오픈 플랫폼 기반의 B&R 스마트 팩토리 솔루션
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- 6 years ago
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1 Perfection in Automation 오픈플랫폼기반의 B&R 스마트팩토리솔루션
2 Perfection in Automation Smart Factory?
3 자동화산업의새로운도전과제 글로벌화, 디지털와, 개별화에따른변화 글로벌화 전세계적인기술의확산 제조산업에인터넷이통합 디지털화 개별화 끊임없는데이터교류 전생산공정의인텔리전트한기기들 다양한고객맞춤화된제품들 소량생산을위한유연한생산
4 "Batch size 1" 대량생산비용 OEM 의새로운요건 유연한공장및시스템 특정단일제품생산이아닌, 다양한양산제품의설정이가능한장비쉽게교체가능하고네트워크화된장비빠른의사결정을위한취합된생산데이타생산및센서데이타에의한자동으로제어되는장비의동작 과제 : 어떻게자동화기술로이복잡성을다룰것인가?
5 생산경쟁력요구 smart factory / smart machine 특징 Smart factory 기업차원의안전하게네트워크화된공장시스템 유연한생산프로세스 인텔리전트한제품취급 생산관련데이타의가공및취합 M2M 통신 원활한팀워크 Smart machine 통합센서및액츄에이터네트워크및통신데이타수집, 저장, 공유지속적인기계모니터링유연한 HMI 여러분의회사는얼마나 Industry 4.0 에가깝습니까? *according to VDMA guidelines "Identifikation von Potenzialen in der Produktion im Bezug auf Industrie 4.0" (only available in German)
6 Perfection in Automation Smart Factory 를실현하기위해서는?
7 Smart Factory 컨셉의네트워크및통신 Open standards: Horizontal and vertical communication Room for big data Time-critical and non-time-critical applications Unrestricted M2M communication Free choice of topology without special hardware Maximum plant availability Redundancy solutions tailored to your application Open Ethernet standard IEEE Equipped for future evolution
8 생산데이타의수집및가공 Intelligent factory automation Seamless acquisition of process data Transparency for shift supervisors to upper management Control of quality and energy Integrated consumption and cost analysis Predictive maintenance Continuous condition monitoring Flexibility and return on investment From the production line to the plant as a whole
9 유연한생산프로세스 Boosted productivity and optimized resource utilization Integrated robotics Robots as integral components for maximum flexibility In-line digital printing Print-on-demand Integrated machine vision Higher efficiency and maximum reproducibility Automation for additive production processes New design possibilities through 3D printing Automation of logistics processes Automated transport and warehousing
10 모듈소프트웨어방식의엔지니어링 Configurable series-built machines, not one-off specialty machines Flexible HMI Interface adapts to the user Increased machine availability Improved software quality OEE User Recipe Robotic s Axis Lower maintenance costs Easy diagnostics PackML Alarm Flexibility and return on investment Modular building block design
11 Smart Factory 컨셉의유지보수및서비스 Diagnostics with smart end devices Plant reports deviations autonomously Tweet functionality Web-based self-diagnostics Generated dynamically Available on every controller Integrated in PLC operating system Access from any device PC, laptop, smartphone, tablet No operating system restrictions Windows, Linux, Mac, ios, Android,...
12 Perfection in Automation Open IIoT Architecture 지향적 B&R 솔루션 ( 제품 )
13 통신개방성 제품의다양성 상용기술들 글로벌적가용성 POWER- LINK PROFINET EtherNet/ IP 독립성 Technology rights reside with members of user organizations EtherCAT SERCOS III CIP Safety 통일성 BSD 라이센스 FSoE open SAFETY PROFISafe Copying, modifying and distributing allowed Large number of system integrators
14 Open Communication 스마트팩토리를위한표준네트워크 Cloud, IT ERP/MES SCADA Line Control TSN PLC Machine Sensors and Actuators
15 Scalability+ 다양한제품 Fully scalable hardware portfolio Industrial PCs, HMI Control systems, safety technology Motion control, safety technology
16 다양한판넬제품예시 Support arm systems
17 Scalability+ 모션축의무한한확장 Power Panel Automation PC
18 Automation Studio More than just a programming tool
19 Scalability+ One engineering tool for the machine's entire lifecycle All products All tasks Control Development HMI Simulation Motion control Commissioning Safety technology Diagnostics & Service
20 다양한기능을제공하는통합툴 Fast and efficient search features Intelligent filters Full-text search Favorites Recently used Easy to add components Drag-and-drop Automatic system configuration Clear and comprehensive Hardware Programs Functions Configurations Physical units
21 FMI adapter for model-based development Standard interface for simulation Over 70 simulation tools Functional mock-up interface Easy interface Functional mock-up unit integrated in Automation Studio Real-time-capable models Rapid prototyping Real-time simulation
22 Scalability+ for HW-independent development One solution for multiple markets and performance classes One software solution Many machine configurations Hardware configurations completely independent Separate assignment of software packages, separate I/O mapping Unlimited number of machine configurations All managed in one project
23 Scalability+ through flexible solutions Open selection of technology Machine software B&R technology Customer technology Real-time Ethernet Hydraulics Ultrafast automation Robotics / CNC Energy Temperature Open standards Libraries Model-based Automation Runtime
24 OEE User Recipe Robotic s Axis PackML Alarm
25 Efficient Drag-and-drop Fast configuration Open Standard software development with Automation Studio Scalable Functions can be upgraded based on IEC and PLCopen Diagnostics Easy web-based diagnostics
26 Open Robotics 예시
27 산업현장의모바일화 Access to real-time information from anywhere
28 mappview Web-based HMI HMI client mapp View server Machine data Integrate multiple PLCs and other sources of data via OPC UA 3 rd -party
29 진정한 web 기반 HMI <html> <head> <meta content="text/html;> <title>made for Automation?</title> </head> <body> <script src="js/jquery-min.js"></script> <p><input type="text" name="date" id="date"></p> </body> </html> Not suitable for automation B&R widgets Made for automation Connection of variables Unit conversion Unit switching Limits Rights management Styles
30 Perfection in Automation Open IIoT Architecture 지향적 B&R 솔루션 ( 솔루션 )
31 시장상황 : 과거의산업 = Brownfield 목표 : 생산관리의투명성 효율성, 품질, 경쟁력증대 Greenfield (4 차산업혁명 ~) Brownfield (~3 차산업혁명 ) OEE Energie
32 Brownfield 를위한 Smart Factory 통신 MES-System MES System 현장 Orange Box_1 Orange Box_2 Orange Box_n
33 데이타의투명성및통일성효과 OPC UA-HA I/O
34 Orange Box 하드웨어 / 소프트웨어 확장성및독립성 ISO on TCP 하드웨어 : APC, PPC, X20 PLC 현장통신 : 선택가능 I/O s TCP/IP (Server / Client) ISO on TCP MES 통신 : CSV-File via USB, FTP oder CIFS 소프트웨어 : mapp 기술활용
35 OrangeBox 다양한어플리케이션 OEE Robotic Pack ML TWEET Alarm User Data CAM
36 Orange Box 특징 모든개별생산설비에적합한솔루션 Brown- & Greenfield 현장운용관리 여러레벨간의통신 OPC UA 모든엔지니어가시운전 메뉴를통한직관적인조작운용 MES Line Shop floor 현장에전문가가필요하지않음 중앙소프트웨어관리 network or USB 를통한시운전, 업데이트및데이터저장 시스템의모듈식확장 하드웨어및소프트웨어 mapp 기술활용 Basic application
37 OrangeBox 및 Open Technology Overview Real time data exchange Network based safety Local Cloud Data Acquisition from Brownfield Cloud ERP MES APROL Local Cloud Open Programming IEC , C, C++ Web Server Modular APP Process Data Acquisition Energy Monitoring Robot / Motion Control Temp Control Real time Greenfield ORANGE BOX Open Robotics Safety Integration Ultra fast control 1 µs Brownfield
38 왜아직완벽한 Smart Factory 가? 표준인터페이스의부재 Networks ERP Automation IT MES Line and Process Factory Solutions RT Machine Machine Solutions
39 Network Data acquisition with APROL Easy integration into existing systems APROL PDA Integrated report server Integration of 3rd-party systems using any fieldbus technology Gateway controller with I/O for integrating data islands
40 Cloud 와의연계 Green field Brown field MQTT OPC UA APROL Local cloud APROL APROL Cloud gateway Local cloud APROL APROL Cloud gateway Powered by Powered by any fieldbus Orange Box
41 IIC Smart Factory 테스트베드 Source: IIC TSN Testbed Update Mar 2016 Reston PPT
42 Perfection in Automation B&R 본사의 Smart Factory
43 전자모듈의자동화생산 Robot을활용한생산라인 자동화된시리얼번호및인증레이저마킹개별모델, 타입, 리비전별 100% 자동화된기능테스트전체장비효율성 (OEE) 평가유지보수계획의자동생성을통한예방시스템
44 시스템구성별조립라인 (1) PLC 조립라인 SAP를통한맞춤화된시스템구성시스템구성정보의장비로의직접전달자동화된적합성확인 2,500 이상의체크리스트 Batchsize 1 Status-check, Optical-check (camera), feedback of production-data to SAP SW의자동설치자동화된작업자가이드라인 Pick by light, Put to light
45 시스템구성별조립라인 (2) PC/PPC 조립라인 맞춤화된시스템구성 SAP 작업지시 ( 테스트,SW 설치 ) 자동화된적합성테스트 250,000,000,000 이상의시스템구성 Batchsize 1 최종단에서의 PC performs self-identification 자동화된최종테스트및 SW 설치
46 자체시스템으로물류자동화자동화된 high-bay 물류창고 추가로필요하지않은 WMS ERP system (SAP) 과 PLCs (controllers) 간직접연계생산및고객발주에의한자동요청 Automatic generation of transport and KanBan Transport from stock to working-station or production supply 오직 SAP 를통한라우팅, 이송명령, 저장위치관리
47 IT 인프라와의연계 IT 인프라 내부 IT부서를통한인프라제공인터페이스정의 (organisatorical / technical) 가용성이중요한성공요소
48 B&R technologies 현대화투자에대한최대의회수율 Smart factory 기업차원의안전하게네트워크화된공장시스템유연한생산프로세스인텔리전트한제품취급생산관련데이타의가공및취합 M2M 통신 Smart machine 통합센서및액츄에이터네트워크및통신데이타수집, 저장, 공유지속적인기계모니터링유연한 HMI 원활한팀워크 B&R technology is leading the way!
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