설치된장치 31 보호타입 마킹 냉각의타입 구동포지션 높이 너비 깊이 제품무게 모터파워 (AC-3) 모터시동장치타입 열보호모터 Phase failure line Thermal protection starter CE 강제된대류용 수직 +/- 10 도 425 mm 206 m

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1 ... 제품데이터시트사양 ATS22C21Q soft starter-ats22-control 220V-power 230V (55kW)/ V(110kW) 메인 제품의범위 Altistart 22 제품또는구성요소타입 제품도착점 제품사양응용 구성요소이름 상들의네트워크수 소프트스타터 비동기모터 Pumps and fans ATS22 3 상 [Us] 정격입력전압 V % 모터전력 kw 공장설정전류 W 단위의전력소모 활용카테고리 시동의타입 IcL 시동장치등급 IP 등급 110 kw 400 V 110 kw 440 V 55 kw 230 V 195 A 117 W 표준응용프로그램용 AC - 53A 토크제어를통한시동 ( 전류제한됨 ~ 3.5 In 로전류제한 ) 210 A connection in the motor supply line for standard applications IP00 Complementary 어셈블리스타일 기능이용가능 전원전압제한 열싱크있는 내부바이패스 V 전원주파수 Hz % 네트워크주파수 장치연결 제어회로전압 제어회로소모 디지털출력수 2 디지털출력타입 최소전환전류 최대전환전류 디지털입력수 3 디지털입력타입 디지털입력전압 디지털입력로직 출력전류제한 PTC probe input 통신포트프로토콜 커넥터타입 통신데이터링크 물리적인터페이스 전송속도 Hz 모터전원공급라인의경우모터델타터미널로 230 V % 50/60 Hz 20 W Relay outputs R1 230 V running, alarm, trip, stopped, not stopped, starting, ready C/O Relay outputs R2 230 V running, alarm, trip, stopped, not stopped, starting, ready C/O 100 ma 12 V DC relay outputs 5 A 250 V AC resistive 1 relay outputs 5 A 30 V DC resistive 1 relay outputs 2 A 250 V AC inductive ms relay outputs 2 A 30 V DC inductive 7 ms relay outputs Logic LI1, LI2, LI3 5 ma 4.3 kohm 24 V <= 30 V 포지티브로직 LI1, LI2, LI3 < 5 V 그리고 <= 2 ma > 11 V >= 5 ma Icl 조정가능 750 Ohm Modbus 1 RJ45 시리얼 RS485 멀티드롭 4800, 9600 또는 bps,. 1 / 8

2 설치된장치 31 보호타입 마킹 냉각의타입 구동포지션 높이 너비 깊이 제품무게 모터파워 (AC-3) 모터시동장치타입 열보호모터 Phase failure line Thermal protection starter CE 강제된대류용 수직 +/- 10 도 425 mm 206 mm 299 mm 33 kg kw 에서 V 3 상 kw 에서 V 3 상 Soft starter 환경 전자기적합성 Conducted and radiated emissions level A IEC Damped oscillating waves level 3 IEC Electrostatic discharge level 3 IEC Immunity to electrical transients level 4 IEC Immunity to radiated radio-electrical interference level 3 IEC Voltage/current impulse level 3 IEC 표준 EN / IEC 제품인증 CCC CSA C-Tick GOST UL 내진동 1 gn Hz EN / IEC mm Hz EN/IEC 내충격성 15 gn 11 ms EN / IEC 노이즈레벨 56 db 오염정도 Level 2 IEC 상대습도 % without condensation or dripping water EN/IEC 사용온도 저장온도 C 사용고도 C 출력감세없는 > 40...< 60 C C 당전류출력감세 2.2 % 있는 <= 1000 m 출력감세없는 > < 2000 m 추가적인 100 m 당전류출력감세 2.2 % 있는 상품의지속가능성 지속제공상태 RoHS (date code: YYWW) REACh 제품환경프로필생활지침의제품끝 Green Premium product 준수 - since Schneider Electric declaration of conformity Reference not containing SVHC above the threshold 유효한유효한 Contractual warranty 보증기간 18 개월 Frame Size D Dimensions 2 / 8

3 Precautions Standards The Altistart 22 soft starter is compliant with pollution Degree 2 as defined in NEMA ICS1-1 or IEC For environment pollution degree 3, install the Altistart 22 soft starter inside a cabinet type 12 or IP54. Air Circulation DANGER HAZARD OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, EXPLOSION, OR ARC FLASH ATS22 soft starters are open devices and must be mounted in a suitable enclosure. Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury. Leave sufficient free space to help the air required for cooling purposes to circulate from the bottom to the top of the unit. Overheating To avoid the soft starter to overheat, respect the following recommendations: Mount the Altistart 22 Soft Starter within ± 10 of vertical. Do not locate the Altistart 22 Soft Starter near heat radiating elements. Electrical current through the Altistart 22 Soft Starter will result in heat losses that must be dissipated into the ambient air immediately surrounding the soft starter. To help prevent a thermal fault, provide sufficient enclosure cooling and/or ventilation to limit the ambient temperature around the soft starter. If several soft starters are installed in a control panel, arrange them in a row. Do not stack soft starters. Heat generated from the bottom soft starter can adversely affect the ambient temperature around the top soft starter. 3 / 8

4 Wall mounted or Floor-standing Enclosure with IP 23 Degree of protection Introduction To help proper air circulation in the soft starter, grilles and forced ventilation can be installed. Ventilation Grilles Forced Ventilation Unit Power Terminal Bar Style Power supply and output to motor Bar b 30 mm (1.18 in) a Bolt Cable and protective cover Size Gauge Protective cover Tightening torque 5 mm (0.2 in) M12 (0.47 in) 2 X 150 mm² 2 X 250 MCM LA9F N.m lb.in Power connections, minimum required wiring section IEC cable mm² (Cu 70 C/158 F) (1) UL cable AWG (Cu 75 C/167 F) (1) MCM 230 Vac control, logic Inputs (LI) 24 Vdc, 3-wire control With Line Contactor, Freewheel or Controlled Stop 4 / 8

5 230 Vac control, logic Inputs (LI) 24 Vdc, 2-wire control,freewheel stop Connection in the motor delta winding in series with each winding Wiring ATS22 soft starters connected to motors with the delta connections can be inserted in series in the motor windings. The following wiring requieres particular attention. It is documented in the Altistart 22 Soft start - soft stop unit user manual. Please contact Schneider Electric commercial organisation for further informations. 5 / 8

6 Example A 400 V kw motor with a line current of 195 A (nominal current for the delta connection). The current in each winding is equal to 195/1.5 or 130 A. The rating is determined by selecting the soft starter with a permanent nominal current (ICL) just above this current. Motor Thermal Protection - Cold Curves Curves A Class 10 B Class 20 C Class 30 6 / 8

7 Trip time for a Standard Application (Class 10) 32 s Trip time for a Severe Application (Class 20) 63 s Trip time for a Severe Application (Class 30) 95 s Motor Thermal Protection - Warm Curves Curves A Class 10 B Class 20 C Class 30 Trip time for a Standard Application (Class 10) 16 s Trip time for a Severe Application (Class 20) 7 / 8

8 32 s Trip time for a Severe Application (Class 30) 48 s 8 / 8



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