... 제품데이터시트사양 ATV71HC25N4 가변속도드라이브 ATV71-250KW 400HP - 480V - EMC 필터 Complementary 제품도착점 전원전압제한 메인 제품의범위 Altivar 71 제품또는구성요소타입 제품사양응용 구성요소이름 모터전력 kw 모

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Download "... 제품데이터시트사양 ATV71HC25N4 가변속도드라이브 ATV71-250KW 400HP - 480V - EMC 필터 Complementary 제품도착점 전원전압제한 메인 제품의범위 Altivar 71 제품또는구성요소타입 제품사양응용 구성요소이름 모터전력 kw 모"


1 ... 제품데이터시트사양 ATV71HC25N4 가변속도드라이브 ATV71-250KW 400HP - 480V - EMC 필터 Complementary 제품도착점 전원전압제한 메인 제품의범위 Altivar 71 제품또는구성요소타입 제품사양응용 구성요소이름 모터전력 kw 모터전력 hp 모터케이블길이 가변속도드라이브 복합, 고전력기계 ATV kw 에서 V 3 상 250 kw 에서 V 3 상 350 hp 에서 V 3 상 400 hp 에서 V 3 상 [ 문의 ] 정격공급전압 V ( %) 상들의네트워크수 라인전류 EMC 필터 어셈블리스타일 변수 피상전력 사용가망라인 Isc 공칭출력전류 최대순간전류 출력주파수 공칭전환주파수 전환주파수 비동기화모터제어프로파일 편광의타입 비동기모터동기화모터 V 전원주파수 Hz ( %) 네트워크주파수 속도범위 속도정확성 Hz 3 상 320 Afor 480 V 3 상 220 kw / 350 hp 357 Afor 480 V 3 상 250 kw / 400 hp 396 Afor 380 V 3 상 220 kw / 350 hp 444 Afor 380 V 3 상 250 kw / 400 hp 통합된 열싱크있는 강화된버전 KVA 에서 380 V 3 상 220 kw / 350 hp KVA 에서 380 V 3 상 250 kw / 400 hp 50 ka, 3 phases 427 A at 2.5 khz 380 V 3 상 220 kw / 350 hp 427 A at 2.5 khz 460 V 3 상 220 kw / 350 hp 481 A at 2.5 khz 380 V 3 상 250 kw / 400 hp 481 A at 2.5 khz 460 V 3 상 250 kw / 400 hp 640 Afor 60 s 3 상 220 kw / 350 hp 704 Afor 2 s 3 상 220 kw / 350 hp 721 Afor 60 s 3 상 250 kw / 400 hp 793 Afor 2 s 3 상 250 kw / 400 hp Hz 2.5 khz khz 조정가능 khz 저감계수있는 불균불균형부하용 ENA ( 에너지적응화 ) 시스템센서 ( 전류벡터 ) 있는유동 (flux) 벡터제어 (FVC) 센서없음유동 (flux) 벡터제어 (SFVC) ( 전압또는전류벡터 ) 전압 / 주파수속도 (2 또는 5 포인트 ) 임피던스없음 for Modbus for 비동기화모터개방형 - 루프모드에서, 속도피드백없음 for 동기화모터개방형 - 루프모드에서, 속도피드백없음 for 비동기화모터엔코더피드백있는폐쇄됨 - 루프모드에서 공칭속도의 +/ %for 0.2 Tn ~ Tn 토오크변동엔코더피드백있는폐쇄됨 - 루프모,. 1 / 11

2 토크정확성 순간과토크 제동토크 동기화모터제어프로파일 조절루프 모터슬립보상 로컬시그널링 출력전압 절연 케이블의타입 드에서공칭슬립의 +/- 10 % for 0.2 Tn ~ Tn 토오크변동속도피드백없는 + / - 15% 개방형 - 루프모드에서, 속도피드백없음 + / - 5% 엔코더피드백있는폐쇄됨 - 루프모드에서 220 % 공칭모터토크의 +/- 10 %for 2 s 170 % 공칭모터토오크의 +/- 10 %for 60 s 10 분마다 <= 150 % 제동또는호이스트저항기있는 30 % 제동저항기없는 속도피드백없는벡터제어 조정가능 PI 조절장치 조정가능부하는무엇이든자동전압 / 주파수속도 (2 또는 5 포인트 ) 에서사용불가억제가능 LED 1 개적색 ~ 의존재드라이브전압 <= 전원전압 전기적전력및제어 NEMA 타입 1 키트있는 : 3- 스트랜드 UL 508 케이블에서 40 C, 구리 75 C PVC IP21 또는 IP31 키트있는 : 3- 스트랜드 IEC 케이블에서 40 C, 구리 70 C PVC 마운팅키트없는 : 1- 스트랜드 IEC 케이블에서 45 C, 구리 70 C PVC 마운팅키트없는 : 1- 스트랜드 IEC 케이블에서 45 C, 구리 90 C XLPE / EPR 전기적연결 AI1-/AI1 +, AI2, AO1, R1A, R1B, R1C, R2A, R2B, LI1... LI6, PWR 터미널 2.5 mm² / AWG 14 L1 / R, L2 / S, L3 / T, U/T1, V/T2, W/T3 터미널 4 X 185mm ² PC / -, PA / + 터미널 4 X 185mm ² 조임토크 전원 아날로그입력수 2 아날로그입력타입 L1 / R, L2 / S, L3 / T, U/T1, V/T2, W/T3 41 N.m / 360 lb.in PC / -, PA / + 41 N.m / 360 lb.in AI1-/AI1 +, AI2, AO1, R1A, R1B, R1C, R2A, R2B, LI1... LI6, PWR 0.6 N.m 레퍼런스분압계 (1 ~ 10 kohm) 용내부전원, 10.5 V DC +/- 5 %, <= 10 ma for 과부하및단락 - 회로보호내부전원, 24 V DC, 전압제한 V, <= 200 ma for 과부하및단락 - 회로보호 AI1-/Al1 + 양극차동전압 + / - 10 V DC, 입력전압 24 V 최대, 해상도 11 비트 + 신호 AI2 소프트웨어 - 환경구성가능전류 mA, 임피던스 242 옴, 해상도 11 비트 AI2 소프트웨어 - 환경구성가능전압 V DC, 입력전압 24 V 최대, 임피던스 옴, 해상도 11 비트 샘플링지속기간 AI1-/Al1 + 2 ms, +/- 0.5 msfor 아날로그입력 ( 들 ) Al2 2 ms, +/- 0.5 msfor 아날로그입력 ( 들 ) LI1... LI5 2 ms, +/- 0.5 msfor 이산입력 ( 들 ) LI6 ( 로직입력으로서환경구성된경우 ) 2 ms, +/- 0.5 msfor 이산입력 ( 들 ) 반응시간 정확성 <= STO 에서 100 ms ( 안전토크 Off) AO1 2 ms, 공차 +/- 0.5 msfor 아날로그출력 R1A, R1B, R1C 7 ms, 공차 +/- 0.5 msfor 이산출력 R2A, R2B 7 ms, 공차 +/- 0.5 msfor 이산출력 AI1-/Al1 + +/- 0.6 % a 온도변동 60 C 에대한 AI2 +/- 0.6 % a 온도변동 60 C 에대한 AO1 + / - 1 퍼센트 a 온도변동 60 C 에대한 선방식오류 AI1-/Al1 +, AI2 최대값의 +/ % AO1 +/- 0.2 % 아날로그출력수 1 아날로그출력타입 디지털출력수 2 디지털출력타입 최소전환전류 AO1 소프트웨어 - 환경구성가능전류 mA, 임피던스 500 옴, 해상도 10 비트 AO1 소프트웨어 - 환경구성가능전류 mA, 임피던스 500 옴, 해상도 10 비트 AO1 소프트웨어 - 환경구성가능전압 V DC, 임피던스 470 옴, 해상도 10 비트 AO1 software-configurable logic output 10 V 20 ma R1A, R1B, R1C 릴레이로직설정가능 NO/NC, 전기내구성 주기 R2A, R2B 릴레이로직설정가능 No, 전기내구성 주기 릴레이로직설정가능 3 ma 에서 24 V DC 최대전환전류 R1, R2 위에, 중에저항성부하, 5 A 에서 250 V AC, cos Phi = 1, R1, R2 위에, 중에저항성부하, 5 A 에서 30 V DC, cos Phi = 1, R1, R2 위에, 중에유도형부하, 2 A 에서 250 V AC, cos Phi = 0.4, R1, R2 위에, 중에유도형부하, 2 A 에서 30 V DC, cos Phi = 0.4, 디지털입력수 7 디지털입력타입 LI6: 스위치 - 환경구성가능 24 V DC 가진레벨 1 PLC, 임피던스 : 3500 옴 PWR: 안전입력 24 V DC, 임피던스 : 1500 옴일치되는 ISO 레벨 d 2 / 11

3 LI1... LI5: 프로그래밍가능 24 V DC 가진레벨 1 PLC, 임피던스 : 3500 옴 LI6: 스위치 - 환경구성가능 PTC 탐침 0...6, 임피던스 : 1500 옴 디지털입력로직 LI1... LI5 포지티브로직 ( 소스 ), < 5 V ( 상태 0), > 11 V ( 상태 0) LI1... LI5 네거티브로직 ( 싱크 ), > 16 V ( 상태 0), < 10 V ( 상태 0) LI6 ( 로직입력으로서환경구성된경우 ) 포지티브로직 ( 소스 ), < 5 V ( 상태 0), > 11 V ( 상태 0) LI6 ( 로직입력으로서환경구성된경우 ) 네거티브로직 ( 싱크 ), > 16 V ( 상태 0), < 10 V ( 상태 0) 가속및감속램프 정지상태로제동 보호타입 절연저항 주파수해상도 통신포트프로토콜 커넥터의타입 물리적인터페이스 전송프레임 전송속도 데이터포맷 어드레스의수 액세스의방법 마킹 구동포지션 높이 깊이 너비 제품무게 Functionality Specific application 선택사항카드 제동용량이초과하면저항기를이용하여, 경사램프의자동적응화 0.01 부터 9000 s 까지별도로선형조정가능 S, U 또는고객맞춤된 DC 주입에의함 드라이브제한속도초과방지드라이브입력상손실방지드라이브제어회로상에서제동드라이브입력상제동드라이브라인전원과전압드라이브라인전원부족전압드라이브출력상및접지간과전류드라이브과열방지드라이브 DC 버스상에과전압드라이브모터상간단락회로드라이브열보호모터모터상제동모터전력제거모터열보호 > 1 mohm 에서 1 분동안접지까지 500 V DC 아날로그입력 0.024/50 Hz 화면표시장치 0.1 Hz CANopen Modbus 1 RJ45 for Modbus 전면정면에서 1 RJ45 for Modbus 터미널에서 RJ45 에있는수서브 -D 9 for CANopen 2- 선 RS 485 for Modbus RTU for Modbus 20 kbps, 50 kbps, 125 kbps, 250 kbps, 500 kbps, 1 Mbps for CANopen 4800 bps, 9600 bps, bps, 38.4 Kbps for Modbus 터미널에서 9600 BPS, BPS 19,200 for Modbus 전면정면에서 8 비트, 1 멈춤, 짝수패리티 for Modbus 전면정면에서 8 비트, 홀수짝수또는환경구성가능패리티없음 for Modbus 터미널에서 for Modbus for CANopen 슬레이브 for CANopen CE 수직 +/- 10 도 1190 mm 377 mm 595 mm 207 kg Full Other applications CC- 링크통신카드프로그래밍가능카드내부의컨트롤러 DeviceNet 통신카드이더넷 / IP 통신카드 Fipio 통신카드 I/O 연장카드 Interbus - S 통신카드엔코더용인터페이스카드 Modbus Plus 통신카드 Modbus TCP 통신카드 Modbus/Uni-Telway 통신카드오버헤드크레인카드 Profibus DP 통신카드 Profibus DP V1 통신카드 3 / 11

4 환경 노이즈레벨 절연내력 77 db 일치되는 86/188/EEC 3535 V DC 접지및전력터미널들간 5092 V DC 제어및전력터미널들간 전자기적합성전도된라디오 - 주파수면역테스트일치되는 IEC 레벨 3 전기적순간과도상태 / 파열면역테스트일치되는 IEC 레벨 4 정전기방전면역테스트일치되는 IEC 레벨 3 복사라디오 - 주파수전자기성장면역테스트일치되는 IEC 레벨 3 전압저하및간섭면역테스트일치되는 IEC /50 μs - 8/20 μs 서지면역테스트일치되는 IEC 레벨 3 표준 EN 클래스 A 그룹 2 EN 환경 1 카테고리 C3 EN 환경 2 카테고리 C3 EN / IEC EN / IEC IEC 클래스 3C2 UL 타입 1 제품인증 CSA C-Tick GOST NOM 117 UL 오염정도이일치되는 EN / IEC 일치되는 UL 840 IP 등급 IP20 내진동 1.5 mm 피크대피크 (f = Hz) 일치되는 EN / IEC gn (f = Hz) 일치되는 EN / IEC 내충격성 4 GNfor 11 ms 일치되는 EN / IEC 상대습도 % 응축없는일치되는 IEC % 누수없는일치되는 IEC 사용온도 저장온도 C 사용고도 C 출력감세없는 <= 1000 m 출력감세없는 m 100 m 당전류출력감세 1 % 있는 상품의지속가능성 지속제공상태 RoHS (date code: YYWW) REACh 제품환경프로필생활지침의제품끝 Green Premium product 준수 - since Schneider Electric declaration of conformity Reference not containing SVHC above the threshold 유효한 Need no specific recycling operations Contractual warranty 보증기간 18 개월 UL Type 1/IP 20 Drives Dimensions with or without 1 Option Card (1) 4 / 11

5 Dimensions in mm a b c G H K K1 K2 Ø Dimensions in in. a b c G H K K1 K2 Ø (1) Option cards: I/O extension cards, communication cards or "Controller Inside programmable card. Dimensions with 2 Option Cards (1) Dimensions in mm a c1 G H K K1 K2 Ø Dimensions in in. a c1 G H K K1 K2 Ø (1) Option cards: I/O extension cards, communication cards or "Controller Inside programmable card. Drive with Braking Unit VW3A7101 Dimensions with or without 1 Option Card (1) b in mm c in mm b in in. c in in (1) Option cards: I/O extension cards, communication cards or "Controller Inside programmable card. Dimensions with 2 Option Cards (1) 5 / 11

6 c1 in mm c1 in in (1) Option cards: I/O extension cards, communication cards or "Controller Inside programmable card. Mounting Recommendations Clearance X1 in mm X2 in mm X1 in in. X2 in in These drives can be mounted side by side, observing the following mounting recommendations: 6 / 11

7 Specific Recommendations for Mounting the Drive in an Enclosure Ventilation To ensure proper air circulation in the drive: Fit ventilation grilles. Ensure that there is sufficient ventilation. If there is not, install a forced ventilation unit with a filter. The openings and/or fans must provide a flow rate at least equal to that of the drive fans (refer to the product characteristics). Use special filters with IP 54 protection. Remove the blanking cover from the top of the drive. Dust and Damp Proof Metal Enclosure (IP 54) The drive must be mounted in a dust and damp proof enclosure in certain environmental conditions: dust, corrosive gases, high humidity with risk of condensation and dripping water, splashing liquid, etc. This enables the drive to be used in an enclosure where the maximum internal temperature reaches 50 C. Wiring Diagram Conforming to Standards EN Category 1, IEC/EN Capacity SIL1, in Stopping Category 0 According to IEC/EN Three-Phase Power Supply with Upstream Breaking via Contactor A1 ATV71 drive KM1 Contactor L1 Q1 Q2 Q3 S1, S2 T1 DC choke Circuit-breaker GV2 L rated at twice the nominal primary current of T1 GB2CB05 XB4 B or XB5 A pushbuttons 100 VA transformer 220 V secondary (1) Line choke (three-phase); mandatory for ATV71HC11Y HC63Y drives (except when a special transformer is used (12-pulse)). (2) For ATV71HC40N4 drives combined with a 400 kw motor, ATV71HC50N4 and ATV71HC40Y HC63Y, refer to the power terminal connections diagram. (3) Fault relay contacts. Used for remote signalling of the drive status. (4) Connection of the common for the logic inputs depends on the positioning of the SW1 switch. The above diagram shows the internal power supply switched to the source position (for other connection types, refer to the user guide). (5) There is no PO terminal on ATV71HC11Y HC63Y drives. 7 / 11

8 (6) Optional DC choke for ATV71H M3, ATV71HD11M3X HD45M3X, ATV71 075N4 D75N4 and ATV71P N4Z drives. Connected in place of the strap between the PO and PA/+ terminals. For ATV71HD55M3X, HD75M3X, ATV71HD90N4 HC50N4 drives, the choke is supplied with the drive; the customer is responsible for connecting it. (7) Software-configurable current (0 20 ma) or voltage (0 10 V) analog input. (8) Reference potentiometer. All terminals are located at the bottom of the drive. Fit interference suppressors on all inductive circuits near the drive or connected on the same circuit, such as relays, contactors, solenoid valves, fluorescent lighting, etc. Wiring Diagram Conforming to Standards EN Category 1, IEC/EN Capacity SIL1, in Stopping Category 0 According to IEC/EN Three-Phase Power Supply with Downstream Breaking via Switch Disconnector A1 L1 Q1 Q2 ATV71 drive DC choke Circuit-breaker Switch disconnector (Vario) (1) Line choke (three-phase), mandatory for ATV71HC11Y HC63Y drives (except when a special transformer is used (12-pulse)). (2) For ATV71HC40N4 drives combined with a 400 kw motor, ATV71HC50N4 and ATV71HC40Y HC63Y, refer to the power terminal connections diagram. (3) Fault relay contacts. Used for remote signalling of the drive status. (4) Connection of the common for the logic inputs depends on the positioning of the SW1 switch. The above diagram shows the internal power supply switched to the source position (for other connection types, refer to the user guide). (5) There is no PO terminal on ATV71HC11Y HC63Y drives. (6) Optional DC choke for ATV71H M3, ATV71HD11M3X HD45M3X, ATV71 075N4 D75N4 and ATV71P N4Z drives. Connected in place of the strap between the PO and PA/+ terminals. For ATV71HD55M3X, HD75M3X, ATV71HD90N4 HC50N4 drives, the choke is supplied with the drive; the customer is responsible for connecting it. (7) Software-configurable current (0 20 ma) or voltage (0 10 V) analog input. (8) Reference potentiometer. All terminals are located at the bottom of the drive. Fit interference suppressors on all inductive circuits near the drive or connected on the same circuit, such as relays, contactors, solenoid valves, fluorescent lighting, etc. Wiring Diagram Conforming to Standards EN Category 3, IEC/EN Capacity SIL2, in Stopping Category 0 According to IEC/EN Three-Phase Power Supply, Low Inertia Machine, Vertical Movement 8 / 11

9 A1 A2 F1 L1 Q1 S1 S2 ATV71 drive Preventa XPS AC safety module for monitoring emergency stops and switches. One safety module can manage the Power Removal function for several drives on the same machine. In this case, each drive must connect its PWR terminal to its + 24 V via the safety contacts on the XPS AC module. These contacts are independent for each drive. Fuse DC choke Circuit-breaker Emergency stop button with 2 contacts XB4 B or XB5 A pushbutton (1) Power supply: 24 Vdc or Vac, 48 Vac, 115 Vac, 230 Vac. (2) S2: resets XPS AC module on power-up or after an emergency stop. ESC can be used to set external starting conditions. (3) Requests freewheel stopping of the movement and activates the Power Removal safety function. (4) Line choke (three-phase), mandatory for and ATV71HC11Y HC63Y drives (except when a special transformer is used (12-pulse)). (5) The logic output can be used to signal that the machine is in a safe stop state. (6) For ATV71HC40N4 drives combined with a 400 kw motor, ATV71HC50N4 and ATV71HC40Y HC63Y, refer to the power terminal connections diagram. (7) Fault relay contacts. Used for remote signalling of the drive status. (8) Connection of the common for the logic inputs depends on the positioning of the SW1 switch. The above diagram shows the internal power supply switched to the source position (for other connection types, refer to the user guide). (9) Standardized coaxial cable, type RG174/U according to MIL-C17 or KX3B according to NF C , external diameter 2.54 mm /0.09 in., maximum length 15 m / ft. The cable shielding must be earthed. (10) There is no PO terminal on ATV71HC11Y HC63Y drives. (11) Optional DC choke for ATV71H M3, ATV71HD11M3X HD45M3X, ATV71 075N4 D75N4 and ATV71P N4Z drives. Connected in place of the strap between the PO and PA/+ terminals. For ATV71HD55M3X, HD75M3X, ATV71HD90N4 HC50N4 drives, the choke is supplied with the drive; the customer is responsible for connecting it. (12) Software-configurable current (0 20 ma) or voltage (0 10 V) analog input. (13) Reference potentiometer. All terminals are located at the bottom of the drive. Fit interference suppressors on all inductive circuits near the drive or connected on the same circuit, such as relays, contactors, solenoid valves, fluorescent lighting, etc. Wiring Diagram Conforming to Standards EN Category 3, IEC/EN Capacity SIL2, in Stopping Category 1 According to IEC/EN Three-Phase Power Supply, High Inertia Machine 9 / 11

10 A1 A2 (5) F1 L1 Q1 S1 S2 ATV71 drive Preventa XPS ATE safety module for monitoring emergency stops and switches. One safety module can manage the "Power Removal safety function for several drives on the same machine. In this case the time delay must be adjusted on the drive controlling the motor that requires the longest stopping time. In addition, each drive must connect its PWR terminal to its + 24 V via the safety contacts on the XPS ATE module. These contacts are independent for each drive. Fuse DC choke Circuit-breaker Emergency stop button with 2 N/C contacts Run button (1) Power supply: 24 Vdc or Vac, 115 Vac, 230 Vac. (2) Requests controlled stopping of the movement and activates the Power Removal safety function. (3) Line choke (three-phase), mandatory for ATV71HC11Y HC63Y drives (except when a special transformer is used (12-pulse)). (4) S2: resets XPS ATE module on power-up or after an emergency stop. ESC can be used to set external starting conditions. (5) For stopping times requiring more than 30 seconds in category 1, use a Preventa XPS AV safety module which can provide a maximum time delay of 300 seconds. (6) The logic output can be used to signal that the machine is in a safe state. (7) For ATV71HC40N4 drives combined with a 400 kw motor, ATV71HC50N4 and ATV71HC40Y HC63Y, refer to the power terminal connections diagram. (8) Fault relay contacts. Used for remote signalling of the drive status. (9) Connection of the common for the logic inputs depends on the positioning of the SW1 switch. The above diagram shows the internal power supply switched to the source position (for other connection types, refer to the user guide). (10) Standardized coaxial cable, type RG174/U according to MIL-C17 or KX3B according to NF C , external diameter 2.54 mm/0.09 in., maximum length 15 m/49.21 ft. The cable shielding must be earthed. (11) Logic inputs LI1 and LI2 must be assigned to the direction of rotation: LI1 in the forward direction and LI2 in the reverse direction. (12) There is no PO terminal on ATV71HC11Y HC63Y drives. (13) Optional DC choke for ATV71H M3, ATV71HD11M3X HD45M3X, ATV71 075N4 D75N4 and ATV71P N4Z drives. Connected in place of the strap between the PO and PA/+ terminals. For ATV71HD55M3X, HD75M3X, ATV71HD90N4 HC50N4 drives, the choke is supplied with the drive; the customer is responsible for connecting it. (14) Software-configurable current (0 20 ma) or voltage (0 10 V) analog input. (15) Reference potentiometer. All terminals are located at the bottom of the drive. Fit interference suppressors on all inductive circuits near the drive or connected on the same circuit, such as relays, contactors, solenoid valves, fluorescent lighting, etc. Derating Curves The derating curves for the drive nominal current (In) depend on the temperature and the switching frequency. For intermediate temperatures (e.g. 55 C), interpolate between 2 curves. Drive combined with a 220 kw motor 10 / 11

11 X Switching frequency Drive combined with a 250 kw motor X Switching frequency 11 / 11

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