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3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해




새천년복음화연구소 논문집 제 5 권 [특별 기고] 說 敎 의 危 機 와 展 望 조재형 신부 한국천주교회의 새로운 복음화에 대한 小 考 정치우 복음화학교 설립자, 교장 [심포지엄] 한국 초기 교회와 순교영성 한반도 평화통일과 한국 교회의 과제 교황 방한의 메시지와 복음의


4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보



- 2 -




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1-2 영어 천재 ( 이 ) 강의명시간교재코드날짜선생님확인 7 단원 Yuri's New Hobby 6 다운로드 적중예상문제 8 단원 Be a Good Internet User 8 다운로드 단원 Enjoy korean Culture! 7 다운

Bellflower* 도라지 꽃 PSA O 0 0 PSA Black Rose* 검은 장미 SO O 0 0 SO Bright Sunshine / Lovely Sunshine 해빛 밝아라 1-2 부

71816 감사해 복음성가 주여 이 죄인이 복음성가 감사함으로 그 문에 복음성가 파송의 노래 복음성가 괴로울 때 주님의 얼굴 보라 복음성가 하나님은 너를 지키시는 자 복음성가 고난의 길 복음성가 73370

4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정


Lesson 7 Who Will You Give a Ride? Did you find the book interesting? I think boys are good at math. I agree with you. / I don t agree with you. There is an old lady who looks very sick. Life is the most important thing in the world. Words allowance ashamed ex. I m so ashamed of myself. astronaut chance choice choose ex. It is important to choose good friends. dangerous delicious disappear appear ex. I wish my wrinkles would disappear. effect expensive cheap heavily language noisy passenger poet prison protect race real ex. I think that the story is real. regret rest ex. I will pay the rest next time. seat skip steal surgery 120 trip useful ex. This book will be useful to you. village weight Phrases agree with ~ break rules get fat give ~ a ride have ~ in mind look like lose weight ex. Exercise helps you lose weight. make a noise pass by ex. The cars pass by the truck. pay back pick up plastic surgery What do you think of ~? wish ~ good luck worry about ~

Words 01 steal 02 regret 03 language 04 heavily 05 choice 06 disappear 07 skip 08 passenger 09 surgery 10 choose 11 expensive 12 ashamed 13 protect 14 weight 15 effect 16 real 17 seat 18 useful 19 poet 20 noisy 21 dangerous 22 prison 23 astronaut 24 allowance 25 village 26 rest 27 chance 28 race 29 trip 30 delicious Phrases 31 have ~ in mind 32 pay back 33 make a noise 34 break rules 35 look like 36 agree with ~ 37 plastic surgery 38 get fat 39 give ~ a ride 40 lose weight 41 worry about ~ 42 What do you think of ~? 43 pass by 44 wish ~ good luck 45 pick up p.193 Lesson 7 121 Words 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 122 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Phrases 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 p.193

1 Many species of animals (appear / disappear) every year. 2 Please reserve a (seat / sit) for me on that flight. 3 He is a musician and (poet / poem). 4 Are you doing something to lose (height / weight)? 5 I don t what I said. 6 Let me have a second. 7 Is Mr. Kang on the list? 8 I will give you to the airport. pass by pay back worry about look like 9 Please don t us. We are all safe. 10 I will the money within a week. 11 The years, and my dad s hair became grey. 12 I think you your father. 13 choice : 14 useful : 15 trip : 16 lose weight : 17 fake : 18 noise : 19 dangerous : 20 tasty : p.193 species reserve flight list airport safe grey fake Lesson 7 123 A: What did you do last Saturday? B: I took a cooking lesson. A: Did you find it interesting? B: Yes. It was very interesting. Did you find interesting, exciting, nice, good, helpful, useful, boring What do you think of ~? How do you like ~? What do you think of the class? What did you think of that movie? How do you like your new home? How did you like the city tour? A: Did you find this game exciting? B: Yes. It was really exciting. 1 A: I read a storybook yesterday. B: Did you? A: Yes, but I the ending. 2 A: B: Yes. The special effects were so cool, weren t they? A: Umm... you may be right. But. B: Didn t you? I think they were very good. A: 124

p.193 A: I think we should learn more than two languages. B: I agree with you. C: I don t agree with you. We should learn the mother language perfectly. I think (that) ~, In my opinion I think so. I agree (with you). I m with you. You can say that again. I don t agree (with you). I don t think so. I m not with you. 3 A: I think boys are good at math. B: I you. Many girls are good at math. 4 A: of Christina s new song? Christina B: I it. The music is great. A: I you. 5 A: I m so thirsty. I want to have a soft drink. B: But our school doesn t sell soft drinks. A: I know, but they should sell soft drinks. B: A: Many students want to drink them. B: Soft drinks are bad for our teeth and we can get fat. Lesson 7 125 p.193 A: What 1. our summer uniform? B: 2.. I feel hot when I wear it. A: I 3. you. We should change the uniform for a cooler one. B: 4. you anything? A: 5. a white T-shirt and shorts? B: That would be cool. Sangho thinks students 6. school uniforms. He 7. school uniforms save money because students buy a lot of clothes. Dasol 8.. She doesn t want to wear the same clothes 9.. A: How was your school trip? Did you find it interesting? (A) Yes, it was good. The programs were interesting and the food was delicious. (C) Yes. But I didn t like one thing. (B) What was it? (D) Really? (E) I didn t like the room. It was a little small and dirty. 126

1 think of (1) Did you the movie? (2) of your new teacher? 2 A: I read a storybook yesterday. B: Did you find it interesting? A: What do you think of her new movie? B: I like it. The movie is great. A: I think dogs are better pets than cats. B: I agree with you. A: Did you find it interesting? B: Yes, it was boring. A: We should learn more than two languages. B: I think so. 3 snake A: I think the snake is very dangerous. B: I agree with you. dangerous I m with you. I don t think so. I m sorry to hear that. What a pity! Never mind. 4 health A: I think health is more important than school grades. B: 5 school uniform A: Students should wear school uniforms. B: I don t agree with you. (I / others / want / same / to / the / as / clothes / don t / wear /.) Lesson 7 127 6 I agree with you. I think so, too. You can say that again. I m with you. Pardon me? 7 (A) I think winter is the best season. (B) It s too cold and I can t play soccer. (C) Why? (D) I don t agree with you. 8 Q: What do you think of the man who has long hair? Semin: He looks good. I like his style. Nuri: He looks like a woman. He should feel ashamed. Dave: I don t agree with Nuri. Everyone can choose his own hairstyle. [9~10] A: What do you think of our summer uniform? B: I don t like it. I feel hot when I wear it. A: I agree with you. We should change the uniform for a cooler one. B: Do you have anything in mind? A: How about a white T-shirt and shorts? B: That would be cool. 9 What are they talking about? summer summer vacation summer clothes summer school uniform summer weather 10 How do you like Why do you wear What do you like What are you thinking about How much do you like 128 p.193 season too look like ashamed uniform change shorts

The waiter who serves at this restaurant is handsome. We need a worker who can speak English fluently. There are some roses which smell good. I met my sister who lives in America. My sister who lives in America came to see me. S V which who I want to believe the story which is about the monster. A doctor is a person who takes care of sick people. which who that that There is a cat whichthatlooks very cute. Look at the man and his dog that are running. 1 I have a dog (which / who) likes to eat vegetables. 2 The girl (which / who) lives next door is a famous singer. 3 Look at the boy (which / who) is playing baseball. 4 Tim is walking a dog (which / who) has long legs. 5 What is the name of the man (which / who) won the race? 6 There is a lady (which / who) looks very sick. 7 Ted lives in a house (which / who) has a red roof. 8 There are a boy and a dog (who / which / that) are walking in the park. Lesson 7 129 p.193 Thomas is the smartest boy in my class. He is the strongest of the three boys. I think love is the most valuable thing in our lives. -est 23 most the What s the longest river in Korea? That s the most interesting book I have ever read. the in the of My sister is the tallest in my family. It is the most expensive cell phone in my store. She is the youngest of the four girls. good/well better best bad/ill worse worst 9 She is in our class. (beautiful) 10 He is in the world. (old) 11 August is month of the year. (hot) 12 This cake is in this bakery. (delicious) 13 My daughter is in her class. (pretty) 14 The lion is in the zoo. (strong) 15 This car is in the world. (fast) 16 Avatar was movie of the year. (good) 17 My baby sister is in my family. (young) 130

1 (1) I like a book has lots of pictures. lots of garden (2) I want to live in the house has a beautiful garden. (3) A giraffe has the neck of the animals. (4) Ted is the boy in our class. Ted 2 hill (1) Look at the church. It stands on the hill. honest (2) He is a boy. He is honest. 3 She is a girl is singing. I saw a dog had a very long tail. who that which whom whose 4 wear He has a sister who likes everyone. Look at the girl who wears sunglasses. I don t know the man who is wearing a hat. I know a boy who can speak English well. I don t know who he is. I know the man who makes me happy. 5 sports wear (1) I bought two shirts which was made in Japan. (2) He who is the tallest boy in his class always wear sports wear. Lesson 7 131 p.193 [6~8] 6 sense (who / I / people / like / a sense of humor / have) 7 (a boy / who / to see / came / looked like / a student / you) look like 8 (careful / than / my homeroom teacher / more / any / other teacher / is / in the school) 9 The girl gave me a flower was very cute. Ms. Johnson is the teacher taught me math. Mr. Green visited his friend lived with a dog. There are many students can read a book very fast. Tokyo is one of the busiest cities in the world is the capital of Japan. cute teach (taught-taught) capital 10 What s the cheapest shirt? This is the best choice for you. Clara has as many books as John. Tom s hands are large than mine. She s more beautiful than Sally. 11 who which I met a boy had big eyes. We walked along the road and found a lake looked like a star. We sat under the tree had a lot of apples. We sang a song together. along the road 132

Who Will You Give a Ride? You are driving a small car at night. It is raining heavily. You pass by a bus isamare-ing stop. Three people are waiting for a bus. Who will you give a ride? There is only one passenger seat in your car. 1_ An old lady who looks very sick an old lady 2_ An old friend who once saved your life an old friend 3_ The man/woman of your dreams Jingu: I ll pick up the old lady because she may die. Life is the most important thing in the world. If I don t give the old woman a ride and she dies, the in I will regret my choice for the rest of my life. T F 1 This is a real story. ( ) 2 There are three people at a bus stop. ( ) 3 There are three seats to give a ride in your car. ( ) 4 There is an old friend who looks very sick at the bus stop. ( ) 5 Jingu says he will pick up the old friend. ( ) 6 Jingu thinks life is the most important thing in the world. ( ) 7 If Jingu gives the old woman a ride, he will regret his choice. ( ) heavily passenger seat save regret Lesson 7 133 Sora: You may be right, but I will choose the old friend. She saved my life and this is the perfect chance to pay her back. If I don t help the person who chance to saved me, who will want to help me next time? want to Minju: I don t agree. The chance to meet the man of my dreams won t come chance to the person again. If my friend is a real good friend, she will understand my choice and just wish me good luck. I will choose the man of my dreams. wish good luck How about this choice? I will give my car to my old friend, and ask him/her to take the old lady to the hospital. I will stay behind and wait for the bus with the man/woman of my dreams. 8 Sora has a (same / different) opinion with Jingu. 9 Sora will pick up (the old lady / the old friend). 10 Sora thinks she has the perfect chance to (help / meet) the person who saved her. 11 Minju (agrees / doesn t agree) with Sora. 12 Minju will give (the old friend / the man of her dreams) a ride. 13 Minju thinks the real good friend will (wish / understand) her good luck. 134 p.194 choice agree pick up pay ~ back

1 It is raining. 2 You a bus stop. Three people a bus. 3 Who will you? 4 An old lady. An old friend who once saved. 5 I ll the old lady because she may die. 6 Life is thing in the world. 7 If I don t the old woman and she dies, I will regret my choice 8 You be right, but I will the old friend. 9 She and this is the perfect chance to. 10 If I don t help the person saved me, who will me next time? 11. The chance the man of my dreams won t come again. 12 If my friend is, she will understand my choice and just 13 I will the man 14 I will give my car to my old friend, and him/her the old lady to the hospital. 15 I will and the bus with the man/woman of my dreams. p.194 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Lesson 7 135 136...

Words + Reading p.194 Lesson 7 137 agree allowance delicious effect passenger protect rest steal useful village weight agree 1 : to have or express the same opinion : 2 : someone who is traveling in a vehicle, but is not driving it : 3 : helping you to do or get what you want : 4 : to keep someone or something safe from harm, damage, or illness : 5 : what is left after everything or everyone else has gone : 6 : an amount of money that you are given regularly : 7 : to take something that belongs to someone else : 8 : very pleasant to taste or smell : 9 : a very small town in the countryside : 10 : a result; an impression given or produced : 11 : how heavy something is when you measure it : (A)(B)(C) You are driving a small car at night. It is raining heavily. You pass (A) to / by a bus stop. Three people are waiting (B) for / on a bus. Who will you give a ride? There is only one passenger (C) seat / sit in your car. (A) (B) (C) to for seat to for sit by for seat by on sit by on seat 138

p.194 1 It is raining heavy. 2 There are only one passenger seat in your car. 3 An old friend whom once saved your life 4 I ll pick up the old lady after she may die. 5 Life is the more important thing in the world. 6 You may be right, but I will choice the old friend. 7 She saved my life and this is the perfect chance to pay she back. 8 If I help the person who saved me, who will want to help me next time? 9 I will choose the man about my dreams. 10 I will give my car to my old friend, and ask him take the old lady to the hospital. (A)(B)(C) You may be right, but I will choose the old friend. She (A) saves / saved my life and this is the perfect chance to pay her back. If I don t help the person (B) who / which saved me, (C) who / which will want to help me next time? (A) (B) (C) saves who who saves who which saved who who saved which which saved which who Lesson 7 139 1 appear disappear agree disagree different indifferent cover discover like dislike 2 The ghost went away when Sam shoot it with his gun. lost disappeared ran after stopped transformed (3~4) 3 feeling a need to drink something get fat sell soft drink sore thirsty 4 to feel sorry about a situation, especially something sad or wrong or a mistake that you make respect regret lost uniform sick 140 5 It is rude to a noise while eating. Exercises people healthier. give take make help find 6 A: I think boys are good at math. B: Many girls are good at math. I have no idea. I don t agree with you. I agree with you. I m with you. I think so. 7 Nara: I finished reading The Lord of the Ring last weekend. Kevin: Did you find it interesting? Nara: I found it in my room. No, I don t think it finished. Yes, I want to be a writer. Yes, it was very interesting. I found out that it was written a long time ago. Grammar + Reading

8 A: Many people are having plastic surgery. I think it s dangerous. B: I don t agree with you. I think it s okay because it makes people more beautiful. How is it going? Do you know what to do? What do you think of that? What are you doing? Where do you have plastic surgery? 9 A: What did you read last weekend? B: I read a fantasy novel. A: Did you find it interesting? B: No, it wasn t. A: What did you do last winter vacation? B: I went skiing with my family. A: I think winter is the best season. B: I agree with you. A: What is the tallest building in the city? B: It is 63 Building. 10 A: What do you think of our summer uniform? (A) I agree with you. We should change the uniform for a cooler one. (B) That would be cool. (C) Do you have anything in mind? (D) I don t like it. I feel hot when I wear it. (E) How about a white T-shirt and shorts? (A) (B) (D) (E) (C) (B) (A) (C) (D) (E) (C) (B) (E) (D) (A) (D) (A) (C) (E) (B) (E) (C) (B) (A) (D) (11~13) 11 (red, is, which) = I want a car. 12 (my car, very, was, kind, fixed, who) = The man. 13 (her family, the, in, youngest) = She is. 14 The chance to meet the man of my dreams won t come again. If my friend is a real good friend, she will understand my and just wish me good luck. I will the man of my dreams. choice chose choose choice choice choosing choose choose choice choose 15 Mt. Baekdu is the most highest mountain in Korea. He is the most soccer player in the team. I am the taller of the ten girls. She is the smartest than her sister. This car is the most expensive car. Lesson 7 141 16 There is an old lady looks very sick. Ted has cats are afraid of mice. London is the city will hold the Olympic Games in 2012. who that who who who that who which that which which who who that who 17 No one is taller than Tom in my class. Tom is taller than any other boy in my class. No one is as tall as Tom in my class. Tom is not as tall as other boys in my class. Tom is the tallest boy in my class. 18 He is the most tall boy in my class. Look at the tree who stands in the middle of the garden. I know a boy who likes to play soccer. The red car is the expensiviest car of the three. Jane is as taller as Sally. 19 Look at the boys who are playing basketball. I like a book who has lots of pictures. Tim is walking a dog that has a long tail. I don t like students that make a noise during class. What is the name of the woman who won the race? 142 20 Ponus Solus Chevka 2005 2008 2010 150km/h 180km/h 165km/h $9,000 $ 15,000 $ 18,000 Chevka is the oldest car. Solus is the most expensive car. Ponus is the fastest car. Chevka is the biggest car. Ponus is the cheapest car. 21 who which I met a boy had blue eyes. We walked along the road and found a lake was also blue. We sat under a tree had a lot of leaves. We sang a song together. But suddenly everything disappeared. It was a dream! (22~23) Jean Valjean stole some bread from a bakery. He wanted to give it to his sister and seven cousins who had nothing to eat. The police caught him and sent him to. He had to stay in for five years. 22 the bakery prison the police station the church his sister s house

23 Jean Valjean 7 5 (24~26) Jingu: I ll pick up the old lady because she may die. Life is the most important thing in the world. If I don t give the old woman a ride and she dies, I will regret my choice for the rest of my life. Sora: You may be right, but I will choose the old friend. She saved my life and this is the perfect chance to pay her back. If I don t help the person who saved me, who will want to help me next time? Minju: I don t agree. The chance to meet the man of my dreams won t come again., she will understand my choice and just wish me good luck. I will choose the man of my dreams. 24 25 If I help her next time If I agree with my friend If I really like her If my friend is a real good friend If I don t regret my choice 26 (27~29) You re sitting on a bus. You re late for a meeting. You get out your cell phone and send a text message. I-L-B L-8 It means, I ll be late. You spell words this way to write your message more quickly. You don t have to type every letter. You can save time and sometimes money,. But there are some people who worry with this way of writing. If you write this way, you may not write words correctly later. And people can t understand you. What do you think of this way of writing text messages? 27 28 though too either neither also 29 Lesson 7 143 (30~32) You are driving a small car at night. It is raining heavily. You pass by a bus stop. Three people are waiting for a bus. Who will you give a ride? There are only one passenger seat in your car. 1_ An old lady who looks very sick 2_ An old friend who once saved your life 3_ The man/woman of your dreams Jingu: I ll pick up the old lady because she may die. is the most important thing in the world. If I don t give the old woman a ride and she dies, I will regret my choice for the rest of my life. 30 31 Friendship Money Belief Life Love 32 (33~35) (A) 1_ An old lady who looks very sick 2_ An old friend who once saved your life 3_ The man/woman of your dreams (B) Jingu: I ll pick up the old lady because she may die. Life is an important thing in the world. If I don t give the old woman a ride and she dies, I will regret my choice for the rest of my life. 144 p.195 Sora: You may be right, but I will choose the old friend. She saved my life and this is the perfect chance to pay her back. If I don t help the person who saved me, who will want to help me next time? Minju: I don t agree. The chance to meet the man of my dreams won t come again. If my friend is a real good friend, she will understand my choice and just wish me good luck. I will choose the man of my dreams. (C) You are driving a small car at night. It is raining heavily. You pass by a bus stop. Three people are waiting for a bus. Who will you give a ride? There is only one passenger seat in your car. 33 (A) (B) (C) (A) (C) (B) (B) (A) (C) (B) (C) (A) (C) (A) (B) 34 35 not to give a man a ride to pass by a bus stop not to agree with Minju to agree with Jingu to choose the man of her dreams

1 thieve thief visit visitor act actor cook cooker rob robber 2 astronaut job doctor policeman student 3 My dad came to pick us at the airport. Where do I wait you? up on over for up off up for to for 4 It It is something such as a chair, bench that you can sit on. sit seat chair bed bench 5 A: I read a storybook yesterday. B: A: Yes, but I didn t like the ending. Where do you find it? Where was it? Are you finding it? Do you know it? Did you find it interesting? 6 = I want to be in the world. a richer man than the richest man the rich man as a rich man as richest man than 7 There were many boys. The boys made a lot of noise. There were many boys made a lot of noise. what which who where when 8 Study is the most important thing to me. I am the tallest than in my family. Dean is the most cute boy in my class. Ted is most brave soldier in the world. This is the most funny book. (9~10) Mr. Green visited his friend which lived with a dog. His friend was playing chess with his dog. Do I watching a dog that plays chess? Mr. Green asked. I can t believe my eyes! That s the most smart dog in the world. No, he is not so smart, said the friend. We play five games. He won just two games. 9 Lesson 7 145 10 humorous boring exciting gloomy sad 11 so A: I m so thirsty. I want to have a soft drink. B: But our school doesn t sell soft drinks. A: I know, but they should sell soft drinks. B: Why do you think so? A: Many students want to drink them. 12 which I like the car which is red. She lives in a house which has many windows. Please tell me which one Semi is. This is a book which is about computers. He has a chair which has two legs. (13~15) You are driving a small car at night. It is raining heavily. You pass by a bus stop. Three people are waiting for a bus. Who will you give a ride? There is only one passenger seat in your car. 1_ An old lady who looks very sick 2_ An old friend who once saved your life 3_ The man/woman of your dreams 146 p.195 Jingu: I ll pick up the old lady. If I don t give the old woman a ride and she dies, I will regret my choice for the rest of my life. Sora: You may be right, but I will choose the old friend. If I don t help the person who saved me, who will want to help me next time? Minju: I don t agree. If my friend is a real good friend, she will understand my choice and just wish me good luck. I will choose the man of my dreams. 13 She saved my life and this is the perfect chance to pay her back. Life is the most important thing in the world. The chance to meet the woman of my dreams won t come again. Three people are waiting for a bus. There is only one passenger seat in your car. 14 who Look at the boy who is running in the park. 15 3

1 adult: a grown-up person complain: say that you like something passenger: a person who is in the bus, boat, or airplane but does not drive ad: words in the newspaper or on TV to sell products collection: a group of similar things you gather for a long time 2 = That s not. 3 A: I watched a quiz show on TV yesterday. B: A: It was very interesting. How do you like it? Yes. Did you enjoy it? How was it? What do you think of it? What s wrong with it? 4 A: I finished reading The Wonderful Wizard of Oz last weekend. B: (find / interesting / did / you / it /?) A: Yes, it was very interesting. (5~7) A: B: Yes. The special effects were so cool,? A: Umm... you may be right. But I didn t like the story. B: Didn t you? How about the actors? I think they were very good. A: I don t think so. 5 Are the special effects fantastic? What do you think of the movie? How do you like the book? Did you find the movie interesting? Did you find the book interesting? 6 does it? don t they? didn t they? were they? weren t they 7 So do I. Neither do I. I couldn t agree with you. I m afraid I can t accept that. I want to think like you. 8 February is of all the months. short shorter more short shortest the shortest Lesson 7 147 9 Miran Jane Jisu 22 23 24 177cm 165cm 170cm 94.5kg 102kg 97.8kg Of the three weight lifters, is the oldest and is the heaviest. 10 That s the smartest dog in the world. That s smarter than my dog. That s smarter than any other dog in the world. That s a smart dog that is popular in the world. The smarter the dog is, the better it plays the game. The dog is so smart that he cannot play chess. 11 There are three people who need your help. 1_ An old lady who looks very sick 2_ An old friend who once saved your life 3_ The man of your dreams Sora: I will give my car to my old friend, and ask her to take the old lady to the hospital. I will stay behind and wait for the bus with the man of my dreams. no one an old lady and the man of her dreams an old lady and an old friend an old friend and the man of her dreams the man of her dreams 148 12 I ll pick up the old lady because she may die. Life is the most important thing in the world. If I don t give the old woman a ride and she will die, I will regret my choice for the rest of my life. 13 Yesterday I went to a toy shop to buy some toys for my brother. I saw my best friend in one corner. He was stealing some toys. What should I do? (14~15) You are driving a small car at night. It is raining heavily. You pass by a bus stop. Three people are waiting for a bus. Who will you give a ride? There is only one passenger seat in your car. 1_ An old lady who looks very sick 2_ An old friend who saved your life 3_ The man/woman of your dreams 14 When are you driving a car? At night. At noon. When I am 18. Over 18. In the future. 15 How many people are at a bus stop? Two. Three. Four. Five. No one.

16 Mom: Jason, why did you come late? Jason: Sorry, Mom. But I sent you a text message. Mom: What? I didn t get any message. Jason: I sent one. Check your cell phone. Look! Here it is. Mom: I-L-B L-8? What does it mean? Jason: That means, I ll be late. Mom: Oh, Jason. How can I understand this message? Jason: Mom, we can save time and sometimes money, too. Mom: Jason, if you write that way, people can t understand you. Jason Jason Jason Jason (17~19) 1_ An old lady who looks very sick 2_ An old friend who once saved your life 3_ The man/woman of your dreams Jingu: I ll pick up the old lady because the life is the most important thing in the world. I don t give the old woman a ride and she dies, I will regret my choice for the rest of my life. Sora:, but I will choose the old friend. She saved my life and this is the perfect chance to pay her back. If I don t help the person who saved me, who will want to help me next time? 17 If However Because Therefore Although 18 I don t agree with you You may be right You have the same idea with me You can say that again I disagree with the old lady 19 (1) (2) (20~21) You pass by a bus stop. Three people are waiting for a bus. There is only one passenger seat in your car. 1_ An old lady who looks very sick 2_ An old friend who once saved your life 3_ The man/woman of your dreams Jingu: I ll pick up the old lady because the life is the most important thing in the world. If I don t give the old woman a ride and she dies, I will regret my choice for the rest of my life. How about this choice? I will give my car to my old friend, and ask him / her take the old lady to the hospital. I will stay behind and wait for the bus with the man / woman of my dreams. 20 Who will pick you up? Who will choose you? Who will you give a ride? Who will give me a ride? Who will give you a ride? Lesson 7 149 21 take to take taking to taking to be taken 22 Jean Valjean Jean Valjean stole some bread from a bakery. He wanted to give it to his sister and seven cousins who had nothing to eat. The police caught him and sent him to prison. He had to stay in prison for five years. Should Jean Valjean go to prison or not? I m sorry, but he stole bread. It s wrong. I think he has to go to prison. If he goes to prison, his family will die of hunger. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. There is no exception to the law. (23~25) You are driving a small car at night. It is raining heavily. You pass by a bus stop. Three people are waiting for a bus. Who will you give a ride? There is only one passenger seat in your car. 1_ An old lady who looks very sick 2_ An old friend who once saved your life 3_ The man/woman of your dreams Jingu: I ll pick up the old lady because she may die. Life is the most important thing in the world. If I don t give the old woman a ride and she dies, I will regret my choice for the rest of my life. Sora: You may be right, but I will choose the old friend. She saved my life and this is the perfect chance to pay her back. If I 150 p.196 don t help the person who saved me, who will want to help me next time? Minji: I don t agree. The chance to meet the man of my dreams won t come again. If my friend is a real good friend, she will understand my choice and just wish me good luck. I will choose the man of my dreams. 23 You may go. May I help you? She may be a teacher. May I have your name? You may go there at any time. 24 25

1 health healthy choose choice noise noisy use useful danger dangerous (2~3) 2 old : oldest = good : 3 surgery : surgeon = poem : 4 You are driving a small car at night. It is raining heavily. You pass by a bus stop. Three people are waiting for a bus. Who will you give a? There is only one passenger seat in your car. read roll ride rule run (5~7) A: I m so thirsty. I want to have a soft drink. B: But our school doesn t sell soft drinks. A: I know, but they should sell soft drinks. B: Why do you think so? A: Many students want to drink them. B: I don t agree with you. Soft drinks are and we can get fat. 5 Why don t you think again? Why is that so difficult? What makes you think so? What did you do for that? What do you think? 6 Soft drinks are. (teeth) 7 A B AB Lesson 7 151 8 A: What do you think of our summer uniform? B: I don t like it. I feel hot when I wear it. A: We should change the uniform for a cooler one. I don t think so. I disagree. I am with you. I am sure of it. I have a different opinion. 9 A: Did you find it interesting? B: I found it on the table. Yes, you are. No, it is interesting. Yes, it was very interesting. It was yours. 10 63 Building is taller than any other building in Seoul. = 63 Building is the building in Seoul. 11 There is an old lady. She looks very sick. 152 12 = Life is the thing in the world. 13 Look at the boys who is playing basketball. I like a book which has interesting stories. Sam is walking a cat that has long legs. I don t like students that make a noise during class. There was a big tree which has a good figure on the hill. 14 A: I m so thirsty. I want to have a soft drink. (A) Why do you think so? (B) I know, but they should sell soft drinks. (C) I don t agree with you. Soft drinks are bad for our teeth and we can get fat. (D) Many students want to drink them. (E) But our school doesn t sell soft drinks. (D) (B) (C) (E) (A) (D) (B) (A) (C) (E) (E) (A) (D) (C) (B) (E) (B) (A) (D) (C) (E) (B) (D) (A) (C)

(15~16) A: Did you find the movie interesting? B: Yes. The special effects were so cool, weren t they? A: Umm... you may be right. But I didn t like the story. B: Did you? How about the actors? I think they were very good. A: 15 16 I agree with you. I m on you with that. I don t think so. I won t say a word. I don t want to talk about it. (17~18) Jean Valjean stole some bread from a bakery. He wanted to give it to his sister and seven cousins. They had nothing to eat. The police caught him and sent him to prison. He had to stay in prison for five years. 17 18 Should Jean Valjean go to prison or not? (1) He go to prison. I m sorry, but he stole bread. It s wrong. (2) He go to prison. He stole, but it was for this family. If he goes to prison, his family will go hungry. (19~21) You are driving a small car at night. It is raining heavily. You pass by a bus stop. Three people are waiting for a bus. Who will you a ride? There is only one passenger seat in your car. 1_ An old lady who looks very sick 2_ An old friend who once saved your life 3_ The man/woman of your dreams Jingu: I ll pick up the old lady because she may die. Life is the most important thing in the world. If I don t the old woman a ride and she dies, I will regret my choice for the rest of my life. Sora: You may be right, but I will choose the old friend. She saved my life and this is the perfect chance to pay her back. (I / if / don t / person / help / the / saved / me / who), who will want to help me next time? 19 take get allow make give Lesson 7 153 20 The doctors did all that they could to save him. He saves half of his allowance. Computers save us time. The file that I saved is gone. He always saves money for the future. 21 (22~25) Who Will You Give a Ride? You are driving a small car at night. It is raining heavily. You pass by a bus stop. Three people are waiting for a bus. Who will you give a ride? There is only one passenger seat in your car. 1_ An old lady who looks very sick 2_ An old friend who once saved your life 3_ The man/woman of your dreams Jingu: I ll pick up the old lady because she may die. Life is the most important thing in the world. If I don t give the old woman a ride and she dies, I will regret my choice for the rest of my life. Sora: You may be right, but I will choose the old friend. She saved my life and this is the perfect chance to pay her back. If I don t help the person who saved me, who will want to help me next time? Minju: I don t agree. The chance to meet the man of my dreams won t come again. If my friend is a real good friend, she will understand my choice and just wish me good luck. I will choose the man of my dreams. 154 p.196 22 old old not new not young 23 24 25 This is the boy who I like most. Who is the man sitting behind you? I don t know the girl who is wearing a blue dress. The students who are studying English are tall. She is the girl who can do my favor.

1 A: I think exercise is the best way to lose weight. B: I think a good diet is the best way to lose weight. (2~5) Miran Jane Jisu 22 23 24 177cm 165cm 170cm 94.5kg 97.8kg 102kg 109kg 111kg 100kg 85 20 72 Jisu is the oldest. (old) 2 (tall) 3 (heavy) 4 (strong) 5 (popular) 6 A: Am I watching a dog that play chess? I can t believe my eyes! That s the most smart dog in the world. B: No, he is not so smart. We played five games. He won just two games. (1) (2) (7~8) 7 The boy is my brother. He is wearing glasses. 8 The virus was powerful. It killed lots of people. (9~10) You re sitting on a bus. You re late for a meeting. You get out your cell phone and send a text message. I-L-B L-8 It means, You spell words this way to write your message more quickly. You don t have to type every letter. You can save time and sometimes money, too. But there are some people who worry about this way of writing. If you write this way, you may not write words correctly later. And people can t understand you. What do you think of this way of writing text messages? 9 10 I-L-B L-8 Lesson 7 155 (11~12) 11 (give a ride) 12 (pay back) 13 Mom: Jason, why did you come late? Jason: Sorry, Mom. But I sent you a text message. Mom: What? I didn t get any message. Jason: I sent one. Check your cell phone. Look! Here it is. Mom: I-L-B L-8? What does it mean? Jason: That means, I ll be late. Mom: Oh, Jason. How can I understand this message? 14 A: I think winter is the best season. B: I can go skating. 156 p.197 15-1 (1) The boy is my brother. He is wearing glasses. The boy is wearing glasses is my brother. (2) Look at the tree. The tree stands in the middle of the garden. Look at the tree stands in the middle of the garden. 15-2 (1) (there / a lot of / who / are / in danger / people / live /.) (2) (is / brother / was / this / made / my / by / chair / the / which /.) 15-3 (1)

Lesson 7 Who Will You Give a Ride? p.121 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ~ 36 ~ 37 38 39 ~ 40 41 ~ 42 ~? 43 ~ 44 ~ 45 ( ) p.122 1 dangerous 2 prison 3 ashamed 4 protect 5 weight 6 effect 7 real 8 seat 9 heavily 10 choice 11 disappear 12 skip 13 passenger 14 surgery 15 choose 16 expensive 17 useful 18 steal 19 regret 20 language 21 poet 22 village 23 rest 24 chance 25 race 26 delicious 27 noisy 28 astronaut 29 allowance 30 trip 31 lose weight 32 worry about ~ 33 What do you think of ~? 34 pass by 35 get fat 36 give ~ a ride 37 pick up 38 have ~ in mind 39 pay back 40 wish ~ good luck 41 look like 42 agree with ~ 43 plastic surgery 44 make a noise 45 break rules p.123 1 disappear 2 seat 3 poet 4 weight 5 regret 6 chance 7 passenger 8 a ride 9 worry about 10 pay back 11 passed by 12 look like 13 choose 14 useless 15 travel 16 gain weight 17 real 18 noisy 19 danger 20 delicious p.124 1 find it interesting didn t like 2 Did you find the movie interesting? I didn t like the story How about the actors? I don t think so. 3 don t agree with 4 What do you think like agree with 5 Why do you think so? I don t agree with you. p.126 1 do you think of 2 I don t like it 3 agree with 4 Do have in mind 5 How about 6 should wear 7 thinks don t need to 8 doesn t agree with him 9 as others (A) (D) (C) (B) (E) p.127 1 (1) find interesting (2) What do you think 2 3 4 I don t agree with you. 5 I don t want to wear the same clothes as others. 6 7 (A) (D) (C) (B) 8 Semin and Dave 9 10 3 I m with you., I think so. 4 I don t agree with you., I don t think so. 6 8 Dave 9 10 What do you think of ~? How do you like ~? p.129 1 which 2 who 3 who 4 which 5 who 6 who 7 which 8 that 9 the most beautiful 10 the oldest 11 the hottest 12 the most delicious 13 the prettiest 14 the strongest 15 the fastest 16 the best 17 the youngest p.131 1 (1) which (2) which (3) longest (4) smartest 2 (1) Look at the church which stands on the hill. (2) He is a 193 boy who is honest. 3 4 5 (1) I bought two shirts which were made in Japan. (2) He who is the tallest boy in his class always wears sports wear. 6 I like people who have a sense of humor. 7 A boy who looked like a student came to see you. 8 My homeroom teacher is more careful than any other teacher in the school. 9 10 11 who which which 2 which who 3 that 4 5 (1) two shirts was were (2) He He wear wears 6 7 8 thanany other careful more 10 lager p.133 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 F 6 T 7 F 8 different 9 the old friend 10 help 11 doesn t agree 12 the man of her dreams 13 wish p.135 1 heavily 2 pass by are waiting for 3 give a ride 4 who looks very sick your life 5 pick up 6 the most important 7 give a ride for the rest of my life 8 may choose 9 saved my life pay her back 10 who want to help 11 I don t agree to meet 12 a real good friend wish me good luck 13 choose of my dreams 14 ask to take 15 stay behind wait for 194 p.136 1 You are driving a small car at night. 2 It is raining heavily. 3 You pass by a bus stop. 4 Three people are waiting for a bus. 5 Who will you give a ride? 6 There is only one passenger seat in your car. 7 An old lady who looks very sick 8 An old friend who once saved your life 9 The man woman of your dreams 10 I ll pick up the old lady because she may die. 11 Life is the most important thing in the world. 12 If I don t give the old woman a ride and she dies, I will regret my choice for the rest of my life. 13 You may be right, but I will choose the old friend. 14 She saved my life and this is the perfect chance to pay her back. 15 If I don t help the person who saved me, who will want to help me next time? 16 I don t agree. The chance to meet the man of my dreams won t come again. 17 If my friend is a real good friend, she will understand my choice and just wish me good luck. 18 I will choose the man of my dreams. 19 How about this choice? 20 I will give my car to my old friend, and ask him her to take the old lady to the hospital. 21 I will stay behind and wait for the bus with the man woman of my dreams. p.138 2 passenger 3 useful 4 protect 5 rest 6 allowance 7 steal 8 delicious 9 village 10 effect 11 weight 1 It is raining heavily. 2 There is only one passenger seat in your car. 3 An old friend who once saved your life 4 I ll pick up the old lady because she may die. 5 Life is the most important thing in the world.

6 You may be right, but I will choose the old friend. 7 She saved my life and this is the perfect chance to pay her back. 8 If I don t help the person who saved me, who will want to help me next time? 9 I will choose the man of my dreams. 10 I will give my car to my old friend, and ask him to take the old lady to the hospital. p.140 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 which is red 12 who fixed my car was very kind 13 the youngest in her family 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 who which which 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Life is the most important thing in the world. 35 1 dis- indifferentdifferent same 3 thirsty 6 9 Did Yes, No did No, it didn t. 11 12 The man 13 the 14 my choice choice will choose chose chosen 15 most highest highest most best taller tallest the smartest smarter 17 Tom Tom 18 most tall tallest who whichthat expensiviest most expensive as taller as as tall as 20 Ponus Chevka Solus 22 Jean Valjean 5 prison 23 7 25 26 27 worry about 28 too also 29 30 there is/are beonly one passenger seat be is 31 32 33 (C) (A) (B) 35 p.145 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 195 1 cooker cook 2 (job) 5 6 the 7 who 8 tallest than tallest the most cute the cutest most brave the bravest the most funny the funniest 9 which who Do Am the most smart the smartest play played 10 11 so 12 14 who who p.147 1 2 fair 3 4 Did you find it interesting? 5 6 7 8 9 Jisu Jane 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 (1) (2) 20 21 22 23 24 25 3 4 Yes find 5 Yes did 196 6 be weren t they 7 10 12 If will die dies 13 14 17 if 18 but but 21 askto 22 23 may 24 the rest of my life rest p.151 1 2 best 3 poet 4 5 6 bad for our teeth 7 8 9 10 tallest 11 There is an old lady whothatlooks very sick. 12 most important 13 14 15 16 17 He

wanted to give it to his sister and seven cousins who had nothing to eat. 18 (1) should (2) should not shoudn t 19 20 21 If I don t help the person who save me 22 23 24 25 1 2 good good better best 3 surgery surgeon poem poet 5 7 A B 9 Yes, No 10 than any other 12 important most 13 who which is are 15 Didn t you 17 his sister and seven cousins They whothat 18 (1) (2) 20 save 22 25 who p.155 1 I don t think so. I disagree. I don t agree with you. 2 Miran is the tallest. 3 Jisu is the heaviest. 4 Jane is the strongest. 5 Miran is the most popular. 6 (1) a dog that play chess a dog that plays chess (2) the most smart the smartest 7 The boy whothatis wearing glasses is my brother. 8 The virus which thatkilled lots of people was powerful. 9 10 I ll be late. I will be late. 11 Who will you give a ride? 12 This is the perfect chance to pay her back. 13. 14 I agree with you. I m with you. I think so. 15-1 (1) whothat (2) whichthat 15-2 (1) There are a lot of people who live in danger. (2) This is the chair which was made by my brother. 15-3 (1) My mom has a robot whichthatcleans the house. (2) I don t like movies thatwhichhave sad endings. 1 I m not with you. / I don t agree with you. / I disagree. 7 who that 8 virus which that 10 I(I) L( ll) B(be) L-8(late) 11 give a ride who will 13 15-1 (1) The boy He who that (2) the tree which that 15-2 (1) There are a lot of people in danger (2) be made by 15-3 (1) a robot (2) movies sad ending 197