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PowerChute Personal Edition v3.1.0 에이전트 사용 설명서

Vol.259 C O N T E N T S M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M


가슴확대수술 ( 보형물삽입 ) 후의모유수유 Breastfeeding after Breast Augmentation Surgery (Implants) (Korean) 모유수유가가능한가요? Can I breastfeed? 수술의종류와수술전의원래가슴상태에따라다소차이는있지만, 가슴확대수술후의 모유수유는가능합니다. 대부분의경우보형물을삽입한후에도여전히모유수유가 가능하긴하지만, 예외는있습니다. Breastfeeding after breast augmentation surgery is possible depending on the type of surgery and the original state of the breasts prior to surgery. In most cases it is still possible to breastfeed after having implants but there are some exceptions. 잠재적인문제점이있다면무엇인가요? What are some of the potential problems? 유두의민감도 : 실리콘이나식염수백보형물삽입수술로가슴을확대했다면, 평상시보다 유두가다소민감해질수있습니다. Nipple Sensitivity: If your breasts have been surgically enlarged with silicone or saline implants, your nipples may be more or less sensitive than normal. 유방의과다팽창 ( 젖몸살 ): 아기를출산하고나서젖이돌기시작하면, 심한통증, 발열및 오한을일으키는젖몸살을앓을수있습니다. Exaggerated Engorgement: Once you've delivered a baby and your milk has come in, you may have exaggerated breast engorgement which can cause more intense pain, fever, and chills. 모유분비감소의위험도 : 가슴확대술을받은대부분의산모들은어느정도의모유분비가 가능합니다. 일부의산모들은모유분비량이적어서, 분유수유를추가로하지않으면 아기에게충분한영양공급을할수없습니다. 아기에게가장알맞은수유계획을세울수 있도록소아과의사와수유상담가가도움을줄수있습니다. Risk for Decreased Milk Production: Most mothers are able to produce some milk after augmentation surgery. Some mothers do not have an adequate milk supply to -- 1 --

fully nourish their baby without additional supplementation. Your pediatrician and lactation consultant can help you determine a feeding plan that is best for your baby. 수술의종류가산모의모유수유능력에영향을끼치나요? Does the type of surgery I had affect my ability to breastfeed? 유선조직에손상이없다면, 모유수유를할수있는가능성이높아집니다. 보형물은 일반적으로젖샘의뒤쪽이나가슴근육아래에삽입됩니다. 유방아래접히는부분이나 겨드랑이를통해서절개를한경우에는, 모유수유를하는데어려움을겪을가능성이더 적습니다. 유륜주위를절개한경우에는문제를일으킬가능성이높아질수있습니다. Your chances of breastfeeding improve if your milk duct system is intact. Implants are typically placed behind the milk glands or positioned underneath the chest muscle. Incisions made under the fold of the breast or through the armpit are less likely to cause difficulty. Incisions made around the areola can increase the risk for problems. 신경은젖분비에영향을주는두종류의호르몬인프로락틴과옥시토신이방출되도록뇌를 자극하기때문에, 모유수유에매우중요한역할을합니다. 수술중에유륜주위의신경이 절단되었거나손상되었을경우, 모유분비량이적어질위험이증가합니다. 모유수유를 시도해보기전까지는, 신경손상이있다해도, 어느정도인지를알수가없습니다. Nerves are vital to breastfeeding since they trigger the brain to release prolactin and oxytocin, two hormones that affect milk production. If the nerves around the areola were cut or damaged during surgery, you have an increased risk for low milk production. You won't know the full extent of nerve damage, if any, until you try to breastfeed. 모유수유를하는데보형물안의실리콘이악영향을미치지않나요? Will the silicone in my implants cause any harm while breastfeeding? 실리콘보형물안의실리콘이새어나와모유로흘러들어간다는증거는전혀없습니다. 실리콘은생활환경속에널리존재하고있으며, 신생아들의뱃속가스나배앓이를치료하는 목적으로실리콘물약이흔히사용되고있습니다. There is no evidence that silicone from silicone implants leaks into breast milk. Silicone is widely present in the environment and silicone drops are commonly used to treat infants for stomach gas, or colic. -- 2 --

가슴의크기나모양이모유수유능력에영향을미치나요? Does the size or shape of my breasts affect my ability to breastfeed? 불충분한선상조직은모유분비량의감소를초래하는위험요소입니다. 가슴발육부전 ( 저형성 ) 으로가슴확대수술을받았다면, 아기에게필요한양보다적은양의모유가분비될 가능성이있습니다. Insufficient glandular tissue is a significant risk factor for reduced milk production. If you had your breasts augmented because of underdeveloped (hypoplastic) breasts, your milk production may be less than what your baby needs. 발육부전의가슴은매우좁고풍만하지가않으며, 가슴끝부분이부은것처럼보이기도 합니다. 발육부전의가슴은임신중에커지지않거나, 아주조금만커집니다. 확대수술을 하기전에는, 양쪽가슴의간격이넓거나, 비대칭적이거나혹은관모양처럼보일수도 있습니다. 만약산모의확대수술전의원래유방상태가앞의묘사와동일하다면, 모유 분비량이적을가능성이높습니다. Hypoplastic breasts are very narrow, lack normal fullness, and may seem swollen at the tip. Hypoplastic breasts do not grow during pregnancy, or grow very little and they may appear widely spaced, asymmetrical or tubular-shaped before augmentation. If this describes the original state of your breasts prior to augmentation, you are at increased risk for low milk production. 아기가모유를충분히섭취하고있는지어떻게알수있나요? How will I know that my baby is getting enough at the breast? 대부분의신생아들은출산직후에매우효율적인모유수유를한번하고나서는, 몇시간동안 계속잠을잡니다. 아기들이다시잠에서깨어나면, 모유수유를하는아기들은자주수유를 하는것이정상입니다. 첫 24 시간이지난후에는, 아기가적어도 2-3 시간마다수유를해야 합니다. Most newborns have a very effective feeding at the breast immediately after delivery and then sleep for several hours. As they begin waking up again, it is normal for a breastfed baby to eat frequently. After the first 24 hours, it is expected that your baby will need to eat at least every 2-3 hours. -- 3 --

적절한수유를하고있다는표시 : 젖을물고있는아기를잘관찰하면, 초유혹은모유가유선을 통해서잘나오고있는지를알수가있습니다. 아기가잘먹고있다면, 천천히리듬감있게, 턱을깊게움직이면서젖을빠는모습을볼수있을것입니다. 진한초유가나오는첫며칠 간은아기가젖을삼키는소리를듣기가어려울수있습니다. 그러나수유후, 아기의표정이 만족스러워보여야하고, 적절한양의소변및대변기저귀가나와야합니다. Signs of an adequate feeding: You can determine if colostrum or breast milk is coming through the milk ducts by observing your baby on the breast. If your baby is getting milk, you will notice slow and rhythmic sucking with deep jaw movements. During the first few days when you are producing thick colostrum, it can be difficult to hear your baby swallow, but they should look satisfied after a feeding with adequate wet and dirty diapers. 기저귀총수 : 출산후대략 3-5 일후부터는초유가모유로바뀌기시작합니다. 그때부터는 모유수유중에아기가젖을삼키는소리를듣게될것입니다. 아기가충분한양의모유를 섭취하고있다면, 대변기저귀가하루에 3 개혹은그이상, 그리고소변기저귀가 6 개또는 그이상으로늘어날것입니다. 아기의변도진하고검정색인태변에서씨앗같은작은 덩어리가섞인노란색변으로바뀌기시작할것입니다. Diaper counts: Approximately 3 to 5 days after delivery, your colostrum starts transitioning to breast milk. You should start to hear your baby swallow while breastfeeding. If your baby is getting enough milk at the breast, you will notice an increase in diapers with 3 or more soiled diapers and 6 or more wet diapers per day. Your baby s stools should also begin changing from the thick, black meconium stools to seedy, yellow stools. 체중감소 : 많은신생아들은생후첫 2-4 일즈음에출생시체중의 7-10% 정도가줄어듭니다. 산모의젖이돌기시작하면, 아기의체중도늘어나게됩니다. 초기의체중감소이후부터는, 아기의체중이곧산모의모유분비량을지속적으로나타내주는척도가될것입니다. Weight loss: Many babies lose 7 to 10% of their birth weight in the first 2-4 days of life. As your milk starts coming in, your baby should start gaining weight. After the initial weight loss, your baby's weight will offer an ongoing indication of your milk production. -- 4 --

아기에게분유를보충해줘야할필요가있을까요? Will my baby need to be supplemented with formula? 이런결정은소아과의사가내려야하기때문에, 의사가아기의체중을주의깊게지켜볼수 있도록, 산모가받은수술에관해의료진에게알리는것이매우중요합니다. This decision should be made by your pediatrician, so it s very important to let them know about your surgery so they can keep a close eye on your baby's weight. 만약모유가아기에게필요한양보다적게나온다면, 분유로추가보충을해줘야합니다. 하지만, 적은양이더라도모유를먹어야아기에게좋다는점을기억하십시요. 수유상담가와 함께모유분비량을늘리는방법에대한상담또한할수있습니다. If you are only able to produce a portion of the breast milk your baby needs, you will have to supplement with additional formula. But remember, your baby will benefit from any amount of breast milk you produce. You can talk to your lactation consultant about options for increasing milk production as well. 추가자료 : Additional resources: 유방및유두수술후의모유수유에관한정보와도움 Breastfeeding after Breast and Nipple Surgeries, Information and Support: www.bfar.org www.lowmilksupply.org 참고자료 : References: Berlin CM Jr. 실리콘가슴보형물과모유수유. 소아과. 1994 년 ; 94 장 547-549 쪽 Berlin CM Jr. Silicone breast implants and breastfeeding.pediatrics.1994; 94:547 549 책임의한계와법적고지 : 본문서는미시간대학병원 (UMHS) 에서만든정보및 / 또는지침서류로, 여러분과동일한상태의일반적인환자를위해만들어졌습니다. 여기에는미시간대학교가직접창안하지않은온라인내용에관한링크가포함될수있는데, 이에대한책임은미시간대학교에서지지않습니다. 본문서, 건강상태혹은치료계획에대한질문이있다면, 반드시담당의료진과상담하십시요. 본문서가이를대체할수는없습니다. Disclaimer: This document contains information and/or instructional materials developed by the University of Michigan Health system (UMHS) for the typical patient with your condition. It may include links to online content that was not created by UMHS and for which UMHS does not assume responsibility. It does not replace medical advice from your healthcare provider if you have any questions about this document, your condition or your treatment plan. 저자 Author: UMHS Lactation Program 번역 Translation: UMHS Interpreter Services 미시간대학병원의환자교육은 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License 를통해인가받았습니다. 최종수정 07/2015 Patient Education by University of Michigan Health System is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Last Revised 07/2015 -- 5 --