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Basics Characteristics of life 살아있는기관의특성 구조적으로복잡하고, 고도로정리조직되어있다. 주위환경으로부터에너지를추출, 변환, 사용한다. 정밀하게자기복제와자기조립하는능력을가지고있다. 생명현상의분자적논리 다양한기관들은공통의화학적특성을갖는다. 같은구조적기본단위를가지고있다.( 세포 ) 같은종류의고분자를가지고있다.(DNA, RNA, 단백질 ) 고분자들은같은종류의단분자단위로만들어져있다.(nucleotide, amino acid)

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Basics Proteins

Basics Proteins 일차구조 (primary structure): 단백질사슬의아미노산순서 이차구조 (secondary structure): 단백질안의부분적구조로서아미노산이규칙으로배열되어있는인 a-helix 와 b-sheet 등의구조 삼차구조 (tertiary structure): 단백질의전체모양 사차구조 (quaternary structure): 여러단백질의집합체

Basics Nucleic acids DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid): 유전정보를저장, 전달. 단백질합성 (RNA와함께 ) 에관여 ( 분자량 = 수백만 ) RNA (ribonucleic acid): 단백질합성에관여 ( 분자량 = 20,000 ~ 40,000) 핵산의단위체 : 뉴클레오타이드 (nucleotide) 1. Deoxyribose for DNA and ribose for RNA 2. N을포함하는유기염기 3. 인산 (H 3 P 4 ) Ribose (a pentose)

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Basics Nucleic acids (DNA) A-DNA B-DNA Z-DNA DNA

Basics Nucleic acids (RNA) mrna rrna trna snrna sirna mirna rasirna piwirna

Metal ions in metalloenzymes

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Porphyrin and related Catalases Catalase (a 4 ) 2 H 2 2 2 H 2 + 2 Proposed mechanism J. AM. CHEM. SC. 2009, 131, 11751 11761 H 2 2 + Fe(III)-E H 2 + =Fe(IV)-E(.+ ) H 2 2 + =Fe(IV)-E(.+ ) H 2 + Fe(III)-E + 2

Porphyrin and related Peroxidases Glutathione peroxidase Haloperoxidase Myeloperoxidase (MP) Catalase Thyroid peroxidase Vanadium bromoperoxidase Lactoperoxidase H 2 2 + 2SH 2 H 2 + 2S Reaction cycle of peroxidase. (a) Classical peroxidase chemistry. (b) xygen-transfer rection. S represents the substrate

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Porphyrin and related Cytochromes Membrane-bound (i.e. inner mitochondrial membrane) hemeproteins containing heme groups. Primarily responsible for the generation of ATP via electron transport. Cytochrome a heme a Cytochrome b heme b Cytochrome c Cytochrome P 450 strong absorption at 450 nm detoxification in liver : R-H + 2 + 2e - + 2H + R-H + H 2 Human Cytochrome P 450 2E1 Chem. Rev. 2004, 104, 3947-3980

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ther Fe Proteins - Ferredoxins ([Fe-S] proteins) acidic, low molecular weight, soluble iron-sulfur proteins found in various organisms, and act as multifunctional electron carriers in diverse redox systems Rieske FeS HiPiP Fds Low-potential Fds

ther Fe Proteins Ferritin Ferritin: intracellular iron-storage protein up to 4,500 Fe atoms Transferrin: transports iron through the blood to the liver, spleen and bone marrow. two specific high-affinity Fe(III) binding sites a 24 Storage: Fe 3+ forms Removal: reduction to Fe 2+ and chelation

Zn Proteins Carboxypetidase hydrolyzes a peptide bond at the carboxy-terminal (C-terminal) end of a protein or peptide

Cu Proteins Type-1 Type-2 blue copper protein electron transfer normal copper protein tetragonal Cu(II) less intense than T1 600 nm: Cu(II) d-d transition catalysis

Cu Proteins Cu B Cu Z Type-3 Type-4 (T2/T3) Cu A reversible binding of 2 xy form: Cu(II)-Cu(II) Mixed-valence Cu(II)-Cu(I) in oxidized state

Cu Proteins - Ceruloplasmin copper-carrying protein in the blood, and in addition plays a role in iron metabolism carries more than 95% of the total copper in healthy human plasma a 2 T4 copper center

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Cu Proteins Cu, Zn SD Superoxide dismutase Ni-SD Mn-SD Fe-SD

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Nitrogen Cycle N 2 N NH 4+ / NH 3 N 2 - rganic N N 3 -

Nitrogen Cycle - Nitrogenase N 2 + 8H + + 8e - + 16ATP 2NH 3 + H 2 + 16ADP + 16 Pi Fe1 3 2 X 7 6 Mo R-homocitrate a-275 Cys 4 5 a-442 His

Nitrogen Cycle - Nitrogenase N N M D NH 2 N M NH N M 1 A NH NH M NH 3 N M 3 NH 2 NH M NH NH 2 NH 2 M NH 2 5 M M NH 3 NH 3 M NH 3

Nitrogen Cycle Nitrite Reductase Cu-containing Nitrite reductase Fe-containing Nitrite reductase N 2- N N 2 N 2 Cu-containing Nitrite reductase a 3

Nitrogen Cycle Nitrite Reductase Cu-containing Nitrite reductase T2/T1 T2

Nitrogen Cycle Nitrite Reductase Cu-containing Nitrite reductase Proposed mechanism N 2- N

Nitrogen Cycle Nitrite Reductase Cytochrome cd 1 Nitrite reductase Heme b a 2 Containing c-type cytochrome (for electron transfer) and d 1 -type cytochrome (for substrate reduction) Heme c Heme d 1

Nitrogen Cycle Nitrite Reductase Cytochrome cd 1 Nitrite reductase Proposed mechanism N 2- N Dalton Trans., 2005, 3410 3418

Nitrogen Cycle Nitrite Reductase Cytochrome c Nitrite reductase a 2 Containing 5 c-type hemes (per a) Proposed mechanism N 2- + 6e - + 7H + NH 3 + 2H 2

N N Synthase NS endothelial NS (ens) neural NS (nns) inducible NS (ins) constitutive NS (cns) ins

N N Synthase NS reactions Schematic structure of the active site of NHA-bound murine ins. NHA is shown in bold. H4B (Tetrahydrobiopterin) Current pinion in Chemical Biology 2000, 4:687 695

N N Synthase Proposed nucleophilic hydroperoxofe(iii)heme mechanism for the NS-catalyzed oxidation of N-hydroxyarginine. PPIX, protoporphyrin IX Current pinion in Chemical Biology 2000, 4:687 695

N N Synthase Proposed radical-type autoxidation mechansim of the NScatalyzed oxidation of NHA. Ellipses denote the heme group. P, peroxyfe(iii)heme intermediate. Current pinion in Chemical Biology 2000, 4:687 695

Metals in Medicine History 2500 BC : Au, Ag in medical potion 15-16 C : Hg to treat syphilis 18 C : Bi for dyspepsia 1890 : bservation of the bactericidal action of gold cyanide, K[Au(CN) 2 ] 1910-20 : Arsenic, bismuth compounds were used to treat syphilis 1930s : Gold drugs were used to treat rheumatoid arthritis 1964 : Barnett Rosenberg discovered the anticancer activity of cisplatin 1971 : Radiopharmaceutical technetium compound [ 99m Te 4 ] - 1979 : Auranofin for arthritis 1984 : Gd[DTPA] 2- for MRI contrast agent 1993 : 153 Sm-EDTMP for bond pain Current medical practice Therapeutic : gold drugs (rheumatoid arthritis), lithium (depression), platinum (cancer), bismuth (stomach ulcers), vanadium (diabetes), iron (anaemia, blood pressure), cobalt (pernicious anaemia) Diagnostic : imaging applications, In addition to technetium, radioactive forms of thallium, gallium and indium are also used routinely for diagnostic imaging purposes.

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N N Pt Cl Cl H 2N H 2N Pt Cl N NH Cl Pt Cl NH C C H 2N Pt H 2N C Pt NH C H 3N C C C Cl Cl Metals in Medicine Cisplatin and related Structure Activity Relationships (SAR) 1. A cis geometry is required with the general formula cis-[ptx 2 (amine) 2 ] for Pt(II), and for Pt(IV) the formula cis-[ptx 2 Y 2 (amine) 2 ]. Monofunctional binding cationic complexes are inactive. 2. The X ligands (leaving groups) should be of intermediate strength (Cl -, S 4 2-, carboxylate ligands). For Pt(IV) complexes the Y ligands should have a trans orientation and can be Cl -, H -, or [(C)C n H 2n+1 ] -. 3. The non-leaving group amine ligands should contain at least one NH moiety, necessary for hydrogen-bonding interactions with DNA (H-bonding to the 6 of guanine and to the 5 phosphate group). NH Pt NH Pt anticancer compounds satisfying 3 3 N H 2 SAR xaliplatin DWA 2114R CBDCA; Carboplatin Pt anticancer compounds violating SAR NH 2 Pt IV JM216

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