Receiving Blood Transfusions Blood is made up of fluid called plasma that contains red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Each part of the blood has a special purpose. A person may be given whole blood or only the parts of the blood needed to treat an illness or injury. Types of Blood Transfusions A transfusion is the process of giving whole blood or parts of the blood through an intravenous (IV) catheter tube into a blood vessel. Your doctor will talk to you about the type of transfusion he or she recommends to treat your condition. Red blood cells This is the most common part of the blood given. Red blood cells are what give blood its red color. Red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body then carbon dioxide back to the lungs. A red blood cell transfusion may be needed if you have lost blood to surgery or injury, or to treat anemia. Plasma This is the liquid part of the blood that contains proteins that help blood clot and fight disease. Plasma transports water and nutrients to your body s tissues. It is often given to replace blood that has been lost after bleeding. Platelet These cells work with proteins in plasma to help blood clot. Platelet transfusions are given when the platelet count is too low. The blood used in transfusions most often comes from volunteer donors. The blood is carefully screened for disease to make sure that it is safe. 1
수혈 혈액은적혈구, 백혈구그리고혈소판이포함된플라스마로구성되어있습니다. 혈액의각요소는특별한목적을갖고있습니다. 환자가전혈 ( 혈액전부 ) 수혈을받을수도있지만질병이나부상때문에요구되는혈액의일부성분만수혈받을수도있습니다. 수혈의종류 수혈은전혈또는혈액의일부성분만정맥내 (IV) 카테테르관을통하여혈관에투입하는과정입니다. 상태에따라서어떤종류의수혈이필요한지의사가알려줄것입니다. 적혈구 수혈에서가장흔한혈액성분이다. 혈액이빨간색으로보이는이유는바로적혈구때문이다. 적혈구는폐에서몸에다른부분으로산소를공급하고탄산가스를모아다시폐로가져간다. 수술이나부상때문에혈액이부족할때또는빈혈을치료하기위하여적혈구수혈을한다. 플라스마 혈액에서액체부분인플라스마는단백질이들어있어서혈액이응고하도록돕고질병과싸운다. 플라스마는물과영양소를몸의조직으로운반한다. 출혈로인하여피가부족할때주로플라스마수혈을한다. 혈소판 플라스마안에단백질과함께작용하면서혈이응고되도록돕는다. 혈소판수치가낮을때혈소판수혈을한다. 수혈에사용되는혈액은주로기증된혈액입니다. 기증된혈액은사용전에질병여부를가려내기위하여철저한검사를거칩니다. Receiving Blood Transfusions. Korean. 1
What to Expect Preparing for Treatment If the transfusion is not an emergency, a sample of your blood is taken to match your blood to donor blood and to decrease the chance of an allergic reaction. This sample of your blood is taken to find: Your blood type (A, B, AB or O) and whether you are Rh-positive or Rh-negative. Compatible donor blood. This is called cross-matching. A small sample of your blood is mixed with a small sample of donor blood to make sure they mix smoothly and are thus a match. Tell your doctor if you have allergies or have had a reaction to a past blood transfusion. Signs of an Allergic Reaction An allergic reaction to a blood transfusion is not common. If a reaction occurs, it can be treated. Most reactions occur while you are receiving blood or soon after. Signs of a reaction include: Hives or itchy skin A fever Chills Dizziness Chest pain or ache Shortness of breath Back pain Pain at the transfusion site 2
수혈과정 치료준비 응급상황이아니면우선환자의혈액을샘플채취하여기증된혈액과일치하는지확인하고알레르기반응의가능성을줄입니다. 혈액샘플을채취하는이유는 : 환자의혈액형 (A, B, AB 또는 O) 을알아보기위하여그리고 Rh 양성인지또는 Rh 음성인지알아보기위하여. 서로일치하는기증혈액을찾는데사용. 이과정을교차실험이라고부른다. 소량의혈액샘플을소량의기증혈액과섞어서잘섞이는지따라서서로매칭이되는지확인한다. 알레르기가있거나과거에수혈중에이상반응을경험했을때는의사에게미리말해주십시오. 알레르기반응증세 수혈중에알레르기반응은흔치않습니다. 이상반응이발생해도치료가가능합니다. 대부분의이상반응은수혈중에또는수혈바로직후에나타납니다. 반응증세의종류 : 두드러기또는피부가려움 열 오한 현기증 가슴통증또는쑤심 호흡곤란 허리통증 수혈부위에통증 Receiving Blood Transfusions. Korean. 2
During the Transfusion A small needle is inserted into a blood vessel, most often in your arm or hand, and a small sample of blood is taken and tested to confirm your blood type. You will feel a pinch when the needle is inserted. A small plastic tube, called an intravenous (IV) catheter, is left in the blood vessel. You receive blood through this tube. The donor blood, which is in a blood bag hanging from an IV pole, flows out of the bag through tubing into your blood vessel. A transfusion can take up to four hours depending on the type of transfusion you are having and how much blood is being given. You will be checked often to watch for a reaction or other problem. Your temperature, pulse and blood pressure will be checked. Tell your nurse right away if you have any signs of a reaction during your transfusion. When the transfusion is complete, the catheter tube is removed and a bandage is placed over the site. You may have some mild bruising or discomfort for a few days at the site. If you are in the hospital, the tube will stay in place. After You Go Home Call your doctor right away if you have any signs of a reaction at home after your transfusion. In rare cases, reactions occur days or weeks after a transfusion. Call your doctor right away if you have any of these signs: Kidney problems, such as dark urine, more or less urine, or back pain Nausea and vomiting Yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes Fever, cough, runny nose or muscle pain 3
수혈중 작은바늘을대부분팔이나손의혈관속으로삽입합니다. 약간의혈액샘플을채취한후혈액형이일치하는지확인하기위하여테스트를합니다. 바늘을삽입할때약간의통증을느낍니다. 정맥 (IV) 카테테르라고하는작은플라스틱관을혈관속으로연결합니다. 이관을통하여피가수혈됩니다. IV 막대에걸려있는혈액주머니안에들어있는기증혈액이관을통하여혈관속으로흘러들어갑니다. 수혈시간은종류와수혈양에따라서길게는 4 시간까지걸릴수있습니다. 의료진은환자의수혈반응과그밖에문제확인을위하여환자의상태를자주확인할것입니다. 체온과맥박수그리고혈압을측정할것입니다. 수혈중에이상반응이있으면즉시간호사에게알리십시오. 수혈이완료되면카테테르를제거하고해당부위에반창고를붙입니다. 며칠동안부위에약간의멍이들거나약간불편할수있습니다. 환자가병원에있는경우, 관을부착한상태로놔둘것입니다. 집에돌아온후 수혈후에집에서반응증세가있으면의사에게즉시연락하십시오. 드물기는하지만, 수혈한다음며칠후또는몇주후에반응증세가발생할수도있습니다. 다음과같은증세가있으면의사에게즉시연락하십시오 : 신장문제. 즉, 소변색깔이검거나허리에통증 멀미가나거나구토 피부나눈의흰자위가노랗게된다 열이나거나, 기침, 콧물또는근육통 Receiving Blood Transfusions. Korean. 3
Talk to your doctor or nurse if you have any questions or concerns. 2007 6/2012 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. 4
질문이나문제가있으면의사나간호사와상의하십시오. 2007 6/2012 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. Receiving Blood Transfusions. Korean. 4