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1 KOREAN J. FOOD COOK. SCI. Vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 534~543 (2015) ISSN (Print) ISSN (Online) 조리방법별갈색거저리유충의물리적및관능적특성 백민희 윤영일 김미애 황재삼 구태원 1 윤은영 농촌진흥청국립농업과학원농업생물부, 1 동국대학교의과대학생화학교실 Physical and Sensory Evaluation of Tenebrio molitor Larvae Cooked by Various Cooking Methods Minhee Baek Young-Il Yoon Mi Ae Kim Jae-Sam Hwang Tae-Won Goo 1 Eun-Young Yun Department of Agricultural Biology, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Wanju-gun, 55365, Korea 1 Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Dongguk University, Gyeongju, 38066, Korea Abstract Recently, the Tenebrio molitor larva was recognized as a novel food ingredient by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in Korea. Accordingly, we investigated its physical and sensory characteristics to establish the cooking conditions that may increase the demand of T. molitor larvae as a food. In this study, T. molitor larvae were cooked by various methods such as hot air dry, oven-broil, roast, pan fry, deep fry, boil, steam, and by microwave. In the physical evaluation of texture, the hardness and fracturability values were highest when larvae were cooked in the microwave. The adhesiveness, springiness, and chewiness values were highest when larvae were boiled. Boiled and steamed larvae had the highest lightness (L value), while oven-broiled larvae had the highest redness (a value) and yellowness (b value) values. Sensory evaluations assessed the appearance, aroma, flavor, and texture of cooked T. molitor larvae. Steamed and boiled larvae sizes were significantly large and the form was well preserved similar to fresh larvae. The moisture heat cooked (steamed and boiled) T. molitor larvae had the aroma and flavor of steamed corn, canned pupa, and boiled mushroom. In case of oven-broiled T. molitor larvae, the aroma and flavor of mealworm oil, seafood, sweet and roasted sesame were higher than in those cooked by other methods. In texture among sensory evaluation, the hardness and crispiness were the highest in the hot air dried and oven-broiled larvae, whereas juiciness was significantly higher in the boiled and steamed. Accordingly, we suggest that oven-broiled T. molitor larva will be prefered by consumer, due to its the rich aroma and flavor. Key words: Tenebrio molitor, mealworm, physical evaluation, sensory evaluation Ⅰ. 서론 전세계적으로급속한인구성장과복지에대한관심의증가로인해육류를대체할만한새로운단백질급원이요구되고있으며, 이러한단백질급원은안전하고영양가가풍부해야하며소비자가신뢰할수있어야한다 (Verkerk MC 등 2007). 최근새로운단백질공급원으로써곤충이제시되고있으며, 국제연합식량농업기구 (FAO) 는 2003 년부터식용곤충에관심을기울이고있을뿐아니라곤충식량개발에매우적극적이다 (Van HA 2013). 그이유는곤충은사육시기존의단백질급원으로사용되는가축에 Corresponding author: Eun-Young Yun, Department of Agricultural Biology, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Wanju-gun, 55365, Korea Tel: Fax: yuney@korea.kr 비해온실가스와암모니아배출량이적으므로친환경적이며, 적은면적에서많은양을생산할수있다는장점이있기때문이다 (Van HA 등 2015). 식용곤충은식용을목적으로하는곤충을뜻하며, 이미세계적으로아프리카, 아시아, 유럽, 호주, 미주등많은지역에서동물성단백질, 필수아미노산및미량영양소섭취를위해다양한종의곤충을섭취하고있다 (Bukkens SGF 1997). 본연구에서사용한갈색거저리 (Tenebrio molitor) 는딱정벌레목거저리과에속하는곤충으로서전세계에널리분포하고있다. 또한대량사육시스템이체계적으로발달되어있어산업화가될경우균일한품질로공급이용이할뿐아니라이미중국, 네덜란드등여러나라에서식용으로사용되고있는곤충이기때문에식용으로서가치가높을것으로판단되었다 (Yoo OS 등 201. 따라서국내에서도 2011 년부터갈색거저리유충의식용화를위한연구에착수하여 2010 년부터식품의약품안전처에서시행 534

2 조리방법별갈색거저리유충의물리적및관능적특성 535 하고있는 새로운식품원료의안전성평가가이드라인 (Son MG 등 201 에부합되는것으로평가되어 2014 년 7 월에식품의약품안전처로부터새로운식품원료로한시적인정되어, 식품원료로사용할수있게되었다. 갈색거저리유충은기존의주요단백질원인육류와유사한수준의단백질을함유하고있어고단백이며, 아미노산과지방산함량분석결과필수및비필수아미노산을고루함유하고있을뿐만아니라, 전체지방산중혈행개선효과가우수한것으로보고 (Hodson L 등 200 되고있는불포화지방산이약 77% 정도함유되어있어영양적가치가우수한식품소재로개발가능성이높을것으로생각된다 (Yoo JM 등 2013). 현재까지갈색거저리유충의식용및기능성측면에서보고된연구로는영양성분및유해물질비교분석을통한식품으로서의가치평가 (Yoo JM 등 2013), 동결건조된갈색거저리유충분말의독성평가 (Han SR 등 2014), 갈색거저리유충으로부터추출한지방산의항치매효능분석 (Youn KJ 등 2014, Kim HR 등 2015), 갈색거저리유충의자가규격및유통기한설정을위한연구 (Chung MY 등 2014), 저장중의산화안정성에관한연구 (Kim SY 등 2015) 및파스타제조시품질특성연구 (Kim SH 등 2014) 만이보고되어있을뿐갈색거저리조리에따른특성분석에대한보고는전무한실정이다. 따라서본연구에서는갈색거저리유충이새로운식품원료로허용됨에따라갈색거저리유충의식용으로이용확대를위한일환으로조리방법별갈색거저리유충의물리적및관능적특성을확인하여식품으로사용하기위한최적의조건을찾고자하였다. Ⅱ. 재료및방법 1. 실험재료실험에사용한갈색거저리유충은경기곤충 (Gyeonggi- do, Korea) 으로부터구입하였다. 갈색거저리유충은종령으로서약 3 cm 정도로최대성장한것 (Choi YC 등 2014) 을실험에사용하였다 (Fig.. 2. 조리방법선정생 ( 生 ) 갈색거저리유충을전처리없이조리시갈변현상이나타나므로변색방지를위해전처리가필요할것으로판단되어끓는물에데치기로전처리방법을선정하여본연구에서사용한갈색거저리유충을이용한모든조리시전처리조건으로적용하였다. 예비실험을통해모든조리방법에서탄맛이나거나, 화학적이취가나는조리방법은제거하였으며, 본조리에는향및향미가좋은방법을기준으로건열조리에속하는열풍건조 (hot air dry, HAD), 굽기 (oven-broil, OV), 볶기 (roast, RO), 지지기 (pan fry, PF), 튀기기 (deep fry, DF), 습열조리에속하는삶기 (boil, BO), 찌기 (steam, ST) 및마이크로파 (microwave, MW) 조리의총 8가지조리법을이용하였으며각각의조리방법별온도및시간은 Table 1 에나타내었다. 열풍건조는전기건조기 (KD-1000, Haan corporation, Seoul, Korea) 를이용하였으며찌기는전기스팀쿠커 (DG6210, Jungshin electronic, Jeollanam-do, Korea) 를, 굽기와마이크로파조리는광파오븐 (MA324BGS, LG electronics, Seoul, Korea) 을이용하였다. 지지기와튀기기에는식용유 ( 백설콩기름, CJ CheilJedang, Seoul, Korea) 를시중에서구입하여사용하였다. 3. 물성 (texture) 측정조리법을달리하여가공한갈색거저리유충의물성은 texture analyzer(ta-xt2i, Stable Micro Systems, Godalming, UK) 를이용하여측정하였다. 경도 (hardness), 부서짐성 (fracturability), 부착성 (adhesiveness), 탄력성 (springiness), 씹힙성 (chewiness) 을 13회반복측정한후평균과표준편 Fig. 1. The larvae of Tenebrio molitor. (A) The living larva of Tenebrio molitor grown to maximum. (B) The larvae of Tenebrio molitor cooked by eight methods. Korean J. Food Cook. Sci. Vol. 31, No. 5 (2015)

3 536 백민희 윤영일 김미애 황재삼 구태원 윤은영 Table 1. The temperature and time of each cooking method Samples HAD Cooking method Temperature ( o C) Time Hot air dry 60 6 h OV Oven-broil m Dry heat RO Roast (without oil) m cooking PF Pan fry m DF Deep fry m ST Moisture heat Steam - 30 m BO cooking Boil - 10 m MW Microwave m 차를구하였다. 측정조건은 pre-test speed 2.0 mm/sec, test speed 2.0 mm/sec, post-test speed 2.0 mm/sec, distance 30%, time 5.0 sec, trigger force 10 g 이었다. 4. 색도 (color value) 측정각각의방법으로조리한갈색거저리유충의색도는색 차계 (TC-3600, Tokyo Denshoku, Tokyo, Japan) 를사용하여명도 (lightness, L), 적색도 (redness, a), 황색도 (yellowness, b) 값으로나타내었다. 표준백판 (L=98.33, a=-0.03, b= -0.37) 을사용하여색차계 (Tokyo Denshoku) 를보정한후색측정에이용하였으며, 시료는 3 회반복측정하여평균과표준편차를표시하였다. 5. 관능적특성측정 패널요원선정및훈련본실험에참가한패널요원은관능평가에관심이많고, 곤충식 ( 昆蟲食 ) 에대한거부감이없는연구원 20명을대상으로우선선발한후, 미각에대한평가 ( 삼점평가 ; Triangle test)(stone H 등 201 를진행하여평균 60점이상의연구원 8명을최종선정하였다. 선정된패널요원과함께갈색거저리유충의외관, 향, 향미, 조직감을표현할수있는묘사언어및표준시료를개발하였다 (Table. 패널요원훈련은 1회에 1시간, 1주일에총 4회씩, 2개월간총 32시간동안진행되었다. Table 2. Description language and reference samples used in the descriptive analysis of the mealworm Appearance Aroma Flavor Texture Characteristic Reference Description Color White paper (, Black paper (9) Light ( - Dark (9) Size 1 cm (, 5 cm (9) Small ( - Big (9) Form Fresh mealworm (9) Not preserved ( - Preserved well (9) Greasy - Not greasy ( - Much greasy (9) Oil Canola oil (9) Aroma of edible oil Oil of mealworm Mealworm (9) Aroma of mealworm's unique oil Seafood Squid or sea mustard (9) Aroma of seafood Pupa Canned pupa(7) Aroma of boiled silkworm pupa Sweet Puffed rice (7) Aroma of puffed rice Mushroom Boiled mushroom (9) Aroma of mushroom and raw bean Roasted sesame Sesame powder (9) Aroma of sesame and nut Steamed corn Canned corn Aroma of corn Oil Canola oil (9) Flavor of edible oil Oil of mealworm Mealworm (9) Flavor of mealworm's unique oil Shrimp Fried shrimp (9) Chitin flavor of shrimp Pupa Canned pupa (7) Flavor of boiled silkworm pupa Sweet Puffed rice (7) Flavor of Puffed rice or rice cracker Mushroom Boiled mushroom (9) Flavor of mushroom and raw bean Roasted sesame Sesame powder (9) Flavor of sesame and nut Steamed corn Canned corn (9) Flavor of corn Salty Salt 0.1% (3), 0.2% (5), 0.3% (9) Salty taste Hardness Canned corn (, ramen cracker (7) Force for biting sample Crispiness Cornflake (9) Chewing sound Juiciness Boiled mushroom (7) Juicy thing Feeling of residue Nacho (4), Delos (8) After swallowing and chewing, the degree cling to teeth and tongue 한국식품조리과학회지제 31 권제 5 호 (2015)

4 조리방법별갈색거저리유충의물리적및관능적특성 537 평가방법갈색거저리유충의관능적특성평가방법은정량적묘사분석방법 (Quantitative descriptive analysis, QDA)(Murray JM 등 200 을기본으로하고스펙트럼묘사분석방법을일부적용하였다. 특성강도는 9 점항목척도 (1 점 - 매우약함, 9 점 - 매우강함 ) 를사용하여평가하였다. 특성평가순서는외관 ( 색감, 크기, 형태, 기름진정도 ), 향 ( 기름향, 갈색거저리특유의기름향, 해산물향, 번데기향, 달콤한향, 버섯향, 고소한향, 찐옥수수향 ), 향미 ( 기름맛, 갈색거저리특유의기름맛, 새우맛, 번데기맛, 달콤한맛, 버섯맛, 고소한맛, 찐옥수수맛, 짠맛 ), 조직감 ( 경도, 바삭함, 다즙성, 이물감 ) 으로총 25 가지특성을평가하였다. 6. 통계처리분석결과는 SPSS 21.0 program(spss Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) 을사용하여평균과표준편차를산출하였다. 평균값의통계적유의성은일원배치분산분석 (one-way ANOVA) 을시행하여확인하였으며, 사후분석으로 Duncan s multiple range test를실시하여 p<0.05 수준에서시료간의유의적인차이를검증하였다. Ⅲ. 결과및고찰 1. 조리방법에따른갈색거저리유충의물성 (texture) 조리방법을달리하여제조한갈색거저리유충의물성을경도, 부서짐성, 부착성, 탄력성및씹힘성에대하여조사하였다 (Table 3). 경도및부서짐성은마이크로파조리에서가장높게나타났고, 볶기에서가장낮게나타났다. 마이크로파조리의경우시료의수분을감소시키므로 (Lee JH & Kim JS 2010) 경도와부서짐성이높은것으 로생각된다. 부착성은습열조리인삶기와찌기로조리한경우가장높게측정되었는데이는시료내수분의증가또는유지로인한것으로추정되었다. 한편, 탄력성은삶기에서가장높은것으로나타난반면, 열풍건조에서유의적으로낮았는데이는삶기조리시에수분이가해져갈색거저리유충의수분보유력이증가하였기때문으로추측된다 (Cho HS 등 2008). 씹힘성은마이크로파에서가장높은값을보였으며, 열풍건조와볶기에서가장낮은것으로나타났다. 2. 조리방법에따른갈색거저리유충의색도 (color value) 각각의조리방법이갈색거저리유충의색상에미치는영향을알아보기위하여조리방법에따른갈색거저리유충의명도 (L), 적색도 (a), 황색도 (b) 를측정하였다 (Table 4). L값은삶기및찌기와같은습열조리에서가장높게측정되어밝은색을띠었고, 굽기및튀기기에서는유의적으로낮은 L값이나타났다. 이러한결과는앞서보고된갈색거저리유충을조리한후삶기, 찌기를연한색으로분류하고, 튀기기, 굽기 ( 오븐 ) 를진한색으로분류한 Hwang SY 등 (2015) 의결과및오븐, 튀기기, 마이크로파로제조방법을달리한유과의색도측정결과 L값이마이크로파, 튀기기, 오븐순으로낮아진 Lee MS 등 (2008) 의결과와유사한경향임을알수있었다. a값은볶기에서가장높게나타났고, 찌기에서는낮은값을나타냈다. b값또한굽기에서높은값을보였으나 L값, a값과같은건열및습열조리의뚜렷한차이는나타나지않았다. 건열과습열조리에따른갈색거저리유충의색도비교분석결과, 수분함량이높은습열조리의경우 L값은증가하였고 a값은유의적으로감소함을확인하였고, 반면에 Table 3. Textural characteristics of mealworm cooked by various methods Cooking method Hardness Fracturability Adhesiveness Springiness Chewiness HAD ± c3) ± cd -0.38±0.80 c 0.62±0.12 c ± c OV ± bc ± c 0.13±0.68 c 0.83±0.09 bc ±76.71 bc RO ± d d -0.17±0.80 c 0.84±0.07 bc ±48.96 c PF ± bc ± b 0.05±0.82 c 0.88±0.05 bc ±81.51 bc DF ± b ± b -0.29±0.95 c 0.89±0.04 bc ±96.50 b ST ±87.51 f ±87.51 e 4.89±2.64 b 1.18±0.26 b ± bc BO ±95.17 e ±95.17 d 6.41±2.85 a 1.44±0.92 a ± a MW ± a ± a ±0.59 c 0.94±0.04b bc ± a F-value *** *** *** *** *** HAD: hot air dry, OV: oven-broil, RO: roast, PF: pan fry, DF: deep fry, ST: steam, BO: boil, MW: microwave Values are mean±sd, ***p< ) a-f Means with different subscripts within columns are significantly different at the p<0.05 by Duncan s multiple test. Korean J. Food Cook. Sci. Vol. 31, No. 5 (2015)

5 538 백민희 윤영일 김미애 황재삼 구태원 윤은영 Table 4. Hunter's color values of mealworm cooked by various methods Cooking method L a b HAD 39.9±0.28 b3) 7.1±0.18 b 23.0±0.40 b OV 34.8±1.05 d 7.2±0.37 b 19.3±1.13 c RO 39.9±1.24 b 8.2±0.45 a 24.9±1.06 a PF 39.9±0.21 b 4.8±0.32 d 19.5±1.39 c DF 33.5±1.22 d 6.4±0.23 c 18.7±0.22 c ST 40.7±0.43 b 4.3±0.02 e 18.9±0.22 c BO 45.2±0.08 a 4.9±0.02 d 22.1±0.16 b MW 36.8±0.14 c 5.9±0.04 c 19.7±0.66 c F-value *** *** *** HAD: hot air dry, OV: oven-broil, RO: roast, PF: pan fry, DF: deep fry, ST: steam, BO: boil, MW: microwave Values are mean±sd, ***p< ) a-e Means with different subscripts within columns are significantly different at the p<0.05 by Duncan s multiple test. 수분함량이낮은건열조리는 L 값이감소하였고 a 값과 b 값이증가하였는데, 이러한결과는앞서보고된수분함량에따른즉석팽화쌀스낵의물리적특성 (Jin Tie 등 201 에대한연구결과와유사함을확인할수있었다. 따라서수분은조리방법별갈색거저리유충의색도에영향을미치는요인임을확인하였다. 3. 조리방법에따른갈색거저리유충의관능적특성 외관 (appearance) 조리방법에따른갈색거저리유충의외관에대한관능 적평가는색감, 크기, 형태, 기름진정도를분석하였다 (Table 5, Fig. 2A). 조리방법별갈색거저리유충의외관에대한관능평가중색감에대한평가는굽기 (4.48± 0.750), 지지기 (4.9±51.07 및열풍건조 (5.10±1.22 에서유의적으로가장높았고, 삶기 (1.86±0.573) 와찌기 (2.38± 1.32 에서가장낮아굽기, 지지기, 열풍건조시에는가장어두운색깔을나타내고삶기와찌기에서가장밝은색을띠는것으로추측되었다. 색차계 (Tokyo Denshoku) 를이용한색도측정결과와비교했을때, L 값이낮고 a 값이높은건열조리법의색이어두운것으로평가되었고, L 값이높고 a 값이낮은습열조리법이가장밝은것으로평가되어기계를사용하여측정한물리적특성과관능적특성이유사함을확인할수있었다 (Table 4, 5). 크기및형태는습열조리인삶기 (8.90±0.301, 8.57±1.326) 에서가장높은수치가나타났는데, 이는조리시에갈색거저리유충이수분을흡수하여팽창했기때문으로추정되었다. 열풍건조 (3.00±1.095, 2.76±0.700) 와굽기 (5.38±1.359, 5.14± 1.493) 의경우갈색거저리유충의크기가다른조리법에비해작은것으로평가되었으며상대적으로형태가잘보존되지않았다. 이는열풍으로건조를시키거나오븐에서구울때다량의수분이증발되어시료가수축되기때문으로판단되었다. 기름진정도는식용유를사용하여조리한지지기 (8.24±1.044) 와튀기기 (7.86±1.878) 에서유의적으로높게나타났고, 수분을가하여조리한찌기 (1.52± 0.814) 와삶기 (1.05±0.218) 에서가장낮은값을나타내었다. 향 (aroma) 조리방법에따른갈색거저리유충의향에대한관능평 Table 5. The sensory evaluation for appearance of mealworm cooked by various methods Cooking method Appearance Color Size Form Greasy HAD 5.10±1.221 ab3) 3.00±1.095 d 2.76±0.700 f 3.33±1.155 c OV 4.48±0.750 bc 5.38±1.359 c 5.14±1.493 e 4.29±1.146 b RO 5.62±1.499 a 3.67±1.560 d 3.29±1.586 f 3.86±1.931 bc PF 4.95±1.071 ab 6.19±1.470 c 6.00±1.414 d 8.24±1.044 a DF 3.81±1.078 c 7.76±1.446 b 7.62±1.322 bc 7.86±1.878 a ST 2.38±1.322 d 7.81±1.401 b 8.00±1.449 ab 1.52±0.814 d BO 1.86±0.573 d 8.90±0.301 a 8.57±1.326 a 1.05±0.218 d MW 4.14±0.964 c 7.14±1.389 b 7.10±1.179 c 3.57±1.326 bc F-value *** *** *** *** HAD: hot air dry, OV: oven-broil, RO: roast, PF: pan fry, DF: deep fry, ST: steam, BO: boil, MW: microwave Values are mean±sd, ***p< ) a-f Means with different subscripts within columns are significantly different at the p<0.05 by Duncan s multiple test. 한국식품조리과학회지제 31 권제 5 호 (2015)

6 조리방법별갈색거저리유충의물리적및관능적특성 539 Fig. 2. Sensory QDA profile of mealworm cooked by various methods. (A) The results of sensory evaluation for appearance. (B) The results of sensory evaluation for aroma. (C) The results of sensory evaluation for flavor. (D) The results of sensory evaluation for texture and residual. HAD: hot air dry, OV: oven-broil, RO: roast, PF: pan fry, DF: deep fry, ST: steam, BO: boil, MW: microwave. 가는기름향, 갈색거저리고유의기름향, 해산물향, 번데기향, 달콤한향, 버섯향, 고소한향, 찐옥수수향에대해측정되었다 (Table 6, Fig. 2B). 지지기 (6.10±3.300) 와튀기기 (6.14±3.229) 는식용유를사용하였기때문에기름 향이현저하게높게평가되었고그외의조리법에서는큰차이를보이지않았다 (1.00±0.000~1.62±1.80. 갈색거저리유충고유의기름향은굽기 (6.48±1.778) 에서유의적으로높았고찌기 (1.29±0.56 와삶기 (1.43±1.12 에서 Table 6. The sensory evaluation for aroma of mealworm cooked by various methods Cooking method Oil Oil of mealworm Aroma Seafood Pupa Sweet Mushroom Roasted sesame Steamed corn HAD 1.62±1.802 b3) 2.86±1.014 c 4.33±1.354 bc 2.00±0.775 b 1.43±0.746 c 1.10±0.436 c 2.14±1.315 cd 1.14±0.359 b OV 1.00±0.000 b 6.48±1.778 a 5.43±1.660 a 2.71±0.845 bc 4.90±1.578 a 1.00±0.000 c 6.95±1.717 a 1.19±0.512 b RO 1.19±0.602 b 4.05±1.431 b 4.76±1.044 ab 2.67±0.913 bc 2.43±0.978 b 1.05±0.218 c 3.43±1.599 b 1.62±0.805 b PF 6.10±3.300 a 2.81±1.990 c 3.81±1.569 bc 2.05±1.071 bc 2.05±1.161 bc 1.05±0.218 c 2.24±1.729 cd 1.33±0.577 b DF 6.14±3.229 a 3.05±2.085 c 4.14±1.424 bc 1.52±0.928 c 1.95±1.284 bc 1.00±0.000 c 2.81±1.965 bc 1.29±0.561 b ST 1.00±0.000 b 1.29±0.561 d 3.90±1.700 bc 4.76±1.044 a 1.62±0.921 c 1.95±0.740 b 1.24±0.436 d 6.76±2.022 a BO 1.00±0.000 b 1.43±1.121 d 3.62±1.687 c 4.48±1.167 a 1.43±0.811 c 2.24±0.625 a 1.57±1.207 d 6.52±1.632 a MW 1.19±0.602 b 4.81±1.632 b 5.62±1.244 a 2.86±1.153 b 2.67±1.278 b 1.14±0.478 c 3.81±1.940 b 1.62±0.973 b F-value *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** HAD: hot air dry, OV: oven-broil, RO: roast, PF: pan fry, DF: deep fry, ST: steam, BO: boil, MW: microwave. Values are mean±sd, ***p< ) a-d Means with different subscripts within columns are significantly different at the p<0.05 by Duncan s multiple test. Korean J. Food Cook. Sci. Vol. 31, No. 5 (2015)

7 540 백민희 윤영일 김미애 황재삼 구태원 윤은영 낮게나타났다. 해산물향은굽기 (5.43±1.660) 와마이크로파 (5.62±1.244) 조리시에가장높았고삶기 (3.62±1.687) 조리시에가장낮았다. 갈색거저리의해산물향은갈색거저리외피에함유된키틴질 (Kim SY 등 2015) 에의해갑각류껍질의키틴질과유사한향을가지기때문인것으로사료되며이러한갑각류가지닌특유의맛과냄새는대부분기호도를높이는경향이있으므로 (Oh KS 등 200 해산물향이강하게나타나는굽기와마이크로파로조리된갈색거저리유충의기호도가높을것이라추정된다. 반면에, 번데기향은습열조리인찌기 (4.76±1.044) 와삶기 (4.48±1.167) 에서가장높았고튀기기 (1.52±0.928) 에서가장낮은값을보였다. 달콤한향은갈색거저리유충고유의기름향과유사하게굽기 (4.90±1.578) 에서유의적으로높았고, 찌기 (1.62±0.92 와삶기 (1.43±0.81 및열풍건조 (1.43±0.746) 에서가장낮은값을보였다. 버섯향은삶기 (2.24±0.625) 에서유의적으로높게나타났으나전반적으로점수가높지않아 (1.00±0.000~1.95±0.740) 향이강하지않을것으로사료되었다. 고소한향은굽기 (6.95±1.717) 에서가장높았고찌기 (1.24±0.436) 와삶기 (1.57±1.207) 에서가장낮았다. 찐옥수수향은번데기향, 버섯향과유사하게찌기 (6.76±2.02 와삶기 (6.52±1.63 에서가장높았고, 다른조리시에는값이현저하게낮아 (1.14±0.359~ 1.62±0.973) 향이강하지않을것으로판단되었다. 이상의결과를바탕으로, 갈색거저리특유의향, 해산물향, 달콤한향, 고소한향을내기위해서는굽기조리가알맞으며, 번데기향, 찐옥수수향을내기위해서는찌기및삶기조리가알맞을것으로판단되어기호에따라조리법을달리하여섭취할수있을것으로사료되었다. 3) 향미 (flavor) 조리방법별갈색거저리유충의향미에대한관능평가는기름맛, 갈색거저리고유의기름맛, 새우맛, 번데기맛, 달콤한맛, 버섯맛, 고소한맛, 찐옥수수맛과짠맛에대해분석하였다 (Table 7, Fig. 2C). 분석결과, 기름맛은지지기 (6.86±2.988) 와튀기기 (6.48±2.874) 에서현저하게높은값을보였으나다른조리법에서는점수가전반적으로낮아 (1.00±0.000~1.43±1.568) 유의적인차이가없었다. 이러한이유는식용유를사용하여조리했기때문으로사료된다. 갈색거저리고유의기름맛과새우맛은굽기 (6.71±0.717, 6.67±0.856) 에서유의적으로높았으며찌기 (1.38±0.740, 1.90±0.995) 와삶기 (1.14±0.359, 1.90±1.136) 에서가장낮았다. 갈색거저리유충의새우맛또한해산물향과같이갈색거저리와새우외피에공통적으로함유된키틴질에의한것이라추정되었다. 반면에, 번데기맛은찌기 (5.14±0.854) 와삶기 (4.71±1.27 에서가장높았고열풍건조 (2.19±1.327), 지지기 (2.48±1.250), 튀기기 (1.81± 0.814) 에서유의적으로낮은값을보였다. 달콤한맛은굽기 (4.352±1.250) 에서가장강한것으로평가된반면지지기 (1.90±1.136), 찌기 (1.95±1.117), 삶기 (1.29±0.56 에서는가장낮은것으로나타났다. 버섯맛은찌기 (2.00± 0.707) 와삶기 (1.90±0.625) 에서유의적으로높게나타났으나버섯향의결과와같이전반적으로점수가높지않아 (1.00±0.000~1.14±0.655) 맛이강하지않을것으로사료되었다. 고소한맛은갈색거저리고유의기름맛, 새우맛과비슷한경향을보여굽기 (7.00±0.548) 에서가장높았으며찌기 (1.52±0.814) 와삶기 (1.33±0.577) 조리시에유의적으로낮았다. 찐옥수수맛은습열조리인찌기 (7.19 Table 7. The sensory evaluation for flavor and basic taste of mealworm cooked by various methods Cooking method Oil Oil of mealworm Flavor Shrimp Pupa Sweet Mushroom Roasted sesame Steamed corn HAD 1.00±0.000 b3) 4.95±1.499 b 5.24±1.700 b 2.19±1.327 cd 3.24±1.411 b 1.10±0.436 b 4.76±1.921 b 1.33±0.730 c 5.48±1.327 a OV 1.00±0.000 b 6.71±0.717 a 6.67±0.856 a 2.67±0.577 bc 4.52±1.250 a 1.00±0.000 b 7.00±0.548 a 1.10±0.301 c 6.10±0.889 a RO 1.43±1.568 b 4.38±1.024 b 3.90±0.768 c 3.29±0.784 b 2.71±0.902 bc 1.00±0.000 b 4.10±1.375 bc 2.05±0.805 b 5.52±1.123 a PF 6.86±2.988 a 2.43±1.720 d 3.00±1.183 d 2.48±1.250 cd 1.90±1.136 de 1.14±0.655 b 2.67±2.008 d 2.00±1.049 b 4.14±1.424 b DF 6.48±2.874 a 3.29±2.028 c 3.48±1.401 cd 1.81±0.814 d 2.48±1.030 cd 1.00±0.000 b 3.76±1.814 c 1.43±0.676 bc 4.67±0.577 b ST 1.00±0.000 b 1.38±0.740 e 1.90±0.995 e 5.14±0.854 a 1.95±1.117 de 1.90±0.625 a 1.52±0.814 e 7.19±1.436 a 2.57±0.507 c BO 1.00±0.000 b 1.14±0.359 e 1.90±1.136 e 4.71±1.271 a 1.29±0.561 e 2.00±0.707 a 1.33±0.577 e 6.62±1.465 a 2.33±0.658 c MW 1.10±0.436 b 4.62±1.244 b 4.24±1.564 c 2.76±1.179 bc 2.76±1.044 bc 1.00±0.000 b 4.14±1.459 bc 1.62±0.921 bc 4.71±1.146 b F-value *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** HAD: hot air dry, OV: oven-broil, RO: roast, PF: pan fry, DF: deep fry, ST: steam, BO: boil, MW: microwave. Values are mean±sd, ***p< ) a-e Means with different subscripts within columns are significantly different at the p<0.05 by Duncan s multiple test. Salty 한국식품조리과학회지제 31 권제 5 호 (2015)

8 조리방법별갈색거저리유충의물리적및관능적특성 541 Table 8. The sensory evaluation for texture and residue of mealworm cooked by various methods Texture Cooking method Hardness Crispiness Juiciness Feeling of residue HAD 6.43±0.926 a3) 6.81±1.030 a 1.10±0.301 e 5.24±1.446 a OV 4.71±1.189 a 6.86±1.153 b 1.24±0.436 e 5.19±1.504 a RO 3.48±0.512 b 3.57±0.811 c 2.71±0.784 c 3.43±0.746 b PF 4.00±0.707 c 2.67±0.658 d 3.29±0.845 b 2.81±0.512 c DF 2.90±0.539 b 3.33±1.317 d 2.38±0.865 cd 3.29±0.845 bc ST 2.05±0.498 d 1.23±0.463 e 5.71±0.845 a 1.81±0.602 d BO 2.10±0.301 d 1.24±0.436 e 6.05±0.740 a 1.81±0.680 d MW 3.81±1.030 b 3.90±1.546 c 2.05±0.865 d 3.52±0.750 b F-value *** *** *** *** HAD: hot air dry, OV: oven-broil, RO: roast, PF: pan fry, DF: deep fry, ST: steam, BO: boil, MW: microwave. Values are mean±sd, ***p< ) a-e Means with different subscripts within columns are significantly different at the p<0.05 by Duncan s multiple test. ±1.436) 와삶기 (6.62±1.465) 에서가장높은것으로나타났고, 짠맛은열풍건조 (5.48±1.327), 굽기 (6.10±0.889), 볶기 (5.52±1.123) 에서유의적으로높은반면에찌기 (2.57± 0.507) 와삶기 (2.33±0.658) 에서가장낮았다. 이러한결과로보아, 굽기조리로인해수분이증발되면서갈색거저리유충이가진고유의다양한향미가진하게농축되어새우맛, 달콤한맛, 고소한맛, 짠맛이강하게느껴지는것으로추정되며, 찌기와삶기조리시에는번데기맛, 버섯맛, 찐옥수수맛이높았는데이는수분을사용하여조리한공통점때문인것으로추측되었다. 따라서갈색거저리유충으로부터새우맛, 달콤한맛, 고소한맛, 짠맛을선호할경우오븐을이용한굽기조리가알맞으며번데기맛, 찐옥수수맛을내고자할경우수분을이용한찌기, 삶기등이알맞을것으로판단되었다. 4) 조직감 (texture) 갈색거저리유충을각각의조리방법으로조리한후조직감에대한관능평가는경도, 바삭함, 다즙성및이물감에대하여분석하였다 (Table 8, Fig. 2D). 조직감분석결과, 경도는열풍건조 (6.43±0.926) 와굽기 (4.71±1.189) 에서, 바삭함은굽기 (6.86±1.153) 조리시에가장높았으며찌기 (2.05±0.498, 1.23±0.463) 와삶기 (2.10±0.301, 1.24±0.436) 조리에서가장낮은경도및바삭함값을보였다. 기계적물성의경도와부서짐성이건열조리에서높고습열조리에서낮았는데이를통해기계로측정한물성과관능평가를통한조직감이유사함을확인하였다. 이러한결과는건열조리에의해수분이증발되면서경도및바삭함이증가한반면습열조리에의해수분이가해져경도와바삭함이감소한것으로추측되며앞서보고된수분함량 별밥의관능적특성을조사한것과유사한결과임을확인할수있었다 (Kim WJ 등 1995). 또한앞서 Lee MS 등 (2008) 의결과에서경도와바삭함이오븐, 마이크로파, 튀기기중오븐조리시에가장높고경도와바삭함이높을수록기호도평가점수가높게나타난다고보고된것처럼추후에진행될기호도조사에서도굽기로조리한갈색거저리유충에대한기호도가높을것이라추정되었다. 다즙성은삶기 (6.05±0.740) 와찌기 (5.71±0.845) 에서가장높았고열풍건조 (1.10±0.30 와굽기 (1.24±0.436) 조리시에가장낮았는데기계적물성의부착성과유사한결과를보여삶기와찌기조리중에가해진수분에의해갈색거저리유충내에함유된수분이많아져다즙성이높게나타났고, 그에따라기계적물성의부착성또한증가한것으로판단되었다. 이물감에대한평가결과, 경도와바삭함의결과와유사하게열풍건조 (5.24±1.446) 와굽기 (5.19±1.504) 에서높은값을나타냈다. 이러한결과는입안에서부서지고남은갈색거저리유충의파편들로인한것으로판단되었다. 반면에삶기 (1.81±0.60 와찌기 (1.81 ±0.680) 에서는이물감이가장낮은것으로평가되었는데이러한이유는수분이많은만큼입안에서이물감없이부드러운질감을갖기때문으로사료되었다. Ⅳ. 결론 본연구는 2014 년에갈색거저리유충이새로운식품으로한시적인정되었으므로이들의소비확대를위한일환으로수행되었다. 갈색거저리유충의품질향상을위해조리방법별갈색거저리유충의물리적및관능적특성을확인하였다. 갈색거저리유충의물성분석결과, 경도와 Korean J. Food Cook. Sci. Vol. 31, No. 5 (2015)

9 542 백민희 윤영일 김미애 황재삼 구태원 윤은영 부서짐성은마이크로파조리시에가장높았고탄력성, 씹힘성은삶기조리시에가장높게나타났다. 색도분석결과, L 값은삶기에서가장높았고굽기와튀기기에서가장낮았다. a 값은볶기에서가장높았고지지기와삶기에서가장낮았으며, b 값은볶기에서가장높았다. 앞서발아벼의볶음시간과온도가증가함에따라갈색이진해져발아벼의색이어두워졌고그에따라기호도가증가한결과 (Lee SH 등 2009) 로보아 L 값이가장낮은굽기와튀기기의기호도가높을것으로추정되었다. 갈색거저리유충의크기는삶기에서가장컸고열풍건조와볶기에서가장작았으며형태는삶기에서원형이잘유지되었다. 기름진정도는식용유를사용하여조리한지지기와튀기기에서유의적으로높았다. 갈색거저리특유의기름향 / 맛, 해산물향 / 새우맛, 달콤한향 / 맛, 고소한향 / 맛은건열조리인굽기에서높은반면, 번데기, 삶은버섯, 찐옥수수향과맛은찌기와삶기에서가장높았다. 조직감분석결과, 열풍건조및굽기의경우경도, 바삭함, 이물감은열풍건조와굽기에서가장높은반면, 삶기와찌기에서가장낮았고, 다즙성은이와반대의경향을나타내었으며이러한결과는수분이조직감에영향을미치기때문으로추측되었다. 갈색거저리유충의조리방법중굽기는기호도가높은색도와조직감을나타낼뿐만아니라앞서보고된연구에서구운갈색거저리유충분말을머핀에첨가할경우, 첨가량이증가함에따라풍미기호도가증가한것 (Hwang SY & Choi SK 2015) 처럼본연구에서도갈색거저리유충을구웠을경우, 해산물향과새우맛, 고소하고달콤한향과맛등다양한향과맛이풍부하게나타나므로갈색거저리유충을굽기조리하였을때기호도가높을것으로추정된다. 이상의결과에서나타난조리방법별갈색거저리유충의물리적및관능적특성과더불어금후에수행할기호도평가를통해보다정확하게소비자가선호하는갈색거저리조리법이확립되어식용갈색거저리유충의소비확대에이바지할것이라기대된다. 감사의글 본연구는농촌진흥청에서지원하는어젠다프로그램 (PJ 의연구수행으로인한결과물임을밝힙니다. References Bukkens SGF The nutritional value of edible insects. Ecol Food Nutr 36(2-4): Cho HS, Shin JH, Choi DJ, Lee SJ, Kang MJ, Sung NJ Physico-chemical characteristics of seasoned pork prepared with medicinal plant extracts during storage. J Life Sci 18(:38-45 Choi YC, Park YG, Lee JS, Lee SH, Kim SG, Kim NJ, Kim SH, Choi JY, Park GH, Hwang JS, Yun EY The guideline for standard breeding of edible insencts. National Academy of Agricultural Science. RDA. Suwon, Korea. pp Chung MY, Lee JY, Lee JC, Park KS, Jeong JP, Hwang JS, Goo TW, Yun EY Establishment of self-specification and shelf-life by standardization of manufacturing process for lyophilized Tenebrio molitor larvae. J Seric Entomol Sci 52(:73-78 Han SR, Yun EY, Kim JY, Hwang JS, Jeong EJ, Moon KS Evaluation of genotoxicity and 28-day oral dose toxicity on freeze-dried powder of Tenebrio molitor larvae (yellow mealworm). Toxicol Res 30(: Hodson L, Skeaff CM, Chisholm WAH The effect of replacing dietary saturated fat with polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fat on plasma lipids in free-living young adults. Eur J Clin Nutr 55(10): Hwang SY, Bae GK, Choi SK Preferences and purchase intention of Tenebrio molitor (mealworm) according to cooking method. Korean J Culin Res 21(: Hwang SY, Choi SK Quality characteristic of muffins containing mealworm (Tenebrio molitor). Korean J Culin Res 21(3): Jin Tie, Yu JH, Ryu GH Effect of moisture content and temperature on physical properties of instant puffed rice snacks. J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr 41(6): Kim HR, Youn KJ, Yun EY, Hwang JS, Jeong WS, Ho CT, Jun MR Oleic acid ameliorates Aβ-induced inflammation by down regulation of COX-2 and inos via NF-κB signaling pathway. J Funct Food 14:1-11 Kim SH, Kim KB, Noh JS, Yun EY, Choi SK Quality characteristics of pasta with addition of mealworm (Tenebrio molitor). FoodServ Ind J 10(3):55-64 Kim SY, Son YJ, Kim SH, Kim AN, Lee GY, Hwang IK Studies on oxidative stability of Tenebrio molitor larvae during cold storage. Korean J Food Cook Sci 31(:62-71 Kim WJ, Chung NY, Kim SK, Lee AR, Lee SK, Ha YC, Baik MY Sensory characteristics of cooked rices differing in moisture contents. Korean J Food Sci Technol 27(6): Lee JH, Kim JS Effect of microwave treatment on Korean ginseng. Korean J Food Nutr 23(3): Lee MS, Kim MY, Chun SS Quality characteristics of Yukwa prepared with Rubus coreanus Miquel extract using different puffing process methods. Korean J Food Cook Sci 24(3): Lee SH, Lee YR, Hwang IG, Woo KS, Kim KH, Kim KJ, Jeong HS Antioxidant activities and quality characteristics of germinated rough rice tea according to roasting temperature, time and leaching condition. Korean J Food Sci 한국식품조리과학회지제 31 권제 5 호 (2015)

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