The 2 nd World Education Leaders Forum 제 2 회세계대학총장포럼 Title Hosts Sponsors Donors Topic Date Venue Participants The 2 nd World Education Leaders Forum

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1 The 2 nd World Education Leaders Forum 제 2 회세계대학총장포럼 Title Hosts Sponsors Donors Topic Date Venue Participants The 2 nd World Education Leaders Forum Leading with Character July 11 th, 2014 Nurimaru APEC House, Busan, Korea 39 university presidents from 28 different countries 행사명 주최 제 2 회세계대학총장포럼 후원 협찬 주제일시장소참가규모 인성으로리드하라 2014년 7월 11일누리마루 APEC 하우스 28개국 39명의대학총장

2 2_ THE 2ND WORLD EDUCATION LEADERS FORUM Welcoming Message Ock Soo Park Founder of the International Youth Fellowship 사단법인국제청소년연합 (IYF) 설립자박옥수 For youths to be free from darkness and live bright lives There is a man called Julio in the USA. He started doing drugs when he was a teenager, became addicted, and eventually continued for 20 years. The money he had for clothing and food, he wasted on drugs. Not being able to purchase bread and clothes, he slept on park benches, and ate bread pieces in trash cans every day. Such a man like him fortunately met great people, received their devoted help, and was soon able to break free from drugs and live a new life. Likewise, there are so many youth in the world that live miserably and lie within darkness due to small mistakes. However, there are people who are striving and working night and day to lead such youth to live a bright, sound life. They are university presidents and IYF members from all around the world. We are hosting a forum whereby university presidents and the youth from each country will discuss and seek ways to lead the youth to live bright lives. You will also participate in the World Camp which is currently leading the youth, and provide lectures that give university students strong leadership and dreams. I request for your positive contribution, and believe the world will become a brighter place; your appreciation for our work and cooperation will be of great strength to us. I truly thank all of you for being here today despite your busy schedule. Thank you. 젊은이들이어둠에서벗어나밝은삶을살도록미국에훌리오라는청년이있습니다. 그는학생때에별생각없이마약을시작했는데, 중독되어 20년동안마약을했습니다. 오로지마약을위해먹을돈도, 입을돈도모두마약사는데썼습니다. 그래서그는빵도옷도살수없었고, 공원벤치에노숙하면서매일쓰레기통에서빵조각을주워먹고살았습니다. 그런청년이좋은분들을만나, 그분들의헌신적인도움을받아, 어느날부터마약에서벗어난새로운삶을살기시작했습니다. 세상에는이런작은실수로일생을어둠속에서불행하게사는젊은이들이너무나많습니다. 이런젊은이들이밝고건강한삶을살도록밤낮수고하며애쓰는분들이있습니다. 바로세계여러나라에서오신총장들과 IYF 회원들입니다. 이번에각국총장님들과장차청소년들을어떻게밝게이끌것인지에대해연구하고의논하는포럼을개최합니다. 또총장님들은청소년들의삶을실제적으로이끌어주고있는 World Camp에도참석해젊은대학생들에게강인한리더십과꿈을심어주는강연도하실겁니다. 여러분이포럼에서좋은의견을주시고함께논의하면서마음의박수도쳐주시면우리에게큰힘이되고세상이더밝아질것입니다. 바쁜일정에도불구하고이자리에참석해주신여러분께진심으로감사드립니다.

3 THE 2ND WORLD EDUCATION LEADERS FORUM _3 Moon Taek Park IYF World Education Leaders Forum Organizing Committee IYF(International Youth Followship) Chairman IYF 세계대학총장포럼준비위원장박문택 During last year s 1st World Education Leaders Forum, we observed how presidents and participants of domestic and international universities showed deep interest and passion towards the direction of education. A year has passed since then, and now, it is truly a great pleasure to be able to open the 2nd World Education Leaders Forum with you. Despite the differences countries may possess, we have been educating young university students all around the world in order to build a better society, and as a result, were able to frequently encounter stories of how students overcame their poverty and hardships, and thus achieved the social results we had aimed for. However, due to the absence of an education system that provides a direction for the upcoming future, amidst a society which overwhelming prioritizes financial success; new problems are now arising. For instance, Korea has achieved astonishing economic and political growth in a short period of time after dwelling beneath the ruins of war 60 years ago; yet Korea was ranked near the bottom of the Happiness Index amongst OECD countries. We strongly believe that together we can find the solutions to these problems during this year s World Education Leaders Forum. Furthermore, as a result of this forum we anticipate further development in our respective societies and countries. Thank you 우리는작년 1회세계대학총장포럼을하면서국내외대학총장및관계자들께서교육의방향에대하여깊은관심과열정이있는것을보았습니다. 벌써한해가지난지금제2회세계대학총장포럼에여러분들과함께하게되어매우기쁘게생각합니다. 각국가마다의차이는있겠지만지금까지우리는보다더나은사회를위하여젊은대학생들을가르쳐왔고실제교육을통하여가난이나역경을이겨낸이야기를자주접할수있게되었으며, 목표한사회적성과도얻을수있었습니다. 그러나경제적인성공을지나치게내세운나머지그후의삶의방향을제시할수있는교육의부재로지금은또다른문제점들을양산해내고있습니다. 하나의예로우리한국의경우약 60년전에전쟁의폐허속에서짧은기간안에눈부신경제적, 정치적발전을이루었지만국민들의행복지수는 OECD 국가중에서하위.. 권에머무르고있는것을확인할수있습니다. 이번세계대학총장포럼에서우리는여러분들과진지하게이런부분에대한해결책을모색할수있을것을확신합니다. 그리고이포럼을통하여우리가속한사회와국가에또한번의큰발전이있을것을기대합니다. 감사합니다.


5 THE 2ND WORLD EDUCATION LEADERS FORUM _5 Background The global society today is undergoing a rapid change and is in need of attention and effort to pursue for a solution to all the problems, by training and promoting talented individuals, with proper values and upright character. IYF, through its various worldwide events and unique personality education programs, has been changing the youth around the globe and receiving the attention and support of government of many countries and their leading educators. In 2013, IYF founded the WELF(World Education Leaders Forum), an open convention of mutual interchange among presidents of numerous universities, as an outset for a new change in higher education, by building a network of international cooperative exchange. The leaders of education from each country joined to identify the essence of the problems arising in college education, and to seek for a solution and mutual development. 개최배경 급속히변화하고있는세계사회는인류가직면한모든문제의해결책이올바른가치관과인성을갖춘글로벌인재의양성과활용에있음을직시하고이에대한세계공동의관심과노력을필요로하고있습니다. 이에그동안월드문화캠프등다양한국제행사와탁월한인성교육프로그램으로전세계청소년들을변화시키고각국정부와교육관계자들의후원과주목을받아온 IYF는세계각국의교육을주도해가는대학총장들의열린교류의장을마련하여현재대학교육이직면한문제의본질을바로보고그해결책과공동의발전을모색하며국제적교류협력의네트워크를구축하여대학의새로운변화를위한도약의계기를마련하고자 2013년세계대학총장포럼 (World Education Leaders Forum) 을창설하였습니다. Purpose - Approach advancement in college education, to promote and foster talented individuals with proper values and upright character. - Share experiences of training outstanding individuals at colleges around the world and their successful educational program after effects. - Pursue mutual development among colleges and build a network of international cooperative exchange 개최목적 - 올바른가치관과인성을갖춘글로벌인재육성을위한대학교육의발전방향을모색한다. - 세계여러대학의인재육성경험과우수교육사례를공유한다. - 대학간공동의발전을모색하고글로벌협력체제를구축한다.

6 6_ THE 2ND WORLD EDUCATION LEADERS FORUM Week Schedule 주간일정 6th~11th July(Busan) 7/6 (Sun) 7/7 (Mon) 7/8 (Tue) 7/9 (Wed) 7/10 (Thu) 7/11 (Fri) Morning 오전 Special Lecture/ International Mind Education Institude (Lee Myungoo Ph.D) 특강 / 국제마인드교육원이명구박사 Special Lecture/ Pastor Ock Soo Park (Founder of IYF) 특강 / 박옥수목사 (IYF 설립자 ) Special Lecture/ Eon Lim Ph.D(KRIVED) 특강 / 임언박사 ( 한국직업능력개발원 ) Afternoon 오후 Arrival 도착 Gracias Choir Performance/ Mind Lecture 그라시아스합창단공연 / 마인드강연 Visit Hanyang University 한양대학교방문 Gracias Choir Performance/ Mind Lecture 그라시아스합창단공연 / 마인드강연 Gracias Choir Performance/ Mind Lecture 그라시아스합창단공연 / 마인드강연 Special Lecture/ Nam Kyo Lee Ph.D (Kounyang Cyber University) 특강 / 이남교전부총장 ( 건양사이버대학교 ) 2014 The 2 nd World Education Leaders Forum 2014 제 2 회세계대학총장포럼 Nuclear Power Plant 원자력발전소방문 Visit Dong Pusan College 동부산대학방문 Open Discussion for WELF WELF 회의 Everning 저녁 Opening Ceremony of 2014 IYF World Camp Haeundae Busan 2014월드문화캠프개막식 Culture Performances & Seminar 문화공연및세미나 Christmas Cantata by Gracias Choir 그라시아스크리스마스 칸타타 및해운대음악회 Meeting *The above schedule information may be changed due to extenuating circumstances. * 상기일정은사정에의해변경될수있습니다.

7 THE 2ND WORLD EDUCATION LEADERS FORUM _7 Program of July 11 th 7 월 11 일일정 Forum Schedule 포럼일정 Time 8:30~9:00 9:00~10:00 10:00~11:00 Title Registration 접수 Opening Ceremony & Keynote Speech 개회식및기조연설 Session Ⅰ Changes in the Society of 21 st CenturyandChangesinthe EducationinUniversities 세션 세기사회변화와대학교육의변화 11:00~11:10 Coffee Break 커피휴식 11:10~12:10 Session Ⅱ Global Character Education Program: The New Paradigm of Training Talented Individuals 세션 2. 인재교육의새패러다임. 글로벌인성교육 12:10~13:30 Luncheon 오찬 13:30~15:00 Session Ⅲ Finding Paths of Change -Case Studies of Successful Educational Programs & Building International Cooperative Exchange. 세션 3. 변화의길을찾다. 15:00~15:20 15:20~16:30 16:30~17:00 17:00~18:00 Coffee Break 커피휴식 Session Ⅳ 특별세션 IV Message by the Founder of IYF IYF 설립자메세지 Closing Ceremony 폐회식 *The above schedule may change due to extenuating circumstances. * 상기일정은사정에의해변경될수있습니다.

8 8_ THE 2ND WORLD EDUCATION LEADERS FORUM Participant 참가자 Continent Country University Name Organization Albania Polytechnic University of Tirana Jorgaq Kaçani Rector Europe Netherlands University of Groningen Prof. Sibrandes Poppema President Russia Pacific State Medical University Kuznetsov Vladimir Vice-President Cambodia Beltei International University H.E Ly Chheng President Cambodia Beltei International University Buth Dimang General Education Manager Cambodia Western University Te Laurent President India D.Y. Patil University, Kolhapur Prof.(Dr.)S.H.Pawar Vice Chancellor India D.Y. Patil University, Navi Mumbai Dr.Rahul B. Gethe Director India Agni College of Technology Dr.S.R.R.Senthil Kumar Principal India Montfort College Bro. George Padikara Director& Principal India NALSAR University of Law Prof.(Dr.) Faizan Mustafa Vice Chancellor India University of Hyderabad Dr. E. Haribabu Pro-Vice Chancellor India Berhampur University Prof. Deepak Kumar Behera Vice Chancellor India K.L University Dr. Konijeti Rama Krishna Pro-Vice Chancellor Asia Korea Geumgang University Chung Byung Jo President Korea Jung-Won University Ahn Byung Hwan President Korea Jung-Won University Chang Ji Hong Korea Hanyang University Lee Ki Jeong Korea Hanyang University Kim Suh Jin Dean of International Relations Dean of International Relations Office of International Coordinator Korea Pu-Kyoug National University Kim Young-Seup President Korea Jeonju National University lf Education Yoo Kwang Chan President Korea Gyeongju University Lee Soon Ja President Korea Konyang Cyber University Lee Nam Kyo Chair-professor Korea Dong-Pusan College Yoo Kyung Hwa President Mongolia National University of Mongolia in Orkhon D.Namjil Director Nepal Kathmandu Engineering College Er. Shiva Prasad Koirala Principal Nepal Pokhara University Prof. Khagendra Prasad Bhattarai Vice Chancellor

9 THE 2ND WORLD EDUCATION LEADERS FORUM _9 Benin University of Abomey-Calavi Prof. Brice Augustin Sinsin Vice Chancellor Botswana University of Botswana Prof. Lydia Nyati-Saleshando Deputy Vice Chancellor Burkina Faso International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering Kouame Kouassi Secretary General Ethiopia Wolaita Sodo University Tamirat Motta President Gabon Institut de Techonologies D owendo Dr. Christian Didier Mouity President Gabon Institut De Techonologies D owendo Jean Aime Nkogo Nkogo Enseignant-Chercher Guinea Guinea University General Lansana Conte of Sonfonia University Gamal Abdel Nasser de Conakry Mamadi Kourouma Dr.Doussou Lancine Traore Rector Rector Africa Kenya Kenya College of Accountancy Prof.Noah O. Midamba Vice-Chancellor Kenya Maseno University Prof. Dominic W. Makawiti Vice-Chancellor Kenya United States International University Prof. Mathew O. Buyu Deputy Vice-Chancellor Mali University of Bamako(U.S.T.T.B) Prof. Amidou Doucouré Dean Sierra Leone Njala University Prof. Abu Sesay Principal Tanzania University of Dar Es Salaam Yunus D. Mgaya Ph.D. Deputy Vice Chancellor Togo IAEC University Prof. Kagbara Bassabi President Togo Lome University Koffi Nonou Ahadzi President Uganda Makerere University Prof. John Ddumba-Ssentamu Vice Chancellor Zambia University of Zambia LastoneT. Zgambo Dean of Students Bolivia Higher University of San Andrés Dr. Waldo Albarracin Rector Latin America Peru National University of San Agustin, Arequipa Dr. F. Edmundo Carpio Valencia Dean Peru Peru La Universidad San Agustín De Arequipa Galvanic Industries Sro Sac Jesus Talavera Suarez Mario Francisco Zuniga Martinez Director De Instituto De Informática Owner

10 10_ THE 2ND WORLD EDUCATION LEADERS FORUM International Youth Fellowship 사단법인국제청소년연합 IYF Vision & Mission Endowing international interchange activity through a cosmopolitan outlook, the International Youth Fellowship (IYF) is a global youth organization and international NGO that works towards leadership nurturing and practical problem solving methods for the problems of the global village, standing on a Christian background. IYF nurtures the leaders of the next generation with intellectual power, a humble character and a cosmopolitan outlook. With Christ s sacrifice as the mindset of the organization, the IYF strives to find the solution to the problems of the global village and enhance the welfare of human kind through community service. Through various international interchange activities, pursuit to enhance the harmony of mutual understanding between the country and the people. IYF 비전 & 사명 국제청소년연합 (IYF) 은국제교류활동을통한국제적감각을갖춘지도자양성과지구촌문제의실질적인해결을위해기독교정신을바탕으로 2001 년에설립된범세계적청소년단체이자국제 NGO입니다. 국제청소년연합 (IYF) 은지성과겸손한인성, 국제감각을갖춘다음세대의지도자를양성합니다. 그리스도의희생정신을바탕으로한다양한사회봉사활동을통한지구촌문제의실질적해결과인류의복지증진에힘씁니다. 다양한국제교류활동을통해국가와민족간상호이해와화합의증진을추구합니다. True exchange of realizations beyond race, nationality, language and religion 인종, 국가, 언어, 종교를초월한진정한 교류의정신구현 Cohesion 교류 변화 Change Pursuit of true change of one s life that starts from the heart 마음에서시작되는 삶과인생의 진정한변화추구 도전 Challenge New challenge for overcoming one s limitations and to find endless potential 자신의틀과한계를 넘어무한한가능성을위한새로운도전

11 THE 2ND WORLD EDUCATION LEADERS FORUM _11 Main Project 주요사업 Interchange Projects Leadership Development that leaders of the next generation must have 교류사업 차세대지도자로서갖춰야할리더십형성 월드캠프국내월드캠프 1995년한 미연합청소년수련회를모태로시작된월드캠프는현재매년약 50여개국 5천여명이참가하는세계적인국제대학생교류활동으로자리잡았으며, 2010년부터는 21C 해양수도인부산에서개최되고있습니다. 참가자들은한국의아름다운자연환경과선진화된문화속에서 2 주동안다양한프로그램을통해언어와문화의차이를넘어서로소통하고연합할수있는 IYF 정신과다른사람을위하는희생정신을배우며글로벌시대의진정한리더로거듭납니다. World Camp World Camp in Korea In 1995, starting with the Korean American Youth Retreat, the World Camp is has made its place as an international college student interchange program that is held in about 50 countries with about 5,000 participants, and from 2010, it has been held in the 21st century s marine city, Busan. In the beauty of Korea s natural environment and developed culture, the participants overcome the differences of language and culture through the diverse programs in the two weeks. With the IYF mindset of communicating and uniting with one another and by learning how to serve others, a true leader of the global generation is born. 해외월드캠프 2005년호주시드니에서처음시작된해외월드캠프는해마다개최국이늘어 2013년에는 33개국에서각국정부및지자체의후원아래성황리에개최되었습니다. 수년간국내외에서축적된 IYF만의운영노하우와수많은청소년들의변화된삶을검증된청소년선도프로그램이개최국현 지의특성과접목되어더욱큰시너지효과를내고있습니다. World Camp in Different Countries In the year 2005, the first World Camp out of Korea was held in Australia, and it has become an annual event. In 2013, the World Camp was held in 33 countries and with the help of the government and other sponsors, they all ended with success. With years of management know-hows accumulated through national and international camps unique to IYF, so many youth have earned changed lives by the verified youth guidance programs that are creating a great synergy effect while being grafted in with the unique characteristics of the host country. Minister of Youth World Forum The Ministers of Youth, who have a deep love and try harder than anyone else to solve youth problems, have gathered in Korea to present about the actual situation and root of the problems of the youth in their country while they look for solutions to the problems and present them. Also, through a continuous cooperation with the IYF, they pledge to take action to provide a solution and a rational plan. 세계청소년부장관포럼누구보다도청소년문제해결을위해노력하고있는전세계의청소년부장관및관계자들이한국에모여자국청소년문제의실태와원인을진단하고, 그해결책에대해논의합니다. 또한 IYF와의지속적인협력을통해전세계청소년문제의실질적해결을위한공동방안을마련하고실천을다짐합니다.

12 12_ THE 2ND WORLD EDUCATION LEADERS FORUM World Education Leaders Forum International university chancellors and world ministers of youth have gathered in Korea to share information in mutual interest and are constructing a human network of global student nurturing. Through this, they will reach an agreement about the invitation and dispatch of international students following 세계대학총장포럼국내외의대학총장들과전세계의청소년부장관들이한국에모여공동관심사를상호협의함으로써글로벌인재양성을위한인적네트워크를구축합니다. 이를통해해외유학생유치및파견에따른지원계획을협의하고개발도상국에대한공적개발원조사업 (ODA) 에대한논의를통해상호협력관계를구축하여국제교류사업을개발 발전시킵니다. the application planning process. Also, through discussing about the Official Development Assistance (ODA), they will for a mutual cooperation relationship to develop a international exchange enterprise. Good News Corps Overseas Volunteer The Good News Overseas Volunteer goes by the motto of, I want to exchange my youth for their hearts and every year 500 to 700 volunteers are dispatched each year. The university students stay with natives for one year, and learn the IYF mindset of challenge, change and exchange. 굿뉴스코해외봉사단굿뉴스코해외봉사단은 내젊음을팔아그들의마음을사고싶다 라는슬로건아래매년 80여개국에 500~700여명의봉사단원을파견합니다. 파견된단원들은 1년동안현지인과생활하며 IYF의정신인도전과변화, 교류를배우게되며, 한국의문화와위상을전세계에알리는민간외교관의역할을수행합니다. They play the role of private diplomats making Korea known all over the world. Education Projects 교육사업 Tomorrow s Little Lincoln made by Specialized Education 특성화교육을통해만들어지는내일의 작은링컨 Foreign Youth Education and Guest Lectures Pastor Ock Soo Park was invited to speak at a psychological education that the Chinese Government Office (Abbreviation of Communism Youth, a young adult organization that has an important position in the politics of China s communism) has established, called the Youth Problem Professional Lecture series in Through his lecture, Pastor Ock Soo Park lectured about and received praise for his opinions about the reasons and solutions for the Chinese youth problems. High School Education - Lincoln House School (alternative School) - Kenya Mahanaim International High School - Gracias Music Preparatory School Middle School Education - Lincoln House Global School - Gracias Music Preparatory Middle School English Speech Contest English Camp 해외청소년교육및초청강연중국공청단 ( 공산주의청년단의약자, 중국공산당내에서중요한정치적입지를가진청년조직 ) 이설립한중국청소년심리화교육중심실천기지의 청소년문제전문가시리즈강좌 에 2009년 12월박옥수목사가초청되었습니다. 박옥수목사는이강연을통해최근심각한사회문제로대두되고있는중국청소년문제에대해원인과해결책을제시해큰호응을받았습니다. 고등학교과정 - 링컨하우스스쿨 ( 대안학교 ) - 케냐마하나임국제고등학교 - 그라시아스음악학교 중학교과정 - 링컨하우스글로벌스쿨 - 그라시아스음악중학교 영어말하기대회 영어캠프

13 THE 2ND WORLD EDUCATION LEADERS FORUM _13 Culture Projects Experience through Overseas Volunteer & Sharing Precious Memories Good News Festival World Culture Experience Expo. IYF Artist Concert 문화사업해외봉사를통한체험담과소중한추억을공유 굿뉴스코페스티벌 Culture 세계문화체험박람회 IYF아티스트콘서트 Community Service Supporting NGO Activity Dispatched to 80 Countries All Over the World Good News Medical Volunteers (GNMV) The Good News Medical Volunteers is a volunteer group made of medical workers who work for the people of the world who are suffering from disease and calamity. In the summer of 2008, the volunteer program that seven korean medical workers had started, has expanded rapidly. In 2009, 105 volunteers went to Ghana, Togo, Kenya, Tanzania, and Rwanda and treated about 10,000 people. In 2010, 256 volunteers participated and were able to treat about 22,000 people and in volunteers went earned the result of treating about 35,000 natives. The main objective of the Good News Medical Volunteers is to go to remote areas of the world, not only to treat the diseases of the people, but to heal the scars of their hearts. International Event Cooperation & Support 사회봉사전세계 80여개국에파견되어현지 NGO활동을지원 굿뉴스의료봉사회 (GNMV) 굿뉴스의료봉사회 (Good News Medical Volunteers) 는지구촌곳곳에질병 과재난으로고통받는사람들을위해의료진으로구성된봉사단체입니다 년여름, 아프리카로떠났던한국의료진 7 명의봉사활동으로시작해 그규모가급진적으로커지고있습니다 년에는 105 명의봉사단원들이 가나, 토고, 케냐, 탄자니아, 르완다에서의료활동을펼쳐약 1 만명의현지 인들을진료했으며, 2010 년에는 256 명의의료진이참여하여약 2 만 2 천명 의현지인들을진료, 2011 년에는 239 명의의료진이참여하여약 3 만 5 천명 의현지인들을진료하는성과를거두었습니다. 굿뉴스의료봉사회는세계오 지사람들의질병치료를넘어마음의상처까지치유하는데궁극적인목표 를두고있습니다. 국제행사협력및지원

14 14_ THE 2ND WORLD EDUCATION LEADERS FORUM 2014 World Culture Camp 2014 월드문화캠프 In 1995, the Korean American Youth Retreat was the starting point for the Korea World Camp, and it has been held annually after it has changed its name to the World Camp in Through the training to obtain what a leader of the next generation must have, the main goal of the camp is to nurture a strong heart in outstanding students. Throughout the two weeks of the camp, the participants overcome the differences in language and culture and are able to learn the IYF mindset of communicating and uniting with each other. In 2012, having about 4,000 college students from over 50 countries participate meant that the World Camp has become Korea s representative international youth exchange activity in both name and reality. 1995년한미연합청소년수련회를모태로시작된한국월드캠프는 2001년월드캠프로명칭을변경한후해마다개최되고있습니다. 차세대지도자로서갖춰야할리더십훈련을통해강한마음을가진젊은인재를양성하는것이캠프의목적입니다. 참가자들은 2주동안언어와문화의차이를넘어서로소통하고연합할수있는 IYF 정신을배우게됩니다. 2012년에는 50여개국 4,000여명의대학생이참가했을만큼월드캠프는명실공히대한민국대표청소년국제교류활동으로성장했습니다. Purpose 개최목적 To nurture the students who have not found the true meaning to life so they can actually have confidence to challenge themselves, self-control, and deeper thinking. To show the young intellects, who are going to lead people, to see the problems of society in the right way, to have a social responsibility and to find actual problems. To fulfill a true union that overcomes race, interacts with all of the college students of the world and opens up a wide viewpoint of the world. 진정한삶의의미를찾지못한학생들에게새로운비전을심어주고이를실현할수있는도전정신과절제력, 사고력을길러줍니다. 사회문제를바르게인식하고사회적, 시대적책임감을가지고실질적인문제해결에앞장서나아갈수있는젊은지성인으로서의방향을제시합니다. 전세계대학생들과교류하며폭넓은세계관과국제마인드를갖추고국가, 인종을초월한진정한화합을실현합니다 Main Schedule 주요일정 Opening Ceremony & Haeundae Concert 개막식및해운대음악회 Half-Marathon 단축마라톤 Closing Ceremony 폐막식 (Sun) Haeundae Beach 해운대해수욕장특설무대 (Fri) Haeundae - Dong Baek Island Course 해운대 - 동백섬 (Thu) Seoul Chidren s Grand Park 서울어린이대공원

15 THE 2ND WORLD EDUCATION LEADERS FORUM _15 Schedule 전체일정 Week 1 7/6 (Sun) 7/7 (Mon) 7/8 (Tue) 7/9 (Wed) 7/10 (Thu) 7/11 (Fri) Special Guest Lecture A 명사초청강연 A Half-Marathon 단축마라톤 Morning 오전 Special Guest Lecture B 명사초청강연 B Registration 접수 Gracias Choir Performances & Mind Lecture 그라시아스합창단공연및마인드강연 Afternoon 오후 Busan City Tour 부산시내관광 Home Stay 민박 Evening 저녁 Opening Ceremony & Haeundae Music Concert 개막식및해운대음악회 Culture Performances & Mind Lecture 문화공연및마인드강연 Week 2 7/12 (Sat) 7/13 (Sun) 7/14 (Mon) 7/15 (Tue) 7/16 (Wed) 7/17 (Thu) IYF Academy Morning IYF 아카데미 Move to Seoul 오전 Gracias Choir Performances & Special Guest Lectures 서울로이동 Home Stay 그라시아스합창단공연및명사초청강연 민박 Afternoon Home Stay Gwangju Daegu Daejeon Seoul City Tour 오후 민박 광주 대구 대전 서울관광 Evening 저녁 Culture Performances & Mind Lecture 문화공연및마인드강연 Gracias Concert 그라시아스콘서트 Closing Ceremony & Music Concert 폐막식및기념음악회 *The above schedule may be changed due to extenuating circumstances. * 상기일정은사정에의해변경될수있습니다.

16 16_ THE 2ND WORLD EDUCATION LEADERS FORUM Main Programs 주요프로그램 Opening Ceremony & Haeundae Music Concert The World Culture Camp Opening Ceremony and the outdoor music concert on the best beach in Korea, Haeundae Beach, starts together with the citizens. The surging crowd of about 35,000 that gathers at Haeundae IYF Music Concert is able to experience a summer night to remember with the beautiful night view, the calm sound of the waves, and the beautiful melody of classic music on the fantastic stage. 개막식및해운대음악회월드문화캠프의개막과국내최고의해수욕장인해운대해수욕장개장을기념하기위해시민들과함께하는열린음악회를개최합니다. 35,000여명의인파가몰린해운대 IYF 음악회는아름다운야경과잔잔한파도소리, 그리고감미로운클래식음악이어우러져참석자들에게잊지못할한여름밤감동의무대를선사합니다. Special Guest Lectures The lectures of well-known people from every field of society allow participants to have an insight of the future and teach us the qualities of leaders who will lead the next generation. 명사초청강연이시대를이끌어가는사회각분야명사들의강연을통해미래를내다보는혜안과다음세대를이끌어갈지도자로서갖추어야할자질을배웁니다. Mind Lectures Through the mind lectures, participants will be able to take a peek into the world of the heart, which they have been ignoring because of the competitive society, and find true value and happiness in life. The lectures provide 마인드강연바쁜경쟁사회속에서외면해왔던자신의마음의세계를들여다보고인생의참된가치와행복을발견하여삶의분명한목적을설정할수있는계기를제공합니다. a chance for participants to establish a clear life goal. IYF Artists and the Gracias Choir Performances The best musicians of the world, the IYF Artists from Russia and the Gracias Choir, present their breathtaking classical music. IYF 아티스트및그라시아스합창단공연 세계최정상의러시아 IYF 아티스트들과그 라시아스합창단이참가자들을위해평소쉽 게접할수없는최고의클래식음악을선사 합니다. World Culture Performances Through the performances that have been prepared in the four corners of the world, we can taste the beauty and get the chance to understand the variety of the cultures. 세계문화공연해외각국에서준비해온다양한공연을통해각나라전통문화의아름다움을맛보고문화의다양성을이해할수있는기회가됩니다.

17 THE 2ND WORLD EDUCATION LEADERS FORUM _17 Touring Main Attractions While exploring the important places in Busan, it is a time for friendship as the Korean students show the foreign 명소관광 부산의주요명소를관광하면서외국인친구 들에게한국을소개하는친목의시간입니다. students around. Visit Main Cities By visiting Korea s main cities; Seoul, Dajeon, Daegu, Gwangju, and more, participants get familiar with each city s special characteristics and atmosphere, and furthermore get to know Korea better. 주요대도시탐방한국의주요대도시인서울, 대전, 대구, 광주등을탐방하며도시마다가진특성과분위기를익히고, 나아가한국을더욱잘이해할수있습니다. IYF Academies As new knowledge is built, the IYF academies makes students become one step closer to becoming a leader and build an intellectual interest through 16 different academies such as Korean, English, Japanese, other language classes, tae kwon do, Korean food, dance, skin care and more. IYF 아카데미새로운지식을쌓으며리더가되는데한걸음더다가가는 IYF 아카데미시간은한국어 영어 일본어등의언어클래스, 태권도, 한국음식만들기, 댄스배우기, 스킨케어등 16개의다양한프로그램을통해학생들의지적호기심을채워줍니다. Mini-Olympics and Recreational Activities Through outdoor activities such as the mini-olympics and other recreational activities, it is a time for the teams to unite their hearts and to build friendships with foreign friends. 미니올림픽및레크리에이션활동미니올림픽과래프팅, 각종야외활동으로팀원들과마음으로연합하고외국친구들과우정을나눌수있습니다. Half-Marathon This is the place of challenge where participants can feel the satisfaction and joy of overcoming their limit and finishing the race by overcoming the temptation to stop in 단축마라톤중도에포기하고싶은유혹을이겨내고자기한계를극복하여완주한보람과기쁨을느낄수있는도전의장입니다. the middle. Homestay During the camp, the participants go on a home stay for one night and two days. For Korean students, it s a time to introduce Korea, and for the foreign students it s a time to experience the Korean family culture close up. 민박캠프기간중참가자들은 1박 2일간의민박을하게됩니다. 한국대학생들에게는우리나라의문화를소개하는시간이, 외국대학생들은한국가정문화를가까이서체험해볼수있는시간이됩니다.

18 18_ THE 2ND WORLD EDUCATION LEADERS FORUM Branch Status 지부현황 America U.S.A. Canada Brazil Peru Argentina Paraguay Bolivia Colombia Equador Uruguay Chile Mexico Costa Rica Jamaica Dominican Rep. Haïti Europe Germany Hungary Finland France Switzerland Austria Czech Rep. Poland Romania Italy Turkey Bulgaria Portugal United Kingdom Russia Ukraine Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Uzebekistan Africa Congo Gabon Ghana Benin Togo Nigeria Côte d Ivore Liberia Senegal Sierra Leone Gambia Burkina Faso Mali Guinea Cameroon Central African Rep. Israel Kenya Rwanda Ethiopia Uganda Tanzania South Africa D. R. Congo Zambia Malawi Mozambique Brundi Zimbabwe Namibia Botswana Asia Philippines Cambodia Singapore Taiwan Thailand Myanmar Vietnam India Nepal Syria Malaysia Hongkong Mongol China Japan Korea Oceania Austrailia New zealand Canada U.S.A. Mexico Haïti Dominican Rep. Jamaica Costa Rica Colombia Equador Peru Brazil Bolivia Paraguay Chile Uruguay Argentina History of World Camps Abroad YEAR COUNTRY 2005 Australia 2006 Hawaii 2007 Thailand 2008 (4 countries) Austrlia, Peru, Ghana, Kenya 2009 (10 countries) 2010 (27 countries) 2011 (35countries) 2012 (34countries) Malaysia, Peru, Paraguay, Austria, Ghana, Togo, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Zambia Hongkong, Peru, Paraguay, Brazil, Philippines, Russia, Cambodia, Thailand, Mongolia, Jamaica, Mexico, America, England, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Côte d ivoire, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Rwanda, Zambia, Burundi, India, Myanmar Thailand, Peru, Argentina, Paraguay, Colombia, Kenya, Haïti, Dominican Rep., Zambia, Cambodia, India, Mongolia, Uganda, Germany, Ghana, Benin, Togo, Côte d ivoire, Nigeria, Cameroon, Malawi, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, U.S.A., Mexico, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Nepal, Austrailia, Myanmar Thailand, Peru, Argentina, Paraguay, Japan, Russia, Germany, Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, Liberia, Côte d ivoire, Cameroon, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Congo, Kenya, Zambia, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Malawi, U.S.A., Mexico, Dominican Rep., Haïti, Chile, India, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Nepal

19 THE 2ND WORLD EDUCATION LEADERS FORUM _19 Finland Russia Portugal France England Poland Germany Czech Rep. Austria Switzerland Italy Hungary Bulgaria Ukraine Romania Turkey Syria Kazakhstan Uzebekistan Kyrgyzstan Mongol Korea Japan Israel China Mali Senegal Gambia Burkina Faso Guinea Côte d Ivore Ghana Benin Sierra Leone Togo Liberia Nigeria Cameroon Ethiopia Central African Rep. Uganda India Nepal Taiwan Myanmar Hongkong Thailand Philippines Vietnam Cambodia Malaysia Congo D.R. of the Congo Gabon Brundi Kenya Rwanda Singapore Tanzania Malawi Zambia Mozambique Namibia Zimbabwe Botswana Austrailia South Africa New zealand The 44 Countries(59 Cities) currently hosting the 2014 World Camp COUNTRY DATE COUNTRY DATE COUNTRY DATE COUNTRY DATE India (Kolkata, Hyderabad) ~ Bolivia 1. 3 ~ 1. 5 Ghana, Côte d Ivoire ~ ~ 9. 9 India (Chennai, Delhi) ~ 10. Paraguay 1. 6 ~ 1. 8 Cambodia August Togo, Benin 9. 1 ~ Philippines 30 Thailand 2. 3 ~ 2. 8 India (Mumbai, Assam, Kolapur) 8. 4 ~ Gambia, Senegal 9. 1 ~ 9. 9 Hong Kong Cambodia ~ Kenya 8. 4 ~ 8. 8 Japan (Tokyo) ~9. 17 India (Vijayawada, Pune) Vietnam ~ Nigeria, Congo (Brazzaville) Germany ~ 5. 2 Sierra Leone, Liberia ~ Ukraine 5. 2 ~ 5. 4 U.S.A., Mexico, Dominican Republic Russia 5. 5 ~ 5. 8 India (Chandigarh), Nepal (Kathmandu) Korea D. R. Congo (Kinshasa), 7. 6 ~ End of Aug. Malawi Guinea, Cameroon ~ United Republic of Tanzania, Republic of South Africa ~ India (Delhi, Orissa) ~ Burkina Faso, Mali, Gabon ~ Brazil Sep. or Nov ~ Kenya (Kisumu), Israel Beginning of Sep. United Republic of Tanzania, Ethiopia Dominican Republic India (Nagaland, Chennai) ~ Kenya, Zimbabwe Zambia (Lusaka), Botswana Middle of Oct. Middle of Oct ~ Rwanda, Kenya (Mombasa) ~ ~ ~ Beginning of Dec. Beginning of Dec. Beginning of Dec. Ghana ~ 1. 6



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