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- 다빈 독고
- 5 years ago
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1 Hack-Proof Drone, What is it?
2 Weapons Systems and Cyber Security
3 Who am I? 3
5 DEFCON CTF 2015 (Advisor : Seungjoo Kim)
6 ( 사 )HARU & SECUINSIDE (Founder & Board Member : Seungjoo Kim, 2011)
7 사이버무기시험평가연구센터 (CW-TEC)
8 Are Weapons Systems Secure? 8
9 Smart TV Hacking "Hackers to Target Smart TV Sets After Phones, Kaspersky Predicts", (Bloomberg, 2015) 9
10 Smart TV Hacking ( MBC Newsdesk) 10
11 Smart TV Hacking 11
12 Smart TV Hacking 12
13 Smart TV Hacking CIA and MI5 developed Weeping Angel to infect Samsung Smart TVs. 13
14 Smart TV Hacking Samsung Smart TVs have been sued by the CIA's hacking code. 14
15 Smart Car Hacking 15
16 Smart Car Hacking 16
17 Smart Car Hacking 17
18 Smart Car Hacking 18
19 Airplane (IFE) Hacking ( IOActive, In Flight Hacking System, December 20, 2016) 19
20 ? 20
21 Left of Launch 21
22 Left of Launch 22 John Blackburn on Integrated Force Design: The Case of IMAD(Integrated Missile & Air Defence)
23 23
24 Left of Launch 24
25 Left of Launch 25
26 26
27 Recent suggestions that the fleet is vulnerable have sometimes been met with complacency and claims that the isolated 'air-gapped' systems cannot be penetrated. Whilst we recognise that it is important not to be alarmist, these claims are false. 27
28 Malware injection during manufacturing(a.k.a supply chain), mid-life refurbishment or software updates and data transmission interception allow potential adversaries to conduct long-term cyber operations. 28
29 Cybersecurity Test and Evaluation 29
30 30
31 Then... Ours? 31
32 사이버무기란? 사이버작전수행에직접운용되거나훈련용으로운용하는장비, 부품, 소프트웨어등으로서, 사이버영역의감시 정찰, 사이버작전지휘통제및능동적대응을위한장비 부품 소프트웨어또는사이버전훈련을위해운용되는모의공격체계, 모의훈련모델, 훈련용장비 시설등 ( 출처 : 국방사이버안보훈령 ) 32
33 다른말로, 사이버무기란? 네트워크와연결된모든무기체계 C4I 등의전술지휘자동화체계, 무인기 (UAV : Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) 및군위성통신체계, 위성전군방공경보체계, 해상작전위성통신체계등과같은통신체계, 그리고전술용전자식교환기, 야전용전화기, 휴대용 차량용 FM/AM 무전기등각종유 무선통신장비및연습훈련용 분석용 획득용워게임모델및전술훈련모의장비등이모두이에포함됨. ( 출처 : 국방사이버안보훈령의사이버무기체계세부분류 ) 33
34 34
35 Weapons Systems & Cyber Security 35
36 36
37 The key strategy is to upgrade weapon systems to qualify as High-Assurance Cyber Military Systems (HACMS), strategically designed to better withstand a cyber attack. 37
38 38
39 Hack-Proof Drones Possible with DARPA s HACMS(High Assurance Cyber Military Systems) Technology 39
40 40
41 Assurance (in a narrow sense) Robustness Strength Assurance 41
42 Assurance (in a broader sense) Physical Security Era Communication Security (COMSEC) Era Computer Security (COMPUSEC) Era (Early 1960s~) Information Security (INFOSEC) Era (1980s~) Information Assurance (IA) Era (1998 ~) Etc 42 : Operational Security (OPSEC)
43 Assurance (in a broader sense) The first standardized definition of IA was published in U.S. DoD Directive in The 1991 Gulf War has often been called the first information war. In many ways, the Gulf War was the harbinger of IA. 43
44 44
45 Communications are disrupted by hacking? 45
46 Communications are disrupted by dust storm?? 46
47 Assurance (in a broader sense) (Trustworthiness) Algirdas47 Avizienis, Jean-Claude Laprie, Brian Randell, and Carl Landwehr, Basic Concepts and Taxonomy of Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, VOL.1, NO.1, 2004.
48 Assurance (in a broader sense) Trustworthiness (or Dependability) is assurance that a system deserves to be trusted - that it will perform as expected despite environmental disruptions, human and operator error, hostile attacks, and design and implementation errors. Trustworthy systems reinforce the belief that they will continue to produce expected behaviour and will not be susceptible to subversion. 48 The "Trust in Cyberspace" report of the United States National Research Council
49 Assurance (in a broader sense) (Trustworthiness) Independent? No, Interdependent! Algirdas49 Avizienis, Jean-Claude Laprie, Brian Randell, and Carl Landwehr, Basic Concepts and Taxonomy of Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, VOL.1, NO.1, 2004.
50 Assurance (in a broader sense) 50
51 Assurance (in a broader sense) Security by Design to cope with complexity! 51
52 Assurance (in a broader sense) Embedded Security! 52
53 [Note] High-Confidence 53
54 [Note] High-Confidence 54
55 [Note] High-Confidence 55
56 [Note] High-Confidence 56
57 Security by Design (in a narrow sense) Considering security as early as the design phase of the software development process. 57 Michael Waidner, Michael Backes, Jörn Müller-Quade, "Development of Secure Software with Security By Design", Fraunhofer SIT Technical Reports, July 2014
58 Security by Design (in a broader sense) Systematically organized and methodically equipped framework that is applied over the lifecycle of secure software. (e.g.) Embedding of secure SW development at governance level, individual security processes for the SW's lifecycle phases, and security analyses of SW components integrated from other manufacturers. 58 Michael Waidner, Michael Backes, Jörn Müller-Quade, "Development of Secure Software with Security By Design", Fraunhofer SIT Technical Reports, July 2014
59 Security Engineering ( 보안공학 ) Security engineering is about building dependable (or trustworthy) embedded systems. (Trustworthiness) 59 Dependability is interchangeably used for trustworthiness (Sommerville, I.: "Software Engineering", Addison-Wesley, 6. edn., 2001, ISBN X)
60 Security Engineering ( 보안공학 ) Financial System High security + Medium reliability + No safety DB of Medical Records Medium security + Medium reliability + Medium safety Air Traffic Control System Medium security + High reliability + High safety Automobile Low (but now medium!) security + High reliability + High safety 60
61 Security Engineering 61
62 Our company has recruited a lot of hackers and done lots of pentesting, but we do not know if the quality of our product is really improving. 62
63 Our company has recruited a lot of hackers and done lots of pentesting, but we do not know if Can't the quality Guarantee of our Coverage! product is really improving. 63
64 Cryptography v.s Cryptanalysis Cryptology : science of secret communication Cryptography : design secret systems Cryptanalysis : break secret systems 64
65 Security Engineering ( 보안공학 ) Security Engineer : Like to fix systems. Security engineers are more intend on building robust security solutions (Firewalls, IDS, etc.). Similar Jobs : Information Assurance Engineer, Information Security Engineer, Information System Security Engineer Security Analyst : Try to break them. Security analysts are more concerned with probing for risks and weaknesses (Pentesting, Auditing, etc.). 65
66 Security Engineering ( 보안공학 ) 66
67 Security Engineering ( 보안공학 ) ( Paul Curran, Cyber Security Today: Career Paths, Salaries and In-Demand Job Titles, Aug 30, 2016) 67
68 5 Steps for Developing Dependable S/W 1. Define "goals" or "properties" (i.e., what you want the program to satisfy) 2. Design algorithms/protocols 3. Make standards 4. Generate source code 5. Compile to machine code (i.e., what actually runs) 68
69 69 "Cost Effective Use of Formal Methods in Verification and Validation"
70 Policy (= a set of requirements) Assurance Design Assurance Implementation/Operational Assurance Implementation/Operational Assurance 70 "Cost Effective Use of Formal Methods in Verification and Validation"
71 Policy (= a set of requirements) Assurance Design Assurance Chain of Evidence! Implementation/Operational Assurance Implementation/Operational Assurance 71 "Cost Effective Use of Formal Methods in Verification and Validation"
72 Policy (= a set of requirements) Assurance Design Assurance Then, don t need pentesting? Implementation/Operational Assurance Implementation/Operational Assurance 72 Daniel Jackson et al., "Software for Dependable Systems: Sufficient Evidence?"
73 Policy (= a set of requirements) Assurance Design Assurance Testing is indispensable, and no software system can be regarded as dependable if it has not been extensively tested, even if its correctness has been Implementation/Operational proven mathematically. Assurance Implementation/Operational Assurance 73 Daniel Jackson et al., "Software for Dependable Systems: Sufficient Evidence?"
74 Policy (= a set of requirements) Assurance Testing may find flaws that elude analysis Design because Assurance it exercises the system in its entirety, whereas analysis must typically make assumptions about the execution platform, the external environment, and Implementation/Operational operator responses, Assurance any of which may turn out to be unwarranted. Implementation/Operational Assurance 74 Daniel Jackson et al., "Software for Dependable Systems: Sufficient Evidence?"
75 Policy (= a set of requirements) Assurance At the same time, it is important to realize that Design Assurance testing alone is rarely sufficient to establish high levels of dependability. It is erroneous to believe that a rigorous development process, in which testing and code review are the only verification Implementation/Operational Assurance techniques used, justifies claims of extraordinarily high levels of dependability. Implementation/Operational Assurance 75 Daniel Jackson et al., "Software for Dependable Systems: Sufficient Evidence?"
76 Problems for STEP Define "goals" or "properties" (i.e., what you want the program to satisfy) How to identify and define goals correctly? By using Threat Modeling & Security Policy Modeling (SPM) 76
77 MS s STRIDE Threat Modeling Tools 77
78 LINDDUN Modeling 78
79 Other Methodologies and Tools TARA : Intel's Threat Agent Risk Assessment OWASP 79 hreat_modeling WASC Threat Classification Classification Trike ThreatModeler
80 80
81 Pentesting cannot replace threat modeling! Pentesting should be used as an adjunct to threat modeling. 81
82 82
83 83
84 84
85 Problems for STEP Design algorithms/protocols How to check if your algorithm or protocol satisfy the goals of STEP 1? By hand-proof or machine-checked proof 85
86 [Note] Why Design Assurance? Needham-Schroeder public-key authentication protocol (1978), which was believed secure for 17 years before Lowe discovered it was affected by a flaw such as replay attack (1995). 86
87 How to Get Design-Proof
88 [Note] Symbolic Analyses Originated from the seminal paper by Dolev and Yao (1983), and was developed mainly in the formal methods community Better automaton However, more complex to relate to real world security goals 88 Dolev D, Yao ACC (1983) On the security of public key protocols. IEEE Trans Inf Theory 29(2):
89 [Note] Computational Analyses Originated from the papers by Goldwasser and Micali (1984) and by Yao (1982), and is based on more detailed computational models, involving complexity and probability theories Difficulty in proof automation But gives more realistic security assurance 89 Goldwasser S, Micali S (1984) Probabilistic encryption. J Comput Syst Sci 28(2): Yao AC (1982) Theory and application of trapdoor functions. In: 23rd FOCS, pp 80 91
90 How to Get Design-Proof Both symbolic and computational approaches provide rigorous proofs based on abstract models. A large gap still exists between these models and a real-world protocol implementation : Design << Implementation
91 [Note] Abstract Model 91 Aaron Tomb (Galois, Inc), "Assuring Crypto Code with Automated Reasoning", QCon, London, March 2017
92 [Note] Abstract Model Soundness : If the model is proved free from certain attacks under some assumptions, then the program is also free from the same attacks under some corresponding assumptions. 92 Aaron Tomb (Galois, Inc), "Assuring Crypto Code with Automated Reasoning", QCon, London, March 2017
93 How to Get Design-Proof Both symbolic and computational approaches provide rigorous proofs based on abstract models. Recently, some researchers have started investigating techniques that bring automated formal proofs closer to real implementations. (explain in later )
94 How to Get Design-Proof 94
95 How to Get Design-Proof 95
96 How to Get Design-Proof
97 Problems for STEP Make standards There might be specification mismatch between STEP 2 and STEP 3. We need equivalence proof to address the "gap" between the abstract algorithm/protocol and more concrete standard specification 97
98 Problems for STEP 4 ~ STEP5. 4. Generate source code and compile it into machine code Program might incorrectly implement the standard of STEP 3. Also, we can t be sure about the compiler! By using machine-checked proof tools such as Verified Software Toolchain. 98
99 [Note] Why Implementation Assurance? 99
100 How to Get Code-Proof 100
101 How to Get Code-Proof (in CGC case) 101
102 How to Get Code-Proof (in CGC case) 102 Symposium Celebrates Ed Clarke and Model Checking, CMU, September 2014
103 How to Get Code-Proof (in CGC case) 103 Symposium Celebrates Ed Clarke and Model Checking, CMU, September 2014
104 How to Get Code-Proof (in CGC case) 104 차상길, " 바이너리분석을통한자동익스플로잇생성 : 과거, 현재, 그리고미래 ", SECUINSIDE 2016
105 How to Get Code-Proof (in CGC case) 105 Symposium Celebrates Ed Clarke and Model Checking, CMU, September 2014
106 How to Get Code-Proof 106 Aaron Tomb (Galois, Inc), "Assuring Crypto Code with Automated Reasoning", QCon, London, March 2017
107 How to Get Code-Proof 107 ( Aaron Tomb, "Automated Verification of Real-World Cryptographic Implementations )
108 How to Get Code-Proof DES standard (e.g.) Cryptol, Z, etc. DES binary code Symbolic Execution (for constructing mathematical models of SW) (Reference Model) - Equivalence-checking - Safety-checking (e.g.) SAW with ABC (which uses SAT) Z3 (which uses SMT) Verified Software Toolkit (VST) 108 ( Aaron Tomb, "Automated Verification of Real-World Cryptographic Implementations )
109 How to Get Code-Proof Equivalence-Checking : Checks whether two functions, f and g, agree on all inputs Safety-Checking : Checks run-time exceptions. Given a function f, we would like to know if f's execution can perform operations such as division by zero or index out of bounds. David A. 109 Ramos and Dawson R. Engler, "Practical, Low-Effort Equivalence Verification of Real Code", CAV 2011 : This shows a technique for performing a semantic equivalence verification of new implementations vs reference implementations using a modified version of KLEE.
110 [Note] How to Link Model with Prog. 110 Matteo Avalle, Alfredo Pironti, Riccardo Sisto, "Formal Verification of Security Protocol Implementations: a Survey", Formal Aspects of Computing, January 2014.
111 [Note] The Limits of Automated Proof Several famous theorems (particularly Gödel s incompleteness theorem and Rice s theorem) imply that it s impossible to write a program that can always construct a proof of some arbitrary theorem (or some arbitrary property of a piece of software). Because of these theoretical limits, automated proof is no panacea. 111 In practice, however, cryptographic code contains characteristics that make many of its properties easier to prove.
112 Cryptol Haskell based DSL (Domain-Specific Language) for writing crypto-algorithms DSL : Programming language targeted at producing solutions in a given problem domain by enabling subject-matter experts to design solutions in terms they are familiar with and at a level of abstraction that makes most sense to them 112 Lewis JR, Martin B., "Cryptol: High-Assurance, Retargetable Crypto Development and Validation", MILCOM 2003
113 Cryptol Created by Galois Inc. with support from NSA Cryptol specifications can be used to verify various implementations C code, VHDL, etc. 113 Lewis JR, Martin B., "Cryptol: High-Assurance, Retargetable Crypto Development and Validation", MILCOM 2003
114 114
115 115 ( "Verified correctness and security of OpenSSL HMAC", Usenix Security Symposium 2015)
116 116
117 117
118 Assurance Levels 1. Define "goals" or "properties" (i.e., what you want the program to satisfy) In many cases, "provable security in cryptography" means only "design assurance"! i.e., the proposed algorithm/protocol satisfies certain security requirements 2. Design algorithms/protocols 3. Make standards 4. Generate source code 5. Compile to machine code (i.e., what actually runs) 118
119 Assurance Levels 1. Define "goals" or "properties" (i.e., what you want the program to satisfy) 2. Design algorithms/protocols 3. Make standards Common Criteria, even at EAL7, relies on testing (not mathematical proof!). There is no proof that security properties hold for the actual implementation (i.e., code proof). 4. Generate source code 5. Compile to machine code (i.e., what actually runs) 119
120 Assurance Levels 1. Define "goals" or "properties" (i.e., what you want the program to satisfy) 2. Design algorithms/protocols 3. Make standards 4. Generate source code We call this as High-Assurance (End-to-End Provably) Dependable Systems (e.g.) DARPA s HACMS(Hisg-Assurance Cyber Military Systems) Program, NICTA s sel4 Microkernel, etc 5. Compile to machine code (i.e., what actually runs) 120
121 NICTA s sel4 Microkernel 121
122 If It is Not Provable Mathematical proofs are best! But if it is not achievable, we should follow the well-defined software development processes!! (e.g.) Microsoft s SDL(Security Development Lifecycle) 122
123 If It is Not Provable 123
124 CC (Common Criteria) Evaluation
125 CC (Common Criteria) Evaluation
126 CC (Common Criteria) Evaluation 미국 Orange Book (TCSEC) 1985 캐나다 Canadian Criteria (CTCPEC) 1993 영국 독일 Green Books 1989 IT-Security Criteria 1989 U.S. Federal Criteria Draft 1993 European ITSEC (1991) v v v v v v3.1 R v3.1 R 프랑스 Blue-White-Red Book 년 : ISO/IEC 국제표준으로제정 네덜란드 126 Netherlands Criteria 1989
127 CC (Common Criteria) Evaluation APE/ASE_OBJ APE/ASE_REQ 보안문제 보안목적 기능요구사항 ADV_FSP 기능명세 ADV_TDS ASE_TSS ADV_SPM 보안문제, 보안기능요구사항 (SFR) 과보안목적간일치성에대한요구사항을정의 A B A가 B에대응 ( 요구사항에따라 ) A B TOE 요약명세 정책모델 A 가 B 로상세화 TOE 요약명세에대한요구사항을정의 선택된 SFR 을정형화하여모델링하고, 이정형화된모델과기능명세간의일치성제공에대한요구사항정의 설계설명 ADV_IMP 구현표현 ALC_CMC.5 구현 127 ATE_AVA 기능명세모든, 설계, 분해구현에단계에서해당하는각표현을수행된기능요구사항에상호보완적인분석정의 구현시수행된기능시험및침투시험 시험클래스와취약성평가클래스에서시험된 TSF 가개발클래스의분해단계에서모두서술된사항임을검증
128 CC (Common Criteria) Evaluation Scope, Depth, Rigor High-Assurance Cyber System End-to- End Proof
129 CC (Common Criteria) Evaluation NSTISSP #11 Guidance IA & IA-Enabled Products Levels Of Robustness High robustness products EAL IT Products and PP NSA Involvement in Product Evaluation NSA Evaluated Product List Crypto Modules and Algorithms Type 1 Crypto for Classified 4+ Medium robustness products Basic robustness products NIAP - Certified CCTL Evaluations NIAP Labs Booz Allen Hamilton Cable & Wireless CoACT Criterian CSC Cygnacom InfoGard SAIC Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 FIPS evaluated under CMVP (FIPS or 140-2) Validated Product List CMVP Labs Atlan Cygnacom (CEAL) CoACT EWA Domus InfoGard
130 CC (Common Criteria) Evaluation 130
131 131
132 However Are provable secure schemes unbreakable? 132
133 Model Model does not cover all real 133 world attacks!
134 Reality Model does not cover all real 134 world attacks!
135 However Are provable secure schemes unbreakable? It depends on the threat model! 135
136 References 136
137 References 137
138 References 138
139 References 139
140 ICCC (International CC Conference)
141 ICMC (InternationalCryptoModuleConf)
142 Hack-Proof Drone, What is it?
example code are examined in this stage The low pressure pressurizer reactor trip module of the Plant Protection System was programmed as subject for
2003 Development of the Software Generation Method using Model Driven Software Engineering Tool,,,,, Hoon-Seon Chang, Jae-Cheon Jung, Jae-Hack Kim Hee-Hwan Han, Do-Yeon Kim, Young-Woo Chang Wang Sik, Moon
327 Journal of The Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology ISSN 1598-3986(Print) VOL.24, NO.2, Apr. 2014 ISSN 2288-2715(Online) http://dx.doi.org/10.13089/jkiisc.2014.24.2.327 개인정보 DB 암호화
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02 1 1 22 36 38 46 5 1 54 61 65 77 81 2 _ 3 4 _ 5 6 _7 8 _ 9 1 0 _ 11 1 2 _ 13 1 4 _ 15 1 6 _ 17 1 8 _ 19 2 0 _ 21 2 2 www.kats.go.kr www.kats.go.kr _ 23 Scope of TC/223 Societal security International
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13 Lightweight BPM Engine SW 13 Who am I? R&D, Product Development Manager / Smart Worker Visualization SW SW KAIST Software Engineering Computer Engineering 3 BPM? 13 13 Vendor BPM?? EA??? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/business_process_management,
MDEP I&C 2009. 4.6 ~ 4.7 14 I. MDEP II. DICWG III. DICWG SW IV. Nuclear Safety Information Conference 2009 Slide -2- I. MDEP MDEP? Multinational Design Evaluation Program MDEP Nuclear Safety Information
http://www.kbc.go.kr/ A B yk u δ = 2u k 1 = yk u = 0. 659 2nu k = 1 k k 1 n yk k Abstract Web Repertoire and Concentration Rate : Analysing Web Traffic Data Yong - Suk Hwang (Research
2 KHU 글로벌 기업법무 리뷰 제2권 제1호 또 내용적으로 중대한 위기를 맞이하게 되었고, 개인은 흡사 어항 속의 금붕어 와 같은 신세로 전락할 운명에 처해있다. 현대정보화 사회에서 개인의 사적 영역이 얼마나 침해되고 있는지 는 양 비디오 사건 과 같은 연예인들의 사
연구 논문 헌법 제17조 사생활의 비밀과 자유에 대한 소고 연 제 혁* I. II. III. IV. 머리말 사생활의 비밀과 자유의 의의 및 법적 성격 사생활의 비밀과 자유의 내용 맺음말 I. 머리말 사람은 누구나 타인에게 알리고 싶지 않은 나만의 영역(Eigenraum) 을 혼자 소중히 간직하 기를 바랄 뿐만 아니라, 자기 스스로의 뜻에 따라 삶을 영위해 나가면서
4 5 4. Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 편 5. 오비맥주 카스 카스 후레쉬 테이블 맥주는 천연식품이다 편 처음 스타일 그대로, 부탁 케어~ Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 지속적인 모발 관리로 끝까지 스타일이 유지되도록 독보적이다! 근데 그거 아세요? 맥주도 인공첨가물이
1 2 On-air 3 1. 이베이코리아 G마켓 용평리조트 슈퍼브랜드딜 편 2. 아모레퍼시픽 헤라 루즈 홀릭 리퀴드 편 인쇄 광고 올해도 겨울이 왔어요. 당신에게 꼭 해주고 싶은 말이 있어요. G마켓에선 용평리조트 스페셜 패키지가 2만 6900원! 역시 G마켓이죠? G마켓과 함께하는 용평리조트 스페셜 패키지. G마켓의 슈퍼브랜드딜은 계속된다. 모바일 쇼핑 히어로
Output file
240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 An Application for Calculation and Visualization of Narrative Relevance of Films Using Keyword Tags Choi Jin-Won (KAIST) Film making
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Objective: This paper reviews the existing Korean medical and public health, and nursing academy articles on disease-specific and domain-specific quality of life, and provides recommendations for the universally
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Smartphone Technical Trends and Security Technologies The smartphone market is increasing very rapidly due to the customer needs and industry trends with wireless carriers, device manufacturers, OS venders,
Problem New Case RETRIEVE Learned Case Retrieved Cases New Case RETAIN Tested/ Repaired Case Case-Base REVISE Solved Case REUSE Aamodt, A. and Plaza, E. (1994). Case-based reasoning; Foundational
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Abstract Prospects of and Tasks Involving the Policy of Revitalization of Traditional Korean Performing Arts Yong-Shik, Lee National Center for Korean Traditional Performing Arts In the 21st century, the
88 / 한국전산유체공학회지 제15권, 제1호, pp.88-94, 2010. 3 관내 유동 해석을 위한 웹기반 자바 프로그램 개발 김 경 성, 1 박 종 천 *2 DEVELOPMENT OF WEB-BASED JAVA PROGRAM FOR NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF PIPE FLOW K.S. Kim 1 and J.C. Park *2 In general,
Page 2 of 6 Here are the rules for conjugating Whether (or not) and If when using a Descriptive Verb. The only difference here from Action Verbs is wh
Page 1 of 6 Learn Korean Ep. 13: Whether (or not) and If Let s go over how to say Whether and If. An example in English would be I don t know whether he ll be there, or I don t know if he ll be there.
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,.,..,....,, Abstract The importance of integrated design which tries to i
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WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. WordPress is installed on a web server, which either is part of an Internet hosting service or is a network host
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북한의 사이버전력 현황과 한국의 국가적 대응전략 북한의 사이버전력 현황과 한국의 국가적 대응전략 임종인*, 권유중**, 장규현***, 백승조**** 1) Ⅰ. 서론 Ⅱ. 북한의 대남 사이버전략과 사이버위협 현황 Ⅲ. 북한의 사이버전력 현황 및 특성 분석 Ⅳ. 북한의 사이버위협에 대한 대응전략 Ⅴ. 결론 및 향후과제 Abstract North Korea s Cyber
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13 5 2009 10 사전검증을통한행정정보보호시스템도입방안 여상수 *, 이동범 **, 곽진 ** Sang-Soo Yeo *, Dong-Bum Lee ** and Jin Kwak ** 요약,...,. Abstract According as information-oriented society is propelled, development of various information
2 환경법과 정책 제16권(2016.2.28.) Ⅰ. 들어가며 Ⅱ. 가습기살균제 사건의 경과 Ⅲ. 가습기살균제 사건과 제조물 책임 Ⅳ. 가습기살균제 사건과 인과관계 입증 완화 Ⅴ. 나가며 Ⅰ. 들어가며 피해유발행위(혹은 인자)가 직접적인 손해를 즉각적으로 유발하는 경우
가습기 살균제 사건의 민사적 쟁점: 제조물책임과 인과관계 입증 송 정 은* 1)정 남 순**2) 가습기살균제를 사용함으로써 손해를 입은 피해자들은 현재 가습기살균제를 제조 및 판매한 업 체를 상대로 손해배상소송을 진행하고 있다. 가습기살균제 사건은 고도의 기술이 집약되어 대량으 로 생산되는 제품의 결함으로 인하여 피해자에게 손해가 발생한 사안으로
WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성 ( 황수경 ) ꌙ 127 노동정책연구 제 4 권제 2 호 pp.127~148 c 한국노동연구원 WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성황수경 *, (disabi
WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성 ( 황수경 ) ꌙ 127 노동정책연구 2004. 제 4 권제 2 호 pp.127~148 c 한국노동연구원 WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성황수경 *, (disability)..,,. (WHO) 2001 ICF. ICF,.,.,,. (disability)
Breathing problems Pa t i e n t: I have been having some breathing problems lately. I always seem to be out of breath no matter what I am d o i n g. ( Nurse : How long have you been experiencing this problem?
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보안공학연구논문지 Journal of Security Engineering Vol.11, No.4 (2014), pp.299-312 http://dx.doi.org/10.14257/jse.2014.08.03 클라우드 컴퓨팅 상호 운용성 기반의 서비스 평가 방법론 개발 이강찬 1), 이승윤 2), 양희동 3), 박철우 4) Development of Service
맛있는 한국으로의 초대 - 중화권 음식에서 한국 음식의 관광 상품화 모색하기 - 소속학교 : 한국외국어대학교 지도교수 : 오승렬 교수님 ( 중국어과) 팀 이 름 : 飮 食 男 女 ( 음식남녀) 팀 원 : 이승덕 ( 중국어과 4) 정진우 ( 중국어과 4) 조정훈 ( 중국어과 4) 이민정 ( 중국어과 3) 탐방목적 1. 한국 음식이 가지고 있는 장점과 경제적 가치에도
탄도미사일 방어무기체계 배치모형 연구 (Optimal Allocation Model for Ballistic Missile Defense System by Simulated Annealing Algorithm)
탄도미사일 방어무기체계 배치모형 연구 (Optimal Allocation Model for Ballistic Missile Defense System by Simulated Annealing Algorithm) 이 상 헌 국방대학교 운영분석학과 우 122-875 서울시 은평구 수색동 205번지 Abstract The set covering(sc) problem
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A Study on Sustainability of Ecotourism Destination* Jeong-Joon Oh** Abstract : Ecotourism has been considered as sustainable tourism since it has been believed to preserve the environment of a tourist
PMIS 발전전략 수립사례 A Case Study on the Development Strategy of Project Management Information System 류 원 희 * 이 현 수 ** 김 우 영 *** 유 정 호 **** Yoo, Won-Hee Lee, Hyun-Soo Kim, Wooyoung Yu, Jung-Ho 요 약 건설업무의 효율성
우리들이 일반적으로 기호
일본지방자치체( 都 道 府 縣 )의 웹사이트상에서 심벌마크와 캐릭터의 활용에 관한 연구 A Study on the Application of Japanese Local Self-Government's Symbol Mark and Character on Web. 나가오카조형대학( 長 岡 造 形 大 學 ) 대학원 조형연구과 김 봉 수 (Kim Bong Su) 193
http://www.kbc.go.kr/pds/2.html Abstract Exploring the Relationship Between the Traditional Media Use and the Internet Use Mee-Eun Kang This study examines the relationship between
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A Study on the Automation of Classification of Volume Reconstruction for CT Images S.M. Park 1, I.S. Hong 2, D.S. Kim 1, D.Y. Kim 1 1 Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Yonsei University, 2 Dept. of Radiology,
, thcho@kisaorkr IPAK (Information Protection Assessment Kit) IAM (INFOSEC Assessment Methodology) 4 VAF (Vulnerability Assessment Framework) 5 OCTAVE (Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability
한국의 북한 핵개발에 대한 인식과 대응 3 한국의북한핵개발에대한인식과대응: 3 차 핵실험 이후* 1)박영호 ( 통일연구원) 국문요약 2013년 2월 12일 북한의 3 차 핵실험은 국내외에 커다란 충격을 주었다. 북한의 핵능 력이 진전되고 북한은 경제건설과 함께 핵 무력건설을 김정은 시대의 발전전략으로 채택 했다. 북핵문제의 패러다임이 변화했다. 한국 사회에서의
27(2), 2007, 96-121 S ij k i POP j a i SEXR j i AGER j i BEDDAT j ij i j S ij S ij POP j SEXR j AGER j BEDDAT j k i a i i i L ij = S ij - S ij ---------- S ij S ij = k i POP j a i SEXR j i AGER j i BEDDAT
High Resolution Disparity Map Generation Using TOF Depth Camera In this paper, we propose a high-resolution disparity map generation method using a lo
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Interoperability :,, Reusability: : Manageability : Accessibility :, LMS Durability : (Specifications), AICC (Aviation Industry CBT Committee) : 1988, /, LMS IMS : 1997EduCom NLII,,,,, ARIADNE (Alliance
White Paper on Knowledge Service Industry Message Message Contents Contents Contents Contents Chapter 1 Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Chapter
무선 센서 네트워크 환경에서 링크 품질에 기반한 라우팅에 대한 효과적인 싱크홀 공격 탐지 기법 901 무선 센서 네트워크 환경에서 링크 품질에 기반한 라우팅에 대한 효과적인 싱크홀 공격 탐지 기법 (A Effective Sinkhole Attack Detection Mechanism for LQI based Routing in WSN) 최병구 조응준 (Byung
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Representation, Encoding and Intermediate View Interpolation Methods for Multi-view Video Using Layered Depth Images The multi-view video is a collection of multiple videos, capturing the same scene at
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실습 1 개발환경 DE1-SoC Board Design Tools - Installation Download & Install Quartus Prime Lite Edition http://www.altera.com/ Quartus Prime (includes Nios II EDS) Nios II Embedded Design Suite (EDS) is automatically
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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2016, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp.1-19 DOI: *,..,,,.,.,,,,.,,,,, ( )
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300 구보학보 12집. 1),,.,,, TV,,.,,,,,,..,...,....,... (recall). 2) 1) 양웅, 김충현, 김태원, 광고표현 수사법에 따른 이해와 선호 효과: 브랜드 인지도와 의미고정의 영향을 중심으로, 광고학연구 18권 2호, 2007 여름
동화 텍스트를 활용한 패러디 광고 스토리텔링 연구 55) 주 지 영* 차례 1. 서론 2. 인물의 성격 변화에 의한 의미화 전략 3. 시공간 변화에 의한 의미화 전략 4. 서사의 변개에 의한 의미화 전략 5. 창조적인 스토리텔링을 위하여 6. 결론 1. 서론...., * 서울여자대학교 초빙강의교수 300 구보학보 12집. 1),,.,,, TV,,.,,,,,,..,...,....,...
274 한국문화 73
- 273 - 274 한국문화 73 17~18 세기통제영의방어체제와병력운영 275 276 한국문화 73 17~18 세기통제영의방어체제와병력운영 277 278 한국문화 73 17~18 세기통제영의방어체제와병력운영 279 280 한국문화 73 17~18 세기통제영의방어체제와병력운영 281 282 한국문화 73 17~18 세기통제영의방어체제와병력운영 283 284
오용록의 작품세계 윤 혜 진 1) * 이 논문은 생전( 生 前 )에 학자로 주로 활동하였던 오용록(1955~2012)이 작곡한 작품들을 살펴보고 그의 작품세계를 파악하고자 하는 것이다. 한국음악이론이 원 래 작곡과 이론을 포함하였던 초기 작곡이론전공의 형태를 염두에 둔다면 그의 연 구에서 기존연구의 방법론을 넘어서 창의적인 분석 개념과 체계를 적용하려는
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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2019, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp DOI: (LiD) - - * Way to
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SNS 명예훼손의 형사책임
SNS 명예훼손의 형사책임 Criminal Liability for Defamation on the SNS 지 영 환 * (Ji, Young-Hwan) < 차 례 > Ⅰ. 서론 Ⅱ. SNS상 명예훼손 Ⅲ. SNS 명예훼손의 형사책임 Ⅳ. SNS 명예훼손행위의 정책적 예방과 입법적 검토 Ⅴ. 결론 주제어: 인터넷, SNS, 명예훼손, 형법, 정보통신망 이용촉진
05-08 087ÀÌÁÖÈñ.hwp
산별교섭에 대한 평가 및 만족도의 영향요인 분석(이주희) ꌙ 87 노 동 정 책 연 구 2005. 제5권 제2호 pp. 87118 c 한 국 노 동 연 구 원 산별교섭에 대한 평가 및 만족도의 영향요인 분석: 보건의료노조의 사례 이주희 * 2004,,,.. 1990. : 2005 4 7, :4 7, :6 10 * (jlee@ewha.ac.kr) 88 ꌙ 노동정책연구
목차 1. 서론 1.1. 연구의 배경 및 목적 1.2. 연구의 내용 및 방법 2. 제품스타일 분석 2.1. 제품이미지 2.2. 미래지향적 스타일 3. 신세대 감성분석 3.1. 라이프스타일 3.2. 광고전략 3.3. 색채에 따른 제품구매 분석 4. 결론 *참고문헌 ( )
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황 교 국 (fullc0de@gmail.com) SK Infosec Co., Inc MSS Biz. Security Center Table of Contents 1. 소개...3 2. 공격 관련 Protocols Overview...3 2.1. UDP Protocol...3 2.2. ICMP Protocol...4 3. UDP Flood Test Environment...5
종량제봉투의 불법유통 방지를 위한 폐기물관리법과 조례의 개선방안* 1) 송 동 수** 차 례 Ⅰ. 머리말 Ⅱ. 종량제봉투의 개요 Ⅲ. 종량제봉투의 불법유통사례 및 방지대책 Ⅳ. 폐기물관리법의 개선방안 Ⅴ. 지방자치단체 조례의 개선방안 Ⅵ. 결론 국문초록 1995년부터 쓰레기 종량제가 시행되면서 각 지방자치단체별로 쓰레기 종량제 봉투가 제작, 판매되기 시작하였는데,
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441 450 458 466 474 477 480 This book examines the research conducted on urban ethnography by the National Folk Museum of Korea. Although most people in Korea
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2 동북아역사논총 50호 구권협정으로 해결됐다 는 일본 정부의 주장에 대해, 일본군 위안부 문제는 일 본 정부 군 등 국가권력이 관여한 반인도적 불법행위이므로 한일청구권협정 에 의해 해결된 것으로 볼 수 없다 는 공식 입장을 밝혔다. 또한 2011년 8월 헌 법재판소는
일본군 위안부 피해자 구제에 관한 일고( 一 考 ) 1 일본군 위안부 피해자 구제에 관한 일고( 一 考 ) 김관원 / 동북아역사재단 연구위원 Ⅰ. 머리말 일본군 위안부 문제가 한일 간 현안으로 불거지기 시작한 것은 일본군 위안부 피해를 공개 증언한 김학순 할머니 등이 일본에서 희생자 보상청구 소송을 제 기한 1991년부터다. 이때 일본 정부는 일본군이 위안부
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166 167 1) 2) 3) 4) source code 5) object code PC copy IP Internet Protocol 6) 7) 168 8) 9)10) 11) 12)13) / / 14) 169 PC publisher End User distributor RPG Role-Playing Game 15) FPS First Person Shooter
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step 1-1
Written by Dr. In Ku Kim-Marshall STEP BY STEP Korean 1 through 15 Action Verbs Table of Contents Unit 1 The Korean Alphabet, hangeul Unit 2 Korean Sentences with 15 Action Verbs Introduction Review Exercises
00-09 2000. 12 ,,,,.,.,.,,,,,,.,,..... . 1 1 7 2 9 1. 9 2. 13 3. 14 3 16 1. 16 2. 21 3. 39 4 43 1. 43 2. 52 3. 56 4. 66 5. 74 5 78 1. 78 2. 80 3. 86 6 88 90 Ex e cu t iv e Su m m a r y 92 < 3-1> 22 < 3-2>
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감각형 증강현실을 이용한
대한산업공학회/한국경영과학회 2012년 춘계공동학술대회 감각형 증강현실을 이용한 전자제품의 디자인 품평 문희철, 박상진, 박형준 * 조선대학교 산업공학과 * 교신저자, hzpark@chosun.ac.kr 002660 ABSTRACT We present the recent status of our research on design evaluation of digital
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2 大 韓 政 治 學 會 報 ( 第 18 輯 1 號 ) 과의 소통부재 속에 여당과 국회도 무시한 일방적인 밀어붙이기식 국정운영을 보여주고 있다. 민주주의가 무엇인지 다양하게 논의될 수 있지만, 민주주의 운영에 필요한 최소한의 제도적 조건은 권력 행사에서 국가기관 사이의
대한정치학회보 18집 1호, 2010년 6월:49~74 노무현 대통령과 이명박 대통령의 지도력과 국정운영 비교 : 임기 초 지도력 특성과 국민지지 * 1) 이 강 로 전주대학교 요 약 한국에서 민주주의가 뿌리를 내리기 위해서는 대통령의 지도력 행사에 제도만이 아 니라 여론과 같은 외부적 요인을 통해 체계적으로 견제할 수 있어야 한다. 대통령의 지도력 특성을
The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 4, August, 30, 2016:319~332 Received: 2016/07/28, Accepted: 2016/08/28 Revised: 2016/08/27, Published: 2016/08/30 [ABSTRACT] This paper examined what determina
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