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International Solution Business Consulting, kimwh@isbc.co.kr 날짜 : 2013/04/22 1

1. ISBC Introduction 회사명 ISBC (International Solution Business Consulting) Consulting 법인명 한국아이에스비씨주식회사 Service Research 대표이사 홈페이지 김완희 http://www.isbc.co.kr Successful Business Solution Business 2

1.1 ISBC History 2013.02 NICE DCV/EngineFrame Partner 2012.10 Intel Whamcloud 사와계약 2012.07 Altair Software Consulting Partner 2012.05 미국 RevolutionAnalytics 사와계약 2012.03 한국 IBM과 ISV Partner 계약 2012.03 미국 Nagios 사와파트너계약 2012.01 Redhat 파트너등록 2011.07 VMware 파트너등록 2011.07 ISBC 설립 3

2 Why ISBC Consulting Services ISBC have consulting experience and knowhow for successful Cloud and BigData Market Places Wide experience in Cloud Market Place Deep Technical Background of Cloud Storage Soluton Why ISBC Relationship with Intel and Ecosystem Partners Successful Cloud Project and make strong relationship with Client 4

2.1 ISBC Consulting Area 빠르게변화하는시장에적응하고, 지속적인성장을위한, 비지니스모델구현에최적인동적인 Cloud 인프라. Cloud Computing Scheduler Storage Cloud Analysis Complex Simulation SVR Farm Sub-Management Apps Core research Desktop Cloud Collaboration Hub Virtualization PaaS Apps Directory Server Authentication Monitoring Management Automation Infrastructure Applications Biz ISVs Apps (SaaS) Interactive / Batch Jobs 5

2.2 컨설팅분야별오픈소스솔루션 컨설팅 솔루션검증 클라우드컴퓨팅 클라우드스토리지 통합된네트웍인프라 슈퍼컴퓨팅 데이터분석 (BI) 보안컨설팅 (**2012 Plan) 상세 Integration Various Commercial Solution and Open Source Solution Solution Assurance and Design review. Unix to Linux Migration via ISV Solution. KVM, XEN, VDI Infrastructure, VMware (** Contract Parters) OpenStack, DeltaCloud, ISBC Cloud Engine for Provisioning Solution RHEL, SLES ( ** L3 Support by Vendor ) CentOS, Ubuntu, OpenSuse, FreeBSD (** L3 Support by Global Community) GPFS(IBM US - For IBM Server), LeftHand, GlusterFS Hadoop, Open Source Solution, Swift, Lustre(WhamCloud - For HP,Dell Server) FCoE, Virtual Integrated Network. Infiniband (IPoIB, RDMA, MPI). OpenMPI, PBSpro(Altair), ISBC Cluster Administration Tool kit. Linux base Render Farm for Media Industry. Altair Hyperworks Enterprise Product. Business Analysis Solution. (Revolution R Enterprise Product) Altair HiCube (Business, Utilities, Manufacturing Analytics) SELinux, Cloud Authentication, OpenVPN 통합관제 자동화 Nagios Enterprise Edition, OpenNMS, Tivoli, Ganglia, Cacti, ntop Puppetlabs, cfengine 6

2.3 산업별오픈소스솔루션 공통부문 미디어게임포탈 제조업 연구소정부기관 금융보험 연구소병원및의료 Jboss Apache APM Mysql VDI Hadoop HDFS Sqoop Nutch Hbase Hive Pig MapReduce Django RevoR OpenFOAM OpenBPM FreePCB OpenDX OpenFVM RevoR SSL Lib TrueCrypt OpenCL GNUcash High Speed Trading OpenQuote RevoR OpenEMR FreeMED OpenCL 인프라운용을위한 OSS 솔루션 OpenStack / Eucalyptus / Delta Cloud / OpenNMS / Nagios Enterprise Product / Libguestfs 인프라운용을위한관리및공유스토리지솔루션 (Vendor Product) IBM GPFS / HP LeftHend / EMC isilion / Redhat GlusterFS / Intel WhamCloud Lustre / IBM Cast Iron HP Openview / IBM Systems Director / IBM Tivolii Product / Dell OpenManage / Quantum StorNext SNFS Open Technology Infrastructure ( 하드웨어및운영체제 ) / Running OpenSource 7

2.4 Consulting Services Distribute Storage Directory Service Assessment Current IT resources Authentication Web/WAS HPC Scheduler Industry Solution Proof of Concept Compiler and Debugger Fabric Technology Rendering Analysis Design Cloud Infrastructure Secure Automation Monitor Control IDC Cloud management Deploy Solution and Products Virtualization 8

3 Research Market Trend (** Comming Soon) 고객이올바른결정을돕기위해, Open Tech 시장에관련된넓은시야를제공할수있도록지원합니다. 새로운오픈소스프로젝트를발굴하여, 정부기관이나기업의 CIO 부터 IT 관리자가비즈니스리더가되기위한컨설팅서비스를제공합니다. ISBC 는다양한산업군에서사용되고있는 Open Technology 시장에대한동향보고서를제공하게될것입니다. ISBC 는 Open Source Project 에참여하여공동개발을하거나, 협업을함으로써, 폭넓고다양한분야에대한기술을확보해나갈것입니다. 9

4. ISBC Consulting Reference 2012.2Q ~ 2012.4Q Industry History Description Gov Research 2012.12 MPI Code Optimization and Parallelization Project Comm 2012.11 PoC OpenStack Swift Solution with Nagios XI (Monitoring Swift Health Status) Gov Research 2012.11 Deployment ISBC HPC Cloud Solution with NagiosXI Product CDN 2012.11 Cloud Storage Solution for CDN with DR based on IBM Product. Public 2012.10 Consulting Altair PBS Pro Solution with GPU Computing resource scheduling Public 2012.09 Consulting High Performance File System solution, Projection IO Performance Seminar 2012.09 Transformation HPC Cloud Industry market place on Altair HTC 2012 Seminar Seminar 2012.09 Introduce ISBC Solution and Service product target, Audience is Intel Partner Media 2012.08 PoC Cluster File system engine on Windows7 for operation native case with IBM Product Comm 2012.07 Consulting SNMP mapping with Nagios for IBM Server (Update Comparison other Hardware Vendor) Research 2012.07 Consulting and Design High Performance Cluster File system solution for Research Center Comm 2012.06 Consulting HPC Cloud, It is designed with High performance computing infrastructure on vitalization. Retail 2012.05 Dell VIS/AIM Solution PoC - For MS Cloud Infrastructure with VMware VDI Solution CAD 2012.04 PoC Build Information System Solution with High Performance Graphics Card Solution Engine, Configuration 3D Graphic Terminal on Windows2008R2 Edition 10

4.1 ISBC Consulting Reference 2011.3Q ~ 2012.1Q Industry History Description Game & Portal 2012.02 Design Cloud Storage Solution, replace Infinistor solution. There are request, Posix and Windows interpretability function and more high performance design. Gov Research 2012.02 Design and execution with WRF, NetCDF, MPI, Scheduler and Various Composer Solution Infrastructure. Heavy Ind 2012.01 Project Management SAP Business Intelligence Solution on SuSE Platform. General 2011.12 Automobile 2011.11 Consulting Remote High Performance Graphic Market Place about the DirectX and OpenGL Solution. Also, It is include GPU resource sharing for CAE and Contents Maker Industry. Consulting Extreme Size High Performance File system with Infiniband Architecture, expansion storage volume and attached heterogeneous storage vendor product in a single file system, Optimized and Tuning current file system. Gov Research 2011.11 Consulting HPC base on SMP model with PGI Compiler, NIS, xcat, Intel Cluster Tool Kit Gov 2011.10 Gov 2011.10 Consulting PDF Conversion Solution, This case require heterogenous platform design (Unix and Intel). Integration GPO and User profile for customer solution. Configure with SFU, SUA on Microsoft Windows Product. Consulting Green IT project, How to gathering power usage and monitor all of IDC Component and Integration Guide IT reporting solution. Mobile Device Maker 2011.10 Consulting Mobile wab application server platform base on open source solution, Guide How to automation deploy and sync all of was contents for android market place. Automobile 2011.09 Deploy Small HPC solution, Intel Fortran Compiler, NIS, Remote Shell. Comm 2011.08 Integration Internal Cloud system with open source solution for hardware alert and status monitoring. Group SI 2011.08 Consulting Cloud Computing platform base on Openstack solution, This is automation deploy computing resource and distribute storage engine, and for cloud infra monitoring use Nagios or splunk. 11