IOS 변환 규칙 사용 - VoIP 네트워크에 대해 확장 가능한 다이얼 플랜 생성

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1 IOS 변환규칙사용 - VoIP 네트워크에대해확장가능한다이얼플랜생성 목차 소개사전요구사항요구사항사용되는구성요소표기규칙배경정보구성네트워크다이어그램구성다음을확인합니다. 문제해결관련정보 소개 이문서에서는 IOS 변환규칙을사용하여 VoIP 네트워크에대해확장가능한다이얼플랜을생성하기위한샘플컨피그레이션을제공합니다. 통합음성및데이터네트워크를설치할때자주발생하는한가지문제는여러위치에있는개별범위의번호지정계획을관리하는방법입니다. 통신사업자는교환유형, 신호프로토콜표준및짝수위치에따라각원격사이트의가입자장비에비슷한번호범위를전달할수있습니다. 이러한통화가중앙사이트로다시라우팅되는경우각원격사이트에서시작되는전화번호가중복될수있습니다.PBX 는고유한전화번호로라우팅결정을내리므로 PBX(Private Branch Exchange) 시스템의 ACD(Automatic Call Distribution) 대기열에문제가발생할수있습니다. 예를들어, 각사이트의통화는통화가시작된지역의현지언어를사용하는특정운영자에게전달되어야할수있습니다. 각사이트의전화번호가겹치면통화발신지를식별할수있는방법이없으므로 PBX 는통화를올바른 ACD 대기열로라우팅할수없습니다. 일부원격사이트에는 2 자리개별번호범위가제공될수있으며다른사이트에는 3 자리또는 4 자리개별범위가있을수있으므로 [00-99] 에서 [ ] 까지의전화번호가있을수있습니다. 이러한번호범위를사용할경우기본사이트라우터는 2, 3 및 4 자리번호지정계획을처리하기위한컨피그레이션이필요합니다. 이로인해라우터컨피그레이션이전반적으로복잡해질수있습니다. 이러한문제의해결방법은각원격사이트에서 IOS 숫자변환규칙을사용하여전화네트워크에서오는번호범위에숫자를추가하는것입니다. 그런다음고객의네트워크에표준번호지정계획을수립하며, 네트워크의나머지부분에큰변경없이새로운사이트를점차적으로추가할수있습니다. 참고 : Cisco IOS DIGIT 변환규칙을사용하면사용자가전화번호인통화의발신번호또는 DNIS(Dialed Number Identification Service) 자릿수인자동번호를조작할수있습니다. 선택적으로, 이러한필드의번호지정유형을변환규칙을사용하여수정할수도있습니다.

2 이문서에제시된사례연구에서는번호지정계획을표준화하는것을목표로합니다. 제안사항은다음과같습니다. 트렁크액세스코드를사용합니다. 사이트 ( 영역 ) 코드를사용합니다. 이렇게하면원격사이트의로컬 PSTN(Public Switched Telephone Network) 지역코드를사용할수있는고유한사이트코드를쉽게만들수있습니다. 앞에 0이있는원래호출된번호를확장하여 4자리내선번호를생성합니다. 사전요구사항 요구사항 독자는다음과같은내용을숙지해야합니다. 음성및포트다이얼피어구성 사용되는구성요소 이문서의정보는다음소프트웨어및하드웨어버전을기반으로합니다. IOS 버전 12.3(4) 을실행하는 Cisco 3660 및 7206VXR 라우터 IOS 변환규칙은 IOS 버전 12.07XK1에서도입되었으며음성포트를지원하는모든 Cisco 플랫폼에서사용할수있습니다. 이문서의정보는특정랩환경의디바이스를토대로작성되었습니다. 이문서에사용된모든디바이스는초기화된 ( 기본 ) 컨피그레이션으로시작되었습니다. 라이브네트워크에서작업하는경우, 사용하기전에모든명령의잠재적인영향을이해해야합니다. 표기규칙 문서규칙에대한자세한내용은 Cisco 기술팁표기규칙을참조하십시오. 배경정보 이섹션에서는사례연구를사용합니다."Calcutta (remote site)" 예는변환규칙의구현을설명합니다. 자세한내용은네트워크다이어그램을참조하십시오. 이예에서는원격사이트 (Calcutta) 에 000~999 범위의 3 자리다이얼문자열을전달하는 E1 트렁크가있습니다. 주사이트라우터는 000~999 범위의여러원격사이트로부터오는통화를수락합니다. 변환규칙은 Calcutta 라우터에서콜커타로부터 ( 수신번호기준 ) 주사이트 PBX 로통화를고유하게식별하는사이트코드를접두사로추가하는데사용됩니다. 예를들어, 지역코드다이얼문자열 "033" 은사이트코드로사용됩니다. 또한목적지주사이트라우터에서특정트렁크를선택할수있도록트렁크액세스코드숫자가추가됩니다. 다음문은 Calcutta 라우터의변환절차를설명합니다. 원래전화번호 (000~999 범위의 3자리 ) - "... " 변환된전화번호 " " 숫자 "1": 트렁크액세스코드, 숫자 "033": 사이트코드Calcutta 사이트에서전화를걸면 Calcutta 라우터는 POTS 음성포트에적용된변환규칙을적용합니다.Calcutta 라우터의음성포트 1/0:1 컨피그레이션에서이를확인할수있습니다. 변환규칙은통

3 화가라우터로들어오는음성포트에적용됩니다. 전화네트워크에서라우터로통화가수신되면모든다이얼피어에서통화하기전에통화번호가변환됩니다. 변환규칙은전화건번호 987 에대한 Calcta 사이트에대해기본사이트에다음과같이적용됩니다.3 자리숫자 987 에서 LHS(Left Hand Side) 의첫번째숫자 -9 가숫자교체에대해변환규칙에서사용되고비교됩니다. 변환규칙에서 9 의대체번호는 이며, 이번호는첫번째숫자 9 에대해교체됩니다. 첫번째숫자 9 를 로바꾼후나머지 2 자리 - 87 은 로교체되고 이되고통화가대상패턴인 으로 voip 다이얼피어로라우팅됩니다. - 일치. 두개의원격사이트를네트워크에통합해야합니다. 뉴델리사이트는 2 자리개별범위를사용하는반면, 첸나이사이트는 4 자리개별범위를사용합니다. 트렁크액세스코드및사이트코드를호출된번호로미리전송하면다음과같이다이얼플랜이제공됩니다. 이트렁크액세스 / 사이트코드... " " " " " "... 이다이얼플랜을나타냅니다. 지역번호가 011 인 2 자리숫자 지역번호 033 의 3 자리숫자개별 지역번호 044 의 4 자리숫자개별 이다이얼플랜은 6 자리, 7 자리및 8 자리숫자로구성되므로원래전화번호를선행 0 으로패딩하여 1 자리액세스코드, 3 자리사이트코드및 4 자리내선번호를제공하여표준화할수있습니다. 이트렁크액세스 / 사이트코드 다음으로변환됨 " " " " " " " " " " " " 이제메인사이트게이트웨이 / 라우터의번호계획은 8 자리일치합니다.(1 자리트렁크액세스코드, 3 자리사이트코드, 4 자리숫자로리딩제로가채워져있음 ) 통화가메인사이트게이트웨이 / 라우터에도달하면액세스코드가제거되고이후 7 자리숫자가 PBX 로전송됩니다. 구성 이사례연구에는 VoIP 통화를주사이트콜센터로안내하는 3 개의원격사이트 (New Delhi, Calcutta 및 Chennai) 가있습니다. 고객의요구사항은원격사이트에서기본사이트로통화를전송하는시스템이어야합니다. 기본사이트에서원격사이트로다시돌아오는통화에대한프로비저닝은없습니다. 메인사이트게이트웨이 / 라우터에는콜센터 PBX 에연결되는트렁크 4 개가있습니다. 참고 : 이문서에사용된명령에대한추가정보를찾으려면명령조회도구 ( 등록된고객만해당 ) 를사용합니다. 네트워크다이어그램 이문서에서는다이어그램에표시된네트워크설정을사용합니다.

4 구성 이문서에서는다음과같은구성을사용합니다. 뉴델리 (2 자리개별범위 )!--- Only relevant "IOS translation rule" output is presented! translation-rule 1!-- The "1" above is the tag for the set. rule 0 ^ rule 1 ^ rule 2 ^ rule 3 ^ rule 4 ^ rule 5 ^ rule 6 ^ rule 7 ^ rule 8 ^ rule 9 ^ !!-- These rules replace the first digit of a 2-digit number with the corresponding!-- translation. The router looks for a 2-digit number starting with a leading [0-9].!-- The caret, "^" ensures the match only happens at the start of the digit string!-- rather than any occurrence in a digit string. This ensures the router makes the!-- translation only for the leading digits. By default, if an explicit match is made!-- on a digit (in this case the first digit) the router replaces it with the new!-- digits. Therefore, to keep the original numbering, the matched digit needs to be!-

5 - replaced with the same digit at the end of the modified string. Once the call!-- comes in, the called number prepended with followed by the!-- original 2 digits.! voice-port 1/0:1 translate called 1 cptone IN compand-type a-law!!-- The translation rule is applied to the voice port where the!-- call comes in to the router. When a call comes in from the!-- telephone network towards the router, the called number!-- is translated before it is matched on any dial peers.! dial-peer voice 100 voip destination-pattern session target ipv4:main site IP address ip precedence 5 dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric!!-- The VoIP dial peer needs to be configured to match on the new numbering plan Calcutta(3 자리개별범위 )!--- Only relevant output is presented! translation-rule 1 rule 0 ^ rule 1 ^ rule 2 ^ rule 3 ^ rule 4 ^ rule 5 ^ rule 6 ^ rule 7 ^ rule 8 ^ rule 9 ^ !!-- The router looks for a 3-digit called number in the range It!-- then prepends to this number before making a match on any other dial peers.!- - Note: rules are executed before incoming POTS dial peer matching takes place.! voice-port 1/0:1 translate called 1!-- The translation rule is applied to the voice port: cptone IN compand-type a-law! dial-peer voice 100 voip destination-pattern session target ipv4:main site IP address ip precedence 5 dtmfrelay h245-alphanumeric!!-- The VoIP dial peer needs to be configured to match on the new numbering plan. 첸나이 (4 자리개별범위 )! translation-rule 11 rule 0 ^ rule 1 ^ rule 2 ^ rule 3 ^ rule 4 ^ rule 5 ^ rule 6 ^ rule 7 ^ rule 8 ^ rule 9 ^ !!-- The router looks for a 4-digit called!-- number in the range !-- It then prepends 1044 to this number!-- before making a match on any other dial peers.! voice-port 1/0:1 translate called 1 cptone IN compand-type a-law!!-- The translation rule is applied to the voice port: dial-peer voice 100 voip destinationpattern session target ipv4:main site IP address

6 ip precedence 5 dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric!!-- The VoIP dial peer needs to be configured to match on the new numbering plan 주사이트!-- By default, in POTS dial peers, matched digits get stripped off after a dial!-- peer is matched. Then, the remaining digits are outputed to the PSTN/PBX. dial-peer voice 20 pots description - Call Center voice port 2/0 destination-pattern 1... port 2/0:1! dial-peer voice 21 pots description - Call Center voice port 2/1 destination-pattern 1... port 2/1:1! dial-peer voice 30 pots description - Call Center voice port 3/0 destination-pattern 1... port 3/0:1! dial-peer voice 31 pots description - Call Center voice port 3/1 destination-pattern 1... port 3/1:1!!-- The trunk access code (leading 1) can be used to route the call out the Main Site!-- router towards the Call-Center PBX. This digit is stripped off and the following!-- 7 digits are sent to the external PBX. A single dial peer for each active voice!-- port on the main site gateway router directs calls from the remote sites to!-- the PBX. 참고 : 기본사이트 PBX 에는트렁크액세스코드가필요하지않으므로주사이트라우터가이를차단합니다. 따라서기본사이트 PBX 에대한통화는 3 자리사이트코드와 4 자리내선으로식별됩니다.PBX 는이번호지정계획과일치하도록일부컨피그레이션변경이필요하지만, 이번호에서사이트코드를인식하고각위치에대해설정된특정 ACD 대기열로통화를라우팅할수있다는장점이있습니다. 특정국가지역에서전화가오면현지언어를사용하는상담원에게전달됩니다. 참고 : 명령에대한자세한내용은명령조회도구 ( 등록된고객만해당 ) 를참조하십시오. 다음을확인합니다. 이섹션에서는컨피그레이션이제대로작동하는지확인하는데사용할수있는정보를제공합니다. 일부 show 명령은출력인터프리터툴에서지원되는데 ( 등록된고객만 ), 이툴을사용하면 show 명령출력의분석결과를볼수있습니다. test translation-rule name-tag input-number - 특정이름태그에서변환규칙의실행을테스트하는데사용됩니다. 이명령의 snytax는다음표에설명되어있습니다. show translation-rule [name-tag] 특정변환이름으로구성된규칙의내용을표시하는데사용됩니다. 이명령의구문은다음표에설명되어있습니다. 이출력은뉴델리사이트에서다이얼하는동안적용된변환규칙을보여주는 NewDelhi 라우터에서캡처되었습니다. 뉴델리 - 출력!-- It is possible to confirm the translation rules are working:!! NewDelhi# test translation-rule 1 99!-- Original called number is "99" The replaced number: !-- Translated to 8 digits NewDelhi#

7 show translation-rule 1 Translation rule address: 0x64ADC2A8 Tag name: 1 Translation rule in_used 1 Rule : 0 Match pattern: ^0. Sub pattern: Rule : 1 Match pattern: ^1. Sub pattern: Rule : 2 Match pattern: ^2. Sub pattern: Rule : 3 Match pattern: ^3. Sub pattern: Rule : 4 Match pattern: ^4. Sub pattern: Rule : 5 Match pattern: ^5. Sub pattern: Rule : 6 Match pattern: ^6. Sub pattern: Rule : 7 Match pattern: ^7. Sub pattern: Rule : 8 Match pattern: ^8. Sub pattern: Rule : 9 Match pattern: ^9. Sub pattern: NewDelhi# 문제해결 이섹션에서는컨피그레이션문제를해결하는데사용할수있는정보를제공합니다.

8 참고 : debug 명령을실행하기전에디버그명령에대한중요정보를참조하십시오. 디버그변환 { 세부정보 min} - 이표에설명된옵션을사용하여숫자변환추적을디버깅하는데사용됩니다. 뉴델리 - 출력 NewDelhi#debug translation detail xrule detail tracing is enabled *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_checking *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_checking calling, called *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_checking peer_tag 0, direction 1, protocol 6 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation callednumber, strlen 0 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation callednumber null xrulecalledtag=1 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation Xrule index 0, match_number ^0. *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpmatchstring match_tmp 0, match_tmp 0,target null match index 0 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation Xrule index 1, match_number ^1. *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpmatchstring match_tmp 1, match_tmp 1,target null match index 1 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation Xrule index 2, match_number ^2. *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpmatchstring match_tmp 2, match_tmp 2,target null match index 2

9 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation Xrule index 3, match_number ^3. *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpmatchstring match_tmp 3, match_tmp 3,target null match index 3 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation Xrule index 4, match_number ^4. *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpmatchstring match_tmp 4, match_tmp 4,target null match index 4 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation Xrule index 5, match_number ^5. *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpmatchstring match_tmp 5, match_tmp 5,target null match index 5 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation Xrule index 6, match_number ^6. *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpmatchstring match_tmp 6, match_tmp 6,target null match index 6 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation Xrule index 7, match_number ^7. *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpmatchstring match_tmp 7,

10 match_tmp 7,target null match index 7 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation Xrule index 8, match_number ^8. *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpmatchstring match_tmp 8, match_tmp 8,target null match index 8 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation Xrule index 9, match_number ^9. *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpmatchstring match_tmp 9, match_tmp 9,target null match index 9 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation Return rc = -4 any_match 0 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_checking Return rc = -4 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_checking *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_checking calling, called 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_checking peer_tag 0, direction 1, protocol 6 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation callednumber 9, strlen 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation callednumber 9 xrulecalledtag=1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation called Callparms *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation Xrule index 0, *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpmatchstring, target_number 9, match_number ^0. *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpmatchstring match_tmp 0, *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpmatchstring beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 0,target 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpmatchstring: len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation there was no match index 0 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation called Callparms *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation Xrule index 1,

11 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpmatchstring, target_number 9, match_number ^1. *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpmatchstring match_tmp 1, *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpmatchstring beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 1,target 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpmatchstring: len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation there was no match index 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation called Callparms *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation Xrule index 2, *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpmatchstring, target_number 9, match_number ^2. *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpmatchstring match_tmp 2, *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpmatchstring beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 2,target 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpmatchstring: len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation there was no match index 2 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation called Callparms *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation Xrule index 3, *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpmatchstring, target_number 9, match_number ^3. *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpmatchstring match_tmp 3, *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpmatchstring beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 3,target 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpmatchstring: len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation there was no match index 3 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation called Callparms *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation Xrule index 4, *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpmatchstring, target_number 9, match_number ^4. *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpmatchstring match_tmp 4, *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpmatchstring beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 4,target 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpmatchstring: len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation there was no match index 4 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation called Callparms *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation Xrule index 5, *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpmatchstring, target_number 9, match_number ^5. *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpmatchstring match_tmp 5, *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpmatchstring beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 5,target 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpmatchstring: len 1

12 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation there was no match index 5 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_translation called Callparms *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_translation Xrule index 6, *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpmatchstring, target_number 9, match_number ^6. *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpmatchstring match_tmp 6, *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpmatchstring beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 6,target 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpmatchstring: len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_translation there was no match index 6 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_translation called Callparms *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_translation Xrule index 7, *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpmatchstring, target_number 9, match_number ^7. *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpmatchstring match_tmp 7, *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpmatchstring beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 7,target 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpmatchstring: len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_translation there was no match index 7 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_translation called Callparms *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_translation Xrule index 8, *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpmatchstring, target_number 9, match_number ^8. *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpmatchstring match_tmp 8, *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpmatchstring beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 8,target 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpmatchstring: len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_translation there was no match index 8 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_translation called Callparms *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_translation Xrule index 9, *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpmatchstring, target_number 9, match_number ^9. *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpmatchstring match_tmp 9, *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpmatchstring beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 9,target 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpmatchstring 0. target 9,match_tmp 9, *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string match ^9., replace *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: translation_format replace_rule ^9., strip_proceeding 0 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string match_tmp ^9., strip_proceeding 0

13 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string match_tmp 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string direction 1, callparty 2 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string direction 1, callparty 2, target 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string match_tmp 9,replace *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string0.replace19,target,current,match_tmp *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string0.1 compare_len 1, *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string 3. replace1 9, compare_len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string 4. replace1 1,compare_len 0,replace *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string 4. replace1 10,compare_len -1,replace *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string 4. replace1 101,compare_len -2,replace 1009 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string 4. replace1 1011,compare_len -3,replace 009 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string 4. replace ,compare_len -4,replace 09 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string 4. replace ,compare_len -5,replace 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string 4. replace ,compare_len -6,replace *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string 5. replace , compare_len -6,match_l en 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string 6. replace ,compare_len -6,current *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string buffer *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_translation index 9,xrule_number , callparty 2 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_translation Return rc = 0 any_match 0 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_checking Return rc = 0 *Apr 4 04:53:00.156: xrule_checking *Apr 4 04:53:00.156: xrule_checking calling 4444, called *Apr 4 04:53:00.156: xrule_checking peer_tag 100, direction 2, protocol 0 *Apr 4 04:53:00.156: xrule_checking Return rc = -5 NewDelhi#debug translation min *Apr 4 02:37:17.045: xrule_checking *Apr 4 02:37:17.045: xrule_translation *Apr 4 02:37:17.045: xrule_translation callednumber, strlen 0 *Apr 4 02:37:17.045: xrule_translation callednumber null xrulecalledtag=1 *Apr 4 02:37:19.457: xrule_checking *Apr 4 02:37:19.457: xrule_translation *Apr 4 02:37:19.457: xrule_translation callednumber 9, strlen 1 *Apr 4 02:37:19.457: xrule_translation callednumber 9 xrulecalledtag=1 *Apr 4 02:37:19.457: dpmatchstring 0. target 9,match_tmp 9, *Apr 4 02:37:19.457: replace_string *Apr 4 02:37:19.461:

14 replace_string0.replace19,target,current,match_tmp *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: replace_string0.1 compare_len 1, *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: replace_string 3. replace1 9, compare_len 1 *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: replace_string 4. replace1 1,compare_len 0,replace *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: replace_string 4. replace1 10,compare_len -1,replace *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: replace_string 4. replace1 101,compare_len -2,replace 1009 *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: replace_string 4. replace1 1011,compare_len -3,replace 009 *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: replace_string 4. replace ,compare_len -4,replace 09 *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: replace_string 4. replace ,compare_len -5,replace 9 *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: replace_string 4. replace ,compare_len -6,replace *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: replace_string 5. replace , compare_len -6,match_l en 1 *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: replace_string 6. replace ,compare_len -6,current *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: replace_string buffer *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: xrule_translation index 9,xrule_number , callparty 2 *Apr 4 02:37:19.841: xrule_checking 관련정보 다이얼피어개선사항 Cisco IOS 플랫폼에서다이얼피어및통화레그이해 Cisco IOS 플랫폼에서인바운드및아웃바운드다이얼피어이해 Cisco IOS 플랫폼에서인바운드및아웃바운드다이얼피어가매칭되는방법이해 Cisco IOS 플랫폼에서다이얼피어의작동상태이해 Cisco IOS Digital(T1/E1) 인터페이스에서 DID(Direct-Inward-Dial) 이해 음성기술지원 음성및통합커뮤니케이션제품지원 Cisco IP 텔레포니문제해결 Technical Support - Cisco Systems

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