.,...,. (sparsity) (scalability).,.,....

152 150 3 (robustness) Jøsang (2009),,,...,.,. (performance)....,. 1

153 (testbed),,...,,..,,..

154 ,. Consumer Reports WebWatch' 8). Consumer Reports WebWatch,

155 6 153,,.,, Consumer Reports WebWatch Consumer Reports WebWatch,,,,,,,,,,. 9) 8) 9)

156 154,,.,..

157 155, (2008),, 42, pp.44~78., (2005),. 11(1), pp.191~205., (2009), -, Journal of Information Technology Application & Management 16(1), pp. 97~113. (2004), :, 9(1), pp. 161~188. (2008),, 25(4), pp.185~204.,, (2002),, 17(4), pp.77~98.,,, (2008),, 2008., K. (1998),, ( ),., (2005),, ( ),., (2009),, ( ),., (2008), P2P, 11(10), pp.1338~1346.

158 156 (2008),, 37(4), pp.957~988., (2007), :, 14(3), pp.5~32., (2005), :, 16(2), pp.145~171. (2007),, 7(4), pp.79~111. (2009),,., (2007),. 9(4), pp.7-45.,, (2007), 2.0,.,,, (2006),,.,, (2008), :, 9(2), pp.15~34. (2007),,.,,,, (2009),, 16(2), pp.273~280. (2008), SK (2009),,.

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