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1 EMC Education Services 2007 EMC EMC Storage Technologist Storage Administrator Product/Technology Specific
2 Backup and Recovery Specialty Associate레벨 취득 위해 아래시험 중 한 개 통과 Associate레벨 취득 후 아래 시험 통과 From : 현재의 역량을 강화 To: 미래를 위한 경력 개발 Powerlink에서 온라인으로 자체평가를 연습해 보실 수 있습니다. Product/Technology Specific 트랙 Administrator 레벨 취득 후 아래 시험 통과 EMC PROVEN PROFESSIONAL 프로그램을 취득하여 확실한 자격을 갖추십시오. 심도 있는 스토리지 네트워킹 지식을 제공해 드리는 본 프로그램을 통해 다양한 기술과 전문 역량을 학습하여 자신의 분야에서 앞서 나갈 수 있습니다. 정보 스토리지 및 관리 부문의 가장 포괄적인 교 육 및 자격 프로그램인 EMC PROVEN PROFESSIONAL을 활용하여 IT 업계에서 가장 빠른 속도로 성 장하는 선두 기업의 전문가들과 어깨를 나란히 할 수 있는 기회를 확보하십시오. 우수한 인재를 원 하고 있는 업계에서 당당한 입지를 확보하실 수 있을 것입니다. * 지금 곧 이나 korea.emc.com/certification 페이지를 방문하여 경 력 개발을 가속화할 수 있는 방법을 확인해 보시기 바랍니다. * EMC2, EMC 및 where information lives는 EMC Corporation의 등록 상표이며 EMC Proven은 EMC Corporation의 상표입니다. Copyright EMC Korea. All rights reserved. Powerlink에서 온라인으로 자체평가를 연습해 보실 수 있습니다. EMC EDUCATION SERVICES Customer Training Offerings 27 Backup and Recovery Specialty Associate레벨 취득 위해 아래시험 중 한 개 통과 Associate레벨 취득 후 아래 시험 통과 From : 현재의 역량을 강화 To: 미래를 위한 경력 개발 Powerlink에서 온라인으로 자체평가를 연습해 보실 수 있습니다. Product/Technology Specific 트랙 Administrator 레벨 취득 후 아래 시험 통과 EMC PROVEN PROFESSIONAL 프로그램을 취득하여 확실한 자격을 갖추십시오. 심도 있는 스토리지 네트워킹 지식을 제공해 드리는 본 프로그램을 통해 다양한 기술과 전문 역량을 학습하여 자신의 분야에서 앞서 나갈 수 있습니다. 정보 스토리지 및 관리 부문의 가장 포괄적인 교 육 및 자격 프로그램인 EMC PROVEN PROFESSIONAL을 활용하여 IT 업계에서 가장 빠른 속도로 성 장하는 선두 기업의 전문가들과 어깨를 나란히 할 수 있는 기회를 확보하십시오. 우수한 인재를 원 하고 있는 업계에서 당당한 입지를 확보하실 수 있을 것입니다. * 지금 곧 이나 korea.emc.com/certification 페이지를 방문하여 경 력 개발을 가속화할 수 있는 방법을 확인해 보시기 바랍니다. EMC2, EMC 및 where information lives는 EMC Corporation의 등록 상표이며 EMC Proven은 EMC Corporation의 상표입니다. Copyright EMC Korea. All rights reserved. * Powerlink에서 온라인으로 자체평가를 연습해 보실 수 있습니다. EMC EDUCATION SERVICES Customer Training Offerings 27
3 EMC 2007 EMC Education Services 4 EMC Learning Paths 7 Learning Paths Storage Technology Foundations-preview 9 EMC Technology Foundations 9 EMC Technology Foundations (CLARiX ) 10 Customizable EMC Technology Foundations ( ) 10 Symmetrix Administration 11 Networked Storage Overview 11 ControlCenter Overview 11 Symmetrix Business Continuity-TimeFinder Solutions 12 Symmetrix Business Continuity- SRDF Solutions 13 CLARiX Host Integration and Management 14 SnapView Configuration and Management 15 MirrowView & SANCopy Configuration and Management 15 ControlCenter Management 16 NAS Operations and Management - Multi-Protocol 17 SAN Management 17 Symmetrix Performance Workshop 18 CLARiX Performance Workshop 18 Oracle Integration with Symmetrix 19 Exchange Integration with Symmetrix 20 EMC NetWorker System Administration for UNIX and Microsoft Windows 21 EMC 22 EMC 22 EMC Proven Professional Program 23 Storage Technologist 24 Storage Administrator 24 Product/Technology Specific 27 EMC EDUCATION SERVICES Customer Training Offerings 3
4 EMC EDUCATION S ERVICES Training and Certification for Information Storage and Management Professionals in the IT Industry s Fastest Sector EMC EMC EMC Education Services. 50 ( EMC ) EMC Education Services EMC, EMC,. EMC EMC, EMC,. EMC 160 IT e- (InfoLab) KSC(Korea Solutions Center) EMC (Virtual Data Center), EMC.,,. EMC URL: EMC Education Services 2 US EMC EDUCATION SERVICES Customer Training Offerings
5 e-learning Downloadable EMC. EMC EMC. Powerlink Training. Instructor-Led Training (ILT) Hands-on Lab EMC EMC Live Virtual Classroom EMC EDUCATION SERVICES Customer Training Offerings 5
6 EMC. 1 EMC. EMC.. (Subscription). EMC 1 1. (Proven ValuePaks) ValuePak. ValuePak,. ValuePak ValuePak (ILT). ValuePak. EMC EMC Contact EMC : korea.emc.com/training : eduadmin@emceducation.co.kr : 02) , 7784, EMC EDUCATION SERVICES Customer Training Offerings
7 L EARNING P ATH EMC Symmetrix CLARiX, 3 Storage technology. Storage Technology Storage Technology Foundations-preview (1 ) MR-1CP-STF1-KOR Symmetrix EMC Technology Foundations (5 ) MR-1CP-ETF Symmetrix Business Continuity-TimeFinder Solutions (2 ) MR-1CP-SMLCSP Symmetrix Business Continuity-SRDF Solutions (3 ) MR-1CP-SMRRSP ControlCenter Management (5 ) MR-1CP-CCMGSP Networked Storage Overview (1 ) MR-1CNP-NSOVW-KOR Oracle Integration with Symm (4 ) MR-1CP-ORSMET Exchange Integration with Symm (3 ) MR-1CP-EXSMET Symmetrix Performance Workshop (4 ) MR-1CP-SPERET NAS Operations and Manage ment - Multi-Protocol (5 ) MR-9CP-NSNASM SAN Management (4 ) MR-1CP-NSSANM CLARiX EMC Technology Foundations (CLARiX ) (3 ) MR-1CP-ETF-KOR CLARiX Host Integration and Management (3 ) MR-1CP-CLRNSP NetWorked Storage Overview (1 ) MR-1CN-NSOVW-KOR SnapView Configuration and Management (1 ) MR-1CP-SNPVSP MirrorView & SANCopy Configuration and Management (1 ) MR-1CP-MVSCSP ControlCenter Management (5 ) MR-1CP-CCMGSP NAS Operations and Management - Multi-Protocol (5 ) MR-9CP-NSNASM SAN Management (4 ) MR-1CP-NSSANM CLARiX Performance Workshop (3 ) MR-5CP-CPERET Back-up EMC NetWoker Administration for Unix and Microsoft Windows (5 ) LG-IPNW7C632 EMC EDUCATION SERVICES Customer Training Offerings 7
8 Storage Technology Foundations-preview , EMC Technology Foundations ,200, Overview EMC Technology Foundations (CLARiX ) Customizable EMC Technology Foundations Symmetrix Administration Networked Storage Overview ControlCenter Overview , , , , Symmetrix Business Continuity- TimeFinder Solutions , Symmetrix Business Continuity- SRDF Solutions , CLARiX Host Integration & Management , SnapView Configuration & Management , MirrorView and SANCopy Configuration & Management , Advanced ControlCenter Management NAS Operations and Management Multi-Protocol SAN Management 8 5 1,200, ,200, , Symmetrix Performance Workshop , CLARiX Performance Workshop , Oracle Integration with Symmetrix , Exchange Integration with Symmetrix , EMC Networker System Administration for UNIX and Microsoft Windows VAT 8 5 1,200, EMC EDUCATION SERVICESCustomer Training Offerings
9 Storage Technology Foundations-preview 100% 1 1. IT. Networked (SAN, NAS, CAS) EMC Technology Foundations 90% / 10% 5 5 Enterprise Storage EMC Storage, connectivity, business continuance, management EMC. EMC Systems Engineering, Professional Services, Customer Services functions EMC, EMC, IT. RAID Storage. Symmetrix CLARiX Symmetrix CLARiX Storage system EMC Storage subsystem Open systems Mainframe host EMC PowerPath Business Continuity EMC Local and Remote Replication EMC NetWorker Storage Area Network (SAN)EMC SAN Networked Attached Storage (NAS) EMC NAS Content Addressable Storage (CAS) EMC CAS EMC ControlCenter Replication Manager Visual SRM and VisualSAN EMC Navisphere Manager simulator Raid Group, LUN and Storage Group EMC ControlCenter Simulator GUI EMC EDUCATION SERVICES Customer Training Offerings 9
10 EMC Technology Foundations CLARiX 90% / 10% 3 3 CLARiX EMC Storage, connectivity, business continuance, management EMC CLARiX. EMC Systems Engineering, Professional Services, Customer Services functions EMC, EMC, IT. RAID Storage. CLARiX CLARiX Storage system EMC Storage subsystem Open systems Mainframe host EMC PowerPath EMC Local Replication SnapView EMC Remote Replication MirrorView and SANCopy Storage Area Network (SAN)EMC SAN EMC Navisphere Manager simulator Raid Group, LUN and Storage Group Customizable EMC Technology Foundations 100% / 1-2 EMC Technlogy Foundations 5. EMC, On-Site. EMC Systems Engineering, Professional Services, Customer Services functions EMC, EMC, IT. RAID Storage. EMC Technology Foundations (Navisphere, ControlCenter) 10 EMC EDUCATION SERVICES Customer Training Offerings
11 Symmetrix Administration 100% / 0% 1 1 Symmetrix Symmetrix. Storage RAID. Symmetrix / Symmetrix Host I/O Host Symmetrix Logical Volume Symmetrix protections Business Continuity EMC Value Symmetrix replication solution TimeFinder, SRDF, EMC SNAP Networked Storage Overview 100% / 0% 1 1 SAN (Storage Area Network) NAS (Network Attached Storage), EMC SAN, NAS. Storage Area Network Network Attached Storage, Network Storage. SAN, NAS SAN NAS EMC SAN NAS ControlCenter Overview 50% / 50% 1 1 ControlCenter,. ControlCenter,,,. EMC H/W ECC 5 Storage. ControlCenter ControlCenter ControlCenter EMC ControlCenter Simulator GUI EMC EDUCATION SERVICES Customer Training Offerings 11
12 Symmetrix Business Continuity - TimeFinder Solutions 60% / 40% 2 2 Symmetrix Local Replication TimeFinder. Hands-on Lab Demo. Unix Windows, Demo. Enterprise TimeFinder EMC Solutions Enabler Command Line Interface. Multi-path/channel open system TimeFinder Symmetrix local data replication PowerPath, TimeFinder open systems business continuity EMC Technology Foundations (5 ) Symmetrix Administration Hands-on Lab Windows Unix GUI command line interface TimeFinder TimeFinder IT SYMCLI TimeFinder Sun Solaris, HP-UX, AIX and Windows TimeFinder host SYMCLI commands TimeFinder BCV, TimeFinder Clone EMC Snap EMC Consistency Technology Veritas Volume Manager SUN, AIX IBM, HP-UX HP, Logical Disk Manager Windows setup, operations, Business Continuance Volumes(BCVs) host consideration TimeFinder Labs Clone Source Clone Target device Clone Operating TimeFinder Clone Labs Snap device restore destination BCVsource, BCV, Snap device Snap operation TimeFinder Snap Labs 12 EMC EDUCATION SERVICES Customer Training Offerings
13 Symmetrix Business Continuity - SRDF Solutions 60% / 40% 3 3 Symmetrix Remote Replication SRDF. Hands-on Lab Demo. Unix Windows, Demo. Enterprise SRDF EMC Solutions Enabler Command Line Interface. SRDF Synchronous, Asynchronous Automated Replication. Multi-path/channel open system SRDF Symmetrix remote data replication PowerPath, SRDF open systems business continuity EMC Technology Foundations (5 ) Symmetrix Administration Hands-on Lab Windows Unix GUI command line interface SRDF,, SRDF IT SYMCLI SRDF Sun Solaris, HP-UX, AIX and Windows LVM SRDF host SRDF/A SRDF/A SRDF/A SRDF/AR SRDF/AR SRDF/AR EMC Consistency Technology Veritas Volume Manager SUN, AIX IBM, HP-UX HP, Logical Disk Manager Windows SRDF PowerPath Labs Veritas / HP-UX / AIX Volume Management Labs Symmetrix Remote Data Facility (SRDF),, disaster recovery Labs SRDF/A,, Solutions Enabler commands Labs single-hop SRDF/AR cycle Labs EMC EDUCATION SERVICES Customer Training Offerings 13
14 CLARiX Host Integration and Management 50% / 50% 3 3 CLARiX CX. Windows Solaris CLARiX integration, PowerPath, Access Logix, Navisphere application, Hands-on Lab. CLARiX CLARiX EMC Technology Foundations (CLARiX) CLARiX CX-Series Architecture EMC Navisphere Manager CLARiX Security Storage Systems EMC Navisphere Manager CLARiX Storage Systems Status EMC Navisphere Manager GUI CLI RAID Groups LUNs EMC Navisphere Manager GUI CLI Meta LUNs EMC Navisphere Manager GUI CLI Storage Groups Continued application availability PowerPath PowerPath failover, failback load balancing EMC Navisphere Manager GUI CLI Connectivity Status Failover Winodws Sun Hosts CLARiX LUNs Host Access SAN Access Logix Event Monitor Navisphere Analyzer CLARiX EMC Navisphere Manager RAID EMC Navisphere Manager CLARiX Security Storage Systems EMC Navisphere Manager GUI CLI RAID Groups LUNs EMC Navisphere Manager GUI CLI Meta LUNs EMC Navisphere Manager GUI CLI Storage Groups EMC Navisphere Manager GUI CLI Connectivity Status Failover Winodws Sun Hosts CLARiX LUNs Host Access Event Monitor Template 14 EMC EDUCATION SERVICES Customer Training Offerings
15 SnapView Configuration and Management 50% 50% CLARiX Host Integration and Management MirrorView & SANCopy Configuration and Management 50% / 50% 1 1 MirrorView SANCopy CLARiX Remote Replication data mobility. Hands-on Lab. MirrorView SANCopy CLARiX Remote Replication CLARiX remote replication customer solutions SnapView Configuration and Management EMC MirrorView SANCopy Connectivity options, Fracture Log Write Intent Log MirrorView Remote Mirror MirrorView SnapView EMC SANCopy EMC SANCopy EMC SANCopy Session, Write Intent Logs Remote Mirror Secondary Mirror Image Promote Host SANCopy connections Local SANCopy SANCopy connections CLARiX to CLARiX SANCopy EMC EDUCATION SERVICES Customer Training Offerings 15
16 ControlCenter Management 40% / 60% 5 5 EMC ControlCenter. ControlCenter, Alert User Management, SAN Manager, Symmetrix Configuration Manager, SRDF/TimeFinder Manager, CLARiX Configuration, Automated Resource Manager StorageScope. Storage management activities EMC ControlCenter EMC ControlCenter EMC Technology Founcations (5 ) ControlCenter Windows ControlCenter ControlCenter ControlCenter Storage ControlCenter Business Continuity SAN zoning device StorageScope ControlCenter console Array SAN Management Business Continuity StorageScope StorageScope API. Storage Provisioning - Planning, Preparation, Implementation Business Continuity - Planning, Preparation, Implementation ControlCenter Reporting - Planning, Preparation, Implementation Customizing Alert Configuration 16 EMC EDUCATION SERVICES Customer Training Offerings
17 NAS Operations and Management - Multi-Protocol 50% / 50% 5 5 EMC NAS., UNIX Windows EMC NAS. Celerra (Celerra CNS, Celerra NSX, Celerra NS ) Networked Storage Overview Data Mover Data Mover Celerra CIFS Celerra Celerra Replicator Celerra File Server Microsoft CIFS Data Mover EtherChannel, Fail Safe Network Celerra Replicator NFS CIFS Celerra Celerra SnapSure Celerra iscsi NFS NFS CIFS CIFS Quotas SnapSure Celerra iscsi SAN Management 50% / 50% 4 4 SAN (Fiber Channel, IP-SAN) EMC Connectrix SAN SAN Manager, Viusal SAN. SAN,. SAN management task SAN Manager, VisualSAN, SYMCLI command line interface. SAN design, switch types, fabric topologies, zoning LUN masking practical application,. SAN Networked Storage Overview SAN Infrastructure (Fiber Channel, IP-SAN) EMC Connectrix SAN(McData, Brocade, Cisco OEM) EMC SAN VisualSAN SAN Manager EMC CLARiX Symmetrix Volume Masking Volume SAN, EMC Connectrix SAN "B" Series (Brocade OEM) CLI, WebTool EMC Connectrix SAN "M" Series (McData OEM) CLI, WebTool EMC Connectrix SAN "MDS" Series (Cisco OEM) CLI, WebTool EMC Connectrix Manager EMC VisualSAN SAN Manager Volume SYMCLI Volume EMC EDUCATION SERVICES Customer Training Offerings 17
18 Symmetrix Performance Workshop 50% / 50% 4 4 ControlCenter Performance Manager Symmetrix. Performance Manager ControlCenter Console.. EMC Technology Foundations (5 ) Symmetrix Administration ControlCenter Management Symmetrix performance ControlCenter Performance Manager Console Optimizer PowerPath Symmetrix Symmetrix 8000 DMX Symmetrix Software Tools Front-End Cache Case Study Back-End workload Case Study Front-End Case Study System / Cache Business Continuity CLARiX Performance Workshop 50% / 50% 3 3 CLARiX. Hands-on Lab. CLARiX. CLARiX Host Integration and Management SnapView Configuration and Management MirrorView and SAN Copy Configuration and Management CLARiX Host Integration and Implementation CLARiX Remote Replication Windows Solaris Network SAN CLARiX (Navisphere Manager GUI/CLI/Analyzer, ktrace, perfmon, sar, iostat) CLARiX CLARiX Layered Backup to Disk CLARiX Navisphere Analyzer HOST Navisphere Analyzer OS Navisphere Analyzer Volume Manager Navisphere Analyzer Applications Navisphere Analyzer SAN Navisphere Analyzer CLARiX 18 EMC EDUCATION SERVICES Customer Training Offerings
19 Oracle Integration with Symmetrix 40% / 60% 4 4 Symmetrix/DMX Oracle. Hands-on Lab. Symmetrix/DMX Oracle Symmetrix Business Continuity - TimeFinder Solutions Symmetrix Business Continuity - SRDF Solutions Oracle Sun Solaris Oracle Symmetrix/DMX Solaris Oracle Oracle SYMCLI SRDF Oracle SYMCLI TimeFinder Oracle SRDF DR SYMCLI SRDF Oracle TimeFinder SRDF TimeFinder Online EMC EDUCATION SERVICES Customer Training Offerings 19
20 Exchange Integration with Symmetrix 50% / 50% 3 3 Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Symmetrix/DMX. TimeFinder Exchange Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 DR. Symmetrix/DMX Exchange 2003 Exchange Server 2003 Windows Server Active Directory Symmetrix/DMX TimeFinder/SRDF EMC Replication Manager Symmetrix/DMX Storage Exchange Server Exchange Server 2003 best-practice Symmetrix/DMX TimeFinder Exchange Integration Manager Symmetrix/DMX EMC Replication Manager Business Continuance Volumes Exchange recovery SRDF Symmetrix Symmetrix/DMX Exchange database TimeFinder Integration Business Continuance Volumes mail Recovery EMC Replication Manager TimeFinder BCV Information Stores Snap copies Business Continuance Volumes Information Stores Recovery Exchange SRDF SRDF/S DR failover 20 EMC EDUCATION SERVICES Customer Training Offerings
21 EMC NetWorker System Administration for UNIX and Microsoft Windows 50% / 50% 5 5 EMC NetWorker System EMC NetWorker 7.3,, EMC Technology Foundations Unix Windows2000/2003 TCP/IP device NetWorker Components NetWorker NetWorker Management Console S/W Standalone Autochanger NetWorker Cloning Staging NetWorker NetWorker Management Console Server Browsable Saveset NetWorker Server NetWorker Console Server NetWorker Interface explore Client - initiated Backup Server - initiated Backup Device Media Database Client File Index Pool Label Template Clonning and Staging NetWorker Server Server Client Notifications Console Server Browsable Saveset Bootstrap CFI Savesets EMC EDUCATION SERVICES Customer Training Offerings 21
22 EMC Get Proven. EMC (EMC Proven Professional Certification Program) EMC. EMC, 3. EMC Storage Administrator 6 Specialty. IT admin, EMC EMC Storage Technologist EMC IT Industry. Product/Technology Specific EMC EMC S/W. EMC 3. Prometric Powerlink CertTracker. EMC Associate, Specialist, Expert 3.. EMC EMC. 3 Expert : EMC Specialist : EMC Associate : EMC H/W, S/W 22 EMC EDUCATION SERVICES Customer Training Offerings
24 Storage Technologist Associate Associate Powerlink Storage Administrator Symmetrix Business Continuity Specialty Associate Associate Specialist Powerlink 24 EMC EDUCATION SERVICES Customer Training Offerings
25 CLARiX Solutions Specialty Associate Associate Specialist Powerlink NetWorked Storage - NS Solution Specialty Associate Associate Specialist Powerlink EMC EDUCATION SERVICES Customer Training Offerings 25
26 Networked Storage - SAN Specialty Associate Associate Specialist Powerlink Storage Management Specialty Associate Associate Specialist Powerlink 26 EMC EDUCATION SERVICES Customer Training Offerings
27 Backup and Recovery Specialty Associate레벨 취득 위해 아래시험 중 한 개 통과 Associate레벨 취득 후 아래 시험 통과 From : 현재의 역량을 강화 To: 미래를 위한 경력 개발 Powerlink에서 온라인으로 자체평가를 연습해 보실 수 있습니다. Product/Technology Specific 트랙 Administrator 레벨 취득 후 아래 시험 통과 EMC PROVEN PROFESSIONAL 프로그램을 취득하여 확실한 자격을 갖추십시오. 심도 있는 스토리지 네트워킹 지식을 제공해 드리는 본 프로그램을 통해 다양한 기술과 전문 역량을 학습하여 자신의 분야에서 앞서 나갈 수 있습니다. 정보 스토리지 및 관리 부문의 가장 포괄적인 교 육 및 자격 프로그램인 EMC PROVEN PROFESSIONAL을 활용하여 IT 업계에서 가장 빠른 속도로 성 장하는 선두 기업의 전문가들과 어깨를 나란히 할 수 있는 기회를 확보하십시오. 우수한 인재를 원 하고 있는 업계에서 당당한 입지를 확보하실 수 있을 것입니다. * 지금 곧 이나 korea.emc.com/certification 페이지를 방문하여 경 력 개발을 가속화할 수 있는 방법을 확인해 보시기 바랍니다. * EMC2, EMC 및 where information lives는 EMC Corporation의 등록 상표이며 EMC Proven은 EMC Corporation의 상표입니다. Copyright EMC Korea. All rights reserved. Powerlink에서 온라인으로 자체평가를 연습해 보실 수 있습니다. EMC EDUCATION SERVICES Customer Training Offerings 27 Backup and Recovery Specialty Associate레벨 취득 위해 아래시험 중 한 개 통과 Associate레벨 취득 후 아래 시험 통과 From : 현재의 역량을 강화 To: 미래를 위한 경력 개발 Powerlink에서 온라인으로 자체평가를 연습해 보실 수 있습니다. Product/Technology Specific 트랙 Administrator 레벨 취득 후 아래 시험 통과 EMC PROVEN PROFESSIONAL 프로그램을 취득하여 확실한 자격을 갖추십시오. 심도 있는 스토리지 네트워킹 지식을 제공해 드리는 본 프로그램을 통해 다양한 기술과 전문 역량을 학습하여 자신의 분야에서 앞서 나갈 수 있습니다. 정보 스토리지 및 관리 부문의 가장 포괄적인 교 육 및 자격 프로그램인 EMC PROVEN PROFESSIONAL을 활용하여 IT 업계에서 가장 빠른 속도로 성 장하는 선두 기업의 전문가들과 어깨를 나란히 할 수 있는 기회를 확보하십시오. 우수한 인재를 원 하고 있는 업계에서 당당한 입지를 확보하실 수 있을 것입니다. * 지금 곧 이나 korea.emc.com/certification 페이지를 방문하여 경 력 개발을 가속화할 수 있는 방법을 확인해 보시기 바랍니다. EMC2, EMC 및 where information lives는 EMC Corporation의 등록 상표이며 EMC Proven은 EMC Corporation의 상표입니다. Copyright EMC Korea. All rights reserved. * Powerlink에서 온라인으로 자체평가를 연습해 보실 수 있습니다. EMC EDUCATION SERVICES Customer Training Offerings 27
28 EMC Global Education Get Proven. Korea.emc.com/certification Powerlink(Training). EMC Education Services 2 US 100. ( ) ~15 ( ) Tel: 02) Fax: 02) EMC, ApplicationXtender, Celerra, CLARiX, CLARalert, Connectrix, Dantz, DiskXtender, Documentum, Xtender, Xtract, HighRoad, Legato, Navisphere, RepliStor, PowerPath, ResourcePak, Retrospect, SnapView/IP, SRDF, Symmetrix, TimeFinder, VisualSAN, and where information lives are registered trademarks and EMC Automated Networked Storage, EMC ControlCenter, EMC Developers Program, EMC OnCourse, EMC Proven, EMC Snap, Access Logix, ArchiveXtender, AutoAdvice, Automated Resource Manager, AutoSwap, AVALONidm, C-Clip, Celerra Replicator, Centera, CentraStar, CLARevent, CopyCross, CopyPoint, DatabaseXtender, Direct Matrix, Direct Matrix Architecture, DiskXtender 2000, EDM, E-Lab, Xaminer, Enginuity, FarPoint, FLARE, FullTime, GeoSpan, InfoMover, MirrorView, NetWin, NetWorker, OnAlert, OpenScale, Powerlink, PowerVolume, RepliCare, SafeLine, SAN Architect, SAN Copy, SAN Manager, SDMS, SnapSure, SnapView, StorageScope, SupportMate, SymmAPI, SymmEnabler, Symmetrix DMX, Universal Data Tone, and VisualSRM are trademarks of EMC Corporation.EMC2, EMC, ApplicationXtender, Celerra, CLARiX, CLARalert, Connectrix, Dantz, DiskXtender, Documentum, Xtender, Xtract, HighRoad, Legato, Navisphere, RepliStor, PowerPath, ResourcePak, Retrospect, SnapView/IP, SRDF, Symmetrix, TimeFinder, VisualSAN where information lives EMC Corporation EMC Automated Networked Storage, EMC ControlCenter, EMC Developers Program, EMC OnCourse, EMC Proven, EMC Snap, Access Logix, ArchiveXtender, AutoAdvice, Automated Resource Manager, AutoSwap, AVALONidm, C-Clip, Celerra Replicator, Centera, CentraStar, CLARevent, CopyCross, CopyPoint, DatabaseXtender, Direct Matrix, Direct Matrix Architecture, DiskXtender 2000, EDM, E-Lab, Enginuity, FarPoint, FLARE, FullTime, GeoSpan, InfoMover, MirrorView, NetWin, NetWorker, OnAlert, OpenScale, Powerlink, PowerVolume, RepliCare, SafeLine, SAN Architect, SAN Copy, SAN Manager, SDMS, SnapSure, SnapView, StorageScope, SupportMate, SymmAPI, SymmEnabler, Symmetrix DMX, Universal Data Tone VisualSRM EMC Corporation.. EMC Education Services : : Korea.emc.com/training eduadmin@emceducation.co.kr : , 7784, 7787 : EdService@EMC.com () EMEA_Education@EMC.com () () () ( ) () Copyright 2005 EMC Korea. All rights reserved H1186.7
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Windows Storage Services Adoption And Futures
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: Symantec Backup Exec System Recovery 8:............................................................................. 3..............................
W H I T : E PA P E R : C U S TO M I Z E Confidence in a connected world. Symantec Backup Exec System Recovery 8: : Symantec Backup Exec System Recovery 8:.............................................................................
VMware vsphere 4 This document was created using the official VMware icon and diagram library. Copyright 2009 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright
The Self-Managing Database : Automatic Health Monitoring and Alerting
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Copyright 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,...,. U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. Oracle programs, including any oper
Windows Netra Blade X3-2B( Sun Netra X6270 M3 Blade) : E37790 01 2012 9 Copyright 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,...,. U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. Oracle programs,
Sun Java System Messaging Server 63 64
Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 64 Sun Java TM System Communications Suite Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4150 Network Circle Santa Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A. : 820 2868 2007 7 Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems,
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Application Server iplatform Oracle9 A P P L I C A T I O N S E R V E R i Oracle9i Application Server e-business Portal Client Database Server e-business Portals B2C, B2B, B2E, WebsiteX B2Me GUI ID B2C
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DELL EMC 제품보증및유지보수표 Dell EMC 1 제품별보증과유지보수조건및정보가아래표에정리되어있습니다. 운영체제가별도제품으로라이센스가부여되는것으로표에명시되는경우를제외하고는, 로식별된각제품에는관련운영체제, 운영환경또는마이크로코드 ( 상당수의계약에서 "Core " 로도정의됨 ) 도포함됩니다. 별도제품으로라이센스가부여되고이표에명시되지않은 Dell EMC 에는
IT 2005. 06. 02. IT IT Windows 3503 4463 4178 64% Solaris 142 56 36 Digital UX 37 24 9 Tru64 30 20 26 Server & DeskTop UNIX HP-UX 27 IRIX 19 FreeBSD 12 7 15 8 5 17 9 2% AIX 5 3 3 Linux 348 400 516 8% Apple
PowerPoint Presentation
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2 3 회사 소개 60%출자 40%출자 주식회사 NTT데이타 아이테크 NTT DATA의 영업협력이나 첨단기술제공, 인재육성등 여러가지 지원을 통해서 SII 그룹을 대상으로 고도의 정보 서비스를 제공 함과 동시에 NTT DATA ITEC 가 보유하고 있는 높은 업무 노하우 와 SCM을 비롯한 ERP분야의 기술력을 살려서 조립가공계 및 제조업 등 새로운 시장에
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Analyst Briefing
. Improve your Outlook on Email and File Management iseminar.. 1544(or 6677)-3355 800x600. iseminar Chat... Improve your Outlook on Email and File Management :, 2003 1 29.. Collaboration Suite - Key Messages
Copyright 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,..., U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. Oracle programs, including any operat
Sun Server X3-2( Sun Fire X4170 M3) Oracle Solaris : E35482 01 2012 9 Copyright 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,..., U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. Oracle programs, including
Principal Consultant Corporate Management Team ( Oracle HRMS ) Agenda 1. Oracle Overview 2. HR Transformation 3. Oracle HRMS Initiatives 4. Oracle HRMS Model 5. Oracle HRMS System 6. Business Benefit 7.
, thcho@kisaorkr IPAK (Information Protection Assessment Kit) IAM (INFOSEC Assessment Methodology) 4 VAF (Vulnerability Assessment Framework) 5 OCTAVE (Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability
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오라클 백서 2010년 9월 WebLogic Suite를 위해 최적화된 오라클 솔루션 비즈니스 백서 개요...1 들어가는 글...2 통합 웹 서비스 솔루션을 통해 비즈니스 혁신 추구...3 단순화...4 기민한 환경 구축...5 탁월한 성능 경험...6 판도를 바꾸고 있는 플래시 기술...6 오라클 시스템은 세계 최고의 성능 제공...6 절감 효과 극대화...8
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[ CRM Fair 2004 ] CRM 1. CRM Trend 2. Customer Single View 3. Marketing Automation 4. ROI Management 5. Conclusion 1. CRM Trend 1. CRM Trend Operational CRM Analytical CRM Sales Mgt. &Prcs. Legacy System
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