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2 What is BMJ Best Practice? 치료시점의의사결정지원도구 2016년의사결정지원 (Clinical Decision Support) 26개품목 (Up to date 및 Dynamed 포함 ) 에대한독립적인검토결과공동 1등주요 1차및 2차연구형식으로가장최상의증거를제공하고, 6,500 개이상국내외실용지침과 65,000 건이상의 참고자료 1,600명의국제전문가와 29개국 2,500명이상의 Peer Reviewers 의전문지식제공환자패널이검토하고 The Information Standard 에서승인받은약 400 개이상환자전단지 (Patient Leaflets) 를제공 1,000 건이상진단과진단테스트를제공 And so on New and Unique to BMJ Best Practice in 2017 중요 New Research 및 Guideline update 에대한신속한정보제공확정된주제분야 총 32개주제분야제공 Cochrane Clinical Answer 제공 확장된체계적인정보제공및불확실한영역에서도최상의의사결정지원 EBM Toolkit 임상실험결과가임상실습으로일반화될수있는지평가할수있는방법 EBMCalc 와 Partnership 체결 250 개이상의의료용계산기제공 3D Animation - 주요의료및외과기술로진행하는 3D Animation 제공 Rapid Recommendation 제공 - Accelerating Evidence Into Practice
3 Ongoing systematic searches of over 5000 journals by our experienced Information Specialists. Continuous monitoring for high-quality new and updated international guidelines Daily in-house scanning and triaging of drug alerts Regular updating in line with newly published Cochrane reviews and Cochrane Clinical Answers Our Robust Editorial Process Ensures Nothing is Missed Constant triaging of user feedback by our in-house team Specialist section editors who keep abreast of developments in their area, quickly implement important changes and provide context External peer review of all new topics by at least 2 leading international experts and practising clinicians Internal peer review and sign-off by in-house pharmacist and senior editors
4 New BMJ Best Practice website will be launched at the end of Oct, 2017 with strong additional funtionality
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6 32 개주제분야 Reinventing BMJ Best Practice
7 Reinventing BMJ Best Practice 2017 년 5 월 EBMCalc 와 Partnership 체결 * EBMCalc 은미국에서가장빠르게성장하는증거기반의료계산기입니다 개가넘는의료용계산기지원 - 의학공식 / 임상기준세트 / 의사결정트리분석 / 용량, 단위변환기및기타 목록별 주제별
8 Reinventing BMJ Best Practice BMJ 는환자패널이검토하고, The Information Standard 에서 승인받은 400 개이상의환자전단지 (Patient Leaflets) 제공 목록별 주제별
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10 Reinventing BMJ Best Practice New Clinical Answer à Cochrane Clinical Answers 2017 년 1 월 BMJ 와 Cochrane Clinical Answers Partnership 체결 Cochrane Clinical Answers 를통해보다확장된체계적인정보를제공하며, 의료전문가가불확실한영역에서도최상의의사결정을할수있도록지원합니다.
11 Recommendations backed up with evidence from guidelines and Cochrane Clinical Answers
12 Unique systematic review layer With links to clinical answer Links to full outcome data
13 Outcome data includes further information from the original Cochrane Review : The Population, Intervention, Comparator (PICO) section at the bottom of the page describes people and interventions included in the trials to aid in determining clinical relevance Quality of evidence (GRADE statements) or risk of bias analysis A clear narrative statement Statistical data on relative effects A measure of absolute effects in terms of number of patients impacted out of 100 or 1000 (equivalent to NNT) Link to forest plot With links to original systematic review for subscribers
14 Reinventing BMJ Best Practice EBM Toolkit 제공 EBM Toolkit 을통해연구결과에얼마나많은비중을둘수있는지, 임상실험결과가임상실습으로일반화될수있는지평가할수있는방법을배울수있습니다.
15 Reinventing BMJ Best Practice Rapid Recommendations - Accelerating Evidence Into Practice Rapid Recommendations 이란? 연구증거 (Research Evidence) 를임상실습권장 (Clinical Practice Recommendation) 으로변형시키는혁신적인접근방식입니다. 새로운연구결과가새로운치료지침으로제공되기까지수년이걸릴수있습니다. 그동안많은환자들이구식진료를받습니다. 이러한이유로 BMJ 는비영리연구및혁신프로그램인 MAGIC 과협력하여 BMJ Rapid Recommendations 을개발한이유입니다. Emerging Research 는사용자친화적이고신뢰할수있는권장사항, 증거요약및의사결정지원 Tool 로신속하고투명하게제공됩니다.
16 Reinventing BMJ Best Practice Rapid Recommendations - Accelerating Evidence Into Practice BMJ Rapid Recommendations 는신뢰할수있는권장사항을통해신속하고투명하게중요한문제에대한답변을제공하며, 불확실한분야에서의사결정을해야하는의료전문가에게 Visual Summary 제공하는 Tool 로서의료전문가가최상의의사결정을할수있도록지원합니다.
17 Reinventing BMJ Best Practice Martindale 약물정보제공 BNF / AHFS 약물정보에대한 License 를구독하신경우, BMJ Best Practice 에서검색 / 이용가능하도록기술지원
18 Other Features Using BP on your mobile devices Available on Android and Apple Devices...And an award-winning app with full offline functionality The new BMJ Best Practice app won a Silver Award, Mobile Distinction at the recent 23rd Annual Communicator Awards. It is rated higher than competitor apps in Google Play (4.7 stars vs 4.4 for UTD and 3.7 for Dynamed Plus) and the App Store (4.4 stars vs 4 for UTD, not enough reviews for Dynamed Plus).
19 Other Features CME / CPD Credit 제공 CME : Continuing Medical Education ( 평생의학교육 ) CPD : Continuous Professional Development ( 전문직업성평생교육 )
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