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1 01 M Hey, Linda. Did you find a website that sells picnic tables? W Yeah, come over here. Here s one that has some. M Wow! They have a good selection. What kind of table should we get? W I think a square one is better than a round one. M Hmm. But I think a round one would be safer for the children. W You re right. Look here. These even have rests for the back. M That s great. Having rests for the back will be more comfortable. W Then, let s look at only those. M OK. I think we should go with the one that has two seats. W But the one with four seats would be better when we invite guests over. M I agree. Then, let s order this one. Topic & Situation Solution a round one would be safer / Having rests for the back will be more comfortable. / the one with four seats would be better Listening Focus These even have rests for the back. rest take a rest have rests take have ex. a foot rest Words & Phrases selection square back rest seat Exercises W It s time to choose the final design of the ballet performance poster. M We can complete the final one by using these samples. 2

2 W Okay. First, we d better decide the location of specific items. M I think the title ballet performance should be at the top of the poster. W Of course, you re right. Then how about the performing time and place? M Putting a picture of a ballerina in the middle and the time and the place under the picture is good. W In my opinion, putting the ballerina picture at the bottom would make the poster well-balanced. M Okay, let s do that. Next, the letter style. Should the time and place be typed in bold letters? W I think the title should be typed in bold letters, and the time and place should be underlined. M Great. (pause) Is this okay? W Yes. I think we are finished. M Good. I agree with you. Topic & Situation Solution ballet performance Listening Focus I think the title ballet performance ~. [tl] [t] title[táitl] [táirl] ex. bottle, turtle Words & Phrases performance complete location specific ballerina well-balanced bold 2 W Did you decide which clothes to send to the upcoming blue jeans fashion show? M Not yet. I don t have any ideas. Will you help me? W All right. Few people wear baggy hiphop jeans these days. M You re right. Women s jeans with pretty designs are more popular. W Straight skinny jeans are popular nowadays. M Okay, I ll make a pair of straight skinny jeans. W There are many jeans with beads or flower patterns all over them. M I think they re too brightly decorated. Is there anything that s feminine and neat? 3

3 01 W How about using lace? M That s a good idea. I ll use lace on the pockets and the bottom hem. W How about ribbons? M No, I won t use those. But thanks a lot. Topic & Situation Solution Okay, I ll make a pair of straight skinny jeans. I ll use lace on the pockets and the bottom hem. Listening Focus How about using lace? about how about [hau báut] [hau báut] ex. was aware [w z w ] [w z w ] Words & Phrases baggy straight skinny jeans feminine bottom hem 3 M Did you do enough research to change the logo design? W Yes, instead of the word Power, we will only use the capital letter P. M It s good to emphasize simplicity. What about the shape? W We are wondering whether there should be a circle around the P or a triangle around it instead. M I think a triangle would be better. W Okay. I also have to consider whether the shape should be one thick line or a thick dotted line. M One thick line would be better to give a strong impression. W Then should we add since 1910 at the bottom? M It would be good to add it for our company s 100th anniversary. W All right. Then I ll send this logo design to the design team. M Okay, it will be a simple but unique logo. Topic & Situation 100 Solution P since 1910 Listening Focus Then I ll send this logo ~. [d+"] ["] ex. aroundthem, andthere Words & Phrases emphasize capital letter dotted line anniversary 4

4 4 M The family picture that we took last time should be hung on the wall. W Then we need a frame. Oh, look over there. That store has a variety of cheap products. M Okay. Wow, that frame with the polka dots is nice. W It s nice, but if the frame has a complicated pattern, the picture won t show up. M Is that so? But simple frames are not pretty. W I don t like plain frames, either. M Then how about this frame with slanted lines? W It s not bad. But I prefer that frame over there. M You mean the one with flowers on the top and the bottom? W No, the one next to it. The one with new moons at the bottom of the frame. M Hmm. It s very stylish because it has something only at the bottom. W Then let s get that one. Topic & Situation Solution The one with new moons at the bottom of the frame. It s very stylish because it has something only at the bottom. Listening Focus That store has a variety of cheap products. cheap products [p+p] [p] ex. help pay, lamp post Words & Phrases polka dot plain slanted line stylish 5 M Welcome. What are you looking for? W I need a shoulder bag. M There are different kinds of bags on this side. Checks are very trendy nowadays. W I d like a plain bag. Do you have a bag with pockets? M How about this plain bag with two small pockets? W It s not bad, but do the pockets have zippers? M Yes. But these days many people prefer button-type pockets. 5

5 01 W Please show me a bag that has a big pocket with a zipper on the front. M Sorry, but we don t have that kind. But we do have ones with a button. W No, it s all right. I ll buy the bag with two small pockets and zippers that you mentioned earlier. M You mean this one? W Yes. Topic & Situation Solution I d like a plain bag. / I ll buy the bag with two small pockets and zippers. Listening Focus But we do have ones ~. do does did do ex. I do want it. Words & Phrases shoulder check trendy pattern 6 W Rowland, I heard you got promoted. Congratulations! M Thank you. I finally got my own private office. W I heard that the room had a full picture window. Is that right? M Yes, you can see the whole town. The curtains aren t up yet, but they re coming soon. W How about your desk? I bet it s going to be much bigger. M Yes, and it s an L-shaped desk for a much better working environment. W That s awesome. Is there anything else? M There s a beautiful piece of art on the wall, and there s a refrigerator. W Do you have your own secretary now? M Of course, I do. But I don t share my office with her. W That s so wonderful. M Please come and see it anytime. Topic & Situation Solution (The curtains aren t up yet,) Listening Focus I heard you got promoted. [d] [j] [d,] [d]+[j] [d,] / heard you [h ; d ju] [h ; d,u] ex. did you, find you Words & Phrases promote private environment secretary 6

6 02 (Phone rings.) M Hello? W John, why didn t you pick up the phone? I kept calling you! M Sorry, I missed your calls. What s up? W I wasn t able to complete my part of our project. M What? It s due at 5 p.m. There s only half an hour left! W I know, but I couldn t open the file you sent. The password didn t work. M What s the password you used? W It s , isn t it? That s what you wrote on the memo. M Oh, no! It s not 01. It s ol, ol3456. W What? I ve been trying the wrong password until now! I totally lost my patience. M I m sorry. I should ve told you it was a combination of letters and numbers. W It s too late now. I won t be able to finish by the deadline! Topic & Situation Solution Listening Focus It s zero[zíârou] o[óu] Words & Phrases pick up the phone complete due password patience should have p.p. combination deadline Exercises (Phone rings.) M Hello. W Hello, Mike. This is Priscilla. 7

7 02 M Hi, Priscilla. What s up? W Can you recommend a funny movie? M Oh, do you like comedies? I thought you liked romantic movies. W Well, I feel like laughing today. M What s wrong with you? It sounds like you re depressed. W Well, do you know what day it was yesterday? M Sure. It was Wednesday. W: Well, you re not the exception, either. Nobody remembered my birthday. M Oh, I m sorry. I thought your birthday was next week. W That s all right, Mike. Anyway, do you know a good comedy? M I heard Smile Again in Las Vegas was funny. W I ve already seen that movie. I thought it was boring. Topic & Situation Solution Listening Focus I feel like laughing today. [l] [l] [l] feel like [fi;l laik] [fi;laik] Words & Phrases recommend romantic exception 2 W Hey, Bill. What are you doing? M Oh, hi, Christine. I m deleting some text messages on my phone. W Do you get many text messages every day? M Yes, but most of them are useless. W What do you mean? M I receive so many spam messages that I have to take time to delete them. W Oh, you re wasting time because of them. M Yes. Sometimes I get those messages in the middle of the night. W Well, I m afraid your personal information is being released somewhere. M I think so, too. That s what I cannot stand. W I think changing your number can be a solution. 8

8 M Oh, no! I ve already changed my number twice because of so much spam. Topic & Situation Solution Listening Focus I receive so many spam messages ~. [sk] [sp] [st] [k] [p] [t] ex. school [sku;l], spam [spæm], stand [stænd] Words & Phrases delete release stand solution 3 W Excuse me, Mr. Taylor. I m afraid I wrote some wrong answers on my answer sheet. M Oh, really? That s too bad, but there s nothing I can do for you. W Here is my exam paper. Look at these. I think I made some mistakes in marking the answers. M I understand, but you cannot correct them because the exam is over. W Then can I compare the markings on my answer sheet with those on my exam paper? M Okay. Wait a second. (pause) Well, here is your answer sheet. W Thank you, sir. M Well, where did you make mistakes? W Actually, I didn t make any mistakes, sir. M What do you mean? W I didn t miscopy the answers from my exam paper. M That s good to hear. Topic & Situation Solution Listening Focus ~ there s nothing I can do for you. can can [kæn] [kân] Words & Phrases correct compare marking answer sheet miscopy 9

9 02 4 M How is your team project going, Melissa? W Well, we ve just finished gathering information. How s your team? M Oh, I don t want to talk about my team. W Why? Does your team have some problems? M I think my group has poor teamwork. My team members are not cooperative. W Oh, that s too bad. M You know the project is due next Friday, but my team has not decided on a topic yet. W Who s your team leader? M Gary is my team leader, but I m not satisfied with his leadership. W Why don t you ask him to call a team meeting? M I tried to do that, but I couldn t contact him. He didn t answer the phone every time I called him. W Oh, what an irresponsible guy! Topic & Situation Solution upset Listening Focus We ve We have just finished gathering information. have, has, had ex. He s He has been studying English for ten years. You d You had better go right now. Words & Phrases gather cooperative decide on irresponsible 5 W I finally bought a cappuccino machine. M Really? You ve been looking for one for a long time, right? W Yeah. I went to Springfield Shopping Mall last Saturday, and a very nice cappuccino machine caught my eyes. M I didn t know the shopping mall has kitchenware. W Actually, I went there to buy a blouse, but I happened to find a new kitchenware store has just opened. M Wow, you were lucky. Wasn t the machine expensive? W A little bit, but it is worth the price. 10

10 M So, have you made coffee with the machine yet? W Yeah. Both the smell and the taste were fantastic. I felt like I was a professional barista. M Oh, really? I can t wait to taste your cappuccino. Topic & Situation Solution satisfied Listening Focus I finally bought a cappuccino machine. ch [t ] [k] [ ] ex. [t ] branch, child, church [k] stomach, character, school [ ] machine, Chicago, Michigan Words & Phrases catch one s eyes kitchenware actually fantastic barista can t wait to 6 M Mom, I m home. W Oh, Damon. What s wrong? You have a long face. M Well, I didn t do well on the math quiz today. W That s all right, dear. You can do well next time. M Do you really think so? I m afraid I m in a slump. W Cheer up, Damon. I know you are strong enough to get over it. M Thank you for saying so, but I think I ve been losing confidence these days. W I think you are worrying too much. Look at this! M What is it? W This is a letter of acceptance from Stanford. M You re kidding! W No, I m serious. Stanford has offered you admission! M Oh, I feel like I m dreaming. Topic & Situation Solution Listening Focus You can do well next time. [t] [t] next time [nekst taim] [nekstaim] Words & Phrases long face get over confidence a letter of acceptance offer admission 11

11 03 W This is a type of medicine. This is taken when you have symptoms of dizziness, cold sweating, and headache. The dizziness may even result in throwing up. These symptoms are caused when you re exposed to motions such as swinging, turning, rocking, or up-and-down movements. You may suffer from these symptoms when you travel by car, train, ship, or airplane. To prevent the symptoms, people usually take this before they depart. This can be effective from several hours up to 24 hours. You don t necessarily need a prescription for this. Topic & Situation Solution Listening Focus This is a type of medicine. [ ] [ ] is a [iz ] [iz ] ex. need a prescription for this, pass away, have a cold Words & Phrases symptom dizziness cold sweating throw up be exposed to swing rock depart effective up to prescription not necessarily Exercises M This is the resale of new and used goods to retailers who sell goods directly to the public. It is the sale without transformation of new and used goods. It involves acting as an agent or broker in buying merchandise for them, or selling merchandise to them. People assemble, sort and grade goods in large lots, repack and redistribute goods in smaller lots. In short, it is the business of selling goods in large quantities 12

12 and at lower prices to retailers for resale rather than directly to the public. Topic & Situation Solution it is the business of selling goods in large quantities and at lower prices to retailers for resale rather than directly to the public. wholesale Listening Focus ~ who sell goods directly to the public. [k] [l] [t] directly[dirèktli] [dirèkli] ex. exactly, perfectly Words & Phrases resale retailer directly the public transformation involve agent broker merchandise assemble sort grade lot repack redistribute 2 W This is a collection of flowers in a creative arrangement. The ancient Greeks are credited with the first recorded use of it; it was common to use herbs for it. Many herbs were believed to have magical powers to prevent evil spirits and bad luck and were used to protect the future of the bridal couple. Now, it is used extensively in a wedding. After the wedding, the bride will toss it over her shoulder, and it is believed that whoever catches it is the next in line to be married. Topic & Situation Solution bridal bouquet Listening Focus ~ to protect the future of the bridal couple. -ture [t] [t ] future[fjù;t ] ex. lecture, furniture, nature, gesture Words & Phrases collection arrangement ancient credit herb prevent evil spirit bridal couple extensively bride toss in line 13

13 03 3 W Symptoms of this may include sudden onset of fever, body aches, headache, tiredness, cough, sore throat and nasal congestion. It appears annually, mainly in winter, as local outbreaks or as widespread epidemics in every country of the world. It is an infectious disease caused by a virus. It is often called a respiratory disease, but it affects the whole body. Its virus is capable of constantly changing, so you may get it each year. Although it will usually run its course, it can be severe and cause complications, and even deaths in individuals who have chronic diseases. Topic & Situation Solution It appears annually, mainly in winter,~. / respiratory disease, but it affects the whole body. / Its virus is capable of constantly changing, so you may get it each year. Listening Focus ~ nasal congèstion. -tion -tion conge stion[k nd,èst n] ex. complication, conversation, competítion Words & Phrases symptom onset fever body ache tiredness cough sore throat nasal congestion annually mainly outbreak widespread epidemic infectious disease respiratory disease be capable of constantly run one s course severe complication individual chronic disease 4 M This is a commercial building for storage of goods. It is used by manufacturers, importers, exporters, wholesalers, transport businesses, customs, etc. It is usually a large plain building in industrial areas of cities and towns. It usually has a loading dock to load and unload goods from trucks, or sometimes directly from railroads, airports, or seaports. It often has cranes and forklifts for moving very heavy goods. In short, it is a large building in which goods, raw materials, or commodities are stored. 14

14 Topic & Situation Solution This is a commercial building for storage of goods. it is a large building in which goods, raw materials, or commodities are stored. warehouse Listening Focus This is a commercial building for storage of goods. [t] [s] [st] [t] ex. customs, industrial, stored Words & Phrases commercial storage goods manufacturer importer exporter wholesaler transport business customs plain load unload directly railroad seaport crane forklift in short raw material commodity store 5 M Universities may be able to totally or partially offer this. It doesn t have to be repaid. However, universities have limited funds for it each year. Private foundations are another possible source for it. Your child s high school guidance counselor or college financial aid office can provide you with information about its programs. Whether it is provided by universities or private foundations, this form of financial aid is mostly based on academic performance, athletic ability, or financial need. Topic & Situation Solution Universities may be able to totally or partially offer this. It doesn t have to be repaid. Whether it is provided by universities or private foundations, this form of financial aid is mostly based on academic performance, athletic ability, or financial need. scholarship Listening Focus Universities may be able to ~. -ity -ity unive rsity[jú;n vá;rs ti] ex. abílity, opportu nity, responsibílity Words & Phrases totally partially fund foundation source guidance counselor financial aid office be based on 15

15 03 6 W In playing this game, you use five small stones. First of all, you throw all of them down on the floor. Then you pick one up with your fingers and toss it into the air. You have to pick another one up and then catch the one you threw in the air. Then you pick each of them up in turn. In the second round, you pick up two stones at a time. In the third round, you pick up three of them, then you pick the last one up. In the fourth round, you pick four of them up. In the last round, you toss all of the five stones into the air and catch some or all of them on the back of your hand. Then you have to snatch all of them off with your palm. If you fail to catch them, it is your partner s turn. Topic & Situation Solution Listening Focus ~ you throw all of them down on the floor. them ["] them["em] [em] [ m] ex. pick each of them up, snatch all of them off with your palm Words & Phrases throw down pick up toss in turn at a time snatch off palm 16

16 04~ W Peter, what are you doing now? M Well, I m working on the guidepost for tonight s guests. W Well, where are they from? M They re from China. Should I write welcome in Chinese? W As you re not good at writing Chinese, I think you should stick to English. M Okay. Also, should I put the location mark as a finger, or as an arrow? W I d choose a finger. M Good. Then I ll put a finger that says go to the left. W Are you going to indicate the distance as well? Isn t the distance about 20m? M I m wondering whether I should put it over the direction mark or under it. W I think it would look better if you put it over the direction mark and in parentheses. M I ll write Chinese guests at the bottom, in small font. W Actually, it s better to put it in medium font right under the WELCOME. M Okay. Topic & Situation Solution WELCOME finger WELCOME Chinese guests Listening Focus Should I write welcome in Chinese? -ese Chinese ex. Japanese, Portuguese, Vietnamese Words & Phrases guidepost stick location mark (=direction mark) arrow indicate as well parenthesis pl. parenthesemedium font 17

17 04~05 2 M Helen, where have you been? W Oh, I visited my grandmother in the hospital. M Is your grandmother ill? W Well, she s pretty old now, so she s generally feeling ill these days. M You must be worried. I hope she will get well soon. W Me, too. Actually, she s a very healthy lady for her age. M I m always envious of people who have grandmothers. I don t have one. W Oh, no... Well, my grandmother is really nice to me. She even named me. M That s great. I guess you have so many beautiful memories of her. W Yes. I really wish she would get better soon and hang out with me. M You look so blue. Cheer up! W I will. Let s go get something to drink. Topic & Situation Solution You look so blue. Cheer up! Listening Focus ~ she s a very healthy lady for her age. h he his him her have /h/ for her age her /h/ /r/ Words & Phrases generally get well name hang out with blue 3 M This is a world-famous synthetic art. Music is played in every part of it. The actors and actresses on stage sing all their lines throughout it. Most of it is written in Italian, but recently it has been translated into many different languages according to various cultures. Those who sing in it are professional singers, and the music being sung during it is often played in movies and commercials. Music in it is mostly played by an orchestra, and sometimes a choir or ballet dancers are added. 18

18 Topic & Situation Solution b-boy Listening Focus Most of it is written in Italian, ~. [t] [r] button cotton written Words & Phrases synthetic art on stage translate according to various commercial choir ballet 4 M Mom, did the doctor come by? W Yes, he came and left while you were sleeping. M Did he tell you when I could leave? W He said that it s not going to be tomorrow, but possibly next Monday, at the earliest. M It s so boring here. I want to see my friends. W Well, your friends called me and said they re going to visit you tomorrow. M I want to read books, too. And there aren t any books here. W I ll bring you some books from the hospital library. M Thanks, Mom. I m sorry you have to do all that. W Don t say that. Just get well soon. Topic & Situation Solution I ll bring you some books from the hospital library Listening Focus ~ they re going to visit you tomorrow. [t] [j] [t ] visit you[vízit u] ex. don t you, didn t you, get your Words & Phrases come by at the earliest get well 19

19 04~05 5 M Hello, how may I help you? W I d like these two pairs of men s shoes cleaned, and this pair needs new heels. M All right. Cleaning costs two dollars a pair. W What about the heels? M It depends on the kind of heels. Soft ones cost three dollars, and hard ones are four dollars. W How are they different? M Well, the soft ones don t make any sound when you walk. W I ll take those, and will you also change the heels of the shoes that I m wearing now into soft ones? M All right. Changing heels for women s shoes costs the same as it does for men s shoes. W Okay. What should I put on while you re working on my shoes? M You can put on these slippers. W Good. Then I ll be back in half an hour. Topic & Situation Solution 2 $2=$4 2 $3=$6 $10 Listening Focus What should I put on while ~? t [t] [t] [r] put on [put ;n] [pur ;n] ex. get in [get in] [gerin] about it [ báut it] [ báurit] Words & Phrases heel depend on put on 6 M Are you living in an environment with good hygiene? Of course, you take a shower, do the laundry, and clean the house every day. But what about your wallet? You put money in it, which has been touched by a lot of strangers. What about your shopping cart? There are tons of bacteria on shopping cart handles. But it s not easy to clean your wallet every day and sterilize every shopping cart handle you touch. So, it s very important that you wash your hands many times 20

20 a day. Washing your hands is the most fundamental habit for good hygiene. Topic & Situation Solution So, it s very important that you wash your hands many times a day. Washing your hands is the most fundamental habit for good hygiene. Listening Focus But it s not easy // to clean your wallet every day // and sterilize every shopping cart handle // you touch. Words & Phrases hygiene take a shower do the laundry sterilize fundamental 7 (Cell phone rings.) M Hello, Kathy? W Yes, it s me. Did you get my message? M No, I didn t. Let me check. W I guess you didn t see my message to buy tomatoes and cheese. M Sorry. But I ve already left the grocery store. W Well, then I ll just have to use what I have at home. M Maybe I should go back to the grocery store. W No, don t do that. Hey, wait. Did you pass the dry cleaners, yet? M No, not yet. Do you want me to pick up your dry cleaning? W Exactly. You need to pick up two dresses. M All right. I ll rent some DVDs as well on the way. W That sounds good. I ll get dinner ready. Topic & Situation Solution You need to pick up two dresses. DVD Listening Focus But I ve already left the grocery store. o body model opera grocery[gróusâri] motor, pope, vote loss Words & Phrases dry cleaners on the way 21

21 04~05 8 M Hello. Was the traffic all right? W Yes, it was. I see that the actors are not here, yet. M They aren t. We re getting ready for the set. W But I can only start the makeup and clothes when the actors arrive. M Maybe you should wait here and have a cup of coffee. W Thank you. How long have you been doing this work? M It s been 10 years. I started as an assistant, and I began to do this work three years ago. W Then I guess you are always at the filming. M Yes, I am. I also get to see the actors on film first. W Wow. I hope this film will be great. M Don t worry. We have a great producer, and the actors are all talented. Besides, you always help the actors dress properly. W That s true, and thank you for praising me. Topic & Situation Solution Listening Focus Was the traffic all right? [dr] [tr] [d, ] [t ] ex. drink, dream, drive, train, tree, trip, trouble Words & Phrases makeup assistant (director) talented 9 W Hello. May I help you? M I ve tried to get through several times but the line is always engaged. W Oh, I m sorry. I hung up the receiver improperly. What s the problem? M Water is leaking from the pipes in my bathroom. W I see. I will send someone from maintenance right away. M Well, what are you going to do about my wet clothes? W I m sorry, sir. We will send them to our hotel dry cleaners. M When do you think the pipes will be fixed? W We will get you another room, sir. 22

22 M All right. W Once again, I am very sorry, sir, and the dry cleaning bill will be on us. M Okay. Is there another room available now? W Yes, you can have Room 614 right next to your current room. We will move your baggage. Topic & Situation Solution Room 614 Listening Focus We will move your baggage. [i] [ ] baggage [b gid,] [b g d,] ex. ability policy opinion holiday Words & Phrases get through engaged receiver leak maintenance baggage 10 (Cell phone rings.) W Jamie speaking. Who is this? M Jamie, this is Robin. W Robin, why aren t you here? M I m stuck up in a traffic jam. It s going to take another 30 minutes to get there. W Oh no. Then what are we going to do about the tickets? M We need to change our reservation number into tickets 30 minutes before the concert starts. W It s 40 minutes before it starts. I really don t want to miss this concert. M I have an idea. I ll send you the number by text message and you can go to the reception desk and get the tickets. W All right. I ll do that. Topic & Situation Solution We need to change our reservation number into tickets 30 minutes before the concert starts. Listening Focus I haven an idea. have an idea[hæv n aidí; ] [hæv n aidí; ] ex. how about[hau baút] [hau báut] Words & Phrases traffic jam reservation reception desk text message 23

23 04~05 11 W: Jack, what are you doing? M: I m planning on purchasing a new TV service program. W: Wow, I want to purchase one, too. I don t get many channels at home. M: I want to have a lot of channels, but 100 channels is too much. W: Do you have a specific receiver at home? It s not easy to get a good program without a receiver. M: Well, I do. I want to get a lot of the latest movies. W: How many channels do you want? 50? M: I think 30 to 50 is good enough. Also, about 5 to 7 latest movies per month would be nice. W: Well, then, you wouldn t have to go to the movie theater. M: Right. There are two that I can choose. W: Then the only factor you should consider is price. M: Okay. That s an easy decision. The lower, the better. Topic & Situation TV Solution 30~50 5~7 TV Listening Focus I think 30 to 50 is good enough. How many channels do you want? 50? ex. Is the bird on the tree? - No, it s under the tree. Words & Phrases purchase specific receiver 12 M The Griffin Singing Class is a singing class taught by the world-famous pop-opera singer, Charles Griffin. Any student from ages 12 to 16 may register. The registration form can be filled in on the singing class website, starting from August 24

24 20th. The fee is 100 dollars a month, which includes snacks and textbooks. The class will be held every hour from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m, and the classes are divided into elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels. We look forward to seeing those of you interested in singing. Topic & Situation Solution the classes are divided into elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels. Listening Focus ~ intermediate, and advanced levels. adm- adv- adj- d ex. administration, admission, advice, adjective, admire Words & Phrases world-famous register register form fee include be divided into elementary intermediate advanced look forward to 13 W Where are the onions and potatoes? M You can find them in the vegetable aisle. W Should we get some vegetables for dinner? M Yes, I ll get a shopping cart over there. W I got some bags of onions and potatoes. M Here. Put them in this shopping cart. W Will you help me carry this baggage? M Leave it to me, and you go upstairs, first. W Where should we put this empty cart? M Look over there. That must be the cart-collecting place. Topic & Situation Solution Listening Focus ~ in the vegetable aisle. aisle[áil] ex. plumber, comb, cupboard, psalm, hymn Words & Phrases onion aisle leave cart-collecting 25

25 04~05 14 W Mr. David, here is your prescription. M Thank you, but what was this cup for? W Your doctor said that we need to test your urine. M Oh, did he say that my condition was serious? W No, it is usual for those who have symptoms like yours to take this test, so don t worry too much. M What kind of test is this? W The doctor wants to know if you have bacteria in your urine. M Then what if I have bacteria in my urine? W It could signal an infection, but even if you have bacteria, you shouldn t worry. M What do you mean by that? W Topic & Situation Solution Listening Focus ~ what was this cup for? [p] [f] [p] [f] cup for [k<p f ; ] [k<f ; ] ex. keep from[ki;fr m], camp fire[k mfai ] Words & Phrases prescription urine symptom infection What do you mean by that? prevalent antibiotic 15 M Mary, you really look tired. What s wrong with you? W Because of the report on new projects, I can t do anything else. M What makes you so tired? W The graphs. As you know, I am not good at making graphs. M I understand. The report must be made up of many graphs. Can I help you with the report? W Really? Actually, you are very good at making various graphs. 26

26 M I have enough time to help you. When is the due date? W I should hand in the report by Thursday. M Then how about working on it tomorrow night? W It s good to complete the report, but I also have to prepare for the presentation tomorrow. M Topic & Situation Solution Listening Focus Because of the report on new project, ~. project ex. su bject - subje ct / o bject - obje ct / re cord - reco rd Words & Phrases be made up of actually be good at due date hand in complete prepare for presentation 16 M Where can I register? W Welcome. This is the place. What class are you interested in? M I want to take an English composition class. W What do you need it for? M I need to write some papers before graduation, but I am not good at academic writing. W Okay. I think you ve found the right place for you. We have three classes for academic writing. M What class do you recommend? W I think you d better take the placement test. M That s a good idea, but I think you can replace the test with some samples of my writing. W It may be possible, but I m not sure. M How can I find out? W 27

27 04~05 Topic & Situation Solution Listening Focus That s a good idea. [d] good idea[guraidí; ] ex. good afternoon, had a chance, made a mistake Words & Phrases register composition recommend placement test replace A with B B A 17 W Laura and her brother Andrew have a big age difference. Andrew was born when Laura was 10. When Andrew was 12, their parents were in a car accident and passed away. Since then, Laura has put a lot of effort into raising Andrew. She goes to college near her home so that she can take care of him. Andrew appreciates what Laura s done for him, and he graduates high school with top grades and can enter a prestigious university with a full scholarship. When Andrew is informed of his receiving a full scholarship, Laura sheds tears. In this situation, what would Andrew most likely say to Laura? Andrew Topic & Situation Solution Laura Andrew Laura Listening Focus ~ Laura sheds tears. tear [ti ;r] [t ;r] ex. lead[li;d] [led] / attribute[ tríbju;t] [ tribjú;t] Words & Phrases pass away appreciate prestigious scholarship shed 28

28 06 M Honey, my dad doesn t seem to be sleeping well lately. W Yeah, I ve noticed. I m worried about him, too. M He says he feels cold at night. W I know. I set his room temperature higher than the other rooms but it doesn t seem to be helping. M Why don t we get him a heater? W Well, I was thinking of getting him a new blanket. M Then, I think an electric blanket would be better. He can control the temperature whenever he wants. W OK. Didn t you say you were going to the shopping mall today? Could you buy one while you re there? M Sure. It s no problem at all. Topic & Situation Solution I think an electric blanket would be better. / OK. / Could you buy one while you re there? / Sure. to buy an electric blanket Listening Focus ~ you were going to the shopping mall today? to [du] [ru] going to [góui\ tu] [góui\ du] Words & Phrases lately temperature electric blanket Exercises W Be careful! It can be dangerous to stand on the bow, sir. M Oh, I am sorry. I just wanted to see the ocean and feel the fresh air. W How was your dinner in the restaurant on the deck? M It was great, but where does the ship dock at? W It docks at Miami Harbor. Is something wrong, sir? M I feel sick to my stomach. Is there an infirmary on board? 29

29 06 W No, but I can get you some seasickness medicine, sir. M I don t think I am seasick because I have an antiseasickness patch on my neck. W Then what can I do to help you? M I have a digestive problem, and I think I need to take some medicine for digestion. Can you get me some water so that I can take a pill? W Sure, wait a second. I ll get you a glass of water from the water purifier. M Thank you so much. Topic & Situation Solution Listening Focus ~ I can take a pill? [k] take a ex. ticket[tíkkit], pick it up[pikkirup] Words & Phrases bow deck dock harbor stomach infirmary seasickness digestion water purifier 2 W David, have you decided what you want to do after high school graduation? M Yeah, I want to study engineering. W Sounds great! What specifically are you interested in studying? M I d like to be a computer scientist, so I want to major in computer engineering. W Oh, really? When are you going to apply? M First of all, I m going to search for some colleges on the Internet and visit their websites this evening. W In fact, I am going to collect some information about the engineering departments of some colleges, too. M Well... Can you give me the information you get? I will give you the information I find, too. W That s a great idea. It will be helpful to both of us. M You can say that again. Please me when you find some information. I will do the same for you. W Okay. That sounds great. 30

30 Topic & Situation Solution Can you give me the information you get? Listening Focus It will be helpful to both of us. [p] [f] [p] [b] [f] [v] [p] [b] [f] [v] ex. five people[faiv pi;pl] Words & Phrases engineering specifically major in first of all department You can say that again. 3 M Who do you think you are going to vote for in the presidential election? W I think Mary Kim is the best choice. M Why do you think so? W She has a lot of experience as a public officer, and she is well acquainted with the economy. M Maybe you are right. Actually, I don t have any information about the candidates of this election. W Haven t you received any pamphlets that introduce the candidates from the board of elections? M Yes, but I ve lost it. Do you know where I can get a pamphlet? W No, I don t. M Then can you show me the pamphlet you have? I want to read it before I go to the polls. W Sure, I will bring it to you tomorrow at the morning meeting. M Thank you. I ll see you at the meeting. Topic & Situation Solution Listening Focus Haven t you received any ~? [r] [r] read[ri;d] ex. reason, recover, record, real Words & Phrases vote for presidential election public officer candidate pamphlet go to the polls 31

31 06 4 M Hey, Susan. Do you have a voice recorder? W Yes, I do. Why? M Well, I want to record my performance at the school festival, but mine is not working now. W You mean you need my voice recorder? M Yes. Can I borrow your voice recorder for a few days? W When do you need it? M The festival will be held this Wednesday. W Oh, no. I can t lend it to you that day. I need it to prepare for my presentation, and it includes some interviews. M I see. Then would you mind if I use the voice recorder to record my rehearsal on Tuesday afternoon? W Well, okay. I will record your rehearsal, and I hope you can watch my rehearsal for the presentation and give me some advice on it. M Oh. That s a good idea! Topic & Situation Solution Listening Focus Then would you mind ~? would, should, could, mind, thought, heard [b] [d] [g] [p] [t] [k] ex. would[wu(d)] / could[ku(d)] Words & Phrases record performance borrow hold lend presentation Would you mind if I rehearsal 5 M Kathy, is your school going to visit the sister school in Hong Kong again? W Yes, I am also a member of the group of visitors. M That sounds fun. When are you leaving? W Our mid-term exams are all over next Wednesday, and we are planning to leave on Friday afternoon. M What will you do while you are there? W We will visit the school first and take some classes. We may visit a folk village and a few museums. M Really? If possible, can you buy some little wooden dolls for me? 32

32 W No problem, but why do you want them? M Actually, I collect traditional dolls and miniatures. It s my hobby. W Oh, I didn t know that. I ll look for some cute ones for you. M Thank you so much. Topic & Situation Solution Listening Focus can you buy some little wooden dolls ~? -ttle -ddle [t] [d] ex. little[lir l], middle[mir l], cattle[kær l] Words & Phrases sister school mid-term exam folk village If possible wooden collect miniature 6 M I m sorry I kept you waiting. W What happened, David? M I was stuck up in traffic because of a car accident. I hope I am not too late for packing for your move. W We have been packing some dishes with some old clothes. M Wow, you ve already dealt with a lot of things in the rooms and kitchen. Who carried out the furniture and the refrigerator? W My cousins came to help me. So, you don t need to work too much. Just take a break and drink a glass of water. M No, I m fine. I can start to help pack and carry things for you right away. W Then while I deal with the rest of the dishes, would you carry the chairs to the truck, first? M Sure, I will. Anything else? W When you finish, I will give you another task. Be careful! Topic & Situation Solution Listening Focus ~ traffic because of a car accident. of a of [f] a[ ] [ v] of a [ v ] over Words & Phrases I m sorry I kept you waiting. be stuck up in traffic pack deal with task 33

33 07 (Telephone rings.) M Good afternoon, Continental Bus Lines reservations. W Hi. My family and I are planning to travel from Boston to Philadelphia. How much is the fare? M The standard fare is 100 dollars per person. How many people will be traveling? W Two adults and one child. Do you have a discount for children? M Yes. Children from ages 2 through 11 get 40 percent off the standard fare. W Oh, that s too bad. My child is 13. Then, do you have a discount for senior citizens? M Yes, we do. We have a discount of 10 percent for people over 65. W That ll work. My mother is 70. M Would you like to go ahead with the reservation? W Yes, please. Topic & Situation Solution %, 65 10% 10% $290 Listening Focus How much is the fare? fare[f ] fair[f ] [f ] ex. How much is the fare to New York? / I believe he made a fair decision. Words & Phrases reservation fare senior Exercises W Honey, what do you think about this queen-sized bed? Don t you think it would be good for us? M Well... the price of $800 is quite good, but I think it s a little bit small for us. W Then, we should buy the king-sized bed, which is $200 more expensive than this one. M I know that the king-sized bed is a little bit beyond our 34

34 budget. But sleeping is the most important part of our life. I don t want to sleep uncomfortably. W Yeah, I agree. Okay, let s buy the king-sized bed. M Good! Now we only have to choose a dinner table. Let s go over there. Dinner tables are there. W Which would you prefer, a wooden table or a marble table? M Look! The price gap between the two tables is huge. This wooden table is $460 and the marble one is $580. W Then, why don t we buy the wooden one? As we are spending too much money on the bed, we re short of money. M Okay, no problem. Actually, I prefer wood to marble. W Good! Let s buy the wooden one, then. Topic & Situation Solution $1,000+$460=$1,460 Listening Focus ~ it s a little bit small for us. it s it is it has it s it is it has ex. It s my book. It is my book. / It s been two years since I met you. It has been two years since I met you. Words & Phrases budget uncomfortably choose marble price gap be short of prefer ~ to... 2 W Hugh, can I take a break for a while? I m totally exhausted now. M Okay! Let s take a break for about 10 minutes. W I finally jumped over 4 meters and 57 centimeters. I m really excited. M It s all because of your hard work. Even a month ago, you couldn t jump 4 meters and 50 centimeters. W No, it s all because of your good coaching. I really thank you a lot. M To tell you the truth, it s hard for me to believe that you have improved your jumping more than 5 centimeters in just a month. You have a talent for the pole jump. W Thank you. By the way, how much higher do I have to jump to get the gold medal at the competition this winter? M The current national record is 4 meters and 82 centimeters. W Wow, that s really high to jump. 35

35 07 M But don t worry. This competition is just limited to the Seattle area. So if you jump more than 10 centimeters from today s record, I think you ll be the champion. W Just 10 more centimeters? Okay! I think I can do it. I ll do my best to get the gold medal. Topic & Situation Solution 4m 57cm cm 10cm Listening Focus ~ for me to believe that you have ~. that ["æt] [" t] ex. I ve seen that movie you mentioned. ["æt] / I think that he is a good guy. [" t] Words & Phrases take a break exhausted have a talent for pole jump current competition limited 3 M Excuse me, I d like to buy some eye cream for my wife. W Do you have a certain brand in mind? M Well... the eye cream my wife is using now is made by Hans Cosmetics. I d like to buy something made by Hans Cosmetics. W Well, Hans Cosmetics is the best brand for eye cream. How about this one? It s the most popular item. It s $60. But if you buy two or more jars, each jar is only $55. M Oh, really? How long do you think my wife can use one jar? W For most women, one jar lasts for almost three months. M Um... okay. I ll buy two jars. Ah, I ve got this 10 percent discount coupon downloaded from your web site. Can I use it now? W Let me have a look at it. Yeah, it s still good. You can get 10 percent discount from your total price. Do you want to use it today? M Yes, I do. W Okay. How would you like to pay? M Credit card, please. Topic & Situation Solution Hans 55 $110-$11=$99 Listening Focus ~ my wife can use one jar? use [ju;z] [ju;s] ex. Please use[ju;z]your own pencil. Use[ju;s]is a second nature. 2 Words & Phrases cosmetics last download 36

36 4 M Excuse me, I d like to book an airline ticket to Phnomphen, Cambodia for next Wednesday. W Let me check on the monitor. Wait a second, please. M Okay. I hope there will be some tickets left. W I m sorry, but all the tickets for Wednesday are sold out. Instead, we have some tickets for economy class on Tuesday and Friday. M Um... then, I d like to book a ticket for Tuesday. W I see. There are three flights to Phnomphen on that day. M What time do they all depart? W One is at 10:40 a.m., another is at 2:20 p.m., and the other is at 5:00 p.m.. What time do you want to fly? M I think 5:00 p.m. is too late. The earlier, the better. I ll book the earliest one. W Okay. Can I have your name? M My name is James Morgan. Topic & Situation Solution I d like to book a ticket for Tuesday. I ll book the earliest one. Tuesday, 10:40 a.m. Listening Focus Wait a second, please. ex. support my plan Words & Phrases book be sold out instead economy class 3 5 M Hi, how may I help you? W I d like to buy swimming suits for my twin daughters. M How old are your daughters? W They re 11 years old. Do you have any good designs for girls that age? M How about this flower-printed one or that heart-printed one? They are quite popular among girls of your daughters age. W Both of them look cute. How much are they each? M This one with flowers is $27, and that one with hearts is $25. W Um... I think the one with flowers looks better. Okay, I ll take two of these flower- printed suits. M Anything else? Have you already bought swimming caps or 37

37 07 goggles? W No. I have to buy swimming caps, too. Are there any caps that match these swimming suits? M Yes, there are. What do you think about these red caps? W Oh, they look nice. How much are they? M They are $5 each. But because you already bought two swimming suits, if you buy this cap, I ll give you one more cap for free. W Really? That s good for me. Thank you. Okay, I ll buy this cap as well. Topic & Situation Solution 27 5 ($27 2)+$5=$59 Listening Focus ~ swimming suit for my twin daughters. gh gh ex. plough, sigh, though, daughter, light, night, straight Words & Phrases swimming suit goggles for free as well 6 M Carol, I have tickets to the ice show at Grand Ice Rink. W Oh, really? I ve been waiting to see that! M Great. Then, why don t we go see the show if you are not busy tomorrow? It starts at 6 p.m W At 6 o clock? Oh, no! I have a regular dental checkup at 5 p.m. M How long do you think your checkup will take? W It will take about only 20 minutes. But the problem is that from the clinic to the rink, it will take more than an hour by bus. M Really? Then that means that you can t see the performance unless you cancel the appointment, doesn t it? W Um... all right! I ll cancel the checkup. Why don t we meet each other in front of the rink half an hour before the show starts? M Okay. Please be on time! Topic & Situation Solution Listening Focus Then, why don t we go see the show ~? ex. Okay, I ll go buy some snacks right now. Words & Phrases dental checkup mean performance cancel appointment 38

38 08 M Hey, Betty. You look a little tired today. What s up? W I m having some trouble with my science class, Dad. Fifth grade science is so difficult. M What kind of trouble? Maybe I can help. W It says in the book that two objects of a different weight fall at the same speed. M That s right. What about it? W But if I drop this feather and apple from the same height, the apple hits the ground first. M That s because that concept works best when there is an absence of air. W Why is that? Does air make a difference? M Yeah. The air creates resistance against falling objects so it slows them down. W Aha! Now it makes sense. M Topic & Situation Solution Listening Focus ~ two objects of a different weight gh weight [weit] ex. knight[nait] / height[hait] / light[lait] / night[nait] Words & Phrases object feather height concept absence make a difference resistance make sense Exercises M Do you have any health concerns you d like to talk about? W Yes, I do. My family has a history of heart trouble, so I m 39

39 08 trying to keep myself healthy. M What are you doing to keep healthy? W Last week, I started a yoga class. M That sounds good. What about your diet? W Yeah... I m cutting out fatty foods. I don t have French fries and doughnuts anymore! M That s a smart decision. Reducing salt would be good for your heart health, too. What about stress? W Now, that s a problem. I ve been under stress at work, so I need to relax more. M Well, you need to try to spend more time doing the things you enjoy. W I ll keep your advice in mind. Keep exercising, try to relax, and cut back on salt! M Topic & Situation Solution Listening Focus What about stress? [s] [p] [t] [k] stress ex. speak street sky Words & Phrases concern not ~ anymore reduce under stress relax spend time ~ing cut back on heredity 2 W Oh, where is it? Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to Garden Square? M Hey, don t I know you? W I don t think so. M I m Steve! Steve Morrison from the New York office. I m Brad s friend. W Ah, I m so sorry. I remember. We met yesterday at the airport! M That s right. Anyway, what are you doing here? W I m looking for Garden Square to go shopping, but I m lost. Actually, I m not good in new cities because I always get lost. M Oh, that s too bad. By the way, where s Brad? 40

2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for 7. 02 It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower.

2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for 7. 02 It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower. 스피킹 매트릭스 특별 체험판 정답 및 스크립트 30초 영어 말하기 INPUT DAY 01 p.10~12 3 min 집중 훈련 01 I * wake up * at 7. 02 I * eat * an apple. 03 I * go * to school. 04 I * put on * my shoes. 05 I * wash * my hands. 06 I * leave

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