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1 IBM System z 특수엔진을통한메인프레임발상의전환 2007년 9월 5일 System z 총괄사업부

2 목 차 System z 특수엔진이란? 리눅스 : Integrated Facility for Linux (IFL) 자바 : z9 Application Assist Processor (zaap) DB2: z9 Integrated Information Processor (ziip) 요약 2

3 System z 비용요소분석 CPU 사용시간당비용 23% 8% 24% 45% 하드웨어 IBM 소프트웨어 ISV 소프트웨어인건비 출처 : Competitiveness Council numbers for large mainframe environment (3,600 MIPS) IBM Global Services, 2006 년 10 월 3

4 비용절감방안 > New Workload!!! 고객의비즈니스요구를수용함과동시에고객의 IT 비용절감방안제시 System z 특수엔진 고객이요구하는새로운업무형식지원 Linux, Java, Data-serving NEW: IPSec, XML Integrated Facility for Linux (IFL) System z 특수엔진 고객의현재및미래재정수익증진 기술투자에대한보호 시스템용량증설비용절감 IBM System z Application Assist Processor (zaap) IBM System z9 Integrated Information Processor (ziip) 4

5 특수엔진을사용하면왜비용이절감되는가? 1. 하드웨어비용 : 특수엔진의하드웨어비용이범용엔진보다저렴함 2. 소프트웨어비용 : 특수엔진으로범용엔진을대처할수있음에따라, 범용엔진개수혹은사용량기반의소프트웨어라이센스및유지보수비용이절감됨. 특수엔진사용분에대한 z/os 소프트웨어비용은없음 5

6 1Q07 2Q07 System z 특수엔진시장동향 System z Specialty Engine MIPS Growth 2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 1, , MIPS (Thousands) 4Q02 1Q03 2Q03 3Q03 4Q03 1Q04 2Q04 3Q04 4Q04 1Q05 2Q05 3Q05 4Q05 1Q06 2Q06 3Q06 4Q06 IFL zaap ziip

7 System z 이노베이션 : 특수엔진 (Specialty Engines) Eligible for ziip: DB2 remote access and BI/DW ISVs New! IPSec encryption z/os XML (SOD)* System z9 Integrated Information Processor 2006 Internal Coupling Facility (ICF) 1997 Integrated Facility for Linux (IFL) 2000 System z Application Assist Processor (zaap) 2004 Eligible for zaap: Java execution environment z/os XML System Services 7

8 System z 이노베이션 : 다중칩모듈 (MCM) 특수엔진을이용한 New Workloads 탑재가능 IFL: Linux (z/vm 포함 ) zaap: Java ziips: DB2 workloads MSC PU IFL zaap PU MSC PU SD SD PU 범용엔진대비저렴한비용 예, $125K z9ec, $95K z9bc PU SD SD PU ( 미국의경우특수엔진표시정가 ) 마이크로코드를통한구성 CLK PU ziip SC PU 구매된특수엔진에대한업그레이드비용없음 (MIPS 증가에도불구하고 ) 특수엔진사용부분은 z/os 및 3rd party 소프트웨어 비용없음 8

9 Integrated Facility for Linux (IFL) Linux 운영체제처리를위한전용프로세서 System z9, zseries 그리고 S/390 에서탑재가능 범용엔진과동일한클락스피드와사양의프로세서 범용엔진에비해매우낮은취득가격 가상화를통한서버환경의통합운영가능 소프트웨어구매가격의감소 : 가상화된프로세서가아닌, 실재물리적장착된프로세서기준비용 서버 (2CPU) 10대를 2 IFL로통합하는경우, 20 CPU 라이센스가 2 CPU로감소 프로세서장애시자동으로예비프로세서로전환, 기존용량에영향무관 9

10 IFL > 주요적용사례유형 단순목적으로사용되는전사의웹, 어플리케이션, 파일, 프린트서버통합 목적 : try it out 분산된어플리케이션서버인프라통합 목적 : reduce my TCO and get better controls 인프라구조단순화 목적 : get back on track in handling distributed environment 미션크리티컬어플리케이션업무통합 목적 : run it on the most reliable and most secure platform Best Fit Applications WebSphere MQ Series DB2 Connect CICS Transaction Gateway IMS Connect for Java Web Logic/WebSphere and JAVA applications development Applications requiring top end disaster recovery model ComServer and Communications Controller for Linux LDAP security services IBI Web Focus Communigate Pro (VoIP) Oracle Database DB2 LUW / UDB 10

11 IFL > 참조아키텍처 Router Firewall z/vm LPAR 1 on System A Backup Edge Server Primary Edge Server HTTP Server HTTP Server Firewall WAS Dmgr WAS Server WAS Server z/os LPAR on System A DVIPA DB2 SD GDPS Metro Mirror Max 100KM PPRC Copy Router Primary Edge Server HTTP Server WAS Server SD Backup Firewall Backup Edge Server HTTP Server Firewall WAS Server DVIPA DB2 z/vm LPAR 2 on System B WAS Dmgr z/os LPAR on System B 11

12 IFL> 고객사례 FNBO consolidated on a single IBM mainframe 30 UNIX servers 500 applications 560 Windows servers Results: 70% improvement in HW utilization Savings: $2 million/yr average It s revolutionary. It paid for itself in a year. Ken Kucera, Senior Vice President 12

13 IFL> 참조자료 High Availability Architectures for Linux on IBM System z Companion paper to this presentation. Contains detailed information on these architectures, why we chose them, and alternatives. Contains required product versions. On the web at: System z Platform Test Report for z/os and Linux Virtual Servers, June 2006 Edition (Part 3. Linux Virtual Servers) Contains detailed information on the setup and testing of these architectures. On the web at: System z Platform Test Report for z/os and Linux Virtual Servers, June 2007 Edition (Part 2. Linux Virtual Servers) New additions to our HA configurations: TAM, LDAP, Communications, multiple LPARs. Contains details on setup and gotchas. On the web at: 13

14 ADM> Customer Conversation (bad) What do you think I should do with my old, expensive, inflexible CICS COBOL legacy? Don t worry, you should just rewrite to a new, modern Java based SOA write once, run anywhere!!! $$$ $$$ Yup.. I guess HP, TMAX, Oracle, Microsoft, etc. were right all along Wow I m so clever!! I m going to make so much money!!! 14

15 ADM> Just one introductory slide on SOA SOA Principles / Definitions Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a business-centric IT architectural approach that supports integrating your business as linked, repeatable business tasks, or services. SOA helps users build composite applications, which are applications that draw upon functionality from multiple sources within and beyond the enterprise to support horizontal business processes. IBM SOA Entry Points People: enables efficiency through interaction and collaboration Process: offers tools and services to help streamline business process management Information: enables access to complex, heterogeneous data sources Connectivity: links people, processes and information for your business Reuse: extends the value of your previous asset investments 15

16 ADM> Unlock extreme business value CICS Transaction Server for z/os V3 : Over 38 years of constant innovation A world leader in SOA CICS TS for z/os V3.1 is the most successful release in history Over 1,200 customers worldwide on CICS TS V3 for z/os CICS TS for z/os V3.2 General Availability June 2007 For over 10 years, IBM has focused CICS development in 3 core areas: CICS application connectivity REMEMBER THESE THREE CICS application reuse CICS service management THINGS 16

17 ADM> Reuse of existing assets is key to SOA success Mainframe applications and data are among the most valuable assets a company owns Incrementally reusing these time-tested and proven assets is one of the fastest, lowest cost, and least risk paths to SOA Business Need Necessary Functions & Services Composite Application(s) Decompose the business need into its necessary functions and services 2. Reuse core business systems by exposing them to the SOA as services 3. Create new business logic as necessary and integrate with newly exposed core services 2 Core Business Systems 17

18 ADM> J2EE Development on z/os (using WDz) 18

19 ADM> CICS COBOL Development on z/os (using WDz) 19

20 ADM> What about before SOA? Significant business intelligence exists in core systems "200 Billion(2천억 ) lines of COBOL code in existence" eweek "5 Billion(50억 ) lines of COBOL code added yearly Bill Ulrich, TSG Inc. 2 Million COBOL developers" Gartner "Majority of customer data still on mainframes Computerworld Replacement costs $20 Trillion(20조 ) eweek Rewriting - is it an option... How long will it take? (lose strategic benefit) Who will do it? (who has the business knowledge?) How much will it cost? Risk? 20

21 ADM> Customer Conversation (good) $$$ $$$ What do you think I should do with my old, expensive, inflexible CICS COBOL legacy? CICS and COBOL investments make excellent SOA services!! IBM can help you make money from reusing what you already have!!! $$$ $$$ Well.. that would certainly be cheaper and faster - and with a much lower risk Wow I m so clever!! We are both going to make a lot of money out of this!!! 21

22 z9 Application Assist Processor (zaap) 자바업무처리를위한전용프로세서 System z9과 zseries 에서탑재가능 z/os v1.6 이상에서사용가능 범용엔진과동일한클락스피드와사양의프로세서 범용엔진에비하여매우낮은취득가격 zaap 의숫자는소프트웨어모델과무관 자바업무를 zaap에서처리하는경우, 범용엔진의사용률도낮아져 WLC 방식의소프트웨어라이센스방식의경우전체적인비용절감효과발생 프로세서장애시자동으로예비프로세서로전환, 기존용량에영향무관 22

23 zaap> 전제사항 Available on z9 EC, z9 BC, z990 and z890 only Minimum Prerequisites: z/os 1.6 (or z/os.e 1.6) IBM SDK for z/os, Java 2 Technology Edition, V1.4 with PTF for APAR PQ86689 Processor Resource/Systems Manager (PR/SM ) must be enabled. Subsystems and Apps using SDK 1.4 will exploit zaaps automatically, example: WAS 5.1, WAS 6.0 CICS /TS 2.3 DB2 V8, DB2 9 IMS V8, IMS V9 WebSphere WBI for z/os Java batch Number of zaaps may not exceed the number of permanently purchased CPs (including unassigned CPs or Downgrade - Record Only CPs) on a given machine model. zaaps are transparent to Java applications: No anticipated changes to application are required 23

24 zaap> 웹어플리케이션을한박스에통합 1st Tier 2dn Tier 1st Tier 2nd Tier 3rd Tier Client Client Client App Sever App Sever z/os Database Server CP CP CP Client Client Client Integrated z/os Database & Application Server After: Integrated z/os Web App & Database Serving CP CP zaap Before: Networked Web Serving 24

25 zaap> 신기능발표! - z/os XML System Services* August 2007 announcement Announcement: 1. NEW! z/os XML System Services is enabled to take advantage of zaaps. Statement of Direction, at a future date: 2. IBM is intends to enable the z/os XML to take additional advantage of ziips. (i.e. 100% ziip redirect, greater than the current (about half) for DRDA) 3. IBM also intends to extend and expand the use of z/os XML System Services with additional future enhancements: IBM intends to enhance the XML Toolkit for z/os so eligible workloads use z/os XML. This allows eligible XML Toolkit processing to exploit zaap. IBM intends to add validating parsing to the z/os XML component. This extends zaap and ziip exploitation to include XML validating parsing workload as well. 25

26 zaap> 고객사례 Abercrombie & Fitch Bank of Montreal Deere & Company Farmers Insurance Group HSBC Mexico MIB Group Montreal Informatica North Carolina Admin. Off. Of Courts Ohio Public Employees Retirement System Societe Generale State of Missouri Dept. of Revenue Toys R US UniGroup UNC Hospitals Wisconsin Physicians Services Zurich North America 26

27 zaap> 참조자료 zaap site = Redbook: zaap Implementation, SG Redbook: Java Stand-alone Applications on z/os, SG Techdocs #TD New SMF Support for zaaps and SMF Accounting #PRS1632 Everything zaap Technical Presentation #TD Viewing Potential zaap Workload on non-zaap Systems with OMEGAMON XE on z/os #PRS1224 Implementing zaaps in the CICS Environment FLASH10432 z/os: Dispatcher Enhancements for zaaps #WP Obtaining the zaap Usage Estimation Information in WebSphere for z/os Version 5 #PRS1088 Checklist for a Successful Migration to z990, z890 and zaap #TD Specialty Engines ziip and zaap Software Update #TD zaap Estimation with Java5 and WebSphere for z/os V6.1 11/15/2006 Mike Cox #WP z/os Performance: Capacity Planning Considerations for zaap Processors 27

28 System z Integrated Information Processor 데이터업무처리를위한전용프로세서 System z9 에서탑재가능 z/os v1.6 과 DB2 v8 이상에서사용가능 범용엔진과동일한클락스피드와사양의프로세서 범용엔진에비하여매우낮은취득가격 ziip의숫자는소프트웨어모델과무관 DB2의 Enclave SRB를사용하는모든업무를zIIP에서처리하여, 일반 CP의사용률도낮아져 WLC 방식의소프트웨어라이센스방식의경우전체적인비용절감효과발생 기존 DRDA등몇가지에만가능하나, 향후다른작업도 Enclave SRB를사용하는경우추가적절감효과가능 프로세서장애시자동으로예비프로세서로전환, 기존용량에영향무관 28

29 ziip> 활용방안 TCP/IP CP CP ziip 1. ERP 혹은 CRM 어플리케이션지원 Distributed SQL requests (Via DRDA over a TCP/IP connection DB2) 2. Data warehousing 어플리케이션지원 DB2 for z/os V8 parallel queries 3. DB2 for z/os V8 유틸리티들 Index maintenance 29

30 ziip> 성능에대한벤치마킹 This will depend on the workload and qualities of service you need* Dist. front end to DB2 back end CP App Dev FW BU Adding a ziip. Same application and data, four different scenarios. Multi-LPAR co-location with Type 4 connectivity CP ziip CP zaap zaap ziip App Dev FW BU LPAR 1 Same LPAR co-location with Type 2 connectivity CP zaap zaap LPAR 2 Resp Time = up to 100ms up to 100ms 28ms 11ms The option of adding a ziip may result in: Lower general purpose CP utilization and TCO on mainframe Same [unquantifiable] costs and risks for distributed server (development & failover systems, back up/recovery procedures, firewall, security policies, availability, response time, etc ) The option of co-locating the application in separate LPAR from DB2 may result in: Higher application qualities of service and improved response time Small increase in general purpose CP utilization due to processing and communication between LPARS The option of co-locating the application in a single LPAR, may result in: Higher application qualities of service Faster response time Lower general purpose CP utilization (as compared to scenario without ziip) * Performance is based on measurements and projections using standard IBM benchmarks in a controlled environment. The actual throughput or performance that any user will experience will vary depending upon considerations such as the amount of multiprogramming in the user s job stream, the I/O configuration, the storage configuration, and the workload processed. Therefore, no assurance can be given that an individual user will achieve throughput or performance improvements equivalent to the numbers stated here. Single application only, your results may vary 30 ZSP03031-USEN-01

31 ziip> 신기능발표! - ziip Assisted IPSec Available August, 2007 z/os Communications Server allows IPSec processing to take advantage of ziips This ziip Assisted IPSec function moves most of the z/os IPSec processing from the general purpose processors to the ziips. In addition to performing the encryption processing, the ziip can also handle cryptographic validation of message integrity, and IPSec header processing. Specifically, the z/os Communication Server (z/os CS) is designed to interact with z/os Workload Manager to have all of its IPSec enclave Service Request Block (SRB) work made eligible to run on the ziip. In addition, ziip Assisted IPSec may provide a performance improvement for IPSec processing Especially when processing on general purpose processors have been CP-constrained 31

32 ziip> 고객사례 Issues: Solution: Results: Mission critical data is on DB2 for z/os to insure scalability, manageability, and security.. BUT.. Need to reduce the extent of data replication. Multiple copies of data compromise security, management, backup and recovery of Data Warehouse application Need to reduce the cost of distributed database calls (DRDA) to ERP application ziips were purchased Simple installation of ziip No code changes to the application No configuration changes to DB2 ziips activated automatically without any tuning requirements DB2 workload was dispatched flawlessly Examples for feedback: The overhead of ziip was monitored and appeared to be insignificant The response time improved with the available capacity of the ziip ziip utilization reached 97% The System z9 utilization was significantly reduced as workload was redirected to the ziip Software costs were significantly reduced. Investigating Business Intelligence/ Data Warehousing on System z 32

33 ziip> IPSec 참조자료 What are the pre-requisites for ziip assisted IPSec? z/os 1.8 Communications Server PTF (APAR PK40178) z/os 1.8 PTF (APAR OA20045) (coreq for APAR PK40178) System z9 with ziips z/os CS = GLOBALCONFIG ZIIP IPSECURITY z/os Communications Server ibm.com/software/network/commserver/zos/security/ ziip page ibm.com/systems/z/ziip/ Redbooks z/os Network Security White paper Capacity Planning for ziip-assisted IPSec ibm.com/support/techdocs/atsmastr.nsf/webindex/wp ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=852&uid=swg Techdocs #PRS2745 WSC Experiences with IPSec on the ziip Processor #WP Capacity Planning for ziip-assisted IPSec #TD Specialty Engine ziip and zaap Software Update 33

34 요약 z/os LPAR WAS Application zaap 비용절감 Application not on System z TCP/IP HiperSockets TCP/IP D R D A DRDA DB2 DRDA Star Schema ziip TCP/IP HiperSockets Linux on System z LPAR Application WAS Application z/os LPAR zaap IFL Application CP 비즈니스적시대응 오픈스탠더드수용 SOA 구현 대규모통합데이터베이스구축 가상화를통한 IT Optimization & IT Simplification 34


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