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1 Right choice for ultimate yield LSIS strives to maximize customers' profit in gratitude of choosing us for your partner. Pulse Encoder Interface User Manual Read this manual carefully before installing, wiring, operating, servicing or inspecting this equipment. Keep this manual within easy reach for quick reference.

2 Before using the product, thank you for using our SV-iS7 Pulse Encoder Interface Option Module. Safety Instruction To prevent injury and danger in advance for safe and correct use of the product, be sure to follow the Safety Instructions. The instructions are divided as WARNING and CAUTION which mean as follow. WARNING CAUTION This symbol indicates the possibility of death or serious injury. This symbol indicates the possibility of injury or damage to property. The meaning of each symbol in this manual and on your equipment is as follows. This is the safety alert symbol. This is the dangerous voltage alert symbol. After reading the manual, keep it in the place that the user always can Contact easily. Before you proceed, be sure to read and become familiar with the safety precautions at the beginning of this manual. If you have any questions, seek expert advice before you proceed. Do not proceed if you are unsure of the safety precautions or any procedure. WARNING Be cautious about dealing with CMOS elements of option board. It can cause malfunction by static electricity. Connection changing like communication wire change must be done with power off. It can cause communication faulty or malfunction. Be sure to connect exactly between Inverter and option board. It can cause communication faulty or malfunction. Check parameter unit when setting parameter. It can cause communication faulty. 2

3 INDEX Chapter 1. Introduction What This Product Contains Option Module Installment... 5 Chapter 2. Terminal Block Specification Name and Description Power Specification for Terminal Block The Wiring Example of Pulse Encoder Option Module... 7 Chapter 3. Encoder Wiring and Switch Setting /15V Complementary or Open Collector V Line Drive V Line Drive... 9 Chapter 4. Precaution when Encoder Wiring Check the Axis Connection between the Motor and Encoder in Installment The Method of Wiring of Encoder Signal Cable 소개 제품구성품 옵션외관 설치 단자대규격 단자대명칭및설명 단자대전원규격 Pulse Encoder 옵션보드결선예 Pull Up/Down 저항연결사용시 PLC 연결사용시 /15V Complementary 또는오픈콜렉터 V 라인드라이브 V 라인드라이브 Pulse Encoder Module 과 Encoder 결선시주의사항 Encoder 취부시전동기축과 Encoder 축간의결합상태확인 Encoder 신호선의결선방법

4 Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1 What This Product Contains This option module is delivered in a package that also contains the following items: 1) Pulse Encoder Interface Module : 1ea 2) User s Manual : 1ea 3) Screw (M3) : 1ea 1.2 Option Module Encoder Type Selecting Switch Pulse Encoder Interface Module Inside of Pulse Encoder Interface Module Terminal Block of Pulse Encoder Interface Module 4

5 1.3 Installment The pictures describe the installation for pulse encoder interface option module on is7 inverter body. Before the installment of pulse encoder interface module on inverter body After the installment of pulse encoder interface module on inverter body 5

6 Pulse Output Encoder Signal Pulse Input Input Power SV-iS7 Pulse Encoder Interface Option Module Chapter 2. Terminal Block Specification 2.1 Name and Description S A+ A- B+ B- G 5V RTA RTB G Signal Symbol Name Description 5V 12V 15V Encoder Power +5V Encoder Line Drive power +12V Encoder Line Drive/ Open Collector power +15V Encoder Open Collector power G Ground Encoder power ground S A+ / A- B+ / B- RTA RTB Shield Encoder A phase signal Encoder B phase signal Encoder A phase return signal Encoder B phase return signal Connects the shielded wire of encoder signal cable Connects the A+/A- phase output signal of encoder Connects the B+/B- phase output signal of encoder Return signal of encoder A phase Return signal of encoder B phase G Ground Ground for Encoder return signal 2.2 Power Specification for Terminal Block The measured voltage standard after connecting option module Output Power Output Pulse 6 Terminal Symbol Vol. Range (V) Max. Current (A) 5V 4.5 ~ V 11 ~ V 14 ~ RTA Below 17V 0.01 RTB Below 17V 0.01

7 Resistor Resistor SV-iS7 Pulse Encoder Interface Option Module 2.3 The Wiring Example of Pulse Encoder Option Module Using Pull Up/Down resistor It is described the example that power and resistor are connected to RTA and RTB output of Pulse encoder interface option module. - Power : 24V, Resistor: 1/2W 4.7KΩ Vcc Pulse Encoder Module RTA RTB Subsidiary Control Device Ex) Synchronization Option Module A phase Input B phase Input G GND 7

8 2.1.2 Using PLC Consider the input circuit before wiring since the output of option module is open collector output. The wiring when signal is inputted from option module to High-speed counter of PLC (manufactured by LS Industrial Systems) is as shown below. VCC Encoder Option Module RT_A Subsidiary Control Device (Ex. PLC High-speed Counter) A Phase Input RT_B B Phase Input G GND 8

9 wire Chapter 3. Encoder Wiring and Switch Setting /15V Complementary or Open Collector +12/15V Open Collector (OC) V Line Drive +5V Line Drive (LD) V Line Drive +12V Line Drive (LD) 9

10 Warning Do not change the switch setting of encoder type in operation. It can affect to the system since the trip is occurred by changing the setting. Please set the switch setting correctly to encoder type and operate the inverter. 10

11 Chapter 4. Precaution when Encoder Wiring 4.1 Check the Axis Connection between the Motor and Encoder in Installment 1 Encoder must be installed the place where the revolution speed is synchronized with the motor axis. (Example) The axis of motor for load, The axis of motor at opposite side for traction machine 2 Motor will be not operated or throbbed seriously when there is a slip between motor axis and encoder axis. 3 If connection status of axis is unstable (coupling angle, center of two axes etc..), the vibration synchronized with the number of revolution of motor will be occurred at constant speed operation since the torque ripple is occurred. 4.2 The Method of Wiring of Encoder Signal Cable 1 Shielded cable must be connected after connection of shielded cable of twisted pair cable. 2 Encoder signal cable has to be located as far as possible with power cable of inverter. 3 The output signal of encoder can be affected from noise. 11

12 Warranty Maker LS Industrial Systems Co., Ltd. Installation (Start-up) Date Model No. SV-iS7 Warranty Period Customer Information Sales Office (Distributor) Name Address Tel. Name Address Tel. Warranty period is 12 months after installation or 18 months after manufactured when the installation date is unidentified. However, the guarantee term may vary on the sales term. IN-WARRANTY service information If the defective part has been identified under normal and proper use within the guarantee term, contact your local authorized LS distributor or LS Service center. OUT-OF WARRANTY service information The guarantee will not apply in the following cases, even if the guarantee term has not expired. 12 Damage was caused by misuse, negligence or accident. Damage was caused by abnormal voltage and peripheral devices malfunction (failure). Damage was caused by improper repair or altering by other than LS authorized distributor or service center. Damage was caused by an earthquake, fire, flooding, lightning, or other natural calamities. When LS nameplate is not attached. When the warranty period has expired.

13 13

14 제품을사용하기전에 먼저저희 Pulse Encoder Interface Module 을사용하여주셔서감사합니다. 안전상의주의사항 안전상의주의사항은사고나위험을사전에예방하여제품을안전하고올바르게사용하기위한것이므로반 드시지켜주십시오. 주의사항은 경고 와 주의 의두가지로구분되어있으며 경고 와 주의 의의미는다음과같습 니다. 경고 주의 지시사항을위반할때심각한상해나사망이발생할가능성이있는경우지시사항을위반할때경미한상해나제품손상이발생할가능성이있는경우 제품과사용설명서에표시된그림기호의의미는다음과같습니다. 는위험이발생할우려가있으므로주의하라는기호입니다. 는감전의가능성이있으므로주의하라는기호입니다. 사용설명서를읽고난후사용하는사람이언제라도볼수있는장소에보관하십시오. Pulse Encoder 옵션보드의기능을충분하고안전하게사용하기위하여이사용설명서를잘읽어보십시오. 주의 Encoder 옵션보드의 CMOS 소자들의취급에주의하십시오. 정전기에의한고장의원인이됩니다. Encoder 옵션보드신호선등의변경접속은인버터전원을내린상태에서하십시오. 통신불량및고장의원인이됩니다. 인버터본체와옵션보드커넥터가정확히일치하게접속되도록하십시오. 통신불량및고장의원인이됩니다. 파라미터를설정할때는파라미터 unit 을확인하시기바랍니다. 통신불량의원인이됩니다. 14

15 1. 소개 1.1 제품구성품 이옵션보드제품은아래와같이구성되어있습니다. 1) Pulse Encoder Interface Module : 1 대 2) 매뉴얼 : 1 부 3) 고정용 Screw (M3) : 1 개 1.2 옵션외관 Encoder Type 선택스위치 Pulse Encoder Interface Module 외관 Pulse Encoder Interface Module 내부 Pulse Encoder Interface Module 단자대 15

16 1.3 설치 Pulse Encoder Interface Module 을 IS7 본체에설치하는사진입니다. Encoder Interface Module 본체장착전 Encoder Interface Module 본체장착후 16

17 2. 단자대규격 2.1 단자대명칭및설명 S A+ A- B+ B- G 5V 12V 15V RTA RTB G 분류단자기호단자명칭단자설명 5V +5V Encoder 라인드라이브전원 엔코더신호 출력전원입력펄스출력펄스 12V Encoder 전원 +12V Encoder 라인드라이브 / 오픈콜렉터전원 15V +15V Encoder 오픈콜렉터전원 G Ground Encoder 전원 Ground S Shield Encoder 신호선의 Shield 선연결 A+ / A- Encoder A 상신호 Encoder 의 A+ / A-상출력신호선연결 B+ / B- Encoder B 상신호 Encoder 의 B+ / B-상출력신호선연결 RTA Encoder A 상리턴신호 Encoder 의 A 상리턴신호단자 RTB Encoder B 상리턴신호 Encoder 의 B 상리턴신호단자 G Ground Encoder 리턴신호 Ground 2.2 단자대전원규격 Pulse Encoder 연결후측정전압기준입니다. 분류단자기호전압범위 (V) 최대전류 (A) 비고 5V 4.5 ~ 출력전원 12V 11 ~ V 14 ~ 출력펄스 RTA 17V 이하 RTB 17V 이하

18 2.3 Pulse Encoder 옵션보드결선예 Pull Up/Down 저항연결사용시인버터 Pulse Encoder Interface Module 의 RTA, RTB 출력에전원과 Pull Up/Down 저항을연결하여사용하는경우의전원및저항사용예입니다. - 전원 : 24V, 저항 : 1/2W 4.7KΩ Vcc 저 항 저 항 Pulse Encoder Module RTA RTB G 주변제어기기 ( 예 : 동기옵션등 ) A 상입 B 상입 GND PLC 연결사용시인버터 Pulse Encoder Interface Module 출력은오픈콜렉터출력임을유의하고, 입력회로를고려하여결선하셔야합니다. 그림은 LS 산전 PLC 고속카운터에입력할경우의결선입니다. VCC Encoder 옵션 RT_A 주변제어기기 ( 예 : PLC 고속카운터 ) A 상입력 RT_B B 상입력 G GND 18

19 3. 엔코더결선및스위치설정방법 /15V Complementary 또는오픈콜렉터 +12/15V Open Collector (OC) V 라인드라이브 +5V Line Drive (LD) V 라인드라이브 +12V Line Drive (LD) 19

20 주의 인버터운전중에 Encoder 타입전환스위치설정을변경하지마십시오. 운전중변경하면트립이발생하여시스템에영향을미칠수있습니다. 따라서반드시운전을시작하기전에 Encoder 타입에맞는스위치설정선택을정확하게설정하신후인버터를운전하십시오. 4. Pulse Encoder Module 과 Encoder 결선시주의사항 4.1 Encoder 취부시전동기축과 Encoder 축간의결합상태확인 1 반드시전동기의축과동기속도로돌고있는곳에 Encoder 를취부해주십시오.. ( 예 ) 모터의반부하측축, Traction Machine 의전동기반대편축 2 전동기축과 Encoder 축간에슬립이있을경우전동기가기동을하지못하거나심한진동을할수있습니다. 3 축연결상태 ( 커플링각도, 두축의중심등 ) 가정확하지않은경우토크리플이발생하여정속운행시전동기회전수와동기된진동이발생합니다. 4.2 Encoder 신호선의결선방법 1 반드시트위스트페어의쉴드선을연결하고쉴드선을연결해주십시오. 2 Encoder 신호선은가급적인버터의전력선과같이포설하지말아주십시오. Encoder 출력신호에노이즈에의한영향이생길수있습니다. 20

21 품질보증서 제품명 LS 산전통신옵션카드설치일자 모델명 SV-iS7 Pulse Encoder 보증기간 성명 고객 주소 전화 성명 판매점 주소 전화 알아두기 본제품은 LS 산전기술진의엄격한품질관리및검사과정을거쳐서만들어진제품입니다. 제품보증기간은통상설치일로부터 12 개월이며, 설치일자가기입되지않았을경우에는제조일로부터 18 개월로적용합니다. 단, 계약조건에따라변경될수있습니다. 무상서비스안내 정상적인사용상태에서제품보증기간이내에고장이발생했을경우, 당사특약점이나지정서 비스센터에의뢰하시면무상으로수리하여드립니다. 유상서비스안내 다음과같은경우에유상수리를받아야합니다. 소비자의고의또는부주의로고장이발생한경우 사용전원의이상및접속기기의불량으로인해고장이발생한경우 천재지변에의해고장이발생한경우 ( 화재, 수해, 가스해, 지진등 ) LS 산전명판이부착되어있지않은경우 21


사용시 기본적인 주의사항 경고 : 전기 기구를 사용할 때는 다음의 기본적인 주의 사항을 반드시 유의하여야 합니다..제품을 사용하기 전에 반드시 사용법을 정독하십시오. 2.물과 가까운 곳, 욕실이나 부엌 그리고 수영장 같은 곳에서 제품을 사용하지 마십시오. 3.이 제품은

사용시 기본적인 주의사항 경고 : 전기 기구를 사용할 때는 다음의 기본적인 주의 사항을 반드시 유의하여야 합니다..제품을 사용하기 전에 반드시 사용법을 정독하십시오. 2.물과 가까운 곳, 욕실이나 부엌 그리고 수영장 같은 곳에서 제품을 사용하지 마십시오. 3.이 제품은 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 사용자설명서 TourBus 0 & TourBus 5 사용시 기본적인 주의사항 경고 : 전기 기구를 사용할 때는 다음의 기본적인 주의 사항을 반드시 유의하여야 합니다..제품을 사용하기 전에 반드시 사용법을 정독하십시오. 2.물과 가까운 곳, 욕실이나 부엌 그리고 수영장 같은 곳에서

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