AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 2 #2 2 The Asian Journal of TX fontspec 1.1 (Werner Lemberg) [21] (character) (glyph) Characters are entities
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1 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 1 #1 For submission to The Asian Journal of TX Draft of August 12, 2010 Fontspec: X TX Juho Lee * latex.juho@gmail.com Keywords Abstract X TX, fontspec, Font Format, Advanced Typography, OpenType, TrueType, OpenType Layout Features, Glyph Substituion, Glyph Variant Fontspec X TX (glyph substitution) fontspec X TX-ko X TX 1 tfm (tex font metric) X TX ko.tx 1.tfm.tfm.vf,.map,.fd X TX X TX X TX Cambria (bold italic small captial) \font\cambria="cambria/bi:+smcp" at 10pt \Cambria Cambria Bold Italic Fonts C B I F Plain TX X TX LATX \emph, \bfseries, \textbf \Large, \small (Will Robertson) fontspec X TX( X LATX) * X TX-ko 1. X TX X LATX TX LATX
2 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 2 #2 2 The Asian Journal of TX fontspec 1.1 (Werner Lemberg) [21] (character) (glyph) Characters are entities which have a semantic meaning. Visual presentation forms of characters are called glyphs. A character can be represented by more than a single glyph just think of an italic A and a sans-serif A. [3], [4], [18] [26] a 가, M 가 Palationo Italic a, Palatino Bold a a 1.2 (bitmap) (outline) (dot) (scalable) (vector) 3 (Bézier) 2 B- ( spline) (PostScript) (Adobe) 3
3 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 3 #3 3 1 (Type 1) 1 (hinting) 256 MS.pfm 1.pfb 1 (de facto standard) 3, 0, 2, 3 (Type 3) (Type 0) (composite) 0 CID-Keyed OCF (original composite) CID-Keyed CID-Keyed 0 2 (CID; character identifier) CMAP (character map) 2 (Type 2)/ CFF charstring CFF (compact font format) 1 CID-Keyed 2/ CFF Yannis Haralambous [18] 2/ CFF (ne plus ultra) 42 (Type 42) (Multiple Master) 1 (MM) ( ) (weight), (width), (optical size; ) (interpolation) A
4 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 4 #4 4 The Asian Journal of TX A A A B A instance C 1. 10, 80, 30 B 20, 40, 60 A B 15, 60, 45 C C instance ( 1) [23] (TrueType) (Apple) (Microsoft) MS OS (TrueImage) 2 B- (contour; ) ttf.ttf.ttc 2 OS GX (graphics extended) OS AAT (Apple Advanced Typography) (TrueType Open) CFF (OpenType) 2. Breakttc.ttc.ttf
5 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 5 #5 5 CFF (cross platform).ttf,.ttc.otf.ttf.otf 1 ATM (Adobe Type Manager) 98 ATM OS 9 ATM 2000, XP OS X 1 CFF ATM ([3], [4], [8], [9], [11], [12], [14], [15], [23], [27]) , ,000
6 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 6 #6 6 The Asian Journal of TX 1.3 OpenType AAT: OpenType AAT OS GX OpenType 65,536 4 (glyph) (real drawn small capital) (glyph variant or subsitution) ( 2) (ligature) f+i, f+l (advanced typography table) GSUB (glyph substitution data) GPOS (glyph positioning data) GSUB (script/ writing system) (language system) FeatureList LookupList (lookup) (feature tag) liga (standard ligatures), smcp (small captials), onum (oldstyle figures), cswh (contextual swash) ( featuretags.htm) AAT AAT (Apple Advanced Typography) GX AAT 4. 64,145 64,450 Code ,546
7 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 7 #7 Wishbone Ash ishbone sh s s is one s is bone s ishbone sh 7 2. Z 3. Z GX QuickDraw GX AAT OS AAT Asian Journal of TX (Herman Zapf) Z ( 3) Z ( ) f Z+a+p+f+i+n+o Z ( ) Z 1.4 X TX X TX OpenType AAT \fontspec Renderer=AAT Renderer=ICU
8 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 8 #8 8 The Asian Journal of TX AAT ICU (International Components for Unicode) ICU X TX GSUB, GPOS X TX Renderer=AAT (or ICU) X TX AAT Renderer=AAT Renderer=ICU AAT ICU, Mac OS X (Hiragino) OS AAT ICU 2 fontspec fontspec fontspec v2.0b > texdoc fonspec 2.1 Fontspec \usepackage[ 옵션 ]{fontspec} math fontspec Computer Modern (CM) ( lim n sin θ cos π x 0 ) 1 n x 2 dx + 1 k(k + 1) lim, sin, cos \mathrm (roman, main) ( AJT Palatino) x,, CM mathpazo, mathptmx, concmath, mathdesign, unicode-math CM fontspec euler fontspec fontspec k=1
9 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 9 #9 9 % mathptmx 수식폰트패키지를불러온다. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{mathptmx} \usepackage{fontspec} \begin{document} \[\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}\left(\sin\theta -\cos\pi\int_0^x\frac{1}{x^2}\,dx +\sum_{k=1}^n \frac{1}{k(k+1)}\right)\] \end{document} lim n ( x sinθ cosπ 0 ) n 1 x 2 dx + 1 k=1 k(k + 1) no-math \mathrm, \mathsf, \mathtt, \setboldmathrm (\setmainfont, \setsansfont, \setmonofont) CM \setmainfot Myriad Pro % math 옵션 \documentclass{article} \usepackage[math]{fontspec} % 기본실행옵션 \setmainfont{myriad Pro} \begin{document} \[\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}\left(\sin\theta -\cos\pi\int_0^x\frac{1}{x^2}\,dx +\sum_{k=1}^n \frac{1}{k(k+1)}\right)\] \end{document} lim n ( sin θ cos π % no-math 옵션 \documentclass{article} \usepackage[no-math]{fontspec} \setmainfont{myriad Pro} x 0 ) 1 n x 2 dx + 1 k(k + 1) \begin{document} \[\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}\left(\sin\theta -\cos\pi\int_0^x\frac{1}{x^2}\,dx +\sum_{k=1}^n \frac{1}{k(k+1)}\right)\]\end{document} lim n ( sin θ cos π x 0 k=1 ) 1 n x 2 dx + 1 k(k + 1) config fontspec.cfg TDS fontspec k=1
10 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 10 #10 10 The Asian Journal of TX TDS fontspec.cfg > kpsewhich fontspec.cfg no-config fontspec.cfg silent fontspec.log quiet.log Fontspec xunicode, xltxtra 2.2 (font name) (font file name) (Stanely Morrison) The Times (Times New Roman) 5 16 (Claude Garmond) (Garamond) Minion Pro Myriad Pro Regualr \Large \fontspec{minionpro-regular} Adobe Minion Pro \newline \fontspec{minion Pro} Adobe Minion Pro \newline \fontspec{myriadpro-regular} Adobe Myriad Pro \newline \fontspec{myriad Pro} Adobe Myriad Pro Adobe Minion Pro Adobe Minion Pro Adobe Myriad Pro Adobe Myriad Pro \fontspec X TX-ko \hangulfontspec 5. Times New Roman Times Old Roman Times New Roman
11 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 11 #11 11 \Large \hangulfontspec{unbatang} 은바탕 \newline \hangulfontspec{ 은바탕 } 은바탕 \newline \hangulfontspec{ 함초롬바탕 } 함초롬바탕 \newline \hangulfontspec{08 서울남산체 L} 08 서울남산체 L 은바탕은바탕함초롬바탕 08서울남산체 L (font file name) \Large \hangulfontspec[% BoldFont=aritaB.ttf]{aritaL.ttf} 아리따 L \newline \textbf{ 아리따 B} \newline \hangulfontspec{hgrgl.ttf} 한겨레결체 아리따 L 아리따 B 한겨레결체 \Large \fontspec[% BoldFont = MinionPro-Semibold.otf, ItalicFont = MinionPro-It.otf, BoldItalicFont = MinionPro-SemiboldIt.otf] {MinionPro-Regular.otf} Adobe Minion Pro \newline \textbf{adobe Minion Pro} \newline \textit{adobe Minion Pro} Adobe Minion Pro Adobe Minion Pro Adobe Minion Pro Times New Roman TIMS.TTF, TIMSB.TTF, TIMSI.TTF, TIMSBI.TTF (*) TIMS *BD TIMSBD \Large \fontspec[xtension =.ttf, BoldFont = *BD, ItalicFont = *I, BoldItalicFont = *BI] {TIMS} Times New Roman \newline \textbf{times New Roman} \newline \textit{times New Roman} \newline \textbf{\textit{times New Roman}} Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman \textbf{\textit{times New Roman}} Times New Roman
12 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 12 #12 12 The Asian Journal of TX 4. MS \Large \fontspec{times New Roman} Times New Roman \newline \textbf{times New Roman} \newline \textit{times New Roman} \newline \textbf{\textit{times New Roman}} Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman MS OS X MS.ttf.otf fontview 4 [ ] [ ] (font family), Regular \fontspec{minion Pro} Adobe Minion Pro MinionPro-Regular 6 Font Properties xtensions 6.
13 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 13 # Font Properties xtensions.ttf.otf [ ] [Names] 5 MinionPro-Regular.otf fontview MinionPro-Regualr Minion Pro NexusFont 7 ( 6) OS X (Font Book) [ ]-[ ] command ( )+I ( 7) (PostScript name) (Full name) FontMatrix 8 OS pdf ( 8, 9)
14 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 14 #14 14 The Asian Journal of TX 6. NexusFont 7. OS X Font Book
15 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 15 # FontMatrix
16 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 16 #16 16 The Asian Journal of TX nine.inferior U+2089 (8329) paren.left.inferior paren.right.inferior U+208d (8333) U+208e (8334) colonsign U+20a1 (8353) cruzeiro U+20a2 (8354) franc U+20a3 (8355) peseta U+20a7 (8359) rupiah U+20a8 (8360) trademark U+2122 (8482) Omega U+2126 (8486) partialdiff U+2202 (8706) Delta U+2206 (8710) product U+220f (8719) summation U+2211 (8721) minus U+2212 (8722) radical.oldstyle infinity U+221a (8730) U+221e (8734) integral U+222b (8747) approxequal.oldstyle U+2248 (8776) notequal.oldstyle U+2260 (8800) lessequal.oldstyle U+2264 (8804) greaterequal.oldstyle U+2265 (8805) lozenge.oldstyle U+25ca (9674) apple U+f8ff (63743) f_f U+fb00 (64256) f_i f_l U+fb01 (64257) U+fb02 (64258) f_f_i U+fb03 (64259) f_f_l U+fb04 (64260) 9. FontMatrix Skia
17 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 17 # Roman (main), Sans Serif, Mono-spaced \setmainfont \setromanfont \setmainfont[ 폰트에부여할옵션 ]{ 메인 ( 로만 ) 폰트 } \setsansfont[ 폰트에부여할옵션 ]{ 산세리프폰트 } \setmonofont[ 폰트에부여할옵션 ]{ 모노 ( 고정폭 ) 폰트 } X TX-ko \setmainhangulfont[ 옵션 ]{ 한글바탕글꼴 } \setsanshangulfont[ 옵션 ]{ 한글돋움글꼴 } \setmonohangulfont[ 옵션 ]{ 한글고정폭글꼴 } X TX-ko \setmainhanjafont[ 옵션 ]{ 한자바탕글꼴 } \setsanshanjafont[ 옵션 ]{ 한자돋움글꼴 } \setmonohanjafont[ 옵션 ]{ 한자고정폭글꼴 } AJT \setmainfont[mapping=tex-text]{palatino} \setsansfont[mapping=tex-text]{optima} \setmainhangulfont[ BoldFont={YoonMyungjo Medium}, Mapping=tex-text, Renderer=ICU, preperiodkern={-.3ex}, precommakern={-.3ex} ]{YoonMyungjo Light} \setsanshangulfont[ BoldFont={YoonGothic Medium}, Mapping=tex-text, Renderer=ICU, preperiodkern={-.1ex}, precommakern={-.1ex} ]{YoonGothic Light} \setmonohangulfont[ BoldFont={YoonGothic Medium}, Mapping=tex-text, Renderer=ICU ]{YoonGothic Light} \setmonofont fontspec TX LM (Latin Modern) mono preperiodkern, precommakern X TX-ko X TX-ko
18 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 18 #18 18 The Asian Journal of TX \newfontfamily \newfontface \newfontfamily \newfontface \textbf, \emph \Large \newfontfamily\mygentlefamily[% Mapping=tex-text]{Tekton Pro} \MyGentleFamily Tekton Pro: \newline Regular \textbf{bold} \textit{italic} \textbf{\textit{bold Italic}} \newfontface\myfunny[% Mapping=tex-text]{Harrington} \MyFunny Pros \& Cons of Hitchhikng Tekton Pro: Regular Bold Italic Bold Italic Pros & Cons of Hitchhikng X TX-ko \newhangulfontfamily \newhangulfontface \large \newhangulfontfamily\hamchorom{% 함초롬바탕 } \Hamchorom 지금눈나리고 \newline \textbf{ 매화향기홀로아득하니 } \newline \newhangulfontface\bluebird{- 파랑새 L} \Bluebird 내여기가난한노래의씨를뿌려라 지금눈나리고 매화향기홀로아득하니 내여기가난한노래의씨를뿌려라 \defaultfontfeatures \addfontfeature(s) \HL \newcommand\hl[2][darkred]{\textcolor{#1}{#2}} \defaultfontfeatures{mapping=tex-text} \fontspec{nueva Std} \Large Ausl\HL{\"a}nder\HL{---}Pâté \\ expos\hl[teal]{é} \quad ros\hl{\ e} \HL[Teal]{Ø}re \quad \HL{\O}re \quad \HL[Teal]{Pâté} \quad \HL{P\^at\ e} Ausländer Pâté exposé rosé Øre Øre Pâté Pâté
19 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 19 # Size Size s x s x x x y x s < y x y y s < y y z s = z z \fontspec{arno Pro} \Large Das ist Bleistift. \addfontfeatures{ligatures=rare} Das i\hl{st} Blei\HL{st}i\HL[Teal]{ft}. \addfontfeatures{letters=smallcaps} D\HL[Teal]{as ist} B\HL[Teal]{leistift}. Das ist Bleisti. Das ist Bleisti. D B Stockholm Std, Quill Std, AT Uncial Std MyGirl BoldFont, ItalicFont, BoldItalicFont, SlantedFont, BoldSlantedFont, SmallCapsFont \newfontfamily\mygirl[% BoldFont=ATUncialStd, ItalicFont=Quill Std] {Stockholm Std} Ground Contrl to Major Tom \MyGirl \Large Ground Contrl to \textit{major} \textbf{tom} \set{main/sans/mono}font, \{hangul}fontspec, \new{hangul}fontfamily SizeFeatures Size s 1
20 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 20 #20 20 The Asian Journal of TX \fontspec[sizefeatures={% {Size={-9}, Font={Helvetica Neue}, Color=DarkRed}, {Size={9-12},Color=DimGray}, {Size={12-14}, Font={Trajan Pro}, Color=Olive}, {Size={14-}, Font={Nueva Std}, Color=Navy}}]{Gentium} {\footnotesize To die,} \newline {\normalsize to sleep---} \newline {\large To sleep,} \newline {\LARG perchance to dream.} \par \raggedleft---the soliloquy of \emph{hamlet} To die, to sleep To sleep, perchance to dream. The soliloquy of Hamlet Color fontspec 0066FF 00 FF 16 HX RGB fontspec xcolor dvipsnames, svgnames, x11names color 00 FF HX RGB (transparency) 00 FF \fontsize{60pt}{60pt}\selectfont \fontspec{cronos Pro Bold} {\addfontfeature{color=3333cc88}k} \kern-.9ex\lower.15em\hbox{% {\addfontfeature{color=00088}t}} \kern-.8ex\lower-.15em\hbox{% {\addfontfeature{color=99cc3388}u}} \kern-.85ex {\addfontfeature{color=190ff88}g} KT U G OS X xdv2pdf X TX xdvipdfmx OS X 첫번째방법 > xelatex -output-driver="xdv2pdf" filename.tex 두번째방법 > xelatex -no-pdf filename.tex > xdv2pdf filename.xdv
21 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 21 #21 21 \fontsize{60pt}{60pt}\selectfont \fontspec{cronos Pro Bold} {\addfontfeature{color=3333cc88}k} \kern-.9ex\lower.15em\hbox{% {\addfontfeature{color=00088}t}} \kern-.8ex\lower-.15em\hbox{% {\addfontfeature{color=99cc3388}u}} \kern-.85ex {\addfontfeature{color=190ff88}g} \fontspec{cronos Pro Bold} {\addfontfeature{color=navy, Opacity=.5}K} \kern-.9ex\lower.15em\hbox{% {\addfontfeature{color=crimson, Opacity=.5}T}} \kern-.8ex\lower-.15em\hbox{% {\addfontfeature{color=olive, Opacity=.6}U}} \kern-.85ex {\addfontfeature{color=skyblue, Opacity=.6}G} Opacity 0( ) 1( ) 3.2 Scale Scale Scale MatchLowercase MatchUppercase (lowercase) (uppercase) \linespread{3.0}\selectfont \newcommand\sampletexttwo{% \Large It is a \textsf{roaring} silence.} \drawfontframe{% \setsansfont[color=darkred] {Helvetica Neue}\sampletexttwo} \drawfontframe{% \setsansfont[scale=matchuppercase, Color=DarkRed]{Helvetica Neue} \sampletexttwo} \drawfontframe{% \setsansfont[scale=matchlowercase, Color=DarkRed]{Helvetica Neue} \sampletexttwo} \drawfontframe{% \setsansfont[scale=.7,color=darkred] {Helvetica Neue} \sampletexttwo} It is a roaring silence. It is a roaring silence. It is a roaring silence. It is a roaring silence.
22 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 22 #22 22 The Asian Journal of TX \drawfontframe layouts (reference point) \newcommand\sampletextone{% \Large 이것은 \textsf{ 소리없는 } 아우성 } \setsanshangulfont[scale=matchuppercase, Color=Teal]{ 나눔고딕 } \sampletextone \newline \setsanshangulfont[scale=matchlowercase, Color=Teal]{ 나눔고딕 } \sampletextone \newline \setsanshangulfont[scale=.7, Color=Teal]{ 나눔고딕 } \sampletextone 소리없는 소리없는 소리없는 3.3 (interword space) WordSpace WordSpace={x,y,z} x y z WordSpace={x} WordSpace={x,x,x} TX \spaceskip \Large \fontspec[wordspace=3.0]{adobe Garamond Pro} Allman Brothers Band \addfontfeatures{wordspace={1.0,1.5,2.0}} Allman Brothers Band \addfontfeatures{wordspace={.5,.3,.7}} Allman Brothers Band Allman Brothers Band Allman Brothers Band Allman Brothers Band LetterSpace x LetterSpace=x x ( 100 ) 10 LetterSpace=1.0 10pt = 0.1pt \fontsize{16pt}{16pt} \fontspec{gentium} \addfontfeature{letterspace=0.0} STAIRWAY TO HAVN \\ \addfontfeature{letterspace=5.0} STAIRWAY TO HAVN STAIRWAY TO HAVN STAIRWAY TO HAVN
23 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 23 #23 X TX-ko interhchar (monospace) X TX-ko \large \hangulfontspec[interhchar=-.1em]{ 나눔명조 } 며느리밥풀꽃에대한보고서 \hangulfontspec[interhchar=0em]{ 나눔명조 } 며느리밥풀꽃에대한보고서 \hangulfontspec[interhchar=.2em]{ 나눔명조 } 며느리밥풀꽃에대한보고서 며느리밥풀꽃에대한보고서 며느리밥풀꽃에대한보고서 며느리밥풀꽃에대한보고서 ( ) ( ) ( ) \large \hangulfontspec{ 제주명조 OTF} 오늘도조용히일어나 \\ \hangulfontspec[fakeslant=0.2] { 제주명조 OTF} 혼자걷는너에게 \\ \hangulfontspec[fakestretch=.8] { 제주명조 OTF} 나는이렇게부르지 \\ \hangulfontspec[fakestretch=1.2] { 제주명조 OTF} 저파란하늘위에 \\ \hangulfontspec[fakebold=1.5] { 제주명조 OTF} 날으는법을배우는작은새 \\ AutoFakeBold AutoFakeSlant fontspec
24 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 24 #24 24 The Asian Journal of TX 2. (caption) 6 8 (regular) 9 13 (subhead) (display) (poster) 72 \large \fontspec[autofakeslant=.2, AutoFakeBold=1.8]{Stockholm Std} Used to say I like Chopin\\ \textbf{love me now and again} \\ \textit{rainy days never say goodbye} \\ \textbf{\textit{to desire when we are together}} Used to say I like Chopin Love me now and again Rainy days never say goodbye To desire when we are together 3.5 (9 13 ) X TX Brioso Pro \footnotesize BriosoPro-Capt.otf, \normalsize BriosoPro-Regular.otf, \LARG BriosoPro-Subh.otf, \Huge BriosoPro-Disp.otf \fontspec{brioso Pro} {\footnotesize Ziggy Stardust} \newline {\normalsize Ziggy Stardust} \newline {\LARG Ziggy Stardust} \newline {\Huge Ziggy Stardust} Ziggy Stardust Ziggy Stardust Ziggy Stardust Ziggy Stardust \large OpticlaSize=0
25 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 25 #25 25 \large \fontspec[opticalsize=0]{briosopro-capt} Canzona (There will be time) \\ \fontspec[opticalsize=0]{% BriosoPro-Regular} Canzona (There will be time) \\ \fontspec[opticalsize=0]{briosopro-subh} Canzona (There will be time) \\ \fontspec[opticalsize=0]{briosopro-disp} Canzona (There will be time) Canzona ( ere will be time) Canzona ( ere will be time) Canzona ( ere will be time) Canzona ( ere will be time) \Large \fontspec{cronospro-capt.otf} I shot the Sheriff \\ \fontspec{cronospro-regular.otf} I shot the Sheriff \\ \fontspec{cronospro-subh.otf} I shot the Sheriff \\ \fontspec{cronospro-disp.otf} I shot the Sheriff I shot the Sheriff I shot the Sheriff I shot the Sheriff I shot the Sheriff 4 ICU AAT Fontspec 4.1 ICU Numbers (OldStyle/ Lowercase) (Lining/ Uppercase), (Proportional) (Monospaced) O o (SlashedZero) \newfontface\oldpropfigure[numbers={oldstyle,proportional}]{arno Pro} \newfontface\liningprofigure[numbers={lining,proportional}]{arno Pro} \newfontface\oldmonofigure[numbers={oldstyle,monospaced}]{arno Pro} \newfontface\liningmonofigure[numbers={lining,monospaced}]{arno Pro} \newfontface\slashedzerofigure[numbers={slashedzero}]{arno Pro} \begin{tabularx}{.95\textwidth} {>{\hsize=.4\hsize}x >{\hsize=.3\hsize}x>{\hsize=.3\hsize}x} \toprule & 올드스타일 & 라이닝 \tabularnewline \midrule 비율폭 & \Large\OldPropFigure
26 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 26 #26 26 The Asian Journal of TX & \Large\LiningProFigure \tabularnewline 고정폭 & \Large\OldMonoFigure & \Large\LiningMonoFigure \tabularnewline 사선을그은숫자 0 & --- & \Large\SlashedZeroFigure 0 \tabularnewline \bottomrule \end{tabularx} \XeTeXuseglyphmetrics=0 \OldPropFigure % 올드스타일비율폭 \multido{\i=0+1}{10}{\fbox{\i}} \bigskip \OldMonoFigure % 올드스타일고정폭 \multido{\i=0+1}{10}{\fbox{\i}} OldStyle Linging, Proportional Monospaced Numbers={OldStyle, Lining} ( Lining) \newcommand\sampletextthree{% Let me know your home address till 4 o clock to send the gift.\\ Me? My home address is, zip code , KTUG Street 746.} \fontspec[numbers=lining]{minion Pro} \sampletextthree \bigskip \fontspec[numbers=oldstyle]{minion Pro} \sampletextthree Let me know your home address till 4 o clock to send the gi. Me? My home address is, zip code , KTUG Street 746. Let me know your home address till 4 o clock to send the gi. Me? My home address is, zip code , KTUG Street ( ) Ligatures (Common), (Rare/ Discretionary), (Contextual)
27 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 27 #27 27 (TeX), 9 (Historic), (Required) 10 Common, Contextual, Required No NoCommon, NoContextual, NoRequired \Large \fontspec[ligatures=nocommon]{arno Pro} office flower fjord often \\ \fontspec[ligatures=common]{arno Pro} o\hl{ffi}ce \HL{fl}ower \HL{fj}ord o\hl{ft}en \\ \addfontfeatures{ligatures=rare} introdu\hl{ct}ion \HL{st}udent office flower fjord often office ower ord o en introdu ion student \Large \fontspec{junicode} I II III IV <1> [2] [[3]] \\ \addfontfeatures{ligatures=rare} I II III IV <1> [2] [[3]] \\ \addfontfeatures{ligatures=historic} A\HL{ttr}ibution \HL{an}d \HL{st}ru\HL{gg}le I II III IV <1> [2] [[3]] I Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ ❶ 2 ⓷ Attribution d stru le \Large \fontspec[ligatures=nocommon] {Linux Libertine O} Quest uomo wurtzite \\ \fontspec[ligatures={common,rare}] {Linux Libertine O} \HL{Qu}est uomo wur\hl{tz}ite \\ \addfontfeatures{ligatures=historic} Di\HL[Teal]{st}ri\HL[Teal]{ct} No.\,9 \\ Liberta per Que\HL{st} Uomo Quest uomo wurtzite est uomo wur ite Distri No. 9 Liberta per est Uomo X TX-ko \Large \hangulfontspec{adobe 명조 Std} 주식회사 \\ \hangulfontspec[ligatures=discretionary] {Adobe 명조 Std} \disablehangulspacingandlinebreak 주식회사 (Robert Bringhurst) [16] f+f+f+l Sauerstoffflasche (oxygen bottle; ) Sauerstoffflaschenspüller (oxygen bottle washer; ) ( 10) 9. Ligatures=TeX Mapping=tex-text 10. Required
28 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 28 #28 28 The Asian Journal of TX Sauer o.asche Sauer o.aschenjpüller 10. Jonatan Hoefler Requiem (Small Captital) \fontspec{warnock Pro} The Phantom of the Opera is there. \\ \fontspec[letters=smallcaps]{warnock Pro} The Phantom of the Opera is there. \\ \fontspec[letters=uppercasesmallcaps] {Warnock Pro} The Phantom of the Opera is there. \\ e Phantom of the Opera is there. TH PHANTOM OF TH OPRA IS THR. The Phantom of the Opera is there. (true drawn) \Large \fontspec[letters=smallcaps]{brioso Pro} Old and Wise (true) \\ \fontspec{brioso Pro} O\scalebox{.7}{LD AND} W\scalebox{.7}{IS} (faux) OLD AND WIS (TRU) OLD AND WIS (faux) \fontspec{minion Pro} \linespread{1.0} \selectfont Leroy Jethro Gibbs is a fictional character from the NCIS television series by CBS Television. Watch the TV tonight P.M. 10:00. \medskip \addfontfeature{numbers=oldstyle} \textsc{leroy Jethro Gibbs} is a fictional character from the \textsc{ncis} television series by \textsc{cbs} Television. Watch the \textsc{tv} tonight \textsc{p.m.} 10:00. Leroy Jethro Gibbs is a ctional character from the NCIS television series by CBS Television. Watch the TV tonight P.M. 10:00. LROY JTHRO GIBBS is a ctional character from the NCIS television series by CBS Television. Watch the TV tonight P.M. 10:00.
29 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 29 # (Kerning) (pair) Fontspec Kerning=Uppcase A V, T y \Large \fontspec[kerning=on]{minion Pro} Aviation Typography \addfontfeature{kerning=off} Aviation Typography \bigskip \fontspec[letters=smallcaps]{warnock Pro} Aviation Typography \addfontfeature{kerning=off} Aviation Typography \bigskip \fontspec{myriad Pro} AVIATION TYPOGRAPHY \addfontfeature{kerning=uppercase} AVIATION TYPOGRAPHY Aviation Typography Aviation Typography AVIATION TYPOGRAPHY AVIATION TYPOGRAPHY AVIATION TYPOGRAPHY AVIATION TYPOGRAPHY fontspec (Opentype Feature Tags) \fontspec \fontspec RawFeature liga RawFeature=+liga Ligatures=Common (glyph substituion or variant) fontspec Ligatures Numbers Contextuals, Stylistic Set, Character Variants, Alternates, Annotation, Style (expert type) X TX fontspec
30 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 30 #30 30 The Asian Journal of TX (Fontspec 10 ) \large \fontspec{warnock Pro} \itshape Premiata Forneria Marconi \\ \addfontfeature{contextuals=swash} Premiata Forneria Marconi; \\ P.F.M is a famous band. Premiata Forneria Marconi remiat orneri arconi; P.F.M is famous ban. (swash) (flourish) \huge \multido{\i=0+1}{5}{% \fontspec[alternate=\i]{civilite MJ Std} e \quad} e Alternate 0 Dirty dancing t a n \large \multido{\i=0+1}{10}{% \fontspec[alternate=\i,color=navyblue] {Zapfino xtra LT Pro} Dirty dancing \quad} Dirty dancing D Dir ci Dir y ci Dir y a ci g Dir y ancing Dir y ancing aalt Alternate RawFeature Annotation \multido{\i=0+1}{15}{% \fontspec[rawfeature={+aalt=\i}] {Adobe 명조 Std} 1234 }
31 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 31 #31 \multido{\i=0+1}{12}{% \fontspec[annotation=\i] {Adobe 명조 Std} 1234 } 31 \large \fontspec{arno Pro} 1/2 \quad 1/4 \quad 5/6 \quad 13579/24680 \\ \addfontfeature{fractions=on} 1/2 \quad 1/4 \quad 5/6 \quad 13579/ /2 1/4 5/ /24680 \Large \fontspec[verticalposition =ScientificInferior]{Brioso Pro} H2O vs. CO2 \newline \fontspec[verticalposition =Ordinal]{Brioso Pro} 21st Time H₂O vs. CO₂ 21st time X TX-ko vertical \VertTypeHangul 25 \newfontfamily\verttypehangul[mapping=tex-text, Script=Hangul, Language=Korean,Vertical=RotatedGlyphs]{ 함초롬바탕 } \begin{vertical}{\verttypehangul}{.25\textheight} \linespread{1.333} \begin{center} {\large 그사이 }\\ 양희은노래 \end{center} \small 해저무는들녘밤과낮그사이로 \\ 하늘은하늘따라펼쳐널리고 \\ 이만치떨어져바라볼그사이로 \\ 바람은갈댓잎을살불어가는데 \\ 이리로또저리로비껴가는그사이에 \\ 열릴듯스쳐가는그사이따라 \bigskip 해저무는들녘하늘가외딴곳에 \\ 호롱불밝히어둔오두막있어 \\ 노을저건너에별들의노랫소리 \\ 밤새도록들리는그곳에가려네 \\ 이리로또저리로비껴가는그사이에 \\ 열릴듯스쳐가는그사이따라 \bigskip 노을저건너에별들의노랫소리 \\ 밤새도록들리는그곳에가려네 \\
32 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 32 #32 32 The Asian Journal of TX 이리로또저리로비껴가는그사이에 \\ 열릴듯스쳐가는그사이따라 \bigskip 해저무는들녘밤과낮그사이에 \\ 이리로또저리로비껴가는사이에 \\ 비껴가는사이에 \\ 비껴가는사이에 \end{vertical} 리고 바 바 리 리 리 리 리 리 리 리 리 리 리 리 ( ) ( ) ( ) \disablekoreanfonts X TXko \setmainhanjafont (Chinese Simplified) \hanjacjksymbols CJK Code2000.ttf \chinese X TX-ko X TX-ko \japanese (Chinese Traditional) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) \newcommand\chinsampletext{% \centerline{\large 湖心亭看雪 }\par \centerline{ 张岱 }\par \small 崇祯五年十二月 余住西湖 大雪三日 湖中人鸟声俱绝 是日更定矣 余挐一小舟 拥毳衣炉火 独往湖心亭看雪 雾凇沆砀 天与云与山与水 上下一白 湖上影子 惟长堤一痕 湖心亭一点 与余舟一芥 舟中人两三粒而已 到亭上 有两人铺毡对坐 一童子烧酒 炉正沸 见余 大喜曰 湖中焉得更有此人! 拉余同饮 余强饮三大白而别 问其姓氏 是金陵人 客此 及下船 舟子喃喃曰 莫说相公痴 更有痴似相公者 } \disablekoreanfonts \hanjacjksymbols \fontspec[script=cjk,language=chinese Simplified]{Adobe Kaiti Std} \chinese \ChinSampleText
33 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 33 #33 33 \newfontfamily\chinfontone[% Script=CJK, Language=Chinese Traditional, Vertical=RotatedGlyphs] {FZShouJinShu-S10T} \begin{vertical}{\chinfontone}{.16\textheight} \chinese \ChinSampleText \end{vertical} 湖心亭看雪张岱崇祯五年十二月 余住西湖 大雪三日 湖中人鸟声俱绝 是日更定矣 余一小舟 拥毳衣炉火 独往湖心亭看雪 雾凇沆砀 天与云与山与水 上下一白 湖上影子 惟长堤一痕 湖心亭一点 与余舟一芥 舟中人两三粒而已 到亭上 有两人铺毡对坐 一童子烧酒 炉正沸 见余 大喜曰 湖中焉得更有此人! 拉余同饮 余强饮三大白而别 问其姓氏 是金陵人 客此 及下船 舟子喃喃曰 莫说相公痴 更有痴似相公者 \newfontfamily\chinfonttwo[% Script=CJK, Language=Chinese Traditional, Vertical=RotatedGlyphs] {FZXingKai-S04T} \begin{vertical}{\chinfonttwo}{.15\textheight} \ChinSampleText \end{vertical} 湖心亭看雪张岱崇祯五年十二月 余住西湖 大雪三日 湖中人鸟声俱绝 是日更定矣 余一小舟 拥毳衣炉火 独往湖心亭看雪 雾凇沆砀 天与云与山与水 上下一白 湖上影子 惟长堤一痕 湖心亭一点 与余舟一芥 舟中人两三粒而已 到亭上 有两人铺毡对坐 一童子烧酒 炉正沸 见余 大喜曰 湖中焉得更有此人! 拉余同饮 余强饮三大白而别 问其姓氏 是金陵人 客此 及下船 舟子喃喃曰 莫说相公痴 更有痴似相公者 (Homer) (Iliad) Wikipedia Code2000.ttf \newcommand\greeksampletext{% {\bfseries Homer, \emph{iliad} IX \\ (translated by Richmond Lattimore)}
34 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 34 #34 34 The Asian Journal of TX μήτηρ γάρ τέ μέ φησι θεὰ Θέτις ἀργυρόπεζα \\ διχθαδίας κῆρας φερέμεν θανάτοιο τέλος δέ. \\ εἰ μέν κ ὤλετο μέν μοι νόστος, ἀτὰρ κλέος ἄφθιτον ἔσται \\ εἰ δέ κεν οἴκαδ ὤλετό μοι κλέος ἐσθλόν, ἐπὶ δηρὸν δέ μοι αἰὼν \\ ἔσσεται, οὐδέ κέ μ \bigskip For my mother Thetis the goddess of silver feet tells me\\ I carry two sorts of destiny toward the day of my death. \\ ither, if I stay here and fight beside the city of the Trojans,\\ my return home is gone, but my glory shall be everlasting;\\ but if I return home to the beloved land of my fathers,\\ the excellence of my glory is gone, but there will be a long life\\ left for me, and my end in death will not come to me quickly.} \setmonofont{code2000} \fontspec[script=greek,language=greek,ligatures={rare,tex,historic}]{junicode} \linespread{1.0} \GreekSampleText Homer, Iliad IX (translated by Richmond Lattimore) μήτηρ γάρ τέ μέ φησι θεὰ Θέτις ἀργυρόπεζα διχθαδίας κῆρας φερέμεν θανάτοιο τέλος δέ. εἰ μέν κ αὖθι μένων Τρώων πόλιν ἀμφιμάχωμαι, ὤλετο μέν μοι νόστος, ἀτὰρ κλέος ἄφθιτον ἔσται εἰ δέ κεν οἴκαδ ἵκωμι φίλην ἐς πατρίδα γαῖαν, ὤλετό μοι κλέος ἐσθλόν, ἐπὶ δηρὸν δέ μοι αἰὼν ἔσσεται, οὐδέ κέ μ ὦκα τέλος θανάτοιο κιχείη. For my mother Thetis the goddess of silver feet tells me I carry two sorts of destiny toward the day of my death. ither, if I stay here and fight beside the ci of the Trojans, my return home is gone, but my glory shall be everlasting; but if I return home to the beloved land of my fathers, the excellence of my glory is gone, but there will be a long life left for me, and my end in death will not come to me quickly. Fontspec Script Language (language) (script) Script=CJK, Language=Chinese Simlified fontspec
35 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 35 # AAT AAT ICU AAT ICU ICU Logos, Rebus, Diphthong, Squared, AbbrevSquared, Icelandic Contextual ICU WordInitial, WordFinal, LineInitial, LineFinal, Inner No fontspec \newfontface\fancy [Contextuals={WordInitial,WordFinal}] {HoeflerText-RegularItalic} \fancy where is all the vegemite \fontspec[contextuals=inner] {Hoefler Text} Inner swashes can \emph{sometimes} \\ contain the archaic long~s. where is a# the vegemite Inner ſwa"eſcan ſometimes contain the archaic long s. Variant ICU Alternate Variant 1 ICU Alternate \large\multido{\i=1+1}{10}{% \fontspec[variant=\i,color=darkred] {Zapfino xtra LT Pro} Dirty dancing \quad} Dirty dancing Dir ci Dir ci Dir y a ci g Dir y ancing Dir y ancing D y
36 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 36 #36 36 The Asian Journal of TX \fontspec[alternate=0] {Hoefler Text Italic} Sphinx Of Black Quartz, {\scshape Judge My Vow} \\ \fontspec[alternate=1] {Hoefler Text Italic} Sphinx Of Black Quartz, {\scshape Judge My Vow} Sphinx Of Black Quartz, Judge My Vow Sphinx Of Black Quartz, Judge My Vow Annotation Box, RoundedBox, BlackCircle, Circle, Parenthesis, Period, RomanNumerals, BlackRoundSquare, DoubleCircle, BlackSquare, Diamond \fontspec{hei Regular} \\ \fontspec[annotation=circle] {Hei Regular} \\ \fontspec[annotation=parenthesis] {Hei Regular} \\ \fontspec[annotation=period] {Hei Regular} ⑴ ⑵ ⑶ ⑷ ⑸ ⑹ ⑺ ⑻ ⑼ ⒈ ⒉ ⒊ ⒋ ⒌ ⒍ ⒎ ⒏ ⒐ \fontspec{skia} Normal \fontspec[verticalposition=superior] {Skia} Superior \fontspec[verticalposition=inferior] {Skia} Inferior \\ \fontspec[verticalposition=ordinal] {Skia} 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 0th 8abcde \\ 21st Century Schizoid Man \fontspec{hiragino Maru Gothic Pro} 1/2 \quad 1/4 \quad 5/6 \quad 13579/24680 \\ \addfontfeature{fractions=alternate} 1/2 \quad 1/4 \quad 5/6 \quad 13579/24680 Normal superior inferior 1st 2ⁿd 3rd 4th 0th 8abcde 21st Century Schizoid Man AAT
37 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 37 #37 37 \fontspec[weight=0.5,width=3]{skia} Maybe I ll move to Mars \\ \fontspec[weight=1,width=1.0]{skia} Maybe I ll move to Mars \\ \fontspec[weight=2,width=0.5]{skia} Maybe I ll move to Mars Maybe I ll move to Mars Maybe I ll move to Mars Maybe I ll move to Mars fontspec TX Computer Modern (CM) Fontspec \mathrm, \mathsf, \mathtt, \setboldmathrm (\setmainfont, \setsansfont, \setmonofont) \mathrm, \mathsf, \mathtt, \setboldmathrm \setmathrm[ 폰트특성 ]{ 폰트이름 } \setmathsf[ 폰트특성 ]{ 폰트이름 } \setmathtt[ 폰트특성 ]{ 폰트이름 } \setboldmathrm[ 폰트특성 ]{ 폰트이름 } The LATX Font Catalogue 11 mathspec Mathspec fonspec \setmathcal, \setmathbb Digit, Latin, Greek fontspec Numbers={Lining,Proportional}, Scale=MatchLowrcase \exchangeforms, \normalizevarforms, "< 문자열 >, \"< 문자열 >", \setminwhitespace mathspec 5.2 InDesign CS Illustrator CS (Glyph Palette) ( ) ( 11) 11.
38 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 38 #38 38 The Asian Journal of TX 11. Adobe ( 12) QuarkXpress 8.0 ( 13, 14) OS X ( 15, 16) 5.3 feature ( 17 19) CI ko.tx NHN 6 X TX fontspec fontspec X LATX
39 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 39 #39 39 Seduction Temptation Seduction Temptation (Discretionary Ligature) Seduction Temptation (Swash) Seduction temptation (Stylistic Alternate) Seduction temptation (Swash + Stylistic Alternate) 1/2 3/4 456/789 (Fraction) 1/2 3/4 456/789 (Superior/ Inferior) 1/2 3/4 456/789 (Numerator/ Denominator) (Proportional/ Lining) (Monospaced/ Lining) (Proportional/ Old Style) (Monospaced/ Old Style) * Tabular = Monospaced, Lowercase = Old Style, Uppercase = Lining 12. Adobe Illustrtor CS2 fontspec X TX fontspec LuaTX fontspec LuaTX X TX X TX xdvipdfmx OS X xdv2pdf Fontspec X TX-ko fontspec ko.tx X TX-ko ko.tx X TX X TX-ko LATX pdflatx ko.tx
40 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 40 #40 40 The Asian Journal of TX 13. QuarkXpress QuarkXpress 8.0
41 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 41 # Mac OS X (10.5 Leopard) 16. Mac OS X Textedit
42 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 42 #42 42 The Asian Journal of TX 17. ( ) 18. ( ) 19. ( )
43 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 43 #43 43 X TX-ko ko.tx finemath GSUB X TX-ko fontspec X TX-ko X TX X TX-ko.otf.ttf X TX-ko X TX-ko X TX fontspec, X TX-ko KTUG
44 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 44 #44 44 The Asian Journal of TX 1. Will Robertson and Khaled Hosny, The fontspec Package v2.0b, July 14, mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/fontspec/fontspec.pdf Fontspec ICU AAT 2. X TX-ko Version 1.9, texmf-dist/doc/xelatex/kotex-dev/xetexko/xetexko-doc.pdf X TX fontspec 3. Microsoft Corporation, OpenType specification: OpenType Layout tag registry Feature tags, April OpenType Layout Feature 4. Adobe System Incorporated, OpenType User Guide for Adobe Fonts, October http: // fontspec 5. David J.Perry, Creating Scholarly Mulilingual Documents Using Unicode, Opentype, and X TX, June 21, X TX OpenType, fontspec TX TeXworks 6. Robin Williams, The Non-Designer s Type Book, 2nd d., Pearson ducation Inc., publishing as Peachit Press, ( ) Fontspec 7. xoblivoir under X TX, texmf-dist/doc/latex/kotex-dev/xoblivoir/ultrasimplexob.pdf TX: The Asian Journal of TX, Volume 1, Number 1, Adobe System Incorporated, Adobe Type 1 Font Format, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., February SPC.PDF 12. Adobe System Incorporated, PostScript Language Reference, Third dition, Addison- Wesley Publishing Company, February postscript/pdfs/plrm.pdf 13. Adobe System Incorporated, Typography Primer, pdf/type_primer.pdf
45 AJTVol4No1_LeeJuho 2010/8/12 20:52 page 45 # Apple Computer Inc., AAT Font Feature Registry, Apple Inc., apple.com/fonts/registry 15. Apple Computer Inc., Advanced Typography with Mac OS X Tiger: Using and Managing Fonts, October Robert Bringhurst, The lements of Typographic Style, version. 3.1, Hartley & Marks, Michel Goossens, X TX Companion: TX meets OpenType and Unicode, January 11, Yannis Haralambous, Fonts & ncodings: From Unicode to Advanced Typography and vreything in Between, O Reilly Media, Inc., Gareth Hughes, Free Unicode fonts: Latin script, August 29, documents/freefonts.pdf 20. Jonathan Kew, X TX: the Multilingual Lion TX meets Unicode and smart fonts, in TUG 2005 Conference, Wuhan, China, August Demos/XeTeX-showcase/xetex-wuhan.pdf 21. Werner Lemberg, Unicode Support in the CJK Package, AJT, Volume 2, Number 1, Andrew Gilbert Moschou, The mathspec package: Font selection for mathematics with X LATX, September 30, mathspec.pdf 23. Thomas W. Phinney, TrueType, PostScript, Type 1 & OpenType: What s the Difference?, Version 2.36, Will Robertson, The X TX reference guide, July 12, xetexref/xetex-reference.pdf 25. Ilene Strizver, Type Rules!: the designer s guide to professional typography, second edtion, John Wiley & Sons Inc., ( 2009) 26. Keith Chi-hang Tam, Digital Typography: a primer, documents/keithtam_digital_type_primer.pdf 27. Jürgen Willrodt, OpenType Status 2009, in DTL FontMaster Conference Type[&]Design 2009, November Status_2009.pdf 28. Wikipedia,
32 TH ASIAN JOURNAL OF TX (Will Robertson) fontspec X TX( X LATX) fontspec 1.1 (Werner Lemberg) [21] (character) (glyph) Characters are entities which
The Asian Journal of TX, Volume 4, No. 1, June 2010 Article revision 2010/6/12 KTS TH KORAN TX SOCITY SINC 2007 Fontspec: X TX Fontspec: Wing of X TX * Juho Lee latex.juho@gmail.com KYWORDS ABSTRACT X
More informationfontspec fontspec 이주호국회예산정책처 fontspec
fontspec fontspec 이주호국회예산정책처 latex.juho@gmail.com fontspec 차례 1 들어가며 2 Font 선택 3 폰트에구애받지않는특성 4 폰트에따라좌우되는특성 5 다국어조판 6 맺으며 TEX 에서폰트를사용한다는것 갖춰야할게많다. (map, vf, tfm, fd, ) CJK 사용자는더욱힘들다. ( 은바탕의경우 tfm 만 1,000
More information2 C freetype ttf2tfm 18 D ttf.sh 19 E FD 20
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