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2 추가정보 SIMATIC Controllers: SIMATIC automation systems: Totally Integrated Automation: SIPLUS extreme hardening and finishing: Service and Support: SIMATIC partners: Information material available for downloading: SIMATIC Guide Manuals: Industry Mall Internet ordering system: Siemens Ltd. Seoul Industry Sector 서울시서대문구충정로 23 풍산빌딩 9층우 ) 대표전화 : 대표팩스 : 기술지원 : industry.kr@siemens.com Order No. 6ZB5310-0MT02-0BB2-KR-1402 본브로셔에서제공되는정보는단지, 성능에대한일반적인설명내지특징들만을포함하고있으며, 실제사용의경우에는기술된바대로항상적용되는것은아니며, 제품의후속개발로인해변경될수도있습니다. 각특징제공의책임은계약서에명시한부분에대해서만존재합니다. 모든제품명칭은 Siemens AG 또는공급업체의등록상표또는제품명이며, 제 3자가임의로사용하는경우소유권침해가될수있습니다. c Siemens Ltd. Seoul 2014

3 SIMATIC 컨트롤러 모든 자동화 작업을 위한 혁신적인 솔루션 SIMATIC Overview Edition February 2014 Answers for industry.

4 SIMATIC 컨트롤러시스템엔지니어링, 통신, 진단 SIMATIC Modular Controllers Your benefits Ready to use Long-term compatibility and availability For use in harsh environments Modular expansion and scalability Vibration-resistant Maintenance-free Fields of application Controlling with centralized and distributed I/O Technological tasks Fault-tolerant control Fail-safe control 경제적이고유연한기계및플랜트의자동화를위해서는모든어플리케이션부문에서최적의솔루션이필요합니다. 기본루프제어에서부터시각화, 모션제어, 데이터저장등의추가자동화어플리케이션까지지멘스는고객의요구에맞는최적의솔루션을제공합니다. 또한엔지니어링, 통신, 진단기능을통합하여개발과유지보수를위한최상의환경을제공합니다. SIMATIC 컨트롤러의하드웨어와소프트웨어의종류는무척다양합니다. SIMATIC 모듈형컨트롤러 (PLC) SIMATIC 모듈형컨트롤러 (PLC) 는제어작업에최적화되고장기간사용이가능하도록특수설계되었습니다. 플러그인 I/O 모듈, 기능모듈, 통신모듈을사용하여확장이편리합니다. 어플리케이션에따라성능과수량, 통신인터페이스등이다른제품을다양하게선택할수있습니다. 모듈형컨트롤러를사용하여이중화와고장안전시스템의구성도가능합니다. 2 SIMATIC Controllers

5 SIMATIC PC-based Automation Your benefits Flexible in use Openness in hardware and software configuration Use of existing PC resources Participation in the continuous PC innovation process Multifunctional Customized PC variants Embedded bundles: - Ready to use - Rugged - Maintenance-free Fields of application Control, operator control and monitoring Technological tasks Data acquisition and archiving Link to PC hardware and software Integration of C/C++/C# programs Data exchange via OPC Fail-safe control SIMATIC PC 기반자동화 SIMATIC PC 기반자동화는 Windows 운영체제에기반을둔실시간소프트웨어컨트롤러인 WinAC RTX, 또는 WinAC RTX의고장안전버전인 WinAC RTX F를사용합니다. SIMATIC PC 기반자동화에서는모든 PC 어플리케이션, 운영자제어와모니터링작업, 모션제어기능을간단히결합하여종합적인자동화솔루션을구축할수있습니다. 사전설치되어즉시사용가능한자동화소프트웨어를포함하는내구성디자인의 SIMATIC 내장형번들을이용하면 PC 기반자동화의장점을기계에서구현할수있습니다. SIMATIC Controllers 3

6 전체제품종류요약 SIMATIC Modulare Controllers S ET 200 with CPU S7-300 S7-400 S S ET 200 S7-300 with Easy Motion Control or technology CPU (optionally with Safety) S7-400 with FM 458 S ET 200 with F-CPU S7-300 with F-CPU S7-400 with F-CPU S7-400 H-System optionally with Safety ww 제어, 운영자제어및모니터링 이중화제어 고장안전제어 모션제어 제어 w 4 SIMATIC Controllers

7 통합자동화 (TIA) SIMATIC 컨트롤러는통합자동화 (TIA) 시스템의필수요소입니다. 제품종류도광범위하기때문에매우다양한분야에적합한솔루션을제시할수있습니다. 특히비용에민감한표준생산분야뿐아니라엔지니어링및시운전비용을줄여야하는플랜트건설이나특수기계장비제조분야에적합합니다. SIMATIC PC-based Controllers Software Controllers for Multi Panels WinAC RTX WinAC RTX with Easy Motion Control Customized functions with WinAC ODK WinAC RTX F S7-mEC-RTX F Embedded bundles with WinAC RTX F S7 Modular Embedded Controller IPC227D/IPC427C bundles with WinAC RTX (F) and HMI-Software HMI IPC277D/IPC477C bundles with WinAC RTX (F) and HMI-Software WinAC MP 177/277 WinAC MP SIMATIC Controllers 5

8 선택 기준 SIMATIC 제품/제품군 product/family 제품 개요Brief Product SIMATIC Modulare Controllers S Modular, compact controller for discrete and stand-alone automation solutions ET 200 with CPU S7-300 ET 200S ET 200pro Distributed, discretely-modular I/O system with local intelligence With degree of With degree of protection IP20 protection IP65/67 3 standard CPUs 1 standard CPU 2 fail-safe CPUs 1 fail-safe CPU S7-400 Modular controllers for system solutions in production automation in the low to midperformance ranges Modular c tions in pr mation in formance 10 stand 3 fail-sa 4 fault-t (also fai 제품 범위range Product 3 compact CPUs 예비 부품 보증 기간 Spare parts guaranteed for Temperature 사용 온도 범위range 성능 Performance 비트 연산 실행 최소 Execution time시간, for bit operation, min. 10 years 0 55 C 1) 10 years 0 60 C 2) 10 years 0 55 C 10 years 0 60 C 2) 10 years 0 60 C 0.1 µs 0.06 µs 0.05 µs µs (CPU 319) µs ( 메모리 Memory Main 메인 메모리, memory, 최대 max. 50 KB (CPU 1214C) 192 KB 5) 384 KB 6) 2 MB (CPU 1214C) Micro Memory Card 2 MB (CPU 319), 2.5 MB (CPU 319F) Micro Memory Card 30 MB (CP 로드 메모리/대용량 최대 max. Load memory/mass저장, storage, 8 MB 8 MB 64 MB Backup, 백업, 최대max. 2 KB Program and data due to Micro Memory Card (maintenance-free) Program and data due to Micro Memory Card (maintenance-free) Program a tery or Pro I/O devices 장치 I/O address 주소 영역, area, 최대max / 1024 bytes 2048 / 2048 bytes 2048 / 2048 bytes 8192 / 8192 bytes / 16 (compact CPU) (compact CPU) (technology CPUs) (F-CPUs) (F / FH C (H / FH C Centralized 중앙집중식 I/O CPU에 I/O 통합in CPU integrated I/O PROFINET의 modules I/O on CPU 모듈 Distributed I/O modules on PROFIBUS I/O modules on PROFINET 모션 제어 기능functions Technology 로드 가능한 기능 블록 Loadable function blocks CPU에functions 통합된 기본 기능 Basic integrated in CPU 중앙집중modules, 플러그인 plugged 방식의 특수 모듈 Special in centrally 특수 모션 제어 컨트롤러 Special technology controllers 등시 모드 Isochronous mode 안전/가용성 Safety / availability 고장안전 Fail-safety 이중화tolerance Fault Configuration changes during operation (CiR) 가동 중 하드웨어 구성 변경(CiR) 가동 중 중앙집중식 I/O의 Connection / disconnection of centralized I/O dur연결/분리(핫스와핑) ing operation (hot swapping) 기능 HMI functions 통합 Integrated 기능 PC functions C/C++ 링크 C/C++/C#/Visual Basic link 데이터acquisition 수집 및 저장 Data and archiving PC 표준 하드웨어로 가능 hardware Expandable with PC확장 standard PC 표준 HW/SW Integration of PC통합 standard HW/SW 엔지니어링 Engineering 설정/프로그래밍/ programming 소프트웨어 Configuration software Programming 프로그래밍 언어languages 7 standard CPUs 7 compact CPUs 5 fail-safe CPUs 2 technology CPUs 1 fail-safe technology CPU Memory C STEP 7 Basic from V10.5/V11 in the TIA Portal, STEP 7 Professional from V11 in the TIA Portal KOP, FUP, SCL STEP 7 / STEP 7 Professional from V5.x, STEP 7 from V11 in the TIA Portal KOP (LD), FUP (FBD), AWL (IL), S7-Graph (SFC), S7-SCL (ST), S7-HiGraph, CFC 통합 HMI 기능의 Configuration of설정 integral HMI functions 통신 Communications MPI PtP AS-Interface n (CP를 통해) 산업용 DP (PROFIBUS) PROFIBUS 산업용 이더넷 (PROFINET) PROFINET 기타 통합 장치 Others integrated Web server 웹 서버 6 SIMATIC Controllers (character-based serial comm.) (via CP with STEP 7 V11 SP2) (also via CP) (via CP) (also via CP) 4) (also via CP) (PN CPUs) (PN CPUs) (also via (also via (PN CPUs) (PN CPU 1) 확장 온도 범위 -40/-25 ~ +55/+70 C 및 부식성 환경/응결 조건에서도 사용 가능한 SIPLUS 컴포넌트도 제공( 2) 1)과 동일하지만 온도 범위는 -25 ~ +60 C 3) 부식성 환경/응결 조건에서도 사용 가능한 SIPLUS 컴포넌트도 제공 ( 4) 모션 제어 CPU 포함, 추가 PROFIdrive 5) F 버전은 256 KB 6) F 버전은 512 KB (via CP)

9 SIMATIC PC 기반자동화 S7-400 S WinAC RTX (F) S7 modular Embedded Controller SIMATIC IPC227D bundles S IP Modular controllers for system solutions in production and process automation in the medium to upper performance ranges 10 standard CPUs 3 fail-safe CPUs 4 fault-tolerant CPUs (also fail-safe) S The modular controller for applications in the medium to upper performance range for discrete automation 3 standard CPUs others coming soon S7 controller as software controller for PC with Windows operating system (Windows XP, Windows Embedded Standard, Windows 7) 1 software controller WinAC RTX 1 fail-safe variant WinAC RTX F (the first safety-related real-time software controller worldwide for Windows-based automation solutions up to SIL3, PL e, Cat. 4) Embedded Controller in S7-300 design (fanless, diskless) with Windows Embedded Standard and software controller and HMI PC-based controller in the following variants: - Pre-installed operating system - Plus WinAC RTX (F) - Plus HMI WinCC flexible/winac RTX 1 fail-safe variant Embedded rail-mounted PC (fanless, diskless) with Windows Embedded Standard, software controller and HMI 1 hardware platform fail-safe variant 3 device versions with different expansion capabilities Customized / OEM product on request Em dis Sta 2 ( 3 1 C r 10 years 10 years 5 years 5 years 5 y 0 60 C 3) 0 60 C PC-dependent 0 50 C 0 55 C µs (CPU 417) 0.01 µs (CPU 1516) µs (Pentium IV, 2.4 GHz, PC-dependent) µs (Intel CoreDuo 1.2 GHz) MB (CPU 417) 6 MB (program 1 MB, data 5 MB) PC main memory 2) 1 GB RAM 512 KB... 2 GB RAM 4 G Memory Card 64 MB Program and data due to backup-battery or Program due to MC FEPROM 2 GB (via Memory Card) PC mass storage 4 GB CompactFlash card 2 / 4 / 8 / 16 GB CF card or 50 GB SSD (High Endurance) or 80 GB SSD (Standard) Program and data due to SIMATIC Memory Card (maintenance-free) All data with UPS 3) Control data (512 kb SRAM) without UPS, all data with UPS Control data (128 KB MRAM) without UPS, all data with UPS 4 / (Hi (St Co UP / bytes 32 / 32 KB / bytes / bytes / bytes 16 available soon 1) (via PCIe, ODK) ( (via CP 5603) (F / FH CPUs) available soon (H / FH CPUs) available soon available soon (can be installed on PC) (S7-mEC-HMI/RTX) (bundle with WinCC RT Advanced) ( R t (via ODK) (via ODK) (via ODK) ( (very large volumes of data) (large volumes of data) (large volumes of data) ( (PC-dependent) (4 PCI-104 cards max.) (1 PCI-104 card max.) ( (via ODK, OPC) (via ODK, OPC) (via ODK, OPC) ( e TIA Portal HiGraph, CFC STEP 7 Professional from V12 in the TIA Portal LAD (LD), FDB, STL (IL), S7-Graph (SFC), S7-SCL (ST) STEP 7 / STEP 7 Professiona LAD (LD WinCC flexible (optional) WinCC RT Advanced Win (op (via CP) (via CMs) (via CP distributed) (via EM PC) (via CP distributed) ( (also via CP) (via CP in PC) (via CP 5603) (also via CP) (via CP in PC) PC interfaces Industrial Ethernet, USB Industrial Ethernet, USB, RS232, DVI-D Ind VG (PN CPUs) 5) 5) 5) 5 1) PC 카드및 ODK 를통해 2) 비페이징메모리 3) UPS 가없는특정 SIMATIC PC 에서는 128 KB 4) F 버전 : S7 Distributed Safety, LAD, F 프로그램용 FBD 5) WinAC RTX 2010 SIMATIC Controllers 7

10 SIMATIC IPC427C bundles SIMATIC HMI IPC277D bundles SIMATIC HMI IPC477C bundles 멀티패널용소프트웨어컨트롤러 WinAC MP 177/277/377 - Embedded rail-mounted PC (fanless, diskless) with Windows Embedded Standard, software controller and HMI Embedded Panel PC (fanless, diskless) with Windows Embedded Standard, software controller and HMI Embedded Panel PC (fanless, diskless) with Windows Embedded Standard, software controller and HMI MP 177/277 MP 377 SIMATIC product/family Software controllers for Multi Panels Product Brief n- 2 platforms (PROFINET, PROFIBUS), each with 3 software versions 1 fail-safe variant Customized / OEM product on request Panel PC with 7, 9, 12, 15 and 19 Touch Customized design and OEM product on request 1 fail-safe variant Panel PC, 12, 15 or 19 Touch or 12, 15 Key each with 3 software versions, bundle with IPC477C PRO all-round protection to IP 65 also available Customized design and OEM product on request 1 fail-safe variant 1 standard product for Multi Panels with 6 to 19 Customized design and OEM product on request Product range 5 years 5 years 5 years 10 years Spare parts guaranteed for 0 55 C 0 50 C C C Temperature range Performance µs (Intel Core2Solo 1.2 GHz) µs (Intel Core2Solo 1.2 GHz) Execution time for bit operation, min. Memory 4 GB RAM 512 KB... 2 GB RAM 4 GB RAM 128 KB / 256 KB 512 KB Main memory, max. 4 / 8 / 16 GB CF card or 50 GB SSD (High Endurance) or 80 GB SSD (Standard) Control data (128 KB SRAM) without UPS, all data with UPS 4 / 8 / 16 GB CF card or 50 GB SSD (High Endurance) or 80 GB SSD (Standard) Control data (128 KB MRAM) without UPS, all data with UPS 4 / 8 / 16 GB CF card or 50 GB SSD (High Endurance) or 80 GB SSD (Standard) Control data (128 KB SRAM) without UPS, all data with UPS Control data (64 KB / 128 KB MRAM) / bytes / bytes / bytes 2048 / 2048 bytes 4096 / 4096 bytes Control data (256 KB MRAM) Load memory/mass storage, max. Backup, max. I/O devices 8192 / 8192 bytes I/O address area, max. Centralized I/O integrated in CPU (via PCI-104 cards and ODK) I/O modules on CPU Distributed I/O modules on PROFIBUS I/O modules on PROFINET Technology functions Loadable function blocks Basic functions integrated in CPU Special modules, plugged in centrally Special technology controllers Isochronous mode Safety / availability Fail-safety Fault tolerance Configuration changes during operation (CiR) Connection / disconnection of centralized I/O during operation (hot swapping) HMI functions (bundle with WinCC flexible or WinCC (bundle with WinCC RT Advanced) (bundle with WinCC flexible or WinCC (Multi Panel) Integrated RT Advanced or WinCC single-user station or client or WinCC RT Professional) tion or client or WinCC RT Professional) RT Advanced or WinCC single-user sta- PC functions (via ODK) (via ODK) (via ODK) C/C++/C#/Visual Basic link (large volumes of data) (large volumes of data) (large volumes of data) Data acquisition and archiving (3 PCI-104 cards max.) Expandable with PC standard hardware (via ODK, OPC) (via ODK, OPC) (via ODK, OPC) Integration of PC standard HW/SW Engineering essional from V5.x, STEP 7 from V11 in the TIA Portal Configuration / programming software AD (LD), FDB (FBD), STL (IL), S7-Graph (SFC), S7-SCL (ST), S7-HiGraph, CFC 4) Programming languages WinCC flexible, WinCC RT Advanced (optional) WinCC, WinCC RT Professional WinCC RT Advanced WinCC flexible, WinCC RT Advanced (optional) WinCC, WinCC RT Professional WinCC flexible Standard, Advanced Communications MPI (via CP distributed) (via CP distributed) (via CP distributed) PtP AS-Interface PROFIBUS PROFINET Industrial Ethernet, USB, RS232, DVI/ Industrial Ethernet, USB Industrial Ethernet, USB, RS232, DVI/ Industrial Ethernet, USB, RS232 Others integrated VGA PROFINET (IRT) VGA PROFINET (IRT) 5) 5) 5) Web server Configuration of integral HMI functions 8 SIMATIC Controllers


<4D F736F F D20C0CCBEBEC1A6BEEE5FC3A5BCD2B0B35F > 이씨제어 한글기술서적소개 1. SIMATIC S7-300/400 초급과정교육교재 S7-300/400 에대한초급교육에사용되는한글판교육교재. * 참고영어원문 : Programming with STEP 7, Automating with STEP 7 in STL and SCL A4 단면 280 쪽, 파워포인트컬러판 2. SIMATIC S7-300/400 중급과정교육교재

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Copyright 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Intel 은 미국 및 다른 국가에서 Intel Corporation 의 상표입니다. Microsoft 및 Windows 는 Microsoft Corporation 의 HP ENVY 15 사용 설명서 Copyright 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Intel 은 미국 및 다른 국가에서 Intel Corporation 의 상표입니다. Microsoft 및 Windows 는 Microsoft Corporation 의 미국 등록 상표입니다. Bluetooth 는 해당 소유권

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