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1 The Most Availabile Product in WorldWide Startus ftserver 제품소개
2 Stratus: The Availability Company Track record of success 30여년간고가용성업무경험들 연속가용성솔루션의선구자 6개대륙 70여국에서운영 Global world-class expertise 연속가용성솔루션에특화된기술회사 독보적인장애의원인규명의전문회사 연속가용성및내장애성제품및솔루션선도기업 Stratus 제품소개서 2
3 Stratus 대상고객 제조 금융 통신 공공 The Largest Companies in the World 헬스케어 여행 / 교통 판매 / 유통 게임 Stratus 제품소개서 3
4 연속가용성 [Continuous Availability] Servers 연간다운타임 5 분이하 ftserver Family Microsoft Windows Red Hat Linux VMware vsphere ftserver Family(Linux) 2700: quad-core system 4700: dual quad core 6400: high-performance dual Octa-core system ftserver Family(Window) 2710: six-core system 4710: one socket 10- core 6410: high-performance dual 10-core system The Stratus Difference 가용성 단순 서비스기술 서비스문화 Stratus 제품소개서 4
5 Conventional Technologies Do Not Guarantee Uptime Standard Servers Clusters Virtualization External LAN LAN 1 LAN 2 Heartbeat 1 App OS App OS App OS Heartbeat 2 Unmanaged component failures cause downtime and data loss Management complexity adds risk and expense Failure recovery NOT Failure prevention Not optimized for availability Limited platform awareness Stratus 제품소개서 5
6 인프라스트럭처방법들 External LAN LAN 1 LAN 2 Logical Server Heartbeat 1 Heartbeat 2 Switch 1 Switch 2 SAN Server w/raid 2-Node Cluster Fault-Tolerant Server 99.9% 연간다운타임 : 8.5 시간 / 년 Low cost; not HA Single points of failure: CPU, memory, hard drive, I/O High risk of data loss 99.99% 연간다운타임 : 1 시간 / 년 HA; requires cluster expertise to implement Requires SAN, two servers Expert failover scripting / testing/management Multiple software images Data loss during failover % 연간다운타임 : 5 분이하 / 년 Zero downtime No single points of failure Simple to install, use and maintain Comprehensive data protection Online serviceability Stratus 제품소개서 6
7 Fault Tolerant 에대하여 Module A A B Module B CPU CPU CPU CPU OS 에서인식하는 CPU 갯수 Memory Memory I/O I/O Power Supply A Power Supply B 완전히동일한 CPU suitcase 가이중화로운영 ( CPU/Memory Mirroring ) 하나의연산을 2 개의 Suitcase 에서동시에실행하므로하나의 CPU board 에서장애가발생하더라도이중화된다른 CPU board 로중단없이처리함 Take over 가아니기때문에장애발생시 Fail over 시간이없음 H/W Component 이중화 ( CPU / Memory / SCSI / Disk / IO / Ethernet / Power ) Stratus 제품소개서 7
8 ftserver 아키텍처 Lockstep 기술서비스중단없음 완전이중화된아키텍처구조 (Duplex) Multi-path I/O Disks PCI Embedded I/O Disks PCI Embedded I/O Fault Detection & Isolation Fault Detection & Isolation Fault Detection & Isolation Fault Detection & Isolation CPU Chipset Memory CPU Chipset Memory Lockstepped CPUs 동시에동일한명령어수행 ( A / B Module ) Lockstep Fault 발생시상호간섭없이연산수행 ( 데이터손실없음 ) 이중화는 H/W 레벨에서이루어지므로, OS를포함한 Application 은 Single image 로운영되며이중화를위한어떠한코드나절차도필요하지않음 이러한구조는 SW의개발및적용, 그리고운영 / 관리가편리함 Zero Failover time ( 서비스중단없음 ) Stratus 제품소개서 8
9 The Crossroads A Change in IT Dynamics More than 50% of the servers deployed this year will be virtualized Virtualization market grows to $2.7B Need for availability increases Stratus has established the availability standard for virtualization with its fault-tolerant ftserver and Avance HA platforms Stratus 제품소개서 9
10 Two Very Different IT Environments Corporate IT MFG IT/Engineering Plant Sale Enterprise Sale ERP Central IT Systems Perfect Plant MES Data Historian Control & Process Level Corporate standards are a barrier to entry (HP, Dell) A significant advantage required to break in Breaking in requires a significant project to gain the attention required to prove your advantage Capable of managing complex solutions New solutions are investigated thoroughly Often not held to corporate standards Open to new solutions that address a problem Operational simplicity is very important New solutions are often purchased based on advice of trusted advisor i.e. the application partner selling a turn key solution. Stratus 제품소개서 10
11 Mission-Critical Availability for Virtualized Environments Continuous Availability >99.999% Stratus Fault-Tolerant Servers Stratus fault-tolerant ftserver Systems and VMware vsphere deployments VMware HA HA Clusters Simplex Server Virtualized Server Stratus 제품소개서 11
12 Stratus Fault-tolerant ftserver 제품군 High-end system Low-end system Mid-tier system Stratus 제품소개서 12
13 Stratus ftserver 제품사양 (Linux only) ftserver System 프로세서 Logical processors 1 socket (per CRU*) 2 sockets (per CRU*) 2 sockets (per CRU*) Processor Intel Xeon processor E5-2603, 1.8 GHz Intel Xeon processor E5-2603, 1.8 GHz Intel Xeon processor E5-2670, 2.6 GHz Cores 4 (per processor) 4 (per processor) 8 (per processor) L2 Cache 10 MB (per processor) 10 MB (per processor) 20 MB (per processor) Intel QPI speed 8.5 GT/s 8.5 GT/s 10.7 GT/s Maximum memory bandwidth 34.1 GB/s 68.2 GB/s 85.3 GB/s 메모리 Min/max memory 4 GB/32 GB DDR3 16 GB/256 GB DDR3 16 GB/256 GB DDR3 DIMM Slots 16 (8 per CRU) 32 (16 per CRU) 32 (16 per CRU) I/O SUBSYSTEM Integrated PCI adapter slots 4 PCI-Express (2 per CRU) 4 PCI-Express (2 per CRU) 4 PCI-Express Gen 2x4 (2 per CRU), 4 PCI-Express Gen 2x8 (2 per CRU) Optional PCI adapter slots N/A 4 PCI-Express Gen 2x8 (2 per CRU) N/A STORAGE SUBSYSTEM Internal system drive bays 16 6Gb SAS 2.5 (8 per CRU) 16 6Gb SAS 2.5 (8 per CRU) 16 6Gb SAS 2.5 (8 per CRU) Internal SAS disk drives supported 15K (146 GB, 300 GB); 7.2K 1TB; 15K (146 GB, 300 GB); 7.2K 1TB; 15K (146 GB, 300 GB); 7.2K 1TB; 200 GB SLC SSD 200 GB SLC SSD 200 GB SLC SSD FTSCALABLE STORAGE Expansion drive slots (RAID) up to 72 up to 72 up to 72 RAID levels 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 10, 50 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 10, 50 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 10, 50 Drive types SFF SAS: SSD and HDD (15K, 7.2K RPM) SFF SAS: SSD and HDD (15K, 7.2K RPM) SFF SAS: SSD and HDD (15K, 7.2K RPM) EMBEDDED I/O 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports 4 (2 per CRU) 4 (2 per CRU) 4 (2 per CRU) 10/100 management Ethernet 2 (1 per CRU) 2 (1 per CRU) 2 (1 per CRU) 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports N/A 4 (2 per CRU); requires optional PCI slots 4 (2 per CRU) Serial (com) ports 2 (9-pin) ports per system 2 (9-pin) ports per system 2 (9-pin) ports per system USB ports 4 (3 on rear, 1 on front per system) 4 (3 on rear, 1 on front per system) 4 (3 on rear, 1 on front per system) MANAGEABILITY Integrated VTM/BMC standard standard standard Graphics adapter 1 VGA port per system 1 VGA port per system 1 VGA port per system PCI ADAPTERS 1 Gigabit dual-port Ethernet up to 4 optional (2 per CRU) up to 8 optional (4 per CRU) up to 8 optional (4 per CRU) 10 Gigabit Ethernet server adapter N/A up to 4 optional (2 per CRU) up to 4 optional (2 per CRU) SAS 8-port host bus adapter for tape up to 2 optional (non-redundant) up to 2 optional (non-redundant) up to 2 optional (non-redundant) Fibre channel for external storage up to 4 optional (2 per CRU) up to 4 optional (2 per CRU) up to 4 optional (2 per CRU) 운영체제 Redhat Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 전원및제품크기 Input voltage , VAC; 50 Hz, 60 Hz , VAC; 50 Hz, 60 Hz , VAC; 50 Hz, 60 Hz Rack dimension (H x W x D) 7.0 (4U) x 17.5 x (4U) x 17.5 x (4U) x 17.5 x 30.1 Weight (fully loaded) kg (120 lbs.) kg (120 lbs.) kg (120 lbs.) Stratus 제품소개서 13
14 Stratus ftserver 제품사양 (Window only) ftserver System 프로세서 Logical processors 1 socket (per CRU*) 1 sockets (per CRU*) 2 sockets (per CRU*) Processor Intel Xeon processor E5-2620v2, 2.1 GHz Intel Xeon processor E5-2607v2, 2.5 GHz Intel Xeon processor E5-2607v2, 2.5 GHz Cores 6 (per processor) 10 (per processor) 10 (per processor) L2 Cache 15 MB (per processor) 25 MB (per processor) 25 MB (per processor) Intel QPI speed 7.2 GT/s 8.0 GT/s 8.0 GT/s Maximum memory bandwidth 51.2 GB/s 51.2 GB/s GB/s 메모리 Min/max memory 8 GB/64 GB DDR3 8 GB/256 GB DDR3 16 GB/512 GB DDR3 DIMM Slots 16 (8 per CRU) 16 (8 per CRU) 32 (16 per CRU) I/O SUBSYSTEM Integrated PCI adapter slots 4 PCI-Express (2 per CRU) 4 PCI-Express (2 per CRU) 4 PCI-Express Gen 2x4 (2 per CRU), 4 PCI-Express Gen 2x8 (2 per CRU) Optional PCI adapter slots N/A 4 PCI-Express Gen 2x8 (2 per CRU) N/A STORAGE SUBSYSTEM Internal system drive bays 16 6Gb SAS 2.5 (8 per CRU) 16 6Gb SAS 2.5 (8 per CRU) 16 6Gb SAS 2.5 (8 per CRU) Internal SAS disk drives supported 15K (146 GB, 300 GB); 7.2K 1TB; 10K 1.2TB 15K (146 GB, 300 GB); 7.2K 1TB; 10K 1.2TB 15K (146 GB, 300 GB); 7.2K 1TB; 10K 1.2TB 200/400 GB SLC SSD 200/400 GB SLC SSD 200/400 GB SLC SSD FTSCALABLE STORAGE Expansion drive slots (RAID) up to 72 up to 72 up to 72 RAID levels 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 10, 50 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 10, 50 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 10, 50 Drive types SFF SAS: SSD and HDD (15K, 7.2K RPM) SFF SAS: SSD and HDD (15K, 7.2K RPM) SFF SAS: SSD and HDD (15K, 7.2K RPM) EMBEDDED I/O 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports 4 (2 per CRU) 4 (2 per CRU) 4 (2 per CRU) 10/100 management Ethernet 2 (1 per CRU) 2 (1 per CRU) 2 (1 per CRU) 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports N/A 4 (2 per CRU); requires optional PCI slots 4 (2 per CRU) Serial (com) ports 2 (9-pin) ports per system 2 (9-pin) ports per system 2 (9-pin) ports per system USB ports 4 (3 on rear, 1 on front per system) 4 (3 on rear, 1 on front per system) 4 (3 on rear, 1 on front per system) MANAGEABILITY Integrated VTM/BMC standard standard standard Graphics adapter 1 VGA port per system 1 VGA port per system 1 VGA port per system PCI ADAPTERS 1 Gigabit dual-port Ethernet up to 4 optional (2 per CRU) up to 8 optional (4 per CRU) up to 8 optional (4 per CRU) 10 Gigabit Ethernet server adapter N/A up to 4 optional (2 per CRU) up to 4 optional (2 per CRU) SAS 8-port host bus adapter for tape up to 2 optional (non-redundant) up to 2 optional (non-redundant) up to 2 optional (non-redundant) Fibre channel for external storage up to 4 optional (2 per CRU) up to 4 optional (2 per CRU) up to 4 optional (2 per CRU) 운영체제 Window Window 2008 R2 Enterprise /2012 Standard Window 2008 R2 Enterprise /2012 Standard Window 2008 R2 Enterprise /2012 Standard 전원및제품크기 Input voltage , VAC; 50 Hz, 60 Hz , VAC; 50 Hz, 60 Hz , VAC; 50 Hz, 60 Hz Rack dimension (H x W x D) 7.0 (4U) x 17.5 x (4U) x 17.5 x (4U) x 17.5 x 30.1 Weight (fully loaded) kg (120 lbs.) kg (120 lbs.) kg (120 lbs.) Stratus 제품소개서 14
15 Stratus ftserver 시스템외관 ( 정면 ) 1. CPU element 0, I/O element CPU element 1, I/O element System ID button (magnifying glass icon) (2) 4. CPU-I/O enclosure LEDs (2) 5. NMI (dump) button (2) 6. DVD drive 7. Front panel LEDs 8. USB port 9. Front panel 10. Power button 11. Internal disk drives (8) or disk drive blanks (2) 12. Release levers (4) Stratus 제품소개서 15
16 Stratus ftserver 시스템외관 ( 뒷면 ) USB ports (3) 2. Modem and telephone port (on the side) 3. PCI adapter slot 3 (PCIe Gen 2x8) (2) 4. PCI adapter slot 4 (PCIe Gen 2x8) (2) 5. PCI adapter slot 1 (PCIe Gen 2x4) (2) 6. PCI adapter slot 2 (PCIe Gen 2x4) (2) 7. CPU-I/O enclosure power receptacle (2) 8. Power supply LED (2) 9. 1GbE ports (4) GbE ports (4) 11. CPU-I/O enclosure blue system identifier LED (2) 12. VTM Ethernet port (2) 13. System backplane 14. Serial (COM) ports (2) 15. VGA (monitor) port cyg005 Stratus 제품소개서 16
17 Multiple Infrastructure Options Stratus Offerings Traditional Server 2-Node Cluster Avance Software ftserver System 99.9% 연간다운타임 : 8.5 시간 / 년 99.99% 연간다운타임 : 1 시간 / 년 % 연간다운타임 : 1 시간 / 년 % 연간다운타임 : 5 분 / 년 Low cost; not HA Single points of failure: CPU, I/O memory, hard drive, High risk of data loss HA; requires cluster expertise to implement Requires SAN, two servers Expert failover scripting / testing/management Multiple software images Data loss during failover Superior uptime Prevents downtime and data loss Predictive failure detection and handling Automated Migration: (not restart) Simple to install, use and maintain Fault tolerant HW w no single points of failure Zero downtime and data loss Detects, isolates and reports faults Simple to install, use and maintain Online serviceability (1) Source: Frost & Sullivan. Stratus 제품소개서 17
18 Uptime Assurance Technologies Failure Prevention versus Recovery Industry leading platform for 100% uptime Fault-tolerant, continuous availability for mission-critical & virtualized apps Redundant everything with service technology prevents failure Proactively monitors for 500+ alarm conditions Minimizes opportunity for human-error, the number one cause of downtime Problems fixed before user knew there was an issue Reliable, affordable HA software solution for SMBs Full feature HA solution Runs on industry-standard servers Ideal in environments with limited onsite staff ActiveService network technologies Proactively monitors for 150+ alarm conditions Self-managing, hands-off operation Stratus 제품소개서 18
19 Stratus: Virtualizing the Most Demanding Applications Hardened infrastructure for data centers & private clouds Drop-in fault tolerance for VMware environments Runs standard VMware vsphere Load-and-go operational simplicity: easy to install, use, and maintain Full multi-core SMP available to ALL VMs Ideal for latency-sensitive apps Simplicity at the edge or SMB with single system availability Proven technology in Windows and virtualized environments Integrates seamlessly and transparently Deliver Windows availability where it is needed: datacenter or edge, virtualized or non-virtualized, cloud or local, host or client From the heart of the data center to key workloads at the edge, Stratus ftserver systems help customers achieve full resource utilization and maximum flexibility in their choice of hypervisors and deployment of fault-tolerance. Stratus 제품소개서 19
20 Stratus 와 Vmware 조합 UPTIME METER Stratus 는 VMware vsphere 인프라스트락처에 % 그이상의가용성제공 Stratus 서버는표준 X86 서버와완벽한호환, 수정없이그대로사용 VMware vsphere 는 H/W 기반의 FT 서버에가상화기술의장점제공 Stratus 와 VMware 는엔터프라이즈가상화환경에서최고의가용성과서비스제공 Stratus 제품소개서 20
21 Stratus Fault-Tolerant Features for VMware vsphere Guest OS Guest OS Console Operating System Features Call home State management ftserver system management VMWare vsphere Kernel Hardened Virtual Switch Hardened Multipath IO Fast Memory Duplex Hardened Driver Hardened Driver Fault-Tolerant Duplex Hardware Lockstep CPU CPU Memory Memory Stratus Fault-Tolerant Chipset LAN LAN SAN SAN Stratus 제품소개서 21
22 Plug-n-Play Fault Tolerant with ftserver + VMware vsphere Hardware Lockstepping, no CPU overhead penalty and resource wasted for VMs to run FT Less overhead = Protect MORE mission critical VMs on same ftserver = Lower TCO Support ALL vsphere features (vsmp, Physical RDM, Storage VMotion, NPIV, VM Snapshot, Paravirtualization, NPT/EPT, VCB, etc.), ZERO limitations for VMs to run FT Requires only 1 OS & APP LICENSE set per VM running fault tolerant, saving MORE on licensing Stratus 제품소개서 22
23 Mixed Datacenter Example Virtualized Environment Virtualization Management and Services Virtual Machines App OS App OS App OS App OS App OS App OS App OS App OS App OS App OS Virtualization Layer Physical Servers X86 server X86 servers Stratus Fault-Tolerance VMware ESX Server SAN Service Level Non-Critical >99% High Availability >99.9% Fault Tolerant % Stratus 제품소개서 23
24 Fault Tolerant On Demand 업무 (Application) 의적용 스케쥴이예정가능한경우 다양한가용성레벨이필요시 전용폴트톨러런트서버를두기애매한경우 Stratus Solution DRS / VMotion used to automatically move the time-dependent Mission Critical workloads over VMs return to normal / non-ft resource pool once critical period is over vcenter Server Virtual Machines ESX Servers Fault-tolerant ftserver pool 3 weeks/month Mission Critical Storage Stratus 제품소개서 24
25 uptime solution-in-a-box Solution Benefits Server consolidation Entire solution deployed on single Stratus-VMware platform Every application benefits from automatic availability that exceeds % uptime Web Server Database Application Users internet Firewall Firewall internal Stratus 제품소개서 25
26 Stratus One-Stop 7x24 Support Maximizes Protection & Convenience Guest OS Root-Cause SLA Optional Guest OS root-cause services VMware vsphere vsphere root-cause analysis is standard Stratus 제품소개서 26
27 VMware with ftserver Stratus 제품소개서 27
28 Stratus ADD VALUE to VMware Virtualization Stratus FT Server 와 Vmware 의조합은 IT 업계에있어가장이상적인가용성솔루션을제공합니다. VMware Virtualization 는 IT 산업전반의가상화와관련최적화된솔루션입니다. 이러한조합은계획적이건비계획적이건 Down time에대한요소, 즉서버자체하드웨어에대한장애, OS에대한장애, 서버에대한유지보수, OS 에대한유지보수, 재난복구 (Disaster recovery), 유지보수및기술지원에대한최고의가용성을제공합니다.. Stratus value proposition Total Availability Operational Simplicity Financial Advantage UPTIME METER Stratus 제품소개서 28
29 When Moving Beyond Server Consolidation Zero Down Time Guarantee 스트라투스는서버의 Uptime 을보장합니다 No downtime. No failover. No fear. Tier1 VMs 은 Stratus ftserver 에서운영. Stratus 제품소개서 29
30 Avance Software The most reliable and affordable solution for keeping critical applications up and running Reliable Affordable Stratus 제품소개서 30
31 Avance Overview Avance Remote Web Console VM1 for XenApp License Server VM2 for XenApp Data Store VM-n for XenApp Critical Apps. Stratus Avance Windows Windows Linux Embedded Fault Management Embedded Hypervisor X86 Server X86 Server SIMPLICITY Two x86 servers (Dell, HP) No SAN or add l servers required Avance installs in 30 minutes Preconfigured fault management Remote management web console Managed as a single logical system Setup wizards no special training UPTIME - CONSOLIDATION Wizard to create Virtual Machines Windows and Linux OSs VMs immediately protected by Stratus availability Predictive fault handling Automation to eliminate operator errors No service interruption for upgrades and maintenance Stratus 제품소개서 31
32 Avance Software How It Works Active Processing X Avance operates below the App & OS level, proactively monitoring over 100 system activities Real-time Data Resync Data Sync Private Enet Link Node A Business Network Node B No client disconnects No application interruption No data loss Simply, Peace of mind so that you can focus on your core business Stratus 제품소개서 32
33 Split Site Deployment: Campus Wide Description: Value: Avance servers separated ~3 miles Included with Avance at no extra charge Protect against local disasters Lightning strikes, facility outage, theft How it works: support for non-blocking switches on the private link Removed the point-to-point cable restriction Links pairs must be on the same subnet (both business and private links) Practical separation of ~3 miles 1Gbit/10msec latency (WAN not supported) Routing over long distances is expensive 1Gb Private Link Location 1 Location 2 Allows separation of servers ~ 3 miles An immediate, cost-effective way to protect business continuity Stratus 제품소개서 33
34 Stratus 주요고객사 (2011 년 8 월현재 ) Stratus 제품소개서 34
35 Thank You
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CONTENTS 목차 1. 전원 및 설치시 주의사항 2 2. 시스템 사용시 바른 자세 4 3. 시스템 구성품 확인 5 슬림형 케이스1 6 슬림형 케이스2 7 타워형 케이스1 8 타워형 케이스2 9 일체형 케이스1 10 망분리형 케이스1 11 4. 시스템 시작 및 종료
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목차(Table of Content) 1. 클라우드 컴퓨팅 서비스 개요... 2 1.1 클라우드 컴퓨팅의 정의... 2 1.2 미래 핵심 IT 서비스로 주목받는 클라우드 컴퓨팅... 3 (1) 기업 내 협업 환경 구축 및 비용 절감 기대... 3 (2) N-스크린 구현에 따른 클라우드 컴퓨팅 기술 기대 증폭... 4 1.3 퍼스널 클라우드와 미디어 콘텐츠 서비스의
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