Standard Guide for Recommended Format of Wear Test Data Suitable for Databases 1. Scope 1.1 본지침은 Computerized databases 용마모시험 Data 정리를위한규격으로서사용자가 Data
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1 ASTM G118 Standard Guide for Recommended Format of Wear Test Data Suitable for Databases 전승범 R&B INC.
2 Standard Guide for Recommended Format of Wear Test Data Suitable for Databases 1. Scope 1.1 본지침은 Computerized databases 용마모시험 Data 정리를위한규격으로서사용자가 Data 의비교나사용을위한 DB 개발에도움을사용된다. 각 Data 요소는대상재료및마모시험에관한사항을기술하고있다. 2. 관련규격 2.1 ASTM Standards 2 E 527 Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS) E 1314 Practice for Structuring Terminological Records Relating to Computerized Test Reporting and Materials Designation Formats 3 E 1338 Guide for Identification of Metals and Alloys in Computerized Material Property Databases G 40 Terminology Relating to Wear and Erosion G 65 Test Method for Measuring Abrasion Using the Dry Sand/Rubber Wheel Apparatus G 75 Test Method for Determination of Slurry Abrasivity (Miller Number) and Slurry Abrasion Response of Materials (SAR Number) G 77 Test Method for Ranking Resistance of Materials to Sliding Wear Using Block-on-Ring Wear Test G 83 Test Method for Wear Testing with a Crossed-Cylinder Apparatus3 G 99 Test Method for Wear Testing with a Pin-on-Disk Apparatus G 105 Test Method for Conducting Wet Sand/Rubber Wheel Abrasion Tests G 115 Guide for Measuring and Reporting Friction Coefficients G 132 Test Method for Pin Abrasion Testing 2.2 ANSI Standard: B Surface Texture, Surface Roughness, Waviness 4 3. 용어 3.1 정의 - 본규정의일부정의는 E 1314 및 Terminology G 40 을참조한다. 3.2 본규격의특별용어정의 class 재료의주분류로서, 예로 Metal, Ceramic, Polymer 등 common name 특정재료의자주불리는이름, 예로서 Nylon contact environment 접촉하는분위기를나타내는용어로서예로, 분위기, 습도, 존재하는 Gas 등 form 재료의형상으로서예로봉상, 판상및주물등 grade 제조회사에서재료에주어진등급 hardness 일반적인경도로서 Rockwell C, Vickers 등이포함되며시험하중을표시한다 processing treatment 공정에대한표현으로서예로 Casting, Hardening 및작업조건으로서시간및압력등 specification ASTM, SAE 등과같은공공기관에서규정된조건으로서, 재료가만족해야할조건 specimen shape 시편의형상으로 Block, Pin 등 standard test specification 시험규정으로서 ASTM, SAE 등. ( 규정이제정되었다면시험은반드시규정에따라야한다 ) subclass 분류내의세분류로서예로 Ferrous, Boride 등 4. Summary of Guide 4.1 본규정은 Computerized databases 를위한마모 Data 의기본 Form 을규정하며사용자가마모시험을포함하는원하는목적에적합한 Database 를만들수있도록충분한정보를제공된다. Database 에서의필수적인분야가표시되어있고사용자는필요에따라가감할수있다. 5. Significance and Use 5.1 본규정은 Computerized database 에입력을위한마모 Data 의영역을나누는데사용할수있도록. Data 를필수적인부분과부수적인부분으로나누고있다. 본규정은특별한 Data 양식의사용을강요하지않고 Computer data base 용특정 Software 를지지하지않는다. 5.2 Computerized databases 가증가함에따라 Data 의비교, 교환을위한 Data 의일관성이요구되고이에대한규정이필요하게되었다. 또한본규정의유용성은마모시험조건에대한자료도같이제공되어각각의마모 Data 가어떤조건에서만들어지는지를알수있어 Data 의유사성이나차이점을알수있다는것이다. 5.3 본규정의 Data 영역은사용자에의하여특정한목적에따라확장되고수정될수있으며. 본규정의합리적인구조내에서추가적인영역조절이가능하다. 5.4 본규정은 Rolling contact 마모시험, Galling, Erosion, Cavitation 시험등은포함하지않는다. Data 는표준시험또는안정된마모시험결과만포함한다. 5.5 본규정은재료의생산및구매에관련한 Data 와는연관이없다. 실제시험결과는실제재료의사양이나생산및판매자사이에결정된사안에따라기술되어야한다. 2/6
3 6. Data 분류 6.1 아래와같이마모 Data를 7개의일반영역으로분류한다 Test Identification 시험번호와같은시험을나타내는 Code정보 Test Type Sliding wear test등과같은시험종류, 예로표준G 77, G 83 및 G 99 시험등 Test Conditions 시험하중과같은시험조건 Material Definition 시험에사용한재료에대한정보예로일반명칭등 (E 527 및 Guide E 1338참조 ) Specimen Identification 시편에대한정보예로크기및표면조직등 (ANSI B ) Test Results 시험결과를나열한다예로서마모량, 마찰계수 ( 자세한사항은 Guide G 115참조 ) Documentation 위치, 시험Data에대한기록종류, 예로서발행처등 7. Data 양식 7.1 추천하는 Data 양식은 Table 1을참조한다. 이양식을사용한보기는부록 X1을참조한다. 각항은 3개의 Column을가지고각영역의이름은아래와같다 Field Reference Number 본양식의지침에따른각영역내의번호로서영구적인값의의미나 Database에입력되는번호는아니다. 이번호는본지침 6장에제시한영역집합에입력한다 Field Name or Description 영역의이름으로 Database의영역에정보를입력한다 Field Type 영역의세종류로서아래와같이표시한다 Category Sets 영역에모든가능한입력을포함하는완전한 Set Alphanumeric 영역에대표입력 Numeric 제시한단위를가지는숫자 7.2 본양식에포함된영역은사용자가각 Database의 Data와비교하기에충분하고완전한정보를제공한다. 이영역에포함된내용은다양한사용자에게유용하게사용될수있다. 7.3 많은Database는. 매우특정한용도를위하여준비되었고각 Database를만든사람들은그목적에가치가없는 Data를제외한특정한정보만을뽑았다는것을알아야된다. 그러나. 어떤 Database에대해서도사용자가 Data를비교분석하기위해서는없어서는안될필수적이라고고려되는최소한의정보가있다. 추천하는양식 (Table 1) 에이를표시하였다. 7.4 이양식에서보여주는자료는모든 DB에적절한요소를포함하지는않는다. 단지대부분의 DB사용자에게최소한유용한요소를안내하고있다. 8. Keywords 8.1 computer; data; database; format; wear TABLE 1 Recommended Data Format for Sliding Wear Data A Field numbers 는단순히참고숫자로서 Database 에입력하지않는다. B 숫자인경우정확한값을모른다면추정값또는범위를삽입으로입력한다. C DB 구성상필수적인정보 D 서로다른시험기로부터의 Data 를비교하기위해서는시험기의설명이중요하다. 예로서 G 77, G 83, G 99 를참조한다. E 완전한시험조건의설명은필수적이다. 예로서습도, 대기환경등 F 형식및액체의유무, Base oil, Mineral 등의첨가되는화학첨가제, 점도등을표시 G Abrasive 형태, Grit 크기및범위, 고정또는비고정, 접착제, 연마재속도, 액체유무등을표시한다. 예 : Water slurry with 25 volume % AFS test sand, size 50/+70 sieve size(g 65, G 75, G 105, G 132 참조 ) [Note 마모편은이영역에표시하지않는다.] H 만일표준시험규격에명시되지않았다면형상과크기를표시한다. 예 : Hemispherical 0.5 mm radius pin vs Flat 3/6
4 TABLE 1 Recommended Data Format for Sliding Wear Data Field Number A Field Name or Description Field Type or Unit B Test Identification 1.1 C 1.2 C 1.3 C Individual test number Date of test Testing organization date Test Type C 2.3 C 2.4 C 3.1 C 3.2 C C 3.5 C 3.6 C C 3.9 C 3.10 C 3.11 C 3.12 C C 4.2 C 4.3 C 4.4 C C 4.13 C 4.14 C 4.15 C C 5.2 C 5.3 C C 5.6 C 5.7 C C C Standard Test Specification Laboratory or Field test Nature of sliding test Test machine description D Load conditions Load value Pressure (nominal) Velocity conditions 7.1 Type of reference Test Conditions Velocity value or range Total sliding distance Sliding distance per cycle Test temperature Ambient temperature Type of motion Continuity of motion Contact environment description E Lubricated contact description F Abrasive contact description G Contact geometry H Other test information Material Definitions (Specimen Pairs, A and B) Material class, A Material subclass, A Common name, A Grade designation, A Specification, A Form, A Processing treatment, A Composition: name, wt/vol %, A Additional description Hardness, A Density, A Material class, B Material subclass, B Common name, B Grade designation, B Specification, B Form, B Processing treatment, B Composition: name, wt/vol %, B Additional description Hardness, B Density, B Specimen Identifications (Specimen Pairs, A and B) Specimen number or code, A Specimen shape, A Specimen dimensions, A Specimen surface texture, A Specimen number or code, B Specimen shape, B Specimen dimensions, B Specimen surface texture, B Specimen cleaning method Specimen surface production method Test Results Wear volume loss, A Wear Mass loss, A Other wear measure, A Wear volume loss, B Wear mass loss, B Other wear measure, B Static friction coefficient Kinetic friction coefficient Comments on test Documentation (1) laboratory (2) field (1) non-lubricated (2) lubricated (1) steady (2) variable N Pa (1) steady (2) variable m/s m m C C number, scale kg/m 3 number, scale kg/m 3 mm 3 g mm 3 g No unit No Unit (1) published (2) unpublished (3) technical committee report 7.2 C Location of reference (citation) (4) other 4/6
5 APPENDIXES (Nonmandatory Information) X1. EXAMPLE OF USE OF GUIDE FOR DATA FROM A CROSSED-CYLINDER WEAR TEST (TEST METHOD G 83) X1.1 Table X1.1 presents this information in tabular form Field Number Field Name Value/Entry Test Identification Individual test number Date of test Testing organization RCC COMPANY,unit Test Type 2.1 Standard Test Specification Test Method G Laboratory or Field test laboratory 2.3 Nature of sliding test non-lubricated 2.4 Test machine description NAME crossed-cyl in accordance with Test Method G 83 Test Conditions 3.1 Load conditions steady 3.2 Load value 36.4N 3.3 Pressure (nominal) 3.4 Velocity conditions steady 3.5 Velocity value or range m/s 3.6 Total sliding distance 399 m 3.7 Sliding distance per cycle 3.8 Test temperature 24 C 3.9 Ambient temperature 24 C 3.10 Type of motion rotating 3.11 Continuity of motion steady 3.12 Contact environment description laboratory air, 41 % RH 3.13 Other test information solid lubricant coating Material Definitions (Specimen Pairs, A and B) 4.1 Material class, A polymer 4.2 Material subclass, A unfilled 4.3 Common name, A PTFE 4.4 Grade designation, A 4.5 Specification, A 4.6 Form, A coating, 0.5 mm thick 4.7 Processing treatment, A applied to 440C steel rod 4.8 Composition: name, wt/vol %, A 4.9 Additional description 4.10 Hardness, A 4.11 Density, A 4.12 Material class, B metal 4.13 Material subclass, B ferrous 4.14 Common name, B steel 4.15 Grade designation, B 440C 4.16 Specification, B 4.17 Form, B rod 4.18 Processing treatment, B 4.19 Composition: name, wt/vol %, B 4.20 Additional description 4.21 Hardness, B 4.22 Density, B 4.6 Form, A coating, 0.5 mm thick 4.7 Processing treatment, A applied to 440C steel rod 4.8 Composition: name, wt/vol %, A 4.9 Additional description 4.10 Hardness, A 4.11 Density, A 4.12 Material class, B metal 4.13 Material subclass, B ferrous 4.14 Common name, B steel 4.15 Grade designation, B 440C 4.16 Specification, B 4.17 Form, B rod 4.18 Processing treatment, B 4.19 Composition: name, wt/vol %, B 4.20 Additional description Hardness, B Density, B 4.22 Specimen Identifications (Specimen Pairs, A and B) 5.1 Specimen number or code, A No Specimen shape, A coated rod 5.3 Specimen dimensions, A 0.5-in. diameter by 4 in. long 5.4 Specimen surface texture, A 5.5 Specimen number or code, B No Specimen shape, B rod 5.7 Specimen dimensions, B 0.5-in. diameter by 4 in. long 5.8 Specimen surface texture, B 5.9 Specimen cleaning method hexane, acetone, methanol 5.10 Specimen surface production method Test Results 6.1 Wear volume loss, A mm3 6.2 Wear mass loss, A 6.3 Other wear measure, A 6.4 Wear volume loss, B mm3 6.5 Wear mass loss, B 6.6 Other wear measure, B Documentation 7.1 Type of reference unpublished 7.2 Location of reference (citation) COMPANY (name, unit) 5/6
6 X2. EXAMPLE OF USE OF GUIDE FOR DATA FROM A DRY SAND/RUBBER WHEEL WEAR TEST (TEST METHOD G 65) X2.1 Table X2.1 presents this information in tabular form. Field Number Field Name Value/Entry Test Identification 1.1 Individual test number DS1280B 1.2 Date of test Testing organization COMPANY, unit Test Type 2.1 Standard test specification Test Method G 65 Procedure A 2.2 Laboratory or field test laboratory 2.3 Nature of sliding test abrasive 2.4 Test machine description NAME Test Conditions 3.1 Load conditions steady 3.2 Load value 30 N 3.4 Velocity conditions steady 3.5 Velocity value or range 200 RPM 3.6 Total sliding distance 4309 m 3.8 Test temperature 24 C 3.9 Ambient temperature 24 C 3.10 Type of motion rotating, sliding 3.11 Continuity of motion steady 3.12 Contact environment description laboratory air, 41 % RH 3.13 Abrasion contact description AFS 50/70 test sand, 300 g/min flow 3.1 Load conditions steady 3.2 Load value 30 N 3.4 Velocity conditions steady 3.5 Velocity value or range 200 RPM 3.6 Total sliding distance 4309 m 3.8 Test temperature 24 C 3.9 Ambient temperature 24 C 3.10 Type of motion rotating, sliding 3.11 Continuity of motion steady 3.12 Contact environment description laboratory air, 41 % RH 3.13 Abrasion contact description AFS 50/70 test sand, 300 g/min flow 3.14 Other test information welded nozzle, dried sand Material Definitions (Specimen Pairs, A and B) 4.1 Material class, A polymer 4.2 Material subclass, A elastomer 4.3 Common name, A polybutyl rubber 4.6 Form, A thick rim on steel wheel 4.7 Processing treatment, A according to Test Method G Hardness, A Durometer A Material class, B metal 4.13 Material subclass, B ferrous 4.14 Common name, B tool steel 4.15 Grade designation, B D Form, B bar 4.18 Processing treatment, B harden 1010 C, temper 1 h at 205 C 4.21 Hardness, B 59 HRC Specimen Identifications (Specimen Pairs, A and B) 5.1 Specimen number or code, A W Specimen shape, A rubber coated steel wheel 5.3 Specimen dimensions, A 9 in. diameter overall by 0.5 in. wide (includes 0.5 in. thick rubber coating) 5.5 Specimen number or code, B No Specimen shape, B flat 5.7 Specimen dimensions, B 0.5 in. thick by 1 in. by 3 in. 5.9 Specimen cleaning method hexane, acetone, methanol 5.10 Specimen surface production method A: turned; B: ground 200 grit Test Results 6.4 Wear volume loss, B 39 mm 3 Documentation 7.1 Type of reference unpublished 7.2 Location of reference COMPANY (name, unit) 6/6
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APOGEE Insight_KR_Base_3P11
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Cho, Mun Jin (E-mail: ABSTRACT PURPOSES : The performance of tack coat, commonly used for layer interface bonding, is affected by application rate and curing time. In this study, bonding
Lee, Kyungbae (E-mail : Lee, Jaehoon (E-mail : Sohn, Duecksu (E-mail : Kwon, Soonmin (E-mail : ABSTRACT PURPOSES : The purpose
박 기 식 여주대학 토목과 (2001. 10. 24. 접수 / 2002. 6. 14. 채택) A Study on the Longitudinal Vibration of Finite Elastic Medium using Laboratory Test Ki-Shik Park Department of Civil Engineering, Yeojoo Institute of
o. - ;,, -. -.. -. -. -. o (SI ). - ; (kgf/mm 2 ) -,. -. -,, - HRC, HV, HBW, o. -. O 3 - (Primary procedure) ; ISO - (Primary machine) ; NMI - (Primary reference materials) ; NMI o (ISO) (TC 164, Mechanical
7 LAMPS For use on a flat surface of a type 1 enclosure File No. E Pilot Lamp File No. E Type Classification Diagram - BULB Type Part Mate
7 LAMPS For use on a flat surface of a type 1 enclosure File No. E242380 Pilot Lamp File No. E242380 Type Classification Diagram - BULB Type Part Materials 226 YongSung Electric Co., Ltd. LAMPS
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Shield Form Gasket (P/N: UKB10-LS10-190-5, UKB6-LN6-200-5, UKU13-3-150-8, URB10-R5-200-D, URB5-1.5-200-4, URB8-4-180-4, URB9-1-200-D, URU10-3-150-8) 1 Shield form gasket ( 주 ) 뉴티씨 ( NewTC ) 1-1 Description
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( Design and Implementation of a Generalized Management Information Repository Service for Network and System Management ) ssp@nile DPE Lab. 1997 12 16 GMIRS GMIRS GMIRS prototype
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COLUMN, BED, SADDLE The column is of a rugged box-type construction and its ground slide ways are wide to support and guide securely the spindle head.
제 1 장 정수처리 개요
() 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1-1,... 1-2 (suspended solids),, (dissolved solids), (source) : (disolved solids) (suspended solid) [10-4 < d < 1] (source) [10-3
저작자표시 - 비영리 - 변경금지 2.0 대한민국 이용자는아래의조건을따르는경우에한하여자유롭게 이저작물을복제, 배포, 전송, 전시, 공연및방송할수있습니다. 다음과같은조건을따라야합니다 : 저작자표시. 귀하는원저작자를표시하여야합니다. 비영리. 귀하는이저작물을영리목적으로이용할
저작자표시 - 비영리 - 변경금지 2.0 대한민국 이용자는아래의조건을따르는경우에한하여자유롭게 이저작물을복제, 배포, 전송, 전시, 공연및방송할수있습니다. 다음과같은조건을따라야합니다 : 저작자표시. 귀하는원저작자를표시하여야합니다. 비영리. 귀하는이저작물을영리목적으로이용할수없습니다. 변경금지. 귀하는이저작물을개작, 변형또는가공할수없습니다. 귀하는, 이저작물의재이용이나배포의경우,
G Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 531~539, August, 2008 š x y w m š gj p { sƒ z 1) * 1) w w Evaluation of Flexural Strength for Normal and High Strength Concrete with Hooked
Development of culture technic for practical cultivation under structure in Gastrodia elate Blume
Development of culture technic for practical cultivation under structure in Gastrodia elate Blume 1996. : 1. 8 2. 1 1998. 12. : : ( ) : . 1998. 12 : : : : : : : : : : - 1 - .. 1.... 2.. 3.... 1..,,.,,
KOLAS-G-020 1.. KS Q ISO/IEC17025 /., KS Q 9000 3.,.. 2.. ( ). KS Q ISO/IEC 17000 - VIM VIML ILAC-P10 ILAC KS P ISO 15189 - KS P ISO 17511 - - KS Q ISO/IEC 17025 1.. KS Q ISO/IEC17025, KS P ISO 15189,
WOMA Pumps - Z Line
High-Pressure Plunger Pumps Z-Line (up to 1500 bar) 150 Z 250 Z 400 Z 550 Z 700 Z 1000 Z High-Pressure Plunger Pump Type 150 Z 211 133 250 615 100 95 Discharge 60 -Konus 9.5 deep M12x17 deep 322 255 331
exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp log 第 卷 第 號 39 4 2011 4 투영법을 이용한 터빈 블레이드의 크리프 특성 분석 329 성을 평가하였다 이를 위해 결정계수값인 값 을 비교하였으며 크리프 시험 결과를 곡선 접합 한 결과와 비선형 최소자승법으로 예측한 결과 사 이 결정계수간 정도의 오차가 발생하였고
(2) : :, α. α (3)., (3). α α (4) (4). (3). (1) (2) Antoine. (5) (6) 80, α =181.08kPa, =47.38kPa.. Figure 1.
Continuous Distillation Column Design Jungho Cho Department of chemical engineering, Dongyang university 1. ( ).... 2. McCabe-Thiele Method K-value. (1) : :, K-value. (2) : :, α. α (3)., (3). α α (4) (4).
Chapter 5 Gases 3 5.1 2 NaN 3 (s) 2Na(s) + 3N 2 (g) Air bag 45.5L sodium azide?,,? 3 5.2 ? 1.,,, 2. P, V, n, T ( ) 3. 3 5.3 5.1,, = 1L = 10 3 cm 3 = 10-3 m 3 m=m n ( ) T k = t c + 273.15 : psi, mmhg, atm(
page 1end
C 0.0.2 ma Cr 14.5~16.5 Co 2.5 max Iron 4~7 Mn 1 max Mo 15 ~ 17 Ni Balance P 0.03 max Si 0.08 max S 0.03 max W 3 ~ 4.5 V 0.35 max 8.89g/cm 3 Multipurpose corrosion resistance of NickelMolybdenumChrome.
X-VA-MT3809G-MT3810G-kor 기본적인 설명 진행전 반드시 읽어 주십시오. Brooks 는 많은 국내 및 국제 기준을 충족하기 위해 제품을 설계, 생산 및 테스트를 합니다. 이 제품이 제대로 설치, 운영되고 그 들이 정상 사양 내에서 작동하도록 지속적인 유지보수가 필요합니다. Brooks Instrument 제품을 설치, 사용 및 유지보수 시
KM-560 KM-560-7 PARTS BOOK KM-560 KM-560-7 INFORMATION A. Parts Book Structure of Part Book Unique code by mechanism Unique name by mechanism Explode view Ref. No. : Unique identifcation number by part
DC Link Application DC Link capacitor can be universally used for the assembly of low inductance DC buffer circuits and DC filtering, smoothing. They
DC Link Capacitor DC Link Application DC Link capacitor can be universally used for the assembly of low inductance DC buffer circuits and DC filtering, smoothing. They are Metallized polypropylene (SH-type)
JEL Tapping JEL DOREX JEL TAREX JEL SIREX JEL GG Example application grey cast iron Workpiece: Engine block Material: GG Tool: JEL solid carbide taps (CM8-6HX IK VHM) Thread: Blind hole M8, drilling depth
기술현황분석 나노 기공성 에어로겔 제조기술 및 응용현황 안 영 수 / 기능소재연구센터 요 약 나노 기공성 에어로겔 제조기술 및 응용현황 한국에너지기술연구원 Property Value Bulk Density Internal surface area % solid Mean pore diameter Primary particle diameter Index of refraction
(Exposure) Exposure (Exposure Assesment) EMF Unknown to mechanism Health Effect (Effect) Unknown to mechanism Behavior pattern (Micro- Environment) Re
EMF Health Effect 2003 10 20 21-29 2-10 - - ( ) area spot measurement - - 1 (Exposure) Exposure (Exposure Assesment) EMF Unknown to mechanism Health Effect (Effect) Unknown to mechanism Behavior pattern
Fig. 1 2.5%. 51.5%, 46.0%,.. /, Table 1 (U.V.; Ultraviolet 10-400 nm)/ (NIR; Near Infrared 700 nm - 5 µm) ( TiO 2, WO 3, ZnO, CeO, ATO, Sb 2O 3-ZnO, ITO.) (400 nm - 780 nm). /. Fig. 1.. 23 Table 1. / /
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Introduction Capillarity( ) (flow ceased) Capillary effect ( ) surface and colloid science, coalescence process,
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DMFC 5-60-30 제정: 2011. 7. 11 국방 군사시설기준 탄약고 설계지침 국 방 부 DMFC 5-60-30 제정: 2011. 7. 11 목 차 제1부 강재(파형강판) 탄약고 제1장 일반사항 1-1 적용 범위 1 1-2 참조 기준 1 1-3 주요 용어 1 제2장 설계지침 2-1 설계하중 3 2-2 설계사항 3 2-3 최소 다짐층 토피고 6 2-4
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[ ] œwz, 21«6y(2008) J. of the Korean Society for Heat Treatment, Vol. 21, No. 6, (2008) pp. 300~306 š y w p x*, **Á **Áy y* * ** w œ w œw, w» gœ Solid State Diffusion Brazing of the Aluminum Alloy Castings
Alloy Group Material Al 1000,,, Cu Mg 2000 ( 2219 ) Rivet, Mn 3000 Al,,, Si 4000 Mg 5000 Mg Si 6000, Zn 7000, Mg Table 2 Al (%
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저작자표시 - 동일조건변경허락 2.0 대한민국 이용자는아래의조건을따르는경우에한하여자유롭게 이저작물을복제, 배포, 전송, 전시, 공연및방송할수있습니다. 이차적저작물을작성할수있습니다. 이저작물을영리목적으로이용할수있습니다. 다음과같은조건을따라야합니다 : 저작자표시. 귀하는원
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' Zr-Nb-Sn-Fe-X Evaluation of Corrosion and Mechanical Properties of Zr-Nb-Sn-Fe-X Alloys for Fuel Claddings,,, 15 36 LiOH 4 Zr-Nb-Sn-Fe-X. LiOH Zr-Nb-Sn-Fe-X, LiOH Zircaloy-4.. 47 52. Abstract The corrosion
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물리화학 1 문제풀이 130403 김대형교수님 Chapter 1 Exercise (#1) A sample of 255 mg of neon occupies 3.00 dm 3 at 122K. Use the perfect gas law to calculate the pressure of the gas. Solution 1) The perfect gas law p
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이산수학 () n-항관계 (n-ary Relations) 2011년봄학기 강원대학교컴퓨터과학전공문양세 n-ary Relations (n-항관계 ) An n-ary relation R on sets A 1,,A n, written R:A 1,,A n, is a subset R A 1 A n. (A 1,,A n 에대한 n- 항관계 R 은 A 1 A n 의부분집합이다.)
판매원-삼성전자주식회사 본 사 : 경기도 수원시 영통구 매탄 3동 416번지 제조원 : (주)아이젠 삼성 디지털 비데 순간온수 세정기 사용설명서 본 제품은 국내(대한민국)용 입니다. 전원, 전압이 다른 해외에서는 품질을 보증하지 않습니다. (FOR KOREA UNIT STANDARD ONLY) 이 사용설명서에는 제품보증서가 포함되어 있습니다. 분실되지 않도록
1.LAN의 특징과 각종 방식
0 Chapter 1. LAN I. LAN 1. - - - - Switching - 2. LAN - (Topology) - (Cable) - - 2.1 1) / LAN - - (point to point) 2) LAN - 3) LAN - 2.2 1) Bound - - (Twisted Pair) - (Coaxial cable) - (Fiber Optics) 1
A Study of select the apropos processing mechanical method by the presume of transformation of teeth s surface degree ABSTRACT This study has been tried to select the apropos processing method by the
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(1/28) (2/28) (10 Mbps ) Video, Audio. (3/28) 10 ~ 15 ( : telnet, ftp ),, (4/28) UDP/TCP (5/28) centralized environment packet header information analysis network traffic data, capture presentation network
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DOOSAN HEAVY INDUSTRIES & CONSTRUCTION TOOL STEEL FOR DIE CASTING & HOT STAMPING The ever-faster pace of change necessitates products of ever-higher p
w y wz 8«( 2y) 57~61, 2005 J. of the Korean Society for Environmental Analysis p w w Á Á w w» y l Analysis of Influence Factors and Corrosion Characteristics of Water-pipe in Potable Water System Jae Seong
S e A H S t e e l C o r p o r a t i o n STEEL PIPES & TUBES Contents 3 4 5 6 8 10 16 37 38 40 45 46 47 Brief History 1960. 10 ( ) 1965. 3 KS Monogram 1967. 8 1969. 5 1970. 8 1973. 10 SPIRAL 1975. 2 1978.
Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol.27, No.2, 2011, pp.163~170 Change of Refractive Index of Air in X-band due to Atmospheric Humidity, Temperature and Pressure measured by GB-SAR Interferometry Jae-Hee
e- 비즈니스연구 (The e-business Studies) Volume 17, Number 1, February, 28, 2016:pp. 293~316 ISSN 1229-9936 (Print), ISSN 2466-1716 (Online) 원고접수일심사 ( 수정 ) 게재확정일 2015. 12. 04 2015. 12. 24 2016. 02. 25 ABSTRACT
교정성적서 CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE 서울시특별시강남구언주로 133길, 26-5 #26-5,Eonju-ro 133-gil,Gangnam-gu,Seoul Tel: , Fax: 성적서번호 (Certificate No
교정성적서 CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE 서울시특별시강남구언주로 133길, 26-5 #26-5,Eonju-ro 133-gil,Gangnam-gu,Seoul Tel:02-3485-1977, Fax:02-3485-1980 성적서번호 () : RSKC19-092 페이지 (Page) (1) / ( 총 8) 1. 의뢰자 (Client) 기관명 (Name)
(specifications) 3 ~ 10 (introduction) 11 (storage bin) 11 (legs) 11 (important operating requirements) 11 (location selection) 12 (storage bin) 12 (i
SERVICE MANUAL N200M / N300M / N500M ( : R22) e-mail : jhyun00@koreacom homepage : http://wwwicematiccokr (specifications) 3 ~ 10 (introduction) 11 (storage bin) 11 (legs) 11 (important operating requirements)
(Chip Resistor) HISTORY - - Fixed Thick Film Resistor - System ,,. ( ) RuO2 Supptering NiCr Carbon,,,,TCR HIGH POWER, TCR, Volumn chip - (ohm's law) - - 1 R = 1 1 = 1 + R1 R2 R = R1 + R2 = 2 + 3 = 5 I
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Materials Material Grades : PL Series Applicaton : Power transformer and Inductor Grades μi Freq. (MHz) Pcv 1) (Kw/ m3 ) Bs 2) (mt) Materials Characteristics PL-7 2,400 ~ 0.2 410 390 Mn-Zn Low loss PL-9
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VOL.76.2008/2 Technical SmartPlant Materials - Document Management SmartPlant Materials에서 기본적인 Document를 관리하고자 할 때 필요한 세팅, 파일 업로드 방법 그리고 Path Type인 Ph
인터그래프코리아(주)뉴스레터 통권 제76회 비매품 News Letters Information Systems for the plant Lifecycle Proccess Power & Marine Intergraph 2008 Contents Intergraph 2008 SmartPlant Materials Customer Status 인터그래프(주) 파트너사
PARTS BOOK KM-235A/B INFORMATION A. Parts Book Structure of Part Book Unique code by mechanism Unique name by mechanism Explode view Ref. No. : Unique identifcation number by part Parts No. : Unique Product
Turbine Digital Flowmeter SEMI U+ 특징 PVC, PTFE, P.P, PVDF 등 다양한 재질 Size, 유량, Connection별 주문제작 정밀성, 내화학성이 우수 4~20mA, Alarm, 통신(RS485) 등 출력 제품과 Controll
Turbine Digital Flowmeter SEMI U+ 특징 PVC, PTFE, P.P, PVDF 등 다양한 재질 Size, 유량, Connection별 주문제작 정밀성, 내화학성이 우수 4~20mA, Alarm, 통신(RS485) 등 출력 제품과 Controller의 장착 및 사용이 편리 Specification (사양) 적용유체 : 액체 (D.I or
TEL:02)861-1175, FAX:02)861-1176 , REAL-TIME,, ( ) CUSTOMER. CUSTOMER REAL TIME CUSTOMER D/B RF HANDY TEMINAL RF, RF (AP-3020) : LAN-S (N-1000) : LAN (TCP/IP) RF (PPT-2740) : RF (,RF ) : (CL-201)
[ ] w wz DOI: 10.3740/MRSK.2009.19.12.692 Kor. J. Mater. Res. Vol. 19, No. 12 (2009) y INCONEL 718w Gas Tungsten Arc Welding» p sƒ ½»y Á *Á *Á y** ( ) d lj p wœq, *w wœ» q **( ) d lj p t Mechanical Properties
항균탄성바닥재 2.0T 2.2T 3.0T 3.3T 4.5T 6.5T 8.0T
항균탄성바닥재 2.0T 2.2T 3.0T 3.3T 4.5T 6.5T 8.0T 항균탄성바닥재는 탄성및복원력이매우뛰어난특수 Form층을온도에의한변화방지및인장강도, 치수안정성을위하여 Fiber Glass로보강하고표면의충격이나스크래치등의파손원인에완벽하게저항할수있도록 Layer층에 UV Coating 가공된특수필름으로코팅한바닥마감재입니다. 특장점 우수한보행감과안정성우수
Microsoft PowerPoint - Powertrain_Sensor
Manifold Absolute Pressure(Temperature) Sensor Manifold Absolute Pressure (Temperature) Sensor measures the pressure (temperature) of intake manifold for calculating indirectly the intake air flow quantity
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