L_NOHJ Brochure_en
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- 8 years ago
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1 Nature Originated Ingredients & Healthy Joyful Life
3 Golden Modeling Foil Mask sheet 28g / Korea Retail Price 2,500 [Easytouse golden foil mask with modeling effects] Gold, which helps firm the skin, and hyaluronic acid, which offers rich hydration, makes the skin clear and moisturized. In this golden foil mask pack, the foil sheet, which resolved problems of modeling pack and conventional mask sheets, prevents moisture from evaporating from the skin and maintains the skin temperature so that the 28g essence can be effectively absorbed into the skin. Golden Collagen Stamping Mask sheet 28g / Korea Retail Price 2,500 [Fantastic harmony of gold, collagen, and golden stamping sheet] The fantastic harmony of gold, collagen, and golden stamping sheet firms the skin. The gold stamping sheet, which resolved problems of hydrogel sheet and conventional mask sheets, perfectly fit in the curves on the face so that the 28g essence can be effectively delivered into the skin. Pearl Modeling Foil Mask sheet 28g / Korea Retail Price 2,500 [Meeting of Gold and Horse oil, Pearl ingredient and Silver foil sheet.] This Mask has Nutritious Horse fat, pearl and gold ingredients making skin clear. In this silver foil mask pack, the foil sheet, which resolved problems of modeling pack and conventional mask sheets, prevents moisture from evaporating from the skin and maintains the skin temperature so that the 28g essence can be effectively absorbed into the skin.
4 Skin care Self massage Pore cleansing Sebum care Skin tone care Self peeling Black head Aged dead skin care
5 Pore Intracell Boosting Mask sheet 20g / Korea Retail Price 3,000 [Skincare/selfmassage/Pore cleansing/sebum care] Pore care mask that helps facial cleansing with bountiful vitamin foam. The tea tree extract calms sensitive skin by helping control the hyper secretion of sebum, and the grapefruit extract adds on tightening effects of the pores and soothing effects of the skin, managing a smooth and bright skin after washing. E Q0 C Black Intracell Boosting Mask sheet 20g / Korea Retail Price 3,000 [Skin tone care/self peeling/black head/aged dead skin care] Skin tone care mask that cleanses dead skin cells along with black heads with bountiful vitamin foam. Tangerine peel extract and witch hazel water have effect on removal of dead skin cells, improving skin to be more brighter and livelier. Plantderived ingredients will make skin moist and bright without any irritation. E Q0 C
7 Aqua Intracell Sleeping Mask sheet 26g / Korea Retail Price 3,000 [Sandwood scent and cactus extract] Pure cotton mask helping skin relaxation with warm woody aroma and soft sandalwood fragrance Adjusts disturbed balance of the skin due to lack of moisture and refreshingly arranges the skin texture without stickiness due to excess sebum regulation Calming Intracell Sleeping Mask sheet 26g / Korea Retail Price 3,000 [Coffee scent and prickly pear cactus extract] Pure cotton mask helping skin relaxation with warm coffee aroma and soft lavender fragrance Gifts a fresh and natural moisturized skin by adjusting the disturbed balance of the skin from the disharmony of biorhythms and quickly soothing the sensitive skin
9 sheet 28g / Korea Retail Price 3,000 sheet 28g / Korea Retail Price 3,000
11 Comfortable sheet / Korea Retail Price 2,000
12 no:hj Superfood Mask 25g Honey line to replenish moisture and nutrients for the sensitive and rough skin no:hj Superfood Mask 25g Broccoli line to manage the skin balance that makes your face clear no:hj Superfood Mask 25g Blueberry line to optimize the oilwater balance that makes your skin healthy no:hj Superfood Mask 25g Pine Mushroom line to realize the total skin care such as nutrition, elasticity and moisture Comfortable sheet / Korea Retail Price,000
13 no:hj Pack a day Mask 25g Intensive moisture control mask pack NOHJ Pack a day Maskpack 25g Intensive moisture control mask pack NOHJ Pack a day Maskpack 25g Intensive lustre control mask pack NOHJ Pack a day Maskpack 25g Intensive pore control mask pack Microcell sheet / Korea Retail Price 2,000
14 no:hj Texture Mask 25g no:hj Texture Mask 25g no:hj Texture Mask 25g no:hj Texture Mask 25g Secret of shining skin! Mud, containing cucumber extract Secret of plumping up skin! Mud, containing green tea extract Secret of moist skin! Mud, containing aloe extract Secret of clean skin! Mud, containing tea tree extract Microcell sheet / Korea Retail Price,500
15 Comfortable sheet / Korea Retail Price 2,500 Supplying nourishment and moisture of honey on deep skin Quickly soothing sensitive skin Moisture shine, Giving bright and transparent skin tone Providing nutrition and moisture to keep healthy baby face Supplying moisture and nutrition into deep skin Cleaning the waste in the pores and skin pore care Exfoliating care to make skin bright and transparent Shiny mask pack, Improving skin texture Restoring elasticity to facial skin Providing rich moisture and nutrition to tired skin
16 no:hj Centella Calming Mask 26g no:hj Centella Calming Mask 26g no:hj Centella Calming Mask 26g Real lustre mask pack to keep the dark skin tone bright and clear Porecaring mask pack relieving stress of the skin by removing dead skin cell and excessive sebum Deep moisturizing mask pack to supply the dehydrated skin with moisture and nutrition no:hj Centella Calming Mask 26g Nutrition mask pack to invigorate by supplying moisture and nutrition no:hj Centella Calming Mask 26g Soothing mask pack for rapid caring sensitive stressed skin no:hj Centella Calming Mask 26g Lifting mask pack to moisturize the loose skin Fitting sheet / Korea Retail Price 4,000
18 Maskpack Line up No. Name Image Option Description Volume Retail Price 꿀 蜂蜜 민감하고거칠어진피부에수분과영양을보충하는꿀라인 给敏感粗糙的皮肤补充水分和营养的蜂蜜系列 25g \, 엔오에이치제이슈퍼푸드마스크팩 诺韩婕超级水果系列面膜 브로콜리 西兰花블루베리 蓝莓 피부밸런스를컨트롤하여맑은동안피부를만들어주는브로콜리라인 控制水油平衡, 打造清澈童颜皮肤的西兰花系列유수분밸런스를맞춰피부균형을되찾아주는블루베리라인 控制水油平衡, 帮助找回皮肤均衡的蓝莓系列 25g \,000 25g \,000 4 송이버섯 松茸 보습영양탄력등피부토탈케어가가능한송이버섯라인 可做保湿 营养 弹力等皮肤综合护理的松茸系列 25g \,000 광채 : 결 [ 오이 ] 光彩篇 : 质感 [ 黄瓜 ] 빛나는피부의비밀! 머드, 오이추출물함유 皮肤发光的秘诀! 含有海泥, 黄瓜萃取液 25g \, 엔오에이치제이결마스크팩 诺韩婕质感系列面膜 모공 : 결 [ 녹차 ] 毛孔篇 : 质感수분 : 결 [ 알로에 ] 补水篇 : 质感 [ 芦荟 ] 탱탱한피부의비밀! 머드, 녹차추출물함유 皮肤细腻的秘诀! 含有海泥, 绿茶萃取液촉촉한피부의비밀! 머드, 알로에추출물함유 皮肤水嫩的秘诀! 含有海泥, 芦荟萃取液 25g \,500 25g \,500 4 진정 : 결 [ 티트리 ] 舒缓篇 : 质感 [ 茶树 ] 깨끗한피부의비밀! 머드, 티트리추출물함유 皮肤透亮的秘诀! 含有海泥, 茶树萃取液 25g \, 엔오에이치제이 일팩힐링마스크팩 诺韩婕 天 片治愈系列面膜 No. 알로에수분프로그램 No.. 芦荟补水项目 No2. 홍삼영양프로그램 No2. Red Ginseng Nutrition Program No.2. 红参营养项目 No3. 레몬광채프로그램 No.3. 柠檬光彩项目 녹색식물, 과일추출물, 발효에센스, 24k Gold를담아만든황금레시피의수분집중관리마스크팩입니다. 本面膜采用的黄金配方含有绿色植物 水果萃取液 发酵精华液与 24k 金, 是补水集中管理面膜 홍삼과녹색식물, 과일추출물, 발효에센스, 24k Gold를담아만든황금레시피의영양집중관리마스크팩입니다. 本面膜采用的黄金配方含有红参 绿色植物 水果萃取液 发酵精华液与 24k 金, 是营养集中管理面膜 녹색식물, 과일추출물, 발효에센스, 24k Gold를담아만든황금레시피의광채집중관리마스크팩입니다. 本面膜采用的黄金配方含有绿色植物 水果萃取液 发酵精华液与 24k 金, 是光彩集中管理面膜 4 No4. 자몽모공프로그램 No.4. 西柚毛孔项目 녹색식물, 과일추출물, 발효에센스, 24k Gold 를담아만든황금레시피의모공집중관리마스크팩입니다. 本面膜采用的黄金配方含有绿色植物 水果萃取液 发酵精华液与 24k 金, 是毛孔集中管理面膜 꿀 : 영양꽉찬피부영양이풍부한꿀추출물이윤기있는꿀피부로가꾸어줍니다. 蜂蜜 : 润泽保养肌肤含有丰富氨基酸的蜂蜜粹取物让肌肤像蜜一样充满光泽 2 녹차 : 민감한피부신선한녹차추출물이편안하고촉촉한피부로가꾸어줍니다. 绿茶 : 敏感性皮肤粹取新鲜绿茶精华为敏感肌肤补充水分 3 대나무 : 촉촉한피부대나무추출물이메마른피부를촉촉하고편안한피부로가꾸어줍니다. 竹子 : 水嫩肌肤粹取竹中精华解决肌肤缺水问题 4 5 엔오에이치제이바나맨썰마스크팩 诺韩婕香蕉人言语系列面膜 레몬 : 투명한피부상큼한레몬추출물이매끈하고투명한피부로가꾸어줍니다. 柠檬 : 透明白嫩肌肤粹取清新柠檬精华让肌肤紧致光滑白里透红 석류 : 매끈한피부 싱그러운석류추출물이탱탱하고윤기있는피부로가꾸어줍니다. 石榴 : 紧致光滑 清香的石榴萃取物让肌肤紧致光滑 6 스네일 : 건강한피부부드러운달팽이점액추출물이건강하고윤기있는피부로가꾸어줍니다. 蜗牛 : 健康活力肌肤粹取蜗牛分泌液恢复肌肤健康活力 7 오이 : 수분꽉찬피부신선한수분이가득담긴오이추출물이풍부한수분을충전해줍니다. 黄瓜 : 水嫩皮肤充满新鲜水分的黄瓜萃取精华为肌肤补充水分 8 티트리 : 깨끗한피부티트리잎추출물이민감한피부를편안하고깨끗한피부로가꾸어줍니다. Tea tree : clear skin The tea tree extract calms and clears sensitive skin. 茶树精华 : 无暇肌肤茶树叶萃取物敏感修复还原无暇肌肤 2 3 엔오에이치제이아쿠아수딩마스크팩 诺韩婕水分舒缓系列面膜 꿀 蜂蜜마유 马油비타민 C 维他命 C 피부깊숙히꿀의영양과수분을공급하여피부톤을맑고탄력있게가꾸어주는영양마스크팩 使蜂蜜的营养与水分深入皮肤, 提亮肤色, 增加皮肤弹力的营养面膜민감해진피부를빠르게진정시키고촉촉하고탄력있는피부로관리하는수분마스크팩 快速镇定敏感皮肤, 使皮肤变得水嫩光滑的水分面膜피부에깊숙히자리잡은칙칙한피부톤을맑고투명하게가꾸어주는수분광채마스크팩 提亮暗淡已久的肤色, 使皮肤更加透亮的水分光彩面膜
19 No. Name 4 Image Option 모유와 조성이 유사한 산양유가 지친피부에 수분과 영양을 공급해 건강한 동안피부로 유지하는 마스크팩 山羊油 山羊油向黯淡无光的皮肤注入水分与营养 使其保持健康的童颜面膜 Goat Milk 쉐어버터 5 Shea Butter 乳木果油 스네일 6 7 Snail 엔오에이치제이 아쿠아수딩 마스크팩 NOHJ Aqua Soothing Maskpack Description 산양유 蜗牛 제비집 Swiftlet Nest 燕窝 Baby face mask pack supplying proper nutrition and moisture Volume Retail Price 25g \2,500 25g \2,500 25g \,000 25g \2,500 25g \2,500 25g \2,500 25g \2,500 28g \2,500 28g \2,500 28g \2,500 20g \3,000 20g \3,000 26g \3,000 26g \3,000 28g \3,000 28g \3,000 26g \4,000 26g \4,000 26g \4,000 26g \4,000 26g \4,000 26g \4,000 26g \5,000 피부 깊숙히 수분과 영양을 공급하여 피부결을 깨끗하고 탄력있게 가꾸어주는 영양보습 마스크팩 Moisturizing mask pack for glossy look of aged skin 将水分与营养渗入皮肤 使皮肤透亮 增加弹性的营养保湿面膜 모공노폐물을 정화하고 피부톤을 맑고 투명하게 가꿔주는 모공관리 보습 진정 마스크팩 Moisturizing mask pack caring pore and purifying the young skin 深层清洁毛孔垃圾 使肤色透亮的毛孔收缩保湿镇定面膜 피부에 깊숙히 자리잡은 각질을 잠재우고 피부를 맑고 투명하게 가꾸어 주는 각질관리 마스크팩 Brightening mask pack keeping the depressed skin texture transparent and clear 改善皮肤角质 使皮肤透亮的角质管理面膜 诺韩婕 水分舒缓系列面膜 8 진주 피부 깊숙히 자리잡은 칙칙한 피부톤을 투명하게 가꾸고 피부결을 살려주는 광채 마스크팩 珍珠 改善暗淡已久的肤色 使皮肤更加透明的光彩面膜 Pearl 9 콜라겐 피부탄력이 떨어져 흐트러진 얼굴선을 매끈하고 탄력있게 가꾸어주는 탄력강화 마스크팩 胶原蛋白 安抚因失去弹性而不安的肌肤 使其更加光滑有弹性的弹力强化面膜 Collagen 히아루로닉 0 Hyaluronic Acid 透明质酸 골든 모델링 호일 2 Golden modeling foil 엔오에이치제이 호일 마스크팩 NOHJ Foil Maskpack 金箔 골든 콜라겐 스탬핑 Golden collagen stamping 金箔胶原冲压 진주 모델링 호일 3 Pearl modeling foil 珍珠软膜锡纸 2 포어 인트라셀 엔오에이치제이 인트라셀 부스팅 마스크팩 NOHJ Intracell Boosting Maskpack Pore Intracell 孔内[Pore Intracell] 블랙 인트라셀 Black Intracell 黑内[Black Intracell] 2 2 엔오에이치제이 인트라셀슬리핑마스크팩 NOHJ Intracell Sleeping Maskpack 诺韩婕 水分睡眠面膜 엔오에이치제이 인트라셀 24K골드마스크팩 NOHJ Intracell 24K Gold Maskpack 诺韩婕 INTRACEL 24k金箔面膜 3 4 Aqua Intracell 카밍 인트라셀 Calming Intracell 舒缓内[Calming Intracell] 골드테라피 GOLD TEHRAPY 黄金疗法 엔오에이치제이 센텔라 카밍 마스크팩 NOHJ Centella Calming Maskpack 诺韩婕 积雪草系列面膜 诺韩婕 24K黄金美容面膜 Deep moisturizing mask pack invigorating the dehydrated skin 피부의 탄력에 도움을 주는 골드와 수분이 풍부한 히아루로닉 마스크 Gold, hyaluronic acid, and golden foil mask give the modeling mask effects and clears and hydrates the skin. 含有黄金及玻尿酸精华的金箔面膜含有有塑造面膜效果让肌肤透明水嫩 골드와 콜라겐의 풍부한 영양 성분이 피부결을 탱탱하게 관리해 주는 마스크 The fantastic harmony of gold, collagen, and golden stamping sheet firms the skin. 黄金及胶原蛋白与金箔冲压面膜幻想般的融合让肌肤充满弹力 풍부한 영양의 마유, 피부를 맑게 하는 진주와 골드 성분이 투명한 피부로 가꾸어 주는 마스크 This Mask has Nutritious Horse fat, pearl and gold ingredients making skin clear. 含有的的珍珠美白成分及增强肌肤弹力的马油成分为您打造水润透明肌肤 [피부결케어/셀프마사지/모공청소/피지케어]피지와 모공 노페물까지 클린업 해 주는 모공관리 마스크 [Skincare/selfmassage/Pore cleansing/sebum care] pore care mask that helps facial cleansing with bountiful vitamin foam [调整皮肤纹理/自我按摩/清洁毛孔/清除皮脂]通过丰富的维他命泡沫深层清洁皮脂与毛孔垃圾的毛孔护理面膜 [피부톤케어/셀프필링/블랙헤드/묵은각질]묵은각질과 블랙헤드까지 클린업 해 주는 피부톤 케어 마스크 [Skin tone care/self peeling/black head/aged dead skin care] skin tone care mask that cleanses dead skin cells along with black heads with bountiful vitamin foam [调整肤色/自我去角质/去除黑头/老化角质]通过丰富的维他命泡沫深度去除老化角质与黑头的肤色调整面膜 [샌들우드향과 선인장 추출물]민감하고 건조해진 피부에 풍부한 수분을 공급해 활기를 더해 주는 아쿠아 슬리핑 마스크팩 [Sandwood scent and cactus extract] aqua sleeping mask that provides bountiful moisture for sensitive and dry skin [檀香与仙人掌萃取物]给敏感干燥的皮肤补充丰富的水分 增加活力的水分睡眠面膜 [커피향과 백년초 추출물]부족해진 수분으로 민감해진 피부를 빠르게 진정시키는 카밍 슬리핑 마스크팩 [Coffee scent and prickly pear cactus extract] calming sleeping mask that helps soothe the senstive skin due to lack of moisture [咖啡香与白莲草]快速镇定因缺少水分导致敏感肌肤的镇静睡眠面膜 칙칙하고 활력을 잃은 피부를 환하고 생기있게 가꾸어주는 24K 골드테라피 24K gold therapy to brighten and revitalize dull skin 24K黄金疗法可有效改善皮肤晦暗无光 恢复肌肤活力 건조하고 생기를 잃은 피부에 탱탱한 탄력과 활력을 주는 24K 골드리프팅 24k 黄金提拉效果可从根本肌肤干燥缺水 恢复肌肤水嫩弹力 24K Gold Lifting to firm and revitalize dry and dull skin 광채 피부 깊숙히 자리잡은 칙칙한 피부톤을 맑고 투명하게 가꿔주는 리얼광채 마스크팩 光彩 提亮暗淡已久的肤色 使皮肤更加透亮的光彩面膜 Real lustre mask pack to keep the dark skin tone bright and clear 모공 피부에 쌓인 각질과 피지를 제거하여 피부 스트레스를 풀어주는 모공관리 마스크팩 毛孔 清除皮肤内角质与皮脂 缓解皮肤压力的毛孔管理面膜 Porecaring mask pack relieving stress of the skin by removing dead skin cell and excessive sebum 수분 지친 피부에 풍부한 수분과 영양을 공급하여 피부에 생기를 부여하는 수분공급 마스크팩 补水 向枯燥的皮肤供应充分的水分与营养 让皮肤充满生机的水分供应面膜 Moisture Deep moisturizing mask pack to supply the dehydrated skin with moisture and nutrition 영양 피부에 부족한 수분과 영양을 공급하여 피부 활력을 살려주는 영양공급 마스크팩 营养 向皮肤供应充分的水分与营养 使肌肤充满活力的营养供应面膜 Nutrition Nutrition mask pack to invigorate by supplying moisture and nutrition 진정 민감해진 피부를 빠르게 진정시키고 피부 스트레스를 풀어주는 피부진정 마스크팩 镇定 快速镇定敏感皮肤 缓解皮肤压力的皮肤镇定面膜 Soothing mask pack for rapid caring sensitive stressed skin 탄력 피부탄력이 떨어져 흐트러진 피부선을 촉촉하고 탄력있게 가꿔주는 탄력 강화 마스크팩 弹力 安抚因失去弹性而不安的肌肤 使其更加水嫩有弹性的弹力强化面膜 Elasticity 한지 24K 골드 테라피 마스크팩 NOHJ 24K Gold Therapy Maskpack 지친피부에 풍부한 수분과 영양을 공급하여 피부에 생기를 부여하는 수분공급 마스크팩 向枯燥的皮肤供应充分的水分与营养 让皮肤充满生机的水分供应面膜 골드리프팅 Relax 6 Firming and lifting mask pack for loose and depressed skin 黄金提拉效果 GOLD LIFTING AntiPore 5 아쿠아 인트라셀 水分内[Aqua Intracell] Lustre 2 Lustre mask pack keeping the skin texture bright 슈퍼콜라겐 Super Collagen 胶原蛋白 Lifting mask pack to moisturize the loose skin 황금의 피부기능 활성화로 맑고 탄력있는 피부로 가꾸어주는 안티 스트레스 골드 마스크팩 Antistress gold mask pack giving you a invigorating and transparent skin 利用黄金的皮肤美容功效 使皮肤更加清透有弹性的抗压舒缓黄金面膜
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NO:HJ is a Korean cosmetic brand specializing in sheet masks. NO:HJ sheet masks help your skin healthy and beautiful by using fresh ingredients from nature and our own scientific recipe. Enjoy masks of
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