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3 1. Bookself 생명과학 보건의료관련단행본, 보고서의서지정보와원문 2017 년 3 월현재 4,530 권 33 개의주제분야 가장많은주제 : Health Care (2,152 권 ), Health Policy (1,854) Browse 검색, 키워드검색가능 서명, 저자이름, 편집자이름, 출판사이름, ISBN, 출판년검색 원문은 HTML 형태 (contents 링크 ), PDF

4 Bookself 4

5 2. PubMed 미국국립의학도서관에서 1996 년에서비스시작된의학분야최고의 Database medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, health care systems, and preclinical sciences. 1947~65년 16,000건, 1966년이후 2,600만건이상의 Citation Adds citations Tuesday through Saturday E-Journal 원문과연결 - 469개정도의원문 Database와출판사에서약 8,765 여종원문제공 ( ) 년 4월부터는 NCBI Bookshelf에서제공하는 Book도검색가능 5

6 MEDLINE 세계적인생의학 보건관련 Database 미국등 80 여개국가에서출판되는저널 ( 약 5,640 종 ) 수록된논문은 NLM 의통제어인 MeSH 로색인되어짐 (PubMed Indexed for MEDLINE) PubMed 에서가장큰부분을차지하고있음 6

7 PubMed 와 Medline PubMed 의구성 - MEDLINE 89% (2,100 만건의 citation) Over 21 million journal citations from 1948 to present ftp://nlmpubs.nlm.nih.gov/online/journals/ljiweb.pdf - In Process 1% - OLDMEDLINE 1% Journal citations from Publisher 2% - Only PubMed 7% 7

8 PubMed record 수 PubMed MEDLINE (PubMed 의약 89%) Index Medicus (MEDLINE 의약 80%) 240,000 건 PMC (PubMed 약 11%) 8

9 9

10 MEDLINE 자료구성 10

11 3. 우리도서관 PubMed 우리도서관에서 E-J 을구독해서원문을바로볼수있는경우 의료원내에서만이용가능 우리도서관에서구독하는 E-J 연결뿐만아니라다양한링크정보제공 Full text 연결 Link, Print J 소장정보, 원문복사신청, SCIE 등재된경우다른논문검색기능, JCR impact factor 값확인 11

12 4. PubMed Searching Keywords 첫검색창에검색어를넣어서검색하는방법으로가장기본적인방법 Author Advanced 에서 author 을선택해서검색 Journal Advanced 에서 journal 을선택해서검색 주제어 MeSH(Medical Subject Heading) 검색주제어의상하개념을확인할수있고 subheading 을지정하여검색 12

13 1 Keywords 검색 1. AND, OR, NOT 검색 lung AND cancer : lung 과 cancer 가모두포함된논문검색 lung OR cancer: lung 이나 cancer 둘중하나만포함되어있으면검색 lung NOT cancer: lung 검색결과에서 cancer 가포함된논문은제외 2. Phrase 검색 단어구로검색하기위해서는 사이에구를입력 3. Nesting 검색 ( ) 가있으면우선검색 4. Truncation 절단검색을원할때는 * 를사용하여검색예 : child* (child, children, childhood 등 ) 13

14 Boolean 연산자 14

15 2 Author 검색 1. [AU] 이용 : 예 ) Smith A. [AU] 2. Advanced 메뉴이용 3. Single Citation Matcher 이용 15

16 3 Journal 명검색 1. [ta] 이용 : 예 ) Cancer[ta] 2. Advanced 메뉴이용 3. Single Citation Matcher 이용 16

17 4 MeSH 검색 MeSH Database 이용 17

18 MeSH Database The National Library of Medicine's controlled vocabulary thesaurus ( 검색어입력후해당 MeSH 를결과로보여주고, 상세화면에서는 subheading 과상하개념의용어들을계층구조로보여줌 논문작성시 keywords 선정에서 MeSH term 확인가능 MeSH on Demand ( 자동 MeSH 추출 ) 18

19 19

20 20

21 5 검색결과비교 Recent queries in pubmed Search Query Items found Time #7 Search artificial tooth[mesh Major Topic] :31:45 #6 Search artificial tooth [Mesh] :27:31 #5 Search artificial too* :29:20 #4 Search artificial tooth [TiAb] 150 4:28:28 #3 Search "artificial tooth" :26:18 #2 Search artificial tooth :23:42 21

22 5. Filters 1. Article Type : Publication types 2. Text availability 3. PubMed Commons 4. Publication Dates 5. Species: Humans / Other animals 6. Journal Categories : Core clinical, Dental, Nursing Journal 5. Additional filter Languages Sex Subjects Ages Search Fields 22

23 23

24 24

25 6. Advanced Search Search Builder Search History More Resources Clinical Queries, Topic-Specific Queries, MeSH, Journals, Single Citation Matcher 25

26 Search Builder 특정 field 로제한, 결합검색 keyword 입력시 index 기능이있어서용어선택시도움이됨 26

27 Search History 검색했던검색기록을확인 Inactivity 8시간후삭제됨 검색질의어에생성된번호 (#n) 로검색가능 My NCBI에저장하여활용 Clear History ( 삭제기능 ) 27

28 7. Documents 28

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30 Similar articles 30

31 Results by Year 31

32 PMC Images Search 32


34 Cited by over 1 PubMed Central article 34

35 Documents Display 검색된결과논문을보는형식을지정가능 1. Format : Summary, Abstract, MEDLINE, XML 2. Sort by : 논문배열순서설정 Most Recent, Best Match, Publication Date, First Author, Last Author, Journal, Title 3. Items per Page : 페이지당보여지는논문수설정 35

36 Documents Display 1. Format : Summary, Abstract, MEDLINE, XML 2. Sort by : 논문배열순서설정 Most Recent, Best Match, Publication Date, First Author, Last Author, Journal, Title 36

37 Documents Display 3. Items per Page : 페이지당보여지는논문수설정 37

38 Display format (1) 1. Summary : 기본형식으로간단한서지정보제공 2. Summary text : summary 정보를 text 형태로제공 38

39 Display format (2) 3. Abstract : 초록정보와원문링크정보제공 4. Abstract text : Abstract 정보를링크없이 text 형태로제공 39

40 Display format (3) 5. MEDLINE : Field 명을구분하여 text 형태로보여주는형식으로 EndNote 등서지관리프로그램반입시활용가능 40

41 41

42 8. Clipboard 특정논문을선택해서모아둘수있음 이화면에서 Print, Save를실행 500개의논문까지저장가능 - 단 inactivity 8시간후삭제됨 My NCBI에저장가능 Remove from Clipboard ( 선택한논문삭제 ) 42

43 9. 검색어선정 1. 연구주제에서검색어선정 2. MeSH 검색을통한검색어선정 2. 관련문헌의 MeSH 참조를통한검색어선정 3. Similar articles 확장검색을통한검색어선정 43

44 1. 연구주제에서검색어선정 근거에기반한혈액투석환자신체활동증진프로그램 개발및적용 혈액투석 / hemodialysis 신체활동, 증진프로그램 / Human Activities, Health Promotion

45 한글검색어를영문으로 : BabelMeSH 45

46 2. MeSH 검색을통한검색어선정 의학주제인 MeSH 검색으로검색어선정 Auto Mapping 으로입력한키워드에대한 MeSH term 검색가능 MeSH on Demand

47 MeSH on Demand



50 3. 관련문헌의 MeSH 참조를통한검색어선정

51 Keywords / MeSH Terms 51

52 4. Similar articles 확장검색을통한검색어선정

53 10. More Resources 1. MeSH Database 2. Journals in NCBI Databases 3. Clinical Trials 53

54 Journals in NCBI Database 1. Journal 명으로검색 Journal의서지사항을보여줌 - Journal 명검색후오른쪽끝에있는 Links 를선택하면 PubMed로연결하여해당 journal 명으로검색이이루어짐 2. Full Title, 약어, ISSN 으로검색가능 54

55 Journal 명검색 1. [ta] 이용 : 예 ) Cancer[ta] 2. Advanced 메뉴이용 3. Single Citation Matcher 이용 55

56 Clinical Trials 196 개국에서수집된 237,836 개의임상시험제공 Search, Submit Studies, Study Topics, Glossary 제공 56

57 11. PubMed Tools 1. PubMed Mobile 2. Single Citation Matcher 3. Batch Citation Matcher 4. Clinical Queries 5. Topic Specific Queries 57

58 PubMed Mobile 58

59 Single Citation Matcher 특정논문을찾는기능 Journal, 권, 호, 페이지, 출판년도등을입력하여특정논문검색 모든 field 를다입력하면 1 개의논문만이검색됨 59

60 임상관련질의 Clinical Queries Search by Clinical Study Category Etiology, Diagnosis, Therapy, Prognosis, Clinical prediction guides Find Systematic Reviews Medical Genetics Searches diagnosis, differential diagnosis, clinical description, management, genetic counseling, molecular genetics, genetic testing 60

61 Clinical Queries (2) Clinical Study Category 61

62 Topic Specific Queries (1) 특정주제등으로제한하여검색가능한다양한검색창제공 Clinician and Health Services Researchers Queries Clinical Queries, Electronic Health Records, Comparative Effectiveness Research, Health Services Research(HSR) Queries, Healthy People 2010 Subjects AIDS, Bioethics, Cancer, Complementary Medicine, Dietary Supplements, Health Disparities, Health Literacy, History of Medicine, Population Health, Research Reporting Guidelines and Initiatives, Space Life Sciences, Smallpox, Toxicology, Veterinary Science 62

63 Topic Specific Queries (2) Additional Search Queries / Interfaces ALTBIB, CAM on PubMed, MedlinePlus Health Topics, National Institute of Health Funding Support, Retracted Publication, TOXNET Journal Collections Core clinical Journals, Dental Journals, Nursing Journals 63

64 감사합니다. 김나원 (82915)

슬라이드 1

슬라이드 1 PubMed 활용 1 1. NCBI Database PubMed PubMed Central : Open Access Journal (free) Bookself : 단행본정보와일부원문제공 GenBank : NIH 유전자서열 Database로 DNA 서열정보제공 PubMed Health : Clinical effectiveness research 제공 OMIM

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