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1 SIMATIC S & STEP 7 Basic
2 It s the Interplay that makes the difference 새로운차원의마이크로 PLC 컨트롤러 마이크로오토메이션그이상을! 새로운마이크로 PLC SIMATIC S7-1200, 새로운구성의 SIMATIC HMI Basic Panels, 그리고 PLC 와 HMI 개발을위한완벽한통합엔지니어링소프트웨어 SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic Customer Benefits: 확장이용이한고도의유연성과효율성 쉽고간편한네트워크설정 프로그래밍과시운전을수월하게할수잇는직관적인사용자인터페이스 Page 2
3 New SIMATIC S TIA family 의새로운 micro controller The new micro controller SIMATIC S 컴팩트하고스마트한확장성과유연성이확보된 새로운개념의 micro controller 프로그래밍,HMI 인터페이스와 CPU-to-CPU 통신가능한 Profinet 통신포트내장 Counting, Closed-loop control 및 Motion control 기능내장 Customer Benefits: 단위설비자동화를위한완변한맟춤구성 HMI 패널과 controller 통합엔지니어링이가능한단순한네트워크구성 Motion positioning control task를위한효율적인솔루션 Page 3
4 SIMATIC Modular Controller Positioning SIMATIC S7-400 high-end automation Application Complexity SIMATIC S7-300 SIMATIC S7-200 & S mid-range automation low-end discrete & standalone automation LOGO! low-end standalone automation for switching & control I/O Capacity, Program Size, Instruction Speed, Communication Capabilities, Page 4
5 Internal Functionality Comparison CPU 224XP CPU 1214C CPU 313C bit exec. time 0.22 µs 0.1 µs 0.1 µs Work Memory 26KB 50KB 64KB DI/DO(integrated) 14/10 14/10 24/16 AI/AO(integrated) 2/1 2/0 4/2 Max.DI/O PWM / PTO PWM HSC PID 8 16 Limited by resources Expansion capa. Max. 7 modules Max. 3 CM & 8 SM Max. 8 modules / rack Page 5
6 S7-200 vs. S vs. S7-300/400 프로그래밍비교 MAIN S7-200 S S7-300/400 INT OB FB FC SBR VB DB Page 6
8 SIMATIC S CPU 시리즈 S CPU 1214C 3 CPUs: DC/DC/DC, AC/DC/RLY, DC/DC/RLY 14 DI, 10 DO, 2 AI, 1 PN Port 8 SMs, 3 CMs and 1 SB 확장가능 S CPU 1212C 3 CPUs: DC/DC/DC, AC/DC/RLY, DC/DC/RLY 8 DI, 6 DO, 2 AI, 1 PN Port 2 SMs, 3 CMs & 1 SB 확장가능 S CPU 1211C 3 CPUs: DC/DC/DC, AC/DC/RLY, DC/DC/RLY 6 DI, 4 DO, 2 AI, 1 PN Port 3 CMs & 1 SB 만가능 Page 8
9 SIMATIC S 확장모듈 Signal Modules (SM) Digital Signal Modules: 8 DI, 8 DO, 16 DI, 16 DO 8 DI/8 DO, 16 DI/16 DO Analog Signal Modules: 4 AI, 2 AO, 4 AI/2 AO Signal Boards (SB) 1 Digital Signal Board: 2 DI / 2 DO 1 Analog Signal Board: 1 AO Communication Modules (CM) 2 Communication Modules: RS485, RS232 Compact Switch Module (CSM) 4 Port Ethernet Switch Page 9
10 SIMATIC S CPUs Specification I CPU Features CPU 1211C CPU 1212C CPU 1214C 3 CPUs DC/DC/DC, AC/DC/RLY, DC/DC/RLY Work Memory, Integrated 25 KB 25 KB 50 KB Load Memory, Integrated 1 MB 1 MB 2 MB Retentive Memory, Integrated 2 KB 2 KB 2 KB Memory Cartridge SIMATIC Memory Card (optional) Integrated Digital I/O 6 Inputs / 4 Outputs 8 Inputs / 6 Outputs 14 Inputs / 10 Outputs Integrated Analog I/O 2 Inputs Process Image Size Signal Board Expansion 1024 Bytes for Inputs / 1024 Bytes for Outputs 1 max. Signal Module Expansion none 2 max. 8 max. Max. Local I/O Digital Max. Local I/O Analog Page 10
11 SIMATIC S CPUs Specification II CPU Features CPU 1211C CPU 1212C CPU 1214C High-speed Counters 3 total 4 total 6 total Single Phase 100 khz 100 khz and 30 khz Quadrature Phase 80 khz 80 khz and 30 khz 100 khz and 30 khz 80 khz and 30 khz Pulse Outputs 100 khz (DC Outputs) / 1 Hz (RLY Outputs) Pulse Catch Inputs Time Delay / Cyclic Interrupts 4 total with 1 ms resolution Edge Interrupts 6 rising & 6 falling 8 rising & 8 falling 12 rising & 12 falling Real Time Clock Accuracy Real Time Clock Retention Time ± 60 seconds / month 10 days typ. / 6 days min. at 40 C Maintenance free Super Capacitor Page 11
12 SIMATIC S CPUs Specification III CPU Performance CPU 1211C CPU 1212C CPU 1214C Boolean Execution Speed Move Word Execution Speed Real Math Execution Speed 0.1 µs / instruction 12 µs / instruction 18 µs / instruction CPU Communication / Connectivity CPU 1211C CPU 1212C CPU 1214C Number of Ports 1 Type Data Rates Communication Module Expansion RJ45 Interface 10/100 Mb/s 3 max. Page 12
13 SIMATIC S Signal Boards Signal Boards SB 1223 DC/DC Digital Input / Output DI 2 x 24V DC / DO 2 x 24V DC 0.5A Signal Boards SB 1232 AQ Analog Output AO 1 x 12 Bit ±10V DC / 0-20mA Page 13
14 SIMATIC S Signal Modules - Digital Signal Modules SM 1221 DC SM 1221 DC Digital Input DI 8 x 24V DC DI 16 x 24V DC Signal Modules SM 1222 DC SM 1222 DC SM 1222 RLY SM 1222 RLY Digital Output DO 8 x 24V DC 0.5A DO 16 x 24V DC 0.5A DO 8 x RLY 30V DC / 250V AC 2A DO 16 x RLY 30V DC / 250V AC 2A Signal Modules SM 1223 DC/DC SM 1223 DC/DC SM 1223 DC/RLY SM 1223 DC/RLY Digital Input / Output DI 8 x 24V DC DO 8 x 24 V DC 0.5A DI 16 x 24V DC DO 16 x 24V DC 0.5A DI 8 x 24V DC DO 8 x RLY 30V DC / 250V AC 2A DI 16 x 24V DC DO 16 x RLY 30V DC / 250V AC 2A Page 14
15 SIMATIC S Analog Modules & Communication Modules Signal Modules SM 1231 AI SM 1232 AQ Analog Input AI 4 x 13 Bit ±10VDC / 0-20mA AO 2 x 14 Bit ±10V DC / 0-20mA Signal Modules Analog Input / Output SM 1234 AI/AQ AI 4 x 13 Bit ±10V DC / 0-20mA AO 2 x 14 Bit ±10V DC / 0-20mA Communication Modules CM 1241 RS232 CM 1241 RS485 Serial Communication 1 x 9-pin D-sub male connector 1 x 9-pin D-sub female connector Page 15
16 SIMATIC S Accessories Accessories SIMATIC Memory Card SIMATIC Memory Card SIMATIC Memory Cards 2 MB 24 MB Accessories PM 1207 Power Supply Input: 120/230V AC 50/60Hz, 1.2A/0.7A Output: 24V DC / 2.5A Accessories CSM 1277 Compact Switch Module 4 x RJ45 sockets 10/100 Mb/s Page 16
17 Integrated PROFINET (Ethernet) Interface Programming 인터페이스, HMI 연결, CPU-to- CPU 통신 최대 16 Ethernet connections 10/100Mb/s data rates Supported protocols TCP/IP native ISO on TCP S7-Communication PROFINET I/O Controller/Device 기능은준비중. Simple networking between engineering, HMI panels and controllers Page 17
18 RS232 and RS485 Communication Modules Point-to-Point communications Isolated 9-pin D-sub port Displays a diagnostic LED CPU 에서전원공급 광범위한인스트럭션과라이브러리지원으로간단히필요한프로토콜설정및사용가능 USS drive protocol Modbus RTU Master protocol Modbus RTU Slave protocol Simple connection and information exchange between external devices Page 18
19 Integrated Technology High-Speed Inputs Counting and measuring 최대 6 High Speed Counter 100kHz, 30kHz) 로 incremental encoders, frequency counting, 또는 process event 의 highspeed counting 에대한정밀한모니터링가능 Efficient solutions for technological tasks Page 19
20 Integrated Technology High-Speed Outputs Speed, position, 또는 duty cycle control 총 2 PWM Outputs Motor speed, valve position 그리고 heating element 의 duty cycle 등 controlling 가능 총 2 PTO 100kHz HSC0 & HSC1 로내부 PTO feedback 에활용가능 Efficient solutions for technological tasks Page 20
21 Integrated Technology PLCopen motion instructions Speed & position control 을위해 PLCopen - 국제적으로통용되는 motion control standard 절대값, 상대값, on the fly 이동속도지원 Home (referencing) 모드 &Jog (inching) 기능지원 Efficient solutions for technological tasks Page 21
22 Integrated Technology Drive Control Panel 1 Speed & position control 을위해 간편한 start-up & stepper 또는 servo motor 시운전가능 온라인진단기능지원 Efficient solutions for technological tasks 1 Feature of STEP 7 Basic Page 22
23 SIMATIC S 과 SIMATIC HMI Basic Panel 을위한 Integrated Engineering SIMATIC S SIMATIC HMI Basic Panels PLC 와 HMI engineering 을... STEP 7 Basic V10.5 안에서 Efficient, integrated engineering increases productivity Page 23
24 STEP 7 Basic Provides HM months STEP 7 Basic V 10.5 STEP 7 Basic V 10.5 SP1 STEP 7 Basic V 11 Programming languages LAD/FBD SCL GUI languages GE / EN CN / FR / IT / ES Converter Page 24
25 SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic Integrated Engineering for Controller and HMI 완벽한상호연동이가능한새로운통합 Engineering System: 새로운단일통합 Engineering Editor PLC 와 HMI Panel Programming 을한번에 프로젝트지향의직관적이고지능적인에디터 Common engineering framework 하드웨어와네트워크구성, 프로그래밍, 진단기능등을동일한엔지니어링프레임워크에서구현 Customer Benefits: 직관성 : Easy to learn Easy to use 효율성 : Clear Overview Faster engineering 미래지향 : 끊임없는혁신을위한안정적인통합 Software architecture Page 25
26 Overarching Library Concept Functionality 라이브러리내에서작성된 project component 를무제한반복활용가능 사용자가 local 또는 global library 내에서 blocks, tags, alarms, HMI screens, 개별모듈또는스테이션등과같은엘레멘트작성가능 작성된엘레멘트는다른프로젝트에서도재사용가능 Customer Benefits 작성된 function 과 device 들의재사용가능 global library 를통해, 별도로개발된 project components 간에데이터교환용이 Page 26
27 PLC, HMI & Drive 엔지니어링에디터간의 Intelligent Drag & Drop 기능 Functionality 마우스 Drag & Drop만으로하드웨어심볼할당 PLC tag 와 HMI screen 들의 Drag & Drop 만으로자동연결 (from devices view, from tag table, from user program, etc.) Customer Benefits Intelligent Drag & Drop 기능으로사용자가 PLC 와 HMI editor 간의프로그래밍환경공유 Page 27
28 공통 Data Storage 와 Symbols (Single Point of Entry) Functionality Application data 가수정되면전체프로젝트에바로자동적으로업데이트됨 ( 다중디바이스에도적용 ) Symbol 의작성및 I/O 할당이자동으로이루어짐. Customer Benefits 데이터일치가자동적으로이루어지므로높은수준의프로젝트의품질이보장됨 데이터작업은한번으로충분 어드레스와데이터블록에대한추가적인처리가불필요 PLC Programmer 와 HMI Designer 간의의사소통간편화 Run Page 28
29 Software Packages in the TIA Portal SIMATIC STEP 7 SIMATIC WinCC WinAC S7-400 S7-300 S The future Professional Basic Basic Compact The future Advanced Professional SCADA PC work station Panels Basic Panels "Basic" 에서 "Professional" versions 으로필요에따라단계별업그레이드가능 WinCC Basic 은 Step7 에기본탑재 Scalable products with greater functionality Page 29
30 S Product Family Order numbers Type Description Standard MLFB SIPLUS MLFB CPUs Digital Signal Modules 1211 CPU AC/DC/RLY 6ES BD30 0XB0 6AG BD30 2XB CPU DC/DC/DC 6ES AD30 0XB0 6AG AD30 2XB CPU DC/DC/RLY 6ES HD30 0XB0 6AG HD30 2XB CPU AC/DC/RLY 6ES BD30 0XB0 6AG BD30 2XB CPU DC/DC/DC 6ES AD30 0XB0 6AG AD30 2XB CPU DC/DC/RLY 6ES HD30 0XB0 6AG HD30 2XB CPU AC/DC/RLY 6ES BE30 0XB0 6AG BE30 2XB CPU DC/DC/DC 6ES AE30 0XB0 6AG AE30 2XB CPU DC/DC/RLY 6ES HE30 0XB0 6AG HE30 2XB0 8 x 24VDC Input 6ES BF30 0XB0 6AG BF30 2XB0 8 x 24VDC Output 6ES BF30 0XB0 6AG BF30 2XB0 8 x RLY Output 6ES HF30 0XB0 6AG HF30 2XB0 8 x 24VDC Input / 8 x 24VDC Output 6ES BH30 0XB0 6AG BH30 2XB0 8 x 24VDC Input / 8 x RLY Output 6ES PH30 0XB0 6AG PH30 2XB0 16 x 24VDC Input 6ES BH30 0XB0 6AG BH30 2XB0 16 x 24VDC Output 6ES BH30 0XB0 6AG BH30 2XB0 16 x 24VDC Input / 16 x 24VDC 6ES BL30 0XB0 6AG BL30 2XB0 Output 16 x 24VDC Input / 16 x RLY Output 6ES PL30 0XB0 6AG PL30 2XB0 16 x RLY Output 6ES HH30 0XB0 6AG HH30 2XB0 Page 30
31 S Product Family Order numbers Type Description Standard MLFB SIPLUS MLFB Analog Signal Modules 2 x Analog Output 6ES HB30 0XB0 6AG HB30 2XB0 4 x Analog Input 6ES HD30 0XB0 6AG HD30 2XB0 4 x Analog Input / 2 x Analog Output 6ES HE30 0XB0 6AG HE30 2XB0 Communication Modules RS485 6ES CH30 0XB0 6AG CH30 2XB0 RS232 6ES AH30 0XB0 6AG AH30 2XB0 Digital / Analog 2 x 24VDC Input / 2 x 24VDC Output 6ES BD30 0XB0 6AG BD30 2XB0 Signal Boards 1 Analog Output 6ES HA30 0XB0 6AG HA30 2XB0 Simulator Switches 1214C Simulator S/W 6ES XH30-0XA0 6AG XH30 2AX0 1211C/1212C Simulator S/W 6ES XF30-0XA0 6AG XF30 2XA0 Starter box S Starter box with CPU 1212C AC/DC/RLY, 6ES FA30-8BH0 Page 31
32 Thank you for your attention! Shin,HeeJin Micro Automation Promotion Industry Automation SIEMENS Ltd. Seoul For internal use only /
PRO1_04E [읽기 전용]
Siemens AG 1999 All rights reserved File: PRO1_04E1 Information and S7-300 2 S7-400 3 EPROM / 4 5 6 HW Config 7 8 9 CPU 10 CPU : 11 CPU : 12 CPU : 13 CPU : / 14 CPU : 15 CPU : / 16 HW 17 HW PG 18 SIMATIC
1... 2 System... 3... 3.1... 3.2... 3.3... 4... 4.1... 5... 5.1... 5.2... 5.2.1... 5.3... 5.3.1 Modbus-TCP... 5.3.2 Modbus-RTU... 5.3.3 LS485... 5.4... 5.5... 5.5.1... 5.5.2... 5.6... 5.6.1... 5.6.2...
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: S700 Siemens AG 999 All rights reserved Date: 0009 File: PRO_E Information and S7300 S7300 CPU () 3 S7300 CPU () S700 CPU () 5 S700 CPU () 6 S700 7 S700 : 9 CPU : 0 CPU : CPU : 3 SFC 35 5 ST7PRO : S700
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(1/28) (2/28) (10 Mbps ) Video, Audio. (3/28) 10 ~ 15 ( : telnet, ftp ),, (4/28) UDP/TCP (5/28) centralized environment packet header information analysis network traffic data, capture presentation network
PRO1_19E [읽기 전용]
PCS 7 NET PC WinCC HMI DP Siemens AG 1999 All rights reserved File: PRO1_19E1 Information and 2 /C7/M7 WinAC 3 STEP 7- S7/C7/M7 4 S7- GRAPH 5 S7- HiGraph 6 S7- SCL 7 CFC M7 8 S7- SFC 9 S7- PDIAG 10 S7-
/ TV 80 () DAB 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2010 Analog/Digital CATV Services EPG TV ( 60 ) TV ( Basic, Tier, Premiums 60 ) VOD Services Movies In Demand ( 20 ) Education N- VOD (24 ) Digital Music
(Table of Contents) 2 (Specifications) 3 ~ 10 (Introduction) 11 (Storage Bins) 11 (Legs) 11 (Important Operating Requirements) 11 (Location Selection)
SERVICE MANUAL (Table of Contents) 2 (Specifications) 3 ~ 10 (Introduction) 11 (Storage Bins) 11 (Legs) 11 (Important Operating Requirements) 11 (Location Selection) 12 (Storage Bins) 12 (Ice Machine)
Orcad Capture 9.x
OrCAD Capture Workbook (Ver 10.xx) 0 Capture 1 2 3 Capture for window 4.opj ( OrCAD Project file) Design file Programe link file..dsn (OrCAD Design file) Design file..olb (OrCAD Library file) file..upd
0922 Monitor22...._kor_1
본 사용설명서는 사용자가 언제라도 볼 수 있는 장소에 보관하십시오. TV튜너의 내장으로, 모니터 기능외에 TV로도 사용할 수 있는 모니터입니다. 좁은 공간도 효율적으로 이용할 수 있는 Slim하고 Simple한 디자인. 인체공학적인 디자인으로 사용 편리성 제고. 와이드형 TFT LCD 패널의 채용으로 넓은 화면의 구현. 최대 해상도 680 x 050(WSXGA+)지원.